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2013 International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities, and Management (ASSHM 2013)

Strategic Research of the Crossing

of the “Death Valley” in Newly-Emerging
Jinsong Gou 1, 2 Jinyu Li 2 Pingnan Ruan 1
Beijing University of Technology,Beijing,100124
Beijing Jingyi Century Electronic Company, Limited, Beijing,100079

Abstract ing industries. At this point, this paper

discusses the connotation, characteristic
Based on the four-dimensional perspec- of emerging industries and key success
tive of "science-technology-engineering- factors for formation of a new industry,
industry", the paper follows the general and raises the strategic solution to cross
law of the growth of newly-emerging in- the "Valley of Death", based on technol-
dustry to discuss its connotation, growth ogy roadmap and leading market theory.
phases, technology innovation in different
stages, and traits of market needs. The
research focuses on the two “Death Val- 2. Mechanism of the Formation of
New Industries
leys” in the development process of new-
ly-emerging industry, analyzes crucial 2.1. Connotation and characteristics
elements and factors to cross the death of the emerging industry
valleys, and then proposes to achieve the
final survival by making use of technolo-  Currently, there is no uniform defini-
gy roadmap and the strategy roadmap of tion about the concept of emerging in-
industrialization of newly-emerging in- dustry at home and abroad. Mostly
dustry based on leading-market theory. scholars describe and define it from
perspectives of newness and being stra-
Keywords: newly-emerging industry, tegic[1]-[7]. This article is supposed to
Death Valley, cross, roadmap study the formation of industry on the
basis of philosophy. The reason behind
our analysis is that when we ask ques-
1. Preface
tions like “Is industry something exist-
In recent years, scholars have begun na- ing from the very beginning? Is pur-
tional-level discussions about issues in pose of industry to meet people’s mate-
the development of newly-emerging in- rial culture needs? Is industry devel-
dustry, but it is still insufficient in rela- opment all pleasant? Does there exist a
tion to the awareness of the fundamental pervasive industry development
laws in emerging industry evolution, such mode?” When we face such series of
as connotation of emerging industries, its problems, we thus enter the philosoph-
essential characteristics and constraints. ical domain of industry, which means
There is a lack, particularly of how to to enter the domain of origin of indus-
cross insufficient study of problems and try. If these questions go unanswered,
bottlenecks in the development of emerg- then any research are in vain.

© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 719

 Some scholars, such as Chen Chang- The formation causes of newly-
shu [8], Zhu Xun, propose to study in- emerging industry are based on its inter-
dustry in a philosophical perspective, nal basis. There are three main causes of
and establish the four dimensional the formation: expansion and deepening
view of science-technology- of industrial division, industrial innova-
engineering-industry, and thus analyze tion and enterprise innovation dynamics,
industry and the ongoing adjustment changes in the structure of demand and
and optimization of the industrial struc- the demand level motivation.
ture of our country. The links among As for the stages of the formation of
science, technology, engineering, and new industry, so-called “industry” is,
industry make it possible to realize in- from the perspective of industry life cycle,
dustrialization of science and technol- the process from generation to the decline
ogy, and industry is the human use of and fall of an industry development. Gen-
science, technology and engineering, erally speaking, in accordance with the
directly or indirectly, in the face of na- theory of industry life cycle, industry's
ture, producing a variety of products or evolution goes through four stages: the
the provision of services to meet the period of germination, growth, maturity
needs of production and human social and decline. Since new-emerging industry
living practice activities[9]. is in the early stage of evolution, focus is
This paper investigates the new emerg- given to the periods of germination and
ing industry that is likely to become growth, and each stage has unique char-
dominant, pillar, and strategic in future acteristics.
national development. Innovation is the Although it is inherent that emerging
essential attributes of new emerging industry is to grow, yet during the course
industry, especially in scientific and of evolution, it is still subject to such
technological innovation, which is best conditions as market capacity and its pro-
illustrated by the key breakthroughs in spects for development, innovation and
core technologies, from "technology to the environment, availability of inputs
engineering", as well as the industry’s and related government policies and
expansion of the leading market, that is, many other external factors.
from "engineering to industrial" devel- 2.3. Technology innovation, charac-
opment of business model innovation. teristics of market demand and
2.2. The formation causes, stages of critical success factors in the for-
the formation of new industry mation of newly-emerging indus-
and key influential factors try

Fig. 1 Main stages of development in emerging industries, technical characteristics

and the "Valley of Death"

According to penetration level of engineering-industry, emerging industry
emerging technology and leading position has different characteristics at different
of newly-emerging industry in economic stages, and the focus of competition also
system, referred to Phaal et al. (2009) differs. Therefore, in terms of technical
used industry life cycle theory of tech- innovation and market demand, it pre-
nology-intensive industry evolution pro- sents different inherent characteristics,
cess of six-stage-division method, there and critical success factors. New industry
are six stages: pilot period, embryos peri- during the pilot period, embryos period,
od, birth period, growth period, and ma- birth period and growth period shows dif-
turity period, and recession period or new ferent inherent characteristics, technolog-
birth period [10]. This article mainly con- ical innovation, market requirements and
cerns four early growth stages (see Fig. critical success factors a (Comparison as
1). shown in Table 1 below.)
From perspective of the four-element
theory of science-technology-
Precursor, Period of
Induction period Fast growth period
embryonic development
Fundamental research:
New product research
Activities scientific discoveries, tech- Industrialization
and development
nical inventions
Obstacles in development
Valley of Death I Valley of Death II
Leading force Government Government, enterpries Enterprises
Gradual improvement of
diversity Standardized products
Product Relative stability in at
customized Great improvement in
feature least one product dsign,
Rapid product changes quality and function
able to make batch pro-
Technology match of
Innovative processing, the upper and lower
Innovative Breakthrough in the major major product develop- stream of product
feature product core technology ment and processing is- chains, gradual prod-
sues solved ucts and processing
Coexistence of multi-
technical routes
Industry innovation
Leading design competi-
Manufacture complete
Original innovation sets of equipment, auxil-
Core technology im-
Technical innovation Core technology innovation iary technique equip-
Multi-technical routes ment, material tech-
Key manufacture com-
nique, major design
plete sets of equipment
technical innovation
Product innovation
Some demand, not hot
The demand is urgent,
Occasional market need, Market is developing into
in need of prompt of
sprouting market, little rela- some scale, many seri-
Market needs perfection, bottlenecks
tion between production and ous market difficulties,
to be solved, large mar-
consumption most consumers are
ket scale
waiting to see
Self innovation ability
Researchers and devel-
Government support Market cultivation
Key factors to success opers
High-level talents Model innovation
How to form dominant
Table 1 Inherent features of the emerging industry development, technical innovation,
market needs, key success factors
necks in the market is to clarify the main
3. New technology industrialization progress of individual tasks, determine
strategy map based on leading the position in the progress as a whole
market and their relationship to form new indus-
trial development of economic system
New technology industrialization strat- reform path.
egy map[11] based on leading market is
originated from technology route map, 4. "Valley of Death" across policy in
breaking through its single-perspective, the formation of new industries
following basic features of emerging
technology and the general law of emerg- Due to the dynamic and complex na-
ing technology industrialization, especial- ture of newly-emerging industry, there
ly following the natural law in emerging exist gaps between basic research and
technology industrialization of leading product development, which is also called
market, analyzing the strategic option of “Valley of Death”. Hereby the paper pro-
technology, achievement timetable of key poses strategy and policies to successfully
technology, market occupation, especially cross the two valleys of death in the for-
international market occupation, and path mation of emerging industry based on
of industrial development visions and market-leading new technology industri-
strategies, and the relationship between alization strategies.
technology innovation, market leadership 4.1. The "Valley of Death" problem in
and innovation, identify emerging indus- the development of emerging
tries in the development of technological industries
opportunities, key success factors and
critical bottlenecks, exploring cultivation The "Valley of Death" has become the
approaches of combining technological popular description of the failure of a
innovation and market development. large number of scientific and technolog-
New technology industrialization strat- ical achievements to achieve commercial-
egy map is comprised of three parts: the ization and industrialization. Then-United
industrialization of strategic vision, en- States House of representatives Science
visaged global aerial view map of indus- Committee Vice Chairman Vernon. Eh-
trialization and key technologies and lers (Vernon Ehlers,1998) pointed out
emerging technology nodes and bottle- that the formation process is dynamic and
necks in the market. Strategic vision and complex, with several stages, each stage
process envisaged mainly involves target- having different characteristics, and
ing, describing future society and the therefore exists between the basic re-
characteristics of the market potential of search and product development, "Valley
new technologies and industries, as well of Death" (the Valley of Death).
as listing timetable and key node to This article claims that there are two
achieve the above objectives. Envisaged valleys of death during the formation of
global aerial view map of industrializa- newly-emerging industry from a "Sci-
tion is the bird's eye view of the world in ence-Technology-Engineering-industrial"
the field of advanced technology research perspective: one in "technology-
and industry trends to determine relevant engineering" process, the other in "engi-
subjects in technological innovation and neering-industry" process.
industrialization strategy in location, stra-
tegic direction and strategic policy.
Emerging technology nodes and bottle-

4.2. Crossing the first "Valley of The strategy to cross the first "Valley
Death" by using the technology of Death" is to make use of technology
roadmap roadmaps and universal technology
measurement to promote the evolution
The "Valley of Death" is located in the route of technology innovation from un-
formation stage when it is the duration for certainty to relative certainty, or is to fig-
technical innovation to develop into ure out from the multiple complicated
product production. That is to say, the technology routes a relative clear one,
transform of the technical inventions or and then pooling resources for mission-
patented technologies in concept to its critical core technology breakthrough,
realization carries big risks, or it may be creating technical conditions for for-
said that "technology-project" transfor- mation of dominant design of emerging
mation of risk reflects whether the scien- industry.
tific and technological achievements are 4.3. Strategy of crossing the second
of practical value. This is the critical "Valley of Death" based on
stage to form the dominant design, which market-leading emerging
determines the formation of emerging in- technology roadmap
dustries ' international competitiveness
and sustainability levels. The second “Valley of Death” is in na-
There may be obstacles to the early ture the great risks existing in the process
growth in the industry. "Valley of Death" of the transformation from technology
is a global common problem, highlighting products or product technology to batch
the low conversion rate of scientific and manufacturing to meet market demands.
technological achievements. And the key The article argues that the second “Valley
factor primarily accounting for the failure of Death” is the result of the failure to
is the uncertainty of technological inno- smoothly immerge the technology inno-
vation, resulting in the insufficient origi- vation value and customer value (which
nality in innovation, in imitation innova- is the reflection of market needs).
tion, and poor technology innovation sys-

Fig. 2 Industrialization of technical innovation chain of emerging technologies, customer

value chain integration mechanisms

"Engineering-industry" is the key eco- vation and customer value chains break-
nomic process of technology birth and ing BC. The geometric space means that
growth, outcome of the interaction be- the two chains do not correspond to each
tween various integrated technology in- other. Therefore, whether emerging tech-
novations, resources and environment. It nologies can achieve the industrialization
can be embodied by continuous function of supply chain depends not only on
F=f (x1,x2,...,x18,E), or that curve A, in technological innovation and integrated
which X1 represents application innova- resource supply, function F1, and function
tion capacity, X2 represents technology F2, customer value chains, but also on the
route analysis capacity, X3 represents transfer function between F12 and external
technology development direction study environmental factors of the industrializa-
capacity, X4 products schema design ca- tion, namely F=f (F1 ,F12,F2,E), F12=f12
pacity, X5 represents research human re- (x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,E). Technology innova-
sources, X6 represents research means tion, customer value chain, and the chain
resources, X7 represents research finan- transfer function and the structural imbal-
cial resources, x 8 represents global tech- ances that exist between the external en-
nology resources of integrated capacity, vironmental factors, which are causing
X9 represents core technology, and key the industry to fail as the root cause.
technology of breakthrough capacity, X10 Existence of the function F12 is likely to
represents for consumers reduced cost of mislead social funds to easily project
capacity (not only including acquisition blind investment on projects that has
cost and using cost, economic cost, also achievements scientific and technical ac-
low energy, and low emissions, social ceptance or identification of industrializa-
cost), X11 represents efficient products of tion, but having no industrialization pro-
design capacity (not only including pro- spects. This leads to the failure technolo-
duction the products of efficient, and in- gy industrialization. The day to pass the
cluding consumers using products of effi- identification is the time to terminate its
cient), x12 represents supporting technol- innovation. Lack early industrialization
ogy support capacity, X13 for small scale capacity, a lot of papers, and report and
and pilot, x 14 on behalf of marketing abil- test prototype of idle and backlog accu-
ity; x15 market sensitivity and responsive- mulate [12]. The existence of transfer func-
ness; x16 for business model innovation; tion F12 decides that in the development
x17 for integrated management and opera- of emerging industry it is bound to meet
tion ability; x 18 for mass production ca- the second "Valley of Death" [11]. It is ob-
pacity and E represent the external envi- vious that strategy of crossing the second
ronment of industrialization of the emerg- “Valley of Death” lies in solving the
ing technology. transfer function.
Technological innovation in supply It is inevitable that the formation of
chain is the comprehensive resource for new industry will go through the "Valley
research and Innovation Agency, can of Death I" in order to experience the
consist of a continuous function F1=f1 "Valley of Death II". Only with the sur-
(x1,x2,...x8,E), or Curve B. Customer val- vival of the two "Valley of Deaths" a
ue chain on a customer or consumer value newly-emerging industry and evolve into
and comprehensive resource supply situa- real industry.
tion, can consist of a continuous function
F2=f2 (x14,x15,...x18,E), or the Curve C.
From Figure 2 above, there exists a gap
between the chain of technological inno-

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