Rights of Women

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human dignity".

As defined in article 1, discrimination is understood as "any

distinction, exclusion or restriction made o.1 the basis of sex...in the political,
Declaration of Principles and State Policies economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field". The Convention gives
positive affirmation to the principle of equality by requiring States parties to
SECTION 14. The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and
take "all appropriate measures, including legislation, to ensure the full
shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.
development and advancement of women, for the purpose of guaranteeing
ARTICLE XIII them the exercise and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
on a basis of equality with men"(article 3).
Social Justice and Human Rights
The agenda for equality is specified in fourteen subsequent articles. In its
SECTION 14. The State shall protect working women by providing safe and
approach, the Convention covers three dimensions of the situation of women.
healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions, and
Civil rights and the legal status of women are dealt with in great detail. In
such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable
addition, and unlike other human rights treaties, the Convention is also
them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation.
concerned with the dimension of human reproduction as well as with the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against impact of cultural factors on gender relations.
Women New York, 18 December 1979
The legal status of women receives the broadest attention. Concern over the
Introduction basic rights of political participation has not diminished since the adoption of
the Convention on the Political Rights of Women in 1952. Its provisions,
On 18 December 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
therefore, are restated in article 7 of the present document, whereby women
Discrimination against Women was adopted by the United Nations General
are guaranteed the rights to vote, to hold public office and to exercise public
Assembly. It entered into force as an international treaty on 3 September
functions. This includes equal rights for women to represent their countries at
1981 after the twentieth country had ratified it. By the tenth anniversary of
the international level (article 8). The Convention on the Nationality of
the Convention in 1989, almost one hundred nations have agreed to be
Married Women - adopted in 1957 - is integrated under article 9 providing
bound by its provisions.
for the statehood of women, irrespective of their marital status. The
The Convention was the culmination of more than thirty years of work by the Convention, thereby, draws attention to the fact that often women's legal
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, a body established in status has been linked to marriage, making them dependent on their
1946 to monitor the situation of women and to promote women's rights. The husband's nationality rather than individuals in their own right. Articles 10, 11
Commission's work has been instrumental in bringing to light all the areas in and 13, respectively, affirm women's rights to non-discrimination in education,
which women are denied equality with men. These efforts for the employment and economic and social activities. These demands are given
advancement of women have resulted in several declarations and conventions, special emphasis with regard to the situation of rural women, whose particular
of which the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination struggles and vital economic contributions, as noted in article 14, warrant
against Women is the central and most comprehensive document. more attention in policy planning. Article 15 asserts the full equality of women
in civil and business matters, demanding that all instruments directed at
Among the international human rights treaties, the Convention takes an
restricting women's legal capacity ''shall be deemed null and void". Finally, in
important place in bringing the female half of humanity into the focus of
article 16, the Convention returns to the issue of marriage and family
human rights concerns. The spirit of the Convention is rooted in the goals of the
relations, asserting the equal rights and obligations of women and men with
United Nations: to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity,v
regard to choice of spouse, parenthood, personal rights and command over
and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women. The
present document spells out the meaning of equality and how it can be
achieved. In so doing, the Convention establishes not only an international bill Aside from civil rights issues, the Convention also devotes major attention to a
of rights for women, but also an agenda for action by countries to guarantee most vital concern of women, namely their reproductive rights. The preamble
the enjoyment of those rights. sets the tone by stating that "the role of women in procreation should not be a
basis for discrimination". The link between discrimination and women's
In its preamble, the Convention explicitly acknowledges that "extensive
reproductive role is a matter of recurrent concern in the Convention. For
discrimination against women continues to exist", and emphasizes that such
example, it advocates, in article 5, ''a proper understanding of maternity as a
discrimination "violates the principles of equality of rights and respect for

social function", demanding fully shared responsibility for child-rearing by At least every four years, the States parties are expected to submit a
both sexes. Accordingly, provisions for maternity protection and child-care national report to the Committee, indicating the measures they have adopted
are proclaimed as essential rights and are incorporated into all areas of the to give effect to the provisions of the Convention. During its annual session, the
Convention, whether dealing with employment, family law, health core or Committee members discuss these reports with the Government
education. Society's obligation extends to offering social services, especially representatives and explore with them areas for further action by the specific
child-care facilities, that allow individuals to combine family responsibilities country. The Committee also makes general recommendations to the States
with work and participation in public life. Special measures for maternity parties on matters concerning the elimination of discrimination against women.
protection are recommended and "shall not be considered discriminatory".
The full text of the Convention is set out herein:
(article 4). "The Convention also affirms women's right to reproductive choice.
Notably, it is the only human rights treaty to mention family planning. States CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF
parties are obliged to include advice on family planning in the education DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN
process (article l O.h) and to develop family codes that guarantee women's
rights "to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their The States Parties to the present Convention,
children and to hove access to the information, education and means to
Noting that the Charter of the United Nations reaffirms faith in fundamental
enable them to exercise these rights" (article 16.e).
human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal
The third general thrust of the Convention aims at enlarging our understanding rights of men and women,
of the concept of human rights, as it gives formal recognition to the influence
Noting that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms the principle of
of culture and tradition on restricting women's enjoyment of their fundamental
the inadmissibility of discrimination and proclaims that all human beings are
rights. These forces take shape in stereotypes, customs and norms which give
born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all
rise to the multitude of legal, political and economic constraints on the
the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind,
advancement of women. Noting this interrelationship, the preamble of the
including distinction based on sex,
Convention stresses "that a change in the traditional role of men as well as the
role of women in society and in the family is needed to achieve full equality Noting that the States Parties to the International Covenants on Human Rights
of men and women". States parties are therefore obliged to work towards have the obligation to ensure the equal rights of men and women to enjoy all
the modification of social and cultural patterns of individual conduct in order economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights,
to eliminate "prejudices and customary and all other practices which are
Considering the international conventions concluded under the auspices of the
based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or
United Nations and the specialized agencies promoting equality of rights of
on stereotyped roles for men and women" (article 5). And Article 1O.c.
men and women,
mandates the revision of textbooks, school programmes and teaching methods
with a view to eliminating stereotyped concepts in the field of education. Noting also the resolutions, declarations and recommendations adopted by
Finally, cultural patterns which define the public realm as a man's world and the United Nations and the specialized agencies promoting equality of rights
the domestic sphere as women's domain are strongly targeted in all of the of men and women,
Convention's provisions that affirm the equal responsibilities of both sexes in
Concerned, however, that despite these various instruments extensive
family life and their equal rights with regard to education and employment.
discrimination against women continues to exist,
Altogether, the Convention provides a comprehensive framework for
challenging the various forces that have created and sustained discrimination Recalling that discrimination against women violates the principles of equality
based upon sex. of rights and respect for human dignity, is an obstacle to the participation of
women, on equal terms with men, in the political, social, economic and cultural
The implementation of the Convention is monitored by the Committee on the
life of their countries, hampers the growth of the prosperity of society and the
Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The Committee's
family and makes more difficult the full development of the potentialities of
mandate and the administration of the treaty are defined in the Articles 17 to
women in the service of their countries and of humanity,
30 of the Convention. The Committee is composed of 23 experts nominated
by their Governments and elected by the States parties as individuals "of Concerned that in situations of poverty women have the least access to food,
high moral standing and competence in the field covered by the Convention". health, education, training and opportunities for employment and other needs,

Convinced that the establishment of the new international economic order of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
based on equity and justice will contribute significantly towards the promotion recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital
of equality between men and women, status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and
fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any
Emphasizing that the eradication of apartheid, all forms of racism, racial
other field.
discrimination, colonialism, neo-colonialism, aggression, foreign occupation
and domination and interference in the internal affairs of States is essential to Article 2
the full enjoyment of the rights of men and women,
States Parties condemn discrimination against women in all its forms, agree to
Affirming that the strengthening of international peace and security, the pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating
relaxation of international tension, mutual co-operation among all States discrimination against women and, to this end, undertake: (a) To embody the
irrespective of their social and economic systems, general and complete principle of the equality of men and women in their national constitutions or
disarmament, in particular nuclear disarmament under strict and effective other appropriate legislation if not yet incorporated therein and to ensure,
international control, the affirmation of the principles of justice, equality and through law and other appropriate means, the practical realization of this
mutual benefit in relations among countries and the realization of the right of principle;
peoples under alien and colonial domination and foreign occupation to self-
(b) To adopt appropriate legislative and other measures, including sanctions
determination and independence, as well as respect for national sovereignty
where appropriate, prohibiting all discrimination against women;
and territorial integrity, will promote social progress and development and as
a consequence will contribute to the attainment of full equality between men (c) To establish legal protection of the rights of women on an equal basis with
and women, men and to ensure through competent national tribunals and other public
institutions the effective protection of women against any act of discrimination;
Convinced that the full and complete development of a country, the welfare
of the world and the cause of peace require the maximum participation of (d) To refrain from engaging in any act or practice of discrimination against
women on equal terms with men in all fields, women and to ensure that public authorities and institutions shall act in
conformity with this obligation;
Bearing in mind the great contribution of women to the welfare of the family
and to the development of society, so far not fully recognized, the social (e) To take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against
significance of maternity and the role of both parents in the family and in the women by any person, organization or enterprise;
upbringing of children, and aware that the role of women in procreation
(f) To take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or
should not be a basis for discrimination but that the upbringing of children
abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and practices which constitute
requires a sharing of responsibility between men and women and society as a
discrimination against women;
(g) To repeal all national penal provisions which constitute discrimination
Aware that a change in the traditional role of men as well as the role of
against women.
women in society and in the family is needed to achieve full equality between
men and women, Article 3 States Parties shall take in all fields, in particular in the political,
social, economic and cultural fields, all appropriate measures, including
Determined to implement the principles set forth in the Declaration on the
legislation, to en sure the full development and advancement of women , for
Elimination of Discrimination against Women and, for that purpose, to adopt
the purpose of guaranteeing them the exercise and enjoyment of human rights
the measures required for the elimination of such discrimination in all its forms
and fundamental freedoms on a basis of equality with men.
and manifestations,
Article 4
Have agreed on the following:
1. Adoption by States Parties of temporary special measures aimed at
accelerating de facto equality between men and women shall not be
Article I considered discrimination as defined in the present Convention, but shall in no
way entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate
For the purposes of the present Convention, the term "discrimination against
women" shall mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis

standards; these measures shall be discontinued when the objectives of to an alien nor change of nationality by the husband during marriage shall
equality of opportunity and treatment have been achieved. automatically change the nationality of the wife, render her stateless or force
upon her the nationality of the husband.
2. Adoption by States Parties of special measures, including those measures
contained in the present Convention, aimed at protecting maternity shall not 2. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with respect to the
be considered discriminatory. nationality of their children.
Article 5 States Parties shall take all appropriate measures: (a) To modify the PART III
social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to
Article 10
achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices
which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination
the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women; against women in order to ensure to them equal rights with men in the field of
education and in particular to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and
(b) To ensure that family education includes a proper understanding of
women: (a) The same conditions for career and vocational guidance, for
maternity as a social function and the recognition of the common responsibility
access to studies and for the achievement of diplomas in educational
of men and women in the upbringing and development of their children, it
establishments of all categories in rural as well as in urban areas; this
being understood that the interest of the children is the primordial
equality shall be ensured in pre-school, general, technical, professional and
consideration in all cases.
higher technical education, as well as in all types of vocational training;
Article 6
(b) Access to the same curricula, the same examinations, teaching staff with
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to qualifications of the same standard and school premises and equipment of the
suppress all forms of traffic in women and exploitation of prostitution of same quality;
(c) The elimination of any stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women
PART II at all levels and in all forms of education by encouraging coeducation and
other types of education which will help to achieve this aim and, in particular,
Article 7
by the revision of textbooks and school programmes and the adaptation of
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination teaching methods;
against women in the political and public life of the country and, in particular,
(d ) The same opportunities to benefit from scholarships and other study
shall ensure to women, on equal terms with men, the right: (a) To vote in all
elections and public referenda and to be eligible for election to all publicly
elected bodies; (e) The same opportunities for access to programmes of continuing education,
including adult and functional literacy programmes, particulary those aimed
(b) To participate in the formulation of government policy and the
at reducing, at the earliest possible time, any gap in education existing
implementation thereof and to hold public office and perform all public
between men and women;
functions at all levels of government;
(f) The reduction of female student drop-out rates and the organization of
(c) To participate in non-governmental organizations and associations
programmes for girls and women who have left school prematurely;
concerned with the public and political life of the country.
(g) The same Opportunities to participate actively in sports and physical
Article 8 States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure to
women, on equal terms with men and without any discrimination, the
opportunity to represent their Governments at the international level and to (h) Access to specific educational information to help to ensure the health and
participate in the work of international organizations. well-being of families, including information and advice on family planning.
Article 9 Article 11
1. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men to acquire, change 1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
or retain their nationality. They shall ensure in particular that neither marriage discrimination against women in the field of employment in order to ensure, on

a basis of equality of men and women, the same rights, in particular: (a) The 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I of this article, States Parties
right to work as an inalienable right of all human beings; shall ensure to women appropriate services in connection with pregnancy,
confinement and the post-natal period, granting free services where
(b) The right to the same employment opportunities, including the application
necessary, as well as adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.
of the same criteria for selection in matters of employment;
Article 13 States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
(c) The right to free choice of profession and employment, the right to
discrimination against women in other areas of economic and social life in
promotion, job security and all benefits and conditions of service and the right
order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, the same rights, in
to receive vocational training and retraining, including apprenticeships,
particular: (a) The right to family benefits;
advanced vocational training and recurrent training;
(b) The right to bank loans, mortgages and other forms of financial credit;
(d) The right to equal remuneration, including benefits, and to equal treatment
in respect of work of equal value, as well as equality of treatment in the (c) The right to participate in recreational activities, sports and all aspects of
evaluation of the quality of work; cultural life.
(e) The right to social security, particularly in cases of retirement, Article 14 1. States Parties shall take into account the particular problems
unemployment, sickness, invalidity and old age and other incapacity to work, faced by rural women and the significant roles which rural women play in the
as well as the right to paid leave; economic survival of their families, including their work in the non-monetized
sectors of the economy, and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the
(f) The right to protection of health and to safety in working conditions,
application of the provisions of the present Convention to women in rural
including the safeguarding of the function of reproduction.
2. In order to prevent discrimination against women on the grounds of
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
marriage or maternity and to ensure their effective right to work, States
discrimination against women in rural areas in order to ensure, on a basis of
Parties shall take appropriate measures: (a) To prohibit, subject to the
equality of men and women, that they participate in and benefit from rural
imposition of sanctions, dismissal on the grounds of pregnancy or of maternity
development and, in particular, shall ensure to such women the right:
leave and discrimination in dismissals on the basis of marital status;
(a) To participate in the elaboration and implementation of development
(b) To introduce maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits
planning at all levels;
without loss of former employment, seniority or social allowances;
(b) To have access to adequate health care facilities, including information,
(c) To encourage the provision of the necessary supporting social services to
counselling and services in family planning;
enable parents to combine family obligations with work responsibilities and
participation in public life, in particular through promoting the establishment (c) To benefit directly from social security programmes;
and development of a network of child-care facilities;
(d) To obtain all types of training and education, formal and non-formal,
(d) To provide special protection to women during pregnancy in types of work including that relating to functional literacy, as well as, inter alia, the benefit
proved to be harmful to them. of all community and extension services, in order to increase their technical
3. Protective legislation relating to matters covered in this article shall be
reviewed periodically in the light of scientific and technological knowledge (e) To organize self-help groups and co-operatives in order to obtain equal
and shall be revised, repealed or extended as necessary. access to economic opportunities through employment or self employment;
Article 12 (f) To participate in all community activities;
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate (g) To have access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities,
discrimination against women in the field of health care in order to ensure, on appropriate technology and equal treatment in land and agrarian reform as
a basis of equality of men and women, access to health care services, well as in land resettlement schemes;
including those related to family planning.
(h) To enjoy adequate living conditions, particularly in relation to housing,
sanitation, electricity and water supply, transport and communications.

PART IV 2. The betrothal and the marriage of a child shall have no legal effect, and
all necessary action, including legislation, shall be taken to specify a minimum
Article 15
age for marriage and to make the registration of marriages in an official
1. States Parties shall accord to women equality with men before the law. registry compulsory.
2. States Parties shall accord to women, in civil matters, a legal capacity PART V
identical to that of men and the same opportunities to exercise that capacity.
Article 17
In particular, they shall give women equal rights to conclude contracts and to
administer property and shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in 1. For the purpose of considering the progress made in the implementation of
courts and tribunals. the present Convention, there shall be established a Committee on the
Elimination of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter referred to as the
3. States Parties agree that all contracts and all other private instruments of
Committee) consisting, at the time of entry into force of the Convention, of
any kind with a legal effect which is directed at restricting the legal capacity
eighteen and, after ratification of or accession to the Convention by the thirty-
of women shall be deemed null and void.
fifth State Party, of twenty-three experts of high moral standing and
4. States Parties shall accord to men and women the same rights with regard competence in the field covered by the Convention. The experts shall be
to the law relating to the movement of persons and the freedom to choose elected by States Parties from among their nationals and shall serve in their
their residence and domicile. personal capacity, consideration being given to equitable geographical
distribution and to the representation of the different forms of civilization as
Article 16
well as the principal legal systems.
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
2. The members of the Committee shall be elected by secret ballot from a list
discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family
of persons nominated by States Parties. Each State Party may nominate one
relations and in particular shall ensure, on a basis of equality of men and
person from among its own nationals.
women: (a) The same right to enter into marriage;
3. The initial election shall be held six months after the date of the entry into
(b) The same right freely to choose a spouse and to enter into marriage only
force of the present Convention. At least three months before the date of
with their free and full consent;
each election the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a
(c) The same rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution; letter to the States Parties inviting them to submit their nominations within two
months. The Secretary-General shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of
(d) The same rights and responsibilities as parents, irrespective of their marital
all persons thus nominated, indicating the States Parties which have nominated
status, in matters relating to their children; in all cases the interests of the
them, and shall submit it to the States Parties.
children shall be paramount;
4. Elections of the members of the Committee shall be held at a meeting of
(e) The same rights to decide freely and responsibly on the number and
States Parties convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations
spacing of their children and to have access to the information, education and
Headquarters. At that meeting, for which two thirds of the States Parties shall
means to enable them to exercise these rights;
constitute a quorum, the persons elected to the Committee shall be those
(f) The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship, nominees who obtain the largest number of votes and an absolute majority of
trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these the votes of the representatives of States Parties present and voting.
concepts exist in national legislation; in all cases the interests of the children
5. The members of the Committee shall be elected for a term of four years.
shall be paramount;
However, the terms of nine of the members elected at the first election shall
(g) The same personal rights as husband and wife, including the right to expire at the end of two years; immediately after the first election the names
choose a family name, a profession and an occupation; of these nine members shall be chosen by lot by the Chairman of the
(h) The same rights for both spouses in respect of the ownership, acquisition,
management, administration, enjoyment and disposition of property, whether 6. The election of the five additional members of the Committee shall be held
free of charge or for a valuable consideration. in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article,
following the thirty-fifth ratification or accession. The terms of two of the

additional members elected on this occasion shall expire at the end of two suggestions and general recommendations shall be included in the report of
years, the names of these two members having been chosen by lot by the the Committee together with comments, if any, from States Parties.
Chairman of the Committee.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit the reports of
7. For the filling of casual vacancies, the State Party whose expert has ceased the Committee to the Commission on the Status of Women for its information.
to function as a member of the Committee shall appoint another expert from
Article 22
among its nationals, subject to the approval of the Committee.
The specialized agencies shall be entitled to be represented at the
8. The members of the Committee shall, with the approval of the General
consideration of the implementation of such provisions of the present
Assembly, receive emoluments from United Nations resources on such terms
Convention as fall within the scope of their activities. The Committee may
and conditions as the Assembly may decide, having regard to the importance
invite the specialized agencies to submit reports on the implementation of the
of the Committee's responsibilities.
Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities.
9. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the necessary
staff and facilities for the effective performance of the functions of the
Committee under the present Convention. Article 23
Article 18 Nothing in the present Convention shall affect any provisions that are more
conducive to the achievement of equality between men and women which may
1. States Parties undertake to submit to the Secretary-General of the United
be contained: (a) In the legislation of a State Party; or
Nations, for consideration by the Committee, a report on the legislative,
judicial, administrative or other measures which they have adopted to give (b) In any other international convention, treaty or agreement in force for that
effect to the provisions of the present Convention and on the progress made State.
in this respect: (a) Within one year after the entry into force for the State
Article 24
States Parties undertake to adopt all necessary measures at the national level
(b) Thereafter at least every four years and further whenever the Committee
aimed at achieving the full realization of the rights recognized in the present
so requests.
2. Reports may indicate factors and difficulties affecting the degree of
Article 25
fulfilment of obligations under the present Convention.
1. The present Convention shall be open for signature by all States.
Article 19 1. The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is designated as the
2. The Committee shall elect its officers for a term of two years.
depositary of the present Convention.
Article 20
3. The present Convention is subject to ratification. Instruments of ratification
1. The Committee shall normally meet for a period of not more than two shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
weeks annually in order to consider the reports submitted in accordance with
4. The present Convention shall be open to accession by all States. Accession
article 18 of the present Convention.
shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the
2. The meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at United Nations Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Headquarters or at any other convenient place as determined by the
Article 26
Committee. (amendment, status of ratification)
1. A request for the revision of the present Convention may be made at any
Article 21
time by any State Party by means of a notification in writing addressed to
1. The Committee shall, through the Economic and Social Council, report the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
annually to the General Assembly of the United Nations on its activities and
2. The General Assembly of the United Nations shall decide upon the steps, if
may make suggestions and general recommendations based on the
any, to be taken in respect of such a request.
examination of reports and information received from the States Parties. Such

Article 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed the
present Convention.
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the
date of deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the
twentieth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying the present Convention or acceding to it after the
deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention
shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of the deposit of its
own instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 28
1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall receive and circulate to
all States the text of reservations made by States at the time of ratification or
2. A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the present
Convention shall not be permitted.
3. Reservations may be withdrawn at any time by notification to this effect
addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall then
inform all States thereof. Such notification shall take effect on the date on
which it is received.
Article 29
1. Any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the
interpretation or application of the present Convention which is not settled by
negotiation shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If
within six months from the date of the request for arbitration the parties are
unable to agree on the organization of the arbitration, any one of those
parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request
in conformity with the Statute of the Court.
2. Each State Party may at the time of signature or ratification of the present
Convention or accession thereto declare that it does not consider itself bound
by paragraph I of this article. The other States Parties shall not be bound by
that paragraph with respect to any State Party which has made such a
3. Any State Party which has made a reservation in accordance with
paragraph 2 of this article may at any time withdraw that reservation by
notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 30
The present Convention, the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish texts of which are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Republic Act 7877 (b) In an education or training environment, sexual harassment is
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
(1) Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of the
OTHER PURPOSES. (2) Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or
tutorship is entrusted to the offender;
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
in Congress assembled:
(3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a
passing grade, or the granting of honors and scholarships, or the payment of
SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Sexual
a stipend, allowance or other benefits, privileges, or consideration; or
Harassment Act of 1995."
(4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State shall value the dignity of
offensive environment for the student, trainee or apprentice.
every individual, enhance the development of its human resources, guarantee
full respect for human rights, and uphold the dignity of workers, employees, Any person who directs or induces another to commit any act of sexual
applicants for employment, students or those undergoing training, instruction harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates in the commission thereof
or education. Towards this end, all forms of sexual harassment in the by another without which it would not have been committed, shall also be
employment, education or training environment are hereby declared unlawful. held liable under this Act.

SECTION 3. Work, Education or Training -Related, Sexual Harassment SECTION 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a Work-related,
Defined. - Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is Education or Training Environment. - It shall be the duty of the employer or the
committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the head of the work-related, educational or training environment or institution,
employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or any other person to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment and to
who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work provide the procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of
or training or education environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires sexual harassment. Towards this end, the employer or head of office shall:
any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request
or requirement for submission is accepted by the object of said Act. (a) Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in consultation with and
joint1y approved by the employees or students or trainees, through their
(a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual harassment is duly designated representatives, prescribing the procedure for the
committed when: investigation of sexual harassment cases and the administrative
sanctions therefor.
(1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the
employment, re-employment or continued employment of said individual, or
Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecution in the proper
in granting said individual favorable compensation, terms of conditions,
courts for unlawful acts of sexual harassment.
promotions, or privileges; or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in
limiting, segregating or classifying the employee which in any way would
The said rules and regulations issued pursuant to this subsection (a) shall
discriminate, deprive ordiminish employment opportunities or otherwise
include, among others, guidelines on proper decorum in the workplace and
adversely affect said employee;
educational or training institutions.
(2) The above acts would impair the employee's rights (b) Create a committee on decorum and investigation of cases on sexual
or privileges under existing labor laws; or harassment. The committee shall conduct meetings, as the case may be, with
officers and employees, teachers, instructors, professors, coaches, trainors,
(3) The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or and students or trainees to increase understanding and prevent incidents of
offensive environment for the employee. sexual harassment. It shall also conduct the investigation of alleged cases
constituting sexual harassment.

days after its complete publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of
In the case of a work-related environment, the committee shall be general circulation.
composed of at least one (1) representative each from the management, the
union, if any, the employees from the supervisory rank, and from the rank
and file employees.
In the case of the educational or training institution, the committee shall be
composed of at least one (1) representative from the administration, the
trainors, instructors, professors or coaches and students or trainees, as the
case may be.

The employer or head of office, educational or training institution shall

disseminate or post a copy of this Act for the information of all concerned.

SECTION 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office, Educational or

Training Institution. - The employer or head of office, educational or training
institution shall be solidarily liable for damages arising from the acts
of sexual harassment committed in the employment, education or training
environment if the employer or head of office, educational or training
institution is informed of such acts by the offended party and no immediate
action is taken.

SECTION 6. Independent Action for Damages. - Nothing in this Act shall

preclude the victim of work, education or training-related sexual harassment
from instituting a separate and independent action for damages and other
affirmative relief.

SECTION 7. Penalties. - Any person who violates the provisions of this Act
shall, upon conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of not less than one (1)
month nor more than six (6) months, or a fine of not less than Ten thousand
pesos (P10,000) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Any action arising from the violation of the provisions of this Act shall
prescribe in three (3) years.

SECTION 8. Separability Clause. - If any portion or provision of this Act is

declared void or unconstitutional, the remaining portions or provisions hereof
shall not be affected by such declaration.

SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and

regulations, other issuances, or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 10. Effectivity Clause.- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)

Republic Act 6955 than Eight thousand pesos (P8000) but not more than Twenty thousand pesos
(20000): Provided, that if the offender is a foreigner, he shall immediately be
Mail-Order Bride Law
deported and barred forever from entering the country after serving his
SECTION 5. Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as a restriction on the
freedom of speech and of association for purposes not contrary to law as
guaranteed by the Constitution.
FURTHERANCE THEREOF AND PROVIDING PENALTY THEREFOR SECTION 6. All laws, decrees, orders, instructions, rules and regulations, or
parts thereof inconsistent with this Act are thereby repealed or modified
SECTION 1. It is the policy of the state to ensure and guarantee the
enjoyment of the people of a decent standard of living. Towards this end, the
State shall take measures to protect Filipino women from being exploited in SECTION 7. This Act shall take effect upon its publication for two (2)
utter disregard of human dignity in their pursuit of economic upliftment. consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.
SECTION 2. Pursuant thereto it is hereby declared unlawful: Approved: June 13 1990.
(a) For a person, natural or juridical, association, club or any other entity to
commit, directly or indirectly, any of the following acts:
(1) To establish or carry on a business which has for its purpose the
matching of Filipino women for marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail
order basis or personal introduction;
(2) To advertise, publish, print or distribute or cause the advertisement,
publication, printing or distribution of any brochure, flier or any propaganda
material calculated to promote the prohibited acts in the preceding sub-
(3) To solicit, enlist or in any manner attract or introduce any Filipino
woman to become a member in any club or association whose objective is to
match women for marriage to foreign nationals either on a mail order basis
or through personal introduction for a fee;
(4) To use the postal service to promote the prohibited acts in sub-
paragraph 1 hereof.
(b) For the manager or officer in charge or advertising manager of any
newspaper, magazine, television or radio station, or other media, or of an
advertising agency, printing company or other similar entities to knowingly
allow, or consent to the acts prohibited in the preceding paragraph.
SECTION 3. In case of violation of this Act by an association, club,
partnership, corporation or any other entity, the incumbent officers thereof
who have knowingly participated in the violation of this Act shall be held
SECTION 4. Any person found guilty by the court to have violated any of the
acts herein prohibited shall suffer an imprisonment of not less than six (6)
years and one (1) day but not more than eight (8) years and a fine of not less

Republic Act No. 9710 August 14, 2009 management, monitoring, and evaluation of all programs, projects, and
services. It shall support policies, researches, technology, and training
programs and other support services such as financing, production, and
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in marketing to encourage active participation of women in national
Congress assembled:: development.
Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as "The Magna Carta of Section 3. Principles of Human Rights of Women. - Human rights are universal
Women". and inalienable. All people in the world are entitled to them. The universality
of human rights is encompassed in the words of Article 1 of the Universal
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - Recognizing that the economic, political, and
Declaration of Human Rights, which states that all human beings are free and
sociocultural realities affect women's current condition, the State affirms the
equal in dignity and rights.
role of women in nation building and ensures the substantive equality of
women and men. It shall promote empowerment of women and pursue equal Human rights are indivisible. Human rights are inherent to the dignity of every
opportunities for women and men and ensure equal access to resources and to human being whether they relate to civil, cultural, economic, political, or social
development results and outcome. Further, the State realizes that equality of issues.
men and women entails the abolition of the unequal structures and practices
Human rights are interdependent and interrelated. The fulfillment of one right
that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. To realize this, the State shall
often depends, wholly or in part, upon the fulfillment of others.
endeavor to develop plans, policies, programs, measures, and mechanisms to
address discrimination and inequality in the economic, political, social, and All individuals are equal as human beings by virtue of the inherent dignity of
cultural life of women and men. each human person. No one, therefore, should suffer discrimination on the
basis of ethnicity, gender, age, language, sexual orientation, race, color,
The State condemns discrimination against women in all its forms and pursues
religion, political, or other opinion, national, social, or geographical origin,
by all appropriate means and without delay the policy of eliminating
disability, property, birth, or other status as established by human rights
discrimination against women in keeping with the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other
international instruments consistent with Philippine law. The State shall accord All people have the right to participate in and access information relating to
women the rights, protection, and opportunities available to every member of the decision- making processes that affect their lives and well-being. Rights-
society. based approaches require a high degree of participation by communities,
civil society, minorities, women, young people, indigenous peoples, and other
The State affirms women's rights as human rights and shall intensify its efforts
identified groups.
to fulfill its duties under international and domestic law to recognize, respect,
protect, fulfill, and promote all human rights and fundamental freedoms of States and other duty-bearers are answerable for the observance of human
women, especially marginalized women, in the economic, social, political, rights. They have to comply with the legal norms and standards enshrined in
cultural, and other fields without distinction or discrimination on account of international human rights instruments in accordance with the Philippine
class, age, sex, gender, language, ethnicity, religion, ideology, disability, Constitution. Where they fail to do so, aggrieved rights-holders are entitled
education, and status. The State shall provide the necessary mechanisms to to institute proceedings for appropriate redress before a competent court or
enforce women's rights and adopt and undertake all legal measures other adjudicator in accordance with the rules and procedures provided by
necessary to foster and promote the equal opportunity for women to law.
participate in and contribute to the development of the political, economic,
social, and cultural realms.
The State, in ensuring the full integration of women's concerns in the
Section 4. Definitions. - For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall
mainstream of development, shall provide ample opportunities to enhance
and develop their skills, acquire productive employment and contribute to
their families and communities to the fullest of their capabilities. (a) "Women Empowerment" refers to the provision, availability, and
accessibility of opportunities, services, and observance of human
In pursuance of this policy, the State reaffirms the right of women in all sectors
rights which enable women to actively participate and contribute to
to participate in policy formulation. planning, organization, implementation,

the political, economic, social, and cultural development of the nation paid or unpaid, regular or season-bound. These shall include.
as well as those which shall provide them equal access to ownership, but are not limited to, (a) small farmers who own or are still
management, and control of production, and of material and amortizing for lands that is not more than three (3) hectares,
informational resources and benefits in the family, community, and tenants, leaseholders, and stewards; and (b) rural workers
society. who are either wage earners, self-employed, unpaid family
workers directly and personally engaged in agriculture,
(b) "Discrimination Against Women" refers to any gender-based
small-scale mining, handicrafts, and other related farm and
distinction, exclusion, or restriction which has the effect or purpose of
off-farm activities;
impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by
women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of (2) "Fisherfolk" refers to those directly or indirectly engaged
men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the in taking, culturing, or processing fishery or aquatic resources.
political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field. These include, but are not to be limited to, women engaged
in fishing in municipal waters, coastal and marine areas,
It includes any act or omission, including by law; policy, administrative
women workers in commercial fishing and aquaculture,
measure, or practice, that directly or indirectly excludes or restricts
vendors and processors of fish and coastal products, and
women in the recognition and promotion of their rights and their
subsistence producers such as shell-gatherers, managers, and
access to and enjoyment of opportunities, benefits, or privileges.
producers of mangrove resources, and other related
A measure or practice of general application is discrimination against producers:
women if it fails to provide for mechanisms to offset or address sex or
(3) "Urban Poor" refers to those residing in urban and
gender-based disadvantages or limitations of women, as a result of
urbanizable slum or blighted areas, with or without the
which women are denied or restricted in the recognition and
benefit of security of abode, where the income of the head
protection of their rights and in their access to and enjoyment of
of the family cannot afford in a sustained manner to provide
opportunities, benefits, or privileges; or women, more than men, are
for the family's basic needs of food, health, education,
shown to have suffered the greater adverse effects of those measures
housing, and other essentials in life;
or practices.
(4) "Workers in the Formal Economy" refers to those who are
Provided, finally, That discrimination compounded by or intersecting
employed by any person acting directly or indirectly in the
with other grounds, status, or condition, such as ethnicity, age,
interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall
poverty, or religion shall be considered discrimination against women
include the government and all its branches, subdivisions, and
under this Act.
instrumentalities, all government- owned and -controlled
(c) "Marginalization" refers to a condition where a whole category of corporations and institutions, as well as nonprofit private
people is excluded from useful and meaningful participation in institutions or organizations;
political, economic, social, and cultural life.
(5) "Workers in the Informal Economy" refers to self-
(d) "Marginalized" refers to the basic, disadvantaged, or vulnerable employed, occasionally or personally hired, subcontracted,
persons or groups who are mostly living in poverty and have little or paid and unpaid family workers in household incorporated
no access to land and other resources, basic social and economic and unincorporated enterprises, including home workers,
services such as health care, education, water and sanitation, micro-entrepreneurs and producers, and operators of sari-
employment and livelihood opportunities, housing, social security, sari stores and all other categories who suffer from violation
physical infrastructure; and the justice system. of workers' rights:
These include, but are not limited to, women in the following sectors (6) "Migrant Workers" refers to Filipinos who are to be
and groups: engaged, are engaged, or have been engaged in a
remunerated activity in a State of which they are not legal
(1) "Small Farmers and Rural Workers" refers to those who
residents, whether documented or undocumented;
are engaged directly or indirectly in small farms and forest
areas, workers in commercial farms and plantations, whether

(7) "Indigenous Peoples" refers to a group of people or (e) "Substantive Equality" refers to the full and equal enjoyment of
homogenous societies identified by self-ascription and rights and freedoms contemplated under this Act. It encompasses de
ascription by other, who have continuously lived as organized jure and de facto equality and also equality in outcomes.
community on communally bounded and defined territory,
(f) "Gender Equality" refers to the principle asserting the equality of
and who have, under claims of ownership since time
men and women and their right to enjoy equal conditions realizing
immemorial, occupied; possessed customs, tradition, and other
their full human potentials to contribute to and benefit from the results
distinctive cultural traits, or who have, through resistance to
of development, and with the State recognizing that all human beings
political, social, and cultural inroads of colonization, non-
are free and equal in dignity and rights.
indigenous religions and culture, became historically
differentiated from the majority of Filipinos. They shall (g) "Gender Equity" refers to the policies, instruments, programs,
likewise include peoples who are regarded as indigenous on services, and actions that address the disadvantaged position of
account of their descent from the populations which inhabited women in society by providing preferential treatment and affirmative
the country, at the dime of conquest or colonization, or at the action. Such temporary special measures aimed at accelerating de
time of inroads of non-indigenous religions and cultures, or facto equality between men and women shall not be considered
the establishment of present state boundaries, who retain discriminatory but shall in no way entail as a consequence the
some or all of their own social, economic, cultural, and maintenance of unequal or separate standards. These measures shall
political institutions, but who may have been displaced from be discontinued when the objectives of equality of opportunity and
their traditional domains or who may have resettled outside treatment have been achieved.
their ancestral domains as defined under Section 3(h),
(h) "Gender and Development (GAD)" refers to the development
Chapter II of Republic Act No. 8371, otherwise known as
perspective and process that are participatory and empowering,
"The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997" (IPRA of 1997);
equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights,
(8) "Moro" refers to native peoples who have historically supportive of self-determination and actualization of human
inhabited Mindanao, Palawan, and Sulu, and who are potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental
largely of the Islamic faith; value that should be reflected in development choices; seeks to
transform society's social, economic, and political structures and
(9) "Children" refers to those who are below eighteen (18)
questions the validity of the gender roles they ascribed to women
years of age or over but are unable to fully take care of
and men; contends that women are active agents of development and
themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
not just passive recipients of development assistance; and stresses the
exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical or
need of women to organize themselves and participate in political
mental disability or condition;
processes to strengthen their legal rights.
(10) "Senior Citizens" refers to those sixty (60) years of age
(i) "Gender Mainstreaming" refers to the strategy for making
and above;
women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral
(11) "Persons with Disabilities" refers to those who are dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation
suffering from restriction or different abilities, as a result of a of policies and programs in all political, economic, and societal
mental, physical, or sensory impairment to perform an activity spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not
in the manner or within the range considered normal for a perpetuated. It is the process of assessing the implications for women
human being; and and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies, or
programs in all areas and at all levels.
(12) "Solo Parents" refers to those who fall under the
category of a solo parent defined under Republic Act No. (j) "Temporary Special Measures" refers to a variety of legislative,
8972, otherwise known as the "Solo Parents Welfare Act of executive, administrative, and regulatory instruments, policies, and
2000". practices aimed at accelerating this de facto equality of women in
specific areas. These measures shall not be considered discriminatory
but shall in no way entail as a consequence the maintenance of

unequal or separate standards. They shall be discontinued when their Section 5. The State as the Primary Duty-Bearer. - The State, as the primary
objectives have been achieved. duty-bearer, shall:
(k) "Violence Against Women" refers to any act of gender-based (a) Refrain from discriminating against women and violating their
violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or rights;
psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such
(b) Protect women against discrimination and from violation of their
acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in
rights by private corporations, entities, and individuals; and
public or in private life. It shall be understood to encompass, but not
limited to, the following: (c) Promote and fulfill the rights of women in all spheres, including
their rights to substantive equality and non-discrimination.
(1) Physical, sexual, psychological, and economic violence
occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of The State shall fulfill these duties through law, policy, regulatory instruments,
female children in the household, dowry-related violence, administrative guidelines, and other appropriate measures, including
marital rape, and other traditional practices harmful to temporary special measures.
women, non-spousal violence, and violence related to
Recognizing the interrelation of the human rights of women, the State shall
take measures and establish mechanisms to promote the coherent and
(2) Physical, sexual, and psychological violence occurring integrated implementation, and enforcement of this Act and related laws,
within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, policies, or other measures to effectively stop discrimination against and
sexual harassment, and intimidation at work, in educational advance the rights of women.
institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women, and
The State shall keep abreast with and be guided by progressive
prostitution; and
developments in human rights of women under international law and design of
(3) Physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated policies, laws, and other measures to promote the objectives of this Act.
or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs.
Section 6. Duties of the State Agencies and Instrumentalities. - These duties of
It also includes acts of violence against women as defused in Republic the State shall extend to all state agencies, offices, and instrumentalities at all
Acts No. 9208 and 9262. levels and government-owned and -controlled corporations, subject to the
Constitution and pertinent laws, policies, or administrative guidelines that
(l) "Women in the Military" refers to women employed in the military,
define specific duties of state agencies and entities concerned.
both in the major and technical services, who are performing combat
and/or noncombat functions, providing security to the State, and Section 7. Suppletory Effect. - This chapter shall be deemed integrated into
protecting the people from various forms of threat. It also includes and be suppletory to other provisions of this Act, particularly those that
women trainees in all military training institutions. guarantee specific rights to women and define specific roles and require
specific conduct of state organs.
(m) "Social Protection" refers to policies and programs that seek to
reduce poverty and vulnerability to risks and enhance the social CHAPTER IV
status and rights of all women, especially the marginalized by RIGHTS AND EMPOWERMENT
promoting and protecting livelihood and employment, protecting
Section 8. Human Rights of Women. - All rights in the Constitution and those
against hazards and sudden loss of income, and improving people's
rights recognized under international instruments duly signed and ratified by
capacity to manage risk. Its components are labor market programs,
the Philippines, in consonance with Philippine law, shall be rights of women
social insurance, social welfare, and social safety nets.
under this Act to be enjoyed without discrimination.
Section 9. Protection from Violence. - The State shall ensure that all women
shall be protected from all forms of violence as provided for in existing laws.
The State, private sector, society in general, and all individuals shall Agencies of government shall give priority to the defense and protection of
contribute to the recognition, respect, and promotion of the rights of women women against gender-based offenses and help women attain justice and
defined and guaranteed under this Act. healing.

Towards this end, measures to prosecute and reform offenders shall likewise evaluation of policies, plans, and programs for national, regional, and local
be pursued. development:
(a) Within the next five (5) years, there shall be an incremental increase in the (a) Empowerment within the Civil Service. - Within the next five (5)
recruitment and training of women in the police force, forensics and medico- years, the number of women in third (3rd) level positions in
legal, legal services, and social work services availed of by women who are government shall be incrementally increased to achieve a fifty-fifty
victims of gender-related offenses until fifty percent (50%) of the personnel (50-50) gender balance;
thereof shall be women.
(b) Development Councils and Planning Bodies. - To ensure the
(b) Women shall have the right to protection and security in situations of participation of women in all levels of development planning and
armed conflict and militarization. Towards this end, they shall be protected program implementation, at least forty percent (40%) of membership
from all forms of gender-based violence, particularly rape and other forms of of all development councils from the regional, provincial, city,
sexual abuse, and all forms of violence in situations of armed conflict. The municipal and barangay levels shall be composed of women;
State shall observe international standards for the protection of civilian
(c) Other Policy and Decision-Making Bodies. - Women's groups shall
population in circumstances of emergency and armed conflict. It shall not force
also be represented in international, national, and local special and
women, especially indigenous peoples, to abandon their lands, territories, and
decision-making bodies;
means of subsistence, or relocate them in special centers for military purposes
under any discriminatory condition. (d) International Bodies. - The State shall take all appropriate
measures to ensure the opportunity of women, on equal terms with
(c) All government personnel involved in the protection and defense of women
men and without any discrimination, to represent their governments at
against gender-based violence shall undergo a mandatory training on human
the international level and to participate in the work of international
rights and gender sensitivity pursuant to this Act.
(d) All local government units shall establish a Violence Against Women's Desk
(e) Integration of Women in Political Parties. - The State shall provide
in every barangay to ensure that violence against women cases are fully
incentives to political parties with women's agenda. It shall likewise
addressed in a gender-responsive manner.
encourage the integration of women in their leadership hierarchy,
Section 10. Women Affected by Disasters, Calamities, and Other Crisis internal policy-making structures, appointive, and electoral
Situations. - Women have the right to protection and security in times of nominating processes; and
disasters, calamities, and other crisis situations especially in all phases of
(f) Private Sector. - The State shall take measures to encourage
relief, recovery, rehabilitation, and construction efforts. The State shall
women leadership in the private sector in the form of incentives.
provide for immediate humanitarian assistance, allocation of resources, and
early resettlement, if necessary. It shall also address the particular needs of Section 12. Equal Treatment Before the Law. - The State shall take steps to
women from a gender perspective to ensure their full protection from sexual review and, when necessary, amend and/or repeal existing laws that are
exploitation and other sexual and gender- based violence committed against discriminatory to women within three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act.
them. Responses to disaster situations shall include the provision of services,
Section 13. Equal Access and Elimination of Discrimination in Education,
such as psychosocial support, livelihood support, education, psychological
Scholarships, and Training. - (a) The State shall ensure that gender stereotypes
health, and comprehensive health services, including protection during
and images in educational materials and curricula are adequately and
appropriately revised. Gender-sensitive language shall be used at all times.
Section 11. Participation and Representation. - The State shall undertake Capacity-building on gender and development (GAD), peace and human
temporary special measures to accelerate the participation and equitable rights, education for teachers, and all those involved in the education sector
representation of women in all spheres of society particularly in the decision- shall be pursued toward this end. Partnerships between and among players
making and policy-making processes in government and private entities to of the education sector, including the private sector, churches, and faith groups
fully realize their role as agents and beneficiaries of development. shall be encouraged.
The State shall institute the following affirmative action mechanisms so that (b) Enrollment of women in nontraditional skills training in vocational and
women can participate meaningfully in the formulation, implementation, and tertiary levels shall be encouraged.

(c) Expulsion and non-readmission of women faculty due to pregnant;- outside such as engaging in combat, security-related, or field operations. Women in
of marriage shall be outlawed. No school shall turn out or refuse admission to the military shall be accorded the same promotional privileges and
a female student solely on the account of her having contracted pregnancy opportunities as men, including pay increases, additional remunerations and
outside of marriage during her term in school. benefits, and awards based on their competency and quality of performance.
Towards this end, the State shall ensure that the personal dignity of women
Section 14. Women in Sports. - The State shall develop, establish, and
shall always be respected.
strengthen programs for the participation of women and girl-children in
competitive and noncompetitive sports as a means to achieve excellence, Women in the military, police, and other similar services shall be provided
promote physical and social well-being, eliminate gender-role stereotyping, with the same right to employment as men on equal conditions. Equally, they
and provide equal access to the full benefits of development for all persons shall be accorded the same capacity as men to act in and enter into contracts,
regardless of sex, gender identity, and other similar factors. including marriage.
For this purpose, all sports-related organizations shall create guidelines that Further, women in the military, police; and other similar services shall be
will establish and integrate affirmative action as a strategy and gender entitled to leave benefits such as maternity leave, as provided for by existing
equality as a framework in planning and implementing their policies, budgets, laws.
programs, and activities relating to the participation of women and girls in
Section 16. Nondiscriminatory and Nonderogatory Portrayal of Women in Media
and Film. - The State shall formulate policies and programs for the
The State will also provide material and nonmaterial incentives to local advancement of women in collaboration with government and nongovernment
government units, media organizations, and the private sector for promoting, media-related organizations. It shall likewise endeavor to raise the
training, and preparing women and girls for participation in competitive and consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of women and
noncompetitive sports, especially in local and international events, including, the role and contribution of women in the family; community, and the society
but not limited to, the Palarong Pambansa, Southeast Asian Games, Asian through the strategic use of mass media.
Games, and the Olympics.
For this purpose, the State shall ensure allocation of space; airtime, and
No sports event or tournament will offer or award a different sports prize, resources, strengthen programming, production, and image-making that
with respect to its amount or value, to women and men winners in the same appropriately present women's needs, issues, and concerns in all forms of
sports category: Provided, That the said tournament, contest, race, match, media, communication, information dissemination, and advertising.
event, or game is open to both sexes: Provided, further, That the sports event
The State, in cooperation with all schools of journalism, information, and
or tournament is divided into male or female divisions.
communication, as well as the national media federations and associations,
The State shall also ensure the safety and well-being of all women and girls shall require all media organizations and corporations to integrate into their
participating in sports, especially, but not limited to, trainees, reserve human resource development components regular training on gender equality
members, members, coaches, and mentors of national sports teams, whether in and gender-based discrimination, create and use gender equality guidelines
studying, training, or performance phases, by providing them comprehensive in all aspects of management, training, production, information, dissemination,
health and medical insurance coverage, as well as integrated medical, communication, and programming; and convene a gender equality committee
nutritional, and healthcare services. that will promote gender mainstreaming as a framework and affirmative
action as a strategy, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of gender
Schools, colleges, universities, or any other learning institution shall take into
equality guidelines.
account its total women student population in granting athletic scholarship.
There shall be a pro rata representation of women in the athletic scholarship Section 17. Women's Right to Health. - (a) Comprehensive Health Services. -
program based on the percentage of women in the whole student population. The State shall, at all times, provide for a comprehensive, culture-sensitive,
and gender-responsive health services and programs covering all stages of a
Section 15. Women in the Military. - The State shall pursue appropriate
woman's life cycle and which addresses the major causes of women's mortality
measures to eliminate discrimination of women in the military, police, and
and morbidity: Provided, That in the provision for comprehensive health
other similar services, including revising or abolishing policies and practices
services, due respect shall be accorded to women's religious convictions, the
that restrict women from availing of both combat and noncombat training that
rights of the spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious
are open to men, or from taking on functions other than administrative tasks,
convictions, and the demands of responsible parenthood, and the right of

women to protection from hazardous drugs, devices, interventions, and children to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude
substances. for the enrichment and strengthening of character;
Access to the following services shall be ensured: (2) The formation of a person's sexuality that affirms human dignity;
(1) Maternal care to include pre- and post-natal services to address
pregnancy and infant health and nutrition; (3) Ethical, legal, safe, and effective family planning methods
including fertility awareness.
(2) Promotion of breastfeeding;
Section 18. Special Leave Benefits for Women. - A woman employee having
(3) Responsible, ethical, legal, safe, and effective methods of family
rendered continuous aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months
for the last twelve (12) months shall be entitled to a special leave benefit of
(4) Family and State collaboration in youth sexuality education and two (2) months with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation
health services without prejudice to the primary right and duty of following surgery caused by gynecological disorders.
parents to educate their children;
Section 19. Equal Rights in All Matters Relating to Marriage and Family
(5) Prevention and management of reproductive tract infections, Relations. - The State shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, and AIDS; discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family
relations and shall ensure:
(6) Prevention and management of reproductive tract cancers like
breast and cervical cancers, and other gynecological conditions and (a) the same rights to enter into and leave marriages or common law
disorders; relationships referred to under the Family Code without prejudice to
personal or religious beliefs;
(7) Prevention of abortion and management of pregnancy-related
complications; (b) the same rights to choose freely a spouse and to enter into
marriage only with their free and full consent. The betrothal and the
(8) In cases of violence against women and children, women and
marriage of a child shall have no legal effect;
children victims and survivors shall be provided with comprehensive
health services that include psychosocial, therapeutic, medical, and (c) the joint decision on the number and spacing of their children and
legal interventions and assistance towards healing, recovery, and to have access to the information, education and means to enable
empowerment; them to exercise these rights;
(9) Prevention and management of infertility and sexual dysfunction (d) the same personal rights between spouses or common law spouses
pursuant to ethical norms and medical standards; including the right to choose freely a profession and an occupation;
(10) Care of the elderly women beyond their child-bearing years; (e) the same rights for both spouses or common law spouses in respect
and of the ownership, acquisition, management, administration, enjoyment,
and disposition of property;
(11) Management, treatment, and intervention of mental health
problems of women and girls. In addition, healthy lifestyle activities (f) the same rights to properties and resources, whether titled or not,
are encouraged and promoted through programs and projects as and inheritance, whether formal or customary; and
strategies in the prevention of diseases.
(g) women shall have equal rights with men to acquire, change, or
(b) Comprehensive Health Information and Education. - The State shall retain their nationality. The State shall ensure in particular that neither
provide women in all sectors with appropriate, timely, complete, and accurate marriage to an alien nor change of nationality by the husband during
information and education on all the above-stated aspects of women's health marriage shall automatically change the nationality of the wife,
in government education and training programs, with due regard to the render her stateless or force upon her the nationality of the husband.
following: Various statutes of other countries concerning dual citizenship that
may be enjoyed equally by women and men shall likewise be
(1) The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing
of the youth and the development of moral character and the right of

Customary laws shall be respected: Provided, however, That they do not (2) Equal treatment shall be given to women and men
discriminate against women. beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program, wherein the
vested right of a woman agrarian reform beneficiary is
defined by a woman's relationship to tillage, i.e., her direct
and indirect contribution to the development of the land;
Women in marginalized sectors are hereby guaranteed all civil, political,
(3) Customary rights of women to the land, including access to
social, and economic rights recognized, promoted, and protected under
and control of the fruits and benefits, shall be recognized in
existing laws including, but not limited to, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act,
circumstances where private ownership is not possible, such as
the Urban Development and Housing Act, the Comprehensive Agrarian
ancestral domain claims:
Reform Law, the Fisheries Code, the Labor Code, the Migrant Workers Act,
the Solo Parents Welfare Act, and the Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation (4) Information and assistance in claiming rights to the land
Act. shall be made available to women at all times;
Section 20. Food Security and Productive Resources. - The State recognizes the (5) Equal rights to women to the enjoyment, use, and
contribution of women to food production and shall ensure its sustainability management of land, water, and other natural resources
and sufficiency with the active participation of women. Towards this end, the within their communities or ancestral domains;
State shall guarantee, at all times, the availability in the market of safe and
(6) Equal access to the use and management of fisheries and
health-giving food to satisfy the dietary needs of the population, giving
aquatic resources, and all the rights and benefits accruing to
particular attention to the specific needs of poor girl-children and
stakeholders in the fishing industry;
marginalized women, especially pregnant and lactating mothers and their
young children. To further address this, the State shall ensure: (7) Equal status shall be given to women and men in the
issuance of stewardship or lease agreements and other
(a) Right to Food. - The State shall guarantee the availability of food
fishery rights that may be granted for the use and
in quantity and quality sufficient to satisfy the dietary needs of
management of coastal and aquatic resources. In the same
individuals, the physical and economic accessibility for everyone to
manner, women's organizations shall be given equal
adequate food that is culturally acceptable and free from unsafe
treatment as with other marginalized fishers organizations in
substances and culturally accepted, and the accurate and substantial
the issuance of stewardship or lease agreements or other
information to the availability of food, including the right to full,
fishery rights for the use and management of such coastal
accurate, and truthful information about safe and health-giving foods
and aquatic resources which may include providing support to
and how to produce and have regular and easy access to them;
women-engaged coastal resources;
(b) Right to Resources for Food Production. - The State shall
(8) There shall be no discrimination against women in the
guarantee women a vital role in food production by giving priority to
deputization of fish wardens;
their rights to land, credit, and infrastructure support, technical
training, and technological and marketing assistance. The State shall (9) Women-friendly and sustainable agriculture technology
promote women-friendly technology as a high priority activity in shall be designed based on accessibility and viability in
agriculture and shall promote the right to adequate food by consultation with women's organizations;
proactively engaging in activities intended to strengthen access to,
(10) Access to small farmer-based and controlled seeds
utilization of, and receipt of accurate and substantial information on
production and distribution shall be ensured and protected;
resources and means to ensure women's livelihood, including food
security: (11) Indigenous practices of women in seed storage and
cultivation shall be recognized, encouraged, and protected;
(1) Equal status shall be given to women and men, whether
married or not, in the titling of the land and issuance of (12) Equal rights shall be given to women to be members of
stewardship contracts and patents; farmers' organizations to ensure wider access to and control
of the means of production;

(13) Provide opportunities for empowering women fishers to employment and other economic opportunities for women and by introducing
be involved in the control and management, not only of the measures to curb violence and forced and involuntary displacement of local
catch and production of aquamarine resources but also, to women. The State shall ensure the protection and promotion of the rights and
engage in entrepreneurial activities which will add value to welfare of migrant women regardless of their work status, and protect them
production and marketing ventures; and against discrimination in wages, conditions of work, and employment
opportunities in host countries.
(14) Provide economic opportunities for the indigenous
women. particularly access to market for their produce. Section 23. Right to Livelihood, Credit, Capital, and Technology. - The State
shall ensure that women are provided with the following:
In the enforcement of the foregoing, the requirements of law shall be
observed at all times. (a) Equal access to formal sources of credit and capital;
Section 21. Right to Housing. - The State shall develop housing programs for (b) Equal share to the produce of farms and aquatic resources; and
women that are localized, simple, accessible, with potable water, and
(c) Employment opportunities for returning women migrant workers
electricity, secure, with viable employment opportunities and affordable
taking into account their skills and qualifications. Corollarily, the State
amortization. In this regard, the State shall consult women and involve them in
shall also promote skills and entrepreneurship development of
community planning and development, especially in matters pertaining to land
returning women migrant workers.
use, zoning, and relocation.
Section 24. Right to Education and Training. - The State shall ensure the
Section 22. Right to Decent Work. - The State shall progressively realize and
ensure decent work standards for women that involve the creation of jobs of
acceptable quality in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human (a) Women migrant workers have the opportunity to undergo skills
dignity. training, if they so desire, before taking on a foreign job, and
possible retraining upon return to the country:
(a) Decent work involves opportunities for work that are productive and fairly
remunerative as family living wage, security in the workplace, and social (b) Gender-sensitive training and seminars; and
protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social
(c) Equal opportunities in scholarships based on merit and fitness,
integration, freedom for people to express their concerns organize,
especially to those interested in research and development aimed
participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and equality of opportunity
towards women-friendly farm technology.
and treatment for all women and men.
Section 25. Right to Representation and Participation. - The State shall ensure
(b) The State shall further ensure:
women's participation in policy-making or decision-making bodies in the
(1) Support services and gears to protect them from occupational and regional, national, and international levels. It shall also ensure the
health hazards taking into account women's maternal functions; participation of grassroots women leaders in decision and policy-making
bodies in their respective sectors including, but not limited to, the Presidential
(2) Support services that will enable women to balance their family
Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) and its local counterparts; community-based
obligations and work responsibilities including, but not limited to, the
resource management bodies or mechanisms on forest management and
establishment of day care centers and breast-feeding stations at the
stewardship; the National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
workplace, and providing maternity leave pursuant to the Labor
Council (NFARMC) and its local counterparts; the National Commission on
Code and other pertinent laws;
Indigenous Peoples; the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor; the
(3) Membership in unions regardless of status of employment and National Anti-Poverty Commission; and, where applicable, the local housing
place of employment; and boards.
(4) Respect for the observance of indigenous peoples' cultural Section 26. Right to Information. - Access to information regarding policies on
practices even in the workplace. women, including programs, projects, and funding outlays that affect them,
shall be ensured.
(c) In recognition of the temporary nature of overseas work, the State shall
exert all efforts to address the causes of out-migration by developing local Section 27. Social Protection. -

(a) The Social Security System (SSS) and the Philippine Health (d) Include the peace perspective in the education curriculum and
Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) shall support indigenous and other educational undertakings; and
community-based social protection schemes.
(e) The recognition and support for women's role in conflict-
(b) The State shall institute policies and programs that seek to reduce prevention, management, resolution and peacemaking, and in
the poverty and vulnerability to risks and enhance the social status indigenous systems of conflict resolution.
and rights of the marginalized women by promoting and protecting
Section 30. Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances. - For purposes of this
livelihood and employment, protecting against hazards and sudden;
Act, "Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances" (WEDC) shall refer to
loss of income, and improving people's capacity to manage risks.
victims and survivors of sexual and physical abuse, illegal recruitment,
(c) The State shall endeavor to reduce and eventually eliminate prostitution, trafficking, armed conflict, women in detention, victims and
transfer costs of remittances from abroad through appropriate survivors of rape and incest, and such other related circumstances which have
bilateral and multilateral agreements. It shall likewise provide access incapacitated them functionally. Local government units are therefore
to investment opportunities for remittances in line with national mandated to deliver the necessary services and interventions to WEDC under
development efforts. their respective jurisdictions.
(d) The State shall establish a health insurance program for senior Section 31. Services and Interventions. - WEDC shall be provided with services
citizens and indigents. and interventions as necessary such as, but not limited to, the following:
(e) The State shall support women with disabilities on a community- (a) Temporary and protective custody;
based social protection scheme.
(b) Medical and dental services;
Section 28. Recognition and Preservation of Cultural Identity and Integrity. - The
(c) Psychological evaluation;
State shall recognize and respect the rights of Moro and indigenous women to
practice, promote, protect, and preserve their own culture, traditions, and (d) Counseling;
institutions and to consider these rights in the formulation and implementation
(e) Psychiatric evaluation;
of national policies and programs. To this end, the State shall adopt measures
in consultation with the sectors concerned to protect their rights to their (f) Legal services;
indigenous knowledge systems and practices, traditional livelihood, and other
(g) Productivity skills capability building;
manifestations of their cultures and ways of life: Provided, That these cultural
systems and practices are not discriminatory to women. (h) Livelihood assistance;
Section 29. Peace and Development. - The peace process shall be pursued (i) Job placement;
with the following considerations:
(j) Financial assistance: and
(a) Increase the number of women participating in discussions and
(k) Transportation assistance.
decision-making in the peace process, including membership in peace
panels recognizing women's role in conflict- prevention and peace- Section 32. Protection of Girl-Children. - (a) The State shall pursue measures to
making and in indigenous system of conflict resolution; eliminate all forms of discrimination against girl-children in education, health
and nutrition, and skills development.
(b) Ensure the development and inclusion of women's welfare and
concerns in the peace agenda in the overall peace strategy and (b) Girl-children shall be protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation.
women's participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring,
(c) Equal access of Moro and indigenous girl-children in the Madaris, schools
and evaluation of rehabilitation and rebuilding of conflict-affected
of living culture and traditions, and the regular schools shall be ensured.
(d) Gender-sensitive curriculum, including legal literacy, books, and curriculum
(c) The institution of measures to ensure the protection of civilians in
in the Madaris and schools of living culture and traditions shall be developed.
conflict-affected communities with special consideration for the
specific needs of women and girls:

(e) Sensitivity of regular schools to particular Moro and indigenous practices, rights advocates and agency/women clientele. The cost of
such as fasting in the month of Ramadan, choice of clothing (including the implementing GAD programs shall be the agency's or the local
wearing of hijab), and availability of halal food shall be ensured. government unit's GAD budget which shall be at least five percent
(5%) of the agency's or the local government unit's total budget
Section 33. Protection of Senior Citizens. - The State shall protect women
senior citizens from neglect, abandonment, domestic violence, abuse,
exploitation, and discrimination. Towards this end, the State shall ensure Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7192, otherwise known as the Women in
special protective mechanisms and support services against violence, sexual Development and Nation Building Act, which allocates five percent
abuse, exploitation, and discrimination of older women. (5%) to thirty percent (30%) of overseas development assistance to
GAD, government agencies receiving official development assistance
Section 34. Women are entitled to the recognition and protection of their
should ensure the allocation and proper utilization of such funds to
rights defined and guaranteed under this Act including their right to
gender-responsive programs that complement the government GAD
funds and annually report accomplishments thereof to the National
Section 35. Discrimination Against Women is Prohibited. - Public and private Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Philippine
entities and individuals found to have committed discrimination against women Commission on Women (PCW).
shall be subject to the sanctions provided in Section 41 hereof. Violations of
The utilization and outcome of the GAD budget shall be annually
other rights of women shall be subject to sanctions under pertinent laws and
monitored and evaluated in terms of its success in influencing the
gender-responsive implementation of agency programs funded by
CHAPTER VI the remaining ninety-five percent (95%) budget.
The Commission on Audit (COA) shall conduct an annual audit on the
Section 36. Gender Mainstreaming as a Strategy for Implementing the Magna use of the GAD budget for the purpose of determining its judicious
Carta of Women. - Within a period prescribed in the implementing rules and use and the efficiency, and effectiveness of interventions in
regulations, the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) addressing gender issues towards the realization of the objectives of
shall assess its gender mainstreaming program for consistency with the the country's commitments, plans, and policies on women
standards under this Act. It shall modify the program accordingly to ensure empowerment, gender equality, and GAD.
that it will be an effective strategy for implementing this Act and attaining its
Local government units are also encouraged to develop and pass a
GAD Code based on the gender issues and concerns in their
All departments, including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, state respective localities based on consultation with their women
universities and colleges, government-owned and -controlled corporations, constituents and the women's empowerment and gender equality
local government units, and other government instrumentalities shall adopt agenda of the government. The GAD Code shall also serve as basis
gender mainstreaming as a strategy to promote women's human rights and for identifying programs, activities, and projects on GAD.
eliminate gender discrimination in their systems, structures, policies, programs,
Where needed, temporary gender equity measures shall be
processes, and procedures which shall include, but not limited to, the following:
provided for in the plans of all departments, including their attached
(a) Planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation for GAD. GAD agencies, offices, bureaus, state universities and colleges,
programs addressing gender issues and concerns shall be designed government-owned and -controlled corporations, local government
and implemented based on the mandate of government agencies and units, and other government instrumentalities.
local government units, Republic Act No. 7192, gender equality
To move towards a more sustainable, gender-responsive, and
agenda of the government and other GAD-related legislation,
performance-based planning and budgeting, gender issues and
policies, and commitments. The development of GAD programs shall
concerns shall be integrated in, among others, the following plans:
proceed from the conduct of a gender audit of the agency or the
local government unit and a gender analysis of its policies, programs, (1) Macro socioeconomic plans such as the Medium-Term
services and the situation of its clientele; the generation and review of Philippine Development Plan and Medium-Term Philippine
sex-disaggregated data; and consultation with gender/women's Investment Plan;

(2) Annual plans of all departments, including their attached Section 38. National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW). - The
agencies, offices, bureaus, state universities and colleges, and National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) shall be
government-owned and -controlled corporations; and renamed as the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the primary
policymaking and coordinating body of the women and gender equality
(3) Local plans and agenda such as executive-legislative
concerns under the Office of the President. The PCW shall be the overall
agenda, comprehensive development plan (CDP),
monitoring body and oversight to ensure the implementation of this Act. In
comprehensive land use plan (CLUP), provincial development
doing so, the PCW may direct any government agency and instrumentality, as
and physical framework plan (PDPFP), and annual investment
may be necessary, to report on the implementation of this Act and for them to
immediately respond to the problems brought to their attention in relation to
(b) Creation and/or Strengthening of the GAD Focal Points (GFP). All this Act. The PCW shall also lead in ensuring that government agencies are
departments, including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, state capacitated on the effective implementation of this Act. The chairperson shall
universities and colleges, government- owned and -controlled likewise report to the President in Cabinet meetings on the implementation of
corporations, local government units, and other government this Act.
instrumentalities shall establish or strengthen their GAD Focal Point
To the extent possible, the PCW shall influence the systems, processes, and
System or similar GAD mechanism to catalyze and accelerate gender
procedures of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
mainstreaming within the agency or local government unit.
vis-a-vis GAD to ensure the implementation of this Act.
The GAD Focal Point System shall be composed of the agency head
To effectively and efficiently undertake and accomplish its functions, the PCW
or local chief executive, an executive committee with an
shall revise its structure and staffing pattern with the assistance of the
Undersecretary (or its equivalent), local government unit official, or
Department of Budget and Management.
office in a strategic decision-making position as Chair; and a
technical working group or secretariat which is composed of Section 39. Commission on Human Rights (CHR). - The Commission, acting as
representatives from various divisions or offices within the agency or the Gender and Development Ombud, consistent with its mandate, shall
local government unit. undertake measures such as the following:
The tasks and functions of the members of the GFP shall form part of (a) Monitor with the PCW and other state agencies, among others, in
their regular key result areas and shall be given due consideration in developing indicators and guidelines to comply with their duties
their performance evaluation. related to the human rights of women, including their right to
nondiscrimination guaranteed under this Act;
(c) Generation and Maintenance of GAD Database. All departments,
including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, state universities (b) Designate one (1) commissioner and/or its Women's Human Rights
and colleges, government-owned and - controlled corporations, local Center to be primarily responsible for formulating and implementing
government units, and other government instrumentalities shall programs and activities related to the promotion and protection of
develop and maintain a GAD database containing gender statistics the human rights of women, including the investigations and
and sexdisaggregated data that have been systematically gathered, complaints of discrimination and violations of their rights brought
regularly updated; and subjected to; gender analysis for planning, under this Act and related laws and regulations;
programming, and policy formulation.
(c) Establish guidelines and mechanisms, among others, that will
Section 37. Gender Focal Point Officer in Philippine Embassies and Consulates. - facilitate access of women to legal remedies under this Act and
An officer duly trained on GAD shall be designated as the gender focal point related laws, and enhance the protection and promotion of the rights
in the consular section of Philippine embassies or consulates. Said officer shall of women, especially marginalized women;
be primarily responsible in handling gender concerns of women migrant
(d) Assist in the filing of cases against individuals, agencies,
workers. Attached agencies shall cooperate in strengthening the Philippine
institutions, or establishments that violate the provisions of this Act;
foreign posts' programs for the delivery of services to women migrant

(e) Recommend to the President of the Philippines or the Civil Service Section 43. Funding. - The initial funding requirements for the implementation
Commission any possible administrative action based on of this Act shall be charged against the current appropriations of the agencies
noncompliance or failure to implement the provisions of this Act. concerned. Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for the implementation
of this Act shall be included in the agencies' yearly budgets under the
Section 40. Monitoring Progress and Implementation and Impact of this Act. - The
General Appropriations Act.
PCW, in coordination with other state agencies and the CHR, shall submit to
Congress regular reports on the progress of the implementation of this Act The State shall prioritize allocation of all available resources to effectively
highlighting the impact thereof on the status and human rights of women: fulfill its obligations specified under this Act. The State agencies' GAD
Provided, That the second report shall include an assessment of the budgets, which shall be at least five percent (5%) of their total budgetary
effectiveness of this Act and recommend amendments to improve its provisions: allocation, shall also be utilized for the programs and activities to implement
Provided, finally, That these reports shall be submitted to Congress every this Act.
three (3) years or as determined in the implementing rules and regulations.
Section 44. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - As the lead agency, the
Section 41. Penalties. - Upon finding of the CHR that a department, agency, PCW shall, in coordination with the Commission on Human Rights and all
or instrumentality of government, government-owned and -controlled concerned government departments and agencies including, as observers,
corporation, or local government unit has violated any provision of this Act both Houses of Congress through the Committee on Youth, Women and Family
and its implementing rules and regulations, the sanctions under administrative Relations (Senate) and the Committee on Women and Gender Equality (House
law, civil service, or other appropriate laws shall be recommended to the Civil of Representatives) and with the participation of representatives from
Service Commission and/or the Department of the Interior and Local nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and civil society groups with proven
Government. The person directly responsible for the violation as well as the track record of involvement and promotion of the rights and welfare of
head of the agency or local chief executive shall be held liable under this Act. Filipino women and girls identified by the PCW, formulate the implementing
rules and regulations (IRR) of this Act within one hundred eighty (180) days
If the violation is committed by a private entity or individual, the person
after its effectivity.
directly responsible for the violation shall be liable to pay damages.
Section 45. Separability Clause. - If any provision or part hereof is held invalid
Filing a complaint under this Act shall not preclude the offended party from
or unconstitutional, the remainder of the law or the provisions not otherwise
pursuing other remedies available under the law and to invoke any of the
affected shall remain valid and subsisting.
provisions of existing laws especially those recently enacted laws protecting
women and children, including the Women in Development and Nation Section 46. Repealing Clause. - Any law, presidential decree or issuance,
Building Act (Republic Act No. 7192), the Special Protection of Children executive order, letter of instruction, administrative order, rule, or regulation
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act (Republic Act No. contrary to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of this Act is hereby repealed,
7610), the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7877), the modified, or amended accordingly.
Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (Republic Act No. 8353), the Rape Victim Assistance
Section 47. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days
and Protection Act of 1998 (Republic Act No. 8505), the Anti-Trafficking in
after its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Persons Act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9208) and the Anti- Violence Against
Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9262). If violence
has been proven to be perpetrated by agents of the State including, but not
limited to, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, and
internal displacements, such shall be considered aggravating offenses with
corresponding penalties depending on the severity of the offenses.
Section 42. Incentives and Awards. - There shall be established an incentives
and awards system which shall be administered by a board under such rules
and regulations as may be promulgated by the PCW to deserving entities,
government agencies, and local government units for their outstanding
performance in upholding the rights of women and effective implementation
of gender-responsive programs.

Republic Act 9262 b) Acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual
activity by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004
or other harm or coercion;
c) Prostituting the woman or child.
C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to
SECTION 1. Short Title.- This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Violence
cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to
Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004."
intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy.- It is hereby declared that the State humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing
values the dignity of women and children and guarantees full respect for or allowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of
human rights. The State also recognizes the need to protect the family and its a member of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness
members particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or
personal safety and security. unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common
Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence committed
against women and children in keeping with the fundamental freedoms D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman
guaranteed under the Constitution and the Provisions of the Universal financially dependent which includes, but is not limited to the following:
Declaration of Human Rights, the convention on the Elimination of all forms of
1. Withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in
discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child and
any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases
other international human rights instruments of which the Philippines is a party.
wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act: as defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
(a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a 2. Deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to
series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, the use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property owned in
former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual common;
or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her
3. Destroying household property;
child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode,
which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or 4. Controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the
suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault, conjugal money or properties.
coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not
(b) "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or
limited to, the following acts:
her child resulting to the physical and psychological or emotional distress.
A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm;
(c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pattern of
B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering
against a woman or her child. It includes, but is not limited to: relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.
a) Rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or her (d) "Stalking" refers to an intentional act committed by a person who,
child as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks, knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or her child or
physically attacking the sexual parts of the victim's body, forcing her/him to places the woman or her child under surveillance directly or indirectly or a
watch obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her combination thereof.
child to do indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and
(e) "Dating relationship" refers to a situation wherein the parties live as
mistress/lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or are romantically
with the abuser;
involved over time and on a continuing basis during the course of the
relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two
individuals in a business or social context is not a dating relationship.

(f) "Sexual relations" refers to a single sexual act which may or may not (4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession,
result in the bearing of a common child. occupation, business or activity or controlling the victim's own mon4ey or
properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or properties.
(g) "Safe place or shelter" refers to any home or institution maintained or
managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or (f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the purpose
by any other agency or voluntary organization accredited by the DSWD for of controlling her actions or decisions;
the purposes of this Act or any other suitable place the resident of which is
(g) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in any
willing temporarily to receive the victim.
sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of force,
(h) "Children" refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but physical harm, or through intimidation directed against the woman or her child
are incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under Republic Act No. or her/his immediate family;
7610. As used in this Act, it includes the biological children of the victim and
(h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct, personally or through
other children under her care.
another, that alarms or causes substantial emotional or psychological distress
SECTION 4. Construction.- This Act shall be liberally construed to promote to the woman or her child. This shall include, but not be limited to, the
the protection and safety of victims of violence against women and their following acts:
(1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private places;
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children.- The
(2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence of the woman or
crime of violence against women and their children is committed through any
her child;
of the following acts:
(3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of the woman or
(a) Causing physical harm to the woman or her child;
her child against her/his will;
(b) Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm;
(4) Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting harm to
(c) Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm; animals or pets of the woman or her child; and
(d) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm; (5) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence.
(e) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to engage in (i) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to the
conduct which the woman or her child has the right to desist from or desist woman or her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and
from conduct which the woman or her child has the right to engage in, or emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of minor children
attempting to restrict or restricting the woman's or her child's freedom of of access to the woman's child/children.
movement or conduct by force or threat of force, physical or other harm or
SECTION 6. Penalties.- The crime of violence against women and their
threat of physical or other harm, or intimidation directed against the woman
children, under Sec. 5 hereof shall be punished according to the following
or child. This shall include, but not limited to, the following acts committed with
the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting the woman's or her child's
movement or conduct: (a) Acts falling under Sec. 5(a) constituting attempted, frustrated or
consummated parricide or murder or homicide shall be punished in
(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman or her child of
accordance with the provisions of the Revised Penal Code;
custody to her/his family;
If these acts resulted in mutilation, it shall be punishable in accordance with
(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of financial
the Revised Penal Code; those constituting serious physical injuries shall have
support legally due her or her family, or deliberately providing the woman's
the penalty of prison mayor; those constituting less serious physical injuries
children insufficient financial support;
shall be punished by prision correccional; and those constituting slight physical
(3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a legal injuries shall be punished by arresto mayor;
right; and

Acts falling under Sec. 5(b) shall be punished by imprisonment of two degrees (b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing, annoying, telephoning,
lower than the prescribed penalty for the consummated crime as specified in contacting or otherwise communicating with the petitioner, directly or
the preceding paragraph but shall in no case be lower than arresto mayor; indirectly;
(b) Acts falling under Sec. 5(c) and 5(d) shall be punished by arresto mayor; (c) Removal and exclusion of the respondent from the residence of the
petitioner, regardless of ownership of the residence, either temporarily for
(c) Acts falling under Sec. 5(e) shall be punished by prision correccional;
the purpose of protecting the petitioner, or permanently where no property
(d) Acts falling under Sec. 5(f) shall be punished by arresto mayor; rights are violated, and if respondent must remove personal effects from the
residence, the court shall direct a law enforcement agent to accompany the
(e) Acts falling under Sec. 5(g) shall be punished by prision mayor;
respondent has gathered his things and escort respondent from the residence;
(f) Acts falling under Sec. 5(h) and Sec. 5(i) shall be punished by prision
(d) Directing the respondent to stay away from petitioner and designated
family or household member at a distance specified by the court, and to stay
If the acts are committed while the woman or child is pregnant or committed in away from the residence, school, place of employment, or any specified
the presence of her child, the penalty to be applied shall be the maximum place frequented by the petitioner and any designated family or household
period of penalty prescribed in the Sec. member;
In addition to imprisonment, the perpetrator shall (a) pay a fine in the amount (e) Directing lawful possession and use by petitioner of an automobile and
of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more other essential personal effects, regardless of ownership, and directing the
than three hundred thousand pesos (300,000.00); (b) undergo mandatory appropriate law enforcement officer to accompany the petitioner to the
psychological counseling or psychiatric treatment and shall report compliance residence of the parties to ensure that the petitioner is safely restored to the
to the court. possession of the automobile and other essential personal effects, or to
supervise the petitioner's or respondent's removal of personal belongings;
SECTION 7. Venue.- The Regional Trial Court designated as a Family Court
shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases of violence against (f) Granting a temporary or permanent custody of a child/children to the
women and their children under this law. In the absence of such court in the petitioner;
place where the offense was committed, the case shall be filed in the
(g) Directing the respondent to provide support to the woman and/or her
Regional Trial Court where the crime or any of its elements was committed at
child if entitled to legal support. Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary,
the option of the compliant.
the court shall order an appropriate percentage of the income or salary of
SECTION 8. Protection Orders.- A protection order is an order issued under the respondent to be withheld regularly by the respondent's employer for the
this act for the purpose of preventing further acts of violence against a same to be automatically remitted directly to the woman. Failure to remit
woman or her child specified in Sec. 5 of this Act and granting other and/or withhold or any delay in the remittance of support to the woman
necessary relief. The relief granted under a protection order serve the and/or her child without justifiable cause shall render the respondent or his
purpose of safeguarding the victim from further harm, minimizing any employer liable for indirect contempt of court;
disruption in the victim's daily life, and facilitating the opportunity and ability
(h) Prohibition of the respondent from any use or possession of any firearm or
of the victim to independently regain control over her life. The provisions of
deadly weapon and order him to surrender the same to the court for
the protection order shall be enforced by law enforcement agencies. The
appropriate disposition by the court, including revocation of license and
protection orders that may be issued under this Act are the barangay
disqualification to apply for any license to use or possess a firearm. If the
protection order (BPO), temporary protection order (TPO) and permanent
offender is a law enforcement agent, the court shall order the offender to
protection order (PPO). The protection orders that may be issued under this
surrender his firearm and shall direct the appropriate authority to investigate
Act shall include any, some or all of the following reliefs:
on the offender and take appropriate action on matter;
(a) Prohibition of the respondent from threatening to commit or committing,
(i) Restitution for actual damages caused by the violence inflicted, including,
personally or through another, any of the acts mentioned in Sec. 5 of this Act;
but not limited to, property damage, medical expenses, childcare expenses
and loss of income;

(j) Directing the DSWD or any appropriate agency to provide petitioner may violence as described in this Act. A standard protection order application
need; and form, written in English with translation to the major local languages, shall be
made available to facilitate applications for protections order, and shall
(k) Provision of such other forms of relief as the court deems necessary to
contain, among other, the following information:
protect and provide for the safety of the petitioner and any designated
family or household member, provided petitioner and any designated family (a) names and addresses of petitioner and respondent;
or household member consents to such relief.
(b) description of relationships between petitioner and respondent;
Any of the reliefs provided under this Sec. shall be granted even in the
(c) a statement of the circumstances of the abuse;
absence of a decree of legal separation or annulment or declaration of
absolute 'ity of marriage. (d) description of the reliefs requested by petitioner as specified in Sec. 8
The issuance of a BPO or the pendency of an application for BPO shall not
preclude a petitioner from applying for, or the court from granting a TPO or (e) request for counsel and reasons for such;
(f) request for waiver of application fees until hearing; and
SECTION 9. Who may file Petition for Protection Orders. – A petition for
(g) an attestation that there is no pending application for a protection order
protection order may be filed by any of the following:
in another court.
(a) The offended party;
If the applicants is not the victim, the application must be accompanied by an
(b) Parents or guardians of the offended party; affidavit of the applicant attesting to (a) the circumstances of the abuse
suffered by the victim and (b) the circumstances of consent given by the victim
(c) Ascendants, descendants or collateral relatives within the fourth civil
for the filling of the application. When disclosure of the address of the victim
degree of consanguinity or affinity;
will pose danger to her life, it shall be so stated in the application. In such a
(d) Officers or social workers of the DSWD or social workers of local case, the applicant shall attest that the victim is residing in the municipality or
government units (LGUs); city over which court has territorial jurisdiction, and shall provide a mailing
address for purpose of service processing.
(e) Police officers, preferably those in charge of women and children's desks;
An application for protection order filed with a court shall be considered an
(f) Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad;
application for both a TPO and PPO.
(g) Lawyer, counselor, therapist or healthcare provider of the petitioner;
Barangay officials and court personnel shall assist applicants in the
(h) At least two (2) concerned responsible citizens of the city or municipality preparation of the application. Law enforcement agents shall also extend
where the violence against women and their children occurred and who has assistance in the application for protection orders in cases brought to their
personal knowledge of the offense committed. attention.
SECTION 10. Where to Apply for a Protection Order. – Applications for SECTION 12. Enforceability of Protection Orders. – All TPOs and PPOs
BPOs shall follow the rules on venue under Sec. 409 of the Local Government issued under this Act shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines and a
Code of 1991 and its implementing rules and regulations. An application for violation thereof shall be punishable with a fine ranging from Five Thousand
a TPO or PPO may be filed in the regional trial court, metropolitan trial court, Pesos (P5,000.00) to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) and/or imprisonment
municipal trial court, municipal circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction over of six (6) months.
the place of residence of the petitioner: Provided, however, That if a family
SECTION 13. Legal Representation of Petitioners for Protection Order. – If
court exists in the place of residence of the petitioner, the application shall be
the woman or her child requests in the applications for a protection order for
filed with that court.
the appointment of counsel because of lack of economic means to hire a
SECTION 11. How to Apply for a Protection Order. – The application for a counsel de parte, the court shall immediately direct the Public Attorney's
protection order must be in writing, signed and verified under oath by the Office (PAO) to represent the petitioner in the hearing on the application. If
applicant. It may be filed as an independent action or as incidental relief in the PAO determines that the applicant can afford to hire the services of a
any civil or criminal case the subject matter or issues thereof partakes of a counsel de parte, it shall facilitate the legal representation of the petitioner

by a counsel de parte. The lack of access to family or conjugal resources by court shall allow the introduction of any history of abusive conduct of a
the applicant, such as when the same are controlled by the perpetrator, shall respondent even if the same was not directed against the applicant or the
qualify the petitioner to legal representation by the PAO. person for whom the applicant is made.
However, a private counsel offering free legal service is not barred from The court shall, to the extent possible, conduct the hearing on the merits of the
representing the petitioner. issuance of a PPO in one (1) day. Where the court is unable to conduct the
hearing within one (1) day and the TPO issued is due to expire, the court shall
SECTION 14. Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs); Who May Issue and
continuously extend or renew the TPO for a period of thirty (30) days at each
How. - Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs) refer to the protection order
particular time until final judgment is issued. The extended or renewed TPO
issued by the Punong Barangay ordering the perpetrator to desist from
may be modified by the court as may be necessary or applicable to address
committing acts under Sec. 5 (a) and (b) of this Act. A Punong Barangay who
the needs of the applicant.
receives applications for a BPO shall issue the protection order to the
applicant on the date of filing after ex parte determination of the basis of The court may grant any, some or all of the reliefs specified in Sec. 8 hereof
the application. If the Punong Barangay is unavailable to act on the in a PPO. A PPO shall be effective until revoked by a court upon application
application for a BPO, the application shall be acted upon by any available of the person in whose favor the order was issued. The court shall ensure
Barangay Kagawad. If the BPO is issued by a Barangay Kagawad the order immediate personal service of the PPO on respondent.
must be accompanied by an attestation by the Barangay Kagawad that the
The court shall not deny the issuance of protection order on the basis of the
Punong Barangay was unavailable at the time for the issuance of the BPO.
lapse of time between the act of violence and the filing of the application.
BPOs shall be effective for fifteen (15) days. Immediately after the issuance
of an ex parte BPO, the Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad shall Regardless of the conviction or acquittal of the respondent, the Court must
personally serve a copy of the same on the respondent, or direct any determine whether or not the PPO shall become final. Even in a dismissal, a
barangay official to effect is personal service. PPO shall be granted as long as there is no clear showing that the act from
which the order might arise did not exist.
The parties may be accompanied by a non-lawyer advocate in any
proceeding before the Punong Barangay. SECTION 17. Notice of Sanction in Protection Orders. – The following
statement must be printed in bold-faced type or in capital letters on the
SECTION 15. Temporary Protection Orders. – Temporary Protection Orders
protection order issued by the Punong Barangay or court:
(TPOs) refers to the protection order issued by the court on the date of filing
of the application after ex parte determination that such order should be "VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW."
issued. A court may grant in a TPO any, some or all of the reliefs mentioned in
SECTION 18. Mandatory Period For Acting on Applications For Protection
this Act and shall be effective for thirty (30) days. The court shall schedule a
Orders – Failure to act on an application for a protection order within the
hearing on the issuance of a PPO prior to or on the date of the expiration of
reglementary period specified in the previous Sec. without justifiable cause
the TPO. The court shall order the immediate personal service of the TPO on
shall render the official or judge administratively liable.
the respondent by the court sheriff who may obtain the assistance of law
enforcement agents for the service. The TPO shall include notice of the date of SECTION 19. Legal Separation Cases. – In cases of legal separation, where
the hearing on the merits of the issuance of a PPO. violence as specified in this Act is alleged, Article 58 of the Family Code shall
not apply. The court shall proceed on the main case and other incidents of the
SECTION 16. Permanent Protection Orders. – Permanent Protection Order
case as soon as possible. The hearing on any application for a protection
(PPO) refers to protection order issued by the court after notice and hearing.
order filed by the petitioner must be conducted within the mandatory period
Respondents non-appearance despite proper notice, or his lack of a lawyer, specified in this Act.
or the non-availability of his lawyer shall not be a ground for rescheduling or
SECTION 20. Priority of Application for a Protection Order. – Ex parte and
postponing the hearing on the merits of the issuance of a PPO. If the
adversarial hearings to determine the basis of applications for a protection
respondents appears without counsel on the date of the hearing on the PPO,
order under this Act shall have priority over all other proceedings. Barangay
the court shall appoint a lawyer for the respondent and immediately proceed
officials and the courts shall schedule and conduct hearings on applications for
with the hearing. In case the respondent fails to appear despite proper
a protection order under this Act above all other business and, if necessary,
notice, the court shall allow ex parte presentation of the evidence by the
applicant and render judgment on the basis of the evidence presented. The

suspend other proceedings in order to hear applications for a protection of the elements for justifying circumstances of self-defense under the Revised
order. Penal Code.
SECTION 21. Violation of Protection Orders. – A complaint for a violation of In the determination of the state of mind of the woman who was suffering
a BPO issued under this Act must be filed directly with any municipal trial from battered woman syndrome at the time of the commission of the crime,
court, metropolitan trial court, or municipal circuit trial court that has territorial the courts shall be assisted by expert psychiatrists/ psychologists.
jurisdiction over the barangay that issued the BPO. Violation of a BPO shall
SECTION 27. Prohibited Defense. – Being under the influence of alcohol, any
be punishable by imprisonment of thirty (30) days without prejudice to any
illicit drug, or any other mind-altering substance shall not be a defense under
other criminal or civil action that the offended party may file for any of the
this Act.
acts committed.
SECTION 28. Custody of children. – The woman victim of violence shall be
A judgement of violation of a BPO ma be appealed according to the Rules of
entitled to the custody and support of her child/children. Children below
Court. During trial and upon judgment, the trial court may motu proprio issue
seven (7) years old older but with mental or physical disabilities shall
a protection order as it deems necessary without need of an application.
automatically be given to the mother, with right to support, unless the court
Violation of any provision of a TPO or PPO issued under this Act shall finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.
constitute contempt of court punishable under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court,
A victim who is suffering from battered woman syndrome shall not be
without prejudice to any other criminal or civil action that the offended party
disqualified from having custody of her children. In no case shall custody of
may file for any of the acts committed.
minor children be given to the perpetrator of a woman who is suffering from
SECTION 22. Applicability of Protection Orders to Criminal Cases. – The Battered woman syndrome.
foregoing provisions on protection orders shall be applicable in impliedly
SECTION 29. Duties of Prosecutors/Court Personnel. – Prosecutors and court
instituted with the criminal actions involving violence against women and their
personnel should observe the following duties when dealing with victims under
this Act:
SECTION 23. Bond to Keep the Peace. – The Court may order any person
a) communicate with the victim in a language understood by the woman or her
against whom a protection order is issued to give a bond to keep the peace,
child; and
to present two sufficient sureties who shall undertake that such person will not
commit the violence sought to be prevented. b) inform the victim of her/his rights including legal remedies available and
procedure, and privileges for indigent litigants.
Should the respondent fail to give the bond as required, he shall be detained
for a period which shall in no case exceed six (6) months, if he shall have SECTION 30. Duties of Barangay Officials and Law Enforcers. – Barangay
been prosecuted for acts punishable under Sec. 5(a) to 5(f) and not officials and law enforcers shall have the following duties:
exceeding thirty (30) days, if for acts punishable under Sec. 5(g) to 5(i).
(a) respond immediately to a call for help or request for assistance or
The protection orders referred to in this Sec. are the TPOs and the PPOs protection of the victim by entering the necessary whether or not a protection
issued only by the courts. order has been issued and ensure the safety of the victim/s;
SECTION 24. Prescriptive Period. – Acts falling under Sec.s 5(a) to 5(f) shall (b) confiscate any deadly weapon in the possession of the perpetrator or
prescribe in twenty (20) years. Acts falling under Sec.s 5(g) to 5(i) shall within plain view;
prescribe in ten (10) years.
(c) transport or escort the victim/s to a safe place of their choice or to a clinic
SECTION 25. Public Crime. – Violence against women and their children shall or hospital;
be considered a public offense which may be prosecuted upon the filing of a
(d) assist the victim in removing personal belongs from the house;
complaint by any citizen having personal knowledge of the circumstances
involving the commission of the crime. (e) assist the barangay officials and other government officers and
employees who respond to a call for help;
SECTION 26. Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense. – Victim-survivors
who are found by the courts to be suffering from battered woman syndrome (f) ensure the enforcement of the Protection Orders issued by the Punong
do not incur any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the absence of any Barangy or the courts;

(g) arrest the suspected perpetrator wiithout a warrant when any of the acts Failure to comply with this Sec. shall render the official or judge
of violence defined by this Act is occurring, or when he/she has personal administratively liable.
knowledge that any act of abuse has just been committed, and there is
SECTION 34. Persons Intervening Exempt from Liability. – In every case of
imminent danger to the life or limb of the victim as defined in this Act; and
violence against women and their children as herein defined, any person,
(h) immediately report the call for assessment or assistance of the DSWD, private individual or police authority or barangay official who, acting in
social Welfare Department of LGUs or accredited non-government accordance with law, responds or intervenes without using violence or restraint
organizations (NGOs). greater than necessary to ensure the safety of the victim, shall not be liable
for any criminal, civil or administrative liability resulting therefrom.
Any barangay official or law enforcer who fails to report the incident shall be
liable for a fine not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or whenever SECTION 35. Rights of Victims. – In addition to their rights under existing
applicable criminal, civil or administrative liability. laws, victims of violence against women and their children shall have the
following rights:
SECTION 31. Healthcare Provider Response to Abuse – Any healthcare
provider, including, but not limited to, an attending physician, nurse, clinician, (a) to be treated with respect and dignity;
barangay health worker, therapist or counselor who suspects abuse or has
(b) to avail of legal assistance form the PAO of the Department of Justice
been informed by the victim of violence shall:
(DOJ) or any public legal assistance office;
(a) properly document any of the victim's physical, emotional or psychological
(c) To be entitled to support services form the DSWD and LGUs'
(d) To be entitled to all legal remedies and support as provided for under the
(b) properly record any of victim's suspicions, observations and circumstances
Family Code; and
of the examination or visit;
(e) To be informed of their rights and the services available to them including
(c) automatically provide the victim free of charge a medical certificate
their right to apply for a protection order.
concerning the examination or visit;
SECTION 36. Damages. – Any victim of violence under this Act shall be
(d) safeguard the records and make them available to the victim upon
entitled to actual, compensatory, moral and exemplary damages.
request at actual cost; and
SECTION 37. Hold Departure Order. – The court shall expedite the process of
(e) provide the victim immediate and adequate notice of rights and remedies
issuance of a hold departure order in cases prosecuted under this Act.
provided under this Act, and services available to them.
SECTION 38. Exemption from Payment of Docket Fee and Other
SECTION 32. Duties of Other Government Agencies and LGUs – Other
Expenses. – If the victim is an indigent or there is an immediate necessity due
government agencies and LGUs shall establish programs such as, but not
to imminent danger or threat of danger to act on an application for a
limited to, education and information campaign and seminars or symposia on
protection order, the court shall accept the application without payment of the
the nature, causes, incidence and consequences of such violence particularly
filing fee and other fees and of transcript of stenographic notes.
towards educating the public on its social impacts.
SECTION 39. Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and Their
It shall be the duty of the concerned government agencies and LGU's to
Children (IAC-VAWC). -In pursuance of the abovementioned policy, there is
ensure the sustained education and training of their officers and personnel on
hereby established an Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and
the prevention of violence against women and their children under the Act.
their children, hereinafter known as the Council, which shall be composed of
SECTION 33. Prohibited Acts. – A Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawad or the following agencies:
the court hearing an application for a protection order shall not order, direct,
(a) Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD);
force or in any way unduly influence he applicant for a protection order to
compromise or abandon any of the reliefs sought in the application for (b) National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW);
protection under this Act. Sec. 7 of the Family Courts Act of 1997 and Sec.s
(c) Civil Service Commission (CSC);
410, 411, 412 and 413 of the Local Government Code of 1991 shall not
apply in proceedings where relief is sought under this Act. (d) Commission on Human rights (CHR)

(e) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC); d. the legal duties imposed on police officers to make arrest and to offer
protection and assistance; and
(f) Department of Justice (DOJ);
e. techniques for handling incidents of violence against women and their
(g) Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG);
children that minimize the likelihood of injury to the officer and promote the
(h) Philippine National Police (PNP); safety of the victim or survivor.
(i) Department of Health (DOH); The PNP, in coordination with LGU's shall establish an education and training
program for police officers and barangay officials to enable them to
(j) Department of Education (DepEd);
properly handle cases of violence against women and their children.
(k) Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); and
SECTION 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be entitled to
(l) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). take a paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition to other paid
leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations,
These agencies are tasked to formulate programs and projects to eliminate
extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the protection order.
VAW based on their mandates as well as develop capability programs for
their employees to become more sensitive to the needs of their clients. The Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this Sec. shall
Council will also serve as the monitoring body as regards to VAW initiatives. be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and Civil
Service Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an employer who shall prejudice any
The Council members may designate their duly authorized representative who
person for assisting a co-employee who is a victim under this Act shall likewise
shall have a rank not lower than an assistant secretary or its equivalent. These
be liable for discrimination.
representatives shall attend Council meetings in their behalf, and shall receive
emoluments as may be determined by the Council in accordance with existing SECTION 44. Confidentiality. – All records pertaining to cases of violence
budget and accounting rules and regulations. against women and their children including those in the barangay shall be
confidential and all public officers and employees and public or private
SECTION 40. Mandatory Programs and Services for Victims. – The DSWD,
clinics to hospitals shall respect the right to privacy of the victim. Whoever
and LGU's shall provide the victims temporary shelters, provide counseling,
publishes or causes to be published, in any format, the name, address,
psycho-social services and /or, recovery, rehabilitation programs and
telephone number, school, business address, employer, or other identifying
livelihood assistance.
information of a victim or an immediate family member, without the latter's
The DOH shall provide medical assistance to victims. consent, shall be liable to the contempt power of the court.
SECTION 41. Counseling and Treatment of Offenders. – The DSWD shall Any person who violates this provision shall suffer the penalty of one (1) year
provide rehabilitative counseling and treatment to perpetrators towards imprisonment and a fine of not more than Five Hundred Thousand pesos
learning constructive ways of coping with anger and emotional outbursts and (P500,000.00).
reforming their ways. When necessary, the offender shall be ordered by the
SECTION 45. Funding – The amount necessary to implement the provisions of
Court to submit to psychiatric treatment or confinement.
this Act shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA).
SECTION 42. Training of Persons Involved in Responding to Violence
The Gender and Development (GAD) Budget of the mandated agencies and
Against Women and their Children Cases. – All agencies involved in
LGU's shall be used to implement services for victim of violence against
responding to violence against women and their children cases shall be
women and their children.
required to undergo education and training to acquaint them with:
SECTION 46. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within six (6) months
a. the nature, extend and causes of violence against women and their
from the approval of this Act, the DOJ, the NCRFW, the DSWD, the DILG, the
DOH, and the PNP, and three (3) representatives from NGOs to be identified
b. the legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of violence against by the NCRFW, shall promulgate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
women and their children; of this Act.
c. the services and facilities available to victims or survivors; SECTION 47. Suppletory Application – For purposes of this Act, the Revised
Penal Code and other applicable laws, shall have suppletory application.

SECTION 48. Separability Clause. – If any Sec. or provision of this Act is held
unconstitutional or invalid, the other Sec.s or provisions shall not be affected.
SECTION 50. Repealing Clause – All laws, Presidential decrees, executive
orders and rules and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 51. Effectivity – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the
date of its complete publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general
Approved: March 08, 2004

A.M. No. 04-10-11-SC October 19, 2004 (a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a
series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his
wife, former wife, or a woman with whom the person has or had a
RESOLUTION dating or sexual relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or
against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without
Acting on the report of the Committee on Revision of the Rules of Court
the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in physical,
submitting for this Court's consideration and approval the Proposed Rule on
sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including
Violence Against Women and Their Children, the Court Resolved to APPROVE
threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
the same.
arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
The Rule shall take effect on November 15, 2004 following its publication in
(b) "Children" refers to persons below eighteen years of age or older
a newspaper of general circulation not later than October 30, 2004.
but are unable to fully take care of themselves from abuse, neglect,
Davide, Jr., C.J., Puno, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Sandoval- cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental
Gutierrez, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Corona, Morales, Callejo, Sr., Tinga, disability or condition. It includes the biological children of the
Chico-Nazario, and Garcia, JJ., concur. offended party and other children under her care.
Azcuna, J., on leave.
(c) "Members of the family" shall include husband and wife, parents
and children, the ascendants or descendants, brothers and sisters,
whether of the full or half blood, whether living together or not.
RULE ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN (d) "Members of the household" shall include:
SECTION 1. Applicability. - This Rule shall apply to petitions for protection (1) Spouses, common-law spouses, former spouses, whether
orders in cases of violence against women and their children under R.A. No. living together or not, and their children;
9262, otherwise known as the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
(2) Relatives by consanguinity or affinity up to the sixth civil
Children Act of 2004."
degree, including stepparents and stepchildren living
The Rules of Court shall apply suppletorily. together in the same house; and
SEC. 2. Construction. - This Rule shall be liberally construed to promote its (3) Domestic helpers in the service of the employer, whose
objectives pursuant to the principles of restorative justice. services are usually necessary or desirable for the
maintenance and enjoyment of the home, who attend to the
SEC. 3. Objectives. - The objectives of this Rule are:
personal comfort and convenience of the members of the
(a) To protect the rights of the family and its members particularly household.
women and children from violence and threats to their personal
(e) "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the
safety and security;
woman or her child resulting in physical and psychological or
(b) To enable the courts to manage and monitor cases involving emotional distress.
violence against women and children and the members of their family
(f) "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature
or household;
committed against a woman or her child. It includes the following:
(c) To prevent any disruption in the daily lives of the offended parties
(1) rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a
and assist them to regain control of their lives;
woman or her child as a sex object, making demeaning and
(d) To ensure that treatment is provided for the offended parties and sexually suggestive remarks, physically attacking the sexual
offenders; and parts of the victim's body, forcing the offended party to
watch obscene publications and indecent shows or to do
(e) To hold the offenders accountable for their acts.
indecent acts or make films thereof, forcing the wife and
SEC. 4. Definitions. - As used in this Rule:

mistress or lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep (I) "Program of intervention for offenders" refers to court-ordered
together in the same room with the abuser; treatment of offenders given by agencies or persons who have
demonstrated expertise and experience in anger control,
(2) acts causing or attempting to cause the offended party to
management of alcohol, substance abuse; and other forms of
engage in any sexual activity by force, threat of force,
intervention to stop violence,
physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm or
coercion; and (m) "Safe Place or Shelter" refers to any home or institution managed
by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or
(3) prostitution of the woman or her child.
by any agency or voluntary organization accredited by the DSWD or
(g) "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or any other suitable place the resident of which is willing to receive the
likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the offended party offended party temporarily.
such as intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public
(n) "Safety plan" refers to a written plan of action prepared by a
ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital infidelity.
social worker and approved by the court to secure the protection of
It includes causing or allowing the offended party to witness the
the offended party.
physical, sexual or psychological abuse; of a member of the family to
which the offended party belongs, or to witness pornography in any (o) "Protection order" is an order issued by the court to prevent
form or .to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted further acts of violence against women and their children, their family
deprivation of the right to custody or visitation of common children. or household members, and to grant other necessary relief. Its
purpose is to safeguard the offended parties from further harm,
(h) "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a
minimize any disruption in their daily life and facilitate the
woman financially dependent which includes the following:
opportunity and ability to regain control of their life.
(1) withdrawing of financial support or preventing the
(p) "Barangay protection order" (BPO) refers to the protection order
offended party from engaging in any legitimate profession,
issued by the Punong Barangay, or in his absence the Barangay
occupation, business or activity, except in cases where the
Kagawad, ordering the perpetrator to desist from committing acts of
other spouse or partner objects on valid, serious and moral
violence against the family or household members particularly women
grounds as defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
and their children under Sections 5a and 5b of R.A. No. 9262.
(2) depriving or threatening to deprive financial resources
(q) "Temporary protection order" (TPO) refers to the protection order
and the right to the use and enjoyment of the conjugal,
issued by the court on the filing of the application and after ex parte
community or property owned in common;
determination of its need. It may also be issued in the course of a
(3) destroying household property; and hearing, motu proprio or upon motion.
(4) controlling the offended party's own money or property (r) "Permanent protection order" (PPO) refers to the protection order
or solely controlling the conjugal money or property. issued by the court after notice and hearing.
(i) "Stalking" refers to an intentional act of knowingly and without (s) "Live-link television testimony" refers to the testimony of a child,
lawful justification, following the woman or her child or placing the who is an eyewitness or offended party in violence against women
woman or her child under surveillance directly or indirectly or through and their children, taken in a room outside the courtroom and
a combination thereof. televised to the courtroom by live-link television, as provided for in
Section 25 of the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness. It may also
(j) "Sexual relationship" refers to a single sexual act which may or
refer to the live-link testimony of an adult female victim of violence,
may not result in the bearing of a common child;
which may be allowed at the discretion of the court.
(k) "Program of intervention for offended parties" refers to a
SEC. 5. Acts of violence against women and their children under R.A. No.
specialized program that provides advocacy, shelter, crisis
9262. - Violence against women and their children is committed through any
intervention, social services, treatment, counseling, education, or
of the following acts:

(a) Causing, threatening or attempting to cause physical harm to the (2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence
woman or her child; of the woman or her child;
(b) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm; (3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property
of the woman or her child against her/his will;
(c) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to
engage in conduct which the woman or her child has the right to desist (4) Destroying the property and personal belongings or
from or to desist from conduct which the woman or her child has the inflicting harm to animals or pets of the woman or child; and
right to engage in, or attempting to restrict .or restricting the woman's
(5) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence; or
or her child's freedom of movement or conduct by force or threat of
force, physical or other harm or threat of physical on other harm, or (g) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation
intimidation directed against the woman or her child. to the woman or her child, including, but not limited to, repeated
verbal and emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or
This shall include, but is not limited to, the following acts committed
custody of a minor child or denial of access to the woman's child.
with the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting the movement
or conduct of the woman or her child: SEC. 6. Remedies of offended party. - The offended party may file a separate
petition for protection order without claiming damages. The offended party
(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman
may also pursue other remedies in accordance with Part II of this Rule by the
or her child of custody or access to her/his family;
filing of any of the following:
(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her
(a) Criminal action;
children of financial support legally due her or her family, or
deliberately providing the woman's children insufficient (b) Criminal action with reservation of a separate civil action; or
financial support;
(c) Civil action for damages.
(3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her
Part I
child of a legal right; and
(4) Preventing the woman from engaging in any legitimate
profession, occupation, business or activity except in cases SEC. 7. Form of petition. - A petition for protection order shall be in writing,
where the spouse or partner on valid, serious and moral signed and verified by the petitioner. It shall be accompanied by a certificate
grounds, or controlling the victim's own money or property, or of non-forum shopping which the petitioner must sign personally.
solely controlling the conjugal or common money or property;
SEC. 8. Who may file petition. - A petition for protection order may be filed
(d) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical ham on oneself for the by any of the following:
purpose of controlling her actions or decisions;
(a) The offended party;
(e) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage
(b) Parents or guardians of the offended party;
in any sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or
threat of force, physical harm, or through intimidation directed (c) Ascendants, descendants or collateral relatives of the offended
against the woman or her child or her/his immediate family; party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity;
(f) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct, personally or (d) Officers or social workers of the Department of Social Welfare
through another, that alarms or causes substantial emotional or and Development (DSWD) or social workers of local government units
psychological distress to the woman or her child. (LGUs);
This shall include, but is not limited to, the following acts: (e) Police officers, preferably those in charge of women and
children's desks;
(1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or
private places; (f) Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad;

(g) Lawyer, counselor, therapist or healthcare provider of the attest that the offended party is; residing in the municipality or city over which
petitioner; or the court has territorial jurisdiction, and shall provide a mailing address for
purposes of service processing.
(h) At least two concerned, responsible citizens of the place where the
violence against women and their children occurred and who have SEC. 11. Reliefs available to the offended party. - The protection order shall
personal knowledge of the offense committed. include any, some or all of the following reliefs:
The filing of a petition for protection order by the offended party suspends (a) Prohibiting the respondent from threatening to commit or
the right of all other authorized parties to file similar petitions. A petition filed committing, personally or through another, acts of violence against the
by the offended party after the filing of a similar petition by an authorized offended party;
party shall not be dismissed but shall be consolidated with the petition filed
(b) Prohibiting the respondent from harassing, annoying, telephoning,
contacting or otherwise communicating in any form with the offended
SEC. 9. Where to file the petition. - The verified petition for protection order party, either directly or indirectly;
may be filed with the Family Court of the place where the offended party
(c) Removing and excluding the respondent from the residence of the
resides. If there is no existing Family Court, it may be filed with the regional
offended party, regardless of ownership of the residence, either
trial court, metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court in cities, municipal trial
temporally for the purpose of protecting the offended party, or
court or municipal circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction over the place of
permanently where no property rights are violated. If the respondent
residence of the offended party.
must remove personal effects from the residence, the court shall direct
SEC. 10. Contents of the petition. - The petition filed by the offended party a law enforcement agent to accompany the respondent to the
shall contain the following: residence, remain there until the respondent has gathered his things
and escort him from the residence;
(a) The name, age and residence of the offended party;'
(d) Requiring the respondent to stay away from the offended party
(b) The name, age and residence of the respondent;
and any designated family or household member at a distance
(c) A description of the relationship between the offended party and specified by the court;
the respondent;
(e) Requiring the respondent to stay away from the residence, school,
(d) A complete description of the alleged act constituting violence place of employment or any specified place frequented regularly by
including the date, time and place of occurrence; the offended party and any designated family or household
(e) A request for counsel and the reasons for such;
(f) Directing lawful possession and use by the offended party of an
(f) A request for waiver of application fees;
automobile and other essential personal effects, regardless of
(g) The relief from violence prayed for, including protection orders to ownership, and directing the appropriate law enforcement officer to
cover any designated family or household member who consents to accompany the offended party to the residence of the parties to
such relief. ensure that the offended party is safely restored to the possession of
the automobile and other essential personal effects;
If the petitioner is not the offended party, the petition shall be accompanied
by an affidavit of the petitioner attesting to the following: (g) Ordering temporary or permanent custody of the child/children
with the offended party, taking into consideration the best interests of
(a) facts showing the authority of the petitioner to file the petition;
the child. An offended party who is suffering from Battered Woman
(b) circumstances of the abuse suffered by the offended party; and Syndrome shall not be disqualified from having custody of her
children. In no case shall custody of minor children be given to the
(c) circumstances of consent given by or refusal to consent of the
batterer of a woman who is suffering from Battered Woman
offended party to file the petition.
When disclosure of the address will pose danger to the life of the offended
party, it shall be so stated in the petition. In such a case, the petitioner shall

(h) Directing the respondent to provide support 'o the woman and/or (c) Ensuring the privacy of the offended party to the extent
her child, if entitled to legal import. Notwithstanding other laws to the practicable while the form is being accomplished;
contrary, the court shall order an appropriate percentage of the
(d) Advising the petitioner on the availability of legal assistance from
income or salary of the respondent to be withheld regularly by his
the Public Attorney's Office of the Department of Justice or any
employer and to automatically remit it directly to the offended party.
public legal assistance office;
Failure to withhold, remit or any delay in the remittance of support to
the offended party without justifiable cause shall render the (e) Advising the petitioner on entitlement of support services from the
respondent or his employer liable for indirect contempt of court; DSWD and LGUs;
(i) Prohibiting the respondent from carrying or possessing any firearm (f) Advising the petitioner on the availability of an affidavit of
or deadly weapon and ordering him to surrender the same to the indigency in lieu of payment of the filing fee;
court for appropriate disposition, including revocation of license and
(g) Providing the offended party with a certified copy of the
disqualification to apply for any license to carry or possess a firearm.
protection order as well as giving the necessary information
If the respondent is .a law enforcement agent, the court shall order
regarding the process for its service and enforcement;
him to surrender his firearm and shall direct the appropriate authority
to investigate him and take appropriate action thereon; (h) Making available informative materials on violence against
women and their children, including their rights as victims; and
(j) Directing the DSWD or any appropriate agency to prepare a
program of intervention for the offended party that provides (i) Informing the offended party that compensation is available from
advocacy, temporary shelter, crisis intervention, treatment, therapy, the Department of Justice Board of Claims in accordance with the
counseling, education, training and other social services that the provisions of R.A. No. 7309 (1992), otherwise known as "An Act
offended party may need; Creating a Board of Claims Under the Department of Justice for
Victims of Unjust Imprisonment or Detention and Victims of Violent
(k) Requiring the respondent to receive professional counseling from
Crime and For Other Purposes."
agencies or persons who have demonstrated expertise and
experience in anger control, management of alcohol, substance abuse SEC. 13. Exemption from payment of docket fee and other expenses. - If the
and other forms of intervention to stop violence. The program of offended party is an indigent or there is an immediate necessity due to
intervention for offenders must be approved by the court. The agency imminent danger or threat of danger to act on a petition for a protection
or person is required to provide the court with regular reports of the order, the court shall accept the petition without payment of the filing fee and
progress and result of professional counseling, for which the other fees and of transcripts of stenographic notes.
respondent may be ordered to pay; and
SEC. 14. Raffle in multi-sala courts. - The petition filed in a multi-sala court
(I) Awarding the offended party actual damages caused by the shall be raffled without delay.
violence inflicted, including, but not limited to, property damage,
If an action contains an application for a protection order, it shall be the
medical expanses, childcare expenses and loss of income; and
subject of a special raffle.
compensatory, moral, and exemplary damages, subject to Sections
26a and 35 of this Rule. SEC. 15. Ex parte issuance of temporary protection order. - (a) If the court is
satisfied from the verified allegations of the petition that there is reasonable
The court may grant such other forms of relief to protect the offended party
ground to believe that an imminent danger of violence against women and
and any designated family or household member who consents to such relief.
their children exists or is about to recur, the court may issue ex parte a
SEC. 12. Duties of the clerk of court. - The clerk of court shall assist the temporary protection order which shall be effective for thirty days from
petitioner or the offended party by: service on the party or person sought to be enjoined.
(a) Communicating in a language understood by the petitioner; (b) The temporary protection order shall include notice of the date of the
preliminary conference and hearing on the merits. The following statements
(b) Providing the petitioner with a standard petition form written in
must be printed in bold-faced type or in capital letters on the protection
English with translation into the major local dialects, including the
order issued by the court:
instructions for its accomplishment;

"VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW. (c) Transporting or obtaining transportation for the offended party to
a safe place;
PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE AND HEARING ON THE MERITS ON THE (d) Assisting the offended party in obtaining medical treatment,
ISSUANCE OF .A PERMANENT PROTECTION ORDER, THE COURT SHALL NOT including transportation to a medical clinic or hospital; and
(e) Assisting the offended party in removing essential personal effects
from the residence.
The law enforcement officer shall submit a written report to the court within
twenty-four hours from receipt setting forth compliance with such order.
COURT SHALL ALLOW EX PARTE PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE BY THE SEC. 19. Duties of social worker. - The social worker assigned by the court
PETITIONER AND RENDER JUDGMENT ON THE BASIS OF THE PLEADINGS shall assist the petitioner seeking a protection order by:
(a) Preparing a case study and a program of intervention for the
offended party, including her children, and referring them to DSWD
(c) The court shall likewise order the immediate issuance of a notice requiring havens, crisis intervention centers and private entities rendering
the respondent to file an opposition within five days from service. It shall appropriate social services;
further order service of (1) the notices to file opposition and of dates of the
(b) Formulating a safety plan which shall be approved by the court;
preliminary conference and hearing, (2) the protection order, and (3) copy of
the petition, upon the respondent by the court sheriff, or any person
authorized by the court, who may obtain the assistance of law enforcement (c) Monitoring the measures indicated in the protection order.
SEC. 20. Opposition to petition. - (a) The respondent may file an opposition to
SEC. 16. Notice where no temporary protection order is issued ex parte. - the petition which he himself shall verify. It must be accompanied by the
Where no temporary protection order is issued ex parte, the clerk of court affidavits of witnesses and shall show cause why a temporary or permanent
shall forthwith issue the corresponding notice to the respondent requiring him protection order should not be issued.
to file an opposition within five days. The date of the preliminary conference
(b) Respondent shall not include in the opposition any counterclaim, cross-claim
and hearing on the merits shall be indicated on the notice.
or third-party complaint, but any cause of action which could be the subject
Where the notice could not be served personally or by substituted service thereof may be litigated in a separate civil action.
despite diligent efforts, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court shall apply as far as
SEC. 21. Effect of failure to file an opposition. - If the respondent fails to file an
opposition to the petition within the period above provided, the court, motu
SEC. 17. Enforceability of protection order. - The protection order issued by the proprio or on motion of the petitioner, shall issue the corresponding order as
court shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines. Violation of the may be warranted by the facts alleged in the petition.
protection order shall be punishable by a fine ranging from Five Thousand
SEC. 22. Prohibited pleadings and motions. - The following pleadings, motions
(P5.000.00) Pesos to Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos or imprisonment of
or petitions shall not be allowed:
six months or both.
(a) Motion to dismiss the petition except on the ground of lack of
SEC. 18. Duties of the law enforcement officer. - Upon the receipt of the
jurisdiction over the subject matter or over the parties;
protection order, the law enforcement officer shall use all reasonable means
to enforce the order and prevent further violence, such as by: (b) Motion for extension of time to file opposition, affidavit, position
paper and other pleadings;
(a) Taking any action necessary to provide for the safety of the
offended party; (c) Dilatory motion for postponement;
(b) Taking custody of the weapon used in the violence against women (d) Motion for a bill of particulars;
and their children;
(e) Third-party complaint;

(f) Reply; (3) Any ground for declaration of nullity or annulment of a
marriage or of legal separation;
(g) Motion to declare the respondent in default;
(4) Future support;
(h) Intervention;
(5) The jurisdiction of courts; and
(i) Memorandum;
(6) Future legitime.
(j) Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any
interlocutory order issued by the court; (e) Effect of failure to appear.—
(k) Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a protection order, (1) If the petitioner fails to appear personally, the petition
or for reopening of trial; and shall be dismissed unless the counsel or a duly authorized
representative of the petitioner appears in court and gives a
(I) Petition for relief from judgment.
justifiable reason for the non-appearance of the petitioner;
SEC. 23. Preliminary conference. - however, if the petition is filed by a person other than the
offended party, it shall not be dismissed if the offended
(a) When conducted. - A preliminary conference, which is mandatory,
party is present and does not agree to its dismissal.
shall be held on the date indicated in the notice.
(2) If the respondent appears without counsel, the court shall
(b) Notice.—The notice shall be served the parties, including the
not reschedule or postpone the conference but shall appoint
offended party, who shall be required to notify their respective
a lawyer for the respondent and immediately proceed
counsels, if any. The parties shall appear in person at the preliminary
therewith; and
conference and submit their position papers setting forth the law and
the facts relied upon by them. (3) If the respondent has filed his opposition but fails to
appear despite proper notice; the petitioner shall be
(c) Nature and purpose.—The court shall consider:
allowed to present evidence ex parte. The court shall then
(1) The propriety of issuing a protection order. The court shall render judgment on the basis of the pleadings and evidence
not deny the issuance of a protection order due to the lapse on record.
of time between the act of violence and the filing of the
SEC. 24. Protection order issued after preliminary conference. - Within five
petition, subject to Section 24, R.A. No. 9262. The issuance of
days after the termination of the preliminary conference, the court may issue
a barangay protection order or the pendency of an
a protection order, based on the pleadings and stipulations or admissions
application for a barangay protection order shall not
made by the parties.
preclude a petitioner from applying for, or the court from
granting, a protection order; SEC. 25. Order for further hearing. - In case the court determines the need for
further hearing, it may issue an order containing the following:
(2) The simplification of the issues; and
(a) Facts undisputed and admitted;
(3) Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition of
the petition. (b) Factual and legal issues to be resolved;
The court shall not refer the case or any issue thereof to a mediator, (c) Evidence, including objects and documents that have been marked
and will be presented;
(d) Prohibited compromise.—The court shall not allow compromise on
any act constituting the crime of violence against women and their (d) Names of witnesses who will be ordered to present their direct
children and other prohibited matters, such as the following: testimonies in the form of affidavits; and
(1) The civil status of persons; (e) Schedule of the presentation of evidence by both parties which
shall be done in one day, to the extent possible, within the 30-day
(2) The validity of a marriage, declaration of nullity or
period of the effectivity of the temporary protection order issued.
annulment of a marriage or of a legal separation;

SEC. 26. Hearing. - (b) The testimony of an adult female, victim of violence, may likewise be
taken by live-link television, if it appears that she would suffer trauma if she
(a) Rule applicable. - The Revised Rule on Summary Procedure shall
were to testify in the presence of the; offender or perpetrator.
apply as far as practicable.
SEC. 29. Period to decide. - (a] The court shall decide the petition within thirty
(b) Period to hear petition.—The court shall, to the extent possible,
days after termination of the hearing on the merits.
endeavor to conduct in one day the hearing en the merits for the
issuance of a permanent protection order. Where the court is unable (b) Where no hearing has been conducted, the court shall decide the petition
to finish the hearing within one day and the temporary protection within ten days after the termination of the preliminary conference.
order issued is due to expire, it may extend or renew the temporary
SEC. 30. Judgment. - If the court finds the petition meritorious, it shall render
protection order for a period of thirty days each time until final
judgment granting the offended party permanent protection against acts of
judgment is rendered. The court may modify the extended or
violence and such other necessary reliefs provided in Section 11 of this Rule.
renewed temporary protection order as may be necessary to meet
The court shall not deny the issuance of a permanent protection order due to
the needs of the parties.
the lapse of time between the act of violence and the filing of the petition,
(c) Evidence of history of abusive conduct.—The court may allow the subject to Section 24, R.A. No. 9262. The judgment shall be immediately
introduction of any evidence of history of abusive conduct of a executory.
respondent even if the same was not directed against the victim,
SEC. 31. Appeal. - Any aggrieved party may appeal by filing a notice of
provided the same is relevant.
appeal with the court that rendered the final order or judgment within fifteen
(d) Exclusion of persons from courtroom.—The court may order the days from notice and serving a copy thereof upon the adverse party. The
exclusion from the courtroom of all persons who do not have a direct appeal shall not stay the enforcement of the final order or judgment.
interest in the case. Such an order may be made if the court
Part II
determines on the record that requiring a party to testify in open
(1) would not enhance the ascertainment of truth;
SEC. 32. Applicability to applications for protection orders filed as incidents in
(2) would cause the party psychological harm or inability to
civil or criminal cases. - The foregoing provisions shall also apply to
effectively communicate due to embarrassment, fear or
applications for protection orders filed as incidents in criminal or civil actions.
SEC. 33. When petition may proceed separately from or be deemed instituted
(3) would violate the right of a party to privacy; or
with criminal action. - (a) An offended party may file a petition for protection
(4) would be offensive to decency or public morals. order ahead of a criminal action arising from the same act. The same shall
proceed separately from the criminal action and shall require only a
SEC. 27. Prohibited acts. - The court hearing a petition for a protection order
preponderance of evidence. Upon motion of the petitioner, the court may
shall not order, direct, force or in any way unduly influence the applicant for
consolidate the petition with the criminal action.
a protection order to compromise or abandon any of the reliefs sought in the
petition for protection under the law and this Rule. Failure to comply with this (b) Where the offended party chooses to file a criminal action, the petition
section shall render the judge administratively liable. for protection order is deemed instituted with the criminal action, unless the
offended party reserves the right to institute it separately.
SEC. 28. Availability of live-link television to eyewitnesses or victims. - (a) The
testimony of a child, as an eyewitness or an offended party in an act of SEC. 34. When petition may proceed separately from or be deemed instituted
violence against women and their children, may be taken by live-link with the civil action for damages. - (a) An offended party may file a petition
television. The application for an order for live-link testimony, the factors to for protection order ahead of a civil action for damages arising from the
be considered by the court in granting or denying the use of live-link same act. The same shall proceed separately from the civil action and shall
television and the procedure involved in the actual taking of the testimony require only a preponderance of evidence. Upon motion of the petitioner, the
shall be followed as provided for in Section 25 of the Rule on Examination of court may consolidate the petition with the civil action.
a Child Witness.

(b) Where the offended party chooses to file a civil action for damages, the courts in places where there are no Family Courts, at the option of the
petition for protection order is deemed instituted with the civil action. offended party.
SEC. 35. Prosecution of civil action for damages. - The civil action for damages SEC. 40. Privacy and confidentiality of proceedings. - All hearings of cases of
shall be governed by the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. However, the violence against women and their children shall be conducted in a manner
offended party cannot recover the same damages twice for the same act or consistent with the dignity of women and their children and respect for their
omission. privacy.
SEC. 36. Prosecution of criminal action. - An act of violence covered by R.A. Records of the cases shall be treated with utmost confidentiality. Whoever
No. 9262 constituting a criminal offense shall subject the offender to criminal publishes or causes to be published, in any format, the name, address,
proceedings, which shall be governed by the Revised Rules of Criminal telephone number, school, business address, employer or other identifying
Procedure. information of the parties or an immediate family or household member,
without their consent or without authority of the court, shall be liable for
Where the judgment of conviction declares that the guilt of the accused has
contempt of court and shall suffer the penalty of one year imprisonment and
been proved beyond reasonable doubt, the permanent protection order shall
a fine of not more than Five Hundred Thousand (P500,000.00) Pesos.
issue as a matter of course.
Part IV
Where the judgment of acquittal declares that the quantum of evidence is not
enough to sustain a conviction beyond reasonable doubt, the court shall BARANGAY PROTECTION ORDER
determine whether or not to issue a permanent protection order.
SEC. 41. Venue. - Applications for barangay protection orders shall observe
Where the judgment of acquittal expressly declares that the basis of the the following rules on venue:
offender's criminal liability did not exist, a permanent protection order shall
(a) where the parties reside, in the same barangay, the dispute shall
not issue. A temporary protection order that may have been earlier issued
be brought for settlement in said barangay;
shall be dissolved.
(b) where the parties reside in different barangays in the same city
SEC. 37. Bond to keep the peace. - The court may also order any person,
or municipality, the dispute shall be settled in the barangay where
against whom a permanent protection order is issued, to give a bond to keep
the respondent or any one of the respondents actually resides, at the
the peace. It shall be the duty of said person to present two sufficient sureties
choice of the complainant;
who shall undertake that such person will not commit the violence sought to be
prevented, and that in case such violence is committed they will pay the (c) disputes arising at the workplace where the contending parties are
amount determined by the court in its judgment. The court in its discretion shall employed or at the institution where such parties are enrolled for
fix the duration of the bond. study, shall be brought in the barangay where such workplace or
institution is located; and
Part III
(d) any objection relating to venue shall be raised before the Punong
Barangay during the proceedings before him. Failure to do so shall
SEC. 38. Reproduction of evidence. - An order granting the issuance of a be deemed a waiver of such objections.
permanent protection order is without prejudice to a trial on the merits of the
SEC. 42. Where to file complaint for violation of a barangay protection order. -
criminal or civil action involving violence against women and their children. The
A complaint for violation of a barangay protection order may be filed with
evidence adduced during the hearing for the issuance of a permanent
any metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court in cities, municipal trial court
protection order may, upon motion, be reproduced in the criminal or civil
or municipal circuit trial court that has territorial jurisdiction over the barangay
action without prejudice to the cross-examination of witnesses and
which issued the said protection order.
presentation of additional evidence.
SEC. 43. Procedure. - (a) The complaint shall be accompanied by affidavits
SEC. 39. Jurisdiction and venue for criminal actions or civil actions. - The Family
and other evidence proving the alleged violation;
Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases of violence
against women and their children regardless of the amount of damages
claimed. The action may also be filed with the appropriate regional trial

(b) Upon receipt of the complaint, the court shall issue an order requiring the
accused to submit within five days his counter-affidavit, the affidavits of his
witnesses and other evidence in his behalf;
(c) If the court, upon a consideration of the complaint, the counter-affidavits of
the accused and other evidence submitted by the parties, finds no cause or
ground to hold the accused for trial, it shall order the dismissal of the case;
otherwise, it shall set the case for arraignment and trial;
(d) Violation of a barangay protection order shall be punishable by
imprisonment of thirty days without prejudice to any other criminal or civil
action that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed; and
(e) A judgment of violation of a barangay protection order may be
appealed to the regional trial court whose decision shall be final. An appeal
from a judgment of violation of a barangay protection order shall not stay
the enforcement of a protection order that might have been issued by the trial
court during the trial.
SEC. 44. Issuance of protection order when warranted; contempt of court for
violation. - During trial or upon judgment, the trial court may motu proprio
issue a protection order when warranted. Violation of any protection order
issued under this Section shall constitute contempt of court punishable under
Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, without prejudice to any other criminal or civil
action that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed.
SEC. 45. Effectivity. - This Rule shall take effect on the 15th day of November
2004 following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation not later
than 30 October 2004.


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