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Course Code : MET 406 ITSJ/RW – 17 / 1423

Eighth Semester B. E. ( Mechanical Engineering ) Examination


Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions carry marks as indicated against them.
(2) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(3) Assume suitable data and illustrate answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Use of Opitz – table is permitted.

1. (a) Discuss automated flow line with its characteristics ? Describe 'starving and
blocking' concept in AFL. 5 (CO 1)
(b) What are the different part feeding devices ? 5 (CO 1)
2. Chart defines the precedence relationship and operational work element times for a new
assembly. Calculate minimum numbers of workstations required to minimize balance delay,
assuming one worker per station, if ideal cycle time is 1.1 min, repositioning time is
0.1 min and uptime proportion assumed to be 1.0. Construct the precedence diagram.
Assign the work elements to stations using KWM and RPW methods. Compare the
balance delay for solutions.
Work Element Te (min) Preceded by Work Element Te (min) Preceded by
1 0.4 – 6 0.2 3
2 0.7 1 7 0.3 4
3 0.5 1 8 0.5 5 , 6
4 0.3 2 9 0.3 7 , 8
5 0.8 2 , 3 10 0.6 9
10 (CO 1)

3. Differentiate between fixed zero and floating zero cordinates. Write the NC program for
the given work part machined on CNC lathe, shown in the figure below. Select proper

ITSJ/RW-17 / 1423 Contd.

tooling and alignment for complete stock removal. All dimensions are in mm.

10 (CO 2)

4. Answer any Two questions :—

(a) What are the different types of robot manipulator configurations ?
(b) Describe different types of sensors used in robots.
(c) Discuss the typical technical features of robot for assembly applications.
10 (CO 2)

5. (a) Discuss the following with reference to AGVS "

(a) Vehicle guidance and routing
(b) Traffic control and safety. 5 (CO 3)


What is AS / RS system ? Explain its working structure in detail.

5 (CO 3)
(b) The following specifications are given by AGVS which is capable of making
70 deliveries per hour.
Vehicle velocity = 50 m / min
Average distance / delivery = 150 m
Pick up time = 0.60 min
Drop up time = 0.60 min
Average distance travel (empty) / delivery = 100 m
Traffic factor = 0.80

ITSJ/RW-17 / 1423 2 Contd.

For the data given, calculate :—
(i) Number of vehicles required to fulfill the delivery demand.
(ii) AGV handling efficiency. 5 (CO 3)

6. (a) Describe the concept of Group Technology in manufacturing. Explian OPITZ

form code for the given component.

5 (CO 4)
(b) Describe the use of CMM in industries ? Explain any three types of CMM
in detail. 5 (CO 4)

7. (a) What is meant by product flow analysis ? Give example of ranked order
cluster algorithm. 5 (CO 4)
(b) Explain the role of machine vision system in inspections. 5 (CO 4)

8. Write a short note on the following (any Three) :—

(a) CIM and CAD / CAM.
(b) Shop floor control.
(c) Retrival CAPP.
(d) Capacity planning (CP)
(e) Quality function deployment (QFD). 10 (CO 5)

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