Professional Activity 1

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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Miguel Nava Date of Activity: 1/14/18 Faculty name: Linda Perez

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

The community service activity I participated in was the health fair that was a function of

Project Taking Charge (PTC) 3.0 that has been held by the college of Medicine,

Pharmacy, and Public Health. The purpose of this event was to provide various health

information and screening to individuals who were willing to participate. Adults who

participated were given hypertension, pulmonary, HbA1C, and cholesterol screenings,

while children were taught on the safety of sunscreen application. The goal of this health

fair was to recruit individuals who would be willing to participate in the PTC as patients

for a total of four sessions in the span of three months and to monitor their health during

this time through continual screenings and lifestyle education. My role throughout the

health fair was to act as a recruiter/translator for the many individuals who had questions

and where wondering about the information being provided during the health fair.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

This event was held at El Templo La Uncion, which is a church located in South Tucson

and lasted for a total of five hours, starting from 0900 – 1400.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

This experience gave me the opportunity to work outside of a hospital setting and focus

more as a community health nurse. I could speak with many different individuals from

the community and hear not only the concerns of their own wellbeing but that too of the

community. Assessing from a community standpoint, I noticed that many of the elderly
individuals had some sort of cardiovascular disease and lead me to believe that this was

an issue.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I would highly recommend this experience for future students because it gives you the

opportunity to practice nursing from outside the hospital setting. It was different out in

the field because there are no patients that are actively hurt or sick and need medical

attention. We are providing preventative education of the most common disease before

they can have the chance to develop or get worst.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? x Signature on validation of clinical hours

form obtained?

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