Fhs 2620 Two Hour Block Plan Part 1 Spring 2018 3

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FHS 2620 Two-Hour Block Plan -Part 1

Planning and Implementing

Spring 2018

Student Name: _____Tiba Alshreayda _________________________ Today’s Date:


Date of Implementations:

Classroom/ Lab Teachers: ___________Grizzly ___________/ _____Lisa


Topic and Overarching Goal: _____The topic is spring because the kids notice how the weather is
changing from cold to warm and they keep asking why this is happing. My reaching goal is for the kids to
understand what the effects of spring are and how the things start changing.

Location Day 1 Activity Day 2 Activity Behavioral

(Introduce) (Extend/Expand) Objective(Need a
minimum of 5

Circle Time At 8:50, I will give the At 8:50, I will give the While at the group
Time: 9:00 to 9:30 kids a five-minute kids a five-minute time, the child will
(Needs to include: reminding.8:55 will play reminding.8:55 will play participate by
Transitions in and out, the clean up song and the clean-up song and following
Literature, discussion,
puppetry, music,
clean up. After that I will clean up. After that I will instructions and
movement, etc) sing “everybody sit down” sing “everybody sit answer the teacher
and grab the kids attention. down” and grab the kids questions two time.
When the kids sit down on attention. When the kids
the rug and have my sit down on the rug and
attention I will start the have my attention I will
class routine and ask the start the class routine and
question of the day, which ask the question of the
what the weather is and day, which what the
what day is it today. Then weather is and what day
I am going to choose three is it today. Then I am
kids one of them will be going to choose three kids
line leaders, weather one of them will be line
helper, and lunch helper. leaders, weather helper,
After that I will introduce and lunch helper. After
the book I will be reading that, I will introduce the
which is “when will it be book “welcome back
spring” written and spring” by Filtzy. Then I
illustrated by Catherine will ask questions to
Walters. While I read the make sure everybody
book, I will ask questions understand the book, and
to make sure the kids play the welcome back
understand what the book spring song to the kids.
is. When I am done When I dismiss the kids, I
reading the book I will will dismiss the quietest
play the song “spring is ones first.
here” and have them listen
to the song. Then I will
have the kids go back to
their seats and tell them
the activities we have for
today. Then I will excuse
the kids by there shirt
Center Time
Time: 9:30
Till 10:20
Math Concepts The For the Spring Math For the second day I am While children
second activity, I wanted the kids going to have the kids counting flowers
table to further work on their counting what they did in they will able to
(math fine motor skills as well as the first day, but I will matching t with
table) have some fun with add more number to right number.
clothespins and counting. count I need them to
The kids are going to have count till 30 this time.
a paper that has pictures of
flowers on one side and
different numbers on the
other side (from1 to 15).
to They are supposed to
match the right picture
with the number using the
clothespin to place their
Supplies needed: spring
math clip cards worksheet,
cardboard for printing, and
Language and Literacy Write in flour
Literacy table Write in flour After using fingers to
Concepts This is so much fun! Just write, I will make them
sand or sugar, or flour onto try using a writing utensil.
a tray. Then let the child Encourage using the pen.
write with their finger to
their name or dad name.
Creative Arts Art table Cupcake flowers on the Rainbow Spin Mixing
easel It will be taking place in
the art table.
I will prepare the easel Supplies needed
paper in advance. For this Red Yellow, and Blue
activity, I will let the Tempera Paint.
children glue cupcake Large white coffee filters.
holders on sheets of easel Salad Spinner
paint. need these three colors to
I will introduce this create a rainbow. By
process to the children for placing the three primary
the first time. Initially, colors in the spinner and
they were not sure what to mixing them so I will see
do with it .it will take if the kids can create a
place in the art table. whole variety of hues and
know what color will be
making. It’s magical to
watch green, orange, and
purple appear in a matter
of seconds. I will have
one of the teacher be with
the kids in the art table to
help them.
Creative Dramatic It will be clothing shop. On the second day I will While they plying
Dramatics play area. Me and the three teachers bring colorful necklaces children will be
Sam, Ashly, and Elina for the girls since it is able to share and
decided to do a clothing spring, and sunglasses for taking turn.
store. Each of us will bring the boys because Like to
our assigned items for the pretend that it is sunny
shop. I planned on bring outside.
shoes for the girls because
the girls like to wear shoes
every time they play dress
Sensory Sensor For the sensory table I For the second day I will Children will be
Activities table. planned on using four fill up the sensory table able to identifies
colorful pompoms and a with water beads. First, I eight color water
lot of green shredded am going to have the beads.
paper as the grass. In the children play in the beads,
sensor table there will be then I will add measuring
four plastic colorful tools and have. The beads
containers were the kids are so enticing! Colorful,
will scoop up the smooth, squishy beads
pompoms and place it in than I will have a bowl
the containers that they full of them to plunge
belong to. their hands into and hold
and squish them. I am
also going to add plastic
containers and have the
kids sort all the different
colors they see.
Science The first Rainbow Volcano
Concepts table on Make a Rain Cloud in a
the right Jar.
side. This classic weather
activity for kids is fun This rainbow volcano
because when rain falls activity is going to be
down the kids like looking super fun for the kids and
at how it falls down from at the same time they will
the clouds. be using their five senses
(sight, touch, smell, taste,
Supplies Needed: & hearing), practice
predicting, making
 A large jar conclusions,
 Shaving cream communicating, and
 Gel Food coloring playing!
or washable Supplies needed are
watercolor. baking soda
 Pipettes or  Water
droppers  food coloring
I will have the kids sit  vinegar
in the first right table  Liquid dish soap
in the classroom. Then (optional, but
I will explain the fun!)
directions for this  vase
activity. As the kids do  Pan to contain the
the activity I am going volcano's mess.
to tell them pay close First, I will give the
attention to what is instructions and let the
happening to the cloud. kids follow it. While they
Then they will pick up are doing the activity I
some colored water will ask, what they
with a pipette and predict will happen for
squirt it on top of the the baking soda and
shaving cream cloud. vinegar.
The purpose for this While they are adding
activity is for how the baking soda inside the
rain comes down from volcano I will have the
the clouds. children smell the vinegar
and ask them if they like
the smell or not.
Other Activity Fine Spring flower lacing card. Doing the lacing card. but
motor For this activity I made I will add more hall in the
lacing flower spring lacing flower spring cards.
cards that the child will
have to lace by following
the holes. This activity can
help the child get a better
grasp of their pencil.
Outside Learning My lab ends at 10:50, so I N/A
Time: will not be there.
(Include at least two:
Building/ construction
Nature art, Water,

Other Activity In the ALPHABET BINGO ALPHABET lowercase Children will be

Time:10:25 to 10 Leatrice GAME BINGO GAME. able to know the
35 table It will be group activity I I will do bingo but with alphabet lowercase
will have all the class the lowercase.
come and do it with me
after we dun with a there
Other Activity Group rug I will read for them the I will read for them the
Time:10:36to10:50 second step second step
Music and secand
step I will but the silly dance I will play move and
music frizzed

Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher

___TA__ (Student) By initialing this box, I confirm that I have discussed this lesson plan with the lab teacher
before the due date.

Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: ___________________________________________

Date: _______________________


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