Aca Bill Gates Harvard Speech Revised

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Muhamad Fasya Gani (Aca)


Bill Gates’ Harvard Commencement Speech in 2007

Bill Gates is an American businessman who founded the giant

technological company, Microsoft Corporation. He is known as the second

wealthiest man alive with a current net worth of 91 billion USD. After dropping

out from Harvard, Gates built his own technological company with his long-time

high school friend, Paul Allen. By the next decade, he became the youngest

billionaire (at the time) at 31 years old.

Being a billionaire at such early stage of his life, Bill Gates has embarked

on his philanthropic journey since 1997. In 2017, he has reportedly spent over

$50 billion in total of donations. Gates and a fellow billionaire, Warren Buffett

founded The Giving Pledge, whereby they and other billionaires pledge to give at

least half of their wealth to philanthropy. He is recognized as one of the most

influential philanthropist for the last 20 years.

In 2007, Bill Gates who was a Harvard dropout delivered a speech in the

Harvard commencement of 2007. The speech took place on June 7, 2007 in

Tercentenary Theater at Harvard University. Being one of the best if not the best

university in the world, Harvard annually invites their best alumnus to deliver a

speech in its commencement. Bill Gates is undisputedly placed among their best

alumnus to date. The speech in which he delivered is considered as one of the

greatest commencement speeches of this generation.

At this exact occasion, Gates returned to Harvard to not only deliver the

356th Harvard commencement speech but to also receives an honorary degree

over 30 years later than the rest of his class. Bill Gates was invited to speak in

front of the Harvard graduates of 2007 being called the “most successful college

dropout ever”.

Along with the 2007 Harvard graduates, the speech was watched live by

the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). Online, It accounted for more than 7

million viewers from all around the world. The audience seemed to be giving vey

much respect to Gates for giving his time to deliver the speech. It clearly shows

from their facial expressions and gestures. Even before Gates started his speech,

the audience looks like they give a great appreciation and sense of admiration. It

makes perfect sense knowing the success Gates has paved from years ago, not

only valuing his wealth and hard work, but also his kindness to the world.

The speech is targeted towards everyone, from child to adults,

particularly the middle-class to upper class who are capable of “helping” the

poor wherever they are. Its main purpose is to eliminate/lessen the inequities of

the world, which involves all humans. His speech was easily understood. His

calm voice did not lessen the excitement to listen to as he was slipping jokes

every so often during the speech.

In his speech, Bill Gates addresses his concern towards the inequities in

the world, the appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that

condemn millions of people to lives of despair. He said, “But humanity’s greatest

advances are not in its discoveries but in how those discoveries are applied to

reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality

health care, or broad economic opportunity, reducing inequity is the highest

human achievement..”
Furthermore, he tried to persuade people to push themselves to “do more

for other who have less”. He mentioned how there are millions of innocent

people dying each day for preventable causes. The inability to prevent the cause

cost the world millions of deaths daily. Gates, through some parts of his speech

encourages people who are capable of helping others to do it. He tried to make

people aware of what is happening in this world everyday.

The speech was intended to address the flaws of today’s world. Problems

that have carried on since human first exist. Raising awareness of the inequities

of the world whether it’s health, economy, social, or all aspects of the world. In

delivering his speech, Bill Gates spoke very calmly and relaxed. Gates told stories

and slip in some jokes at the beginning. As he went further down the speech,

things got more serious as he tried to address the inequity of the world.

Problems the world is facing in which many people don’t even recognize. Bill

Gates who normally look calm and reserved at all times was seen extremely

fierce towards the middle to end of the speech. His emotion indicates a sincere

concern of what he seeks to deliver in the speech.

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