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To determine the Reid vapor pressure of petroleum

In chemistry and physic study
volatility refers to the tendency of the
substance to vaporise at given temperatur
e # o l a t i l i t y i s o n e o f i m p o r t a n c e character
istic +hich nee"e" to (e assure high enough for the
usage <or automoti'e*the 'olatility of fuel nee" to
(e accepta(le for engine start-up* +arm-up*
accelerationan" throttle response un"er
normal "ri'ing con"itions The su(stance +ith high
'apor pressure +ill 'apori8e more rea"ily than
the su(stances +ith lo+ 'apor pressure /othe more
'olatile the su(stance +ill contri(ute to higher
pressure of the 'apor in"ynamic e2uili(rium +ith
its 'apori8ing su(stance The 'apor pressure of
a su(stanceis the pressure at +hich its gaseous
phase is in e2uili(rium +ith its li2ui" or
soli" phase 9t is a measure of the ten"ency of
molecules an" atoms to escape from a li2ui"or
soli" There are t+o ,in" of "e'ice that can
measure the 'olatility +hich is Rei"#apor Pressure
R#P1 an" the other one is True #apor Pressure
T#P1 Rei" #apor Pressure R#P1 is a
testing metho" for cru"e oil* fuel* other
refine" petroleum pro"ucts* an" petrochemicals
in or"er to measures the 'apor
pressure of a su(stance EP.* %07=1 R#P also
can (e "efine" as the a(solute pressure exerte" (y a
mixture*can (e "etermine" 3
C an" at a 'apor to li2ui" ratio of 4 >n the other
han"* T#Pis a common measure of 'olatility
of petroleum "istillate fuels 9t is "efine" as
thee2uili(rium of the 'apor pressure +ith con"ense"
phase at a specific temperature The"ifferent
(et+een R#P an" T#P is that R#P is more con'enient
approximation of thea(solute 'apor pressure that
'apori8e" at 3
C compare to T#P The main purposesof this
experiment are to "etermine the Rei" 'apour pressure
of petroleum pro"uctsan" to compare +ith another
source The Rei" 'apour pressure R#P1 +as
teste" on"ifferent types of oil +hich is petrol*
,erosene an" "iesel in or"er to "etermine
the'olatility of li2ui" hy"rocar(ons

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