Weathering Erosion and Deposition Lesson

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Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Lesson

Science Lab

Topic: Science- weathering, erosion, and deposition

Objective: Students will be able to correctly demonstrate how weathering, erosion, and
deposition work together after playing a review matching game.
TEK: 4.7 B

PHASE 1: Engage
As a class, briefly explain weathering, erosion, and deposition.
Ask what each thing is

PHASE 2: Explore
With their group, students will play a quick matching game. They must match the word,
definition, and picture. We will go over it as a class.

PHASE 3: Explain
We will talk about how they all work together. I will also explain to them how to do their lab.

PHASE 4: Elaborate
In their groups, students will each be given a jolly rancher. In order to demonstrate weathering,
they will have break their jolly rancher. Then the will have to show erosion by moving the jolly
rancher using either water or by blowing air on it. Finally, the students will show deposition by
making sure the sediments of the jolly rancher get to a specific location.

PHASE 5: Evaluate
The students will then how to write a brief summary explaining what they learned after ;doing
the lab.

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