Principles of Health Management

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1. What is health management?

How do you think health management should

be delivered in the hospital and community?

Health management, or health administration, is concerned with the

governance and operation of health care facilities. Hospitals, clinics,
rehabilitation centers, retirement homes, mental health facilities, and other
places require strict regulation by people who are both familiar with the
particular healthcare needs of their clients as well as the policies that must
be upheld to maintain clients’ health.
Duties of these professionals include ensuring that individual
departments run smoothly, qualified employees are hired, information is
disseminated efficiently throughout the organization, specific outcomes are
reached and resources are used efficiently, among many other
responsibilities. There are general healthcare managers and those who are
considered specialists. Generalists oversee entire facilities, while specialists
focus on the administration of specific departments like marketing, finance,
policy analysis or accounting.
In one study conducted by the World Bank, there are Six Keys to
Organizational Performance in order to conceptualize different strategies for
change, which in ways would help in rendering an effective health
management in the hospital and the community. These six factors include
incentives to organizations and how they reach managers and workers. They
also include the skills and attitudes of workers and managers that enable
them to respond to those incentives. This approach allows reformers to
address a combination of the reasons to do better (external incentives) with
the capacity to do better (internal management). Effective reforms must
ultimately influence the behavior of front line workers to bring about
improvements in access, quality, and efficiency.
The study also proposed strategies to influence organization towards
providing better outcomes. These strategies focus on changing the mix of
organizations and the division of tasks among them. Two major strategies
include 1) Government decisions to change the organization of their own
service delivery through reorganization or development of new types of
organizations, 2) Government decisions to engage with the non-government
sector to deliver services either through contracting out or subsidies, and
other measures to encourage private supply[ CITATION Thena \l 1033 ].

2. What strategies, programs, or policies can you suggest to improve the state of
health management among health care providers?

A holistic and comprehensive strategic planning is needed to be able

to target the goals of committing to establish a health care system with
exemplary health management by the health care providers. These strategies
include the following:
Cost Management
The rising costs for patients in healthcare industry have encouraged
providers to move toward managing those costs, while also offering the best
quality care at the lowest price. A major step that providers take to reduce
costs to small business is to understand its inherent inefficiencies.

Information Management
Managing information is a key aspect to managing both the costs and
the mission of healthcare providers. An increase in the quality and
availability of management information systems, such as computer hardware,
software and networks, can enhance the knowledge base for providers and
improve the quality of care for patients.

System Management
Many providers have pooled their resources to form regional
healthcare systems. These systems can provide both high technology and
quality patient care that single facilities may not have access to on their own.

Patient Care Management

The mission of any healthcare provider is to offer the best quality care
to its patients. Services often include examination, diagnosis, laboratory
testing, prescriptions, treatments and surgery. Providers can offer these
services in state-of-the-art hospitals, in a physician's office or even in a
mobile care facility. The challenge that the healthcare industry faces is how to
manage the various types and amounts of patient care while maintaining
both high quality and low cost [ CITATION Hannd \l 1033 ].

3. Discuss the principle of health accessibility as a basic human right?

The right to the highest attainable standard of health” implies a clear

set of legal obligations on states to ensure appropriate conditions for the
enjoyment of health for all people without discrimination.

The right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed human

rights standards, and is inseparable or ‘indivisible’ from these other rights.
This means achieving the right to health is both central to, and dependent
upon, the realisation of other human rights, to food, housing, work,
education, information, and participation.

The right to health, as with other rights, includes both freedoms and

1. Freedoms include the right to control one’s health and body (for example,
sexual and reproductive rights) and to be free from interference (for example,
free from torture and non-consensual medical treatment and
2. Entitlements include the right to a system of health protection that gives
everyone an equal opportunity to enjoy the highest attainable level of health.

Understanding health as a human right creates a legal obligation on

states to ensure access to timely, acceptable, and affordable health care of
appropriate quality as well as to providing for the underlying determinants of
health, such as safe and potable water, sanitation, food, housing, health-
related information and education, and gender equality.
A States’ obligation to support the right to health – including through
the allocation of “maximum available resources” to progressively realise this
goal - is reviewed through various international human rights mechanisms,
such as the Universal Periodic Review, or the Committee on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights. In many cases, the right to health has been adopted into
domestic law or Constitutional law.
The right to health must be enjoyed without discrimination on the
grounds of race, age, ethnicity or any other status. Non-discrimination and
equality requires states to take steps to redress any discriminatory law,
practice or policy [ CITATION Wor17 \l 1033 ].

4. As a health care professional, how do you think ethics play a vital role in
health management?

Health ethics covers a wide range of topics. Essentially, health ethics is

all about providing a right kind of treatment to every human being. Health
ethics does not deal with a particular person; it rather covers the entire
community. The main postulate of health ethics is that every human being
deserves equal dignity and respect and should be treated rightly when
seeking medical help.
Health ethics is there to ensure that doctors do not discriminate
patients based on their age, race, color or gender. Moreover, health ethics are
concerned about privacy issues, as it requires that confidential information of
patients should not be leaking to the third parties. Health ethics also
demands that healthcare providers follow the Hippocratic Oath that they take
when entering the medical field [ CITATION Stend \l 1033 ].
Virtually all organizations promote ethical behavior through training
and/or literature. However, the daily choices made by organizational leaders
create more impact. Health care executives and administrators can serve as
role models by listening to peers, accepting suggestions and taking
responsibility for their actions. This engagement signifies that upper
management will receive information with impartiality.
Leaders who do not openly encourage employees to speak up when
unethical events occur, risk missing opportunities to improve the character of
their organization. Health care administrators must clearly define and prove
through example how much management values candid
disclosures[ CITATION Regnd \l 1033 ].

Works Cited
The World Bank. (n.d.). Organization and Service Delivery. Retrieved April 1, 2018,
from The World Bank: Health Systems:

Hanks, G. (n.d.). Managers» Examples of Strategic Management in Health Care.

Retrieved April 1, 2018, from Chron:

World Health Organization. (2017, December). Human rights and health. Retrieved
April 1, 2018, from World Health Organization:

Steady Health. (n.d.). Importance Of Health Ethics. Retrieved April 1, 2018, from
Steady Health:

Regis. (n.d.). How Health Administrators Maintain Ethical Standards. Retrieved April
1, 2018, from Regis:

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