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2013 International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities, and Management (ASSHM 2013)

The influence of achievement goal orien-

tation on study time allocation
Hui Zheng1 Kaikai Chen1 Yuqing Lin1 Huaqiang Tang1 Utete Fanuel E.1
Xiaoyu Jia2 Xinyu Li 2 Weijian Li2
Department of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, 321004
Institute of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, 321004

Abstract There are three main theoretical mod-

els to explain the internal mechanisms of
The purpose of this study was to investi- study time allocation, which respectively
gate the effect of different types of refer to Discrepancy Reduction Model,
achievement goal orientation on learner’s Hierarchical Model, and Proximal Learn-
study time allocation. A 2(achievement ing Model (RPL Model). The Discrepan-
goal orientation: mastery goal, perfor- cy Reduction Model (Dunlosky & Hert-
mance orientation) ×2(item reward: 1 zog, 1998) predicts that novices unfamil-
point, 5 point) ×2(item difficulty: easy iar with a task or stimuli will focus on
item, hard item) mixed design was adopt- unknown rather than known items and
ed. The results showed that the perfor- initially select and allocate more time to
mance orientation learners tended to se- the least well known items in order to re-
lect and allocate more learning time to 5- duce the discrepancy between what is
point items. However, the mastery goal currently known and the desired level of
oriented learners did not show such selec- knowledge. Then, to account for the ex-
tion bias. According to the ABR frame- tant data on self-paced study and item se-
work, mastery goal orientation learner lection, Thiede and Dunlosky (1999) pro-
developed a more flexible agenda. posed a Hierarchical Model that consists
of a “subordinate level in which the regu-
Keywords: Metacognition, Study Time lation of individual items occurs, along
Allocation, Achievement Goal Orienta- with a superordinate level that involves
tion planning in which decisions about how to
regulate study are made on the basis of
1. Introduction how to complete the task as a whole”.
The idea is that an individual first plans
Study time allocation is the mana- how to regulate study across all items of a
gement and control of psychological re- list, and following control is transferred
sources, which reflects one’s understand- to a subordinate system in which individ-
ing of the task and the ability of selective ual items are studied. In contrast,
participation(Perfect & Schwartz, 2002). Metcalfe’s (2002) Region of RPL Model
It is a planned behaviour that learners al- presents that individuals will first select
locate their time resources into different easier unknown items when study time is
tasks (Li, 2011), which includes item se- limited because these items are more like-
lection and a self-paced learning process. ly to be within a range of items that peo-
(Son & Sethi, 2006). ple believe they can learn. However, the-
se three theoretical models are mostly

© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 685

concerned with only one factor (i.e. the ities and have an evaluation for their ef-
difficulty of items) influencing the alloca- forts. They focus on understanding and
tion of time for learning. Actually study mastering of a task. On the contrast, the
time is also affected by other factors such people who are performance goal orien-
as item value (Dunlosky & Thiede, 1998; tated pay more attention on their abilities
Niuet’al, 2006). Ariel, Dunlosky and Bai- to be evaluated by others and tend to
ley (2009) adopted the paradigm includes prove their ability via their excellent per-
learning within a fixed time frame, Judg- formance in learning process. Some re-
ment of Learning (JOL), interference, searchers believe that a mastery goal, as a
first recall test, self-paced re-learning and positive motivation model, will lead to
subsequent recall tests, (the Dunlosky give the learner a positive emotional
method), to explore, these two factors(the learning experience and learning behav-
difficulty and values of items)’ influences iour. Whereas, a performance goal con-
on the allocation of time for learning. It tains a more negative form of motivation
was found that item values surpass the (Pintrich, 1993; Kaplan, 1999; Wigfeld,
item difficulty and produce a more signif- 2002; Stipeck, 2004). In line with these
icant impact on study-time allocation. views, Sitzmann & Ely(2011) found that
Based on these results, Areal et’al (2009) mastery goal oriented people were posi-
proposed the Agenda Based Regulation tively correlated with self-regulation
Model (ABR Model). The model assumes based on a meta-analysis study. Taking
that learners’ resource management in- into account of these two different mani-
cludes agenda allocation and framing. festations of achievement goal orientation,
Learners develop an agenda based on the we assume that in a situation which con-
way of allocating time to various study tains item difficulty and item value,
items and use this agenda to decide when While people who have the mastery goal
to select items for study. The model also orientation tend to choose difficult item
suggests that decision level of study-time for learning and allocate more time on
allocation is affected by other factors, them, people who have the performance
such as metacognition, difficulty of item, goal orientation are inclined to choose the
value of item and other external factors, items which will give them higher marks
and it is also influenced by learners’ and allocate more time on those items.
achievement based motivation in the In sum, this study will assess the influ-
learning process, standards, decision ence of different types of achievement
making style, working memory, attention goals on study time allocation. A 2*2*2
and other individual factors. However mixed design was adopted. The inde-
these hypotheses of ABR model need pendent variables are the achievement
more empirical evidence to support. For goal orientation (between-subjects factor
instance, how the achievement goals af- expressed by A, which is divided into two
fect the learners’ agenda building process, levels: al-mastery goal orientation and a2-
and thus have an impact on study-time performance goal orientation), item diffi-
allocation? Above questions will be ex- culty (whithin-subjects factor expressed
plored in this study. by B, which is divided into two levels:
As for the achievement goals, they can b1-difficult item b2-easy item) and item
be divided into mastery goal orientation value (whithin-subjects factor expressed
and performance goal orientation (Ames, by C, which is also divided into two lev-
1988). The people who have a mastery els: c1- 1 point item, c2- 5 point item).
goal orientation are inclined to pay more
attention to the development of their abil-

2. Method processing of data was analyzed through
SPSS 17.0.
2.1. Participants

Participants were undergraduates from 3. Results

Zhejiang Normal University in China
3.1. Final recall
(n=124) including 82 female students and
42 male students. There was a financial To examine the influence of achieve-
incentive for completing the experiment. ment goal orientation, item difficulty and
They were then grouped randomly to the item score on recall accuracy rate during
Mastery Goal Orientation Group (n=61) final recall, the analysis of variance
and Performance Goal Orientation Group (ANOVA) of repeated-measures was per-
(n=63). formed. The results showed that the main
effect of Item Difficulty was significant,
2.2. Material F(1,122)=222.66, p<.001, η2=0.65.The
Item Difficulty × Achievement Goal Ori-
The study material included 60 Chi-
entation interaction was significant,
nese noun word pairs taken by Li
F(1,122)=35.02, p<.001, η2=0.24.
(2011).According to the degree of associ-
ation, these pairs were divided into 30
3.2. The first six re-learn-selection
easy word pairs and 30 difficult word
pairs. All word pairs were randomly as- To examine the influence of achieve-
signed point 1 or point 5 (i.e. different ment goal orientation, item difficulty and
values). item score on learners’item selection for
the first six relearn items, ANOVA of re-
2.3. Procedure peated-measures was performed for the
date (Figure 1). The results showed that
The Dunlosky paradigm (Ariel, Dun-
the main effect of Item Difficulty was
losky and Bailey 2009) was adopted in
significant, F(1,122)=101.13, p<.001, η2=
current study to explore the participants’
0.45.The main effect of Item Value was
study time allocation. Before the experi-
significant, F(1,122)=22.50, p<.001, η2=
ment, we applied different introductory
phrase to stimulate participates’ different
The Item Difficulty × Item Value in-
achievement goals (Thiede & Dunlosky,
teraction was significant, F(1,122)=8.44,
1999). All participants completed their
p<.05, η2=0.07. The Item Score ×
test alone at their assigned workstation,
Achievement Goal Orientation interaction
without the aid of other material.
was significant, F(1,122)=16.77, p<.001,
η2=0.12. The results of further analysis of
2.4. Data Collection and Processing
simple effect showed that participants
The participants’ overall recall scores who adopted a performance goal orienta-
were calculated by the accurate rate. The tion chose more 5-point items (M=33.07)
participants’ reselection of first six pre- than the 1-point items (M=16.93). How-
ceding tasks referred to the ratio of the ever, in the mastery goal orientation
number of reselections of particular tasks group, there was no significant differ-
of project in the total number of options. ences between 5-point items and 1-point
The total time of self-paced study refers items (ps>.05).
to the actual average study time distribut-
ed across the certain whole project. The

no significant difference between 5-point
items and 1-point items (ps>.05).

Fig. 1: Proportion of the first 6 items selected

for restudy.

3.3. Self-paced study time Fig. 2: Time of self-paced study for all items.
To examine the influence of achieve-
ment goal orientation, item difficulty and
item score on time of self-paced study for 4. Discussion
all items, ANOVA of repeated-measures
was presented for the study time which There are three major findings of the
each participant spend on each task (i.e. current study. First, for easy items, the
easy-low value pairs, easy-high value participants’ final accuracy recall ratio in
pairs, hard-low value pairs or hard-high performance goal orientation group was
value pairs) (Figure 2). The results significantly higher than those in mastery
demonstrated that those issues are notable, goal orientation group. Whereas, for hard
which include the main effect of Item items, the results were adverse. Secondly,
Difficulty was significant, F(1,122)=11 during the first six re-learning step, the
0.31, p<.001, η2=0.48, and the Item Diffi- participants in performance goal orienta-
culty × Item Value interaction was signif- tion group were likely to choose 5-point
icant, F(1,122)=13.01, p<.001, η2=0.97. items to re-learn. However, this effect
The Item Score × Achievement Goal Ori- was not found in mastery goal orientation
entation interaction was significant, F(1, group. Thirdly, in the self-paced learning
122)=5.37, p<.05, η2=0.04. Participants time, for difficult items, the participants
who adopted a performance goal orienta- in performance goal orientation group
tion allocated more time to the 5-point allocated more study time to 5-point
items (M=21.61) than the 1-point items items. But the participants in mastery
(M=15.85).The Interaction effects of goal orientation group did not show this
Achievement Goal Orientation, Item Dif- effect.
ficulty and Item Value was significant, These results manifested that persons’
F(1,122)=5.88, p<.05, η2=0.05. The re- achievement goal orientation affect their
sults of further analysis of simple effect study time allocation process significant-
showed that for the difficult items, partic- ly, which provides empirical evidence for
ipants who adopted a performance goal the "Agenda-based regulation model"
orientation allocated more time to the (Ariel, Dunlosky, & Bailey, 2009; Dun-
items of 5 score (M=38.06) than the items losky & Ariel, 2011). Based on the ABR
of 1 score (M=27.72). However, in the model, “learners develop an agenda on
mastery goal orientation group, there was how to allocate time to various study
items and use this agenda when selecting
items for study. Like other theories of This model is a trade-off study time allo-
regulation, the ABR model assumes that cation process, aiming at balancing an
study regulation is goal-oriented "(Dun- individual’s cognitive dynamic processes.
losky & Ariel, 2011).A critical assump- The internal factors, such as attention,
tion is that when the learners develop working memory, achievement motiva-
agendas, they try to efficiently accom- tion, efficiency, interests, decision-
plish their goals. Originally, the achieve- making style, will affect individuals’
ment goal orientation theory stressed two agenda development. Consistent with the
kinds of orientations to achievement: views of Li, we found that achievement
mastery and performance goals (Ames goal is an important individual factor
1992; Dweck and Leggett 1998).Mastery which affects learners in formulating a
goals oriented the student towards learn- study goal, thereby affecting learners’
ing and understanding, developing new development and execution of an agenda.
skills, and a focus on self-improvement to This finding enriches study-time alloca-
use self-referenced standards. Perfor- tion model and the internal mechanism of
mance goals represent a concern with self-regulated learning theory.
demonstrating ability, obtaining recogni-
tion of one’s ability, protecting one’s self-
worth and a focus on comparative stand- 5. Discussion
ards relative to surpass others (Pintrich
2000). Performance goal’s negative mo- In the item selection and self-paced
tives are namely, aiming for a positive learning time, for different values we
evaluation and the avoidance of a nega- found that mastery goal orientated learn-
tive one at the expense of not fully grasp- ers have no selection bias. The perfor-
ing a concept. According to Ames (1992), mance orientation learners tend to select
mastery goal orientation learners will be and allocate more learning time in high
more concerned about their capabilities, value word-pairs.
they always adjust the length of learning
time according to their mastery of items This study was supported by the Na-
and the importance of values is weakened tional Natural Science Foundation of
or non-existent (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). China(No. 31170999) and the National
In line with these characteristics of per- Training Programs of Innovation and En-
sons with different achievement goal ori- trepreneurship for Undergraduates.
entation, mastery goal orientation learners Corresponding author: Xinyu Li
re-learned all non-mastered word pairs (; Weijian Li
with an equal bias and the values of these (
re-learned items and had little effect on
the choice to or not to re-learn a specific
item. In contrast, the performance goal 6. References
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