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Art. 1356. ____________________ shall be ____________________, in whatever

____________________ they may have been ____________________ into, provided
____________________ the ____________________ ____________________ for their
____________________ are ____________________. However, when the ____________________
requires that a ____________________ be in some ____________________ in
____________________ that it may be ____________________ or ____________________, or that
a ____________________ be ____________________ in a ____________________ way, that
____________________ is ____________________ and ____________________. In such cases,
the ____________________ of the ____________________ stated in the following article
____________________ be ____________________. (1278a)

Art. 1357. If the law ____________________ a ____________________ or other

____________________ form, as in the ____________________ and ____________________
____________________ in the following article, the ____________________ parties may
____________________ each other to ____________________ that ____________________,
the ____________________ has been ____________________. This ____________________ may
be ____________________ ____________________ with the ____________________ upon the
____________________. (1279a)

Art. 1358. The following must ____________________ in a ____________________ document:

____________________ and ____________________ which have for their ____________________

the ____________________, ____________________, ____________________ or
____________________ of ____________________ rights over ____________________ property;
____________________ of ____________________ property or of an ____________________
therein a governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and 1405;

The ____________________, ____________________ or ____________________ of

____________________ rights or of those of the ____________________ partnership of

The ____________________ to ____________________ property, or ____________________ other

____________________ which has for its ____________________ an ____________________
appearing or which should ____________________ in a ____________________
____________________, or should ____________________ a third person;

The ____________________ of ____________________ or ____________________

____________________ from an act ____________________ in a public document.
____________________ other ____________________ where the ____________________
involved ____________________ ____________________ hundred pesos must
____________________ in ____________________, even a ____________________ one. But
____________________ of ____________________, ____________________ or
____________________ in action are governed by Articles, 1403, No. 2 and 1405. (1280a)


Art. 1359. When, there having been a ____________________ of the ____________________ of the
____________________ to a ____________________, their ____________________ intention is
not ____________________ in the ____________________ ____________________ to
____________________ the ____________________, by reason of ____________________, fraud,
inequitable ____________________ or ____________________, ____________________ of the
parties may ____________________ for the ____________________ of the
____________________ to the ____________________ that such ____________________
____________________ may be ____________________

If ____________________, fraud, ____________________ conduct, or ____________________ has

____________________ a ____________________ of the ____________________ of the
____________________, the ____________________ ____________________ is not
____________________ of the instrument but ____________________ of the contract.

Art. 1360. The ____________________ of the ____________________ law on the

____________________ of ____________________ are hereby ____________________ insofar as
they are ____________________ in ____________________ with the provisions of this Code.

Art. 1361. When a ____________________ ____________________ of the parties

____________________ the ____________________ of the ____________________ to
____________________ their real ____________________, said ____________________ may be

Art. 1362. If ____________________ party was ____________________ and the

____________________ acted ____________________ or ____________________ in such a
____________________ that the ____________________ does not ____________________ their
true ____________________, the ____________________ may ____________________ for the
____________________ of the ____________________.

Art. 1363. When ____________________ party was ____________________ and the other
____________________ or ____________________ that the ____________________ did not
____________________ their ____________________ agreement, but ____________________
that ____________________ from the ____________________, the ____________________ may
be ____________________.
Art. 1364. When through the ____________________, ____________________ of
____________________, ____________________ or ____________________ faith on the
____________________ of the person ____________________ the ____________________ or of
the ____________________ or ____________________, the ____________________ does
____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ intention of the
____________________, the ____________________ may ____________________ that the
____________________ be ____________________.

Art. 1365. If ____________________ parties ____________________ upon the

____________________ or ____________________ of ____________________ or
____________________ property, but the instrument ____________________ that the
____________________ is ____________________ ____________________ or with a
____________________ of ____________________, reformation of the ____________________ is

Art. 1366. There shall be ____________________ ____________________ in the following cases:

(1) ____________________ ____________________ inter vivos wherein no

____________________ is ____________________;

(2) ____________________;

(3) When the ____________________ agreement is ____________________.

Art. 1367. When ____________________ of the parties has ____________________ an

____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________, he cannot
____________________ ask for its ____________________.

Art. 1368. ____________________ may be ____________________ at the ____________________

of ____________________ party or his ____________________ in ____________________, if the
____________________ was ____________________; otherwise, upon ____________________ of
the ____________________ party, or his ____________________ and ____________________.

Art. 1369. The ____________________ for the ____________________ of ____________________

shall be ____________________ by ____________________ of court to be
____________________ by the ____________________ ____________________.


Art. 1370. If the ____________________ of a ____________________ are ____________________

and ____________________ no ____________________ upon the ____________________ of the
contracting parties, the ____________________ ____________________ of its
____________________ shall ____________________.

If the ____________________ appear to be ____________________ to the

____________________ ____________________ of the parties, the ____________________ shall
____________________ over the ____________________. (1281)

Art. 1371. In ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ of

the contracting parties, their ____________________ and ____________________ acts shall be
____________________ ____________________. (1282)

Art. 1372. However ____________________ the ____________________ of a

____________________ may be, they shall ____________________ be ____________________ to
____________________ ____________________ that are ____________________ and cases that
are ____________________ from those upon which the parties ____________________ to
____________________. (1283)

Art. 1373. If ____________________ stipulation of ____________________ contract should

____________________ of ____________________ ____________________, it shall be
____________________ as ____________________ that ____________________ which is
____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ it
____________________. (1284)

Art. 1374. The ____________________ ____________________ of a ____________________ shall

be ____________________ together, ____________________ to the ____________________ ones
that ____________________ which may ____________________ from ____________________ of
them taken ____________________. (1285)

Art. 1375. ____________________ which may have ____________________

____________________ shall be ____________________ in that which is ____________________
in ____________________ with the ____________________ and ____________________ of the
____________________. (1286)

Art. 1376. The ____________________ or ____________________ of the ____________________

shall be ____________________ in ____________________ in the ____________________ of the
____________________ of a ____________________, and shall ____________________ the
____________________ of ____________________ which are ____________________
____________________. (1287)

Art. 1377. The ____________________ of ____________________ words or

____________________ in a ____________________ shall ____________________
____________________ the ____________________ who ____________________ the
____________________. (1288)
Art. 1378. When it is ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________
____________________ by the ____________________ established in the ____________________
articles, and the doubts ____________________ to ____________________ circumstances of a
____________________ contract, the ____________________ ____________________ of
____________________ and ____________________ shall ____________________. If the
____________________ is ____________________, the ____________________ shall be
____________________ in ____________________ of the ____________________
____________________ of ____________________.

If the ____________________ are ____________________ upon the ____________________

object of the ____________________ in such a ____________________ that it
____________________ be ____________________ what may have been the
____________________ or ____________________ of the ____________________, the contract
shall be ____________________ and ____________________. (1289)

Art. 1379. The ____________________ of ____________________ stated in Rule 123 of the Rules
of Court shall likewise be ____________________ in the ____________________ of
____________________. (n)


Art. 1380. ____________________ ____________________ agreed upon may be

____________________ in the cases ____________________ by law. (1290)

Art. 1381. The following contracts are ____________________:

(1) Those which are ____________________ into by ____________________ whenever the

____________________ ____________________ they ____________________
____________________ ____________________ by ____________________ than
____________________of the ____________________ of the ____________________
which are the ____________________ thereof;

(2) Those ____________________ upon in ____________________ of ____________________,

if the latter ____________________ the ____________________ stated in the preceding

(3) Those ____________________ in ____________________ of ____________________ when

the latter ____________________ in ____________________ other ____________________
____________________ the ____________________ due them;

(4) Those which ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________

____________________ if they have been ____________________ into by the
____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ and
____________________ of the ____________________ or of ____________________
judicial ____________________;

(5) ____________________ other ____________________ specially ____________________ by

law to be ____________________ to ____________________. (1291a)

Art. 1382. ____________________ made in a ____________________ of ____________________

for ____________________ to whose ____________________ the ____________________ could
____________________ be ____________________ at the ____________________ they were
____________________, are also ____________________. (1292)

Art. 1383. The ____________________ for ____________________ is ____________________; it

____________________ be ____________________ except when the party
____________________ ____________________ has ____________________ other
____________________ means to ____________________ reparation for the
____________________. (1294)

Art. 1384. ____________________ shall be ____________________ to the

____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ the
____________________ ____________________. (n)

Art. 1385. Rescission ____________________ the ____________________ to

____________________ the ____________________ which were the ____________________ of
the contract, ____________________ with their ____________________, and the
____________________ with its ____________________; ____________________, it can be
____________________ out ____________________ when ____________________ who
____________________ rescission can ____________________ whatever he may be
____________________ to ____________________.

____________________ shall ____________________ take place when the

____________________ which are the ____________________ of the ____________________ are
____________________ in the ____________________ of ____________________ persons who
did ____________________ act in bad ____________________.

In this case, ____________________ for ____________________ may be ____________________

from the person ____________________ the ____________________. (1295)

Art. 1386. ____________________ referred to in Nos. 1 and 2 of Article 1381 shall

____________________ take place with ____________________ to contracts
____________________ by the ____________________. (1296a)

Art. 1387. ____________________ contracts by ____________________ of which the

____________________ alienates ____________________ by ____________________ title are
____________________ to have been ____________________ into in ____________________ of
____________________, when the ____________________ did not ____________________
sufficient ____________________ to ____________________ all ____________________
contracted ____________________ the ____________________.

____________________ by ____________________ title are also ____________________

fraudulent when ____________________ by ____________________ against
____________________ some ____________________ has been ____________________. The
____________________ or ____________________ need ____________________ refer to the
____________________ ____________________, and ____________________ not have been
____________________ by the party ____________________ the ____________________.

In ____________________ to these ____________________, the ____________________ to

____________________ ____________________ may be ____________________ in
____________________ other ____________________ ____________________ by the
____________________ of ____________________. (1297a)

Art. 1388. ____________________ acquires in ____________________ faith the

____________________ alienated in ____________________ of ____________________, shall
____________________ the latter for ____________________ suffered by ____________________
on ____________________ of the ____________________, whenever, ____________________ to
any ____________________, it should be ____________________ for him to
____________________ them.

If there are ____________________ or more ____________________, the ____________________

____________________ shall be ____________________ first, and so on ____________________.

Art. 1389. The ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ must

be ____________________ within ____________________ years.

For ____________________ under ____________________ and for ____________________, the

____________________ of ____________________ years shall ____________________
____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ of the
____________________ ____________________, or until the ____________________ of the latter
is ____________________. (1299)


Art. 1390. The following contracts are ____________________ or ____________________, even

though there may have been no ____________________ to the contracting parties:

(1) Those where ____________________ of the ____________________ is

____________________ of giving ____________________ to a contract;
(2) Those where the ____________________ is ____________________ by
____________________, violence, ____________________, undue influence or

These contracts are ____________________, ____________________ they are

____________________ by a ____________________ action in ____________________. They are
____________________ of ____________________. (n)

Art. 1391. The ____________________ for ____________________ shall be

____________________ within ____________________ years. This ____________________ shall

In cases of ____________________, violence or undue influence, from the ____________________

the ____________________ of the ____________________ ____________________.

In case of ____________________ or fraud, from the time of the ____________________ of the


And when the ____________________ refers to ____________________ entered into by

____________________ or other ____________________ persons, from the time the
____________________ ____________________. (1301a)

Art. 1392. ____________________ ____________________ the action to ____________________

a ____________________ contract. (1309a)

Art. 1393. ____________________ may be ____________________ ____________________ or

____________________. It is understood that there is a ____________________ ratification if, with
____________________ of the ____________________ which ____________________ the
contract ____________________ and such ____________________ having
____________________, the person who has a ____________________ to
____________________ it should ____________________ an ____________________ which
____________________ implies an ____________________ to ____________________ his
____________________. (1311a)

Art. 1394. Ratification may be ____________________ by the ____________________ of the

____________________ person. (n)

Art. 1395. Ratification does ____________________ require the ____________________ of the

contracting party who has ____________________ right to ____________________ the
____________________ for ____________________. (1312)
Art. 1396. Ratification ____________________ the ____________________ from
____________________ its ____________________ from the ____________________ it was
____________________. (1313)

Art. 1397. The ____________________ for the ____________________ of ____________________

may be ____________________ by ____________________ who are thereby
____________________ principally or ____________________. However, ____________________
who are ____________________ cannot ____________________ the ____________________ of
those with whom they ____________________; nor can those who ____________________
intimidation, ____________________, or undue influence, or ____________________ fraud, or
____________________ mistake ____________________ their ____________________ upon
these ____________________ of the contract. (1302a)

Art. 1398. An ____________________ having been ____________________, the

____________________ parties shall ____________________ to ____________________ other the
____________________ which have been the ____________________ ____________________ of
the ____________________, with their ____________________, and the ____________________ with
its ____________________, except in cases provided by law.

In ____________________ to ____________________ service, the ____________________ thereof

shall be the ____________________ for ____________________. (1303a)

Art. 1399. When the ____________________ of the contract ____________________ in the

____________________ of ____________________ of the ____________________, the
____________________ person is not ____________________ to ____________________ any
____________________ except insofar as he has been ____________________ by the
____________________ or price ____________________ by him. (1304)

Art. 1400. ____________________ the person ____________________ by the

____________________ of ____________________ to ____________________ the
____________________ can not do so because it has been ____________________ through his
____________________, he shall ____________________ the ____________________ received
and the ____________________ of the ____________________ at the ____________________ of
the ____________________, with ____________________ from the ____________________
____________________. (1307a)

Art. 1401. The ____________________ for ____________________ of ____________________

shall be ____________________ when the ____________________ which is the
____________________ thereof is ____________________ through the ____________________ or
____________________ of the ____________________ who has a ____________________ to
____________________ the proceedings.

If the ____________________ of ____________________ is based upon the

____________________ of ____________________ one of the contracting
____________________, the ____________________ of the ____________________ shall
____________________ be an ____________________ to the ____________________ of the
____________________, unless said ____________________ ____________________ place
through the ____________________ or ____________________ of the ____________________.

Art. 1402. As long as ____________________ of the ____________________ parties does not

____________________ what in ____________________ of the ____________________ of
annulment he is ____________________ to ____________________, the other
____________________ be ____________________ to ____________________ with what is
____________________ upon him. (1308)


Art. 1403. The following contracts are ____________________, unless they are

(1) Those ____________________ into in the ____________________ of ____________________

person by ____________________ who has been ____________________ no
____________________ or ____________________ representation, or who has acted
____________________ his ____________________;

(2) Those that do ____________________ ____________________ with the

____________________ of ____________________ as set forth in this number. In the
following cases an ____________________ hereafter ____________________ shall be
____________________ by action, unless the ____________________, or some
____________________ or ____________________, thereof, be in ____________________,
and ____________________ by the party ____________________, or by his
____________________; ____________________, therefore, of the ____________________
cannot be ____________________ ____________________ the writing, or a
____________________ ____________________ of its ____________________:

(a) An ____________________ that by its ____________________ is ____________________

to be ____________________ within a ____________________ from the
____________________ thereof;

(b) A ____________________ promise to ____________________ for the

____________________, default, or ____________________ of ____________________;

(c) An ____________________ made in ____________________ of ____________________,

other than a ____________________ promise to ____________________;
(d) An ____________________ for the ____________________ of ____________________,
____________________ or ____________________ in ____________________, at a
____________________ not ____________________ than ____________________ hundred
pesos, unless the ____________________ accept and ____________________ part of such
____________________ and ____________________, or the ____________________, or
____________________ of them, of such ____________________ in
____________________ or ____________________ at the ____________________ some
____________________ of the ____________________ ____________________; but when
a ____________________ is ____________________ by ____________________ and
____________________ is ____________________ by the ____________________ in his
sales ____________________, at the ____________________ of the
____________________, of the ____________________ and ____________________ of
property ____________________, ____________________ of sale, ____________________,
____________________ of the ____________________ and ____________________ on
whose ____________________ the ____________________ is ____________________, it is
a ____________________ ____________________;

(e) An agreement of the ____________________ for a ____________________ period than

____________________ year, or for the sale of ____________________ property or of an
____________________ therein;

(f) A ____________________ as to the ____________________ of a third person.

(3) Those where ____________________ parties are ____________________ of

____________________ ____________________ to a contract.

Art. 1404. ____________________ contracts are governed by Article 1317 and the principles of
____________________ in Title X of this Book.

Art. 1405. ____________________ ____________________ the Statute of Frauds, referred to in No.

2 of Article 1403, are ____________________ by the ____________________ to
____________________ to the ____________________ of ____________________ evidence to
____________________ the same, or by the ____________________ of ____________________
under them.

Art. 1406. When a contract is enforceable under the Statute of Frauds, and a public document is
necessary for its registration in the Registry of Deeds, the parties may avail themselves of the right
under Article 1357.
Art. 1407. In a contract where both parties are incapable of giving consent, express or implied
ratification by the parent, or guardian, as the case may be, of one of the contracting parties shall give
the contract the same effect as if only one of them were incapacitated.

If ratification is made by the parents or guardians, as the case may be, of both contracting parties, the
contract shall be validated from the inception.

Art. 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot be assailed by third persons.

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