904 Karakteristik Komponen Darah: PART IX Obstetric

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904 PART IX Obstetric Complications

TABLE 38-6 Karakteristik Komponen Darah

Komponen Dosis Volume per dosis Umur Simpan Kondisi Penyimpanan Respon yang diharapkan
Packed red 1 unit 250-325 mL 21-42 hari 1° C to 6° C meningkatkan
blood cells konsentrasi
hemoglobin 1g/dl
Fresh frozen Factor replacement: 200 mL Frozen: 1 th Frozen: ≤ −18° C Correction of PT,
plasma 10-15 mL/kg dicairkan: 24 jam dicairkan1° C sampai aPTT, INR by
10° C replacement of
coagulation factors
Platelets 4-6 units of pooled 200-250 mL 5 hari Increase in platelet
whole blood–derived 20° C to 24° C with count of 30,000-
platelets or one unit continuous and 60,000/mm3
of apheresis platelets gentle agitation
Cryoprecipitate 10 pooled units 100 mL Frozen: 1 hari Increase in levels of
dicairkan/ fibrinogen, von
pooled: 4 h 10° C ≤ −18°
Frozen: C Willebrand factor,
Thawed: 1° C to factor VIII, factor XIII

aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; INR, international normalized ratio; PT, prothrombin time.
Modified from Sanford K, Roseff S. A surgeon’s guide to blood banking and transfusion medicine. In: Spiess BD, Spence RK, Shander A,
editors. Perioperative Transfusion Medicine, 2nd edition. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006: 179-98.

than two times normal.221 FFP should not be used to treat 400 mg/dL had a 79% negative predictive value for
hypovolemia or as a protein supplement. One unit of FFP severe hemorrhage. The coagulation changes were con-
per 20 kg of body weight (or 10 to 15 mL/kg body sistent with a consumptive coagulopathy because they
weight) is an appropriate initial dose.221 The prophylactic were accompanied by increases in thrombin-antithrombin
use of FFP is not effective for decreasing blood loss in complexes and d-dimer levels, both markers of excessive
patients at risk for massive blood loss.222 coagulation. Furthermore, because the fall in fibrinogen
Cryoprecipitate is prepared from thawed FFP and concentration was twice the fall in hemoglobin concen-
contains fibrinogen, factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, tration, it was believed that dilution did not account for
fibronectin, and factor XIII. In the setting of postpartum the difference in fibrinogen levels between the two
hemorrhage, cryoprecipitate is used to replace fibrino- groups. Other investigators have confirmed that decreases
gen, which is rapidly consumed during obstetric hemor- in fibrinogen correlate better than other hemostatic mea-
rhage. Normal pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state,258,259 sures with the severity of hemorrhage.264,265
and coagulation activity peaks at the time of parturi- The alarmingly rapid consumption of coagulation
tion260,261 because of an increase in circulating tissue factors, especially fibrinogen, during obstetric hemor-
factor concentration and enhancement of the tissue rhage has prompted experts to recommend early
factor–dependent coagulation pathway.262 It is postulated monitoring for, and aggressive treatment of, hypofibrino-
that tissue factor and other procoagulant substances are genemia with rapid central laboratory or point-of-care
released from the placental implantation site at the time testing.266-268 During active hemorrhage, clinicians should
of placental separation, augmenting thrombin formation attempt to maintain the fibrinogen concentration higher
and serving an important hemostatic function after deliv- than 150 to 200 mg/dL.268 Each dose of cryoprecipitate
ery.48 In the setting of continued bleeding from the pla- supplied by most blood banks contains 5 to 10 single-
cental bed, these thromboplastic substances may continue donor units of cryoprecipitate, and each unit of cryopre-
to enter the circulation and, in severe cases, may lead to cipitate contains approximately twice the fibrinogen of 1
a consumptive coagulopathy and DIC.48 unit of FFP. Therefore, the most efficient method to
The consumption of fibrinogen appears to play a replace fibrinogen during obstetric hemorrhage may be
central role in the pathophysiology of peripartum hemor- to administer cryoprecipitate.269 In a multicenter pro-
rhage.263 Charbit et al.188 prospectively identified 128 spective cohort study of trauma victims (n = 1175),
patients who had postpartum hemorrhage and classified administration of cryoprecipitate compared with large
the hemorrhage as severe (decrease in hemoglobin con- doses of FFP was associated with a decreased risk for
centration of ≥ 4 g/dL, transfusion of ≥ 4 units PRBCs, multiorgan failure.270 In a small case series of obstetric
or invasive hemostatic intervention required) or nonse- hemorrhage associated with hypofibrinogenemia, fibrin-
vere.188 At the time postpartum hemorrhage was diag- ogen concentrate was used to restore fibrinogen levels.271
nosed, patients who subsequently developed severe This product is currently approved for the treatment of
hemorrhage had lower fibrinogen, prothrombin, factor acute bleeding in individuals with congenital hypofibrin-
V, and antithrombin levels compared with patients ogenemia. Further study is required to clarify its role in
without severe hemorrhage. These early differences were the treatment of the acquired hypofibrinogenemia associ-
most marked for fibrinogen. A fibrinogen concentration ated with obstetric hemorrhage.263,270
less than 200 mg/dL at the time hemorrhage was diag- Thrombocytopenia may develop after massive trans-
nosed had a 100% positive predictive value for severe fusion secondary to dilution or in association with obstet-
hemorrhage; a fibrinogen concentration greater than ric comorbidities such as HELLP syndrome. Platelet

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