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CHAPTER 2 A prosien 2s 21 A steel od is 2.2 m long and must not stretch more than 1.2 mm when a 8.5 KN load is applied to it. Knowing that € = 200 GPa, determine (a) the smallest diameter rod which should be used, (6) the corresponding normal stress caused by the load sowution Ss Re 8 As Be Qtidiithon 7 70H wt A= Fat = 7@ . [Elae ie”) £4.96 10% = 9.96 mm = w) 6 aa . LaLa = 10%1x10' Pa = 10%.) MPa =e PROBLEM 22 22.-A-4S-Mong sel wire of in, diameter tel wie i subjected oa 7504b SOLUTION (a) Ls ha ft = tensile oad. Knowing that E = 29 10* psi, determine (a) the elongation ofthe wire, (D) the corresponding normal stress. $7.6 in A= Ed*s Hit)’ =44,087% 10" int PL (7§0)( $7.6) s A Pe. = xJo% in = 0.030 - S* Re "Gosmio Vane) 7 30-3 x10” in = 0.0508 in ily 750. = 3 = ; ) 6 = A ° Wyosteyer® = WRB x10" psi = 15.28 ksi « as 23 Two gage mas ae paced exact 10 inches apart on a + in-diametr “ alurninum rod with £ = 10.1 x 10" psi and an ultimate strength of 16 ksi. Knowing that the distance between the gage marks is 10.009 in. afer Toad is applied, SOLUTION determine (a) theses in the rod, (b) the factor of safety (A) $= 10.009 = 10.000 = 0.009 in. eee ES _ (lo.t¥/o*\(0.004 . 2-8 o- &. x = 9.09 x10" psi 6. = 4.049 ksi = 7 7B. =< ®) PS = 2: ae 1.760 24 A contol rod made of yellow brass must no stretch more than 3 mm when the PROBLEM 24 tension inthe wire is 4 KN. Keowing tat £= 108 GPa and tha! the aximurn allowable normal sires is 180 MPa, determine () the smallest diameter that can be SOLUTION Selected for the rod, (5) the corresponding maximum length ofthe red @o:P: ards Az Fate dV oP eeeeeaee eee gece @) s-fe +» L= AES. ee = 22.222 x10" m* ONC 22. 222 ¥10°F 82 x10 : = 5.82 mm =e (22.222 x10°S) (lox 10") (3 110% ) velo Bacaececeeseeeeaeies = 1,750 m = /] 28 A 9.m length of 6-mm-diameter stel wire is to be used in a hanger. Its PROBLEM 2.5 thatthe wire stretches 18 mm when a tensile force Pis applied. Knowing thet. ar Gre determine (@) the magnitude of the force P, (6) the corresponding nommal stress 2) R= Ed* = E(o.o0e)’ = 28,274 «)0°S w® gz Pe. pe AES. (22.274r10*XZ00n/ 0" )lianso?) Ag” u 4 = 181¥IO7N = UBT kN ~ Pe M.B le 10% e &) ore * Zeaxos = 4oo x 10° Pa = 400 MPa ~ 2.6 A451. aluminum pipe should not stretch more than 0.05 in. when itis subjectod PROBLEM 2.6 to a tensile load, Knowing that £ = 10.1 10* psi and that the allowable tensile ‘strength is 14 ksi., determine (a) the maximum allowable length of the pipe, (b) the SOLUTION ‘required area ofthe pipe ifthe tensile load is 127.5 kips. ‘as ‘i = EAS ES _ (0.1w10*)(0.05) _ (2) sefbee #gs > Eee lon = 36.) in = @) 62 Ra A= Es BASH LS ai int « 2.7 A nylon thread is subjected to a 8.5-N tension force. Knowing that E = 3.3 GPa beret td tht the lent ofthe head increas by 1] "damned ot so.ution tho tend, (8) the stress in the thread Sobek ay Beka Bs 90.909 i y ' s+fh sa. Pr. Oger 234.16 4107? m? A= Fd* 2 d= 7A = O.s46 10% m = O.SHE mm «< ) oF é gies = 86810 Pa = 36.3 MPa = 28 A casion tube is used to support a compressive load. Knowing that £= 10 x PROBLEM 2.8 10 pri and tht the maximum allowable change in length is 0.028 persent determine (q) the maximum normal stress in the tube, () the minimum wall thickness for a load SOLUTION ‘of 1600 If the outside diameter of the tbe is 2.0 0.025 @ £ = 22 = o.acors oe as = (oxo )(o.220288) = 2.8 x/0% pai = 2.5 ksi - -h. Ashe. int w obs As E = HL = aston gor Alec! Cen64) = aaSi ins 2 dy = 1.7847 in = £(Q0.- 1.7347) = 0.1077 in. « 29 A block of 10-in, length and 1,8%1.6 in, cross section is to support a centric ‘compressive load P. ‘The material tobe used isa bronze for which E =14 * 10° psi. Determine the largest load which can be applied, knowing that the normal stress must SOLUTION not exceed 18 ksi and that the decrease in length ofthe block should be at most 0.12 percent ofits original length. Considering afowabte stress 6 = 18 kei = 187/08 psi A= (08 C16) = 2.88 in* 6= Pe GA = (18K08 (2 88) 2 51.8 xI08 Yb Considering allowable deFormetion $= Fb = 0.0012 AA poniem 2s ee 8= FE. Pe AEB = (2.8s)i¥wo(o.002)= 48.4 -l0" Mb Smother vadue governs P= 48.410 th = 48.4 kips ~ 210 ASN ical wil bem W050 eaghot sel wie wih E> PROBLEM 2.10 Gin Date heal ante nie whch cn Se and og ate Somalater metas snted ODP ana etaaence egies souutios Sou Gontmert25 nm Considering allowable stress © = 1S0 x10* Pa. pee cae 2 Pe Te + a o-E sa & = GIS = cone Considering aHowable elongution § = 25¥10% m ~fe, = PL. (%1l0*)( 50) ae 6 SRE * AP BS * GoowiatNasmosy = 70 Om RE havger area governs A= 0 ¢/07* m* Ae Rat d+ fe s | Ween} = 10.10 1155 m = 10.70 mm = Gos mo em ee yee tesa ee eae at c ca erie aa) 2.11 The 4-mm-diameter cable BC is made ofa steel with E = 200 GPa. Knowing AY pRopLEM2it thal he macimum sess in he cable mst not exon 190 MPa and tha the ‘elongation of the cable must not exceed 6 xm, find the maximum load P that can be ‘applied as shown, SOLUTION I 44h 2 TZN) mm ) £ Use bar AB as a free body L-aow-l DEM, 20 3.8 P = 6 iat Faed® © Pe 0.950% Fee AG Considering abfowabte stress SF 190%10° Pa ny A= Bd* = F.0o4)* = 12-566 x/0~* mn ot ie 2 Fut CA = G20 mo Viz se6 x10) = 2.388% 10" N Le = Considering atfowebte elongation S= © x10 wm s+ elu. p.- 4ESe ia.seanc)(a00 0" ¥.6 xe) = 2.091.x10° NW Smalher value governs Rus 2.09/x10° N Pz 0.9504 Fy = (C.4507)(2. O81 KI) = 1.983x10°N © |.78B KW =e Pere 2412. Rod BD is made of steel (E = 29 * 10 psi) and is used to brace the axially ‘Compressed member ABC. The maximum force that can be developed in member BD {5 0.02P, Ifthe stress must not exceed 18 ksi and the maximum change ia length of P= 10 ips ‘BD must not exceed 0.001 times the length of ABC, determine the smallest diameter ‘od that can be used for member BD. PROBLEM 2.12 SOLUTION Feo = 0.02 P = (0,0 130) = 26Kes + 26x10% Mb Considering stress = 18 ksi = 18 JO" pai Fee eee As Bs BE 2 oad int Rie Considering deformation S=.001N4) = 0.144 in. os Foobe. _ Fates _ (26ulo3 )(S4) ak = Babee. A= Fees Gee ycontuay = 2778362 in Larger aven governs At OTHE in AcBats dafh - [SERED = o.n2s in ~ 2.13 A single axial lond of magnitude P ~ 58 kN is applied at end Cof the brass rod ABC. Knowing that £~ 105 GPa, determine the diameter d of portion BC for which the deflection of point C will be 3 mm. PROBLEM 2.13, som SOLUTION = Bk eee bee 82 ZR. Efe + el on * a rad ~ Gasxo"Y(3xio%) 1-2 = 3.7834 x 10% pi? 58 x10% F@.080)* ~ 0.8 of 6 a Eira 7 Trees © ANH m = Aur Ede = Fhe. = [MAN 16 s210* m = 16S2mm — yRoptrn(2i4 214 Both orion hero ABC ema fa uni fo whieh £= 73. GP Knowing that the diameter of portion BCisd™= 20 mm, determine the largest force P that can be applied if oy) 160 MPa and the corresponding deflection at point Cis not 2mm toexceed 4mm. SOLUTION ee = Ang = 7 (0.080)" = 706.86 «107% m* | Bac = Flo.cz0)*= 314.16 x107% m* Considering atfowable stress 6 = 160 %/0" Pa o- f+ Pac Portion AB Pz (706.86x10* )(Iéoxlo*) = 113.1 10° N Portion BE P= (BMI «10% )Cldoxjo®) = 50.3 %107 N Consistering aPPowabde cleflection §, © 4¥/0% m PI . 2 2h: EG + oe) Pe ES, (jas + hey! = (axio Gro) (Se 28 706. 86x(0"* * 319.16 ¥10 = 63.8 xjo" N SmafPest value For P governs Pe 50.3xIO N= 50.3kN Oa =) ca oo om 4 a === Pee ee eee eee 2418 The specimen shown s made from a I-in.-diameter cylindrical steel od with two PROBLEM 2.15 |.S-in--onterdiameter sleeves bonded tothe rod as shown, Knowing that £™=29 x 10" si, determine (a) the load P so thatthe total deformation is 0.002 in, (6) the ‘corresponding deformation of the central potion BC. souumion - @ s-ZhR. oh Pr estey" As Bde Lyin dyin | Agin® | L/A, int! Ls 17671 VtBe 0.785% | 3.9197 1.7671 | igia som P = (aaniot Xo. 002 (6,083) = a.s3rx10" yb. = 9.53 kips = = Phe Pile. EeBeKioF ie 3 () S&= Res Fe: BEBE (2.2197) = 1.254107 ine Pian 2.16 Both portions ofthe rod ABC are made ofan aluminum for which E = 70 GPa Knowing thatthe magnitude of P is 4 kN, determine (a) the value of @ so that the Aeflection at is zero, (8) the corresponding deflection of B. Pp SOLUTION a) Ay = Faye = F(0.020) = 314.16 vio mt adm || 20amdaneter Nec = Fee = F(0.060)" = 2.8274 xjo% m* Force in member AB is P tension E Don. Seg = Phu - (4x103)(0.4) _ “8 EA” GomoT\aiy-le xe oe = 72,786 ¥lo-™% m a.m ster Force in member BC is Q-P coup ression . = (Q-PiLe . (Q-P) (0.8) Shortening Sie TE Ba. (ona aate) = 2.8263 x10"? (Q-P) For zero dehdection at A Sse = Bae 2.8268x10"(Q-P) = 72.7540. Q- P= 28.8x10°N Q= 28.3xlo'+ 4xiot = s2gxie N = 328 kW =< (©) Sia = See Sas 72.786xIO%m = 0.0728 mm = ah PROBLEM 2.17 SOLUTION (a) Pre Sat Sao + See = (b) Se Se = Ma = Fg = F(o.020)" = Aucz Fdect =}* = 2.8274 x10 m = 9.% Io wy = S14. 16 x10" P= 6xI0N P-Q= Gxlt- H2nice - 360108 N 0.4m Lac? OS Balin (6x10%)(0.4) Bue, (Biv. 1616 \owi0") 109.135 # 10% wm Pec lsc . x08 (0.5) AwE 08274 1 K 70 xio*) ~ 90.947 © 10"* m VOT. 186% 15" — 90.947 RIG m = 1B8.AG HITS Om > 0.01819 mm = 0.0904 mmm 2.47 The rod ABC is made of an aluminum for which £~ 70 GPa. Knowing that P ‘= GKN and Q = 42 kN, determine the deflection of (2) point 4, (4) point 3. Re « = PROBLEM 2.18 2.18 The 36-mm-diameter steel rod ABC and a brass rod CD ofthe same diameter sre Joined at point Cto form te 7.5-mrod ABCD. For the loading shown, and neglecting, ‘the weight of the rod, determine the deflection of (a) point C, (6) point D. SOLUTION A= Fa? = F(0.026)* = 1.01787 x10 m* i 3 3 fo] a o Brass: ~ 105 GPs Port AB] 150 kN | Zm | 200 GPa] 1.474 xJ0°* m BC | loo KN | 3m | 200 GPa! 1.47410” m CD | 100 kN | 2.5m] 10s GPa] 2.334410? m PB. ee Ey PLL; /AE, VAY 1 4 1474 lO = 2.448 x10%m = 2.95 mm —e ) 8. = Shp +See. (e) Sy S4 Sy © 2.948 KO % + 2.989 Io? F ELBIHO 8m = SRI mn me > i q 150% 3 ce = 2.19 The brass tube AB (E = 15 « 10" psi) has a cross-sectional area of 0.22 in? and is fitted with aplug at, The tube is attached at B toa rigid plate which is itselfattached at Cto the bottom of an aluminum eylinder (E= 10.4 * 10" psi) with a cross-sectional area of 0.40 in®, The cylinder is then hung from a support at D. In order to close the cylinder, the plug must move down through 2 in, Determine the force P that must be applied tothe cylinder. Shortening of brass tube AS Le S43 iS.087in Az 0.22 in® Eye IS*10% par Phew Ba” Ee hes Lengthening of aluminum eyfinder CD 4.554700 BP beg * 1S, Ayy= 0.40 in®, Ecg® 10,9o 10" psi = Ple _ P Cis? i 6 Bey = En Ae *Goane¥ lone) 3.6058 x(0° P Tate dePlection Sq = Sig + Seo Gq = USS497 115* 4 score )P + P= 5.74 x10" Mb. = S74 Kes wt 2.20 A.1.2-m seetion of aluminum pipe of cross-sectional area 1100 mun? rests on a PROBLEM 2.20 fixed support at 4. The 15-mm-diameter steel rod BC hangs from a rigid bar that rests ‘on the top af the pipe at B. Knowing that the modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa for steel ‘and 72 GPa for aluminum, determine the deflection of point Cwhena 60 KN force is spplied at C. SOLUTION Rod BC Lect 21m, Eee 7 200 ¥10" Pa Baez Fd* = F(o.o1s)* = 176,715 «107% we ee eee (Goro )C 2.1) #e Ea Anc (ROOKOT NTE, TSI FY = 3.56Sx 10% m Pipe AB! Lag t leQm, Bags 12010% Pa, Ag? 100 mn*= 00x10‘ m* Sena Fh = A6Ox10° 12) G09.) x10 mt a © GAx107 i100 «10 ) ne “3, Se = Sams Scig= TEIIO~ + B.56S%1IO = 4.47 ¥10 m= 4 Tm ae 221 The tel fame (E=200 GPa) shown has a diagonal brace BD with an area of PROBLEM 2.21 1920. ‘Determine the largest allowable load P if the change in length of member 1p BDisnoto exceed 1.6mm 3 ic SOLUTION Sec tx1O% m , Neg = 1420 mm” = 1920 x10 m* om Lec tY St+E? = 7.810 m, Ege 200x107 Fa Sus ee . 7 7 Fe = See. Qao tto* 1920 x16" U6 x1) es Sonaeacea 7 @ (aera eeaceetaae 5m = 78.67% 10° N Use jot B as a free body? ZF, > © te Fa - P =e “ae = 50.4«/0° N = 50.4 KN = pponern aes 2.22 Forte stee truss (£=200 GPa) and loading shown, determine the deformations 225 La of members 4B and AD, knowing that their cross-sectional areas are 2400 max? and 1800 mm, respectively. SOLUTION aN Stables? Reachions are HHKN upvard ot AGC, r a Member BD is a zero firce member a tom teste has =f +25° = WUT m Use joint A as a free body! sf FR TO 4 - 25 5 =o Fie Fra = 215.10 XW * = ee. = Fro aR, 0 Fro ~ arg Foe a Wh kW Fo= CGI) ~ 182.4 kW - B: = Findon (2iS:10x108)C4.717) ee San EAn — (Qoomlo (A400 x10") = ROS m = Zia = Fal. (182.410? )C 4.0) -s = chee. oe ls 2.08 » = 203mm « Se = EAL” Goo moXizconary TORE m * 2.08 Uaopiatis 2.23 Members 4B and BC are made of seal (E = 29 10" psi) with cross-sectional co ia areas of 0.80 in? and 0.64 in’, respectively. For the loading shown, determine the elongation of (a) member 4B, (2) member BC. — SOLUTION sa (a) Laat {0% S* =7.BIOF. = 95.72 in Ships P5tkpe THA Use joint A as a Pree body & NER, = gama @s0 . Fre = 43.74 Kp = 43.74 ct Db Fro Figlin | 4s. 74x10* 93.72) _ - 23 kips Sag eat Gasio®\,Boy (On t767 in, - (BY Use jent B as a free body B Fe “ZFe50 fFa-sicGeso / | ne = (SGT 33.60 kip = 33.60 x10" th Sect Fackee . (23.cono"X72) 2 9.1804 wv. < E Aw Wx1O-\(0. 64) Posted sa 224 Members AB and CD are 14 -in-diameer steel ods, and members BC and AD are } -in.-diameter steel rods, When the tumnbuckleis tightened, the diagonal member ACisputin tension. Knowing that £=29 «10 pi and h=4 f, determine the largest allowable tension in AC so tht the deformations in members AB and CD do not exceed 0.04 in, SOLUTION Set Sen = O04 in he AFL = 4B in, = Lee = F(uias = 0.99402 in* ” EAeo F, = EAteSen. (227x108 e 49402)(0.04) 7 Leo =U. omnioe A. Use joint Cas a tree body Fe ie TZF eo: F,-tm-o 2h ER sf |Feo = F(ap02 x10) = 30.0 «1 A. Fae #* 30.0 kips = 2.24 Members AB and CD ere 1 ~in.-diameter steel rods, and members BC and AD are $ inate ste rods, When he tumbuckle tightened the diagonal member ACisputintension. Knowing that £2910" psi and h= 4, determine the largest allowable tension in AC so that the deformation in members AB and CD do nok exceed 0.08 in 2.25 For the structure in Prob. of 2.24, determine (a) the distance h so that the ‘deformations in members AB, BC, CD snd AD are all equal to 0.04 in, (6) the ‘corresponding tension in member AC. PROBLEM 2.25 SOLUTION (a) Statics! Use joint B as a Free body From sinidae tangles Fo 2 Fee. fe 7 hee Fae = Fe Force FRE angle So, For equal deformations : + Fah 2 Fab sbi Aw Se > See EAw EA Fre t Bae Foe Equoting expressions for Fig be. bag a Aw. Edut , dee aoe ee Aer Bo Ae” det * de® a b= 3ft = 36 in hz $b = L(3) = 3.26 = 46.8 in -_ (6) Setting Sip > See = 0.04 in . See teh: Fe. = E Ae Se , @awo*) F(3) (o.08) a eae ‘scree Gosasaeeaueaae = 19.376 x(0* Sb Fae? b Fae = H(ta.376 xfo*) = 24.912 x1o* AR From the Force twiangde Foo = Fe tf Fa Fee = 3/46 ¥ 10 Mh, = papa 236 Menten 40C snd DEF ae oad with el inks (= 200 Ps). ach of te e links is made of pair of 25+35nm pltes. Determine the change in length of (2) rember BE, (8) member CF, a CATE, —_ Use _ member ABC as a free bed Fer 7 | eli» 2FMs=o oe Fee (0.260 )(18 10") ~ (0.180) Fer = 0 | A Fie = CRM B ato!) - genic N saw DZM, = (0.440 (18 > 10°) + (0.180) Fee 0 : (0.44018 x10?) e Aree Fun hisk made Fae "aoweyon =~ 4 N of two = (AMO.025X.0..085) = 1.76 x10 w' — 40), (ANS . faa) -20.2410"%m © =0.0802 mm We) Se = fet = Seo eos 17. 83¥/0“m = Q0N83 mm = PROBLEM 2.27 2.27 Bach ofthe links AB and CD is made of aluminum (£ = 75 GPa) and has a cross- sectional area of 125 mn determine the deflection of point . Knowing that they support the rigid member BC, fo on Ro Use member BC as a Free body z c a Ent Par DEM. =o -(0.64) Fg + (OM SxIo = Oo Fas * 3.43 7S 018" DzMg=0 (O68) Fey ~ (0.20 5x16") = 0 Fog 2 15625 410° N For Paks AB and CD Si, 2 Fankee , (3.9325 10* 0.36) _ “TER * Gsmiot as xio*) toheo . (h862FxJo*)(0.36) | EA CIS 10 Kis (0°F ) 7 Sat Boe ¢ B et Deformation diagram Az 125 mm = 125 x19" m 2 122.00 “OS m = Se 60.00 «10% m = Se SenSe Tes Dre i 0.64. N25 10% veh Sez &+ he 60.00 «10° + (0.44 (112.5 10) F 109.5 ™(0° m = 0.1075 mm -= & rrosiem228 Deformation Diagram p+ 2.0" 3.99853 107 2.28 Link BD is made of brass (E = 15 * 10° psi) and has a cross-sectional aca of 0.40 in. Link C2 is made of aluminum (E = 10.4 «10° ps) and has a cross-sectional area of0.50 in. Determine the maximum force P that can be applied vertically at point 4 ifthe deflection of d isnot to exceed 0.014 in. SOLUTION a_|fe ¢ Use memcer ABS as 2. tree bod B Re’ Pp DIM=0, HP-9 Faso . Feo = 1.5556 P DZMg=0 5 P-9r20, Fug 7 0.8556 P os ~ Fale 1.5556 PY4o0) _ me Se = Sa > ERE Susese Fite) = 2.333310 PY (0.5656 P (6.0) = O.6HOxIS PF Clo.4xi0* YX y From the deformation diagram = Sat E Slope @ > PES. 2.570 = 0.3305 xI0* P S. = Se + MgO = 2.988310 P + (8X0. 3305 +10") P = 3.9888 x10° P Appky displacement Dimit S, = 0.0/4 in = 3.9858%10%% P 3.51 «10% fb = 3.51 kips = 2.29 A homogeneous cable of length Land uniform cross section is suspended from ‘one end. (2) Denoting by the density (mass per unit volume) ofthe eable and by E its modulus of elasticity, determine the elongation ofthe cable due to its own weight. SOLUTION ( Assuming now the cable to be horizontal, determine the force that should be applied to each end of the cable to obtain the same elongation asin part PROBLEM 2.29 (2) For efement at point iclertified by coordinate y P= weight portion below the point = pg A(L-y) free HE A (L-y ey ¢(L-y) as = £4. CLD. fay) » s= (ees. AI Ly-ty)) “BUS = ee = eee ee eee fees case) ii =f op EA : (e) For Ss pe Pe Be = Fpghs aw ~ n 2.30 Determine he defeoon ofthe apex ofa homogeneous cicalareone oe fh PROBLEM 2.0 heeiy Ashd mode ofeationy & detivom vag O 4——+ SOLUTION JO Let b= padivs 4 of the base and n re Madius ot L element section with 2 a coordinate y. b U ee hy U Volone of porken above element Ve gmrty s grbry? Bed ete | : Aerts HEY, i Pay . Py (ght oy, 4 Sn eae Neate > (EY cy VSB 4, U a‘ a we : gal. @ - 231 The volume of a tensile specimen is essentially constant while plastic PROBLEM 2.31 ‘deformation oceurs. Ifthe initial diameter ofthe specimen isd, show that when the diameter is d the tue strain is 6 = 2In(d 2) SOLUTION TH the vobome is constant Eat = Edin, Le. de 2 (diy Be X= (4) Lo & = Mm (8¥ = 2.444 = ee 252 enti ci agian nate gsinn lw ane soLuTion & = Mt = tS = mis 8) = Mise) Thos €, = Mn (ite) - ; 233 An axial force of 60 KN is applied to the assembly shown by means of rigid end PROBLEM 2.33 Plates. Determine () the normal sess inthe brass shell, (6 te comesponding ‘deformation ofthe assembly. Sam 520 35 am Smo ~SOK DZ —Snm SOLUTION Let PL = portion of axia? Fonce canmied by brass shel Ee soor Be pertion axial Ponce carnied by steef cone RL ELA, fae ese eae aectRig = SAS 5 rat P= SA Pe Ree (BAS BAe Serene c FeAs BsAy Ag = (0,0200(0.020) = Yoo x/0"% m* Ay = (0.080 X0.080) = (0,020%0.020) = 500 x/0™ m* Sa 60 x10% - we a (1asm10" (G00 «10a (doo ma asonTO™) 192-83 */0 (@) 6 Eye = (loSmto4 K452.83KI0%) = 47.5%10% Pa = 4RS MPa eee () $= Le = (aso * 452.83 «10% = 113.2 x10 m ©. 132 x/of in 0. 1132 mm «< 2.34 The length ofthe assembly decreases by 0.15 mm when an axial force is applied PROBLEM 2.34 ‘by means of rigid end plates. Determine (a) the magnitude of the applied force, (b) the corresponding stress in the stel eore. Sam Smm SOLUTION B= portion of axind force carved by steel cove. = Pol R: 3 RE = BAS = Be Re EI gs > Be p, - BAS. Pr RR (BAT EA)S As = (0.020X0.020) = Yoo x(07* m* Ay = (0.080%0,030 ) - (0.020)(0.020) = 500 xj0°* m* 3 (a) Pr [(losstot (scone) + (200 w10" (yoo wior* 1] SESE, = 74.5M10" N = 75.9 kM =< ) 6& = BE = &s - Aoontot ous nie} = 120x/0° Pa = 120 MPa, ~< Let PL portion of avid Farce canted by brass shele. era 2.35 The 4.5-A concrete post is reinforced with six steel bers, cach with a 14 «in a diameter. Knowing that &,= 29 x 10° psi and Z,=4.2 x 10 psi, determine the normal stresses inthe stel and in the concrete when a 30sip axial eentrie force P is applied to the post. SOLUTION Let Fe = portion axial! Force cavvied by concrete Pe = portion canned by the six steed rods An = Fd - Al = Flial- say © 248.5 int Le 4S fe SH in ene = 350 x10* (4210S YANB.S ) + (29 110° XS. 964) = -287.67 10° 6. = Ber (29 108 6287-67415) = - 8.340% psi = 8.84 si eh Ge Ele = (Hanif 20267 «18 ) + - 1.20810 psi = 1. 20B ksi 2.36 Anaxial centric force of magnitude P= 450 KN is opplied tothe composite block beara shown by means of rigid end plate. Knowing that A= 10 mm, determine the normal gana stress in (a) the brass core, (6) the aluminum plats, e=05cr0 Abuninum plot Pig bermuttaall @ SztH Let PL partion oP emia Force cannied by brass core Pa= portion camwied by two eliesinim pastes = Bel = BAS SF EA, Pa = aes Pr Reh = (GAS GAYE ee eee LS BAL+ Eada Ay = Ga)(40) = 2400 mm = 2400" 10% wm? Aa? (@60XI0)= 1200 mm” > 1200 x107%m* 450 x 1o* = 1.3393 x10 OS «107K 2400™(0* ) + (70 x10" KiZ00 * 10% ) ée= @) & = Be = Cas»to? K1.3893 x10) = 140.6x10° Pa = 140.6 MPa =e (by) 6 = Eye = (7omlo"(1. 3893 id") = 98. a5 Pa = 93.75 MP eel eel A Ce eed lee] boat eal co co c am (eee 2.37 For the composite block shown in Prob, 2.36, determine (a) the value off if the portion of the load carried by the aluminum plates is half the portion of the load | carried by the brass core, (b) the total load if the stress in the brass is 80 MPa, PROBLEM 237 SOLUTION Let P= portion of ania? force canned by brass core Pus portion cantied by the two eee platec State Es $ Ay = (Yo Geo) = 2400 mm = 2400 10° m* A, =a torn? on 2400 = 1800 mm = @rcodh 2 Toxto* by o = B&B a oR PL = ALS, = (24oox10"S X80 wlo) = 192 «(0% N Paz kPLs Win \ _ | Boe. | hae Wye) * 1S mm = Pe R+eP = eax N = 288 kN =< | [enh =} jez {em Lee 1 2.35 The 4.5-ft concrete post is reinforced with six steel bars, each with a 11 in diameter. Knowing that E,= 29 » 10° psi and £, = 4.2 « 10 psi, determine the normat stresses inthe steel and in the concrete when a 350-kip axial centric force P is applied to the post. 238 For the post of Prob, 2.35, determine the maximum centric force which may be ‘applied ifthe allowable normal stress is 20 ksi in the stecl and 2.4ksi in the concrete. SOLUTION Determne alfovabde strain in each maternal Steck: &s= & ROMO = 689.97 x10 3 = $71.43 )5° Conerete? E.= = i Smabler valve govems &> B= 571.48 ¥10"% het Pre pectin DP Poud cawied by concrete rf Y Fa = portion camnied by six steel rods s: Bb m+ RAS: EAE SBE + BAB = EAE Pp + Ps = (ELA + EAE Ape 6 Bate Eluast = cacti Ac = Fdet- Ag = Flay S964 = 248.5 in® P= [ChaxtotX 24e.s 04 (29 mio c.t6 +] (571-4315) = G45 «joo bh + 64S Kips =< 1 iipeecl fee ta ta c 239 Three stel rods (E =200 GPa) support a 36-KN load P. Each of therods AB and CD has @200-mm cross-sectional area and rod EF has a 625- mm cross-sectional area, Determine th (a) the change in length of rod EF, (6) the stress in each rod PROBLEM 2.39 SOLUTION Use member BED as a Free body : Te PTR ay symmetry, om by ZMy =e fe Ro = Pr Tee ZRrO Past Re + Rr - P so Pr BP + Per = Pialee Poke pet Se ERe> Se ERE > Se * Bie Since Lig = bea and A> Aco, Sie 7 Seo (a) (e) Since points A,C, and F ave fived Sy Since member BED is nigid Se = Ss = Se 0) 80° Sco y Se? Ser Paw Las. Bel, Ase . by Re Pulse 2 Pyeler 2 Aw. = 200, wo EAnw EAs Fae Ace ee er - Gas” 500 Fee = 0.256 Po P= ZPre + Pee = (20.256) Pon 4 Pop= 1512 Per Pee = ph = MO. as.si0w0 N "Tae © Teta Pro = Pee = (0.256 028.8010") = 6.095 x10" N i = 423.310 «107400 #78) _ eee St Se > Gates Gere) = 76.2 +10 ° m = 0.0% 2mm 76 A¥IO™ wm ov 2 Sat Oe = fe. goasrion = 30.$x10" Pa = 30.5:-MPa me ee i ee ee a fee ccc eee ee Cece eee Cee [aaa 2140 Abras bolt(, = 15 * 10¢psi witha 3 in, diameters fied inside a steel tube (6,29 10" psi) witha $-in-outer diameter and 4 in wall thickness, Afer the nut has been fit snugly, iis tighened one quarter ofa full tur. Knowing thatthe bolt is single-threaded with a0. [cin pitch, determine the normal stress (ain the bolt, (6) in the tube. |}_—<12 in SOLUTION PROBLEM 2.20 The movement of the nut afong the bodt after a quarter turn is equa? +o © pitch, 8 =(#)(0.1) = 0.028 in Also’ $= Suy + Srte where Sure elongation of He belt ard Stig ® shortening of the tube Let Putt = axial tensife Force in the boSt Probe = axiaP compressive force in the tube Po We ey in ee Aum = Bd* = F(R) = o.tlous int Arte = ECde'- ol*) = FUBY-@)) = 0.20482 int > Beat . (PCa it eo aH Kea isvio*Youreisy ~ 7.243/x10* P = Bat . (P02) - -t Site E hea "HMO Ome) 7 Hese ne P 0.0as = 7.243) x10 P 4 1.405010 P = 8.6481 «10° P P= 2.8908 10° Jb @) Gum £, > BBI0B HC” 6. arto pad 7 26.2 kei -_ O.lods 2.8908 ¥10* » AIGE A b) Sie oe : 2-9, Baxlo*per +- 9.92 ker ~ Hy CCF oo, aoa oOoOool le eee eae. (a) or BC: Set PBL _ (Ra=18xl0*Xi0) cD: PROBLEM 2.41 ‘sluminum (E = 10.4 * 10* psi, are joined at B and restrained by rigid support at A ‘and D, Determine (a) the reactions at 4 and D, (8) the deflection of point C. SOLUTION AB: Pt Ri, bys Bin Fde = Flues) > 0.99402 in® ay (3? 410° KO. 9FHOR) = 0.77886 x10" Ry Pr Ry-18x10?, L=/o in, A = 0.99902 in*® 110 Ry 1o* EA (acti Yot9i02) * 0.96732 410 Ry = 17.412 x10" P= Ry = 1Bxlo*~ 14x10" = Ry - a2xk0” Ls 10m A= Fas = E(ieas)* = 2.0729 int Soo= Pi = Aha =u) 6.16627 «15 Ry - $.821 «107° © APAOTV 2.07847 Sip? Sao + See t Seo? 1. 907E*1O™ Ry - 22.733 v0" Since point D canned move relative to A Se = O 1.9075 «15° Ry - 22.7387 )072= O Ret 1.920" fb me Ry = 3210’ - Ry t 20-08 x08 fh = (Sc = Sap + Seq F 1.7412 MO Ry = 17.412 x10"* = (17412 €10"S YOU. 92 #10") = ITHIZHIS*® = 3.3410 in me = Rakes _ (20.08xto*Xie)_ _ ae & = BS ee ey eee im = 241 Two cylindrical rods, CD made of stee! (E = 29 x 10° psi) and AC made of (Peored es fea, eed ee (el o ered ae eel ieee ead te ede Laesel 1 ay 2.42 A steel tube (E = 200 GPa) with a 32-mm outer diameter and a 4-mm thickness 242 js placed in a vise that is adjusted so that is jaws just touch the ends ofthe tube ‘without exerting any pressure on them. ‘The two forces shown are then applied tothe tube, After these forces are applied, the vise is adjusted to decease the distance SOLUTION between is jaws by 0.2 mm. Determine (a) the forces exerted by the vise on the tube sat A and D, (6) the change in length of the portion BC ofthe tube. WEN 30KN For the tuhe di=dy-2t = 32 -(214) = 4mm Elal- a2) = E(g2*- 24%) = 351.86 mm = 351.86 10% mt A e AB: PER, Lt 0.080m > EL , Ra lo.080) - 17 Sa" ER * Geonotiescaeaae = 1868/07 Re BC: P= Rt 42¥10* L=O.080n Sec = EE - (Rat aan0* G10) = [1368 X1O7 Re + 47. 740 4Io* Be ERK © (20010 KBS1.BE xJ0"*) CD: Ps Rt ia, L+ 0.080 PL _ (Rat 12x10% (0.080) Sco * EAT * Goo si.86m10%) ~ Rot 13.642 « lo" & 00 410% KAS1-8Ex10* 1368 x1 Rt 13, 6 A Totak? So + Stet Sqt Sen 6 3-4/04NIOR, + 61.388x/0"* Given jaw movement Sap 2-O.Rmm © 0.201 mm (AD =O.2N*= 3.410410 R, + 6138810 @ RB + 76.6 #to" N > -76.6 KN < R, Ry + 12x los Ro 64.6 x10 N Ry = = 64.6 uN | (bY Spe (1368 x1 E7626 me) + 47.746 KIS © 39.4 #107 me =-0.0394 mm = () PROBLEM 2.43 2.42 A steel tube (£ = 200 GPa) with a 32-mun outer diameter and a 4-mm thickness js placed ina vise tht is adjusted so that its jaws just touch the ends ofthe tube ‘without exerting any pressure on them. The two forces shown are then applied to the SOLUTION tube. Aer these forces are applied, the vise is adjusted 10 decrease the distance ‘between its jaws by 0.2 mm. Determine (a) the forces exerted by the vise on the tube at A and D, (b) the change in length of the portion BC ofthe tube. 2.43 Solve Prob. 2.42, assuming that ater the forces have been applied, the vise is ‘adjusted to decrease the distance between its jaws by 0.1 um. Re WEN 3OkN For the tube az=do-2t 32 (ANG) = 24 me A E(ds-d?) = Z(a2*- 244) BS1.86 mmP = 851.86 v1 nt AB: Pr RR, Ls 0.08m + BL , _Rlo.080) = 4 Sm ER * Goomoniaacmeee: = (11968 100" Re BC: P= Rye ¥axlo™, Ls 0.080n BE . (Rat Han? C10) * Croowio® NES1.Be TO) CD: P= Rat l2*lo*, L = 0.080 Seo = ob = (Rat 12%10* 10.080) se ER © (200 K10* YASI.86x10% } = 1868 xIO™ Ry + 47, 74 10" 11368 XI Rt 13,642 x10°¢ Totak? So = Sie tSat Seo © 3.4/04xI07 Ry + 61.388x/07° Due t the movement of the jaws — Spo = - Of mm = - Ob¥IO mm (dX - 0. KIO = B.41OHHIO Ry + C/. 388 KIO Rs - ARBzqKtO" N 2-47.32 kN - Ro = Ras 12xto* = - 55,3" N = -B883kN =< = 6.4541 Sin (b) See (1 1368x107" hn 47.322 PY + 47.746 wi6* = 0,00605mm = Teco eee eeeee cece pease] beers eee zee eee ese cece eee. PROBLEM 2.44 12.44 ‘Three wires are used to suspend the plate shown. Aluminum wires are used at A and B with a diameter of $ in, and astel wire is used at C with a diameter of in. Knowing that the allowable stress for aluminum (E = 10.4 » 10* psi is 14 ksi and that the allowable stress for steel (E= 29 x 10¢ pai) is 18 ks, determine the ‘maximum load P that may be applied. SOLUTION By symmetry Pye Py, and Sy Sp Also, So= Sa > Se = S Strain in each wire ee ee Determine affuable strain Ga. tsi j . = = Lx AgB &e a Ce fe B= 2694 x10" = 18xiot won Cc &e 2 = RETIee * 0.6207 «10 Ey 7 Ea = $6 = 6.3103%/5* - AMousble strain for wire © governs # Gz + 18x10" psi Ge Eee Be Anka t B(G)"C0.4 x10 (0.31030 40°*) = 1eaet Ub Fes [ster tb G2 Be Pee ALG = Bh) Cis i0*) = 78.17 46, For quid briom of the plate Pe Pat Pe tPo= 177.444 -“ PROBLEM 2.45 eeseeh eee eee, ea: (ede react: 2.45 The rigid bar AD is supported by two steel wires of 7 -in. diameter (£ = 29 x 10" psi and a pin and bracket at D. Knowing tha the wires were initially taugh, determine (a) the additional tension n each wire when a 220 lad Pi applied at D, (b) the corresponding deflection of point D. SOLUTION let @ be the votetion of bar ABCD Then Se = 120 iz $= 240 [sa as Se Foobar - Pag EA See caret) Ha? ua 8) Pee ieee ec (ir op caaele = 106.77«10* te Ser Ree her ee Ae <) BEL ey 0) Pip F EpSe - Game vey 46 cf = BK IS Using Free body ABCD DIM =o Fe + 24 Re - BP FO Tecdee e {=m eee eee eee fee (aX106.77 «10% ©) + (24V(118.68 x10" ©) -(36(g20) = O 4.128310" @ = (36)(2%0) Ot 1.4185 10% vad = (106.77 "103 Ki.gaseto ) = 204.8 bb =< (18.63 «fo Cas (08 ) = 227.6 th = + 36 O = (86 MASHIO? ) = G41 X10 in = O- 0691 in. - (ese ee leeeeed eee Taser teeny o 246 The steel rods BE and CD each have a diameter of } in, (E~ 29% 10° psi). The pea fends are threaded with pitch of 0.1 in. Knowing that after being snugly fit, the not at Bis tightened one fall turn, determine (a) the tension in rod CD, (6) the deflection ‘of point C ofthe rigid member ABC. rE om. SOLUTION Dh PoMe J Let © be te rotation of bar ABC as shown Then, Sez 60 ond 8&5 [00 Bt Sa Sim - Pasar Pet = (Ese Nee Spm - Sa / Lor bee = 1S FE = 90 im. Stim = On! in oe Aer = $d*= EUV = 0.3068 in* Pus ~ (arniot No.soes)(0.\ - 60) R a 7.886 x10® = S93.15* 10° 68 Peo L. : ~ EAS. SPA eee 7 Pre Lent 6H * 72m, Aye 0.3068 in™ Rea Ue Bp = (21x10 Yo. 3068) (10.8) i: 72 = 128572 10% O DIM, = 0 SPe -10P5 = 0 (6) (4.886 IO - 598.16 « 10* 8) = (1O\1.28572 *10*) © =O 54.316 x10" - 15.916 «108 8 = O + 3.726810" pad (a) Peg = (1.23572 /0% (g.126840 ) = 4.6 mot = HG! kips - (bY S25 10 @ = oN3.72¢8eI52) = 37.3 ~f0"* in = 0.0373 in - PROBLEM 2.47 rae P pone s[ | al L, 2.47 The rigid rod ABCD is suspended from three wires of the same material, The cross-sectional area of the wire at Bis equal to half of the cross-sectional area of ‘the wires A and C. Determine the tension in each wire caused by the load P. SOLUTION 2 IM,=0 ZLR+LR- LP zo z bs FP-3 Fs +M,20 ~ 21, - Lt ELP=o R- £P-3le Ler 4 gf TU LENE TH OF THE WIRES RL 5, HA -£ Br 28) a fA - fee 2h Elan)” 4A 8 he Bhs be (Beh) FRom THE Déperemanon DIRSkAI tension in each wire caused by the load P. SOLUTION Let © be the slipe oF bar ABCD atten dePormetion eo = + LO Se 3,4 2L0 S.« & + 3Le P= As, Per SAS, = EAs, Pe EA 5. = EAS, 4 + BEAL 8 PR BAS, = es Sa ° ZA ee Bt Pe+ Rr Po-Po HEA s, + cen le = P 4S.+6Le = B wo DrimM=zo LP + ALR + SLR - ALP = GEAL EAL i GEATS, + HEAL) 5 ‘| 2LP Ch + le = 22 @ Solving (1) and (2) sinsdtanewst, Lo = & BE Sa. = -yb Pe > EA , EAL 2 8 oe SeAL ° 248 The rigid bar ABCD is suspended from four identical wires. Determine the Abb 249 A steel railroad tack (E= 200 GPa, @ = 11.7 x 10*/C) was laid out at a PROBLEM 2.49 of 6°C. Determine the normal stress in the rails when the temperature ‘Teaches 48 °C, assuming that the rails (a) are welded to form a continuous track, (b) SOLUTION se 10 m long with 3-mm gaps between them, fad Sp = MATL = (17 10S )48-6)C10) = a x1 im > BL. ©. Moye , sia Seo fe > BS = Aor + sonst © fl S= B+ S = HINYWIOs +S50xJO™T = Oo + 62-7830 R = 7.3 MPa Strains ats qr) , = = -i a ae Foe +r) Matching fy fe Ba + (4T) = - Ex. + CAT) (Bags ete) Pe = - 0 ATD Ay’: Bd t= EP = 0.7854 in? Acs EO = Ast) = F(@S*- 10") > 4.1233 in® On - Ay = LSx1ot JE 1 i losrosermy* Gemma] B+ 0-2410"* W092) PLe 1.2305 x10% Pb Sos Pex CGS serait: = A567 k= ces Gq = 7zfb =~ -REBEEMOY og aagelo%pei -0.298 ksi me 7 21 ‘The brass shell (a, = 20.9 * 10°/°C) is fully bonded tothe steel core (c= 11.7 ree aa 104/°C), Determine the largest allowable increase in temperature if the stress in the oe stel core isnot to exceed $5 MPa ies SOLUTION sn sam "Steg Let Fy + axial force developed in the steed cove Looe Posen For equilibnion with zeve tulad force , the compressive oe inthe brass shedf is Py. nes 50 Stvains £5 = ah + OAT) = Py (ar) fr Ba, * At Matching Es = & -- Be Ba, 6th) => Be + outer) GER TRY = Gua (AT? Ag = (0.020)(0,020) = 400 #10 mn” Av= (©.030X0.030) - (0.022Ya0z0) = S00 10° mt Ob - AXs= 12x10 Sec = GAs = (SSxj0t 4oow io) = HIN \ \ t . ona Tat Eide * Goonorycwono*) * Gaswie* Keone) ~ ShSS#1O a (31.55 10°" an» 108) = (42x10 AT Y ATs 76.4% ~

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