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Definition of chicken pox:-

Chickenpox (varicella) is a viral infection that causes an itchy rash with

small, fluid-filled blisters Before routine chickenpox vaccination, virtually
all people had been infected by the time they reached adulthood, sometimes
with serious complications. Today, the number of cases and hospitalizations
is down dramatically.

History of chicken pox:-

 History shows that chicken pox may have been around since
Babylonian times. The first time that chicken pox was identified was
by a Persian scientist commonly known as Razi and Giovanni Filippo.

 In the early days of chicken pox, the infection easily spread and there
were many complications until medical advancements provided better
treatment, infected people were isolated, and vaccines become readily

 The beginning there was a description of an affliction similar to

chicken pox more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Babylonia. In the
late 800'’s early 900's AD, Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi, also known
as Razi, recorded some of the first known information on chicken pox
and noted the . Later in the 1500's Giovanni Filippo was able to give a
more detailed description of chicken pox.
High fever,
pain in the
body, loss of
appetite and
vomiting and
redness of the

Objective data of chicken pox:-

 examination of the fluid within the vesicles of the rash, or by testing blood
for evidence of an acute immunologic response.

 Vesicular fluid can be examined with a Tzanck smear, or by testing for direct
fluorescent antibody.

 Use of blood tests to determine response to acute infection

DONE BY:- Maryam Abdullah Ahmed AL-Kadhim


ID:- 371000525

DR:- Amira Ali

Chief complaint of chicken pox:-

I feel headache and Loss of appetite.

I feel Tiredness and itchy in my skin.

Present illness:-

Character or onset location severity pattern duration

Chickenpox is The The rash It starts with Use cool wet (12-14 days
characterized by primary first fatigue and compresses. of exposure)
a rash . The rash symptoms appears in weakness A rash occurs
of chickenpox of smallpox the mucous and then Put calamine in the form of
develops in appear 10- membranes develops into lotion on itchy flat red spots
crops with 12 days of the severe pain areas (but don't
raised red spots after mouth, throughout use it on the face,
arriving first, exposure pharynx, the body and especially near (14-16 days
progressing to to the face, and itchy itch. If the eyes). of exposure)
blisters that virus. hands, and the patient These bubbles
burst, creating later does not Serve cold, soft, become
open sores, spreads to receive the and bland foods contaminated
before crusting the legs vaccine, the because and become
over. and the virus will chickenpox in the round and
rest of the develop and mouth can make stiff.
body. spread in the drinking or eating
blood leading difficult. Avoid
to anything acidic or (20-22 days
inflammation salty. of exposure)
of the lung, shows
brain, and Give your child discharge .
bleeding acetaminophen to
leading to help relieve pain.
death. , And when
Never give they fall (after
aspirin to kids 3-4 weeks)
with chickenpox. appear
Such use has scarred place.
been linked to a
rare but serious
disease, Reye
syndrome, which
can lead to liver
failure and even

putting mittens
or socks on your
child's hands to
scratching during
sleep. Also, trim
fingernails and
keep them clean.

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