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2013 International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities, and Management (ASSHM 2013)

Analysis on Chinese Government Man-

agement Mode in the Perspective of Holis-
tic Government and Its Path of Reform
Juan-juan Ji 1 Xiu-rong Zhang 2
1.JI Juan-Juan. master of China University of Geosciences, Beijing.
2.Zhang Xiu-Rong. Professors of China University of Geosciences, Beijing


In recent years, both safety problems
worldwide and various domestic crisis
events put forward new requirements on Since the 1970s, new public management
the reform of public sectors. Meanwhile, movement has brought new administra-
governments in countries around the tive culture for countries; while improv-
world are trying to explore more positive ing administrative efficiency, the frag-
and effective government management mented management gradually reveals
modes. In the perspective of the holistic many problems, resulting in heavy re-
government, the author analyses the ex- sistance faced by the government, more
isting problems of the current government and more complaints from the public and
management mode in China and further deterioration of trust between the gov-
discusses the innovation path to the theo- ernment and the public. Faced with in-
ry of Chinese government management creasingly prominent government man-
mode—holistic government, namely, re- agement bottlenecks brought by the new
shaping institutions, integrating infor- public management movement, known as
mation, restructuring the processes and pioneers of new public management re-
shifting consciousness. It can achieve form, the United Kingdom, Australia and
flexible collaboration among sector or- New Zealand, whether in academia or
ganizations, scientific and rational alloca- government practice, have actively en-
tion of functions, smooth flow of infor- couraged innovation and bold reforms,
mation resources and service awareness adopted collaborative and integrated
of public servants so as to deal with pub- planning ideas and then proposed the
lic crisis, reduce the cost of public man- strategic vision to construct the "holistic
agement and provide high-quality public government"; until the 1990s, the "holis-
service for the citizens. tic government" practice has got good
effects; many countries in the Western
society gradually adopted the model and
Keywords: Holistic Government; Prob-
launched a new government management
lem; the path of reform

"Holistic government" refers to cross-

sectoral collaboration implemented by the
public service institutions in order to ac-
complish common goals and joint organi-

© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 1025

zation measures taken to solve some spe- terms of present "integrated" service de-
cific problems.[1] The concept is an at- mand, the Chinese traditional government
tempt mainly to solve problems of lack of management model is problematic.
cooperation and coordination between
government departments, messy govern- 2.1. Unreasonable division leads to
ance and egotism. Its purpose is to pro- fragmented workflow and rigid
vide "one-stop" service with the means of organization.
cross-sectoral collaboration and the path
of all-round integration. Overall, holistic First of all, according to functions, our
government has the following character- government management can be divided
istics: first, local correction of the de- into many different departments. An ad-
partment. Based on the new public man- ministrative matter is under the jurisdic-
agement, holistic government makes par- tion of multiple departments simultane-
tial adjustment to the government de- ously; a complete business process is di-
partment which is not conducive to busi- vided into fragments and requires ap-
ness development; Second, organization proval of different departments, so it’s
of collaborative work. Under the premise cumbersome, time-consuming and labor-
of specialization, carry on cross-sectoral intensive.[3] For example, Cao Zhiwei,
collaboration to achieve public policy ob- President of Guangzhou New City In-
jectives; third, the sense of service. The vestment Holding Group disclosed in the
core work of holistic government is to way of "spontaneous detonation of family
improve the sense of service of the gov- scandal" that to invest a project needs to
ernment's public servants and provide in- go through 53 offices and center, 100 ap-
tegrated "one-stop" services for the public. proval procedures and 108 chapters
which takes about 799 work days. It is a
true portrayal of process fragmentation.
2. PROBLEMS OF CHINA’S CUR- Secondly, in the Chinese administrative
system, no matter whether it’s necessary
for the size of administrative regions, the
local government is uniformly divided
PERSPECTIVE into four levels of province, city, county
Since reform and opening, several major and township. Procedures with emphasis
administrative reforms have made great on centralization, submitting for approval
progress in the level of China's govern- and pending resolution cannot deal with
ment management, but we also see that local problems flexibly according to local
reform measures with too much emphasis conditions. Meanwhile, the rigid organi-
on decentralization have made the serious zation, in turn, leads to poor transmission
situation of "fragmented" government of information between vertical depart-
management .Government management ments; in the information feedback, what
activities are not enough to form benign is not conducive to the department is fil-
interaction between the state and the so- tered; alienation of policy implementation
ciety; partial increase in the level of gov- becomes common occurrences.
ernment management cannot conceal its .
helplessness facing a variety of problems 2.2. Too many departments cause self-
or meet the social and economic devel- ishness and overall inefficiency
opment, people's happiness and the re-
To some extent, the allocation of func-
quired high level of government man-
tions and functional distinction of de-
agement to achieve "Chinese Dream". In
partments in the administrative system of

Chinese government has improved ad- no humane opportunities to play their
ministrative efficiency, but it is negative personality. Even if they have the idea of
for the organization's overall efficiency. proactive work, they finally will be de-
This is due to the misallocation of the feated by bureaucratic thinking such as
power and public resources; budget re- "being afraid of making mistakes", "no
form results in the finance sectored; de- power to assuming responsibility" and
partments only pay attention to responsi- "final decision by leaders". Therefore,
bilities of the department on the principle they have to face a bunch of rules and
of division of labor and work with the regulations without thinking and innova-
mind of "only caring for oneself". When tion and behave themselves in their re-
carrying out tasks, the related parties of- spective areas of responsibility by repeat-
ten start from interests of individuals or ing a certain kind or class of monotonous
the department to determine the behavior work. In today's constantly changing so-
without intention to serve for people and ciety, demands of citizens for public ser-
ignore the entire organization's mission vices are more subtle and diverse, so sin-
and even places department or personal gle skills is often presented to be incom-
goals above that of the whole society and petent in a complex environment and it is
the organization, which is called selfish- difficult to adapt to the complex and
ness. Selfishness certainly leads to as- changing society.
suming responsibility based on profits, 2.4. Official selfishness leads to low
making the problems cannot be promptly service awareness and poor ser-
resolved and the overall efficiency is af- vice performance
fected. [4] For example, various loop-
holes and problems arise in China's food On the one hand, the mentality of serious
safety supervision, which are caused by "official selfishness" exists in China's
the low effectiveness of supervision due current government management model,
to fragmented functions and too many which results in that in the management
departments. activities of public affairs, public servants
of various departments consider them-
2.3. Specialization of labor leads to selves as superior "officials" and often
single skills and poor adaptability unconsciously keep up appearances to
of staffs show their own importance; they arbitrar-
ily provide the public with varying quali-
The current public management model ty of public services deviating from goals
with emphasis on specialization of labor with weak service awareness; while the
divides a complete business process into public in charge of non-power have no
multiple segments; in addition to in- choice for the services provided by gov-
creased communication work between the ernment departments.[6] On the other
various business units and greatly in- hand, various government agencies ad-
creased transaction costs, it also leads to here to the basic principles of the act reg-
increasingly single skills of public serv- ulated by the central or higher organiza-
ants who become one-side developed tions, but they still have a lot of autono-
components.[5] The excessive emphasis my and have its own rules and regulations,
on specialized division of tasks makes behavior and work requirements; there
public servants face a large number of lack valid articulation arrangements
monotonous and mechanical operations among departments; to deal with business,
every day, which limits the personal initi- the public have to face different business
ative and creativity, making public serv- process rules every time and go through
ants like standardized products and have countless departments to handle tedious
and complicated procedures; the relevant second, build flexible and interactive or-
departments then act in accordance with ganization structure; third, build active
the internal approval process one by one; civil servant team. These three aspects
this process completely ignores the con- can form the technological foundation,
venience of the public as for access to the organizational foundation and personnel
public service. In addition, in China's cur- base needed to construct the holistic gov-
rent management mode, the public have ernment. Inspired by it, the paper plans to
always played the role of "asking for elaborate on integrating government work
help". They have no choice for public from the organization, information re-
services provided by the government but sources, business processes, services and
accept them totally, let alone enjoy the communication channels and other as-
personalized service. The government pects.
departments have cumbersome proce-
dures and low efficiency, which increas- 3.1. Reshape institutions: establish the
ingly deepens the public’s distrust of benign and interacted joint or-
government departments [7]. ganizational structure

China's administrative system takes fa-

3. VIEWS ON CHINESE GOVERN- cilitating the work as a starting point for
MENT MANAGEMENT INNO- functional separation; it leads to govern-
VATION BASED ON THE "HO- ing in their own ways among departments
LISTIC GOVERNMENT" THE- and organizations and mutual buck-
ORY passing, which seriously affects the effi-
ciency of administrative work. The joint-
based holistic government with emphasis
In the recent Ya'an earthquake, all types on division of work is more conducive to
of caring volunteers ran toward the disas- effective implementation of the adminis-
ter area, but were stuck in stagnation trative work. First, optimize the allocation
halfway; thus they not only failed to pro- of functions. The society is developing
vide services for the affected areas, but and therefore division of functions among
"blocked" the road. In reality, there’re departments should also be optimized
abound examples about the apparent with needs of the society to follow the
mismatch between the government and trend. Merge the scattered functions; split
society. Untimely transmission of infor- too concentrated functions and transfer
mation and the lack of sufficient commu- cumbersome functions to the department
nication lead to useless efforts out of kind needed to achieve integration of horizon-
heart as well as lots of misinterpretation tal government functions and restructur-
between the government and the society. ing and coordination between organiza-
The core essence of "holistic govern- tional departments; implement unified
ment" is: to exclude conflicting and de- performance objectives and performance
structing policy situations, to make better evaluation criteria to coordinate the inter-
joint use of scarce resources, to promote ests between departments and develop
solidarity and cooperation of different cross-sectoral coordination and coopera-
stakeholders in a policy[8] and to provide tion mechanisms. Secondly, organizations
citizens with convenient and thoughtful of the "holistic government" emphasize
service. Pelly Hicks considers that to joint. Inter-departmental joint is needed
build overall government needs three as- to fairly achieve higher social goals; it
pects of preparation: first, use powerful can be mutual collaboration between var-
IT to support online governance model; ious functional departments within the

government and also include the coopera- ensure that information resources flow
tive partnership between the government smoothly in different sectors with effec-
and non-profit organizations, private tive convergence. Secondly, establish the
companies or communities. For example, underlying database. Whether the public
develop appropriate principles of com- or businesses, when dealing with the gov-
mitment between the organizations need- ernment, they are bound to design the
ing joint collaboration; once an agree- basic identification data; it requires to
ment on cooperation matters is made, the form the basis of the database according
parties must work together to implement to a variety of different service demands,
it; or follow the Canadian government to such as population base information data-
set up independent informal consultations; base and corporate units base information
encourage interactive activities across database. When the public need to apply
government organizations and strengthen the appropriate business, the relevant de-
cooperation and exchanges between partments can recall the information to
communities, businesses, academia and confirm without the need to repeatedly
government organizations so as to gather filling out various forms. Moreover,
more information for making and imple- achieve sharing of information resources
mentation of policies.[9] within the government. For basic data in
multi-sectoral needs, establish a shared
3.2. Integrate information: form effi- database and unify data management;
cient and convenient information when a department needs to use it, it can
operation mechanism directly go into the database to recall the
information, thus avoiding duplicated ac-
Since China's "Government Online Pro-
quisition and development of information
ject" was carried out, the local govern- resource; it will inevitably reduce admin-
ment with suitable conditions have ac- istrative costs and improve administrative
tively built portals; they are more used for
releasing government information and
pay less attention for the comprehensive 3.3. Restructure the processes: form
utilization of information; as inter- collaborative and interacted ad-
sectoral information systems are mutually ministrative processes
unintelligible, the database cannot be
shared; even universal basic data still Chinese government management mode
needs various departments to repeat the takes functions as the center and thus the
construction. Governmental information business process is divided into different
resources integration needs to change the segments in accordance with the different
current clutter and scattered state of in- functions; half-electronic work mode also
formation; under the guidance of meeting affects the overall efficiency. The man-
social demands, adopt scientific man- agement model of "holistic government"
agement methods and achieve the full- requires both breaking the barriers be-
range sharing and optimal developing ef- tween departments and collaborative
ficiency of government information re- electronic work, thus greatly reducing the
sources, so that the whole process of gov- waiting time of the public to deal with
ernment information services is systema- business. First, change the situation of too
tized and standardized. First, establish the many departments. Process reengineering
basic system of information management. is process-centric and breaks the status of
Unite standards for management, collec- too many departments with the pursuit of
tion, storage, recall, keeping and updating overall sound interaction. Break the pre-
of government information resources to vious artificially divided business order

and arrange based on government busi- the success of and the key to government
ness processes; make an efficient use of reform is public servants. In China, there
timely and synchronized operational ad- has always been the idea that a good
vantages of network to achieve vertical scholar will make an official; therefore,
integration and networked collaborative official selfishness is prevalent in the
work among the various government de- hearts of public servants, resulting in
partments. Secondly, undertake electronic placing themselves above duties with the
work to achieve coordination work. Re- lack of a sense of service. The manage-
sponse to service requests is the core ment model of "holistic government" is
making the government process possible precisely against it; with the sound as-
and also the basis for governmental coor- sessment mechanism for civil servants as
dinated business. Public service request is the security, it encourages civil servants
data request and the Government's re- to act as waiters in the public service and
sponse is the data response, once the pub- make the serve level for the public as the
lic a service request, the system will au- standard for self-assessment. In the Chi-
tomatically distribute the request to the nese "holistic government" reform, first
relevant departments, the relevant de- of all, public servants should establish the
partments in accordance with their re- value of serving for the public. Give full
spective functions and privileges simulta- play to the role of Party school to carry
neously on the same service request re- on educational ideology, strengthen pro-
sponse. This can simplify the complex gressive lifelong vocational training of
relationships between departments in the public servants, change "bureaucratic"
past, so that the business relationship be- style of work as well as "self-interest"
tween the upper and lower levels and the oriented behaviors and establish work
departments within the government be- norms to "serve the people and serve the
comes equal coordination based on the community"; gradually update knowledge
public service. Government departments, of civil servants and train their excellent
the higher and lower levels and various business process skills.[12] Second, im-
positions form collaborative and interact- prove the incentive system. In addition to
ed service bands. Each department or in- provide good-quality public services for
dividual gives a timely response within the public on behalf of the government,
the specified time after receiving service public servants also need intrinsic moti-
request. Service chain achieves net- vation. As for material incentives, pro-
worked coordination work on the basis of vide reasonable incentives for civil serv-
data resource sharing and achieves the ants who have made outstanding contri-
overall coherence of the business process, butions and innovative in the process of
and then the public do not have to go service, so that his payment gets reserved
back and forth between windows, which benefits, such as monetary rewards, job
can not only save time but also can re- promotion and so on. For mental stimula-
duce the friction between the public and tion, give spiritual reward and honor to
the government.[11] those civil servants who truly practice the
idea of public service, and publicize those
3.4. Shift of consciousness: build a deeds with positive power to guide and
comprehensive high-quality pub- encourage the behavior of other civil
lic services servants. Third, increase the punishment
for civil servants with dereliction of duty;
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