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To Dr.

Jared Grogan
From Phong Nguyen
Date March 1, 2018

Subject Project 2 User Test Memo

The instruction set “How to Use Programmable Led Strip Lights for Christmas Holiday Lighting”
was created to help the users use Arduino Board and Led Strip Lights to build a unique
Christmas decorations project. This wikiHow article aimed towards both novice and
intermediated users interested in making a DIY project or home renovation.

As Markel notes, “perform one other task – usability testing – to ensure the instruction set is
accurate and easy to follow,” (Markel 402) an understandability test, performance test, and
location test were administered by me to three different individuals. The three testers included
two novice users with little DIY experience or no electrical wiring skills and an intermediate who
has built a lot of DIY projects involving some electronics skills.

My primary goal is to received useful feedback from the users to help me conduct a better
organization of the steps to improve the instruction’s effectiveness. Valuable input and
suggestions as well as further ideas that I have obtained from these usability tests were
incorporated into the final instruction set and used as primary research information that allowed
me to contribute a unique DIY project to wikiHow community.


The purpose of the usability test was to help me improve my initial version of the instruction set.
I wanted to learn what made sense to users of different experience and determine where more
explanation or additional pictures was needed. It is helpful to get a different person’s view of the
content, and know how the readers felt when they read the material as well as to see what
content confused them, interested them or irrelevant to them. This information allowed me to
formalize the most precise and easy way for the readers to follow the article.

I considered the idea that “writing for your readers involves creating an accessible document—
one in which readers can easily find the information they need—that presents ideas and data
clearly and emphasizes the most important information” (Markel 109). So, I designed a location
test to see if my writing is accessible for different types of reader. Specifically, the test was
performed “to evaluate the effectiveness of the headings, topic sentences, and other guideposts
that reveal the organization” (Anderson 384). An understandability test was performed to see
how effective the written instructions, as well as the images, were appropriately matched with
steps and descriptions. Following the test’s script, I asked the users to skim through the article
and then try to think aloud and response to my questions. To test for the instruction conciseness
and effectiveness, I designed a performance test script, as I had the users assemble a scaled-
down version of the led strip and upload the code to Arduino Board using the Arduino IDE.


The target audience of this instruction set is the novice and intermediate users who interested in
building DIY and home renovation project. Following the usability test’s script, I asked the
testers a couple of questions to gauge where they stand regarding experience and
understandability. My three preliminary questions to all users were:
• How often do you complete a DIY project?
• Do you have experience working with electronics project? (wiring, GND, +5V,..)
• Do you familiar with Arduino IDE?
Next, I had the user read and review the instruction set and then perform tasks that I designed
in the script. The tasks are designed to test the location, understandability, and performance of
the instruction set. These tasks allowed me to see what was hard for readers to understand and
showed me where more clarification was needed.

• Understandability Test Procedures

At the beginning of this test, I informed the users to think aloud and feel free to express
any thoughts that they have in mind. Then, I introduced them to the article and asked
them a list of open-ended questions as they were skimming through the instruction set.
The main point of these open-ended questions is to help me gain feedback that reflects
whether the users understand and possibly follow the instruction to do the project in the
future. Also, I requested the users to paraphrase specific steps to ensure that they can
show better understand the article.

• Performance Test Procedures

The second part of the test is performance test. The user was asked to perform “Part 2:
Wiring” in timely manner. I had the user assembles the scaled-down model using jumper
wires, and electric components provide during the test. The user talked me through the
process as they read the steps and adequtely connect all the connections accordingly to
the instruction.
The next task for this performance test is to upload the code to the Arduino Board. The
user was requested to install PololuLedStrip library and upload the code. As the user
was performing the task, I recorded all the questions that the user asked, as well as
where the user confused the most.

• Location Test Procedures

My article consisted of five parts and mixed of written content and graphics, so a location
test would help me to figure out whether to add or remove some of the material. In this
test, the user was asked to locate certain sections, critical notes, and diagrams. The first
task involved locating Warning and Tips section and then try to find one crucial thing that
the user should pay attention to before proceeding the project. The second task was
locating the download link for Arduino IDE, and the last task involved finding the location
of the wiring diagram for the LED strip.


The results of each test are described in detail below:
1. Understandability Test Results
Both Users:
• Able to paraphrase and explain the complicated part of the instruction set
• Able to understand and identify the purpose of the instruction set
• Noted images is necessary for the article; images make them feel confident about
performing the project.

2. Performance Test Results

Both Users:
• Suggested adding sub steps to part 2 step 2
• Suggested changing the wiring diagram as the wire’s color codes is confusing
• Struggled with the scaled-down model regarding the set up was different than the
wiring diagram
• Quickly adapted to Arduino IDE software
• Able to upload the code and power up the led strip
Novice User:
• Could progress through wiring and uploading code with little difficulty
• Suggested additional labels on the wiring diagram; adding step’s number to the
• Relied on the wiring diagram and skipped steps
• Having difficulty with making the connection between resistor and data input of the
LED strip

Intermediated User:
• Was able to follow the steps to change and upload to the Arduino Board with ease
• Suggested wrapping all connections with electrical tape for safety
• Completed the wiring part in 10-minute

3. Location Test Results

Both Users:
• Able to locate the Tips and Warning sections at bottom of page
• The article was easy to navigate and follow
• Able to identify a crucial note in the Warning section; capacitor can catch fire


The results revealed that users followed the instruction set with some ease and I learned many
things along the way. Both users had a hard time understanding the wiring part, which is the
most complicated part of my instruction set. Because the information was presented with
multiple steps and lacks visualization, the users had to revisit the wiring diagram numerous
times to complete the project. There was a problem with referencing the wire’s color as the
users were only focused on the wire’s color and didn’t know which wires they connected. The
performance test provided the most valuable feedback that help me decide where more
classification or explanation was needed.


Using the suggestions and feedback from the usability tests, I could make some changes to the
article regarding the issues that both users had with the instruction set. I considered different
ideas and suggestions in the revision process to tailor the content to fit my target audience.
One change that I’ve made is dividing steps 2 in part 2 of the instruction set into multiple sub-
steps and adding more images accordingly to the steps. After making these changes based on
users’ feedback and wikiHow’s guidelines, I feel that the instruction set is significantly improved;
the article’s content is much more suitable for different types of users, and importantly the
overall effectiveness of the instruction set increased.


Markel, M. (2016). Chapter 14: Writing definitions, descriptions, and instructions. Practical
strategies for technical communication. 2nd ed. n.p. Bedford/St. Martin’s, n.d. Print.

Markel, M. (2016). Chapter 6: Writing for Your Readers. Practical strategies for technical
communication. 2nd ed. n.p. Bedford/St. Martin’s, n.d. Print.

Anderson, Paul V. (2014). Technical Communication: A Reader-centered Approach. 8th ed.

n.p.: Cengage Learning, n.d. Print.


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