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The Woman vs Donald Trump

The Woman vs Donald Trump

Shannon Kornegay

University of Texas at El Paso

The Woman vs Donald Trump 1

The Woman vs Donald Trump

In my community of women one of the problems I am going to address is the Global Gag

Rule (GGR). You must be asking, “What is it?” and “What is the problem?”. Well, that is

exactly what I am going into further detail about. So, “What is it?” The GGR or otherwise

known as the “Mexico City Policy” is a U.S foreign policy that requires overseas organizations

getting US aid not to mention or have anything to do with abortion. That includes mostly

developing countries. Since our current President Trump is a Republican, he is a pro- life

advocate. Usually if we have a Republican president in office then the policy is enacted and if we

have a Democrat president in office the policy is usually rescinded. So, what is the problem with

the imposed GGR? According to (Gender health 2018) the problem is now that it is imposed the

GGR is a major contributor to 2.1 million unsafe abortions, 21,700 maternal deaths, and 6.5

million unintended pregnancies.

The GGR is effecting clinics that are currently receiving US aid. They are banned from

mentioning, talking about, or referring the women to other clinics for legal abortions. Because of

Trumps re-inforcement of this ban, it is leading women to practice unsafe illegal abortions on

their own. For example, if a woman walked into a US funded clinic asking for HIV medicine

they would be able to help her but, if she mentions she is pregnant and considering abortion they

legally have to turn her away. Even if the doctors or nurses on duty would like to help her, they

are at risk of losing their US funding. The only exception is the cases involving life

endangerment, rape, or incest. (gender health 2018). In conclusion, that would mean the clinics
The Woman vs Donald Trump 2

closing their doors and shutting down and not being able to help people with a wide variety of

health needs.

Getting in to the topic of Trump many women all over the world are very unhappy with

his choice of implementing the GGR policy. As said in the article, “TRUMP MARKS FIRST WEEK

IN OFFICE BY BETRAYING WOMEN”, many women think that “Trumps Global Gag betrays

women and girls around the world”. President Trump already does not have a good standing

point with most women worldwide. Women are concerned about their human rights, equality,

and health. Because of that women in the state of Washington, D.C marched for unity and

equal rights. 48 hours after the Women’s march in Washington D.C President Trump responded

by announcing the newly reinforced GGR.

The news of this policy now being enforced went down very bad with women who

believe in pro-choice. Some of the comments regarding the policy said this: "Despite the facts,

and not surprisingly, President Trump and his administration have made it clear that they are

hostile to women, health, and science. Make no mistake: Trump's global gag will not make U.S.

investments more efficient or effective.”

(gender health 2018). Here is a photo of

President Trump re-instating the GGR

surrounded by all men. This photo is

quite controversial among women.

Figure 1: Donald Trump signing GGR

The Woman vs Donald Trump 3

You may be asking what makes President Trump’s version of the GGR way worse

than previous versions? In previous Republican administrations the funding for the GGR

specifically for US family planning funds was approximately $575 million. I was shocked

by the restrictions to the budget. The restrictions extend to an estimated $8.8 billion.

According to the website Human Rights Watch that is “$8.8 million in US global health

assistance, including funding support for family planning and reproductive health,

maternal and child health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS—including The President’s Plan for

Emergency Relief for AIDS (PEPFAR), prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, malaria

(including the President’s Malaria Initiative), infectious diseases, neglected tropical

diseases, and even to water, sanitation, and hygiene programs.”

Although the effects of the GGR is still unknown since it has been so recently enforced

there is a projection of problems to come. Starting with the fact that women and girls in middle

to low income countries will not have the needed access to contraception, which will lead to

more unintended pregnancies and even more unsafe abortions. Also, health programs that lose

US funding have to cut services linked to vaccinations, malaria prevention and the treatment

for AIDS/ HIV, nutrition programs, and TB (tuberculosis). The policy will also be the cause of

more maternal deaths due to unsafe abortions. Not only unsafe abortions are the cause of

maternal deaths. Where the maternal deaths are already high they will grow even higher due to

the fact that so many health clinics/ programs are shutting down.
The Woman vs Donald Trump 4

What can be done to stop the destructive effects of this policy? There is hope to end

this newly imposed GGR. It is called

the “Global HER Act(GHR)”. What

exactly is the GHR? The GHR “would

guarantee that U.S. foreign aid

promotes health care that is free

from stigma and discrimination,

prioritizes women’s health, and is Figure 2: Protesters enforcing the Global HER Act

consistent with the fundamental principles of the United States, including the right to free

speech.”. This means women abroad in developing countries would have the same

opportunities and choices as women in the US have. Above is a picture of women protesting

and enforcing the (GHR).

How exactly would this GHR work? It would promote safe health practices without

discrimination or restrictions. It would also support freedom of speech abroad and the respect

for the patient/ doctor relationship. Now you must be asking how can you help? According to

the “Change center for health and gender equality” it says, “As a constituent, call your

Members of Congress and ask them to cosponsor the Global HER Act. As a member of congress,

co- sponsor S.210 or H.R.671 and encourage your colleagues to do the same.” In conclusion,

just to put it in perspective, as a woman, how would you feel if you didn’t have the choice or

the right to what you want to do with your own body? If this were happening in the U.S there
The Woman vs Donald Trump 5

would be a heap of attention called to it. We need to fight for women all over the world

because we all deserve the same rights.

The Woman vs Donald Trump 6



February). Retrieved from


F. (2017, January 24). US - President Donald Trump reinacts anti-abortion "global gag rule".

Retrieved March 18, 2018, from


Retrieved from

Trumps Mexico City Policy or Global Gag Rule. (2018, February 14). Retrieved March 07,

2018, from


V. (2017, August 05). Trump's Global Gag Rule Is A Death Sentence For Some Malawi Women

(HBO). Retrieved March 18, 2018, from
The Woman vs Donald Trump 7

Mexico City policy. (2018, March 18). Retrieved March 18, 2018, from

Trump's Global Gag Rule – The Many Extremities of a Monstrous Policy « PAI – Gag Rule.

(n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2018, from


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