Fawcett 2005

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Nursing Science
Quarterly , 18:2, April 2005

Scholarly Dialogue Jacqueline Fawcett, Contributing Editor

Criteria for Evaluation of Theory

Jacqueline Fawcett, RN; PhD; FAAN
Professor, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts–Boston

This column presents criteria for evaluation of nursing theories specified by Jacqueline Fawcett and Rosemarie
Rizzo Parse. Fawcett’s criteria are significance, internal consistency, parsimony, testability, empirical adequacy,
and pragmatic adequacy. Some of those criteria are differentiated for grand theories and middle-range theories but
are not differentiated by type of data—qualitative or quantitative— used to develop the theory. Parse’s criteria are
structure and process. Structure encompasses historical evolution, foundational elements, and relational
statements. Process encompasses correspondence, coherence, and pragmatics. Parse’s criteria are appropriate for
the critical appraisal of all frameworks and theories, regardless of level of abstraction. Parse also presents a
comparison of her own and Fawcett’s criteria.

Several different sets of criteria for evaluation of theories criteria for grand theories and middle-range theories. I do not,
have been published (Barnum, 1988; Duffy & Muhlenkamp, however, differentiate criteria for evaluation of either grand
1974; George, 2002; Marriner-Tomey & Alligood, 2002; or middle-range theories based on the type of data (qualitative
Meleis, 1997; Parse, 1987). Just one set of criteria, however, or quantitative) used to develop the theory.
differentiates between grand theories and middle-range theo- I developed a framework for both the analysis and evalua-
ries (Fawcett, 2000, 2005). Although none of the authors of tion of nursing theories several years ago and refined the
those publications have indicated that the source of the data framework twice (Fawcett, 1993, 2000, 2005). Analysis in-
for a theory influences the selection of evaluation criteria, a volves objective and nonjudgmental descriptions of theories,
recent conversation with a colleague raised the question of whereas evaluation involves judgments about the extent to
whether theories grounded in qualitative data should be eval- which nursing theories meet certain criteria. For the purposes
uated using criteria that differ from those used to evaluate the- of this dialogue, my comments are limited to the criteria for
ories grounded in quantitative data. That conversation evaluation of grand theories and middle-range theories.
resulted in an invitation to Rosemarie Rizzo Parse to engage Those criteria are significance, internal consistency, parsi-
in a dialogue about what criteria are appropriate for evaluat- mony, testability, empirical adequacy, and pragmatic
ing grand theories and middle-range theories and whether adequacy.
those criteria can be applied to theories regardless of the type The criterion of significance focuses on the context of the
of data (qualitative or quantitative) in which a theory is theory. That criterion requires justification of the importance
grounded. of the theory to the discipline of nursing and is met when the
Consensus exists that theories are made up of ideas called metaparadigmatic, philosophical, and conceptual origins of
concepts and statements about the concepts, called proposi- the theory are explicit, when antecedent nursing and adjunc-
tions (King & Fawcett, 1997). Consensus also exists that tive knowledge is cited (Levine, 1988), and when the special
components of nursing knowledge, including theories, vary contributions made by the theory are identified. The four
in levels of abstraction (King & Fawcett). I regard grand theo- questions to be asked when evaluating the significance of a
ries as more abstract than middle-range theories but less ab- theory, which are applicable to both grand and middle-range
stract than conceptual models (Fawcett, 2005). Accordingly, theories, are listed in Table 1.
my framework includes some differences in the evaluative The criterion of internal consistency focuses on both the
context and the content of the theory. That criterion requires
all elements of the theorist’s work, including the philosophi-
Editor’s Note: Any comments about this dialogue should be ad- cal claims, conceptual model, and theory concepts and propo-
dressed to the Editor for possible inclusion in Letters to the Editor.
sitions, to be congruent. The internal consistency criterion
For other information, contact Jacqueline Fawcett, RN, PhD,
FAAN, 3506 Atlantic Highway, P. O. Box 1156, Waldoboro, ME also requires the concepts of the theory to reflect semantic
04572; phone: (207) 832-7398; E-mail: jacqueline.fawcett@ clarity and semantic consistency. The semantic clarity re-

Nursing Science Quarterly, Vol. 18 No. 2, April 2005, 131-135

DOI: 10.1177/0894318405274823 Keywords: evaluation criteria, grand theory, middle-
© 2005 Sage Publications range theory, nursing theories

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132 Nursing Science Quarterly, 18:2, April 2005

Table 1
Fawcett’s Criteria for Evaluation of Nursing Theories and Pertinent Questions
Criteria Pertinent Questions

Significance Are the metaparadigm concepts and propositions addressed by the theory explicit?
Are the philosophical claims on which the theory is based explicit?
Is the conceptual model from which the theory was derived explicit?
Are the authors of antecedent knowledge from nursing and adjunctive disciplines acknowledged and
are bibliographical citations given?

Internal Consistency Are the context (philosophical claims and conceptual model) and the content (concepts and proposi-
tions) of the theory congruent?
Do the concepts reflect semantic clarity and semantic consistency?
Do the propositions reflect structural consistency?

Parsimony Is the theory content stated clearly and concisely?

Testability: Grand Theories Is the research methodology qualitative and inductive?

Is the research methodology congruent with the philosophical claims and content of the grand theory?
Will the data obtained from use of the research methodology represent sufficiently
in-depth descriptions of one or more personal experience(s) to capture the essence of the grand theory?

Testability: Middle-Range Theories Does the research methodology reflect the middle-range theory?
Are the middle-range theory concepts observable through instruments that are appropriate empirical in-
dicators of those concepts?
Do the data analysis techniques permit measurement of the middle-range theory

Empirical Adequacy: Grand Theories Are the findings from studies of descriptions of personal experiences congruent with the concepts and
propositions of the grand theory?

Empirical Adequacy: Middle-Range Theories Are theoretical assertions congruent with empirical evidence?

Pragmatic Adequacy Are education and special skill training required before application of the theory in nursing practice?
Has the theory been applied in the real world of nursing practice?
Is it generally feasible to implement practice derived from the theory?
Does the practitioner have the legal ability to implement and measure the effectiveness of theory-based
nursing actions?
Are the theory-based nursing actions compatible with expectations for nursing practice?
Do the theory-based nursing actions lead to favorable outcomes?
Is the application of theory-based nursing actions designed so that comparisons
can be made between outcomes of use of the theory and outcomes in the same situation when the the-
ory was not used?
Are outcomes measured in terms of the problem-solving effectiveness of the theory?

NOTE: From Fawcett (2005 p. 447-448. Copyright 2005) by F. A. Davis. Adapted with permission.

quirement is more likely to be met when a theoretical defini- The criterion of parsimony focuses on the content of the
tion is given for each concept than when no explicit defini- theory. Parsimony requires a theory to be stated in the most
tions are given. The semantic consistency requirement is met economical way possible without oversimplifying the phe-
when the same term and the same definition are used for each nomena of interest. This means that the fewer the concepts
concept in all of the author’s discussions about the theory. Se- and propositions needed to fully explicate the phenomena of
mantic inconsistency occurs when different terms are used interest, the better. The parsimony criterion is met when the
for a concept or different meanings are attached to the same most parsimonious statements clarify rather than obscure the
concept. In addition, the internal consistency criterion re- phenomena of interest. The question to be asked when evalu-
quires that propositions reflect structural consistency, which ating the parsimony of a theory, which are applicable to both
means that the linkages between concepts are specified and grand and middle-range theories, is given in Table 1.
that no contradictions in relational propositions are evident. The criterion of testability also focuses on the content of
The three questions to be asked when evaluating the internal the theory. That criterion frequently is regarded as the major
consistency of a theory, which is applicable to both grand and characteristic of a scientifically useful theory. Marx (1976)
middle-range theories, are listed in Table 1. declared, “If there is no way of testing a theory it is scientifi-

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Scholarly Dialogue 133

cally worthless, no matter how plausible, imaginative, or in- it is appropriate to conclude that the assertions are false. Eval-
novative it may be” (p. 249). Testability typically is regarded uation of the empirical adequacy of a theory should take into
as an empirically based criterion. Yet the relatively abstract consideration the potential for circular reasoning. More spe-
and general nature of grand theories means that their concepts cifically, if data always are interpreted in light of a particular
lack operational definitions stating how the concepts are mea- theory, it may be difficult to see results that are not in keeping
sured, and their propositions are not amenable to direct em- with that theory. Indeed, if researchers constantly uncover,
pirical testing. Therefore, I identified different criteria for the describe, and interpret data through the lens of a particular
evaluation of the testability grand theories and middle-range theory, the outcome may be limited to expansion of that the-
theories. ory and that theory alone (Ray, 1990). Therefore, unless alter-
Description of personal experiences may be used to evalu- native theories are considered when interpreting data or the
ate the testability of grand theories (Silva & Sorrell, 1992). data are critically examined for both their fit and nonfit with
That approach requires specification of an inductive, qualita- the theory, circular reasoning will occur and the theory will be
tive research methodology that is in keeping with the philo- uncritically perpetuated. Circular reasoning can be avoided if
sophical claims and content of the grand theory and that has the data are carefully examined to determine the extent of
the capacity to generate middle-range theories. The product their congruence with the concepts and propositions of the
of the descriptions of personal experiences approach is “gen- theory, as well as from the perspective of alternative theories
eralities that constitute the substance of [middle-range] nurs- (Platt, 1964). In other words, evaluation of a theory always
ing theories” (Silva & Sorrell, 1992, p. 19). In essence, then, should take alternative theories into account when
evaluation of the testability of a grand theory involves deter- interpreting data collected within the context of the theory in
mining the middle-range theory-generating capacity of a question.
grand theory. The criterion of testability is met when the It is unlikely that any one test of a theory will provide the
grand theory has led to the generation of one or more middle- definitive evidence needed to establish its empirical ade-
range theories. Three questions, which were adapted from re- quacy. Thus decisions about empirical adequacy should take
quirements proposed by Silva and Sorrell (1992), are asked the findings of all related studies into account. Meta-analysis
when evaluating the testability of a grand theory (Table 1). and other formal procedures can be used to integrate the re-
The relatively concrete and specific nature of middle- sults of related studies. It is important to point out that a the-
range theories means that their concepts can have operational ory should not be regarded as the truth or an ideology that
definitions and their propositions are amenable to direct em- cannot be modified. Indeed, no theory should be considered
pirical testing. Consequently, an approach called traditional final or absolute, because it is always possible that subsequent
empiricism is used to evaluate the testability of middlerange studies will yield different findings or that other theories will
theories. That approach requires the concepts of a middle- provide a better fit with the data. Thus the aim of evaluation of
range theory to be observable and the propositions to be mea- empirical adequacy is to determine the degree of confidence
surable. Concepts are empirically observable when opera- warranted by the best empirical evidence, rather than to deter-
tional definitions identify the empirical indicators that are mine the absolute truth of the theory. The outcome of evalua-
used to measure the concepts. Propositions are measurable tion of empirical adequacy is a judgment regarding the need
when empirical indicators can be substituted for concept to modify, refine, or discard one or more concepts or
names in each proposition and when statistical procedures propositions of the theory.
can provide evidence regarding the assertions made. The cri- The extent to which a grand theory meets the criterion of
terion of testability for middle-range theories, then, is met empirical adequacy is determined by a continuation of the de-
when specific instruments or experimental protocols have scription of personal experiences approach discussed earlier
been developed to observe the theory concepts and statistical in the section on testability of grand theories. The data used to
techniques are available to measure the assertions made by determine the empirical adequacy of a grand theory may
the propositions. Three questions, which were adapted from come from multiple personal experiences of an individual or
requirements identified by Silva (1986) and Fawcett (1999), similar personal experiences of several individuals. The ex-
are asked when evaluating the testability of a middle-range tent to which a middle-range theory meets the criterion of em-
theory (Table 1). pirical adequacy is determined by a continuation of the tradi-
The criterion of empirical adequacy requires the asser- tional empirical approach discussed earlier in the section on
tions made by the theory to be congruent with empirical evi- testability of middle-range theories. The questions to be
dence. The extent to which a theory meets that criterion is de- asked when evaluating the empirical adequacy of grand and
termined by means of a systematic review of the findings of middle-range theories are listed in Table 1.
all studies that have been guided by the theory. The logic of The criterion of pragmatic adequacy focuses on the utility
scientific inference dictates that if the empirical data conform of the theory for nursing practice. The extent to which a grand
to the theoretical assertions, it may be appropriate to tenta- theory or a middle-range theory meets this criterion is deter-
tively accept the assertions as reasonable or adequate. Con- mined by reviewing all descriptions of the use of the theory in
versely, if the empirical data do not conform to the assertions, practice. The pragmatic adequacy criterion requires that

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134 Nursing Science Quarterly, 18:2, April 2005

nurses have a full understanding of the content of the theory, The outcomes of theory-based nursing actions are further
as well as the interpersonal and psychomotor skills necessary judged by use of what Silva and Sorrell (1992) called the
to apply it (Magee, 1994). Although that may seem obvious, problem-solving approach. That approach emphasizes the
it is important to acknowledge the need for education and spe- problem-solving effectiveness of a theory and seeks to deter-
cial skill training before theory application. mine “whether what is purported or experienced accom-
The pragmatic adequacy criterion also requires that the plishes its purpose” (Silva & Sorrell, 1992, p. 19). The prob-
theory actually is used in the real world of nursing practice lem-solving approach is based on the position that theories
(Chinn & Kramer, 1995). In addition, the pragmatic adequacy are developed “to solve human and technical problems and to
criterion requires that the application of the theory-based improve practice” (Kerlinger, 1979, p. 280). It requires delib-
nursing actions is generally feasible (Magee, 1994). Feasibil- erative application of a theory. Chinn and Kramer (1995) ex-
ity is determined by an evaluation of the availability of the hu- plained that the application “involves using research methods
man and material resources needed to establish the theory- to demonstrate how a theory affects nursing practice and
based nursing actions as customary practice, including the places the theory within the context of practice to ensure that
time needed to learn and implement the protocols for nursing it serves the goals of the profession . . . [and] provides evi-
actions; the number, type, and expertise of personnel required dence of the theory’s usefulness in ensuring quality of care”
for their implementation; and the cost of in-service education, (p. 164). The problem-solving approach can be used with all
salaries, equipment, and protocol-testing procedures. More- types of theories but is most effective when applied to middle-
over, the willingness of those who control financial resources range predictive theories. In that case, the application seeks to
to pay for the theory-based nursing actions, such as determine the effects of interventions specified in middle-
healthcare system administrators and third-party payers, range predictive theories on the health conditions of the hu-
must be determined. In sum, the nurse must be in a setting that man beings who participate in the interventions (Hegyvary,
is conducive to application of the theory and have the time and 1992). The eight questions to be asked when evaluating prag-
training necessary to apply it. matic adequacy are given in Table 1. Two last two questions,
Furthermore, the pragmatic adequacy criterion requires which were adapted from requirements identified by Silva
the nurse to have the legal ability to control the application and Sorrell (1992), are asked when evaluating the problem-
and to measure the effectiveness of the theory-based nursing solving effectiveness of nursing theories.
actions. Such control may be problematic in that nurses are
not always able to carry out legally sanctioned responsibili- References
ties because of resistance from others. Sources of resistance Barnum, B. J. S. (1998). Nursing theory: Analysis, application, eval-
against implementation of theory-based nursing actions in- uation (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
clude attempts by physicians and healthcare system adminis- Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (1995). Theory and nursing. A system-
atic approach (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
trators to control nursing practice, financial barriers imposed Duffy, M., & Muhlenkamp, A. F. (1974). A framework for theory
by healthcare institutions and third-party payers, and skepti- analysis. Nursing Outlook, 22, 570-574.
cism by other health professionals about the ability of nurses Fawcett, J. (1993). Analysis and evaluation of nursing theories. Phil-
to carry out the proposed actions (Funk, Tornquist, & Cham- adelphia: F. A. Davis.
pagne, 1995). The cooperation and collaboration of others Fawcett, J. (1999). The relationship of theory and research (3rd ed).
Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
may, therefore, have to be secured.
Fawcett, J. (2000). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary nursing
Moreover, the pragmatic adequacy criterion requires that knowledge: Nursing models and theories. Philadelphia: F. A.
theory-based nursing actions be compatible with expecta- Davis.
tions for practice (Magee, 1994). Compatibility should be Fawcett, J. (2005). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and
evaluated in relation to expectations held by the public and evaluation of nursing models and theories (2nd ed.). Philadel-
the healthcare system. If the actions do not meet existing ex- phia: F. A. Davis.
Funk, S. G., Tornquist, E. M., & Champagne, M. T. (1995). Barriers
pectations, they should be abandoned or people should be and facilitators of research utilization. Nursing Clinics of North
helped to develop new expectations. Johnson (1974) com- America, 30, 395-407.
mented, “Current [nursing] practice is not entirely what it George, J. B. (Ed.). (2002). Nursing theories: The base for profes-
might become and [thus people] might come to expect a dif- sional nursing practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
ferent form of practice, given the opportunity to experience Prentice Hall.
Hegyvary, S. T. (1992). From truth to relativism: Paradigms for doc-
it” (p. 376).
toral education. In Proceedings of the 1992 forum on doctoral ed-
The pragmatic adequacy criterion also requires the theory- ucation in nursing (pp. 1-15). Baltimore: University of Maryland
based nursing actions to be socially meaningful by leading to School of Nursing.
favorable outcomes for those who participate in the actions. Johnson, D. E. (1974). Development of theory: A requisite for nurs-
Examples of favorable outcomes include a reduction in com- ing as a primary health profession. Nursing Research, 23, 372-
plications, improvement in health conditions, and increased 377.
Kerlinger, F. N. (1979). Behavioral research: A conceptual ap-
satisfaction with the theory-based actions on the part of all proach. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
who participate.

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Scholarly Dialogue 135

King, I. M., & Fawcett, J. (Eds.). (1997). The language of nursing Meleis, A. I. (1997). Theoretical nursing: Development and prog-
theory and metatheory. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau Inter- ress (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
national Center Nursing Press. Parse, R. R. (1987). Nursing science: Major paradigms, theories,
Levine, M. E. (1988). Antecedents from adjunctive disciplines: Cre- and critiques. Philadelphia: Saunders.
ation of nursing theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1, 16-21. Platt, J. R. (1964). Strong inference. Science, 146, 347-353.
Magee, M. (1994). Eclecticism in nursing philosophy: Problem or Ray, M. A. (1990). Critical reflective analysis of Parse’s and
solution? In J. F. Kikuchi & H. Simmons (Eds.), Developing a Newman’s research methodologies. Nursing Science Quarterly,
philosophy of nursing (pp. 61-66). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 3, 44-46.
Marriner-Tomey, A., & Alligood, M. R. (2002). Nursing theorists Silva, M. C. (1986). Research testing nursing theory: State of the art.
and their work (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Advances in Nursing Science, 9(1), 1-11.
Marx, M. H. (1976). Formal theory. In M. H. Marx & F. E. Goodson Silva, M. C., & Sorrell, J. M. (1992). Testing of nursing theory: Cri-
(Eds.), Theories in contemporary psychology(2nd ed., pp. 234- tique and philosophical expansion. Advances in Nursing Science,
260). New York: Macmillan. 14(4), 12-23.

Parse’s Criteria for Evaluation of Theory With a

Comparison of Fawcett’s and Parse’s Approaches
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, RN; PhD; FAAN
Professor and Niehoff Chair, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

I am pleased to share with Dr. Fawcett my criteria for evalua- tives in the discipline. The two major areas of critical ap-
tion of theory and a comparison of our work. First, I should praisal in my design are structure and process (Parse, 1987).
clarify my position on middle-range theory, since it is in di- Questions applicable to both areas are listed in Table 1.
rect contrast to Dr. Fawcett’s. The term middle-range theory Structure criteria refer to the physiognomy of the theory,
is ubiquitous in the nursing literature without any substantive that is, the historical evolution, foundational elements, and re-
definition. Cody (1999) said that there is “a lack of clarity as lational statements. Historical evolution refers to the details
to what constitutes middle-range” (p. 10). He raised this ques- of the development of the theory including the philosophical
tion: Are those “working in the middle range on myriad top- and theoretical antecedents and the changes in the theory over
ics . . . really developing nursing science or merely time. Foundational elements refer to the philosophical as-
elaborating the vast patchwork quilt of applied-science nurs- sumptions underpinning the theory and the major concepts of
ing” (Cody, 1999, p. 11)? Dr. Fawcett and I generally agree the theory. These are written at an abstract level and are the
that nursing is a basic science with its own unique body of theorist’s beliefs about the phenomenon of concern to the dis-
knowledge and that theory is defined as a set of concepts com- cipline, the human-universe-health process. Relational state-
bined uniquely and written at an abstract level to describe, ex- ments refer to the principles that are created from the unique
plain, or predict phenomena (Parse, 1997). My view is that weaving of the concepts into descriptions of the human-
propositional statements written at lower levels of abstrac- universe-health process, and they also are written at an
tion, often called middle-range theories, are really hypothe- abstract level.
ses that can be tested only through quantitative research The process criteria encompass correspondence, coher-
methods using appropriate instrumentation (Parse, 2000). ence, and pragmatics (Parse, 1987). Correspondence refers to
Thus, my comments here do not address middle-range semantic integrity and simplicity. Semantic integrity is recog-
theories and are relevant only to theory as described above. nized by the consistency of meanings among the terms used
I set forth criteria for the evaluation of nursing theory in to explain the human-universe-health process in the philo-
my 1987 book, Nursing Science: Major Paradigms, Theo- sophical assumptions and in the definitions of the concepts
ries, and Critiques. At that time, I developed a design for criti- and principles. Two aspects of semantic integrity are sub-
cal appraisal appropriate for all frameworks and theories, no stance and clarity (Parse, 1987). Substance refers to the dura-
matter how they are constructed. I have modified these ideas bility of the meaning assigned to terms, the breadth of the de-
considerably to be consistent with my current thinking, but I scriptions, and the consistency in levels of discourse within
still believe in the basic premise that criteria for evaluation of and among the assumptions, concepts, and principles. Clarity
theory should be broad enough to accommodate all perspec- refers to the distinctness and mutually exclusive nature of the
definitions. Simplicity is recognized by the uncluttered
Nursing Science Quarterly, Vol. 18 No. 2, April 2005, 135-137 abstract descriptions and economy of words used to explain
DOI: 10.1177/0894318405275860
© 2005 Sage Publications
the theory.

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