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A metaphor is commonly known as an analogy between two objects or ideas, described by using another
word. Other figures of speech like hyperbole, simile, and antithesis are all similar types of analogy, which
also achieve their effects through the same way. There are four specialized types of metaphors, and they
are allegory, catachresis, parable, and pun. However, broadly speaking, there are only two major types of
metaphors - extended metaphors and mixed metaphors. Extended metaphors are those that not only claim
similarity between two subjects, but also goes forth and compares the various aspects of both subjects as
well. It can be considered as a metaphor within another metaphor. On the other hand, the mixed metaphor
involves the joint appearance of unrelated metaphors or that of a metaphor and a simile. The following
article is a compilation of most of these in the form of a list; thus, read on.

Commonly Used Metaphors

A heart of stone
Reality is an enemy.
He has the heart of a lion.
You are the sun in my sky.
Ideas are water.
You are the light in my life.
I'm dead tired.
You had better pull your socks up.
Drowning in the sea.
Words are false idols.
Jumping for joy
Apple of my eye
It is raining cats and dogs.
Information travels faster in this modern age as our days start crawling away.
Life has a tendency to come back and bite you in the ass.
Fear is a beast that feeds on attention.
A riverboat shall be my horse.
A light in a sea of darkness.
Strength and dignity are her clothing.
Thoughts are a storm
A laugh in a sea of sadness.
The noise is music to my ears.
He swam in the sea of diamonds.
Your friendship is the picture to my frame.
Truth is food.
Authority is a chair, it needs legs to stand up.
The pigeons fountained into the air.
His hair was bone white.
It's raining men.
Ideas are wings.
The sea is a hungry dog.
He has a voice of a wolf.
Crocodiles' teeth are white daggers.
Fire is day, when it goes out it's night.
Strong as an ox
School is a gateway to adulthood.
Leaping with laughter

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