Report On The Oncology Congress

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for Heilen Medical Wellness Center

Balesin Island, Philippines
March 31 to April 3, 2017

Dr. Ruby Ann Bermudez-Magpantay, M.D.
Pawlo Misolas
Maichee Verano
The Oncology Congress was a resounding success that it took everyone on the next level from an
educational experience to a genuine enlightenment, to which I am personally grateful to have become part
of, not to mention having to meet distinguished doctors and speakers from different places, and no amount
of money can compare to what I have learned in this workshop.

It is well to consider that a number of doctors (and continually growing), have been giving this a serious
note, doing more studies and research, and finding ways to help cure cancer patients, contrary to what the
public has been made to believe that cancer is incurable, and at the same time be able to make aware all
concerned doctors and individuals through preventive wellness, how we can avoid being stricken with
Having known these, we already carry that responsibility to educate others, especially the parents in growing
a healthy family, free from mainstream media influences, which mostly are paid to do false advertisement, for
us to be trapped in a vicious cycle - the pharmaceutical industry has maliciously designed to do.

Our company’s mission cohere to what every doctor’s hope to accomplish, creating a healthy community
free from illnesses through preventive wellness, and for doctors to identify the source and cure for all these
diseases that had been growing rampantly. We were just as privileged to share our company’s mission to
Dr. Ionescu and Dr. Kitamura, during their visit to our booth.

Pawlo and I set up the laser machine, with the hopes of doing the demo for the doctors to see and

The lecture on Photodynamic Therapy has helped promote what Heilen Medical Wellness has been pushing
to sell and it just simply has given rise to their interest in our Weberneedle Laser System. Both have visited
the booth and we were able to give them a demonstration and tried the lasers themselves.
the booth and we were able to give them a demonstration and tried the lasers themselves.

Dr. John Ionescu was able to try out one 2nd Gen Laser watch. We had him use it for a good number of
minutes while he listens to the last lecture of the day, hoping he’d feel a difference.

The laser watch was given back to us right after the last lecture, and Dr. Ionescu approached me personally
after dinner. He requested he’d have another try at the watch since he wasn’t able to get to use it for the
required number of minutes set on the laser watch (which is 30 minutes). So I gave him my word that he will
have another chance the next day. Unfortunately, because of the sudden changes again in our flight
schedule and was moved to an earlier date, I didn’t get to have him try at it again.

However, during our brief exchange, Dr. Kunihiro Kitamura and Dr. John Ionescu requested that they’d be
sent with research and studies on how those therapy can help their patients and what are these therapies
and treatments that the laser machine is capable of doing - in which I have already done my research on.
Dr. Kitamura has already showed interest to purchase the laser machine for his clinic.

I am especially esteemed to have met them and to share with them our company’s vision and mission and
took the liberty to invite them to visit us at our Makati branch once the construction of our center is already
complete. Dr. John Ionescu acknowledged it with a firm handshake.

Dr. Kenny Yong Yean Sirn from Malaysia got interested with Mitocare’s products and we presented him Big
Harmony supplement. Although he wanted to buy the supplement from us, he hesitated, when Adrian and
colleagues, from MitoCare, introduced a new packaging and pricing as per Dr. Ruby Magpantay. And as
she requested in our Viber group chat, we shall be needing to coordinate with Adrian as regards this. So
there wouldn’t be any unforeseen incidences such as this in the future.

In totality, the Oncology Congress was very consequential in that it allowed Heilen Medical Wellness to
connect to doctors and share our mission with them, and to make them aware that we are undauntedly
committed to carrying out what we have already started. It was liberating, so to speak, to witness and have
first-hand information from the doctors themselves who did a substantial amount of research and
observation and learn more about the truth and the atrocity of what the pharmaceutical industry has been up
to and how bleak our children’s future can be, if we, as parents, will not be able to know all these things
now. With trust and confidence, we aim to inform, and educate the public of what Heilen Medical Wellness
Center can do for them. And It is with hope to get connected with those who share the same vision.

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