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Explicit Teaching: Thinking Flexibly

Objective: SWBAT understand and embody the Habit of Mind of “thinking flexibly” through
the analogy of a rubber band.

1. Analyze images related to “thinking flexibly”
2. Introduce rubber band analogy
3. Students engage in rubber band activity
4. Connections between rubber band analogy and math content courses
5. Completion of a Math Story problem
6. Closing

Introduction to Lesson:
Scholars, in your own words, what do you think “thinking flexibly” means? What can that look
like? Sound like? Based on the following images, what do you think such a concept might mean?

The images above are in the public domain and not subject to copyright.

To make such a concept a bit clearer, let’s take a look at this rubber band. As a group, let’s
describe what a rubber band is able to do and what it can be used for.

Students and teacher engage in a conversation

Engagement in Rubber Band Activity:

In order for you to better determine the characteristics and abilities of a rubber band, we are each
going to take thirty seconds to manipulate a rubber band in any way. Our goal is to stretch and
mold a rubber band into a shape that is different from the person next to us. As you are doing so,
ask yourself, “How can a rubber band serve as a good representation for the idea of ‘thinking

Students engage in rubber band activity and complete reflection

Definition of “Thinking Flexibly”

To make sure that we all have a clear idea of what “thinking flexibly” means, let’s think about
the following definition: “Thinking flexibly” means to change one’s thinking, in order to see
something in a new way.
Explicit Teaching: Thinking Flexibly

Math Story Problem Completion:

Now that we have highlighted a number of characteristics that must be present in an individual
that “thinks flexibly,” we are now going to apply such information over while we complete the
following Math Story problem on our white boards: There were 9 girls on the playground. Ten
minutes later, 11 boys joined them on the playground. How many students are on the playground

1. Based on the Rubber Band Activity, how do you now understand the concept of
“thinking flexibly?”
2. Which 2-3 words most resonate with you about a rubber band’s characteristics?
3. How did you/did you not “think flexibly” while solving the Math Story Problem?

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