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English Form 3 Oral Practice

Oral Practice

Getting Started
1 Students are given 10 minutes to complete the Speaking Test.
2 There are two sections in this test: Section A (Reading Aloud) and Section B (Spoken Interaction).
3 In Section A, students will be asked to read a short text. Students will then be assessed based on the
following criteria:
k pronunciation, articulation and intonation
k fluency and rhythm
k awareness of audience, purpose and context
4 10 marks are awarded for Section A.
5 In Section B, students are required to engage in a face-to-face interaction with the examiner.
6 Students are given a moment to think about the topic individually. Students will then be assessed based
on the following criteria:
k grammar and vocabulary – correct rules of grammar and proper words
k pronunciation and intonation – speaking using correct diction and tone
k fluency and coherence – speaking your points clearly, fluently and coherently
k personal response – how well and relevant you respond to the topic
k ethics and mannerisms – speaking politely and in an appropriate manner
7 The time given for preparation is very short, so students need to think fast.
8 20 marks are allocated for Section B.
9 Read widely to prepare yourself for this task. Having knowledge on a wide variety of topics will help
you when you are asked to talk about certain topics.
10 Many students find it difficult to speak in English. Here are some possible causes of difficulty in
speaking in English:
k weak listening skills
k poor speaking skills
k lack of confidence
k lack of knowledge on the topics asked

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Skills In Mind

Reading Aloud Spoken Interaction

Read the text given carefully Listen carefully to the topic given

Show your vitality, enthusiasm and If you feel you would like your examiner to
confidence while reading repeat the topic, do not hesitate to ask. Marks
will not be deducted

Exercise your voice control

You have a moment for preparation. Use it

Check the rate or speed at which you read.
Pause at the right places. Do not read like an
express train
When speaking, try to say as much as you can
about the topic given

Read smoothly with minimum hesitations.

Try to vary your tone while reading so that it Try not to answer in a single sentence. Give
does not become monotonous or boring your opinions or responses supported by

Use correct intonation and articulate clearly

so that the interest of the audience is Speak with confidence. It will make you sound
sustained convincing. Speak loudly, clearly and politely

Gesture can help in conveying your points, so

use them in moderation to add vitality to your

Relax and remember that the examiner is not

there eagerly waiting to fail you

English Form 3 Oral Practice


Consolidation 1
You have been asked to tell a story to your friends during a bonfire at a motivational camp. You have prepared
an interesting story which you would like to share with them. Read the text aloud.

A man was in the living room watching a football match. With him was his lively and curious five-
year-old daughter. Her father was not at home very often, so she was very happy to have him around.
Every now and then, she would disturb him with questions. Her father was annoyed.
Finally, her father could not take it any longer. He took a magazine and ripped a page with the
world map on it. Then he ripped it in smaller pieces and called out to his daughter.
‘Sweetheart, help Dad put the map back together. Once you are done, I’ll take you out for some
delicious ice cream,’ said her father. Her daughter gleefully agreed. Soon, silence ensued and her
father continued watching his football match, feeling relieved. He was sure that his daughter would
never get to put the pieces back together. It would take her hours, if she ever did, at the very least.
Fifteen minutes later, the girl jumped up and shouted excitedly, ‘Yay! Daddy, I’ve finished it!
Let’s have that ice cream!’ The man was puzzled. He asked his daughter how she could finish the
patching so quickly.
The five-year-old simply replied, ‘Oh, there was a man’s face on the other side of the paper. I
just put the face back together properly, so the map was rightly matched too!’ The man sat there in
disbelief. Later, while watching his daughter savour her ice cream, he thought of how a problem could
easily be solved by just looking at it from a different perspective.

Consolidation 2
You have been asked to tell a story to your friends during a class outing. You have written an interesting story
which you would like to share with them. Read the text aloud.

Sarah had been married for ten years before she finally got pregnant. So, her husband, Jim, and
she were very excited to finally have a baby. One day, after getting a check-up from the hospital, Jim
was driving Sarah home. Out of the blue, a car appeared and crashed into their car. Jim was lightly
injured, but Sarah suffered a concussion and fell into a coma.
Six months later, Sarah woke up. Jim was so happy and his eyes were moist. After embracing each
other for some time, Sarah suddenly panicked. She had noticed that she was no longer pregnant. ‘Dear,
where is our baby?’ she asked frantically. Jim was unable to contain his excitement and happiness.
‘Don’t worry, Dear. You gave birth safely. Dear, you were actually pregnant with twins!’ answered
Jim. Sarah was so glad and her little eyes filled with tears. She felt more blissful when Jim told her
they had a daughter and a son. The babies were brought to her soon, and while cooing them, she
asked for their names. Jim told her that she gave birth very suddenly and he was late in arriving. So,
the one who named the babies was her brother, Ted. Upon hearing this, she was anxious.
‘Dear, tell me their names!’ cried Sarah. Jim fell silent for a while. When she urged him again, he
finally said, ‘The girl’s name is Denise.’ Sarah was relieved.
‘What about the boy?’ she asked. Jim burst into tears and Sarah felt an ominous feeling.
‘T-the boy’s name is Denephew.’

English Form 3 Oral Practice


For this section, teachers or examiners will ask students some questions based on a topic and students will speak
on it.

Consolidation 1
We are going to talk about charity work.
What is your thought on getting yourself involved in charity work?

• Definition
• Two examples of charity work
• Have you volunteered in any charity work before? Where do you help them?
• How do you help them?
• Benefits gained from it
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may
rephrase the cues.

Consolidation 2
Since it was founded in 2004, Facebook has become the most widely used social website in the world.

• What is Facebook?
• Who will find Facebook useful?
• Do you have a Facebook account? How many hours do you spend on Facebook every day?
• Your opinion about the Facebook phenomenon
• The benefits of using Facebook
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may
rephrase the cues.

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Consolidation 3
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
Talk about the cleanliness you practised at school.

• Is your school compound clean?
• Do you have a duty roster in your classroom? How does it maintain the cleanliness of your
• Steps taken by school authorities to maintain or improve the cleanliness of your school
• Two suggestions to improve the cleanliness of your school
• Is it everyone’s responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of their school?
• Your reasons
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may
rephrase the cues.

Consolidation 4
We are going to talk about an interesting film you have recently watched.
Share your thoughts on the film.

• The title of the film
• The main characters and its place setting
• What is the story all about?
• Reason you find it interesting
• Your feelings when you watched it
• Did you enjoy the film? Why?
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may
rephrase the cues.

Consolidation 5
‘A fool and his money are soon parted’, says the proverb.
Do you agree?

• Reason for agreeing/disagreeing
• Do you have any savings?
• Share your way of managing your money
• Advantages of saving money
• Ways to encourage wise money management and money savings among schoolchildren
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may
rephrase the cues.

English Form 3 Oral Practice


Getting Started
1 This section aims to test your ability to understand spoken English.
2 You have 30 minutes to complete the Listening Test.
3 There are two sections in this test.
4 In Section A, you are required to listen to five short extracts/ tapescripts.
5 There are 10 multiple-choice questions given in this section. Choose the best answer based on the
extracts/ tapescripts you listen to.
6 10 marks are given for Section A.
7 Section B is divided into two parts. Each part contains five limited response questions.
8 Based on the extracts/ tapescripts you listen to, fill in the table with the correct answers.
9 10 marks are awarded for Section B.
10 Note that each extract/ tapescript will be played twice.
11 There are some basic techniques for effective listening:
k recognise how ideas/ points are organised (introduction, thesis statements, additional information,
conclusion, suggestions)
k become involved in what is being said
k organise statements into main points and supporting reasons
k discriminate between relevance and irrelevance
k analyse ideas and information


pay full attention

listen carefully take notes


English Form 3 Oral Practice

Skills In Mind

Try to read the questions and options on the answer sheet given to
you before the extracts or tapescripts are played. This will help you
look out for keywords while the extract is being read

Listen carefully to each extract so that you will be able to understand,

comprehend and evaluate. Careful listening will require a conscious
effort on your part

Be mentally and physically prepared to listen. Put other thoughts

out of your mind

Take notes if you worry about forgetting a particular point

When you listen to the extract for the first time, listen carefully to
determine what it is all about

Check your answer the second time when the extract is being
played again

Every tapescript will be followed by three or four multiple-choice

questions. Every question and alternative answer will be read

Choose the best answer for each question

English Form 3 Oral Practice


Extract 1
Listen to the directions given by Idham to Chee Keong.
Where is Idham’s seat in his classroom? Circle the correct location.

Fan 1 Fan 2



Teacher’s desk


Students’ seats

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Extract 2
Listen to the directions given by a prefect to Form 3 Aman’s class monitor.
Where should the class monitor get the food for her class? Circle the correct bundle.


Cooking area

Working area

ERT room

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Extract 3
Refer to the doughnut charts as you listen to the statements on the opinions of Form Three students of SMK
Cemerlang regarding the food in the school canteen.
Which of the following doughnut charts best represents the information given? Circle the correct answer.

A Very
Very good



Very good


Very bad

C Very
Very bad



Very good Very bad



English Form 3 Oral Practice

Extract 4
Refer to the pie charts as you listen to the statements on the most trusted personalities for Form Three students
of SMK Sri Bestari.
Which of the following pie charts best represents the information given? Circle the correct answer.

Azwan Ali

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood

Datuk Nicol Ann David

Azwan Ali

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood

Datuk Nicol Ann David

Azwan Ali

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood

Datuk Nicol Ann David

Azwan Ali

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood

Datuk Nicol Ann David

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Extract 5
Listen to the conversation between Zarina and Gayathri. Then, answer the questions below.

1 Where has Lam Thye been hospitalised?

A Assunta Hospital
B Pantai Puteri Hospital
C KPJ Selangor Specialist Hospital
D University Malaya Medical Centre

2 If the bus departs 15 minutes after the appointed waiting time, at what time will the bus depart from
the school compound?
A 2.15 p.m.
B 2.30 p.m.
C 3.15 p.m.
D 3.30 p.m.

3 ‘Ah, that’s too bad!’ said Zarina. Why did she say that?
A She wanted to visit Lam Thye.
B She thought it was unfortunate for Lam Thye to be in an accident.
C She thought it was bad to give priority to Lam Thye’s classmates first.
D There might not be any more space left for her in the bus because she is not Lam Thye’s classmate.

Extract 6
Listen to the conversation between Ms Greta and Xin Yi. Then, answer the questions below.

1 The conversation most probably takes place .

A in the staffroom
B in the school library
C in the school lavatory
D at the scene of the competition

2 Xin Yi earns a reputation for being a debater.

A vicious
B furious
C ferocious
D vivacious

3 According to Ms Greta, how long would the debating teams practise every day?
A One hour
B Two hours
C Four hours
D Six hours

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Extract 7
Listen to the extract on Malaysia’s biodiversity. Then, answer the questions below.

1 What are mega-diverse countries?

A Countries with diverse races
B Countries with many universities
C Countries with many mega projects
D Countries with majority of the Earth’s species

2 What are the main threats in preserving Malaysia’s forests?

A Global warming and illegal trading of wildlife
B Pollution, global warming and illegal poaching
C Timber logging, illegal trading and illegal poaching of wildlife
D The illegal shipping of foreign wildlife into Malaysia’s ecosystem and timber logging

Extract 8
Listen to the extract on Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia’s APEX University. Then, answer the questions

1 The following statements are true about Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) except
A Universiti Sains Malaysia was initially named Universiti Pulau Pinang.
B USM’s establishment was set up after Universiti Malaya.
C USM has one health campus in Nibong Tebal.
D USM was established in 1969.

2 USM was declared Malaysia’s APEX University on 3 September 2008. What does APEX stand for?
A Accentuated Programme for Excellence
B Accelerated Programme for Excellence
C Accentuated Project for Excellence
D Accelerated Project for Excellence

Extract 9
Listen to the report from a radio channel. Then, answer the questions below.

1 Who is Angeline Soo?

A She is a deejay of a radio station.
B She is a producer of a radio station.
C She is a meteorologist of a radio station.
D She is a weather forecaster of a radio station.

2 Based on the report, the weather on Monday in some areas will most likely be clear from .
A 6.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
B 6.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m
C 6.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m
D 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m

English Form 3 Oral Practice

3 The report mentioned that during the night, it will mostly be cloudy with temperatures in the range of
A 20 °C to 25 °C
B 20 °C to 29 °C
C 20 °C to 35 °C
D 20 °C to 39 °C

Extract 10
Listen to the announcement from a supermarket. Then, answer the questions below.

1 What are the Akami and Ootoro Sushi made from?

A Tuna fish from the bays of Nakajima and Osaka, Japan
B Tuna fish from the bays of Nakajima and Nigiri, Japan
C Tuna fish from the bays of Chiba and Osaka, Japan
D Tuna fish from the bays of Nigiri and Chiba, Japan

2 The Happy Hour of the supermarket will last for .

A 30 minutes
B 1 hour
C 2 hours
D 7 hours

3 When is the announcement made by the supermarket?

A 4.00 p.m.
B 4.30 p.m.
C 5.00 p.m.
D 5.30 p.m.

English Form 3 Oral Practice


Consolidation 1

Extract 1

Questions 1 – 5 :
Listen to the announcement about a choir tryout. Then, fill in the table below.

1 Organiser :

2 Reason for the event :

3 Time :

4 Venue :

5 Reminder for the High Councils :

Extract 2

Questions 6 – 10 :
Listen to the instructions on how to make French toast. Number the steps in the correct order as you listen to

How to make French toast Step

Crack eggs into a bowl. 2

Turn the heat down to medium-low once the pan is heated sufficiently. 6

Place each slice onto the pan. Fry the toast until golden on both sides. 7

Dip the bread into the egg mixture. Coat a slice of the bread with the mixture
on both sides.
Set the stove or electric pan to medium-high heat. Add non-stick spray olive
oil or butter so that the bread will not stick to the pan.
Add milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon, and beat them with a fork or
Put the toast on a plate. Then, serve hot with syrup. You can add side dishes
like eggs, sausages or salad.

English Form 3 Oral Practice

Consolidation 2
Extract 1

Questions 1 – 5 :
Listen to the announcement about a fire drill. Then, fill in the table below.

1 Main organiser :

2 Collaborator :

3 Time :

4 Date :

5 Aim :

Extract 2

Questions 6 – 10 :
Listen to the instructions on how to make home-made kaya jam. Number the steps in the correct order as you
listen to them.

How to make home-made kaya jam Step

Transfer to a bottle. Let it cool, cover and refrigerate it. 8

Add pandan leaves and another 3 tablespoons of sugar into the pot. Cook
in high heat. Stir until the sugar melts and the coconut milk bubbles.
Pour the mixture of egg yolks and flavoured coconut milk back into the pot.
Let it simmer and stir thoroughly. The solution will thicken. It should take 7
about 10 minutes. If it is not sweet enough, you can add more sugar.

Whisk egg yolks and set aside. 1

In low heat, melt the palm sugar. Stir thoroughly. 8

In a small pot, pour in coconut milk and palm sugar. 9

When the flavoured coconut milk is hot, turn down the heat. Slowly pour
it into the whisked egg yolks. Whisk the mixture thoroughly.

Discard the pandan leaves. 7

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 2)

3 (O r a l Te s t: Spea king)
g k a ta n
Pentaksiran Tin
Paper 2
(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 5 minutes)

Read this instruction to candidate.

You have been asked to tell a story to your class during the English Week. You have written an interesting story
which you would like to share with your friends. Read the text aloud.

The tunnel was long and dark. I could hear my heart thumping and my hands were
trembling as Khalaf and I groped around on our hands and knees in the dark. The opening
was just big enough for one of us to squeeze through at a time. “Ouch! That hurt!” we both
yelled out in pain as we crawled.

When we finally came out of the tunnel, we came into a bigger chamber of the cave.
There was a small opening up on the ceiling. A narrow beam of sunlight penetrated through
it into the cave. All around us was darkness and silence. Both of us kept close to each other,
afraid of being separated. We had been separated from our group for what seemed like ages.
Once in a while we gave a shout for help, hoping that someone would hear us.

At first, we could brave ourselves and remained optimistic of being found. But as time
wore on, our spirits became low and we became more and more nervous. We did not venture
around, fearing we might be getting further away from help. All we could do was to wait.

Suddenly, there were claps of thunder and I rolled

over. Thud! Thud! I had fallen off my bed. My parents,
who came in to make sure the windows were closed,
found me on the floor. I related my bad dream to them
and Mum decided to accompany me for the rest of the
night. This was one of my most unforgettable dreams.

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 2)


[20 marks]
(Time suggested : 5 minutes)

Note to Examiners:
1 There are five questions.
2 Choose one question for each candidate.
3 Use the prompts to begin your conversation with the candidate.
4 You may need to use your own prompts to facilitate the conversation if the need arises.
5 A reminder: Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say.

Instructions to Candidate:
That is the end of the reading aloud test. Now, we shall move on to the next section. I am going to ask you
some questions based on a topic and you will speak on it.
We shall begin now.

Question 1

We are going to talk about personal grooming.

What do you think of it?

 Definition
 Important/ Not important
 Two reasons personal grooming is necessary
 Two ways you take care of yourself
 Two ways to practise or maintain a good personal grooming as a student
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 2

Exercises keep you fit and healthy.

Do you agree?

 Definition
 Exercises you like to do
 When do you normally exercise?
 Two reasons we need to exercise (take yourself as an example)
 What happens if we do not exercise? How do you feel when you do not exercise regularly?
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 2)

Question 3

Helpfulness is one of the moral values we should practise.

Give your thoughts on this topic.

 What does helpfulness mean?
 Is it good to be a helpful person or individual?
 Importance of helpfulness
 Your experience in helping people/ being helped
 Ways to instill helpfulness
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 4

Since September 2015, the government has made trash separation mandatory for several states around
the country.
Do you support this move?

 Your reason(s)
 Does your household practise trash separation?
 What are the things that can be recycled and cannot be recycled?
 Other ways to reduce waste generation
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 5

We are going to talk about water conservation.

What do you think about this topic?

 Agree/ Disagree
 Reasons
 Importance of conserving water
 Negative consequences of wasting water
 Suggestion of ways to conserve water
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 2)

Question 6

We are going to talk about a sportsman/sportswoman that you admire.

Describe them.

 Who
 Describe his/her physical appearance
 Why do you admire him/her?
 His/her achievements
 Admirable qualities/characteristics of this sportsman/sportswoman
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 7

We are going to talk about your best friend.

Share your experience of being best friends with them.

 Who
 Describe
 How did your best friend help you when you were in trouble?
 In your opinion, is friendship important in your life? Why?
 Ways to maintain/ promote a lasting friendship
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 8

We are going to talk about your family.

Tell me more about them.

 Number of family members
 Describe (one character of each family member)
 One activity you always do with your family members
 Do you enjoy spending time with your family members? Why? Why not?
 Ways to promote family bonding and forge close family ties
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 2)

Question 9

We are going to talk about surfing the Internet.

Share your views.

 Do you surf the internet?
 How often do you surf the internet?
 What kind of information do you look for when you surf the Internet?
 What are the advantages of surfing the Internet? State two advantages.
 What are the disadvantages of surfing the Internet? State two disadvantages.
 Do you enjoy surfing the internet? Why?
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

Question 10

Food makes people happy.

Do you agree?

 Favourite food and reasons
 Types of food that you dislike and reasons
 Do you think it is better to eat home-cooked food? Why? Why not?
 Importance of eating a balanced meal/ diet and reasons
 In your opinion, what is the most important meal of the day? Why?
* Note to examiners : Use cues only when the candidate does not have anything to say. You may rephrase
the cues.

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 3)

(O r a l Te s t: L is te n ing)
n 3
Pentaksiran Tingkata
Paper 3
[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

You will listen to five different extracts and answer 10 questions. Circle the correct answer.
You will listen to each extract twice.
Answer all the questions.

Extract 1

Question 1
Listen to the directions given by Ryan’s mother to him.
Where does Ryan’s mother put his school uniform? Circle the correct sofa.

Sofa A


Sofa B
Flat-screen TV set


Sofa C



Chests of drawers
Sofa D Ironing board

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 3)

Extract 2

Question 2
Refer to the pie charts as you listen to the statements on the favourite food of Form Three students of SMK
Which of the following pie charts best represents the information given?
Circle the correct answer.
Western food

Local food

Korean food

Japanese food

Italian food

Western food

Local food

Korean food

Japanese food

Italian food

Western food

Local food

Korean food

Japanese food

Italian food

Western food

Local food

Korean food

Japanese food

Italian food

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 3)

Extract 3

Listen to the conversation between Brendan and Liam. Then, answer Questions 3, 4 and 5.

Question 3
When will the clean-up campaign be held?
A Monday
B Friday
C Saturday
D Sunday
[1 mark]

Question 4
Who will officiate the campaign?
A Liam
B Brendan
C Mr Viknes
D Liam and Brendan
[1 mark]

Question 5
How was the response of the residents to the event?
A They responded very well.
B The response was not very encouraging.
C Some of the residents showed no interest.
D Some of the residents were not free to come.
[1 mark]

Extract 4

Listen to the extract on the weather in Malaysia. Then, answer Questions 6 and 7.

Question 6
The weather in Malaysia is always .
A hot and dry
B hot and wet
C cold and dry
D cold and wet
[1 mark]

Question 7
Which is not one of the benefits the forests can provide?
A They provide fauna a place to stay.
B They give us timber for making things.
C They give humans a good harvest of crops.
D Many animals and insects can be found here.
[1 mark]

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 3)

Extract 5

Listen to the notice from the Family Mart. Then, answer Questions 8, 9 and 10.

Question 8
What is the announcement about?
A Mega sale carnival
B The coming public holidays
C Celebrating the opening of the new outlet
D Extending its service due to the coming festival
[1 mark]

Question 9
What occasion are they about to celebrate?
A New Year
B National Day
C Chinese New Year
D The mart’s 4th anniversary
[1 mark]

Question 10
For further information, one can the Family Mart.
A fax
B call
C visit
D Facebook
[1 mark]

English Form 3 PT3 (Paper 3)

[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

You will listen to two different extracts and answer 10 questions.

Fill in the table with the correct answers.
You will listen to each extract twice.
Answer all the questions.

Extract 1

Questions 11 – 15:
Listen to the notice about a jogathon. Then, fill in the table below.

11 Name of event/ activity :

12 Name/ Type of club :

13 Reason for organising the event/ activity :

14 Venue :

15 Free gifts :

[5 marks]

Extract 2

Questions 16 – 20:
Listen to the instructions on how to make potato crisps. Number the steps in the correct order as you listen to

How to make potato crisps Step

Put the potato slices slowly into the hot oil. 3

Pour some cooking oil into the wok and heat it for three minutes. 16

Serve the potato crisps hot. 8

Use a strainer to remove all the crisps from the wok. 17

Sprinkle a little salt over the potato crisps and toss evenly. 18

Place the potato crisps on paper napkin to drain the oil. 19

Peel, wash and dry the potatoes before slicing them thinly with a sharp knife. 1

Stir and fry the potato slices until they turn light brown. 20

[5 marks]
English Form 3 Tapescript



Rubric : This is the exercise for the English Language Skills Acquisition Test for schools. There are
two parts to the exercise. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the exercise, there
will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.
Circle your answers on the question paper. You will have two minutes at the end of the
exercise to check your answers.
[Pause for 10 seconds]
Rubric : Now open your question paper and look at Section A. You have 1 minute to read the
[Pause for 1 minute]
Rubric : For each question, circle the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice.

Extract 1 Extract 2

Rubric : Listen to the directions given by Rubric : Listen to the directions given by
Idham to Chee Keong. Where is a prefect to Form 3 Aman’s class
Idham’s seat in his classroom? monitor. Where should the class
Circle the correct location. monitor get the food for her class?
Voice 1 : Idham, where are you going? I Circle the correct bundle.
need to get back the dictionary I Voice 1 : Excuse me. I’m here to get the
lent to you. portion of food for my class. May
Voice 2 : Oh dear! I’m going to the Science I know where I should get them?
lab now so I can’t go back to get Voice 2 : Are you the class monitor? Please
it. Why don’t you get it from my proceed to the ERT room next
desk? door. The food for students is put
Voice 1 : I don’t mind. Which one is your on one of the round tables there.
desk? It’s the table near the cooking
area, just beside the table with
Voice 2 : It’s the one in the middle row, the
ornaments for the decorating
fourth line from the front door.
If you stand in front of the class
facing the students’ seats, my seat Voice 1 : Thanks for your help.
is on your right-hand side. The [Pause for 5 seconds]
dictionary is on my desk. Rubric : You will listen to the recording
[Pause for 5 seconds] again. Check your answer.
Rubric : You will listen to the recording [Repeat Extract 2]
again. Check your answer. [Pause for 5 seconds]
[Repeat Extract 1]
[Pause for 5 seconds]

English Form 3 Tapescript

Extract 3 Statement 2 – Fewer students

have trust in Datuk Lee Chong
Rubric : Refer to the doughnut charts as Wei than the founder of MERCY,
you listen to the statements on the Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood.
opinions of Form Three students Statement 3 – Celebrity Azwan
of SMK Cemerlang regarding the Ali is the least trusted person for
food in the school canteen. Which the Form Three students than the
of the following doughnut charts rest of the personalities on the
best represents the information list.
given? Circle the correct answer. [Pause for 5 seconds]
Voice 1 : Statement 1 – Students who say Rubric : You will listen to the recording
the school food tastes bad share again. Check your answer.
equal percentage with those who
[Repeat Extract 4]
say it tastes very good.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Statement 2 – The percentage
of the Form 3 students who say
the school food is very good is
less than the percentage of those Extract 5
who say the food is good, which
carries the biggest percentage in Rubric : Listen to the conversation between
the survey report. Zarina and Gayathri. Then, answer
Statement 3 – Fewer students the questions below.
say the school food is very bad Voice 1 : Good morning, Gayathri. Did you
compared to those who say it is hear the news about Lam Thye’s
bad. accident?
[Pause for 5 seconds] Voice 2 : Yes, I did. Poor Lam Thye! The
Rubric : You will listen to the recording school has planned to take the
again. Check your answer. students to visit him at University
[Repeat Extract 3] Malaya Medical Centre after
school. They have prepared a
[Pause for 5 seconds] chartered bus for the purpose. If
you want to go, you should wait at
the gazebo at 2.15 p.m.
Extract 4 Voice 1 : How many students have
confirmed to go?
Rubric : Refer to the pie charts as you listen Voice 2 : So far, there are 27 of them.
to the statements on the most They are giving priority to his
trusted personalities for Form classmates.
Three students of SMK Sri Bestari. Voice 1 : Ah, that’s too bad!
Which of the following pie charts [Pause for 5 seconds]
best represents the information
given? Circle the correct answer. Rubric : You will listen to the recording
again. Check your answers.
Voice 1 : Statement 1 – Datuk Nicol Ann
David is the most trusted [Repeat Extract 5]
personality for the Form Three [Pause for 5 seconds]

English Form 3 Tapescript

Extract 6 species, around 1 500 of

terrestrial vertebrates and
Rubric : Listen to the conversation between 150 000 species of invertebrates.
Ms Greta and Xin Yi. Then, answer Such richness in biological
the questions below. diversity has been successfully
preserved by maintaining
Voice 1 : Hello, Ms Greta.
the nation’s forests. Despite
Voice 2 : Hello, Xin Yi. Is there anything I the war with timber logging
can do for you? and illegal trading of the
Voice 1 : Yes, madam. I’m interested to join wildlife, the Malaysian
the upcoming debate competition. government has managed to
Are there still places left? keep the forest population at 60
Voice 2 : Why, of course! I’m glad you per cent of the total land area.
decided to join us. I’ve heard that To date, Malaysia has 16 per
you’re quite a ferocious debater! cent of totally protected forest
Anyway, the competition is one areas out of the whole total land
month away but we will start area. However, some of the fauna
practising tomorrow. Puan Qamar species in Malaysia’s forests,
and I will be training the debating including the Malayan Tiger and
teams, so if I’m not around, you the Sumatran rhinoceros, are
can see her for any information. critically endangered due to illegal
We will be practising for two poaching.
hours in the library from 3.00 [Pause for 5 seconds]
p.m. to 5.00 p.m. every day. Do Rubric : You will listen to the recording
you think you could come to the again. Check your answers.
library tomorrow to meet the
[Repeat Extract 7]
other debaters?
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Voice 1 : Sure, madam.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording Extract 8
again. Check your answers.
[Repeat Extract 6]
Rubric : Listen to the extract on Universiti
[Pause for 5 seconds] Sains Malaysia, Malaysia’s APEX
University. Then, answer the
questions below.
Extract 7 Voice 1 : Universiti Sains Malaysia was
established in 1969. It was the
Rubric : Listen to the extract on Malaysia’s second public university in
biodiversity. Then, answer the Malaysia after Universiti Malaya.
questions below. Universiti Sains Malaysia known
with its acronym USM, was
Voice 1 : Malaysia is one of the 17 countries
formerly known as Universiti
in the world listed among the
Pulau Pinang when it was first
mega-diverse countries. Mega-
established. USM has 24 schools
diverse countries refer to
and 26 research centres. It
countries with majority of the
offers courses in the fields of
Earth’s species. To be counted on
Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences,
the list, a country has to record
P h a r m a c e u t i c a l        S c i e n c e s ,
at least 5 000 species of endemic
Building Science and Technology,
plants. Malaysia is endowed with
Social Sciences, Humanities and
over 15  000 flowering plant

English Form 3 Tapescript

Education. On 3 September 2008, but it will mostly be cloudy with

the Minister of Higher Education temperatures between 20 to 25
of Malaysia declared the university degrees Celsius. And that’s all for
the APEX (Accelerated Programme today’s weather. Stay tuned for
for Excellence) University for the morning traffic report.
its potential for excellence in [Pause for 5 seconds]
innovation and research. USM was
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
ranked 28th in QS World University
again. Check your answers.
Rankings by Subject for the year
2014 in the field of environmental [Repeat Extract 9]
sciences. USM has three campuses [Pause for 5 seconds]
to date, the main campus on the
Penang island, an engineering
campus at Nibong Tebal, Penang Extract 10
and a health campus at Kubang
Kerian, Kelantan.
Rubric : Listen to the announcement from
[Pause for 5 seconds] a supermarket. Then, answer the
Rubric : You will listen to the recording questions below.
again. Check your answers. Voice 1 : Attention to all customers, the
[Repeat Extract 8] Happy Hour will be starting
[Pause for 5 seconds] in 30 minutes’ time. For today,
Cemerlang Supermarket is
offering a special price cut for all
Japanese food! Get a Nigiri Sushi
Extract 9 set for a 20 per cent discount in
net price and enjoy a 10 per cent
Rubric : Listen to the report from a off the usual price of Nakajima
radio channel. Then, answer the Sashimi sets! Do not miss the
questions below. chance to enjoy some delicious
Voice 1 : Good morning. This is Angeline Akami and Ootoro Sushi prepared
Soo with your Monday weather from tuna produce flown straight
report. The heat wave that slowed from the bays of Chiba and Osaka,
everybody down last week is Japan, both with an offer of 10 per
showing some signs of letting cent discount! Happy Hour starts
up this week. Today’s morning at 5.00 p.m. and ends at 7.00 p.m.
is mostly clear and perfect for Kindly proceed to the Japanese
joggers to go the extra mile. section to get high quality
Temperature could reach 33 Japanese products of good value.
degrees Celsius until mid- Thank you and happy shopping!
afternoon. However, there will [Pause for 5 seconds]
be expected isolated showers Rubric : You will listen to the recording
or thunderstorms in a few areas again. Check your answers.
until late afternoon. Chance [Repeat Extract 10]
of precipitation is 50 per cent
from light scattered showers to
thunderstorms in most areas in Rubric : That is the end of Section A. You have
Selangor throughout the week, one minute to check your answers.
according to our meteorologists.
We expect no rain for tonight,

English Form 3 Tapescript


Rubric : Now turn to Section B. There are two types of extracts in this section. You now have 1
minute to look at the questions.
[Pause for 1 minute]
Rubric : Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice.

Consolidation 1 stick spray olive oil or butter so

that the bread will not stick to
the pan.
Extract 1
2 Crack eggs into a bowl.
3 Add milk, vanilla extract and
Rubric : Listen to the announcement about
cinnamon, and beat them with
a choir tryout. Then, fill in the table
a fork or whisk.
4 Turn the heat down to medium-
Voice 1 : An inter-school choir competition
low once the pan is heated
will be held on 21 May 2017
and our school is taking part in
the competition. To those who 5 Dip the bread into the egg
are interested, the Choir Club mixture. Coat a slice of the
is holding a tryout session to bread with the mixture on both
select suitable candidates for the sides.
competition today at 2.30 in the 6 Place each slice onto the pan.
afternoon. Please come to the Fry the toast until golden on
school hall for the tryout. Late both sides (approximately 45
attendants will not be allowed seconds per side).
entrance. To all High Councils of 7 Put the toast on a plate. Then,
the Choir Club, please come to the serve hot with syrup. You
venue of the tryout half an hour can add side dishes like eggs,
earlier. Thank you. sausages or salad.
[Pause for 5 seconds] [Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording Rubric : You will listen to the recording
again. Check your answers. again. Check your answers.
[Repeat the extract] [Repeat the extract]
[Pause for 5 seconds] [Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You now have two minutes to check
your answers on the question
Extract 2 paper.
[Pause for 2 minutes]
Rubric : Listen to the instructions on how
to make French toast. Number the
steps in the correct order as you Rubric : You now have two minutes to check
listen to them. your answers on the question paper.
Voice 1 : 1 Set the stove or electric pan to [Pause for 2 minutes]
medium-high heat. Add non-

English Form 3 Tapescript

Consolidation 2 3 In low heat, melt the palm

sugar. Stir thoroughly.
Extract 1 4 Add pandan leaves and another
3 tablespoons of sugar into the
pot. Cook in high heat. Stir until
Rubric : Listen to the announcement about the sugar melts and the coconut
a fire drill. Then, fill in the table milk bubbles.
5 When the flavoured coconut
Voice 1 : SMK Cemerlang in collaboration milk is hot, turn down the heat.
with Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Slowly pour it into the whisked
Seri Kembangan will be organising egg yolks. Whisk the mixture
a fire drill session on Thursday, thoroughly.
20 February 2017. The fire drill
6 Pour the mixture of egg yolks
will be held at 10.00 a.m. for the
and flavoured coconut milk
morning session and at 2.30 p.m.
back into the pot. Let it simmer
for the afternoon session. The
and stir thoroughly. The
fire drill will be held to teach the
solution will thicken. It should
students and staff about the do’s
take about 10 minutes. If it is
and don’ts during a fire emergency.
not sweet enough, you can add
All students and staff are required
more sugar.
to take part in the fire drill.
7 Discard the pandan leaves.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
8 Transfer to a bottle. Let it cool,
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
cover and refrigerate it.
again. Check your answers.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
[Repeat the extract]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
[Pause for 5 seconds]
again. Check your answers.
[Repeat the extract]
Extract 2 [Pause for 5 seconds]

Rubric : Listen to the instructions on how Rubric : You now have two minutes to check
to make home-made kaya jam. your answers on the question paper.
Number the steps in the correct
[Pause for 2 minutes]
order as you listen to them.
Rubric : That is the end of the exercise.
Voice 1 : 1 Whisk egg yolks and set aside.
2 In a small pot, pour in coconut
milk and palm sugar.

English Form 3 Tapescript


Oral Test : Listening


Rubric : This is the English Language Skills Acquisition Test for schools.
There are two parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test,
there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your
Circle your answers on the question paper. You will have two minutes at the end of the test
to check your answers.
[Pause for 10 seconds]
Rubric : Now open your question paper and look at Section A. You have 1 minute to read the
[Pause for 1 minute]
Rubric : There are ten questions in this section. For each section, circle the correct answer (A, B, C
or D)
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice.

Extract 1 Extract 2

Rubric : Listen to the directions given by Rubric : Refer to the pie charts as you listen
Ryan’s mother to him. Where to the statements on the favourite
does Ryan’s mother put his school food of Form Three students of
uniform? Circle the correct sofa. SMK Ceria. Which of the following
Voice 1 : Mum, where do you put my ironed pie charts best represents the
school uniform? I need to wear it information given? Circle the
now. correct answer.
Voice 2 : Oh son, I put it on the sofa in the Voice 1 : Statement 1 – Western food is the
living room. Can’t you see it? most favourite food among the
Voice 1 : Oh, I didn’t see my school uniform
when I went there just now. Statement 2 – Equal number of
students like local and Korean
Voice 2 : Son, it is on the sofa between
the desktop computer and the
bookcase. Statement 3 – More students
prefer Japanese food to Italian
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
[Pause for 5 seconds]
again. Check your answer.
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
[Repeat Extract 1]
again. Check your answer.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
[Repeat Extract 2]
[Pause for 5 seconds]

English Form 3 Tapescript

Extract 3 produce large areas of lush green

forests. Many kinds of animals
Rubric : Listen to the conversation between and insects can be found living
Brendan and Liam. Then, answer there. The trees in these forests
Questions 3, 4 and 5. provide good timber for building
houses and bridges. It is also used
Voice 1 : Hi Liam! Our neighbourhood is
for making furniture and tools.
organising a clean-up campaign
this Sunday. Would you like to join [Pause for 5 seconds]
us? Rubric : You will listen to the recording
Voice 2 : Hi Brendan! Sure! I’m glad to again. Check your answers.
join all of you. Who else will be [Repeat Extract 4]
coming? [Pause for 5 seconds]
Voice 1 : Well, the President of our
Resident Association, Mr Viknes,
will be giving the opening speech Extract 5
and everyone in the community
has been contacted. Most of them
have willingly agreed to come. Rubric : Listen to the notice from the Family
Mart. Then, answer Questions 8, 9
Voice 2 : I’m sure we’ll have a great time and 10.
working and sweating together.
I’ll see you on Sunday then. Bye. Voice 1 : Please be informed that Family
Mart will extend its service to 11
Voice 1 : Bye. p.m. on weekdays and 12 midnight
[Pause for 5 seconds] on weekends. We would like to
Rubric : You will listen to the recording take this opportunity to wish our
again. Check your answers. Chinese friends “Kong Hee Fatt
[Repeat Extract 3] Choy”. For more details, please visit or call
[Pause for 5 seconds]
03-8941 7701/ 2/ 3. Enjoy your
shopping with Family Mart.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
Extract 4
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
again. Check your answers.
Rubric : Listen to the extract on the
[Repeat Extract 5]
weather in Malaysia. Then, answer
Questions 6 and 7.
Voice 1 : Malaysia receives plenty of rain Rubric : That is the end of Section A. You have
and sunshine all the year round. one minute to check your answers.
There is no dry or cold season in
Malaysia. This type of weather
brings many advantages. Many
types of crops and plants can be
grown throughout the year. Crops
like rubber trees, oil palms, rice
and coconut palms need lots
of rain and sunshine to grow
healthily and produce a good
harvest. Heavy rains and sunshine

English Form 3 Tapescript


Rubric : Now turn to Section B. There are two extracts in this section. You now have 1 minute to
look at Questions 11 to 20.
[Pause for 1 minute]
Rubric : Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice.

Extract 1 Extract 2

Rubric : Listen to the notice about a Rubric : Listen to the instructions on how
jogathon. Then, fill in the table to make potato crisps. Number
below. the steps in the correct order as
Voice 1 : In conjunction with the Charity you listen to them.
Week, the Welfare Club of Sri Voice 1 : 1 Peel, wash and dry the
Petaling is organising a jogathon potatoes before slicing them
to raise funds for the handicapped thinly with a sharp knife.
as part of its programme. The
2 Pour some cooking oil into
jogathon will be held on 12 June
the wok and heat it for three
at 7.00 a.m. in Dataran Permai Ria.
All the proceeds from the jogathon
will go to the Cahaya Association 3 Put the potato slices slowly
for the Handicapped. Participants into the hot oil.
are reminded to collect their tags 4 Stir and fry the potato slices
from the organiser at the time until they turn light brown.
of registration. Free T-shirts and 5 Use a strainer to remove all
caps will be given to participants the crisps from the wok.
too. We also welcome cash 6 Place them on paper napkin
contributions from the public. to drain the oil.
Come and join us today!
7 Sprinkle a little salt over the
[Pause for 5 seconds] potato crisps and toss evenly.
Rubric : You will listen to the recording 8 Serve the potato crisps hot.
again. Check your answers.
[Pause for 5 seconds]
[Repeat the extract]
Rubric : You will listen to the recording
[Pause for 5 seconds] again. Check your answers.
[Repeat the extract]
[Pause for 5 seconds]

Rubric : You now have two minutes to check

your answers on the question paper.
[Pause for 2 minutes]
Rubric : That is the end of the test.

English Form 3 Answers


(Suggested answers)

Consolidation 1 (i) Facebook is a trendy social networking website

that makes the world smaller and interactive.
(Suggested answers) It somehow changes the way we communicate
(i) Charity work can be defined as a service now.
that is extended to others, especially to the (ii) Everyone because each of us can easily connect
less fortunate, without the expectations of to the Facebook by setting up an account and by
rewards. a click of button without any hassle.
(ii) • Reading to the blind. (iii) Yes, I do. I usually Facebook at night before I go
• Visiting the old folks’ homes, orphanages and to bed.
homes for senior citizens. (iv) The Facebook phenomenon has swept through
• Teaching the handicapped children. society at an amazing speed. Initially it is a
• Giving free tuition to students who can’t afford means for college students to communicate with
the fees. each other. Facebook now has more than eight
(iii) Yes, I have. hundred million members across the world.
• I went to the Malaysian Association for the Facebook looks set to stay for many more years
Blind. unless something more powerful and addictive
• I visited the centre for spastic children or is invented.
autistic children. (v) • It satisfies one of our most primal needs, that
(iv) • I played with them, told them stories, sang is to have a sense of belonging in society. We
songs and fed them. might not realise it but through sharing with
• I helped to raise money for the orphanage. We our friends our photographs and activities,
organised food fair and I ran a burger stall. we actually seeking a sense of belonging.
• I taught them to read and write. • We can reconnect with old acquaintances
(v) • It opens our eyes to the plight of the less from our past whom we have not heard from
fortunate and makes us count our blessings. or seen in a long time. It actually helps us to
• We learn to appreciate what we have now. track down people we have lost touch with.
• Charity work gives us an opportunity to • We can have new friends all around the world.
contribute to society in a meaningful way. By doing so, it can broaden our outlook,
• It is a productive way for students to utilise promote better understanding of culture and
their free time. improve language proficiency.
• When a student volunteers to help out in an • It keeps us entertained with its games and
unselfish manner, he or she becomes a more quizzes. Furthermore, it is an affordable,
sensitive and caring individual. comfortable and convenient way to pass our
• It creates an awareness of the less fortunate time.
and a desire to contribute in some small way • It allows us to keep abreast with what is
to alleviate social problems. happening in our friends’ lives and in turn,
• It gives hope to the less fortunate that there we can keep them informed about our own
are caring people in society who are looking life too. It also provides a platform to share
into their needs. It actually makes this world our ups and downs with our friends.
a better place.
• Charity work can be a truly fulfilling and
enriching experience. Consolidation 3-5
(Any acceptable answers)

English Form 3 Answers



(Suggested answers)
Extract 2 : C
Question 1
Extract 3 : A • Personal grooming is keeping our body clean and
healthy or keeping our appearance clean; and
Extract 4 : D having good manners to carry ourselves well in
Extract 5 • Yes, I think personal grooming is very important.
1 D 2 B 3 D (i) You’ll leave a good impression to others.
(ii) No one likes a person who has bad breath
Extract 6
and body odour. Your friends will definitely
1 B 2 C 3 B keep you at arm’s length.
Extract 7 (iii) No one likes a person who dresses in dirty
clothes. Clothes need not be expensive but
1 D 2 C
they should be clean.
Extract 8 (iv) One should have good manners to be well-
1 C 2 B liked.
• (i) I wash my hair thrice a week with a good
Extract 9 shampoo.
1 D 2 C 3 A (ii) I keep my nails short and clean all the time.
(iii) I brush my teeth after every meal to prevent
Extract 10 bad breath.
1 C 2 C 3 B (iv) I make sure I do not have body odour by
bathing twice a day.
Section B • (i) I wear well-ironed and clean school uniform
to school.
Consolidation 1 (ii) I keep my hair clean and neat.
Extract 1
Question 2
1 Choir Club
• Exercise is a physical activity that you do to stay
2 The school is taking part in a choir competition.
healthy and become stronger.
3 2.30 p.m.
• I prefer strenuous exercises. The exercises I
4 The school hall
like to do are playing badminton, cycling and
5 To be at the venue half an hour earlier
• Every weekend evening
Extract 2 • (i) It makes us strong and fit.
6 4 7 6 8 5 9 1 10 3 (ii) It is good for the heart, lungs and limbs.
(iii) It builds up and tones the muscles of our
Consolidation 2 body and makes our legs and arms strong.
(iv) It is a healthy and good form of recreational
Extract 1 activity.
1 SMK Cemerlang (v) It is a good way to pass our free time.
2 Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Seri Kembangan As for me, when I exercise, it helps to keep
3 10.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. my weight down. At least I can maintain my
4 20 February 2017 weight. So, I can eat my favourite cheesecake
5 To teach the students and staff about the do’s as long as I exercise.
and don’ts during a fire emergency • If I do not exercise, I’ll put on weight easily and
feel unhealthy and uncomfortable. So, I’ll get sick
easily and large sums of money will be spent on
Extract 2 medical bills. I’ll miss out on my school lessons
6 4 7 6 8 3 9 2 10 5 too.

Questions 3 – 10
(Any acceptable answers)

English Form 3 Answers

Listening B
1 cities 2 teeth 3 women 4 wives
Section A 5 pianos 6 radios 7 boys 8 lives
9 hospitals 10 toys 11 mice 12 knives
Extract 1 : A
13 mangoes 14 cows 15 brushes 16 feet
Extract 2 : C 17 hours 18 keys 19 leaves 20 boxes
Extract 3
3 D 4 C 5 A 1 ant 2 egg 3 flour 4 milk
5 cat 6 ball 7 salt 8 ink
Extract 4 9 yarn 10 advice 11 butter 12 tea
6 B 7 C 13 oil 14 ox 15 diamond 16 aeroplane
17 flower 18 brother 19 rice 20 water
Extract 5
8 D 9 C 10 B Consolidation 3
1 brood 2 bale 3 staff 4 library
Section B 5 crew 6 choir 7 pack 8 bunch
Extract 1 9 pack 10 board 11 collection 12 troop
13 galaxy 14 string 15 bar 16 loaf
1 Jogathon 17 chest 18 flock 19 shoal 20 gaggle
12 Welfare Club 21 grove 22 team 23 nest 24 troupe
13 To raise funds for the handicapped 25 swarm 26 fleet 27 flight 28 tuft
14 Dataran Permai Ria 29 suite 30 column
15 T-shirts and caps
Consolidation 4
Extract 2
1 the 2 a, The 3 The
16 2 17 5 18 7 19 6 20 4 4 an, the 5 the 6 –
7 the 8 the 9 a, a
Grammar Bites 10 a, a 11 a 12 –, –, the, the
Grammar Checkpoint: Test Yourself 13 the, the 14 an, – 15 –, –
16 an, a 17 –, the 18 an, a
1 D 2 D 3 A & C 4 D 5 D
19 The, a 20 An, a, the, a, the, the
6 A 7 C & D 8 B 9 A 10 A
11 B 12 D 13 B 14 B 15 C&D
16 C 17 D 18 A 19 C 20 B
Consolidation 5
Consolidation 1 1 exact 6 cylindrical, greyish
A 2 obedient, deliberate 7 drunken
3 stealthy 8 weekly
1 D 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 A
4 constructive, destructive 9 used
6 C 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 D
5 close 10 progressive, fair
1 series 2 pile/ stack 3 bouquet
1 darkened 2 annoying 3 bored
4 clump/ grove 5 team 6 fleet
4 tiring 5 exhausting 6 interested
7 slices, cup 8 crowd 9 litter
7 shocking 8 darkening 9 closing
10 swarm 11 army 12 troop, bunch
10 burnt 11 interesting 12 satisfied
13 brood
13 exciting 14 insulting 15 amazing
16 frightened 17 disappointed 18 amused
Consolidation 2
A Consolidation 6
1 children 2 lady 3 much 1 as cool as 7 the worst, the worst
4 any 5 men 6 some 2 older 8 as agile as
7 a few 8 Several 9 much 3 the most intelligent 9 more important
10 a little 11 a lot 12 a few 4 the most poisonous 10 farther, more tired
13 a lot of 14 any 15 much 5 better, worse 11 more developed, better
16 some 17 any 18 much, a lot of 6 farther 12 better
19 a few 20 many, many

English Form 3 Answers

Consolidation 7 Consolidation 14
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A A
6 D 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 C
1 The letter was torn by Mira.
11 B 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 B
2 The peom will be recited by Fatin.
3 The tents are being pitched at the campsite by
Consolidation 8 the scouts.
1 know 2 believe 3 tastes 4 uses 4 An art exhibition will be held on Sunday.
5 smell 6 moves 7 matter 8 is 5 The food was being prepared by the women.
9 steal 10 takes, speaks

Consolidation 9 1 Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

2 The deer will be hunted by them.
1 gave 2 fought 3 wore
3 The grass is being cut by the gardener.
4 made, had 5 met 6 cried, heard
4 A mistake was made by the workers.
7 examined 8 believed 9 brought, visited
5 The ill-mannered student was being punished
10 was, went
by the teacher.
Consolidation 10 C

1 shall take 6 are not going to spend 1 is trained 5 were injured, were carried
2 am going, shall be 7 will represent 2 were touched 6 was broken
3 shall fail 8 shall spend 3 was stung 7 was praised
4 will return 9 will travel 4 is guarded
5 shall go 10 will climb
Consolidation 11
1 have, been watered 6 had been warned
1 is washing 9 is studying 2 has been altered 7 Has, been opened
2 is coming 10 is being repainted 3 had been opened 8 has been misplaced
3 am leaving 11 is sleeping 4 had been shot 9 had been promoted
4 are going, Are, coming 12 is, losing 5 have, been locked 10 has been promised
5 are cleaning 13 is taking
6 is preparing 14 are being repaired Consolidation 15
7 is trying 15 are planning, is being cleared
8 is hitting 1 While 9 nevertheless
2 and 10 lest
Consolidation 12 3 until/ unless 11 In spite of
4 Neither, nor 12 not only, but also
1 was waiting 10 was happening 5 or 13 Although
2 was working 11 were sleeping 6 because 14 after
3 was watching 12 were playing, was studying 7 before 15 if
4 was talking 13 was crying, was bandaging 8 but 16 nor
5 was studying 14 was being punished
6 was lying 15 were, being loaded Consolidation 16
7 were acting 16 were being informed
8 was scooping 17 was weeding 1 on 2 in 3 on 4 in
9 was, getting 18 Was, being followed 5 to 6 out 7 between 8 among
9 by 10 in 11 towards 12 through
Consolidation 13 13 off 14 with 15 on
1 shall be cheering 9 shall be travelling Consolidation 17
2 will be cleaning 10 will be visiting
3 will be cooking 11 shall be getting 1 aren’t 2 doesn’t 3 must 4 didn’t
4 will be attending 12 will be meeting 5 did 6 won’t 7 hasn’t 8 can
5 shall be watching 13 will be taking 9 have 10 doesn’t 11 can’t 12 do
6 shall be singing 14 will be coming 13 will 14 didn’t 15 aren’t
7 will be writing 15 will, be raining
8 will be recording Consolidation 18
1 I didn’t mind their coming early to class.
2 Her mother worried about my coming home late.
3 We dislike his snoring at night.

English Form 3 Answers

4 My father doesn’t like the idea of my learning to 8 lays many eggs

ride a motorcycle. 9 enjoy surfing
5 The manager does not understand his being late 10 grows well
to work daily.
6 Your being right this time doesn’t mean you are Consolidation 22
right all the time.
1 The denim jacket was expensive but he bought
7 I don’t recollect your saying that you wanted to
2 Travis can go by car or train.
8 I don’t like her speaking so boastfully.
3 Ivan spent all his money and he asked for more.
9 His mother dislikes his nodding and yawning at
4 Do you want to go to Canada or Australia?
breakfast time.
5 Faizal wants to buy a condominium but he does
10 I can’t understand your wanting to listen to such
not have money.
6 There was a power failure and the streets were
completely dark.
Consolidation 19 7 We won the game last year but lost it this year.
1 smartly 2 heartily 3 soundly 8 There was not enough rain for months and the
4 seldom 5 fast 6 blankly trees produced no fruit.
7 proudly 8 soon 9 hard 9 Daryl tried to lift the table but it was too heavy.
10 everywhere 11 cheerfully 12 patiently 10 Mother broke the eggs into the bowl and beat
them briskly.
Consolidation 20
A Consolidation 23
1 The ballerina cannot dance gracefully. 1 The woman, who has a mole on her face, is my
2 The main use of the reservoir is not to store aunt.
2 The cat, which has brown spots on its body,
3 She does not keep the leftovers in the fridge.
belongs to Amin.
4 My child does not cry frequently at night.
5 The teacher did not scold her for coming late. 3 We met the author whom everyone was talking
6 Terry did not buy stationery from that shop. about.
7 Mrs Lee is not teaching English in Form 3 Red
now. 4 The gift, that was presented to her on the stage,
8 Sheree does not mop the floor after dinner. had been stolen.
9 He was not taken prisoner by rebel soldiers.
5 My brother bought me a watch which was made
10 The boys did not catch a big fish in the river.
in Switzerland.
B 6 The police caught the robbers who were about
1 Bacteria will spoil the cheese in three or four to escape.
7 The bracelet, which I bought at that shop, is very
2 She should borrow his dictionary.
3 Amy likes classical music.
4 The teacher gave a speech yesterday. 8 Martha, who visited me two days ago, is sick.
5 They have performed well in their
examinations. 9 She thanked the police inspector who rescued
6 They play badminton on Sundays. her.
7 Mimi does her homework every evening.
10 Rita and Prem, whom we met on the way, told us
8 The principal punished the boys for playing
the news.
9 We have decided on the next course of action.
10 Kevin will attend the birthday party this Friday.
Consolidation 24
1 is 2 wins 3 is 4 are
Consolidation 21 5 enjoys 6 walks 7 is 8 is
9 is 10 comes 11 has 12 is
1 chased after the thieves
13 is 14 have 15 are 16 are
2 costs him two million ringgit
17 likes 18 has 19 is 20 lives
3 was delicious
21 is 22 are
4 were Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
5 were all keen on badminton
6 made a beautiful dress
7 have gone to the cinema


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