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Leyte Colleges

San Jose Campus

Comparative Police System

Semi-Final Exam
1st semester

Name: ___________________________ Course & Year: _______________

Schedule: ________________________ Date: __________________

Direction: Choose the correct answer that corresponds to the given question. Encircle the letter of your
choice. Note further that any erasure/ change of your answer will not be given any credit.

1. It is a global militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden.

a. Abu Sayyaf Group b. Hezbollah c. ISIS d. None of the aforementioned
2. What do you call a country with only one recognized police force which operates the entire country.
a. Centralized Police b. Decentralized Police c. Both a and b d. None of the aforementioned
3. The belief that social order can be achieved through moral and political reform because man is by nature
good or capable of goodness.
a. Buddhism b. Confucian c. Christianity d. None of the aforementioned
4. It is a program that copies itself and infects a computer.
a. Computer Virus b. Computer Fraud c. Cybercrime d. None of the aforementioned
5. Who was considered as the field commander of the ISIS group?
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani
c. Osama bin Laden d. None of the aforementioned
6. It is otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002.
a. RA 9372 b. RA 9615 c. RA 9208 d. None of the aforementioned
7. This refers to the act of altering data or gaining unlawful use of computer or services.
a. Computer Virus b. Computer Fraud
c. Cybercrime d. None of the aforementioned
8. It is Shi’a Islamist militant group and political party based in Lebanon.
a. Abu Sayyaf Group b. ISIS c. Hezbollah d. None of the aforementioned
9. When a person used another’s personal information to commit fraud, what offense he/she committed?
a. Computer Virus b. Computer Fraud
c. Identity Theft d. None of the aforementioned
10. Also known as the Italian or Italian-American mafia.
a. Russian Mafia b. La Cosa Nostra c. FukChing d. Yakuza
11. It is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan which literally means “students”.
a. Bangsa Moro b. Taliban c. Boko Haram d. None of the aforementioned
12. Hezbollah literally means ________.
a. Bearer of the sword b. The Base c. Balik Isla d. Party of God
13. It is a Southeast Asian Militant Islamist terrorist organization dedicated to the establishment of a regional
Islamic caliphate in Southeast Asia.
a. Abu Sayyaf Group b. Jemaah Islamiyah
c. Hezbollah d. None of the aforementioned
14. When was the Philippine Center on Transnational Crime created?
a. January 15, 1999 b. February 5, 1999
c. Juanary 5, 1999 d. None of the aforementioned
15. An Underground criminal societies based in Hongkong. They control secret markets and bus routes and
are often involved in white collar crimes.
a. Yakuza b. Triad c. Heijin d. Jao Pho
16. When was the National People’s Army (NPA) formed?
a. 1869 b. 1979 c. 1969 d. 1968
17. It is considered as the lead agency on the government’s anti-drug campaign
a. CHR b. PNP c. Law Enforcement d. All of the aforementioned
18. This refers to the method by which criminals disguise the illegal origins of their wealth and protect their
asset bases.
a. Money Racketeering b. Vetting
c. Money Laundering d. None of the aforementioned
19. Who was the famous leader of the Abu Sayaff Group (ASG)?
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani c. Osama bin Laden d. None of the aforementioned
20. All are examples of Transnational Crime, EXCEPT.
a. Human Trafficking b. Terrorism c. Money Laundering d. All are correct
21. When was the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 enacted?
a. June 7, 2002 b. July 4, 2002 c. June 19, 2002 d. None of the aforementioned
22. “The accused is innocent until proven guilty” is a concept of what type of Court System?
a. Inquisitorial b. Controversial c. Adversarial d. None of the aforementioned
23. It is defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed. It includes the
act of converting to another religion by a person who was born in a Muslim family or who had previously
accepted islam.
a. Apostasy b. Islamic c. Christianity d. None of the aforementioned
24. Considered one of the well- known Transnational Organized Crime group based in China.
a. Heijin b. FukChing c. Yakuza d. Jao Pho
25. He is known as the Hezbolla Leader.
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani
c. Hassan Nasrallah d. None of the Aforementioned
26. It is the first attempt at concealment or disguise of the source of the ownership of the funds by creating
complex layers of financial transactions designed to disguise the audit trail and provide anonymity.
a. Layering b. Placement c. Integration d. Both and b
27. The name ASG was derived from what word?
a. Balik Islam b. The base c. Party of God d. None of the aforementioned
28. It is defined as the process of performing a background check on someone to ensure that they are suitable
for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness
a. Background Investigation b. Balance and Check
c. Vetting d. None of the aforementioned
29. Who founded the Balik Islam/ Back to Islam Movement?
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani c. Osama bin Laden
30. It is the Human Security Act of 2007.
a. RA 9372 b. RA 9615 c. RA 9208 d. None of the aforementioned

“In whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

as working for the Lord not for human masters”- Col. 3:23

Prepared by:
Maria Ruthel Ballanca- Abarquez, Crmgst.

21. When was the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 enacted?
a. June 7, 2002 b. July 4, 2002 c. June 19, 2002 d. None of the aforementioned
22. “The accused is innocent until proven guilty” is a concept of what type of Court System?
a. Inquisitorial b. Controversial c. Adversarial d. None of the aforementioned
23. It is defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed. It includes the
act of converting to another religion by a person who was born in a Muslim family or who had previously
accepted islam.
a. Apostasy b. Islamic c. Christianity d. None of the aforementioned
24. Considered one of the well- known Transnational Organized Crime group based in China.
a. Heijin b. FukChing c. Yakuza d. Jao Pho
25. He is known as the Hezbolla Leader.
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani
c. Hassan Nasrallah d. None of the Aforementioned
26. It is the first attempt at concealment or disguise of the source of the ownership of the funds by creating
complex layers of financial transactions designed to disguise the audit trail and provide anonymity.
a. Layering b. Placement c. Integration d. Both and b
27. The name ASG was derived from what word?
a. Balik Islam b. The base c. Party of God d. None of the aforementioned
28. It is defined as the process of performing a background check on someone to ensure that they are suitable
for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness
a. Background Investigation b. Balance and Check
c. Vetting d. None of the aforementioned
29. Who founded the Balik Islam/ Back to Islam Movement?
a. Hilarion del Rosario b. Abdural Janjalani c. Osama bin Laden
30. It is the Human Security Act of 2007.
a. RA 9372 b. RA 9615 c. RA 9208 d. None of the aforementioned

“In whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

as working for the Lord not for human masters”- Col. 3:23

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