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Teaching Literacy Strategies for Content Area Reading Lesson Plan

Your Name: Annie Tracz Grade Level: 3/4

Content Area: Science Theme/Topic: Protecting our ecosystems

Bibliographic Entry for Text Used in this Lesson

Los Angeles Times adapted by Newslea Staff. (January 12, 2014). Studying the mysterious platisphere at sea.
Retrieved from

Lexile Level 700

OFF THE COAST OF SAN DIEGO — Science student Elizabeth Lopez moved the huge steel claw
slowly. Carefully, she lowered it over the side of a 134-foot sailboat. Her plan was to catch something
mysterious: bits of what scientists are calling the plastisphere.

We are only now beginning to understand the plastisphere. It is a sort of human-created ocean
ecosystem. An ecosystem is what scientists call a place where different living things interact.

It starts with bits of broken-down plastic no bigger than grains of salt. Bacteria grow on those tiny
pieces of debris, or trash. Bacteria are a kind of microbe. Any living thing so small it can't be seen
without a microscope is a microbe.

Then single-celled animals feed on the bacteria. Next, larger predators feed on them.

“We’ve created a new man-made ecosystem of plastic debris,” said Lopez.

Made From Thrown-Out Plastic

The plastisphere has been growing for 60 years. It was created by all the plastic stuff people throw

That trash gets swept into the sea. It's made up of bits of everything from flip-flops to toys and

When the debris washes into the ocean, it breaks down into bits. Tiny creatures called organisms then
start to grow on these bits.

Some of these tiny creatures are disease-causing bacteria. They are hitching long-distance rides on all
the floating junk.

Scientists also worry about something else: Creatures in the plastisphere are completely breaking
down chunks of plastic. That allows dangerous chemicals to spread through the ocean.

“This is an issue of great concern,” said scientist Tracy Mincer

Techniques Selected
What you’ll do as the teacher to support the reader before, during and/or after reading.

Name, and provide the reference for, each of the three different techniques you will be using.

Name of Technique Reference for Technique (book & page # or website)

Before Non Stop write Content Area Writing pg. 92
During Directed reading
activity ( DRTA)
After Tweet the text Subjects matter Ch. 5 p. 138

Before Reading:

Why and how do you feel this technique will support students as they prepare to read?
The technique, "Non Stop Write" will support students before they read the text on the
platisphere because it will get them thinking about what they have already learned about ecosystems and
what affect humans have on them.
General Literacy Objectives (Do not include content objectives in this plan.) What should students be able to
do regarding their literacy as a result of this lesson? This is a good place to refer to the strategies, but you
may also need to include certain skills. One or two objectives are sufficient.

After this lesson, the student will: be able to make connections from the text. In addition,
the student will express their ideas creatively through free writing.

Assessment of Objectives
How will you know and document each students’ accomplishment of the objectives? Include a rubric, checklist,
chart, or description of outcomes and behaviors you will look for. You may choose to combine the Before,
During and After activities into one assessment document, just be sure how each is being assessed.

I will walk around the classroom during the non stop writing but also read each of the students work after they
have finished and assess using the checklist below.

o The student indicated prior knowledge of ecosystem

o The student explained at least 1 way that humans affect our ecosystems
o The student wrote the entire time and was on task
o The student made a least 1 connection to self, text or world The student showed effort

What steps will you follow to implement this technique? Be clear, concise, and specific.
1. Begin the lesson by talking with students about what an ecosystem is. Have students talk with one another
about what things an ecosystem needs to have to survive.
2. After everyone has a had a chance to talk with their peers explain to students what a non stop write consists
of. Go over some expectations on how to do a non- stop write effectively such as (focused the entire time,
writing whatever comes to mind, making connections to the topic).
3. Once the students have grasp on how to do a non stop write, explain to them that they are going to do the non
stop write before we read a text to help make the text more clear to us.
4. Then, write on the board " How do humans affect ecosystems?" Tell students that this is the topic that I want
you all to focus on during the non- stop write. Hint to them to think about what humans use everyday such as
food, waste products, etc. and how that impacts animals and the land around us. Remember to write whatever
comes to mind during the 8 minutes. I want to see what you already know about ecosystems so that we can
prepare for the article we are going to read later!
5. Put the timer with 8 minutes up for all students to see so they know how long they need to write for. The
teacher will walk around the classroom taking notes on what students are working hard and writing the entire
time and what students are off task. If a student looks like they need redirection make sure to talk with them
about the prompt to try and get their ideas on paper.

During Reading:

Why and how do you feel this technique will support students as they read?
This DRTA will support students to be thoughtful and insightful readers. Students in every grade need to break
up a text in order to fully comprehend it. This technique breaks up the text but it also teaches students a valuable
skill of making predictions and modifying those predictions as you read.

General Literacy Objectives (Do not include content objectives in this plan.) What should students be able to
do regarding their literacy as a result of this lesson? This is a good place to refer to the strategies, but you
may also need to include certain skills. One or two objectives are sufficient.

After this lesson, the student will: be able to make predictions based on the text and effectively communicate at
least 3 ideas with their peers.

Assessment of Objectives
How will you know and document each students’ accomplishment of the objectives? Include a rubric, checklist,
chart, or description of outcomes and behaviors you will look for. You may choose to combine the Before,
During and After activities into one assessment document, just be sure how each is being assessed.

The teacher will know each students accomplishment of the objectives by using checklist below as she walks
around the class during the directed reading activity.
o The student actively contributed to group discussion
o The student made at least 2 predictions and modified those predictions while reading
o The student read each chunk of texts and did not read ahead

What steps will you follow to implement this technique? Be clear, concise, and specific.
This technique is used before, during and after instruction but I am going to focus on the during element in this
1. Once students have asked questions about the text after looking at the title and headings of the text the
teacher will discuss with the students on how to make predictions of what the text will be about.
2. Dive into the text. The teacher will say something like, "Based on the questions you have about the title and
headings, what do you think this article is about? How do you think it will relate to ecosystems? I want you to
make at least 2 predictions about the text. Then, after you all make predictions we are going to read the text in
sections and then see if you need to change or modify your predictions based on what you have read.

3. Put a mark on each students paper on where you want them to break up the text ( i.e section 1, 2, 3). Make
sure the students understand to only read the section and to not move on without instruction.

4.After the students understand the expectations give them a couple of minutes to think about 2 predictions they
have about the text. Have them write down those predictions on a piece of paper and then quickly share them
with their group members.

5. Once they have their predictions, have the students read the first section of the article to themselves. If they
would like to read it as a group they may but it is not required. Once after has read the first section instruct
students to look back at their predictions and see if they need to modify or add any information to them. They
may ask their peers for advice if needed.

6. Students continue reading each section of the text and writing down any modifications to their predictions or

7. After everyone has read the entire article, have the students talk with their peers about what they learned from
the reading and if they have to modify any predictions.

After Reading:

Why and how do you feel this technique will support students after they have read?
The " tweet the text" technique of comprehension is a perfect way for students to use their 21st century
technology skills to write about what they have read. It is important for students to be able to not only
summarize what they have learned but also synthesize the information in another format. This platform gives
students a 150-character limit on their writing but it also encourages a clear and concise writing practice.

General Literacy Objectives (Do not include content objectives in this plan.) What should students be able to
do regarding their literacy as a result of this lesson? This is a good place to refer to the strategies, but you
may also need to include certain skills. One or two objectives are sufficient.

The student will be able to write a 150 -character summary about what they have learned in the text and may
use 21st century media such as pictures, songs, videos to enhance their tweet.

Assessment of Objectives
How will you know and document each students’ accomplishment of the objectives? Include a rubric, checklist,
chart, or description of outcomes and behaviors you will look for. You may choose to combine the Before,
During and After activities into one assessment document, just be sure how each is being assessed.
The student will be assessed based on the rubric below. (range from 1 being the lowest score, to 3 being the
highest score a student may receive) Students may receive a possible 10 points overall.

1 2 3

The student completed The students completed less The student completed
less than 150
Completion characters and did not
than 150 characters and 150 characters and
of tweet included 1 form of media included at least 1 form
include 1 form of of media

The student had 3 or The student had 1-2 The student had 0
Punctuation more grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

The student displayed The student displayed The student displayed

minimal understanding satisfactory understanding excellent understanding of
Summary of content of ecosystems and of ecosystems included 1 ecosystems and included 2
provided 0 ideas to help idea to help our ecosystems or ideas to help our
our ecosystems ecosystems

*1 point for overall creativity and effort*

What steps will you follow to implement this technique? Be clear, concise, and specific.

1. After the students have read and discussed the text, the teacher will discuss the expectations of the "tweet the
text" activity. The students are expected to work efficiently on the activity and show their full understanding of
the article by including at least 2 ideas about how to save our ecosystems from another platisphere.

2. The teacher will then show some examples of 150 character tweets on the promethean board of what their
summary of the article will look like. Explain to the students that they will be working independently on this
activity but may use their peers to edit their tweet after they have finished. It is important that there are no
grammatical errors because once you tweet something you cannot edit or delete it :)

3. Encourage students to use the Ipads or computers to look up pictures, videos or songs to enhance their tweet
as long as they are school appropriate.
4. Pass out rubrics to each student so they understand the expectations of the activity and how they will be

5. After students have completed their tweet, have them upload the tweet to the live classroom feed and their
tweet will be projected onto the promethean board for all students in the class to see.

6. In whole group, the teacher will look over all of the tweets and talk about the main take aways/ connections
students had from reading the article about the platisphere ecosystem and the human impact on ecosystems.

Additional Sections

Other Materials Needed (are additional materials required?)

- Printed class set of the article from titled, "Studying the mysterious platisphere at sea"
- Writing notebooks
- Pencils
- Computers/ Ipads
- Youtube
- Promethean board
- Live feed or any internet source for collecting students' tweets
- highlighters

Adaptations (Select one of the following populations and explain how you might adapt the lessons above with their
needs in mind: ESL, SPED, Gifted

All 3 of the lessons above can be adapted for SPED students.

- For the first activity, "Non stop write", all students will be given the option to use their computers to write
about their predictions instead of pencil and paper. Time can also be added based on the needs of the students
(i.e 10- 12 minutes instead of 8). The teacher will provide support to all students during this independent
writing time.

- For the DRTA, students will be placed in differentiated groups based on their needs. The text will be chunked
in short lengths so that all students are on the same page. If more time is needed to read each chunk of text, the
teacher will extend that time for all students to ensure equality. 700 is the lowest lexile level for this specific
article, however if needed the students on a lower reading level may be given an article similar to the one
students are reading that is on their individual level.

- For the "tweet the text" activity, students may work on their laptops anywhere in the classroom that is
comfortable for them.

Assessment Charts (you must include documents that demonstrate how you will you record what you are looking for in
each objective-charts, checklists, rubrics. What behaviors, skills, or accomplishments do you expect to see that will let
you know each student has reached your objective)

* See assessment charts in each lesson*

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