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Recruitment Webinar for

International Students
What is
• Passive to active learning
• Student is central to learning experience
• Evaluate both what they know and how they know it
• How one knows = how one makes meaning
• Shift from information transfer to identity

“In the transformative educational paradigm, the purpose

of educational involvement is the evolution of
multidimensional identity, including but not limited to
cognitive, affective, behavioral, and spiritual
development” (Keeling, 2004, p. 9).
• Christie Carmack – Assistant Director
• Angie Veith – Immigration Advisor
• Krista Skien – International Admissions
• 7 International Student Responses (3 also
responded for parents)

1) What information did you want to know

when you were considering coming to WIU? /
What was the most important thing you were
looking for during your search for an American

2) What information did your parents want to

know about WIU?
Student Responses
1. Education 7. Admission requirements
• Majors • Acceptable test scores(GRE,
• Courses IELTS/TOEFL)
• Ph.d programs • Average GPA of coming
• School’s academic rating students

2. Quality of Professors 8. Support/opportunities

• Opportunities to do for international students
research with them
9. Student Demographics
3. On campus jobs • Number of international
• Graduate Assistantships & students at WIU
Teaching Assistantships • Where other international
students are from
4. Residence Options
• On & off-campus options 10. Macomb Information
• Living expenses • Geographic location
• Climate/Weather
5. Tuition & Fees • Food
• Transportation
6. Scholarships • Shopping
• Crime Rate
Learning Outcomes
Potential international students who participate in Western Illinois
University (WIU)’s Center for International Studies webinar will:

1) Describe their personal goals for studying at an institution of

higher education in the United States.
2) Explain what characteristics they would like their institution of
higher education in the United States to have.
3) Identify how attending WIU can help them achieve their goals.
4) List aspects of WIU that match characteristics of their ideal
institution of higher education in the United States.
A udience: Potential international students who
participate in Western Illinois University
Who (WIU)’s Center for International Studies
webinar will:

B ehavior: Describe their personal goals for studying

at an institution of higher education in the
Action United States.

C ondition:
In what context Cognitive How one knows
Intrapersonal Sense of self
D egree
To what extent Relationships
Interpersonal with others
Webinar Outline
Welcome and Introductions

Self-reflection of personal goals and what characteristics

they would like U.S. institution of higher education to have

Share reflections with group

Give presentation
- References to goals / characteristics throughout
- Taking questions and comprehension check throughout

Final questions

Reflection on how attending WIU can help achieve goals

and what aspects of WIU match ideal characteristics

Share reflections with group

Kolb’s Learning Cycle
After Concrete Experience During
Conclusion Presentation
Listen to presentation

Active Reflective
Experimentation Observation

Share with group Think about information

During Conceptualisation During
Sharing Reflection
Connect with goals and characteristics
Zull, 2002
Learning Partnership
Goal setting and
identification of
Validation of students
as knowers

Referring to reflections
throughout presentation
Situating learning in
learner’s experience

Building from feedback

Mutually constructing

Baxter Magolda, 2004

Shaping the Environment
Challenge and Support
• Careful selection of words
• Continuously checking for comprehension

Encourage Intrinsic Motivation

• Goal setting

Draw on personal experience to empathize

• Create relaxed and supportive

Encourage them to continue learning on own

• Distribute handout containing information
and additional resources
Formative Throughout
• Reflecting & Sharing at Beginning
• Asking Questions Throughout

Summative At The End

• Reflection & Sharing at Conclusion
Baxter Magolda, M.B. (2004). Learning partnerships model: A framework for promoting self-authorship.

In M.B. Baxter Magolda & P.M. King (Eds.), Learning partnerships: Theory and models of

practice to educate for self-authorship (pp. 37-62). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Kegan, R. (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard

University Press.

Keeling, R. (2004). Learning reconsidered. Washington, DC: American College Personnel Association &

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Retrieved from

Schoper, S. (2017) Assessing Your Outcomes. Personal Collection

Schoper, S. (2017) Learning Outcomes. Personal Collection

Schoper, S. (2017) Shaping the Environment. Personal Collection

Zull, J. E. (2002). The art of changing the brain. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

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