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June 20th, 2016

Mrs. dr. Pramesti Griana Dewi, M.Kes., M.Si.

Head of Human Resources Department
Cilacap Regional Public Hospital
Jl. Gatot Subroto 28 Cilacap RT 04 / RW O5
Cilacap - 53223

Dear Mrs. Pramesti Griana Dewi

As per your advertisement in Radar Banyumas magazine last Sunday, I would like to
apply for the post of cardiothoracic nurse. I have graduated with a Bachelor degree in
Science from the Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah School of Health Sciences Cilacap in 2015.

I believe that having had some work experience previously I can contribute to the best
of my abilities to the service of many kind.

I am attaching a copy of my curriculum vitae along with this letter and I look forward
to the new opportunity of working under you at the Cilacap Regional Public Hospital.
Thank you for your patience.

Your Faithfully,


Tantyo Subekti, S.Kep., Ns.

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