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T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-1

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-2

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-3
1. Novice users don’t need to remember application names and can easily
navigate using menus to accomplish their tasks.

2. Menus can be created according to each users work profile

3. Related tasks can be grouped together using the menus and submenus.

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-4

Above screen shot displays Model Bank menu. This menu has three submenus User
Menu, Admin Menu and Role Based Home Pages. The menus can be expanded by
clicking on the individual items.
All user related tasks are grouped under the user menu and administration tasks are
grouped under admin menu. This helps the user to navigate easily.

When the user expands a menu item by clicking, the submenus are listed for each of
the top level menus.

User Menu, Admin Menu and Role Based Home Pages form the first level of menus.
Customer Relationship, Customer, CRM form the next level of menu items

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-5

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-6
To create the required menus, we must create records in HELPTEXT.MENU.

MY.CUST.MENU is created with three links. The Application field can be multi valued
to provide multiple links. Application field can contain an APPLICATION, VERSION,
ENQUIRY, other MENUs. Application can also contain other values that are not
discussed here.

MY.ACCOUNT.MENU is created with four links

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-7

Now that the submenus are ready, how can you put them together? Submenus are
combined to create a main menu. This can be done using the HELPTEXT.MAINMENU
ID : Must be numeric

GB Title – Meaningful description for the menu

Id Of Help Menu : This field must hold the ID of an existing HELPTEXT.MENU
GB Description : Description that will appear for the submenu

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-8

ID of the menu is prefixed with ‘?’ and given in the INIT.APPLICATION field of the
USER profile

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-9

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-10
1. A composite screen is a collection of various screens in T24.
2. A composite screen is divided into frames of different sizes, as shown.
3. Each frame may contain T24 menu or Tabbed Screen or URL or other content.
4. Composite screens are defined in the T24 application EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-11

You can design your composite screens using EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN application or

Type COS <space> SCREEN.DESIGNER at the command prompt. COS refers to

Composite Screens. Alternatively, Click on Admin Menu -> Implementation Utilities ->
Customisation -> Screen Designer.

The screen designer can be used to create, edit or launch versions, tabbed screens and
composite screens. Using COS, the browser window can be divided into frames of size
as desired. Each frame can contain a link, an enquiry, tabbed screen, etc

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-12

Design the above given composite screen. Divide the window into two horizontal
Launch ACCOUNT.CLOSURE enquiry in Frame 1
Frame 2 – Leave it blank. We shall soon see what it is used for.

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-13

1. Launch EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN application
2. The ID can be any alpha-numeric text
3. TITLE – Specify the title for the composite screen. The text specified here will be
displayed as the description text of your composite screen.
4. A composite screen is divided into frames. Now where do you specify these
5. CONTENT.TYPE – Choose from the drop down to select a value. OPEN.FRAME is
used to open a frameset.
6. ROWS – Is the window split horizontally or vertically? If it is split horizontally, give
frame size in ROWS. Else, give framesize in the field COLS. Size can be defined as
a percentage. For eg 25%,* (means top frame occupies 25% of window and
remaining space is allocated to lower frame)
7. CONTENT.TYPE – What kind of content will be opened here? ENQ, MENU,
TABBED screen.
8. CONTENT – Specify the ID of the menu, enquiry, tabbed screen etc that you wish
to open here

CONTENT.TYPE is specified as BLANK for the lower frame. Why is a blank frame
needed? In the empty frame you may launch enquiries, versions or any unassigned
requests. The field ITEMS is used to define what requests should be sent to this blank
frame. When you choose the ALL option here you tell the system to launch all
unassigned requests in this frame.

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-14

Specify content for all frames that you have created

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-14

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-15
T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-16
• Content.Type.1 will always be OPEN.FRAME for a COS
• Screen is split vertically hence, COLS – 30%,*
• Now specify what goes in the left frame
• Content.Type.2 – Menu
• Name.2 – any meaningful name
• Content.2 – HELPTEXT.MENU ID
• Left frame definition complete
• Right Frame must be split further, hence
• Content.3 – Open.Frame
• Rows.3 is specified as Right Frame is split horizontally
• Now specify what is content for right frame, top half
• Content.Type.4 is Enq
• Content.4 is the name of the Enquiry %CUSTOMER
• Content.Type.5 is given as BLANK to accommodate all types of content here
• Frames that have been opened are closed in Content.Type.6 and Content.Type.7

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-17

To create a composite screen use the built-in composite screen called
SCREEN.DESIGNER. To launch a composite screen use the COS command. Specify COS
<space> SCREEN.DESIGNER in the command line. This will launch the composite
screen. Use the New Composite Screen link to create one. The id to your composite
screen can be any alpha numeric text.

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-18

The Composite screen created before is shown here using the SCREEN.DESIGNER

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-19

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-20
1. HELPTEXT.MENU can be used to create parent menus - True / False
Answer: True

2. In T24 default menus can be attached to the user profile based on their tasks –
True / False
Answer: True

3. COS can be used to launch the composite screen from the command line - True /
Answer: True

4. What is the use of setting a Frame as BLANK frame in COS?

Answer: Any unassigned request can be opened in a blank frame

5. To attach a menu to the user profile, HELPTEXT.MAINMENU id is specified in the

INIT.APPLICATION field of the user profile - True / False
Answer: True

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-21

T24 Menu and Composite Screens-R15 I-22

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