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Copyright Laurie Bestvater 2009

Nancy Kelly Sage Parnassus -

Way of the Will Chart

“A king is not a king unless he reigns and a man is less than a man unless he wills.”
(Vol.6, p.133)

Willful Governed by Will

Led by “I want,” desires, habit, convention, Choosing, deciding, conscious, definite, self-
appetite, influenced, drifting, impulsive, directed, “Premier of Mansoul,” aims beyond
passion, weakens will, self, constant, strengthens character

Unworthy or Evil Worthy or Good Unworthy or Evil Worthy or Good

ends ends ends ends

Steps to willing: (vol. 6, p.135)

1. idea is presented
2. we accept the notion and ponder on it
3. we vaguely intend to act upon it
4. we form a definite purpose or resolution
5. a definite act or general temper of mind follows

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