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(Rs. Per Day)
Sl. Scheduled Employment Category of Area Covered
No. Works Total wages
1 2 3 4
1 Agriculture (a)-Without Food Unskilled West Bengal 96.00
with food 87.50
Semiskilled -
2 Bakery Unskilled West Bengal 140.02
3. Bell Metal and Brass Industry Unskilled 139.69
Semi-skilled West Bengal 142.00
Skilled 144.31
4. Beedi Leaf Plucking Unskilled 101.46
Semi-skilled West Bengal 105.62
Skilled 109.73
5. Bone meal Industry Unskilled 128.85
Semi-skilled CAL 134.42
Skilled 140.00
6. Bricks Manufacturing Unskilled 141.46
Semi-skilled CAL 145.31
Skilled 153.00
7. Ceramic Industry Unskilled 134.62
Semi-skilled CAL 135.85
Skilled 137.96
8 Chakki Mills Unskilled 136.85
Semi-skilled 137.54
9 Cigarette Manufacturing Rates are now Governed by
10. Cinema (a) Cinema House Agreement
Unskilled 115.48
Semi-skilled CH 116.12
Skilled 118.92
(B) Production Unskilled 115.48
Semi-skilled 117.00
Skilled 118.52
(c) Distribution Units Unskilled 115.48
Semi-skilled 118.92
Skilled 118.12
11. Construction & Maintenance of Unskilled 131.37
Road or building operation - Semi-skilled 134.31
Zone (A)
Skilled 148.00
Highly Skilled 156.41
Unskilled 130.00
Semi-skilled 131.31
Zone (B)
Skilled 136.26
Highly Skilled 146.48
12. Cinchona Unskilled West Bengal 111.86
Sl. Scheduled Employment Category of Area Covered
No. Works Total wages
1 2 3 4
13. Clinical Nursing Home Rates fixed under the Labour
Department Notification No. 1339 -
LW dated 14.07.1979 has been
quashed by Calcutta High court by
14 Dal Mills Unskilled 142.35
Semi-skilled 144.27
Skilled 146.19
Clerk/Munshi 145.04
15. Decoration
West Bengal
Semi-skilled 98.05
Skilled 99.80
16. Establishments (Commercial) Unskilled (Peon) 141.92
Semi-skilled -
Skilled (Clerk etc)
West Bengal 143.62
(Accountant) 147.04
Highly Skilled 148.77
17. Fishery Unskilled West Bengal 101.46
18. Flour Mills Unskilled 144.81
Semi-skilled 145.77
West Bengal
Skilled 146.73
Highly Skilled 147.69
19. Forestry and Timber Operations Unskilled(Adult) West Bengal 101.46
20 Glass Industry Unskilled 148.58
Semi-skilled 149.35
West Bengal
Skilled 151.27
Highly Skilled 153.38
21 Godown Unskilled WB Zone (A) 131.38
Unskilled WB Zone (B) 130.35
22 Guards of Security
Agencies(Provided 10 or more Unskilled
Employees) 146.77
23 Handloom Unskilled West Bengal 99.81
24 Hosiery Industry Unskilled 147.58
Semi-skilled CAL
Skilled 151.42
25 Hotels &Restaurants Rates fixed under the Labour Department.
26 Iron Foundry Unskilled 144.27
Semi-skilled CAL 145.42
Skilled 148.50
27 Lac Manufactory Unskilled 101.46
Semi-skilled West Bengal 105.62
Skilled 109.73
28 Local Authorities Rates are now regulated by local Self-Government
Sl. Scheduled Employment Category of Area Covered
No. Works Total wages
1 2 3 4
29 Medicinal Plant other than Unskilled 111.86
Cinchona (Adolescent) West Bengal 106.68
(child) 105.71
30 Oil Mills Unskilled 156.35
Semi-skilled 157.31
Skilled 158.27
Highly Skilled 159.23
31 Paints & Chemicals Factories Unskilled 141.12
Semi-skilled 144.08
West Bengal
Skilled 146.08
Highly Skilled 149.04
32 Paper Board & straw Board Mfg. Unskilled 126.61
Industry (Sundry Process) Semi-skilled CAL 127.64
Skilled 129.45
33 Plastic Industry Unskilled 134.62
Semi-skilled CAL 135.69
Skilled 137.96
34 Plywood Industry Unskilled 131.38
Semi-skilled West Bengal 133.31
Skilled 135.23
35 Power Loom (Less than 10 Unskilled 136.62
Workmen) Semi-skilled CAL 137.00
Skilled 137.77
36 Power Loom (10 or more Unskilled 136.62
Workmen) Semi-skilled CAL 137.00
Skilled 137.77
37 Printing Press Unskilled 128.85
Semi-skilled CAL 133.46
Skilled 138.27
38 Public Motor Transport Cleaner & Lorry
Coolies 177.61
Fitters & Time-
Keepers West Bengal 179.95
Drivers &
Mechanics 182.65
Conductor 179.62
39 Refractory Industry Unskilled 134.73
Semi-skilled 137.04
West Bengal
Skilled 139.35
Highly Skilled 141.65
40 Rice Mills Unskilled 109.54
Semi-skilled 113.38
West Bengal
Skilled 117.23
Highly Skilled 124.92
41 Rope Industry Unskilled 141.27
Semi-skilled West Bengal 143.69
Skilled 146.08
Sl. Scheduled Employment Category of Area Covered
No. Works Total wages
1 2 3 4
42 Rubber Product Unskilled 135.19
Semi-skilled CAL 135.62
Skilled 136.62
43 Salt Manufacturing Industry Unskilled 102.65
Semi-skilled 104.96
West Bengal
Skilled 106.96
Highly skilled 108.12
44 Sales Promotion in Medicine Semi-skilled 174.27
West Bengal
Skilled 193.50
45 Saw Mills Unskilled 135.73
Semi-skilled 138.04
Skilled 140.31
Highly Skilled 142.15
46 Sericulture Nursary and
Unskilled West Bengal
Cultivation & Silk Spinning and 97.75
47 Shoes Making Industry Unskilled 139.62
Semi-skilled West Bengal 141.96
Skilled 144.27
48 Shops Helper,
Weighman, Peon, 147.93
Salesman West Bengal 149.27
Accountant &
Cashier 151.31
49 Silk Printing Unskilled 133.38
Semi-skilled CAL 134.35
Skilled 136.50
50 Stone Breaking and Stone Unskilled 128.85
crushing Semi-skilled CAL 134.42
Skilled 140.00
51 Tailoring Industry Unskilled 135.08
Semi-skilled CAL 135.50
Skilled 136.50
52 Tea Plantation Rates are now governed by
53 Tanneries & Leather Unskilled 143.73
Manufacturing Semi-skilled CAL 147.58
Skilled 153.35
54 Tobacco(Beedi Making) Per day 136.48
Per 1000 beedie CAL
rolling 137.58
55 Tobacco Godown Unskilled West Bengal 101.46
Note: Total Sechedule Employment 61. Rates of 6 schedules employment have not yet
N.B. CAL: Indicates Rates prescribed for Calcutta.
W.B. indicates ratesprescribed for whole of West bengal
CH: Indicates rates prescribed in Kolkata and Howrah.Municipal
Howrah Municipal corporation rates are different in other areas.

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