Written and Oral Marking Grids

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Capacitació en llengua estrangera: anglés Classroom number:


February 2018


Written Test Score Oral Test Score

Composition (maximum 80 points) Comments and examples

Adequacy and content (40 points)

Fail: 59 points or less

Coherence (20 points)


Lexical cohesion (10 points)

Pass: 60 points or more

Grammatical cohesion (10 points)

Accuracy (-1 point per mistake) The composition contains: more than 250 words (Score according to criteria) less than 250 words (Total score= 0)

Questionnaire (maximum 20 points)

Correct A, B, C, D answers (1 point/each) Correct T/F answers (1 point/each) Comments

Blank A, B, C, D answers (0 point/each) Blank T/F answers (0 point/each)

Incorrect A, B, C, D answers (-0,25 point/each) Incorrect T/F answers (-0,5 point/each)

Proofreader: TOTAL Written Test Score:

1. Pronunciation (0-3) Comments and examples
3. Pronunciation is clear and natural. Can communicate spontaneously, showing remarkable fluency and
ease of expression in even longer complex stretches of speech. 3
2. Pronunciation is clear even if a foreign accent is sometimes evident. Can produce stretches of
language with fairly even tempo, although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for patterns and 2
expressions, there are few noticeable pauses.
1. Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur. Can express him/herself with relative ease, there are few noticeably pauses. 1
0. Pronunciation is generally not clear enough to be understood because a noticeable foreign accent and
mispronunciations are frequent. The candidate can keep going comprehensibly, even though pausing
for grammatical and lexical planning and repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches of free 0
2. Vocabulary (0-3) Comments and examples
3. Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. 3
2. Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with occasional inappropriate use of less common
lexis. 2
Fail: 11 points or less

1. Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis. 1
0. Uses a very basic vocabulary. 0
3. Morphosyntaxis (0-3) Comments and examples
3. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility. S/he can correct
slips and errors. 3
2. Uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control. 2

1. Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control. 1

0. Very simple grammatical structures. 0
4. Cohesion and textual coherence (0-3) Comments and examples
3. Speech is well-organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns
to generally good effect. 3 Inse
2. Speech is generally well-organised and coherent, using a limited number of linking words and cohesive
devices. 2
1. Speech is connected and coherent, using basic linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices. 1
0. Speech is disconnected and incoherent, using basic linking words wrongly and numerous incoherent
ideas. 0
5. Paralinguistic aspects (0-3) Comments and examples
Pass: 12 points or more

3. The flow and rhythm of speech is correct. The candidate can express him or herself confidently, clearly
and politely in a formal or informal register, appropriate to the situation and person concerned. 3
2. The rhythm of speech is not so smooth (several unusual lapses occur between words and sentences).
On the whole, the candidate can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular 2
interaction quite possible.
1. Voice modulation is erratic. The rhythm of speech is frequently broken due to the many corrections and
breaks. The candidate uses the conventions of the communicative task in generally appropriate ways to 1 In
communicate straightforward ideas. While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.
0. Mistakes are so numerous that the flow of speech is completely broken. Speech shows no definite
format and errors are so abundant that meaning can hardly be determined. 0
6. Contents (0-5) Comments and examples
5. The candidate speaks about the proposed topic. 3
4. The candidate speaks about the proposed topic with minor inaccuracies. 24
3. The candidate speaks about the proposed topic with some inaccuracies. 3 I
2. The candidate speaks about the proposed topic with some severe inaccuracies. 2
1. The candidate does not speak about the proposed topic, although s/he includes some related points. 1
0. The candidate does not speak about the proposed topic at all. 0
Examiners: TOTAL Oral Test Score:

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