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Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

DOI 10.1007/s10995-011-0938-y

Relationship of Maternal Knowledge of Anemia with Maternal

and Child Anemia and Health-Related Behaviors Targeted
at Anemia Among Families in Indonesia
Ellie S. Souganidis • Kai Sun • Saskia de Pee •
Klaus Kraemer • Jee-Hyun Rah • Regina Moench-Pfanner •

Mayang Sari • Martin W. Bloem • Richard D. Semba

Published online: 13 January 2012

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Our specific aim was to characterize maternal 1.02, P = 0.10; OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.87, 0.98, P = 0.01) in
knowledge of anemia and its relationship to maternal and multivariate logistic regression models adjusting for
child anemia and to behaviors related to anemia reduction. potential confounders. There was no significant association
We examined the relationship between maternal knowl- between maternal knowledge of anemia and maternal
edge of anemia and anemia in the mother and the youngest anemia. Maternal knowledge of anemia was significantly
child, aged 6–59 months, in 7,913 families from urban associated with iron supplementation during pregnancy and
slums and 37,874 families from rural areas of Indonesia. child consumption of fortified milk. There was no associ-
Knowledge of anemia was defined based upon the mother’s ation of maternal knowledge of anemia with child dewor-
ability to correctly name at least one symptom of anemia ming. Maternal knowledge of anemia is associated with
and at least one treatment or strategy for reducing anemia. lower odds of anemia in children and with some health
Hemoglobin was measured in both the mother and the behaviors related to reducing anemia.
child. In urban and rural areas, respectively, 35.8 and
36.9% of mothers had knowledge of anemia, 28.7 and Keywords Anemia  Children  Knowledge 
25.1% of mothers were anemic (hemoglobin \12 g/dL), Mothers  Indonesia
and 62.3 and 54.0% of children were anemic (hemoglobin
\11 g/dL). Maternal knowledge of anemia was associated
with child anemia in urban and rural areas, respectively Introduction
(odds ratio [OR] 0.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.79,
Iron deficiency anemia is the leading cause of anemia
worldwide, accounting for approximately 50% of the total
E. S. Souganidis  K. Sun  R. D. Semba (&)
prevalence [1, 2]. Iron deficiency can result in impaired
Department of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, 400 N. Broadway, M015, Baltimore, cognition, decreased physical capacity, and reduced
MD 21287, USA immunity as well as impaired psychomotor and cognitive
e-mail: development in children [3–5]. Pregnant women are par-
ticularly at risk for iron deficiency anemia because of blood
S. de Pee  M. W. Bloem
Nutrition Service, Policy, Strategy and Programme volume expansion during pregnancy [6] and the need to
Support Division, World Food Programme, Rome, Italy support the fetus and placenta [7]. In women of child-
bearing age, blood loss due to childbirth or menses can also
K. Kraemer  J.-H. Rah
be a contributing factor to the development of iron defi-
Sight and Life, Basel, Switzerland
ciency anemia [8].
R. Moench-Pfanner The increased risk of iron deficiency anemia during
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), pregnancy has motivated government ministries in many
Geneva, Switzerland
developing countries to implement policies providing iron
M. Sari supplementation for pregnant and lactating women [9].
Helen Keller International, New York, NY, USA In Indonesia, it is a government recommendation for

1914 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

women to receive iron supplements during pregnancy and [18]. The use of deworming medications in endemic areas
the post-partum period [9]. The most recently available has also been shown to help improve iron status in children
national survey data from Indonesia indicate that the at high risk for anemia-related morbidity and mortality by
prevalence of anemia has declined in pregnant women and reducing the chronic intestinal blood loss associated with
women of reproductive age to rates of 40 and 27.9%, hookworm and other parasitic infections [19]. There is
respectively. However, the anemia prevalence in children currently no nationwide deworming policy in Indonesia for
aged 0–59 months has increased from 40 to 48.1%, with a children under the age of five. However, deworming
prevalence rate of greater than 55% in children less than medications are administered by small pilot projects in
24 months of age [10]. some areas or by parents who suspect that their child is
Despite the implementation of large-scale programs infected.
targeted towards pregnant women and women of repro- Our specific aim was to characterize mother’s knowl-
ductive age, the prevalence of anemia remains high [11]. edge of anemia and its relationship to anemia in mothers
Factors that limit the success of iron supplementation and children and to behaviors related to the reduction of
include inadequate supply, delivery, and distribution sys- anemia. We hypothesized that women with greater
tems, limited access to health care providers and pre- knowledge of anemia would be less likely to be anemic
natal care, ineffective social marketing, and overall poor themselves and to have anemic children. We also hypoth-
monitoring and evaluation of supplementation programs esized that women with greater knowledge of anemia
[11–13]. The knowledge and attitudes women hold would be more likely to adopt behaviors aimed at reducing
regarding anemia may also play a role in the limited suc- anemia, such as taking iron supplements during pregnancy,
cess of these programs. In a survey conducted in eight having their children consume fortified milk, having their
developing countries, anemia was more commonly recog- children take deworming medication, and having higher
nized by its symptoms instead of by a disease name or consumption of animal-source foods in the household. To
clinical diagnosis [9]. Only half of women considered these address these hypotheses, we examined the relationship
symptoms to be of concern, and many women who took between a mother’s knowledge of anemia with the preva-
iron supplements, primarily provided through prenatal lence of anemia in mothers and their children from rural
care, did not understand the reason for treatment [9]. areas and urban slums in Indonesia. We also examined the
Negative attitudes towards iron supplementation, derived relationship between a mother’s knowledge of anemia and
from side effects, concerns with the tablet’s bad taste, or health behaviors that are known to reduce anemia.
fears of adverse outcomes, could facilitate non-compliance,
even if the benefits of iron supplementation are known.
Maternal knowledge of anemia is important because of Subjects and Methods
its potential to encourage women to take iron supplements
during pregnancy and after childbirth, affecting the iron The study subjects consisted of mothers and children from
status of both the mother and the child. In a small study in rural areas that participated in the Nutritional Surveillance
southern Israel, the presence of anemia in infants and level System (NSS) in Indonesia from March 1999 to August
of maternal knowledge were inversely related, with low 2003 and mothers and children from urban slum areas that
knowledge of anemia leading to a 12-fold increase in participated in the NSS from January 1999 to July 2003.
prevalence of anemia in infants compared to women with The present study was based upon a secondary data anal-
higher levels of knowledge [14]. ysis of existing NSS data. The NSS was established by the
Increased consumption of animal source foods is an Ministry of Health, Government of Indonesia, and Helen
additional health-related behavior that could be encouraged Keller International in 1995 [20] and was based upon
by maternal knowledge of anemia. Benefits of consuming UNICEF’s conceptual framework on the causes of mal-
animal source foods include dietary diversity, relatively nutrition [21] with the underlying principle to monitor
higher bioavailable forms of micronutrients, and overall public health problems and guide policy decisions [22].
better maternal nutrition affecting both the mother and The NSS used stratified multistage cluster sampling of
child during pregnancy and lactation [15–17]. households in subdistricts of administrative divisions of the
Strategies to reduce the prevalence of anemia in children country in rural areas and slum areas of large cities. Data
have focused on consumption of fortified milk by the child were collected from approximately 40,000 randomly
and administration of deworming medications. Consump- selected households every quarter and involved five major
tion of fortified milk has already proven to be an effective urban poor populations from slum areas in the cities of
strategy to reduce anemia in children and has been the basis Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Semarang, and Padang, and
for mandatory fortification of powdered milk with iron, the rural population from the provinces of Lampung,
vitamins, and other minerals in Indonesia in the mid-1990s Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, the island of

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925 1915

Lombok (West Nusatenggara), and South Sulawesi. The was included in the analysis as it is known to divert
present study involved households during a period of the precious household income from food to tobacco and
NSS in which specific questions were included regarding exacerbate malnutrition among women and children
maternal knowledge of anemia. The analyses are derived [27, 28].
from surveys that specifically contained information on Mothers were asked ‘‘Have you ever heard about ane-
anemia in the mother and child and information on mia?’’ and additional questions regarding anemia if they
maternal knowledge of anemia. answered in the affirmative. Mothers were asked to name
For each child in the family, data were collected on symptoms of anemia and how the symptoms ought to be
whether the child had consumed industrially produced milk addressed. Participants were scored as having knowledge
products in the previous week, the commercial brand of the of anemia if they mentioned one of the following symp-
product, and how much money was spent on the milk toms: pale face, weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail,
product in the previous week. Data were also collected on or headache. Mothers were also scored as knowing about
whether the child received a deworming medication in the anemia if they were able to provide one of the following
previous 6 months. Hemoglobin was measured in mothers treatments: take iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-
and children in the family using a HemoCueÓ instrument fortified foods, or visit a doctor/midwife/other health
(HemoCue AB, Angelholm, Sweden) and women were worker.
also asked whether they took iron supplementation during Chi-square tests were used to compare categorical
their last pregnancy. variables between groups. Multivariate logistic regression
In each household, data were gathered regarding the models were used to examine the relationship between risk
expenditures in the previous week. Expenditure and price factors and anemia clustering. Variables were included in
variables were collected in Indonesian rupiah. For this the multivariate models if significant in univariate analy-
analysis, expenditures are presented in US dollars using ses. P \ 0.05 was considered significant. Covariance
monthly exchange rates from 2000 to 2003 available matrices were used to examine for multicollinearity among
through the Bank of Canada [23]. Expenditure on food in independent variables in the models. In multivariate mod-
this analysis was grouped into three categories: plant els, maternal education but not paternal education was used
source foods (fruit, vegetables, and other plant sources), because of high collinearity between maternal and paternal
animal source foods (beef, chicken, poultry, fish, eggs, and education. Data analyses were conducted using SAS
milk), and grain source foods (rice and other non-processed Survey (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
staple foods).
The study protocol complied with the principles enun-
ciated in the Helsinki Declaration [24]. Written, informed Results
consent was obtained from all participants. The NSS in
Indonesia was approved by the Ministry of Health, Gov- The prevalence of anemia in mothers (hemoglobin
ernment of Indonesia. The plan for secondary data analysis \12 g/dL) and children (hemoglobin \11 g/dL) from
was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the urban slums and rural areas are displayed in Table 1. In
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. urban slums, 28.7% of mothers and 62.3% of children were
The study was limited to children aged 6–59 months anemic whereas in rural areas, 25.1% of mothers and
because the interpretation of low hemoglobin in children 55.2% of children were anemic. The prevalence of anemia
under the age of 6 months is difficult [25]. For families in mothers and children from urban slums and rural areas in
with more than one child, aged 6–59 months, the analysis relation to demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related
was limited to the youngest child only (i.e. families with factors are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Of 7,913
more than one child were not counted more than once, mothers from urban slums, 35.8% had knowledge of ane-
since anemia tends to cluster within families). Anemia was mia whereas 36.9% of 37,874 rural mothers had knowledge
defined as hemoglobin \11 g/dL in children and \12 g/dL of anemia.
in non-pregnant women according to World Health Orga- For both urban and rural mothers, factors that were
nization criteria [1, 26]. Pregnant women were not included associated with higher odds of anemia in the mother
in the study. included older maternal age, lower paternal education,
Weekly per capita household expenditure was used as mother being underweight, greater number of children in
the main indicator of socioeconomic status. Crowding was the family, younger child age, paternal smoking, and more
defined as households where more than four individuals than four members sharing the same kitchen. Lower
were eating from the same kitchen. Maternal smoking was maternal education was also associated with higher odds of
not used in the analyses because the prevalence of maternal anemia in the mother in rural areas. For both urban and
smoking in Indonesia was \0.7% [26]. Paternal smoking rural families, factors associated with lower odds of anemia

1916 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

Table 1 Sample demographics, socioeconomic, and health-related Table 1 continued

factors in mothers and children from urban slums and rural areas
Characteristica Urban Rural
Characteristic Urban Rural
N % or mean N % or mean
N % or mean N % or mean (SD) (SD)
(SD) (SD)
Sex of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
Mother anemic Male 4,127 52.2 19,591 51.7
Yes 2,127 28.7 9,066 25.1 Female 3,786 47.8 18,283 48.3
No 5,274 71.3 27,006 74.9 Child consumes fortified milk
Child anemic Yes 3,496 48.2 13,534 35.7
Yes 4,922 62.3 20,885 55.2 No 3,755 51.8 24,339 64.3
No 2,982 37.7 16,916 44.8 Father is a smoker
Mother heard about anemia Yes 5,649 72.5 27,437 73.9
Yes 6,886 87.0 30,823 81.4 No 2,141 27.5 9,712 26.1
No 1,027 13.0 7,051 18.6 Household has improved latrine
Mother knows symptom of anemiab Yes 6,586 83.3 18,733 49.5
Yes 3,526 51.2 18,754 60.8 No 1,319 16.7 19,131 50.5
No 3,366 48.8 12,097 39.2 Mother took supplements in last pregnancy
Mother knows treatment of anemiac Yes 1,821 85.6 9,642 84.2
Yes 5,155 74.8 21,163 68.6 No 307 14.4 1,803 15.8
No 1,738 25.2 9,674 31.4 Weekly per capita expenditure
Maternal age (years) Grain source food 7,905 .33 (.29) 37,816 .38 (.39)
B24 2,103 26.6 10,874 28.7 Animal source food 7,905 .35 (.32) 37,824 .28 (.30)
25–28 1,982 25.0 9,247 24.4 Plant source food 7,904 .45 (.32) 37,805 .35 (.26)
29–32 1,748 22.1 8,246 21.8 Number of household members eating from same kitchen
33? 2,080 26.3 9,487 25.1 2–4 4,297 54.4 20,590 45.6
Maternal education (years) [4 3,608 45.6 17,232 54.4
0 357 4.5 1,936 5.1 Weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
1–6 3,530 44.7 19,624 52.1 1 795 10.0 6,018 15.9
7–9 1,917 24.3 8,168 21.7 2 1,004 12.7 6,340 16.8
C10 2,090 26.5 7,928 21.1 3 1,345 17.0 7,211 19.1
Paternal education (years) 4 1,847 23.4 8,218 21.7
0 154 2.0 1,409 3.9 5 2,914 36.9 10,037 26.5
1–6 2,674 34.7 16,791 46.7
Total of 7,401 mothers and 7,904 children from urban areas and
7–9 1,916 24.9 7,198 20.0
36,072 mothers and 37,801 children from rural areas
C10 2,965 38.4 10,585 29.4 a
Missing data for selected variables (urban/rural): maternal age (0/
Maternal body mass index (kg/m2) 20), maternal education (19/218), paternal education (205/1,891),
18.5 to \25 4,870 62.2 25,912 68.8 maternal BMI (81/190), age of youngest child (0/3), child consumes
\18.5 919 11.7 4,595 12.2 fortified milk (662/1), father is a smoker (123/725), household has
improved latrine (8/10), mother took supplements in last pregnancy
C25 to \30 1,645 21.0 6,117 16.2 (5,785/26,429), number of household members eating from same
C30 398 5.1 1,060 2.8 kitchen (8/52), weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
Number of children, 6–59 months of age (8/50)
1 6,719 84.9 33,277 87.9 Mother can name one of the following symptoms: pale face,
weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail, or headache
2 1,146 14.5 4,451 11.7 c
Mother can name one of the following treatments of anemia: take
3? 48 0.6 146 0.4
iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-fortified foods, or visit a
Age of youngest child, 6–59 months of age doctor/midwife/other health worker
6–11 1,402 17.7 7,157 18.9
12–23 2,468 31.2 11,824 31.2
24–35 1,934 24.4 9,245 24.0
in the mother included mother being overweight or obese,
presence of an improved latrine in the household, greater
36–47 1,360 17.2 6,074 16.5
consumption of plant source foods, and high quintile of per
48–59 749 9.5 3,571 9.4
capita household expenditure. Maternal knowledge of

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925 1917

Table 2 Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related factors associated with anemia in mothers from urban slums and rural areas
Characteristic Urban Rural
Mother anemic Mother not anemic P Mother anemic Mother not anemic P
N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)

Mother knows about anemiaa

Yes 730 34.3 1,924 36.5 0.08 3,235 35.7 10,111 37.4 0.003
No 1,397 65.7 3,350 63.5 5,831 64.3 16,895 62.6
Maternal age (years)
B24 547 25.7 1,401 26.6 0.005 2,429 26.8 7,954 29.5 \0.0001
25–28 504 23.7 1,345 25.5 2,094 23.1 6,649 24.6
29–32 447 21.0 1,182 22.4 1,901 21.0 5,912 21.9
33? 629 29.6 1,346 25.5 2,636 29.1 6,479 24.0
Maternal education (years)
0 114 5.4 224 4.3 0.08 587 6.5 1,263 4.7 \0.0001
1–6 968 45.6 2,320 44.1 4,880 54.2 13,880 51.7
7–9 502 23.6 1,282 24.4 1,848 20.5 5,926 22.1
C10 541 25.5 1,431 27.2 1,691 18.8 5,787 21.5
Paternal education (years)
0 52 2.5 91 1.8 0.01 425 5.0 930 3.6 \0.0001
1–6 709 34.5 1,781 34.6 4,159 48.5 11,883 46.3
7–9 550 26.8 1,260 24.5 1,659 19.3 5,198 20.2
C10 745 36.2 2,018 39.2 2,331 27.2 7,679 29.9
Maternal body mass index (kg/m2)
18.5 to \25 1,353 64.0 3,206 61.5 \0.0001 6,413 71.0 18,289 68.1 \0.0001
\18.5 309 14.6 576 11.0 1,330 14.7 3,145 11.7
C25 to \30 361 17.1 1,163 22.3 1,132 12.5 4,579 17.1
C30 90 4.3 271 5.2 161 1.8 839 3.1
Number of children, 6–59 months of age
1 1,750 82.3 4,515 85.6 0.0008 7,689 84.8 24,002 88.9 \0.0001
2 358 16.8 731 13.9 1,323 14.6 2,921 10.8
3? 19 0.9 28 0.5 54 0.6 83 0.3
Age of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
6–11 439 20.6 926 17.6 0.004 1,995 22.0 5,048 18.7 \0.0001
12–23 625 29.4 1,694 32.1 2,921 32.2 8,452 31.3
24–35 506 23.8 1,281 24.3 2,021 22.3 6,681 24.7
36–47 345 16.2 916 17.4 1,363 15.0 4,301 15.9
48–59 212 10.0 457 8.7 765 8.4 2,523 9.3
Sex of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
Male 1,091 48.7 2,771 47.5 0.33 4,650 51.3 13,987 51.8 0.41
Female 1,036 51.3 2,503 52.5 4,416 48.7 13,019 48.2
Child consumes fortified milk
Yes 923 46.9 2,329 48.4 0.26 2,807 31.0 9,940 36.8 \0.0001
No 1,047 53.1 2,486 51.6 6,259 69.0 17,065 63.2
Father is a smoker
Yes 1,540 74.0 3,723 71.5 0.03 6,655 74.9 19,484 73.6 0.01
No 540 26.0 1,481 28.5 2,225 25.1 7,005 26.4
Household has improved latrine
Yes 1,729 81.3 4,434 84.2 0.003 4,192 46.3 13,686 50.7 \0.0001
No 397 18.7 833 15.8 4,871 53.7 13,314 49.3

1918 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

Table 2 continued
Characteristic Urban Rural
Mother anemic Mother not anemic P Mother anemic Mother not anemic P
N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)

Mother took iron supplements in last pregnancy

Yes 468 84.6 1,246 86.0 0.4 2,355 82.2 6,785 85.2 0.003
No 85 15.4 202 14.0 508 17.8 1,182 14.8
Weekly per capita expenditure
Grain source food 2,125 .32 (.27) 5,269 .33 (.29) 0.17 9,057 0.38 (.38) 26,963 0.38 (.39) 0.53
Animal source 2,125 .35 (.30) 5,269 .36 (.33) 0.17 9,057 .26 (.28) 26,967 .29 (.30) \0.0001
Plant source food 2,125 .42 (.29) 5,268 .47 (.33) \0.0001 9,054 .32 (.24) 26,951 .36 (.26) \0.0001
Number of household members eating from same kitchen
2–4 1,083 51.0 2,316 44.0 \0.0001 5,417 59.8 14,227 52.8 \0.0001
[4 1,042 49.0 2,953 56.0 3,639 40.2 12,739 47.2
Weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
1 258 12.1 490 9.3 \0.0001 1,700 18.8 4,036 15.0 \0.0001
2 308 14.5 627 11.9 1,683 18.6 4,372 16.2
3 375 17.6 877 16.6 1,770 19.5 5,134 19.0
4 469 22.1 1,268 24.1 1,868 20.6 5,976 22.2
5 715 33.6 2,007 38.1 2,036 22.5 7,449 27.6
Mother’s knowledge of anemia based upon the ability to name a symptom of anemia (pale face, weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail, or
headache) and a treatment of anemia (take iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-fortified foods, or visit a doctor/midwife/other health

anemia, consumption of fortified milk by the child, iron anemia was not significantly associated with anemia in the
supplementation by the mother during her last pregnancy, mother in either rural or urban areas, when adjusting for
and greater consumption of animal source foods were also other covariates. Factors associated with higher odds of
associated with lower odds of anemia in the mother in rural anemia in mothers from rural areas and urban slums in the
areas. multivariate models included mother being underweight,
For both urban and rural mothers, factors that were greater number of children in the family, and more than
associated with a higher odds of anemia in the child included four individuals eating from the same kitchen. Older
older maternal age, lower maternal and paternal education, maternal age was also associated with higher odds of
mother being underweight, greater number of children in the anemia in the mother in rural areas. Factors associated with
family, younger child age, female gender of the child, lower odds of anemia in mothers from rural areas and
paternal smoking, and more than four members sharing the urban slums included mother being overweight or obese
same kitchen. Greater consumption of grain source foods and older child age. Higher maternal education and con-
was also associated with higher odds of anemia in the child sumption of fortified milk by the child were also associated
in rural areas. For both urban and rural families, factors with lower odds of anemia in mothers from rural areas.
associated with a lower odds of anemia in the child included Increased consumption of plant source foods was associ-
mother being overweight or obese, consumption of fortified ated with lower odds of anemia in mothers from urban
milk by the child, deworming of the child, presence of an areas.
improved latrine in the household, greater consumption of Similarly, separate multivariate logistic regression
plant source and animal source foods, and high quintile of models were used to examine the relationship between
per capita household expenditure. maternal knowledge of anemia and anemia in the child in
Separate multivariate logistic regression models were urban and rural settings (Table 5). In the final multivariate
used to examine the relationship between maternal model, maternal knowledge of anemia was significantly
knowledge of anemia and anemia in the mother in both associated with lower odds of anemia in the child in fam-
rural and urban environments (Table 4). In the final mul- ilies from rural areas (P = 0.01) but not in children from
tivariate logistic regression models, maternal knowledge of urban slums (P = 0.10). Factors associated with higher

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925 1919

Table 3 Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related factors associated with anemia in children from urban slums and rural areas
Characteristic Urban Rural
Child anemic Child not anemic P Child anemic Child not anemic P
N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)

Mother knows about anemiaa

Yes 1,745 35.5 1,088 36.5 0.35 7,692 36.8 6,264 37.0 0.69
No 3,177 64.5 1,894 63.5 12,193 63.2 10,652 63.0
Maternal age (years)
B24 1,386 28.2 714 23.9 \0.0001 6,518 31.2 4,343 25.7 \0.0001
25–28 1,217 24.7 762 25.6 5,084 24.4 4,135 24.5
29–32 1,088 22.1 657 22.0 4,432 21.2 3,801 22.5
33? 1,231 25.0 849 28.5 4,841 23.2 4,627 27.4
Maternal education (years)
0 224 4.6 132 4.4 \0.0001 1,167 5.6 763 4.5 \0.0001
1–6 2,309 47.0 1,219 41.0 11,118 53.5 8,463 50.3
7–9 1,191 24.3 722 24.3 4,483 21.6 3,669 21.8
C10 1,186 24.1 902 30.3 4,000 19.3 3,921 23.3
Paternal education (years)
0 108 2.2 45 1.5 \0.0001 870 4.4 535 3.3 \0.0001
1–6 1,752 36.6 918 31.6 9,456 47.9 7,290 45.1
7–9 1,180 24.6 734 25.2 3,951 20.0 3,235 20.0
C10 1,752 36.6 1,211 41.6 5,466 27.7 5,107 31.6
Maternal body mass index (kg/m2)
18.5 to \25 3,099 63.6 1,764 59.8 \0.0001 14,378 69.1 11,482 68.3 \0.0001
\18.5 624 12.8 294 10.0 2,864 13.8 1,722 10.2
C25 to \30 931 19.1 713 24.2 3,080 14.8 3,027 18.0
C30 219 4.5 179 6.1 478 2.3 580 3.5
Number of children, 6–59 months of age
1 4,056 82.4 2,657 89.1 \0.0001 17,834 85.4 15,377 90.9 \0.0001
2 831 16.9 313 10.5 2,942 14.1 1,503 8.9
3? 35 0.7 12 0.4 109 0.5 36 0.2
Age of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
6–11 1,057 21.5 343 11.5 \0.0001 5,295 25.4 1,845 10.9 \0.0001
12–23 1,716 34.9 748 25.1 7,720 37.0 4,079 24.1
24–35 1,149 23.3 782 26.2 4,468 21.4 4,762 28.2
36–47 684 13.9 676 22.7 2,315 11.1 3,748 22.2
48–59 316 6.4 433 14.5 1,087 5.2 2,479 14.7
Sex of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
Male 2,630 53.4 1,493 50.1 0.004 11,326 45.8 8,224 48.6 \0.0001
Female 2,292 46.6 1,489 49.9 9,559 54.2 8,692 51.4
Child consumes fortified milk
Yes 1,989 43.9 1,502 55.5 \0.0001 6,479 31.0 7,040 41.6 \0.0001
No 2,545 56.1 1,206 44.5 14,405 69.0 9,876 58.4
Child received deworming
Yes 995 20.2 702 23.6 0.0004 3,313 15.90 3,451 20.4 \0.0001
No 3,925 79.8 2,275 76.4 3,451 84.1 13,433 79.6
Father is a smoker
Yes 3,582 73.8 2,060 70.4 0.001 15,359 74.9 12,027 72.5 \0.0001
No 1,272 26.2 867 29.6 5,135 25.1 4,556 27.5

1920 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

Table 3 continued
Characteristic Urban Rural
Child anemic Child not anemic P Child anemic Child not anemic P
N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean N % or mean
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)

Household has improved latrine

Yes 4,017 81.7 2,561 85.9 \0.0001 9,936 52.4 8,761 51.8 \0.0001
No 899 18.3 419 14.1 10,944 47.6 8,150 48.2
Weekly per capita expenditure
Grain source food 4,916 0.33 (0.28) 2,980 0.34 (0.31) 0.21 20,856 0.38 (0.38) 16,887 0.39 (0.40) 0.02
Animal source 4,916 0.35 (0.32) 2,980 0.37 (0.32) 0.004 20,859 0.27 (0.29) 16,892 0.29 (0.31) \0.0001
Plant source food 4,916 0.44 (0.31) 2,979 0.48 (0.33) \0.0001 20,850 0.34 (0.25) 16,882 0.36 (0.27) \0.0001
Number of household members eating from same kitchen
2–4 2,287 46.5 1,319 44.3 0.05 11,521 55.2 9,027 53.4 0.0005
[4 2,629 53.5 1,661 55.7 9,335 44.8 7,866 46.6
Weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
1 522 10.6 272 9.1 0.007 3,687 17.7 2,317 13.7 \0.0001
2 654 13.3 350 11.7 3,641 17.5 2,678 15.6
3 855 17.4 488 16.4 4,046 19.4 3,145 18.6
4 1,125 22.9 720 24.2 4,389 21.0 3,819 22.6
5 1,760 35.8 1,150 38.6 5,096 24.4 4,933 29.2
Mother’s knowledge of anemia based upon the ability to name a symptom of anemia (pale face, weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail, or
headache) and a treatment of anemia (take iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-fortified foods, or visit a doctor/midwife/other health

odds of anemia in the child in both rural and urban envi- to examine the relationship of maternal knowledge of ane-
ronments included greater number of children in the family mia to maternal iron supplementation, deworming, child
and children who were female. Older maternal age and consumption of fortified milk, and consumption of animal
maternal underweight were also associated with higher source foods in families from urban slums and rural areas
odds of anemia in the child in rural areas. Factors associ- (Table 6). In both urban and rural areas, maternal knowledge
ated with lower odds of anemia in the child from rural areas of anemia was associated with higher odds of consumption
and urban slums included older child age and consumption of fortified milk by the child and iron supplementation dur-
of fortified milk by the child. Higher maternal education ing the mother’s last pregnancy. Maternal knowledge of
and mother being obese were also associated with lower anemia was also associated with higher odds of per capita
odds of anemia in children from rural areas. Mother being consumption of animal source foods by families in rural
overweight and households with an improved latrine were areas.
associated with lower odds of anemia in children from
urban areas.
We examined the relationship between maternal knowl- Discussion
edge of anemia and four behaviors related to reducing the
risk of anemia: iron supplementation during pregnancy, The present study shows that maternal knowledge of ane-
consumption of fortified milk by the child, deworming of the mia is not protective against anemia in the mother herself
child, and higher consumption of animal source foods. In but was found to be protective against anemia in the child
urban slums, 85.7% of mothers used iron supplementation in rural families and of borderline significance in urban
during pregnancy, 21.5% of children received deworming families. There are other factors in addition to maternal
medication, and 47.9% of children consumed fortified milk. knowledge that may play an important role in anemia
In rural areas, 84.0% of mothers took iron supplementation among mothers and children. For example, the study also
during pregnancy, 17.9% of children received deworming showed an association between the consumption of forti-
medication, and 35.3% of children consumed fortified milk. fied milk and availability of improved latrines with anemia.
Separate multivariate logistic regression models were used This study also shows that maternal knowledge of anemia

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925 1921

Table 4 Multivariate model describing the odds of anemia associated with maternal knowledge of anemia and other potential risk factors in
mothers from urban slums and rural areas
Characteristics Urban Rural
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Mother knows about anemiaa 0.90 0.78, 1.02 0.10 0.96 0.90, 1.03 0.24
Maternal age (years)
B24 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
25–28 0.94 0.79, 1.12 0.51 1.08 0.99, 1.18 0.09
29–32 0.93 0.77, 1.12 0.44 1.11 1.01, 1.21 0.03
33? 1.12 0.93, 1.35 0.24 1.47 1.34, 1.61 \0.0001
Maternal education (years)
0 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
1–6 0.87 0.64, 1.18 0.36 0.91 0.78, 1.06 0.21
7–9 0.90 0.65, 1.24 0.50 0.86 0.73, 1.01 0.07
C10 0.86 0.62, 1.19 0.36 0.84 0.71, 0.99 0.04
Maternal body mass index (kg/m )
18.5 to \25 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
\18.5 1.43 1.18, 1.73 0.0003 1.24 1.13,1.36 \0.0001
C25 to \30 0.75 0.64, 0.89 0.0008 0.75 0.68, 0.82 \0.0001
C30 0.86 0.64, 1.16 0.32 0.57 0.46, 0.70 \0.0001
Number of children, 6–59 months of age
1 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
2 1.22 1.01, 1.47 0.04 1.27 1.15, 1.40 \0.0001
3? 1.60 0.70, 3.68 0.27 2.03 1.27, 3.23 0.003
Age of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
6–11 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
12–23 0.74 0.62, 0.88 0.001 0.87 0.80, 0.95 0.002
24–35 0.90 0.74, 1.09 0.30 0.79 0.72, 0.87 \0.0001
36–47 0.86 0.69, 1.06 0.16 0.86 0.77, 0.96 0.008
48–59 1.06 0.82, 1.37 0.66 0.81 0.71, 0.92 0.001
Child consumes fortified milk 1.01 0.89, 1.15 0.90 0.88 0.82, 0.94 0.0004
Father is a smoker 1.04 0.90, 1.20 0.57 1.01 0.94, 1.09 0.81
Household has improved latrine 0.86 0.73, 1.01 0.07 0.96 0.89, 1.02 0.21
Weekly per capita animal source food expenditure 0.90 0.72, 1.12 0.34 0.93 0.82, 1.06 0.30
Weekly per capita plant source food expenditure 0.65 0.51, 0.82 0.0004 0.86 0.72, 1.01 0.06
More than 4 individuals eating from same kitchen 1.17 1.01, 1.36 0.03 1.21 1.12, 1.29 \0.0001
Weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
1 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
2 0.95 0.73, 1.24 0.70 1.04 0.93, 1.16 0.52
3 0.97 0.75, 1.26 0.82 1.03 0.92, 1.15 0.62
4 0.88 0.68, 1.14 0.34 1.00 0.89, 1.13 0.98
5 0.93 0.71, 1.21 0.56 0.97 0.85, 1.11 0.68
Mother’s knowledge of anemia based upon the ability to name a symptom of anemia (pale face, weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail, or
headache) and a treatment of anemia (take iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-fortified foods, or visit a doctor/midwife/other health

was associated with the consumption of fortified milk by consumption of animal source foods in rural families but
the child and iron supplementation during the mother’s last not in urban families.
pregnancy in rural and urban families, but not with the use To our knowledge, this is the first population-based
of deworming medication in the child. Maternal knowledge study to address the relationship between maternal
of anemia was also significantly associated with knowledge of anemia and anemia in the mother. The lack

1922 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

Table 5 Multivariate model describing the odds of anemia in children from urban slums and rural areas in association with maternal knowledge
of anemia and other potential risk factors
Characteristics Urban Rural
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Mother knows about anemiaa 0.90 0.79, 1.02 0.10 0.93 0.87, 0.98 0.01
Maternal age (years)
B24 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
25–28 0.96 0.82, 1.12 0.60 0.96 0.89, 1.04 0.31
29–32 1.04 0.88, 1.24 0.63 0.99 0.91, 1.07 0.79
33? 0.87 0.73, 1.04 0.13 0.89 0.82, 0.96 0.004
Maternal education (years)
0 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
1–6 1.08 0.80, 1.45 0.63 0.90 0.78, 1.04 0.14
7–9 0.87 0.64, 1.18 0.37 0.85 0.72, 0.99 0.03
C10 0.74 0.55, 1.02 0.06 0.76 0.64, 0.89 0.0006
Maternal body mass index (kg/m2)
18.5 to \25 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
\18.5 1.07 0.88, 1.29 0.51 1.23 1.12, 1.34 \0.0001
C25 to \30 0.77 0.67, 0.89 0.0003 1.00 0.93, 1.08 0.96
C30 0.82 0.64, 1.07 0.14 0.82 0.70, 0.96 0.01
Number of children, 6–59 months of age
1 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
2 1.46 1.21, 1.76 \0.0001 1.24 1.13, 1.36 \0.0001
3? 0.99 0.40, 2.45 0.98 1.30 0.78, 2.14 0.31
Age of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
6–11 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
12–23 0.79 0.66, 0.94 0.009 0.71 0.65, 0.77 \0.0001
24–35 0.57 0.47, 0.69 \0.0001 0.37 0.34, 0.40 \0.0001
36–47 0.38 0.31, 0.47 \0.0001 0.25 0.22, 0.27 \0.0001
48–59 0.29 0.23, 0.37 \0.0001 0.17 0.15, 0.19 \0.0001
Sex of youngest child, 6–59 months of age
Male 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
Female 1.19 1.06, 1.33 0.003 1.27 1.21, 1.35 \0.0001
Child consumes fortified milk 0.68 0.60, 0.76 \0.0001 0.76 0.72, 0.81 \0.0001
Father is a smoker 1.03 0.91, 1.17 0.63 1.02 0.96, 1.09 0.49
Household has improved latrine 0.79 0.67, 0.93 0.004 0.96 0.90, 1.02 0.19
Weekly per capita animal food expenditure 0.91 0.75, 1.11 0.34 0.95 0.85, 1.06 0.35
Weekly per capita plant food expenditure 0.81 0.65, 1.01 0.06 0.93 0.82, 1.07 0.31
More than 4 individuals eating from same kitchen 0.98 0.85, 1.12 0.76 1.04 0.98, 1.11 0.21
Weekly per capita household expenditure, quintile
1 1.00 – – 1.00 – –
2 1.00 0.77, 1.39 0.98 0.98 0.88, 1.09 0.71
3 1.14 0.89, 1.46 0.30 1.10 0.99, 1.22 0.08
4 1.07 0.84, 1.37 0.59 1.05 0.95, 1.17 0.34
5 1.10 0.85, 1.42 0.48 1.07 0.95, 1.17 0.24
Mother’s knowledge of anemia based upon the ability to name a symptom of anemia (pale face, weakness/fatigue, pale eyes, pale arm/nail, or
headache) and a treatment of anemia (take iron tablet/capsule/vitamin, consume iron-fortified foods, or visit a doctor/midwife/other health

Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925 1923

Table 6 Multivariate logistic regression models describing the relationship of maternal knowledge of anemia with health-related behaviors
targeted at anemia
Health-related behavior Urban Rural
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Mother took iron supplementation in last pregnancy 1.65 1.16, 2.35 0.005 1.41 1.20, 1.65 \0.0001
Child consumes fortified milk 1.20 1.07, 1.35 0.002 1.21 1.13, 1.28 \0.0001
Child received deworming medication 1.02 0.88, 1.17 0.82 1.03 0.96, 1.11 0.41
Consumption of animal source foods 1.07 0.94, 1.21 0.31 1.13 1.06, 1.22 0.0004
All models adjusted for maternal age, maternal education, child age, child sex, number of household members eating from same kitchen, weekly
per capita household expenditure, and province

of a protective effect of maternal knowledge of anemia may acid at concentrations between 100 and 800 mg/l was
suggest that although women may understand the conse- shown to enhance the effectiveness of iron absorption in
quences of anemia on their health, they may not have the fortified milk [35]. Similar advancements could allow for
means to effectively reduce their risk for developing anemia. children to benefit from fortified-milk even if they are only
Although there were multiple risk factors associated with able to consume a smaller volume or are less compliant.
higher odds of anemia in the mother, weight was the only Maternal knowledge of anemia was significantly asso-
variable that could be more directly controlled by the mother. ciated with consumption of animal source foods in rural
Maternal knowledge of anemia was associated with the areas. However, resource-poor settings make increased
use of iron supplements during pregnancy in both urban consumption of animal source foods a difficult strategy to
and rural areas. In the present study, 85.7% of mothers in implement. Household food-processing and preparation
urban slums and 84.0% of mothers from rural areas used methods such as thermal processing, mechanical process-
iron supplementation during their last pregnancy. As pre- ing, soaking, fermentation, and germination/malting have
viously described, barriers to iron supplementation can been shown to enhance the bioavailability of micronutri-
have a marked effect on adherence, warranting new efforts ents in plant source foods [36]. Therefore, a diet consisting
to develop more accessible and well-accepted supplemen- of modified plant source foods combined with a small
tation programs. The use of sprinkles of microencapsulated portion of animal source foods could be an effective
ferrous fumarate was examined in a controlled trial in strategy to improve micronutrient bioavailability and die-
Ghanaian children as a potential method to increase tary diversity [37].
adherence by reducing unpleasant side effects associated In rural areas, maternal knowledge of anemia was pro-
with ferrous sulfate drops [29]. Additional follow-up tective against anemia in children. These findings are con-
studies suggested that the sprinkles were as equally effi- sistent with results from a study in Southern Israel, which
cacious as traditional iron supplementation [30]. However, found an inverse relationship between maternal knowledge
there are similar challenges regarding distribution of the of anemia and the presence of anemia in the child [14].
sprinkles, suggesting the need for large-scale distribution Maternal knowledge of anemia and its associated health risks
programs, more effective health policy, and stronger social in children also motivated women to tolerate negative side
marketing strategies. Information, education and commu- effects associated with iron supplements [9]. This further
nication (IEC) programs have also been developed in an supports the value of maternal knowledge of anemia and
effort to improve the effectiveness of iron supplementation suggests that there could be a variety of ways a mother’s
and have been implemented in Indonesia [31, 32]. knowledge could impact a child’s serum iron status.
Consumption of fortified milk by the child was also The strengths of the present study include the large
protective against anemia in the child in both rural and sample size, the population-based sampling, the general
urban areas and was significantly associated with maternal corroboration of findings between families from rural areas
knowledge of anemia. These results are consistent with and urban slums, and the availability of detailed health
previous interventional studies showing a decrease in the surveillance data from each family. The limitations of the
prevalence of anemia in children who consume fortified study are the cross-sectional design, which limits causal
milk [33, 34]. Increased efforts to distribute fortified milk interference. As with any epidemiological study, it is not
could be accomplished by reinforcing its effectiveness possible to measure all factors that may influence a mother’s
through IEC programs or through other forms of social knowledge of anemia or the prevalence of anemia in mothers
marketing. Efforts could also be made to increase the and their children, and there may be unmeasured con-
bioavailability of iron in fortified milk. In the past, ascorbic founding factors. In the future, a controlled intervention

1924 Matern Child Health J (2012) 16:1913–1925

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