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good times

Thursday, May 18, 2017 The Voice of Mason County Since 1886 - Vol. 131, No. 20 $1.50


Pioneer residents share
opinions on proposals

Imagine a new central Mason

County high school with about
550 students from the Hood Ca-
nal and Pioneer school districts,
perhaps located in the Lake Lim-
erick area.
That’s one possible scenario
that emerged during a work ses-
sion and public hearing Tuesday
evening hosted by the Pioneer
Journal photo by Shawna Whelan School District. About 150 people
Cody Pierce, 2, licks the street to recover a few drops of his lollipop while his sister Ali, 4, watches him attended the forum in the Pio-
Saturday during the CHOICE High School Block Party. For more photos of the event, go to page A-16. neer Middle School gym to dis-
cuss three options for paying an
increased cost for the Shelton
School District to teach the dis-
trict’s secondary students.
The Shelton School District

Musician, 100, still hitting all the right notes see HIGH SCHOOL, page A-18


If there’s a piano in the room, Evelyn

man held
Trenchmann can be persuaded to play.
She’ll move a little slower than she
used to — at 100 years old and after a

on murder
fall last year, she uses a walker to get
around. She’ll set down her hot cocoa,
arrange her sweater and cautiously lift

the lid off the keys.
Around the dining room at Maple
Glen Senior Living, residents sip their
tea and the only sound in the quiet air
is the rustle of the morning newspaper.
When Trenchmann’s fingers hit the By MICHAEL HEINBACH
keys, it’s like it’s 1940 again as the rag-
time notes of “The Entertainer” dance
into the air. A 40-year-old woman is dead
Playing music is second nature to and her boyfriend stands ac-
Trenchmann. She was born into a fam- cused of her murder after the
ily of a dozen musicians, and she’s told woman’s body was discovered
she played her first full piece when she Journal photo by Brianna Loper May 10 in a wooded area near
was 4 years old. Evelyn Trenchmann’s hands fly over the keys as she plays “The Entertainer” Lilliwaup.
By the time she was 6, she joined her on the piano. Trenchmann turned 100 last week, and members of her former According to a Mason County
family band, and played piano on stage band, Route 66, gathered together for the chance to play with the pianist Sheriff’s Office arrest affidavit,
during community dances. again. Caleb P. Boynton of Lilliwaup
“Music practically was my life,” was apprehended by deputies
Trenchmann said. “If it wasn’t for mu- Route 66 reconvened for an encore per- been younger, started younger, so I Friday under suspicion of first-
sic, I would have dried up and died formance at Maple Glen, where Trench- could have done more.” degree murder in the death of his
somewhere along the line a long time mann lives, for the pianist’s 100th birth- girlfriend, Kerry Marie Hagelin.
ago.” day party. The other three members, all BORN INTO MUSIC When interviewed by Sheriff’s
For Trenchmann, music has always men from Canada, traveled from as far Trenchmann was born May 13, 1917, Office personnel, Boynton ad-
been about having fun, which led her to away as Edmonton for the chance to in Hartland, a town that used to exist in mitted to strangling Hagelin to
play with the four-piece band, Route 66, play with Trenchmann again. Klickitat County. She was the youngest death on May 1 and leaving her
until she was 90 years old. “I just had so much fun with music,”
Last weekend, the four members of Trenchmann said. “I wish I could have see MUSICIAN, page A-18 see COURT, page A-17

City makes changes to Law enforcement learns Despite tough week,
Franklin Street lessons from lockdown Shelton fastpitch advances
Page A-3 Page A-20 Page B-1
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

Journal photos by Gordon Weeks

The Ki-Wanna-Bees — from left, Pamela Harrell, Sarah Jacobs and Betty Brinkman — listen for their word to spell Friday at the 23rd annual Spell-E-
Bration fundraiser at the Shelton Civic Center.

Who can spell ‘thaumatology’? Librarians

William G. Reeders win Spell-E-Bration fundraiser inside.
In the first round, the Shelton Police
Bees, sponsored by the Kristmastown,
Pioneer and Shelton Kiwanis Clubs.
Department fumbled “tribology” and In that round, the Bad-Ass Librarians
By GORDON WEEKS Sound Learning is a Shelton-based The Accountables tripped over “dif- were bounced on “cabecera” and the nonprofit organization that helps fract.” But $10 donations kept those Ki-Wanna-Bees dropped the ball on
adults improve their reading, writing teams in the competition. “seapose.”
Thaumatology is the study of mir- and math skills; prepares them for But no donations could save the From the seventh round on, the
acles. On Friday night, it was a won- their GED or high school diploma; or eight teams that were eliminated in two finalist teams could not write the
drous word for the William G. Reeders teaches English for speakers of other the second round. The police depart- words down for spelling them aloud.
team at the 23rd annual Spell-E-Bra- languages. Proceeds from Spell-E-Bra- ment team failed on “coalesce,” and The Journal team misspelled “ghurry”
tion fundraiser at the Shelton Civic tion will help support the education of The Radio Fliers from iFiber One and — a water instrument for measuring
Center. as many as 200 local people. KMAS Radio dropped “stannous.” time — to open the door to the win
The trio of Jenny Grenfell, Todd Go- The event pitted 17 trios of spellers The difficulty of the words increased, by the William G. Reeders team, who
ings and Blake Bresnahan — all librar- against each other, some sporting cos- and included words in Sanskrit and Al- were sponsored by Green Diamond Re-
ians in the Timberland Library system tumes. Companies, groups and individ- gonquin. source Co.
in Mason County — spelled “thaumatol- uals paid sponsorships for the teams. Four teams remained at the start of As for total preparation, Goings,
ogy” correctly to win a long faceoff with The event also featured a silent auc- round six: the Bad-Ass Librarians from who works at the Shelton library, said
the Journal Super Spellers to place first tion, a cash swarm and the purchase of Lacey, William G. Reeders, the Jour- he studied words for an hour and a half
in the Sound Learning fundraiser. balloons for $10 that had written prizes nal Super Spellers and the Ki-Wanna- the morning of the competition.

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Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-3

Back to two-way traffic on Franklin Street

City moves to change back
two blocks downtown

The one-way traffic experiment in

front of the Mason Transit Authority
Transit-Community Center and Safe-
way is officially over.
The Shelton City Commission on
Monday voted unanimously to change
the span of Franklin Street between
Fifth and Seventh streets from one-
way back to two-way traffic.
In February and March of 2015,
the city changed a two-block span to
one-way traffic to facilitate bus traffic
and riders at the new Transit-Com-
munity Center. Two lanes became
eastbound bus-only lanes, with the
third lane for all vehicles. The city
also added angled parking on the
north side of Franklin Street, next to
But turning that stretch of Frank-
lin Street into a one-way street has
created confusion for motorists, public
works director Craig Gregory said.
Pedestrians have also “lost respect”
for that stretch of city road, and “it Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
feels like an alley” where people park The Shelton City Commission on Monday voted unanimously to change the span of Franklin Avenue between Fifth
and mill about, he told the commission- and Seventh streets from one-way back to two-way traffic.
ers on Monday.
“We would not bring this forward if parking will return to parallel parking, pleased the cost to change the recon- During the public hearing on the
we did not feel it was a safety concern,” with the loss of two spots. figuration is much lower. measure, Forrest Cooper was the only
Gregory said. The city spent $36,585 on the recon- “I’m 100 percent for this,” he said. one to step up to the microphone. He
With Monday’s move, the lane clos- figuration in 2015. It will pay $7,118 Motorists exiting the Safeway park- said he supports the changes, and
est to the Transit-Community Center to change it back, most of it in remov- ing lot onto Franklin Street must im- pointed out he opposed the reconfigu-
will remain an eastbound, bus-only ing and adding stripes and removing a mediately cross two lanes to make a ration two years ago.
lane with a 4-foot buffer lane. The lane concrete bump on Fifth Street, Grego- right on Fifth Street, Cronce said. Cooper suggested the city make the
closest to Safeway will return to a west- ry said. “It doesn’t make any sense,” he crosswalk in front of the Transit-Com-
bound general traffic lane. The angled Mayor Gary Cronce said he is said. munity Center wider.

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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


The definition of hero? Let’s bee honest for just a minute

Look up ‘Thorsness’ T
he Shelton Civic Cen- Chemistry too, was rep- we finished in the money
ter was abuzz last resented with stannous, (as they say in horse rac-
week for the return of from the Latin, stannic, ing).
the county’s biggest spelling which means it relates to or We missed it last year

he most overworked word of my life was serving with Leo, bee. contains tin. when organizers were
in the English language? a man whose service exempli- Spell-E-Bration, put on That’s right, tin. forced to put Spell-E-Bra-
Hero. fied selfless duty and devotion by adult education non- The winning word, thau- tion on hiatus due to a lack
Its usage has long departed to others,” said McCain, now a profit Sound Learning, matology, is of Greek origin of resources and organiza-
from its original dic- U.S. senator from Ari- had 17 three-person teams and is defined as the study tional retooling.
tionary meaning. Look zona. dusting off their inner- of miracles. Spelling bees are fun
it up and you will find Thorsness, too, dictionaries Friday night That magnificent word community events and
— at its meaningful followed a political during the 23rd annual was spelled correctly by they promote literacy and
core — a person “noted career. Barely a year event. the William G. Reeders, education — two causes we
for feats of courage or after repatriation as a While the stakes may made up of librarians Jenny can get behind — because
nobility of purpose, prisoner, he sought and have just been for brag- Grenfell, Todd Goings and without them, our business
especially one who has won the Republican ging rights, the fundraiser Blake Bresnahan. model falls apart.
risked or sacrificed his nomination for the U.S. for Sound Learning still The Journal’s team, It also provides a cre-
life.” Senate from South Da- handed participants plenty we’re proud to announce, ative fundraiser that fits
The overuse and By JOHN kota. He lost the race of head scratchers. placed second. Our adver- with the overarching mis-
abuse of “hero” has to Democrat George Diffract, as in diffract tising salesperson Theresa sion of Sound Learning.
sadly diminished the McGovern, himself a light through a prism to Murray joined the one-two We’re continually
word. So when true decorated fighter pilot see all of the colors of the punch of Journal designer amazed how generous our
heroism reveals itself we are in World War II and later a rainbow, joined ghurry, a Linda Frizzell and her hus- community is when it comes
obligated to recognize it in the candidate for president of the measurement of time such band, Dan. to giving back. Let’s bee
fullness of its classic meaning. United States. as an hour, which traces its We’re glad the event’s honest, this is an event that
Leo K. Thorsness was a hero Thorsness tried again two etymology to India. back and not just because needs to continue.
in the true sense of the word. years later to win a South Da-
He died this month at the age of kota U.S. House seat and lost
85. He lived a life of service and by 105 votes to Democrat Tom
sacrifice. Daschle, a future Senate major-
Col. Thorsness never stopped ity leader.
in his quest to serve. He was in His quest to serve never left
his F-105 fighter-bomber over Thorsness, and he finally did
Hanoi when enemy missiles win elective office right here in
brought him down. Just 11 days Washington. In 1988, he won a
before, Thorsness had maneu- seat in the state Senate, repre-
vered his craft to save two of senting a district that encom-
his comrades whose plane had passed part of Seattle, Renton
crash-landed in enemy territory. and Kent. Four years later, he
They’ve told the story many tried, again unsuccessfully, to
times. Thorsness fought off four win a Republican primary for a
MiGs to keep them away from U.S. Senate seat from Washing-
the downed fliers. As he provid- ton.
ed cover for rescue helicopters, A fellow prisoner at the Ha-
he ran dangerously low on fuel. noi Hilton admired Thorsness
Still, he radioed an airborne for his ambition and dedication
tanker to ignore his situation to serve his country. “If he’d
and refuel other aircraft. made it to the Senate in ’74,
Then, the fighter-bomber, he might easily have been on
now running on fumes, a national ticket,” said Orson
Thorsness successfully glided Swindle, who suffered in the
his jet 70 miles to safety. For his Hanoi Hilton with Thorsness.
heroism, he received the Medal “It didn’t work out that way, but
of Honor. he served his country so honor-
It was an honor never men- ably.”
tioned for six years. It was kept Nobility of purpose at the
quiet because Thorsness had risk and sacrifice of his life is
been captured and imprisoned the classic meaning of the word
when he was shot down April hero. Leo Thorsness honors the
19, 1967. The military didn’t word.
want the enemy to know it had
a Medal of Honor winner in n John Komen, who lives on
their prison. Mason Lake, was for 40 years
It was at the Hanoi Hilton, a reporter and editor, a Seattle
and Thorsness was there for television news executive and an-
six years, his first year in soli- chorman, national TV network
tary confinement under terrible news correspondent, producer,
torture. In subsequent years, columnist, editorial writer and
he was imprisoned in a tiny commentator. His column, Ko-
cell with John McCain and two men Comment, appears each
other American captives. week in the Shelton-Mason
“One of the greatest honors County Journal.


The Shelton-Mason County Owned and published by Advertising: Composing room:

Journal is a member of the Wash- Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. John Lester, ad manager William Adams, technology and
USPS 492-800 ington Newspaper Publishers Theresa Murray, ad representative design manager
Association. Publisher: Tom Mullen Linda Frizzell, graphics
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mason Front office:
County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Newsroom: Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper All editorial, advertising and legal
$42 per year ($33 for six months) Adam Rudnick, editor Dave Pierik, circulation and deadlines are 5 p.m. the Monday
Published weekly by the Mason County Journal for Mason County addresses; Gordon Weeks, reporter classifieds manager prior to publication.
at 227 W. Cota St., Shelton, Washington. $56 per year ($43 for six months) in Brianna Loper, reporter
Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 the state of Washington but outside Michael Heinbach, reporter Delivery: To submit a letter to the editor,
Telephone: (360) 426-4412  Mason County; and $66 per year Alexandra Smith, sports reporter Paul Kinnaird, Gary Larimer email
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Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-5


America needs more welders, fewer philosophers

merica needs more $40,000 a year with good positions will need to be filled the average heavy equipment interpret and apply instruc-
welders and fewer benefits. Those who com- over the next decade as Baby operator in Seattle earned tions from manuals and blue-
philosophers,” pro- plete further training and Boomers retire, and 2 million more than $93,000 a year in prints.
claimed Florida Sen. Marco gather job-site experience of those jobs could remain wages and benefits. Mastering a craft is hard
Rubio during the can earn in excess of vacant because of manufac- Still, these jobs go vacant work, requiring long hours
2016 presidential $100,000 annually. turing’s fading appeal to mil- — and the situation will only and persistence.
campaign. Welders with spe- lennials. worsen as skilled craft work- The good news is that this
He hit the nail cial skills working “Boeing is well aware ers retire. “The average age shortage leaves millennials
on the head without on pipelines, with of the risks: Shortages of of a skilled craftsman such as with a great opportunity.
disrespecting phi- exotic metals, and skilled workers from a a carpenter is 49; welder, 55; There isn’t a shortage in work.
losophers. on underwater proj- smaller, mid-1990s exodus plumber, 56; and stonemason, There’s a shortage in work-
Industry News re- ects command even contributed to a factory melt- 69,” reported Phil Crone, ex- ers, Industry News concluded.
ported that in 1988, greater wages. down that halted production ecutive officer of the Dallas “Rather than spending four to
there were 570,000 There is another of its cash cow, the 737. So Builders Association in 2014. six years in school and selling
welders compared financial advantage. earlier this year, the manu- My father was a World your soul just to be there, you
to the 360,000 in BRUNELL Welding students facturer carefully structured War II vet who used the GI can complete a trade-specific
2012. Considering generally don’t face a voluntary layoff aimed bill to become a journeyman program in just two years
the manufacturing and con- the crushing financial debt at retirement-age workers, electrician. He rose through with better potential job secu-
struction sectors have boomed from student loans. The aver- staggering the departures the ranks to become a master rity to boot.”
in recent years, the growing age university undergradu- of 1,057 machinists to avoid electrician and made a good The bottom line is skilled
shortage of welders is trouble- ate borrower owes $30,100, massive disruptions,” Bloom- living for his family. His skills workers are vital to bring-
some. Even worse, the Ameri- according to The Institute of berg report added. and experience landed him ing manufacturing back to
can Welding Society estimates College Access and Success. Nationally, an estimated coveted jobs as the electri- America.
a 290,000 job deficit by 2020. That means they’ll be paying 3 million jobs are available cal superintendent of multi-
This shortage is primarily about $300 a month over 10 in the skilled trades – electri- million-dollar construction n Don C. Brunell is a business
due to the large number of years. cians, plumbers, manufac- projects, housing complicated, analyst, writer and columnist.
welders reaching retirement Welding is just one ex- turing workers, pipefitters, high-voltage machinery. He retired as president of the
age and fewer young men and ample of America’s shortage of mechanics, appliance repair, Just as any craftsman to- Association of Washington
women signing up for welding skilled workers. computer techs and welders. day, he had to master math, Business, the state’s oldest and
classes. Bloomberg reports U.S. Traditionally known as blue science and engineering — the largest business organization,
It is not a matter of pay. companies are grappling with collar jobs, they routinely pay skills we now commonly as- and now lives in Vancouver.
A welder with basic skills this looming scarcity. Almost $40,000 to $60,000 a year. Ac- sociate with STEM education. He can be contacted at
can start at approximately 3.5 million manufacturing cording to in 2014, He also had to learn to read,


Plant sale was a

great event
Editor, the Journal
On May 12 and 13, the Hood Canal
Kiwanis conducted their Spring Fling
Plant Sale. Proceeds from this sale
are donated to the Hood Canal School
to assist in non-budgeted student ac-
tivities. The location of the sale was
provided by the Hood Canal Masonic
Lodge near the junction of Highway
101 and state Route 106. The plants
sold were provided by the horticulture
department at the Washington Correc-
tions Center in Shelton. I believe this
is a great example of three entities in
Mason County cooperating to provide
support to our young people. Truly a
group effort.

George Bowen

Crosswalks in
city baffling
Editor, the Journal
Red crosswalks? “Sparkle?”
Is it really fiscally responsible to
spend taxpayer money this way?
White crosswalks are bright and
reflective, easy to see for drivers and
pedestrians, especially in the rainy the lines, if there isn’t a good asphalt happening again with the overcrowd- preventable. Being a reactive, not a
season. foundation, it won’t “sparkle” for long. ing. proactive group, is what happened the
Red tends to be darker, harder to Opening a new wing is dangerous whole time I was employed by the jail.
see (one of the reasons the fire trucks Valerie Martin and has many problems. Plus, some I worked with the union to get a de-
were painted yellow instead of the Shelton things don’t work, and corners and cent wage and a safe place to work for
“normal” red). parts of the interior are blind to the most of my time in the jail. We never
A quick Google search shows that
the Washington State Department of Jail concerns are camera.
Another problem is when the sheriff
got the jail to be as safe is it could be
or a new one funded or asked for by
Transportation regulations, Chapter saves money given to him in his budget the commissioners. Now if they ask
1030.04 defines a crosswalk line as “a serious business and it is taken away for sewer projects, for one they need to promise to fund
series of parallel solid white lines used which should be funded separately. enough staff to run it safely and keep
to define a pedestrian crossing.” Has Editor, the Journal Many departments who save or give it open. The staff should have input
this regulation been changed? Has the The employees of the Mason County back money have it thrown away with on how it’s put together or it will have
city confirmed that the color change is Jail and the inmates have been given a backhoe and saved with a teaspoon. more of the same problems with safety
allowed? a bad deal for years. Fiscal problems are everywhere, so I and security that are now obvious.
In this day and age of distracted I retired after 27.7 years of prom- know this is not an easy job being a Refer to the Thurston County jail
driving, would the city be adding to ises, uninformed construction and county commissioner. Being sued for debacle, which kept the new jail un-
the problem by taking away clearly leaking or nonexistent roofing. The hot stupid and easily fixed things is not a manned and not open for many years.
visible markings and replacing them water was a problem a while back and good way to spend our tax money.
with something that is harder to see? was let go for too long. Doing so was A wise person once said if you can Cynthia Brehmeyer
No matter what color you paint against the inmates’ civil rights. It is see it coming (it’s predictable) it is Matlock
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

Protecting Mason County waters for shellfish

Officials: Leaking septics, animal sea life, she said.
Garlich documented how a week of
waste, oil runoff pose threats shellfish harvesting affects her com-
With no income for the week, the
By GORDON WEEKS company pays $4,000 in expenses, mostly in salaries to its five employees;
buyers also wonder if they need to find
There are 105 shellfish growing ar- another shellfish source, perhaps in
eas in Washington, and 18 of them are Canada, she said.
located in Mason County. They stretch It’s not just the shellfish industry
from the shores of Hama Hama Oys- that benefits from clean water in Ma-
ter Co. alongside the Hamma Hamma son County, Garlich said. Locals and
River to the north, to the Skookum and tourists love to swim in local water,
Totten inlets to the south. and the tourism industry provides
Mason County residents can help many jobs, she said.
keep those waters cleaner for shellfish Erica Marbet, a water resources
by maintaining their septic systems, biologist for the Squaxin Island Wa-
preventing oil spills from their cars and ter Resources Department, takes
avoiding over-fertilizing their lawns. samples from the mouths of the
That’s the advice from three experts creeks that feed into the saltwater in
who talked Tuesday about water qual- the region. Her department tries to
ity at a forum sponsored by the League Journal file photo by Brianna Loper identify where the contaminants are
of Women Voters of Mason County at Experts say Mason County residents can help keep area waters cleaner for coming from, including runoff from
the Olympic College Shelton library. shellfish by maintaining their septic systems, preventing oil spills from their farms.
Lawrence Sullivan, the shellfish cars and avoiding over-fertilizing their lawns. Marbet said Mason County provides
restoration program supervisor for the an excellent data sharing service in
state Department of Health, tests for Sullivan was asked if the City of fish growing areas are rural. There is tracking and updating septic system
fecal coliform bacteria and determines Shelton’s wastewater treatment plant basically no shellfish gathering in repairs throughout the county.
if the water is clean enough for shell- above Eagle Point poses a problem to Puget Sound from Tacoma to Everett, “This is the evidence of their dili-
fish harvesting. Oakland Bay. he said. gence,” she said.
“We’re looking for sources of poop,” Last month, part of nearby Ham- Emily Garlich, a co-founder of Ka- But neighborhoods being developed
he said. mersley Inlet was closed to shellfish milche Sea Farm on Totten Inlet, said upland from seawater produce waste
His department classifies growing harvesting following the discovery the location of her family farm was from dogs and horses, and push ani-
areas as approved, conditionally ap- of harvested oysters that made some picked for its deep water and good mals such as raccoons closer to creeks,
proved and prohibited. Shellfish har- people sick. The Department of Health currents. Her business sells mussels Marbet said.
vesting is prohibited in the downtown still does not the source of the contami- wholesale and to restaurants, includ- That leads to “the ticking up of the
Shelton harbor, while Oakland Bay, nant. ing in California, Florida and the Port- loading of bacteria” that can cause “an
Pickering Passage and parts of Hood Sullivan replied that the city is “do- land area. outbreak that can’t be pinpointed,” she
Canal 6 are conditionally approved, he ing what they’re supposed to do” with The waters of the South Sound pro- said.
said. the waste at the plant. The federal gov- vide “fabulous food” for shellfish, Gar- “As someone who collects data,
“Oakland Bay is a success story,” he ernment will inspect the plant to see lich said. the outlook is poor as the population
said. “This is the first year we haven’t how large rainstorms affect the flows But contaminated runoff from grows,” Marbet said.
seen it on our threatened list.” from the plant, which is shut down if upland farms, over-fertilized lawns To better protect the quality of its
It’s tough to identify possible sourc- an inch of rain falls in 24 hours, he and leaking septic tanks is finding water, Mason County needs “secure,
es of contamination and manage them, said. its way into the sea water, with too perpetual control of water as a basic
he said. Sullivan pointed out that most shell- much plankton and nitrogen killing government service,” she said.

The Journal is proud to announce

winning second place at the
2017 Spell-E-Bration Community Spelling Bee
and having the opportunity to support literacy in Mason County.
Team members (from left to right): Theresa Murray, Linda Frizzell, Dan Frizzell
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-7

Shelton man facing Police: Auto thefts down in 2017

charges of child rape By MICHAEL HEINBACH known as the Club to citizens host a Business Watch Academy, at no cost and hosted three bi- providing the local business com-
By MICHAEL HEINBACH lingual community meetings munity with crime-prevention The Shelton Police Depart- on the subject. Police say the techniques, information about
ment reported a significant drop meetings resulted in a 57 per- crime reporting and the informa-
A 31-year-old Shelton man is behind bars, facing in reported car-theft incidents cent drop in vehicle thefts since tion-exchange process between
multiple charges of first-degree rape of a child and through the first four months of March 1 compared to the same Shelton businesses and the police.
possession of child pornography. the year. period a year ago. Classes will be held from 5:30 to 7
According to a Mason County Sheriff’s Office book- In a news release issued May The Shelton Police Depart- p.m. today, Tuesday and May 25
ing/intake report to Mason County Jail and docu- 11, the department noted that be- ment recently secured more grant at the department headquarters
ments obtained from the Mason County Clerk’s Of- tween January and April it had funding to supply residents with in the Shelton Civic Center.
fice, Joshua Paul Penn was arrested April 10 after received 15 reports of auto theft, an additional 50 anti-theft devic- Attendance is free, but reser-

a woman called MACECOM, 911 dispatcher for the as compared to 28 reports during es. A limited number remained vations are required for the Busi-
county, the day before to report images of child por- the same period in 2016. available at the department ness Watch Academy. Citizens
nography on Penn’s phone. In March, through a grant headquarters at 525 W. Cota St. can RSVP by calling 426-2021
The report states that when interviewed by detec- from the Washington Auto as of the Journal’s press time. or sending an email to info@
tives after being read his Miranda rights, Penn vol- Theft Prevention Authority, the In a partnership with the Shel- For more in-
untarily showed Sheriff’s Office deputies images and Shelton Police distributed 50 ton-Mason County Chamber of formation about the academy, go
video recordings on his phone of Penn engaging in auto-theft prevention devices Commerce, the department will to
sexual activities with a child, now 2 years old.
Penn reportedly told detectives he had four such
encounters with the child, all occurring about a year
ago in the Lake Limerick area of Shelton and sur-
rendered his phone and an old phone with additional
images of child pornography to the Sheriff’s Office.
Penn was arraigned in Mason County Superior
Court on April 12 on four counts of first-degree rape
JUNE 1 - 4 “Forests of the Future!” FREE
of a child and four charges of exploitation of a minor. Shelton, Wash family fun!
Penn pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Penn has been in custody of Mason County Jail

7 M A S O N C O U N T
1 Y
since his arrest and was scheduled for his pretrial
omnibus hearing Monday morning in Mason County

2 0 E S T F E S T IVAL
Superior Court. That hearing was postponed to May

22, when the remainder of his trial schedule will be
Prior to Monday’s postponement, the case was
scheduled for a pretrial hearing May 30 with the trial
to start the week of June 13. Those dates will likely
be pushed back at Monday’s scheduled omnibus hear-
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Showtimes for May 19 - 21

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Oakland Bay Junior High
Shelton WA


See our subscription special on page A-14
Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

County gives OK to Jacoby Shorecrest improvements


The Mason County Commission gave the go-ahead

Tuesday morning to look for funding to make im-
provements to the boat ramp at Jacoby Shorecrest
County Park.
Along with the additional seven items on the
day’s action agenda, the commission gave approval
for Frank Pinter, county support services director,
to seek state Recreation and Conservation Office
funding to make improvements to the ramp during a
meeting at commission chambers in downtown Shel-
The 2.8-acre park, which sits along the banks of
Hammersley Inlet off Agate Road and features a
small picnic area in addition to the boat launch, is
open year-round.
“We’ve heard that it’s very difficult to get a boat in
and out of the water there and what we’re hoping is
this will be the monies for a pre-design of a dock that
would go alongside the boat ramp,” District 3 Com-
missioner Terri Jeffreys said. “So the folks that use
that boat ramp or are looking for another boat ramp
to use to get into the South Sound and the Hammers-
ley Inlet area, this, should we be successful in getting
the grant money to build it, this will be a really good
improvement for them.”
The commission also unanimously approved the
nomination of Kevin Frankeberger to retain his seat Journal photo by Michael Heinbach
on the county’s Board of Equalization, comprised of The boat ramp at Jacoby Shorecrest County Park in Shelton may be getting a facelift after the Mason
three members and an alternate. Frankeberger is County Commission on Tuesday went forward with plans to seek grant funding to make improvements
currently listed on the county’s website as the board’s at the 2.8-acre park along Hammersley Inlet.
vice chair.
“We had a number of qualified applicants who Belfair with hopes of involving North Mason County should go forward, but those are not ripe and ready
came forward,” said commission chair Kevin Shutty. residents. However, without an issue facing residents for discussion on the 30th. I’ve had a couple of people
“But I have no issue with reappointing (Frankeberg- in the northern portion of the county on future agen- tell me that whether or not we have a topic (concern-
er). I think it’s good for stability and continuity on the das, the commission chose to forgo a May 30 meeting ing North Mason residents), it’s important that we
Board of Equalization.” in Belfair after receiving the OK from District 1 com- be there on that fifth Tuesday and I wanted to have
Another action the commission took was scrapping missioner and North Mason resident Randy Neath- a discussion about whether you think that without
its tentative plan to meet at 6 p.m. May 30 in Belfair. erlin, who had missed the previous two weeks while an agenda item if you think it would be important
The county commission holds regular board meetings on vacation. to have a meeting in Belfair for public input or not.”
at 9 a.m. Tuesday mornings in Shelton, with a 6 p.m. “When you were gone, Commissioner Neatherlin, Neatherlin replied that without an agenda item
meeting the fourth Tuesday of each month. When we had discussion about whether or not we should of specific concern to North Mason residents, he felt
a month has a fifth Tuesday, as it does this month, have the fifth Tuesday meeting in Belfair,” Jeffreys meeting in Belfair would be unnecessary.
the commission generally holds a night meeting in said. “I had a couple of discussion items I thought “To go through all that and do it for nothing, it’s
kind of hard for me to request that,” Neatherlin said.
“I would like to do it, but how can you request (hav-
ing a meeting in Belfair) if there’s nothing to bring
Mason County Items approved within the meeting’s action agen-
da included:

Law Enforcement n An amendment allowing county departments

other than the Mason County Sheriff’s Office to
transfer up to $15,000 annually between salary ben-
Torch Run for efit expenditures to operating expenditures without
changing the department’s budget total. The Sher-

Special Olympics iff’s Office will be allowed a transfer amount of up to

$50,000 a year.
n Authorization of Pinter to seek RCO funding for
Thursday, June 1st 2017 the multipurpose field-improvement project for the
Hood Canal School District.
n The modification of a participating agreement
between the U.S. Forest Service and the county’s
The public and local area businesses are encouraged Noxious Weed Control Board, allowing the continua-
to cheer on Law Enforcement Torch Runners and Special Olympians tion of the noxious weed control program.
n Authorization for submission of a Federal High-
as they run the torch route through Mason County. way Safety Improvement Program grant application
that upon approval would provide Mason County
with an estimated $750,000 to $1,000,000.
Help us raise funds for Special Olympics by The commission is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m.
supporting local Law Enforcement in the 2017 Tuesday in commission chambers.

Special Olympics Torch Run. Donations Participating Law Enforcement

can be made via the web at: Agencies include: May 26 & 27 Fri & Sat 6pm - 9pm Mason County Sheriff’s Office
or by contacting Shelton Police Department
Lt. Travis Adams at: Squaxin Island Tribal Police
-4 Unbroke horses -4 Round pens
360-427-9670 ext. 313, email: Washington State Department of Corrections
-4 Horse Trainers Washington State Fish & Wildlife
Tickets $15
Washington State Parks

You may also support the cause

Washington State Patrol
by purchasing a $20 Torch Run Stick Horse Ranch
t-shirt from the Sheriff’s Office Mason County Fire & EMS Providers
(formerly Flying M Stables)
Start Point – 8:00 a.m. 6/1/17. Belfair Safeway parking lot area. Run through the Belfair area 3922 113th Ave. SW
past businesses for1 mile to North Precinct along sidewalk Olympia
– 8:15 to 8:20 North Mason High School and run around the HS and Middle School
– 8:25 to 8:45 Fire Station 5-3 (2520 Mason Benson Rd.)
– 9:35 to 10:25 Fire Station 5-4 (21 E. Saint Andrews Dr) Watch and listen as 4
- 11:05 to 11:30 Fire Station 9-2 (50 E. Road Runner Dr.) Natural Horsemanship
- 11:45 to 11:55 Alderbrook Resort & Spa.
- 12:20 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Washington State Correction Center (2321 W Dayton Airport Rd)
Trainers gentle, start, and
- 12:40 to 12:45 WSP Academy (631 W Dayton Airport Rd) ride 6 unbroke horses.
– 12:45 to 12:50 Shelton HS and around HS;
~continue down Shelton Springs Rd turning right onto Wallace Kneeland Blvd; ~turn left onto Olympic Hwy North; turn right onto 7th St;
~turn left onto Railroad Ave; ~turn left onto Front St; ~turn right onto Pine St/SR 3; ~end at Shelton Yacht Club. – 2:30 to 3:30 Little Creek Casino Bring your own chairs.

To learn more about LETR, call 202 628 3630 or visit: 808-269-3408
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-9


County receives condition of the three injured in the

collision was unknown as of the Jour-

Certificate of Good nal’s press time.

Practices accolade Kreidler to hold

Tuesday morning during a Ma-
son County Commissioners meeting public forum
in Shelton, commission chair Kevin
Shutty presented Sarah Grice, county Tuesday
Public Works Department engineer-
ing and construction manager, with a State of Washington Insurance
Certificate of Good Practices, issued Commissioner Mike Kreidler will hold
by County Road Administration Board a public forum titled “The State of the
executive director Jay P. Weber. State’s Health Insurance” from 6 to
In an email to the county, Weber 8 p.m. May 23 at the Mason County
stated the certificate ensures the con- PUD 3 building, 2621 E. Johns Prairie
tinued distribution of monthly state Road in Shelton.
gas tax allotment from the state’s A suggested donation of $5 for the
Treasurer’s Office. 35th Legislative District Democrats
“I just wanted to share that you will be accepted at the door.
folks (the Public Works Department) For more information, contact Mar-
are outstanding,” said Commissioner cia Hamilton at marciahamilton@msn.
Terri Jeffreys. “I thank you very much com or go to
for your professionalism, No. 1, and
No. 2, just the responsiveness to the
commissioners as we come to you.
We hear from our constituents who
Juvenile Court
have issues, we bring them to (Public
Works) and the quick response and
seeking volunteers
everything is just amazing.”
Mason County Juvenile Court is
seeking volunteers for three programs
Sheriff’s Office — Community Accountability Board,
Court Appointed Special Advocates

seeks possible and Truancy Board members.

The Community Accountability
Board will work with low-level and
voyeurism victims first-time offenders and their guard-
ians in providing accountability.
The Mason County Sheriff’s Office Court Appointed Special Advocates LITTLE CREEK CASINO RESOR T
is asking for the assistance of possible will provide a voice for abused and /or
additional victims of a suspected voy- neglected children in Mason County
eur in an ongoing home invasion case. Dependency Court and complete inde-
Chase Garner of Shelton was ar- pendent and objective investigations
rested April 27 and charged May 15 for the court to promote the child’s
with seven counts of voyeurism, three best interest. Truancy Board members
For Tickets Visit The Box Office, Online or Call 800.667.7711
counts each of residential burglary will assist youths, their guardians and
and possession of a stolen firearm, two other volunteers in identifying and ad-
counts of theft of a firearm and one dressing barriers to school attendance;

count of first-degree burglary. Gar- correct truant youths and their fami-
ner pleaded not guilty and his trial is lies with community-based services;
scheduled to begin June 27. and strengthen collaboration between

According to court documents, schools and families.
about 100 photos of feet belonging to To volunteer or for more informa-
Garner’s alleged victims were found tion, contact Mike Dunn at 427-9670,
on the 22-year-old man’s phone. Three ext. 334, or at
photos contain images of feet that
have yet to be identified, leading the STORM DAMAGE?
Sheriff’s Office to believe more victims Crime Victim
have yet to come forward.
To view the news release and the
related photographs, go to http://bit.
Service Center CALL A-1!
Those with information about the
offers assistance
case are asked to contact the Sheriff’s
The Crime Victim Service Center of
Office at 427-967, ext. 327.
Lewis and Mason Counties, a consor-
tium of trained advocates providing
One dead, three free and confidential services, is offer-
ing help to victims of crimes including

injured in state assault, robbery, arson, identity theft,

elder abuse, burglary, hate crimes,
vehicular assault, DUI injuries and
Route 3 crash property crimes. Domestic violence
and sexual assault victims will be re-
A 58-year-old Tahuya man died fol- ferred to other appropriate resources.
lowing a head-on car accident about Advocacy services offered include
8:40 a.m. Monday on state Route 3, crisis intervention, information and
about a mile east of Mason Lake Road referrals to community resources,
in Shelton. systems and legal advocacy, outreach,
According to limited information safety planning, jail notifications, as-
from the Washington State Patrol, Mark sistance applying for crime victims’
Billings died at the scene after this 1995 compensation, and explanation of
pickup he was driving southbound rear- statutory rights of crime victims.
ended a 2009 Nissan pickup traveling Victims don’t have to file a police
in front of Billings, then crossed over report and a criminal case doesn’t
into the other lane of traffic, colliding need to be pursued in order to access
head-on with a 2000 Chevrolet pickup services of the Crime Victims Service
traveling northbound. A WSP report on Center.
the accident was not available to the To speak with an advocate, call the
Journal as of its deadline. 24-hour hotline at 1-888-288-9221.
The 37-year-old Shelton man driv- Mason County victims can call 426-
ing the Chevy was airlifted to Har- 9726, ext. 3105, Mondays through
borview Medical Center with undis- Fridays. To learn more about the pro-
closed injuries. His passenger and the gram, go to
34-year-old Tacoma woman driving The center has an office in Shelton, Serving Western Washington for 42 years
the vehicle that was rear-ended were located at 807 W. Railroad Ave. Call (360) 432-0296
transported to Mason General Hospi-

tal & Family of Clinics in Shelton. The n Compiled by reporter Michael Heinbach
Page A-10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

for Mom
Annual local event raises money
for ovarian cancer research

Journal photos by Shawna Whelan

The Dodge family poses for a photo before the start of the 2017 Mother’s Day Dash on May 14,
an annual fundraising event on Mother’s Day for The Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer

The Mother’s Day

Dash takes off
from the starting
line in front of
Huff ‘n’ Puff
trail. Seventy
two registered
runners finished
the race along
with about half a
dozen babies in
jogging strollers.

Fred Norrick finishes the race while pushing a

jogging stroller

Justina Middleton smiles broadly as she receives

an award for her age category.
From right, Shelby Conklin and Krisy Henry finish together. Conklin’s winning battle with cancer
was the reason for the founding of the Mother’s Day Dash.

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Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-11


Prices Starting
at $15 per show.
Visit our website
for more info!

Courtesy photo
Shelton High School students, from left, Matthew Rossow and Jewelianna
Graden and New Market Skills Center instructor Megan Ritchie attended
the Washington State Leadership and Skills Competition in Yakima. Rossow
earned a gold medal in nursing assisting, and Graden earned a gold medal
in basic healthcare in the regional competition.

Shelton High class 9 p.m. today in the school’s Performing

Arts Center.

of 1987 reunites The program is open to the public

and will recognize class of 2017 se-
niors receiving scholarships and aca-
in August demic honors.
Gear Up will host a pre-event social
The Shelton High School class of at 5 p.m. for seniors and their families
1987 is seeking members for its 30- in the school’s Student Union Build-
year reunion Aug. 4-6. The group has ing.
reserved 15 rooms at the Tumwater Clubs and organizations that will
La Quinta. Contact Brian Ireland at offer scholarships to Shelton High
280-6060. School students are encouraged to
come to awards night to present their
award in person.
Tonight’s Shelton For more information, contact
Jolene Scott during school hours at
schools forum or 426-
canceled Kids Don’t Just “Forget” to Eat. Forgetful Leads to Forgotten

The Shelton School District forum

Camp Out and Together We Can Change These Pictures.
scheduled for tonight at Olympic Mid-
dle School has been canceled.
Read event at United Way of Mason County doesn’t do it alone.
Evergreen Your immediate response is essential in order to
continue services for:
Youthful standup Evergreen Elementary School in Backpacks for Children
comics tonight at downtown Shelton will host its second
annual Camp Out and Read event Hot nutritious meals for Seniors
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friday at the
CHOICE school at 900 W. Franklin St.
Shelter, food and clothes for homeless children and families
Support for families with disabled children
The event includes tents set up for

The Next Picture Depends on You.

Local youthful comedians who storytelling, Reader’s Theatre, read-
trained at Youthsound’s comedy work- ings by staff members, a campfire
shops will perform at the “I’ve Got sing-along and more.
Nothing” Standup Comedy Show at 7 Timberland Library and South Please Donate today:
p.m. today at CHOICE High School, Sound Learning will also provide ac- Payroll Deduction
807 W. Pine St., downtown Shelton. tivities. By Mail/In Person:
Admission is free, but donations 724 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton
will be accepted.
Youthsound, the Washington State
University Behavioral Health Work
Ye receives R.C. Online:
Corporate Sponsorship Available:
Force Collaborative, Shelton Innova-
tors After School program, CHOICE Flyers scholarship Call 360.426.4999

and Mason Public Health will present

Your Tax-Deductible Gift Stays in Mason County - Thank You!
The Sanderson Field R.C. Flyers
the show. Nicole Ash Bailey will host.
of Shelton recently awarded a $700
scholarship to Ziming (Jimmy) Ye of
Shelton High Shelton, a 2017 honors graduate of
Shelton High School.

Senior Award Ye plans to study aeronautical and

aerospace engineering at the Univer-
sity of Washington.
Night tonight He wants to be an aeronautical en-
Shelton High School will host its
annual Senior Award Night from 7 to n Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
Page A-12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

More candidates file


for November election

By MICHAEL HEINBACH ond, four-year term, filed on Tuesday morning, according to the county’s
Three challengers and the incum- In total, 34 candidates had filed with
bent had filed to run for the Shelton the county to run for approximately 60
City Commission seat on the ballot in offices up for election on the Nov. 7 bal-
November’s general election as of Tues- lot.
day. Prospective candidates for offices,
Kevin Dorcy, Eric Onisko and Jacob including county clerk, port commis-
Dreifus have thrown their hats into the sioners, school board members, and

Princess ring to challenge Tracy Moore for the

Commissioner of Streets and Public
Improvement seat she holds.
cemetery, hospital and water district
commissioners, have until 4:30 p.m.
Friday to file their candidacy with the
Hello, my name is Princess. I am a at Adopt-A-Pet so we can meet. Dorcy, Onisko and Dreifus each Auditor’s Office. Candidates may file in
healthy 77-pound, brindle, Mastiff/ Adopt-A-Pet has many great filed for candidacy with the Mason person at the Auditor’s Office, located
Rottweiler mix. I play well with other dogs and always need volunteers. County Auditor’s Office on Monday’s in the county administration building,
dogs, I have been around kids, I get To see all our current dogs, visit first day of the weeklong filing pe- 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, or on online
along with cats, and this means I, Facebook riod, while Moore, running for a sec- at
would be happy in any environment! at “Adopt-A-Pet of Shelton
I love being around people, have a Washington” or at the shelter on
sweet demeanor, and would enjoy Jensen Road in Shelton. For more
spending time with you on walks,
and watching movies. I have a slight
information, visit thedoghouse3091@ or 360-432-3091. WHO’S FILED SO FAR? Petz.
Port of Shelton Commissioner — Kristy Buck.
limp on my right hind leg but it
doesn’t slow me down. I’ll be waiting Mason County Clerk — Sharon Fogo. Southside School District Board Member No.
City of Shelton Commissioner of Streets 4 — Don Pogreba.
Furry Friends Looking for a Home and Public Improvement — Kevin Dorcy, Eric
Onisko, Jacob Dreifus, Tracy Moore.
Southside School District Board Member No.
5 — Edward Haigh.
Sponsored by: Mason County Fire District 3 Commissioner Grapeview School District Board Member
— Nancy A. Montgomery. No. 1 — Thomas Anderson.
We have created a Mason County Fire District 4 Commissioner Grapeview School District Board District 1
low-stress, healthy — Dean Hirschi. — Timothy Gero.
environment Mason County Fire District 5 Commissioner Elma School District Board Member District
with soft lighting, — Tom Nevers. 5 — Teresa Boling.
music, a regular Mason County Fire District 9 Commissioner Shelton School District Board Member No.
exercise program, — Shelley George. 3 — Sally Karr.
and frequent, Mason County Fire District 11 Commissioner Shelton School District Board Member No.
individualized 1 — Sally Brownfield.
(360) 426-3052 — Kelly Frazier.
attention. We treat
Mason County Fire District 17 Commissioner Mary M. Knight School District Board Mem-
270 SE Spring Place every pet with
— Pat O’Brien. ber No. 2 — Shawn Donnelly.
Shelton, Washington 98584 affection, respect,
E-mail: and kindness. Mason County Fire District 18 Commissioner Mary M. Knight School District Board Mem-
20543 No. 1 — Ken Weaver. ber No. 1 — Leroy T. Valley.
Mason County Fire District 18 Commissioner Pioneer School District Board Member No.
No. 2 — Gail R. Cochran. 5 — James “Mike” Felton.
North Mason Regional Fire Authority Com- North Mason School District Board Member
missioner No. 2 — Brooke Quigley. No. 2 — Leanna K. Krotzer.
North Mason Regional Fire Authority Com- North Mason School District Board Member
missioner No. 3 — Dan Kewish. No. 5 — Craig Patti.
Public Hospital District 1 Commissioner No. Hood Canal School District Board Member
2 — Don E. Wilson. No. 4 — Teddie L. Hamby.
Public Hospital District 1 Commissioner No. Hartstene Pointe Water District Commis-
3 — Gayle M. Weston. sioner — Robert Scarola.
Port of Allyn Commissioner — Ted Jackson, Maggie Lake Water District Commissioner
Houston M. Hamilton. — Elizabeth “Betty” Matthews.
Port of Grapeview Commissioner — Glenn Carlson.
Port of Hoodsport Commissioner — Michael n Updated as of Tuesday afternoon

City considers funds for

Pee Wee Reese World Series
By GORDON WEEKS the event. The games will be staged at Cal-
lanhan Park, the Shelton High School
The Shelton City Commission on field and at the Mason County Recre-
Monday gave preliminary approval to ation Area.
giving $30,000 in lodging tax money to The three commissioners concurred
the American Amateur Baseball Con- with the recommendation. The request
gress to help stage the Pee Wee Reese will be addressed as an action item at
World Series this summer. the commission’s meeting at 2 p.m.
The group had requested $50,000 Monday.
toward hosting the event from July 31 Mayor Gary Cronce said the city
through Aug. 8 in Shelton. doesn’t often get opportunities such as
The city’s Lodging Tax Advisory this.
Committee met on April 27, and rec- “This has the potential to be a big
ommended giving the organization deal,” he said,
$30,000. Cronce said he hopes the Pee Wee
Andy Arnes, the city’s communica- Reese World Series becomes an an-
tions and economic development of- nual event in Shelton. The event gives
ficer, told the commission the event is youths in the area something to do, he
expected to draw 24 teams of players said.
ages 12 and younger from the United Commissioner Tracy Moore said she
States and Canada. He said organizers is encouraged by the potential to gener-
expect 2,000 to 3,000 people to attend ate spending in Shelton.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-13


Policy, civics and seniors

n order to achieve lasting change, Senior centers owned by a govern-
it is important to take an approach ment agencies (which are the majority
that addresses policy, systems and of centers) are already exempt from
environment in your efforts. What property tax. Those that are not are
does that mean? required to pay thousands of
A good example of a policy
change that led the way to sav-
dollars of taxes on the build-
ings they raised the money Learn The Skills
ing lives is the law that turned to purchase or build in the
“buckling up” into an automatic first place. They provide a
response when we get inside a
vehicle. Prior to the law, many
needed service and do it all
from fundraising and rental
Master the concepts
cars didn’t even have seat belts fees for use of their space.
installed in them. We owned
a 1965 Mustang that had the
Three years ago, the senior
center in Shelton started Enjoy the game
interior replaced, but if there bingo karaoke nights to help
were seat belts in the car pay its taxes. It’s grown into
previously, they hadn’t been a very popular event, with
reinstalled after the renovation. I can anyone over 21 years of age welcome
remember my husband using a rope to attend. What I find exciting is that
to tie our preschool-age daughter into it will now be able to use the money
the car. My gosh, thinking back on earned to put directly back into its
it now, there is no way I would allow facility and not see it get absorbed into
such a thing. But we were young and the huge government system, with no
naïve and luckily nothing happened control of whether that money is rein-
when she was riding in that car. It’s vested into our community.
been proven that seat belts save lives, On May 26, the senior center will be
but it took a law that mandated wear- having a Hippie Night theme with lots
ing them and enforcement from police of fun and creative activities planned.
officers for this lifesaving practice to Doors open at 6 p.m. Karaoke starts at
become a part of our culture. 6:45 p.m.
This year, I’ve been involved with According to its website, the event
the support of House Bill 1526, intro-
duced by state Rep. Drew MacEwen
will have “crazy multi-generational
fun combining a zany version of bingo SIGN UP NOW FOR
to exempt senior centers operated by that alternates with karaoke, jokes
nonprofit organizations from property and crowd pleasing sing-a-longs.”
taxes. I testified before the state’s Dann Gagnon will be the master of
House Finance Committee in support ceremonies. Many of you will recognize SALISHCLIFFS.COM | 360.462.3673
of the bill and sent supporting docu- his name as a retired Shelton teacher
mentation regarding the health ben- and I believe he won a couple oyster
efits of social interaction and access eating competitions a few years ago
to activities provided by these senior
as well. Hot dogs, pulled pork sand-
wiches, nachos, sundaes, soda, water,
Classes for all ages and skill levels
Patti Kleist, executive director of snacks and a cash bar that includes
Faith in Action and the person who an assortment of beer, liquor, wine,
led the way in raising the cash match Mike’s Hard Lemonade, mixed drinks,
for grant funds to build the HUB Cen- and soda, are all available.
ter in Belfair, invited me to the bill
signing. The halls of the legislative
building were crowded with people
because the governor was signing
The cost is $10 per person for
admission and eight bingo games
with a $30 per game pay-out. Each
month has a new theme for more fun
She Doesn't Know...
around 30 bills into law that morning. and prizes, so check it out and come
It was an experience I will never dressed to impress. ...that we use the
forget and I encourage you to get more For more details call 426-7374 or finest materials and
involved with our government, if only email craftsmanship on
at a local level. You can view city and
county commission meetings in person n Jeanne Rehwaldt is executive di- all the jobs we do.
online, live or recorded. What better rector of Mason Matters. She can be Or that we've been
way to know what’s happening and to emailed at movingmasonforward@ serving Western
let your voice be heard?
Washington for over
55 years.
BIRTHS You Know that you've
got her covered and
BOBBIE LEE PRANTE ter in Olympia to Amanda Rose Lewis that the roof over your
Bobbie Lee Prante, a girl, was born and Justin Tyler Lewis of Shelton. She heads will give years of
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ounces. born on April 27, 2017, at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Amber value of your home.
CHLOE MAE LEWIS Lynne Wilbur and Roland Samuel Ca-
Chloe Mae Lewis, a girl, was born on dle of Shelton. He weighed 7 pounds,
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Page A-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Building success: Start small and celebrate

he past two years have look at 100 percent gradua- mistic that our dropout rates toward increased graduation to recognize the small suc-
been an exciting time tion in a different way we can will continue to decline as rates. As students describe cesses and triumphs we see
for the Shelton School see how it is indeed possible. they have for the past four or and show their work, their each day. We all love to hear
District. With Dr. Apostle To reach this goal we must five years. We must celebrate challenges and the outcomes, that we did something well or
coming on board to set the start with the small things these successes as we build we can make supportive com- that our efforts are noticed. It
course and steer the ship we and celebrate our success. toward greater success. Each ments on their efforts, their buoys us up for the next chal-
have taken great strides to The first step to graduation success brings us closer to our attention to detail or thank lenge. The effects on our cour-
put Shelton on the map. is attendance. If students are goal. them for focusing on improv- age, confidence and resolve
The efforts to change direc- in school, their path toward The same is true for each ing. Small supports and are immeasurable. When
tion started as a little ripple graduation is possible. As student individually. In- celebrations build confidence each member of our commu-
that we now see we have increased our creased attendance is not the and encourage students to nity joins the fleet, sailing in
growing into a great focus on consistent at- only way to raise graduation keep trying, to keep working the same direction, we can
wave. tendance, we have seen rates. We must celebrate towards improvement and push through the turbulent
To achieve great our daily attendance the small successes along the not giving up. Children (and waters; we will be able to
things we must increase district wide way. Each day, our students adults) need to know that weather the storms. Together
start small, cel- to 91.41 percent. Atten- come to school and accom- they matter and we notice we will see the success build
ebrate our success dance does not happen plish something new. For their struggles. Our teachers and grow on the horizon; our
and build on that automatically, it is the some, the accomplishments are doing this every day; they students and our community
base toward big- result of combined ef- will be easy. For others, each are giving a “high-five” by will accomplish more, and
ger achievements. By JACQUIE forts in homes as well small accomplishment is a encouraging and celebrating together, we will put Shelton
With the objec- MacALEVY as each school building. triumph. We can support many of the small successes on the map.
tive of 100 percent Parent participation students while traversing each day. We can all support
graduation for our and involvement has the river of education that a student in this way. Each n Jacquie MacAlevy is a com-
students, it might be easy to also increased. This involve- will lead to their graduation. small success will lead to- munication specialist for the
become overwhelmed and say ment will also lead toward Asking questions and show- ward graduation. Shelton School District. She
“100 percent graduation is higher graduation rates. With ing interest in what they As adults, sometimes we can be reached at jmacalevy@
not possible.” However, if we continued focus, we are opti- are doing will go a long way forget, in the business of life,


Relay for Life “Survivor” T-shirts.

Team captains are also welcome.
its annual Kennedy Dinner and Auc-
tion Sunday at the Little Creek Casino Free rodeo events
dinner May 23 Attendees can RSVP to Vickie Gon-
zalez by Friday at 229-1442 or 426-
Resort in Shelton.
Washington state Attorney General for kids at Lake
1601, ext. 3142. Bob Ferguson is the keynote speaker.
Relay for Life Shelton will host its The social time, no-host bar and Panhandle Lake 4H Camp is open
annual Survivor and Caregiver Dinner silent auction begin at 3 p.m. A buffet to the public free of charge for the
at 6 p.m. May 23 at the Mason Transit
Authority Transit-Community Center AG will speak at dinner is served at 4:30 p.m., and the
program follows.
Northwest Junior Rodeo Association’s
first rodeo of the year from 10 a.m. to
in downtown Shelton. 4 p.m. Saturday at the camp at 370
The event will include dinner and Democrats dinner For more information, call Diana
McLean at 275-2476 or email chair@ West Panhandle Lake Road.
live bluegrass music. The Panhandle 4-H Association is
Participants can pick up their Mason County Democrats will host sponsoring the event in cooperation with
the Northwest Junior Rodeo Association.

Subscribe Now & Get

Something Extra!
Spread the word, not the weed
ducation and outreach are key and landscape.
components of the Mason County If you’re not out controlling noxious
Noxious Weed Control Program. weeds or working to beautify our county,
Activated in 2004, the Mason County maybe you are participating in one of
Remember Noxious Weed Control Board works to Mason County’s popular recreational ac-
to subtract your
promote the control of invading noxious tivities. Whether you are enjoying ATVs,
$5 senior discount
weeds through voluntary compliance hiking, biking or horseback riding, the na-
if you are age
55 or over! FREE Digital with RCW 17.10 and WAC 16-
tional PlayCleanGo campaign’s
goal is “to give recreationists a
add-on feature Mason County residents
are encouraged to reduce the
clear call to action — to be in-
formed, attentive and account-
1 year in county $42 impacts of noxious weeds by able for stopping the spread of
PLUS Free Digital Add-On Feature if you subscribe by May 31! starting with their own proper- invasive species.” Along with
ties. The popular “weed puller” over 430 partners, we work
program continues to give to spread the message: “Play-
1 year in state $56 residents leverage in removing CleanGo: Stop invasive species
PLUS Free Digital Add-On Feature if you subscribe by May 31! Scotch broom on their prop- in your tracks.” Join us and:
erty. These tools are available n Remove plants, animals
for loan from the WSU Mason and mud from boots, gear, pets
1 year out of state $66 County Extension office at no and vehicles.
PLUS Free Digital Add-On Feature if you subscribe by May 31! cost to property owners. n Clean your gear before entering
After you’ve pulled, piled and suc- and leaving recreational sites.
Call 426-4412 today to subscribe by phone, cessfully removed noxious weeds on n Stay on designated roads and
bring the form to 227 W. Cota / Shelton your property, reward yourself and the trails.
or mail it with your check to: birds, bees and butterflies by adding pol- n Use certified or local firewood and
Journal / PO Box 430 / Shelton 98584 linator friendly plants to your garden. hay.

SHELTON-MASON COUNTY Again, this year, we are pleased to offer We will have a booth at numerous
Bee-U-tify seed packets provided by the community events during the upcoming
Washington State Noxious Weed Control months. Participation at these events
Board. This mix of Western Washing- allows us to communicate the impacts
ton natives, which bloom from spring of invasive species on the environment
through fall, is a fantastic way to attract and best practices for weed control and
pollinators to gardens and other land- disposal. Scheduled upcoming events
Address: scaped areas. These flowers are a mix of include:
perennial, biennial and annual species n Oakland Bay Day on June 4
City/State/Zip: and although you may not see flowers in n Tahuya Day on July 1.
the first year or two, do not despair. Once n OysterFest on Oct. 7 and 8.
the plants have had time to establish, Stop by and say hello.
they will provide excellent pollinator for-
age. The popular “Gardenwise” booklet, n Patricia Grover is the Mason
Telephone: available online or at our office, also con- County Noxious Weed Control Board
tains suggestions for non-invasive plants Coordinator. She can be reached at

to replace noxious weeds in your garden

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-15
After receiving 360. 898.2481
his own red
hat, Gov. Arthur
Langlie in 1955
“crowns” King
Douglas Fir
Dick Goodwin Keeping our community connected
in Olympia,
while Queen Broadband Video Voice IT Services
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enjoys the
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New service activation required. Promotional discounts for four months. Some restrictions may apply. Offer expires 6/30/17.

with community pride

Hood Canal Telephone Co., Inc. (dba Hood Canal Communications) is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

orest Festival activities for publicity.
1955 officially kicked off on Feb. From April 25 through May 14, all
14, with the queen’s selection letters leaving the Shelton Post Of-
dinner held at the Colonial House. fice received a cancellation that read
Each candidate for the royal “Forest Festival, Shelton in May,
court delivered a brief talk Keep Washington Green.” The
on “What the Forest Festival festival committee paid the cost
Means to Me” before a seven- of having the special dye made.
member selection committee. In the week leading up to the
Irene S. Reed High School parade, work crews decked the
senior Ariel Dunbar was By JAN town in festive flags and bunting,
chosen as queen from among PARKER and set huge replicas of Paul
six candidates elected by Bunyan at the corners of First
the school’s student body. Princesses and Railroad street, to greet visitors.
from the local high school were Sha- Downtown merchants decked out their
ron Bain, Joan Baker, Martha Ann windows with Forest Festival displays.
Hermes, Nancy Sharpe and Gwen Just prior to the Pageant and Fun
Watson. Shirley Martin joined them as Fest that took place at Loop Field on
princess from Mary M. Knight School. Thursday and Friday night before the
Dick Goodwin was selected from parade, five 2,000-watt surplus Navy
three candidates to be King Douglas lights were hooked to the overhead

Fir, “a new position in the festival announcer’s box in the grandstands to
realm of royalty.” Kirby Cleveland illuminate the pageant stage.
and Earl Minor became princes. A The first 45 minutes of the show
few days later, the selection commit- featured the Queen Ariel, ruler of a
tee had to name an alternate princess great forest kingdom, receiving her
when Nancy Sharpe resigned from the crown. Fifth- and sixth-grade students
royal court. Gail Seibel, next in line in played the queen’s subjects and music
the original list of girls from Irene S. was provided by the combined junior
Reed, was chosen to replace her. high band and senior high chorus. To
On Monday, April 4, the Forest celebrate the kingdom’s mood of joy at 11 Yard
Festival court traveled to Olympia to the coronation of their queen, a Seattle Truck

240+ tax
present Gov. Arthur B. Langlie with dance troupe performed “authentic
the traditional symbol of the Forest Northwest Indian dances,” local ninth- $ *
Festival — a red woodsman’s hat. A grade students performed folk dances,
large contingent of Sheltonites ac- and square dance couples Fred and
companied the court on the Kiwanis Jean Archer, Jim and Pauline Barrom,
Club-sponsored trip, many members Dick and Marian Saeger, and Bud
cruising to the Capitol on Roy Kim- and Wanda Wyatt, who had answered
bel’s luxury yacht, “Flamingo.” On the the Journal’s call, also performed,
11 Yard
return trip, the Forest Festival court with Al Hughes as caller. The March
209+ tax
traveled on the “Flamingo” and Ki- of the Forest Guards that closed the

wanians returned to Shelton by auto. coronation segment was followed by a

More than 50 students in Mrs. 90-minute Fun Fest, featuring KING
Esther Phillips’ high school art class TV’s Junction Jamboree, starring
submitted designs for the 1955 Forest Sheriff Tex.
Festival button contest. Sharon Peste Saturday’s parade drew over 25,000
won the competition, and buttons spectators and more than 100 entries,
featuring her design went on sale on including 11 in the Schools and Com-
April 7. As had been his tradition for munities Division, which Mary M.
many years, Gus Olafson bought the Knight School won “by an eyelash.”
first one, sold to him by Mrs. Merle The logging show at Loop Field fea-
Waters at the Journal office, and add- tured world-famous highclimbers Hap
ed it to the collection of buttons pinned Johnson, Malcom Harper and Stan LUBRICANTS
to his red hat. Lyon competing in speed climbing and COMPANY

For many years, Sheltonites tree topping. Other events included
sported a traditional Forest Festival ax throwing, log chopping, log truck
“costume,” in which red hats and plaid driving (through an egg-lined course),
shirts played prominent roles. On and bucking and falling events. South We deliver
April 18, 1955, city and county officials Olympic Tree Farm presented a tree
proclaimed April 18 through May 14
to be “Red Hat Month.” All local resi-
planting demonstration, and the Shel-
ton Fire Department joined with U.S. COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES!
dents were urged to wear the red hats and State foresters in a live demon-
as a means of creating Forest Festival stration of fire fighting.
We fill
We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
spirit. According to the Journal, when Ma- PROPANE Industrial Park
A story in the April 14 Journal son County’s 11th annual Forest Fes- BOTTLES!


said the festival was in danger of los- tival became history at about 4 p.m. Come see us!

ing one of its most popular acts — ­ the on Saturday, May 14, “an estimated
square dancing performance that was 25,000 witnesses would attest to the
traditionally included in the Forest fact that it equaled, if not exceeded,
Festival Pageant. The Journal ap- any of its predecessors.”
pealed to local square dance groups to
supply four couples to appear in the n Jan Parker is a researcher at the Check out our subscription special on page A-14
pageant and to make a trip to Seattle Mason County Historical Museum. She
to appear on television for pre-festival can be reached at
Page A-16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

ABOVE: Daniel Hayes, 10, makes a “stress ball” with colorful

beads, a balloon and a funnel.
BELOW: Lily-Rose Doerscher, right, 6, of Shelton paints
rocks at a booth set up in front of the high school.

Journal photos by Shawna Whelan

Francine Burlette, 11, draws with chalk on the street May 13 in front of CHOICE High
School during the annual CHOICE High School Block Party.

celebrations Former CHOICE student Cody Albright sings and plays the
song “Patience” by Guns N’ Roses.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-17

Court: Man provided location of woman’s body, police say

continued from page A-1

body in a wooded ravine on Hamma Hamma Ridge

after the two had been arguing as they drove from
the residence they shared to Boynton’s workplace in
After spending the weekend in Mason County Jail,
Boynton made an initial appearance Monday morn-
ing in Mason County Superior Court before Judge
Toni Sheldon. She set Boynton’s bail at $250,000 and
scheduled his arraignment, when he can be formally
charged, for May 30. According to the Mason County
Jail custody report, Boynton remained at the jail as
of Tuesday morning.
An autopsy performed Friday was deemed in-
conclusive as to the cause of Hagelin’s death. Final
results are pending microanalysis of samples taken
from Hagelin’s organs and a toxicology screen.
At about 2:30 p.m. last Wednesday, a state De-
partment of Natural Resources crew, working about
3 miles west of U.S. Highway 101 near U.S. For-
est Service Road 2572, reported finding the body of
a woman lying face-down in a stream. It was later
determined by detectives to be Hagelin’s body after
a search of her clothing revealed documents belong-
ing to Hagelin and a check of computer-automated
dispatch reports showed a booking photo into Mason
County Jail from early April of Hagelin, matching the
dead woman’s description.
In researching Hagelin, detectives noted she had
been arrested by the Shelton Police Department due
to a disturbance April 6 at the Shelton Inn. Boyn-
ton was listed in that investigation as Hagelin’s boy- Journal photo by Michael Heinbach
friend, and, according to Sheriff’s Office documents, Caleb P. Boynton made his initial appearance Monday in Mason County Superior Court before Judge
an interview with the woman’s parents stated Hage- Toni Sheldon. The 29-year-old Boynton is scheduled to be arraigned May 30 on a charge of first-degree
lin had been reportedly living with Boynton in Lil- murder in the suspected strangling death of his 40-year-old girlfriend, Kerry M. Hagelin, whose body
liwaup. was discovered May 10 in a creek near U.S. Forest Service Road 2572 near Lilliwaup.
On Friday afternoon, detectives contacted Boynton
at his home in Lilliwaup, where he cooperated with questing bail be set at $10,000. “I don’t think the state “The judicial information browser indicates that
authorities and reportedly confessed to having stran- has a case at all without Mr. Boynton’s cooperation.” those seven cases come out to 12 warrants. So there
gled Hagelin to death. The arrest affidavit states But Sheldon disagreed and detailed why in taking is a significant history of failing to appear. The
Boynton “was able to provide details about the loca- the state’s recommendation for bail. court is also concerned about the risk of flight with
tion of where Hagelin’s body was discarded that had “In addition to listening to counsel’s recommen- a charge of this nature. There is a significant prison
not yet been released to the public and would only be dation, the court has reviewed the defendant’s case term that does come along with it if Mr. Boynton
known by the person responsible for her death.” history and there are seven cases noted that have is found guilty. Thirdly is the safety of the commu-
The affidavit states that during interviews with had one or more warrant orders issued,” she said. nity.”
Sheriff’s Office detectives, Boynton said he “grew
tired of Hagelin and her arguing and threatening
demeanor,” then went southbound on North Hamma
Hamma Road before turning onto the Forest Service
Road 2572. The report states Boynton described hav-
ing strangled Hagelin to death, then removing her
body from the 1992 Subaru Legacy they were travel-
ing in and discarded the body over the ravine.
On Monday in court, Judge Sheldon informed
Boynton that probable cause to incarcerate him
had been found after the arrest affidavit had been
read over the phone to Superior Court Judge Daniel
Goodell over the weekend. Sheldon also stated that
Boynton qualified for a public defender. Mason Coun-
ty Deputy Public Defender Peter Jones was assigned
to Boynton and sat as his legal counsel Monday.
In a hearing setting Boynton’s bail, the state, rep-
resented by county Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Jason Richards, argued the seriousness of the poten-
tial charge and Boynton’s criminal history, involving
multiple infractions for failing to appear in court,
warranted a $250,000 bond upon his conditional re-
“Mr. Boynton appears to be nothing but coopera-
tive with law enforcement,” Jones countered in re-

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Page A-18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

High school: Lake Limerick could be location for school

continued from page A-1 Of the 30 or so people who “That’s all part of a good edu-
stepped up to the microphone, no cation, and the curriculum is
in February passed a $65 mil- one said they support the district good,” she said of the Shelton
lion building bond, which in- being annexed into the Shelton district.
cludes almost $30 million for School District. That left the But Brewer said if the dis-
improvements and expansion at speakers divided on the choice to trict established a new high
Shelton High School. pay their share of Shelton’s bond, school, the curriculum will be
Students in the Hood Canal or create a new high school. comprehensive “and all the op-
and Pioneer school districts at- Paul Everett, whose four sons tions would be available.” He
tend classes on those campuses attended Pioneer School, said added, “If we go out and do it,
through eighth grade, and then he supports continuing to pay a we have to do it right, for our
transfer to other districts, pri- share of the Shelton School Dis- students.”
marily Shelton. The Pioneer trict bond. When an attendee asked
School District pays about Interest rates are low, so if where a new high school would
$700,000 each year to neighbor- the district passed a levy to raise be located, Brewer pointed
Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
ing districts to attend their high the $4.5 million, it could pay it out that the Pioneer and Hood
Susan ß, whose family has lived on Harstine Island for 106
schools, while the Hood Canal off in 20 years at only an addi- Canal school districts share a
years, on Tuesday night told the Pioneer School Board she
School District this year is pay- tion 28 cents per $1,000 of as- boundary near Lake Limerick.
supports the district joining the Hood Canal School District
ing $309,000 for what’s known sessed valuation, he said. A school could be built there, or
in establishing a new high school. “I want our own high
as a “non-high school fee.” Susan Felton, whose fam- near Alderbrook Resort, he said.
school,” she said. “I want a say in what these kids learn.”
But with the passage of the ily has lived on Harstine Island But lifelong resident Irene
Shelton School District’s bond, n Establish a high school to- apply to themselves, applies to for 106 years, has three grand- Goldsby said that even with a
the Pioneer School District gether that would be funded by us,” he said. daughters at Pioneer School. If new high school, some second-
states it will owe the Shelton a bond. Option two would be the “de- the district continues to be tied ary students from the Pioneer
School District about $4.5 mil- At Tuesday’s gathering, fault choice,” Brewer said. If to Shelton School District, “we’ll district would still choose to at-
lion and the Hood Canal School Pioneer Superintendent Marty the district chooses to do noth- pay through the nose,” she said. tend Shelton High School for its
District states its share will be Brewer told the audience the ing, the Pioneer District would “I want our own high school,” diverse offerings.
about $4.2 million. board was there to listen. be absorbed into the Shelton she said. “I want a say in what “I don’t think we can have all
The two districts sent resi- “We really want our commu- School District. That is the most these kids learn.” the amenities that Shelton has
dents a nearly identical flyer nity to point us in the right di- expensive option, with Pioneer But Jeanne Rehwaldt, whose — it took 43 years to get what
that spells out three options, rection,” he said. residents paying an additional daughter attended Pioneer they have,” she said.
and asks residents to share their Brewer stressed that if the $2.24 per $1,000 of assessed School, said breaking ties with School board chairman Dale
opinions on online surveys. district continues to simply pay valuation, he said. the Shelton district would de- McDaniel stressed that the dis-
The three options are: its share of Shelton’s new bond, Brewer estimates a new high prive secondary students from trict would have two chances to
n Pay the districts’ share of residents will also pay for future school will cost $40 million to the Pioneer district from the pass a bond or levy to pay for
the Shelton bond by running a capital improvements in the Shel- $50 million. He estimates Pio- offerings that include a devel- option one or three. If both fail,
levy or bond. ton School District, without any neer residents would pay an oping learning academy, the the district could automatically
n Annex into the Shelton representation on the matter. additional $1 per $1,000 of as- swimming pool and sports op- be absorbed into the Shelton
School District. “Any tax Shelton taxpayers sessed value for 25 years. portunities. School District, he said.

Musician: Music always has been a part of Trenchmann’s life

continued from page A-1 The siblings rarely read mu- the rest. eventually met up with mem- “They’d carry her keyboard
sic, Trenchmann said, and she “It must have been OK, be- bers of Route 66 and created the and get it hooked up for her,”
of 11 children, born on the fam- never learned to read music cause when he paid me, he said band. Vicky said.
ily farm. properly. Instead, the siblings ‘I knew you could do it,’ ” she Trenchmann played with “And then they’d go sit
All the children in the fam- learned songs by ear, listening said. “I did sweat that one a bit.” Route 66 for at least a decade, she with the wives,” Trenchmann
ily learned music from Trench- to them on the radio and figur- Trenchmann said she played said, although she can’t remem- laughed.
mann’s father, who played the ing out the notes one keystroke with a variety of groups, al- ber the exact amount of time. Vicky said music was always
fiddle. at a time. though one of her favorite per- Vicky, Trenchmann’s daugh- a part of her upbringing, be-
“He loved music,” Trench- Trenchmann said she’s al- formances was alongside a well- ter, said she sometimes ran into cause Trenchmann brought it
mann recalled. “If there wasn’t ways been honest about not known opera singer. people three states over who had into their home.
farm work to be done, Dad reading music. When in her Her music took her across danced to her mother’s music. “We’d have reunions, and
would be in the house playing performing prime, she often had the country, Trenchmann said. She was once on a bus in since everyone in the family
the fiddle, or the clarinet, or the people approach her to guest Her husband was director of Texas when the driver started was a musician, they’d all bring
banjo, if he could get his hands play with bands. Good Sam Club, an RV camp- talking about the band. their instruments,” she said.
on one.” “This fella came in one day, ing club, so the couple traveled “I was so surprised when I “Mom would start dragging out
Some combination of Trench- and he said he had a 14-piece to different events by the club. heard that,” Trenchmann said. the saxophone and the clarinet
mann’s siblings and the fam- band that needed a piano play- Trenchmann said she became “I never thought too much about and any instrument we owned.”
ily patriarch would spend nights er,” Trenchmann recalled. “I the official musician for the or- our band. We were just having Trenchmann said being so
playing for dances in grange told him, ‘I don’t read music … ganization, playing at events fun.” involved in music has kept her
halls and community centers for but I’m willing to try if you are.’ whenever needed. Trenchmann was married mind sharp and helped her to
towns within 50 miles of where And he was.” “I played in every Western twice during her life — first to live a long, healthy life. She still
the family lived. In the early Trenchmann said she sat state, everywhere there was to a man named Harry, who died wakes up at 7 a.m. every morn-
days, before cars, the family down with the band that night play,” Trenchmann said. “I nev- in the mid-1980s, then to Bob, ing to play the piano in the din-
band would trek to its perfor- — without a rehearsal — and er cared where. I was just play- whom she married three years ing room at Maple Glen, and she
mances by horse and wagon. the man put several feet of sheet ing to have fun.” later. often takes requests from the
Trenchmann said the group music in front of her, which in- Her favorite places to play “I don’t know how I was able other residents.
played radio hits from the time cluded a lengthy piano solo. were in Yuma, Arizona, where to have two husbands,” Trench- “I can’t fathom why ev-
by artists such as Glenn Miller Trenchmann said she read she lived after she and her hus- mann said, and her daughter erybody doesn’t love music,”
and Frank Sinatra. what she could and improvised band retired. That’s where she laughed. Trenchmann said.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-19

Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
Hood Canal School music teacher Landon Wynne on Tuesday leads his
kindergarten students through a song and dance. Residents in the Hood
Canal School District, and staff members at Hood Canal School, are
showing overwhelming support for establishing a new high school with
the Pioneer School District rather than pay the Shelton School District an
increased price to teach their secondary students.

Hood Canal residents like

idea of new high school
School Board seeks opinions million.
The two districts sent residents a
on Shelton bond costs separate but nearly identical flyers
that spells out three options, and asks
residents to share their opinions on on-
By GORDON WEEKS line surveys. The three options are:
n Pay the districts’ share of the Shel-
Residents in the Hood Canal School ton bond by running a levy or bond.
District, and staff members at Hood n Annex into the Shelton School
Canal School, are showing overwhelm- District.
ing support for establishing a new high n Establish a high school together

school with the Pioneer School District that would be funded by a bond.
rather than pay the Shelton School At the board meeting, Batstone said
District an increased price to teach that in a vote of the Hood Canal School

their secondary students. staff on April 12, two employees voted
At the Hood Canal School Board for option one, two for option two and
meeting May 11, Superintendent 21 for the option to build a new high
Shawn Batstone pointed to the results school. The following day, all 20 people
of an online survey on the district’s who voted at the Lilliwaup Community

website. Of the 224 Club presentation
responses the dis- said they favor the
trict had received new high school.
as of last week, The results were
168 people — 75 pretty consistent
percent — say they at other commu-
favor establishing nity presentations.
The Journal Office will be CLOSED on
a new high school. At the Alderbrook Monday, May 29 for the Memorial Day Weekend.
they favor paying
“It’s important that Yacht and Gold
Club on April 17, EARLY DEADLINE for the June 1st edition of
the increased share
of the Shelton
we gather feedback 17 people voted for
a new high school,
the Journal will be Friday, May 26th at 5:00 p.m.
School District’s
new bond, and 13
in as many ways as one for paying the
Shelton bond and
said they prefer
annexing into the
possible.” two for annexation.
At the Hood Canal
Shelton School Dis- Improvement Club
trict. Shawn Batstone, Hood Canal on May 2, nine
The Shelton School District superintendent people voted for the
School District in new high school
February passed a and none for the
$65 million build- other two options.
ing bond, which Batstone also
includes almost listed some of the
$30 million for im- questions posed
provements and during the commu-
expansion at Shel- nity presentations,
ton High School. including the location of a new high
Students in the Hood Canal and Pio- school; how the partnership between
neer school districts attend classes on the two school districts could be ar-
those campuses through eighth grade, ranged; and what programs would be
and then transfer to other districts, offered. None of these questions has
primarily Shelton. The Pioneer School yet been answered, he said.
District pays about $700,000 each year Everyone is invited to share their
to neighboring districts for students thoughts in the online survey, or at
to attend their high schools, while the Family Night from 5 to 6:30 p.m. May
Hood Canal School District this year is 25 at the school; and at a public meet-
paying $309,000 for what’s known as a ing on the decision at 5 p.m. June 8 at
“non-high school fee.” the school.
But with the passage of the Shel- “It’s important that we gather feed-
ton School District’s bond, the Pioneer back in as many ways as possible,” Bat-
School District states it will owe the stone said.
Shelton School District about $4.5 mil- The board will gather input through
lion and the Hood Canal School Dis- June before it makes its decision, he
trict states its share will be about $4.2 said.
Page A-20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Thursday, May 18, 2017 Serving the communities of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and Victor

Lockdown a lesson in social media, response

By BRIANNA LOPER On April 26, 115 law en- dle School and North Mason event of an emergency. 10 in the high school audito- forcement officers from 15 High School. The reports lat- Last week, responding law rium, with representatives
agencies responded to reports er proved to be false, but the enforcement and the school from the Mason County Sher-
What started as a potential of an active shooter on the school district and area law en- district hosted a public meet- iff’s Office, North Mason Re-
tragedy ended as a learning North Mason School District forcement agencies reviewed ing to debrief from the inci- gional Fire Authority, Central
experience for many North campus, with rumors that a the event afterward to look at dent.
Mason agencies. gunman was at Hawkins Mid- ways they could improve in the The meeting took place May
see LOCKDOWN, page A-22

Growing knowledge

AT RIGHT: Stella Winkler, 8, stands at the entrance

to the Belfair Elementary garden Monday
afternoon during a ribbon cutting for the Belfair
Elementary Community Garden. The garden
project has been in the works for more than a year
— students designed the layout and wrote letters
to businesses asking for donations.
ABOVE: Belfair Elementary students, from left,
Alex Landreth, AJ Bretzman and Charles Winkler
put away tools in the new garden shed. “We feel
the need, because the environment needs to be
saved,” said Charles, explaining why the group
works in the garden. “If nobody does anything, we
might lose all our trees, all our plants.”
Herald photos by Brianna Loper

Salad Shack offers healthy options for meals on the road

By BRIANNA LOPER myself.” er via phone to set up a time to meet on several Belfair-based social media Duchesneau founded the Salad and tour the building. pages, asking if community members
Shack, which opened a new brick-and- Between that phone conversation would want to see a drive-thru salad
Lanette Duchesneau was frustrated mortar location this month in Belfair. and their first meeting, Duchesneau restaurant, and, if so, what they would
by her options. While searching menus The drive-thru restaurant serves said the building’s owner came to her want.
both at restaurants and drive-thru win- salads, soup, wraps and sandwiches at Bremerton location. He didn’t know She said she got more than 900 re-
dows, she had trouble finding healthful the 23490 state Route 3, below Local she was the one applying to use his sponses, most of which were excited for
choices. Wrench. building, but the two started talking the prospect of quick, healthy meal op-
Duchesneau, who had recently gone The first location opened in August and hit it off. tions.
through chemotherapy treatment that in Bremerton. When Duchesneau showed up for “The Belfair community has really
first caused her to lose an unhealthy “It’s been a real hit,” Duchesneau the interview and tour, the building shown me the love,” Duchesneau said,
amount of weight before gaining back said. “But it’s been a whirlwind.” owner recognized her. adding that she’s had support in-per-
too much, was looking for some way to Duchesneau said she started looking “He said, ‘Oh, I know you … and I son and on social media during the pro-
balance her diet and return to health. to expand from the Bremerton Salad loved the food,’ ” she said. “He told me I cess of getting the restaurant set up.
“I kept asking my friends who owned Shack when she learned about a small, didn’t need to do the interview, and he “It’s been a lot of positive feedback. I’m
restaurants, ‘Can’t you put more than vacant building in Belfair that was set gave me a really good deal that I could really pleased with the response.”
a dinner salad on your menu?’ and they up to be a drive-thru restaurant. She not say no to.”
didn’t,” Duchesneau said. “So I did it began talking with the building’s own- Duchesneau said she reached out see SALAD, page A-23
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-21


Clamming, chores and crabs are signs of summer for Mary

Mary hosts a big party and a nice day out. Quite a few
clam bake this weekend. The summer people out. Mama
summer folks start to show came down at noon and went
up on the canal, Mary’s mom to the beach for a couple
stands Mary up for dinner, hours. Then Thompson’s, who
Sam catches a passel of crabs, does Sam’s bookwork, came
and Charlie drinks some wine and we gave them some oys-
with Mary’s dad. All that and ters. Sam and Louie got 21
a shopping trip to Seattle, too. crabs. John, Annie and Louise
Enjoy! came about five when we were
— having a big rush. After it
Thursday, May 18, 1939 was over, we went home and
This morning I washed had oyster fries for dinner.
windows until nearly 12 Louie and Grace came down.
o’clock and then went up to Sam and I went to Victor and
the store. I put up all the rest to Union both. There was an
of the curtains and went over enormous crowd at Union and
all the house with the feather everyone in the canal was
duster. It surely needed it. there. Home late. Pouring
At the store, I painted signs down rain out.
and candled eggs, waited on
some customers while the Sunday, May 21, 1939
boys unloaded the truck. My Arose late and ate some
mother was supposed to come pears for breakfast. Louise
down so we had a nice dinner, and I dusted the house and
but she did not show up. To now the sun is coming out.
the beach early and finished I’m so glad. The game started
windows, pictures, cleaned coming at 10:30 and we had a
the book racks, bookcases and fine time. Later in the day the
brushed off the two Morris sun came out and everyone
chairs. Pasted stamps in my enjoyed themselves. Louie and Herald photo courtesy of Clydene Hostetler
wildlife stamp book. They are Grace, Henry and Laurice, A portrait presumably of Mary Theler’s father, James Larson, age 76, taken by Mary Theler.
very lovely. Only have to clean Uncle Louie and Mary Pfundt,
the cupboard and finish my Myrtle and Ralph Swanson,
album before Sunday. Wish I Ruby and Earl Baker, Vera
was done now. It’s surely been and Cole Weitenhous and in the morning and worked for a brown dress. Then I saw boat. The dogs are waiting
a big job. Polly, Wanda, Ruby and in the store. Charlie set up a Alice Wilcox, who got a dis- patiently on the shore for him
Violet, John, Annie pump out in front count for me on my coat and to return.
Friday, May 19, 1939 and Louis, Mama, for the display. dress. Saw Helen Waring on —
A cold day, although the Charlie, Sam and I Home and put fresh the street and Mrs. Swanson I sadly don’t have many of
sun was out most of the day. I and all the families’ wild roses in my at the store. In the evening we Mary’s photos, compared with
cleaned up the house good and children – thirty-nine vases. They look went out to John and Anne’s the wealth of material I have
then went to Mrs. Williams in all. Henry Kim- very good. Ruth and then after dinner all went access to in her diary and
where I had my hair done. mell dropped in and cleaned the house to Ted and Hilda’s. Had a ephemera that is housed at the
Mary Allen was there getting so did the Bill Orrs. and it looks very good time. Home on the ferry Mason County Historical So-
her hair done also. Home to We had the crab first nice. Dorothy Eddy and oh the evening was cold! ciety. I do, however have a few
find some mail waiting for me and then the dinner at was down and we Moon very bright! photos, and several of them
and then Romey Anderson two o’clock. At five the By SEYTA had a nice visit. are from May of 1939! This
and his sister-in-law came in. clambake and later SELTER Gave her some flow- Wednesday, May 24, 1939 week I have included a picture
I took them to the beach and coffee. In the evening ers to take home. Got up late and went to the of who I presume to be Mary’s
we met Sam halfway home. we showed the pic- The bay is so clear. store and finished up a few dad, James Larson. In next
We saw the clams they dug tures and how they enjoyed McCormick is hauling more things. Took the dress mate- week’s column, you will see
and then went to Mrs. John- them! Took Mama home at logs up in the cove. Sam went rial and tea cozies up to Mae that Mary mentions going to
son’s to eat. Back to the store ten so we got to bed late. My I to see Will Watson. Housen’s but she was at the her dad’s house to take his pic-
and were quite busy until was tired! Not too much sleep store so I missed her. Wrote ture. These, I believe, are the
Ruth and I went after rhodo- and so much noise all day. Tuesday, May 23, 1939 to Art Bocks. A quiet day at results. If anyone can confirm
dendrons. We stopped at my This morning Sam called the store. Waited on custom- this, please let me know!
dad’s on the way. He certainly Monday, May 22, 1939 me else I would have over- ers, sorted mail and put some —
enjoyed the clams I sent up. A very quiet day at the slept. Got dressed and we stock on the shelves. Went Seyta Selter is a lifelong
Louie, Grace and the children store. We washed and in the caught the 9:20 ferry. We up to Mae Housen’s, and she lover of Hood Canal and
came just as I got to the store. afternoon I went down and stopped at Sam’s mother’s and fixed my grey tweed coat. Now resides in Union. She is a
Home and put flowers in vas- took up the ironing. Charlie she insisted on making dinner it looks very nice and I’m go- visiting professor at The Ever-
es. Cleaned cupboards. The was longing for a drink so for us at 10:45. So we ate and ing to have lots of enjoyment green State College, as well as
house looks very nice even if I opened some oysters for my had a fine time. She looks fine out of it. Home early and a passionate amateur genealo-
do say so. dad and went up there. He got now and is talking about go- picked some roses and put in gist, archivist and family his-
five glasses of wine out of the ing to the fair. Went to town vases. They smell so fragrant. torian. She can be emailed at
Saturday, May 20, 1939 deal so I guess he is happy. and got myself a lovely grey The water is grand tonight marythelersmemoirs@gmail.
Very busy in the store and Cleaned up the vegetable rack tweed coat and the makings and Charlie went out in the com.


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Page A-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lockdown: Officials review day to improve in the future

continued from page A-20

Mason Fire & EMS, North Mason

School District and ESD 113 available
to answer questions and walk attend-
ees through the events of the day.

“We work really hard

About 20 parents and community
members attended, and several asked

to plan, to practice,
questions during a public comment sec-
tion of the meeting.

to prepare for these

“We work really hard to plan, to
practice, to prepare for these events,

events, even though

even though we hope they never hap-
pen,” said school district superinten-

we hope they never

dent Dana Rosenbach. She added that
the district regularly works with law

enforcement to create protocols for
emergency events, and the lockdown
was a chance to review those proce-
dures and streamline them. Dana Rosenbach, North Mason
“We were just so blessed that no- School District Superintendent
body was hurt, and it turned out for us
to be a very good opportunity for us to Herald file photo by Michael Heinbach
see how prepared we are,” said Chief A Hawkins Middle School student April 26 peers out the window of
Deputy Ryan Spurling with the Mason a school bus that transported students from the school to the Mary E.
County Sheriff’s Office. “We learned Theler Community Center and Wetlands in Belfair following false reports
some valuable things.” of an active shooter on the campus of the middle school and North Mason
The biggest takeaway is that the High School. said. “We know from other events like
agencies need to factor social media this (across the country) that they don’t
into their future protocols, law enforce- information from some media sources, high school, a parent contacted the re- last a long time. It’s typically over in 5
ment personnel agreed. citing two Seattle-based television sta- sponding deputies to warn them that to 10 minutes. We know there has to be
Beau Bakken, North Mason Re- tions that incorrectly reported the ac- one of the students involved may have a quick response.”
gional Fire Authority chief, said he saw tive shooter rumor as confirmed. a gun in their possession.
firsthand how fast the message got out Rosenbach said the district and law “I don’t remember the exact word- OTHER LESSONS
on social media. enforcement can’t control those media ing, but it was very softly worded,” Spurling said area agencies learned
The fire authority, after hearing sources, and encouraged parents to Dracobly said. “It was something to the other lessons from the day, such as
the dispatch call, headed to the school look to law enforcement’s social media effect of, ‘There’s a student who may or good places to set up the reunification
campus to set up a perimeter around — such as Facebook and Twitter — and may not have a gun.’ ” site for parents to pick up their chil-
the area to keep people away from the websites for updated information dur- Deputies found the student and took dren.
scene. Bakken said parents were right ing emergencies. him out of class, Dracobly said. Dur- Parents north of the school were told
behind the fire authority on state Route “Once the event starts, they are in ing that time, another student in the to wait in the Mary E. Theler Commu-
3, trying to get into the school. charge, and they are in charge of how classroom was livestreaming, or post- nity Center parking lot, which jammed
“One of the things I learned was much information is appropriate to ing a live video, to a social media site, up traffic on state Route 3, Spurling
how fast the message gets out on social share,” she said, gesturing to the rep- which students at the high school and said. Law enforcement will research
media,” Bakken said. “The third car resentatives from the Sheriff’s Office. Hawkins Middle School saw on their other places for a north-end meeting
behind us was a parent that said, ‘My “We need practice going to the source smartphones. place, such as the Bremerton National
kids are up in that school. I’m getting for our information. … We cannot con- “Within minutes, a call came in to Airport.
them. You’re not stopping me.’ And trol the media. We can only control dispatch from a teacher at Hawkins Rosenbach said many of the teach-
I completely understood where they what we give them, and unfortunately, who said students came into her room ers in the school district are trained
were coming from.” KIRO and a couple other outlets took and said there was a live shooter in the in a “run, hide, fight,” response to ac-
During a public comment section at what they got and made something gym or the commons area at Hawkins,” tive shooter situations, and the district
the meeting, some parents complained much more intense.” Dracobly said. plans to continue training teachers this
about the amount of time it took to get Dispatch received calls from other summer.
correct information about the day’s A TIMELINE OF THE DAY students who saw the livestream and She added that this training is dif-
events. Social media also played a role in didn’t understand what was happen- ferent from the way many parents may
Bakken acknowledged their strug- how false information spread to start ing, also saying there was a gunman at remember emergency drills from their
gle. the event, according to Lt. Jason Dra- the school. childhood, which were “passive,” and
“The hardest problem is getting in- cobly, who works in the North Precinct Dracobly said there are no reports encouraged students and teachers to
formation out,” he said. “Having two office for the Mason County Sheriff’s of false reporting on purpose, but it ap- hide under desks.
kids myself, I know — 50 minutes Office. During the debriefing meeting, pears that social media and a misun- Best practices now include barricad-
would have seemed like three weeks.” Dracobly cited several instances where derstanding of what people saw online ing the room if needed, hitting or fight-
Spurling, who took on the public in- social media inflamed what was al- led to the lockdown. ing an intruder, and leading students
formation officer role during the event, ready happening. Deputies who were at North Mason away from harm if possible.
said he sent out tweets as soon as he On April 25, the day before the lock- High School were the first to respond “This is different. This is, ‘You’re go-
had confirmed information. He encour- down, several high school students got to the reports of a gunman at Hawkins. ing to need to be able to make decisions
aged parents to follow law enforcement in an altercation after school hours. “Our officers at the high school ran in the moment and we’re empowering
websites and social media accounts for Law enforcement responded, and then across the parking lot and into the you to do that, and we’re going to teach
the most up-to-date, factual informa- were at the school the next day, April building without backup — there was you why and what to do that’s impor-
tion. 26, to follow up with witnesses. just a couple of them — because that’s tant,’ ” Rosenbach said. “Hiding isn’t
Parents also complained about mis- While law enforcement was at the what they’re trained to do,” Spurling always going to be the best response.”


Community For more information, call

cannot afford to pay the fee to
attend the walk.
Each year, more than 5,000
Relay for Life events take
year due to construction.
At 11 p.m. June 9, the

services van to The event will be held from

8 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 16 at
place in more than 20 coun-
tries, according to the non-
event will host the Lap of
Remembrance and Reflection,

come to Belfair Mission Creek

Mission Creek Corrections profit’s website. when luminary bags will be lit
Center for Women in Belfair. to honor those who have died

The Washington Depart-

accepting Relay For more information or
to make a donation, call Josh North Mason
of cancer, as well celebrate
those who are survivors.
ment of Social and Health
Services mobile community donations Shupien, community partner-
ship program coordinator for Relay for Life
There will be a free break-
fast for survivors and caregiv-
services office has scheduled a the corrections center, at 277- ers at 9 a.m. June 10.
The Mission Creek Cor-
stop in Belfair.
The van is slated to be open rections Center for Women in
2471, or email jnshupien@
upcoming Teams will have items for
sale or raffle during the event
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. June Belfair is accepting donations
The corrections center’s to raise money, and musical
13 at the Belfair Community for its annual Relay for Life. The North Mason Relay for
event theme this year is entertainment and games
Food Bank, 71 NE Old Belfair Donations can be made to Life is scheduled to take place
“unity.” Backdrops, quilts, cro- are scheduled throughout the
Highway. the American Cancer Society June 9-10 at Sand Hill Park,
cheted items and T-shirts will event.
Attendees can apply for or to the Mission Creek Cor- next to Sand Hill Elementary
be available for purchase. For more information, find
cash, basic food and medical rections Center event, which School in Belfair. Opening cer-
All proceeds will go to the North Mason Relay for Life on
assistance at the mobile office, will help provide snacks, emonies start at 7 p.m. June 9
American Cancer Society. social media, or email
as well as drop off paperwork, water and supplies for the with a lap to honor survivors.
Relay for Life is a commu-
complete an eligibility or mid- walk. The corrections center The event previously took
nity-based fundraising event
certification review or make is also accepting donations in place at North Mason High
for the American Cancer So- n Compiled by reporter
changes to an existing case. sponsorships for inmates who School, but will change this
ciety. Brianna Loper
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-23

The Washington State Department of Natural
Resources last weekend hosted a ribbon
cutting to open 3 miles of additional off-road
vehicle trail in the Tahuya State Forest. The
West Loop 4x4 Trail offers technical rock
features and elevated terrain, and brings the
total trail system to 15 miles.
Photos courtesy of Herb Gerhardt

Salad: Owners aims to use healthful, organic ingredients

cont. from pg. A-20 added a temporary possible.
surcharge to the price Even with all the
Duchesneau said the of meals with lettuce, healthy food, Duch-
quality and presentation which she removed when esneau said she has some
of the food is the most the price returned to nor- “guilty pleasure food,”
important aspect of the mal. including bagel dogs and
restaurant. All of her “Customers see the Red Bull spritzers. She
vegetables are organic, price rise, and they don’t also hopes to add biscuits
and soups are made from know that’s going to go and gravy and burritos
scratch every week. back down,” she said. in the future.
Her top seller so far “When they see a sur- Duchesneau said she’s
has been her Split Shack charge, they know that’s had people asking her to
salad, Duchesneau said, going to go away.” expand again to Shelton
which includes avocado Duchesneau said her and Port Orchard. The
with a choice of chicken, goal is to get people their restaurant owner added
egg or tuna salad on a order in less than three that she might, but she
bed of greens. minutes. One of the big- plans to cement herself
The salad bases — dif- gest changes in moving at her current locations
ferent sized containers from a sit-down restau- before taking on more ex-
of lettuce — are prepped rant in Bremerton to pansions.
ahead of time. Employ- the drive-thru location The stand is open
ees customize the lettuce in Belfair has been ad- from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
bowls when customers justing to the speed and Monday through Friday,
order at the window, the number of customers and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
adding veggies, meats, that come to the window, Saturday. The stand is
hard-boiled egg, avoca- she said. closed on Sunday cur-
do, croutons and cheese, “The concept of a rently, but Duchesneau
based on the type of sal- salad drive-thru does said she plans to add
ad a customer orders. have that minor chal- Sunday hours during the
“It’s all about the lenge,” she said, add- summer.
salad,” she said. “You’re ing that people can also For more information,
going to get a five-star call ahead to place their find “Salad Shack Let-
salad here.” order to ensure they’re tuce Feed You Healthy
Duchesneau said she in and out as quickly as On-the-Go” on Facebook.
has to deal with fluctu-
ating prices of organic
vegetables, which can be 360-275-2868 800-773-3227
a challenge for keeping
her prices for meals con-
Several weeks ago,
the price of lettuce sky-
rocketed due to droughts
Herald photo by Brianna Loper and then flooding in Cali- 208’ WFT LOWLANDS 2+AC $419,000 5 LEVEL ACRES $59,950
Lanette Duchesneau, owner of the Salad Shack in Belfair, mixes salads fornia. Truly rare lowland acreage w/ 208’NO-Bank Fronts on paved road, located on the NW
last week. The business opened at the beginning of the month, and offers To accommodate the Hood Canal waterfront w/Oly Mtn. view that corner of E. Rasor Rd W. and E. Kirby Dr. off
salads, wraps, sandwiches and smoothies at its drive-thru location. increase, Duchesneau you can drive to the beach! Robin Birkland of E. Trails End Dr. Power on road. Kim Wilson
360-801-9214 #803274 360-731-1040 #934403
LAKELAND VILLAGE $449,999 FORESTED 3.66 AC’s near ALLYN $40,000
Golf course view on large .70 lot with 6 Stop dreaming, start building! Frame your
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L.S. Cedar JESFIELD shop, 3 car garage course. Updated with
granite and stainless steel appls. Karri Hohmann
Level and dry. Oly Mtn. view potential. Robin
Company Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason
360-277-5107 #953211
360-801-9214 #651693
Top Quality area since 1967 5 slightly sloped acres near Trails End Lake.
2000 septic design. Partly cleared, driveway
Beautiful custom home on 1.70 acres
w/152’ Wft. offers: slate floors, river rock
Western Red Cedar Lumber Specializing in seawall in, gated. Afternoon sun. Make it your new fplc., cherry cabinetry, and a 1080 sq ft 3bd
of All Types Reconstruction and home repairs home! Mike Southerland apt. above the 4-car garage. Barbara Huson
360-731-3958 #1026584 360-277-5120. #1085813
We deliver 275-6684

Frank Merrill Belfair WA



Page A-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

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Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1


A tip of
the cap to
M’s fans
n Sunday, I’ll be meeting
up with an old friend in
Seattle, where the two of
us will take in the matinee meet-
ing between the visiting Chicago
White Sox and the Seattle Mari-
Sadly, I must admit that al-
though I’ve lived within an eight-
hour drive of Seattle the majority
of my adult
life, Sunday
will be just
the fourth
Major League
game I’ve
witnessed in
person in Se-
Journal photo by Alexandra Smith
attle. Howev-
Shelton senior Matti Mecham holds third base as a Timberline runner slides in to beat the throw. The Highclimbers By MICHAEL
er, the three-
lost 15-1 May 11 at the Regional Athletic Complex in Lacey. HEINBACH
game series I

Shelton fastpitch is up to bat

saw between
the Cleveland Indians and the
Mariners in April 2000 played a
very significant role in changing
my opinion of area sports fans.
Prior to my relocating in 1994
By ALEXANDRA SMITH came in and needed to leave the game On May 12, the Climbers lost to to Western Montana, where the when she took a shot to the knee from North Thurston 13-3. Mariners were as close to a home-
a line drive,” Goldsby said. “Timberline “Albaugh pitched one of her best town Major League Baseball team
The Shelton fastpitch team had a thought they had put us away and games of the year, but our defense had as we had, the M’s were little
busy week, playing five games in five brought in their freshman pitcher, and its worst game of the year,” Goldsby more than an afterthought in my
days. During the week, the team went we jumped right back into the game. said. “We minimized our strikeouts to mind. Sure, for any purist baseball
0-5, and advance to the first round of Unfortunately we had a rough sixth two, but just couldn’t get our bats go- fan like myself, it was impossible
the West Central District playoffs this inning and couldn’t recover.” ing. Thurston’s coach commented after not to fall for the M’s superstar
week. Hallee Garrick went 3-for-4 at the the game that our team is much better in Ken Griffey Jr.. the closest
The team started the week with a plate with a double and Alex Walters than we presented on the field.” thing my generation of baseball
close game against Peninsula May 8, went 2-for-4 with two doubles and two After a rough week, the Climbers fans had come to Willie Mays.
but lost 8-7. runs scored. are looking to get back in the groove. But with their lack of success
“It was a nine-inning game that On May 11, Shelton began play in They were scheduled to face Olympia since the team’s inception in 1977
we would’ve, could’ve, should’ve won,” the South Sound Conference tourna- yesterday. That score was unavailable and despite a middle-90s core
fastpitch coach Kim Goldsby said. ment. as of the Journal’s deadline. comprised of Griffey Jr., pitcher
“Once again, being left at the plate 11 In their first game against Tim- Tomorrow, the team begins play in Randy Johnson, designated hitter
times kills rallies.” berline, the Climbers faced Goldsby’s the West Central District 3 tourna- Edgar Martinez and some kid at
On May 9, the Highclimbers fell to choice for conference MVP, pitcher ment at Sprinker Field in Spanaway shortstop named Alex Rodriguez,
North Thurston 11-0 after being up by Brooklyn Taylor. She has more than against No. 1 seed Kelso. I often wondered if the Mariners
three runs. 200 strikeouts this year, and continued “We are definitely in a slump, had much of a fanbase at all. And
“Natalie Albaugh became ill dur- that trend against Shelton with eight though our opponents are strong and
ing the fourth inning and Taya Gouley more, and Shelton lost 15-1. ready for the play-offs,” Goldsby said.
see CORNER, page B-8

Shelton’s Jimmy Ye uses his size as an advantage

By ALEXANDRA SMITH ing aspect, said Ye. Ye qualified for West Cen-
tral District competition at
Shelton senior Jimmy Ye the South Sound Conference Senior Jimmy Ye
hasn’t let his size hold him Championships on May 11 placed second
back. He uses it as inspiration and 13th in the triple jump in the boys 300
to succeed in athletics. and the 300-meter hurdles. hurdles and
“Much of my inspiration “Both events that I will be sixth in the
for not just track and field, competing in this Saturday triple jump on
but athletics, stems from a are events that I took up at May 13 at the
desire to succeed in athletics,” the beginning of the season, so South Sound
Ye said. “Being of diminutive while I am still relatively new Conference
size and seemingly not very to these events, I have my Championships
athletic at first glance, I found hopes set high,” Ye said. “Ev- at Shelton. His
inspiration to do something ery meet is a new day for com- time in the 300
that people wouldn’t expect, petition and everybody has hurdles was a
something that would chal- to show up to compete. I hope PR of 42.63.
lenge myself to grow in areas to be able to make it to state
that I may not be the best at.” in either the 300 hurdles, or Journal photo by
Alexandra Smith
Most triple jumpers are the triple jump. Regardless
six-foot or taller and have long of if I make it to state or not,
legs, and hurdlers feature
much of the same, with bigger see YE, page B-8
builds to help with the sprint-
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Park, Forest Services serious about paving Staircase?

ne of the best to any law or closure, but
spring hikes in because of the threat of
our area is a little serious damage to my
known trail called Copper car’s shocks, suspension,
Creek. On it you’ll find tires and alignment from
some of the most creative the minefield of potholes
and inspiring trail work, stretching the entire
including wire-railing length of the road around
footbridges, ingenious Lake Cushman leading to
step cutting, and Staircase. 
special flour- Finally, last
ishes like when week, and much
the trail dodges later than usual,
around or under the Forest Service
fallen trees.  regraded the road
It also has a to Staircase —
steeper grade always a tempo-
than Lena Lake, rary, annual fix. 
for example, and Now, all the
will have you NFS forest roads
puffing on the are in bad shape
upper stretches in the Southern
that top out at 3,200 feet. Olympics, thanks to
Still, it’s only 2 miles to record-breaking rains. I
the top, and 4 1/2 miles took FS 24 from Jorstad
round trip.  Creek for about 6 miles
I’d provide lots more last week, crawling in
good reasons for exploring and out of craters for Journal photo by Mark Woytowich
this trail, but all my data much of that stretch. No crater love, no staircase to heaven . . . until just recently thousands of potholes lined the road to
is year-old recollections, I imagine the route to Staircase, turning a scenic drive into a scene of misery for tourists and locals alike. 
at best.  Hamma Hamma Falls
The same can be said and Mildred Lakes being Park. If you wish to drive to find this kind of rain- saved the facility from tables are going in just
for nearby Dry Creek equally pocked.  in, park, and immediately forest access is far to the full closure. Since then, below the Mount Rose
Trail, Shady Lane Trail, But the way to Stair- experience old-growth west, at Lake Quinault, the ranger station has trailhead. 
Mount Rose Trail, the case is different.  Olympic rainforest, this or way up north, via the operated as an all-volun- My argument isn’t
Staircase Loop and the At least, it ought to be. is the place, right in our Elwah River entrance or teer visitor information with workers, or dedicat-
North Fork Skokomish backyard.  Hurricane Ridge. endeavor, with the excep- ed hearts. It’s that some-
Trail, a main access to MAKE AN Visitors from all over Those other routes are tion of one paid volunteer where up the Olympic
the interior of Olympic EXCEPTION the world attest to its paved. Well paved, in the manager. National Park and Forest
National Park.  Staircase is a main popularity by means of case of Elwah, with its I cite these examples Service food chains, per-
Since last autumn all access point, with a camp- their signatures at the entire river system and so that you’ll forgive me haps paving the road to
of these trails have been ground and ranger sta- Hoodsport Visitor Center.  roads accommodating the for wondering — aloud Staircase is not a priority. 
off limits to me, not due tion, to Olympic National Your next nearest place historic breaching of two and in print — if perhaps And if that’s so, we
major dams.  upper management at the have only ourselves to
In addition to Stair- Olympic National For- blame. We are not speak-

Your Local Tides

case, Lake Cushman est Service does not hold ing up for what our visi-
has its own spectacular lower Hood Canal in a tors deserve, for what we
beauty. Why is it that high-priority embrace? deserve. 
for the week of May 18 through May 25, 2017 visitors must put up with
and pummeling to see Maybe I’m not the only PREACHER
ALLYN | Case Inlet this pristine lake in the one thinking this way.  OK, I hate this
18 12:13am 13.9 19 1:02am 13.9 20 1:49am 14.0 21 2:31am 14.2 spring, then endure Dust See if this, too, seems preachy crap more than
Thu 6:51am 6.6 Fri 7:54am 5.7 Sat 8:44am 4.6 Sun 9:27am 3.2 Bowl summers and poor true to you: Olympic Na- you do. Hell, I’m the guy
11:10pm 9.5 12:30pm 9.3 1:51pm 9.6 3:06pm 10.4 visibility for driving be- tional Park officials allo- who has to write it. 
5:54pm 1.3 6:53pm 2.0 7:56pm 2.8 8:58pm 3.5 cause the National Forest cate more of their budget But I got to get this off
Service will not perma- toward the high-visibility my chest, otherwise this
22 3:10am 14.4 23 3:48am 14.7 24 4:26am 14.9 25 5:05am 15.0 nently pave the way to and high-traffic northern stuff festers like a termite
Mon 10:07am 1.6 Tue 10:47am -0.1 Wed 11:28am -1.5 Thu 12:11pm -2.7 Staircase?   portion of the park. The log you just tossed in a
4:12pm 11.5 5:12pm 12.7 6:07pm 13.7 7:01pm 14.6 Seattle-Port Townsend- campfire, a million things
9:56pm 4.1 10:52pm 4.8 11:46pm 5.4 STAIRCASE A Port Angeles and Victo- going off in all directions. 
STEPCHILD ria, B.C., circuit is viewed I don’t want to write it
SHELTON | Oakland Bay The Forest Service as a much more lucrative again, except to show what
has never been known trading route than the kind of progress is being
18 12:51am 13.9 19 1:40am 13.9 20 2:27am 14.0 21 3:09am 14.2 for rolling in the dough. caravans passing through made. Maybe I am com-
Thu 7:57am 5.6 Fri 9:00am 4.9 Sat 9:50am 3.9 Sun 10:33pm 2.7
11:48pm 9.5 1:08pm 9.3 2:29pm 9.6 3:44pm 10.4 Maybe budget cuts have Hoodsport.  pletely wrong about priori-
7:00pm 1.1 7:59pm 1.8 9:02pm 2.4 10:04pm 3.0 always been uniform Really? You mean, like, ties. Or budgets. Or why
and absorbed in the most all those maintenance things happened like they
22 3:48am 14.4 23 4:26am 14.7 24 5:04am 14.9 25 12:52am 4.6 even-handed manner vehicles and equipment did with the former Hood
Mon 11:13am 1.3 Tue 11:53am 0.0 Wed 12:34pm -1.3 Thu 5:43am 15.0 possible. But at the same being located up north? Canal Ranger Station. 
4:50pm 11.5 5:50pm 12.7 6:45pm 13.7 1:17pm -2.3 time, I wonder about all Just count the rang- If wrong, I’ll print
11:02pm 3.6 11:58pm 4.1 7:39pm 14.6 the years that Big Creek ers on duty at Staircase. apologies, too. 
Campground had just Then take a count of To that end, I will
UNION | Hood Canal barely limped along. Go- rangers at Port Angeles investigate this issue
ing back as far as 2000, and Hurricane Ridge. with all the highest au-
18 5:58am 6.4 19 12:23am 11.6 20 1:05am 11.6 21 1:42am 11.7 maintenance and upkeep It’s about a 5 to 1 ratio thorities, in the National
Thu 9:09am 7.5 Fri 6:53am 5.5 Sat 7:40am 4.3 Sun 8:22am 2.9 had suffered, and the between personnel, north Park Service, the Forest
4:41pm 2.0 10:50am 7.0 1:06pm 7.3 2:27am 8.2 whole campground looked to south.  Service, and any elected
5:43pm 2.7 6:48pm 3.3 7:51pm 3.9 like it was sliding back And while Brinnon official who may be able
into a wild, unmanaged can’t get a road in — pe- to shine a light on the
22 2:16am 11.7 23 2:50am 11.8 24 3:25am 11.9 25 4:01am 11.8 state. This was also hap- riod — Hurricane Ridge situation. 
Mon 9:03am 1.4 Tue 9:44am -0.1 Wed 10:25am -1.5 Thu 11:08am -2.6
pening a few miles up the gets its road plowed con- I will share whatever
3:31am 9.4 4:29pm 10.7 5:22am 11.8 6:14pm 12.6
8:51pm 4.4 11:40pm 6.0 road, at Lilliwaup Camp- tinually, all winter long.  I learn as part of future
9:49pm 5.0 10:45pm 5.5
ground.   It seems there’s money columns. 
Then, in 2002, the For- for tourism and commerce Paving the Way to
THE SUN and THE MOON est Service quite abruptly on Hurricane Ridge, but Staircase. 
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 decided to jump ship from no money to pave one Has a nice ring to it.
Sunrise 4:32am 4:31am 4:30am 4:29am 4:28am 4:27am 4:26am 4:25am its Hoodsport Ranger Sta- single road along Lake We’ll find out if it’s
Sunset 7:46pm 7:47pm 7:48pm 7:50pm 7:51pm 7:52pm 7:53pm 7:54pm tion, closing it as a cost- Cushman.  easier to say than to
Moonrise 1:00am 1:32am 2:02am 2:31am 3:01am 3:33am 4:08am 4:49am saving measure, accord- Now, there’s plenty of make come true.
Moonset 11:19am 12:25pm 1:33pm 2:44pm 3:58pm 5:15pm 6:33pm 7:49pm ing to the official line. dedicated Forest Service
Third quarter May 18 However, a last- personnel in our region, n Mark Woytowich is
minute rally led by Casey people ready to work a writer, photographer
Weekly Tide Tables Your ONE STOP Complete Outdoor Recreation Store SINCE 1948
Kronquist, executive hard on our behalf. The and video producer
Sponsored by
VERLE'S (360) 426-0933 director of the Shelton-
Mason County Chamber
Mount Rose trail crew is
legendary. In fact, new
who lives in Potlatch.
He can be reached at
Tidal Information courtesy NOAA | Astronomical Data courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory
of Commerce at the time, steps, toilets and picnic
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-3

NM baseball season going, going, gone

By ALEXANDRA SMITH overall. as individuals and as a team, year and hopefully make a North Mason junior Gar- “Overall, the season was as the season went on. We good run deep in the season.” rett Borah said this year was
not as well as we hoped for finished strong and hope for it Senior Jeremy Carahan a struggle and sometimes
The North Mason baseball coming into it,” junior Austin to carry on to next year, and said the Bulldogs had a lot disappointing, but it was a
team finished its season May Knight said. “At the begin- it will help because we had a of talent, but struggled with rebuilding year, and he hopes
1 with a 7-0 loss to Kingston. ning, we started very shaky young team this year and plan teamwork at the beginning of the team will come out stron-
The Bulldogs finished 1-11 in and slow, but it was good to to keep the team chemistry the year. ger next season.
the Olympic League and 2-16 see all of us get better, both we had to get even better next “As the season went on, “The team needs to come
we began to bond and work out and play,” said Noah
together; therefore, we started Wiseman. “We need to come
playing much better,” Carah- out and play like we want to
an said. “The team as a whole win, and have a goal set in
had a great lesson and lots of mind, that will reflect in the
stuff to build on for next sea- teams overall playing ability
son. As for myself, I believe and performance.”
I improved the most overall During the season, the
with my attitude; it wasn’t team made some improve-
as much about the game as it ments through obstacles it
was for having a positive envi- had to overcome.
ronment.” “I think the most we im-
The team enjoyed time on proved is our team playing
the road together over spring through adversity that was
break as well. thrown at us,” Knight said.
“The highlight of the sea- “From players being injured
son was going to Eastern or ineligible, to just people
Washington during spring having bad games. At the
break to play,” Knight said. beginning of the season, we
“Just the whole time was seemed to just give up, but
great, from being with the at the end of the season, we
team the whole week, and would stay in the game the
playing over in Eastern Wash- whole time and play until
Journal photo by Alexandra Smith ington, meeting coach Geyer’s the end no matter what hap-
North Mason junior Gavin Rightmyer holds a Bremerton player on first in a game April 14 family, and getting a win in pened. I felt like that was
at North Mason High School. his hometown. Overall, that what our team improved the
was just a great week.” best at.”

North Mason fastpitch steps up to the plate

By ALEXANDRA SMITH “I think the season summed up was a little rough, but we fought
our way through some hard times,”
The North Mason fastpitch team Fredrickson said. “The highlight of
finished its season with three games the season for me was just getting to
last week. The Bulldogs finished 2-9 play in every game, and I definitely
in the Olympic League and 3-10 over- improved on my batting the most.”
all. Two girls this year hit home runs,
“We are very young, and it Left and sophomore Taylor Hendrick-
showed,” Bulldog coach Steve Valley son. Senior Shay Valley threw 37.2
said. “We were very inconsistent. We innings this year with 24 strikeouts
only had a couple games where we and a ERA of 4.65 with a 2-4 record.
put it all together. There were times “This season was definitely one
when we played defense well but I will never forget,” Left said. “Due
didn’t hit, there were times we hit to our Washington weather, it made
but didn’t play defense.” this season shorter, and we spent
On May 8, the Bulldogs beat most of practices inside. I wish we
Bremerton 10-2 at Bremerton, and could have gotten more chances on
on May 10, they lost to Olympic 24-5 the field.”
at home. Left summed up the season as a
“I don’t think there was a lot of learning experience for everyone.
improvement,” Valley said. “I blame “My highlight of the season was
that on the weather, and time we just every second I was on the field,
had on the field. We could never get even during the irritating innings,
into a grove because of all the rain- the rain and when we were losing,”
outs. Once we got something going, she said. “Just having the oppor-
we would get rained out again. This tunity to play was good enough for
was a very odd year. The girls did the me. Over the season I think I im-
best they could.” proved in every aspect of softball. I
Three players hit over .350 this physically and mentally improved Journal photo by Alexandra Smith
season — senior Jadin Left (.394), due to my team always supporting North Mason freshman Rebekah Fredrickson scoops up a ground ball
freshman Rebekah Fredrickson (.386) me and my coaches always pushing between second and third bases April 28 in a game against Port Angeles.
and junior Corlise Newman (.378). me.”

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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Journal Photo by Shawna Whelan


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(360) 432-3625

117 N. 8th Street

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train new guide on
not  DJR
has beento reach ns of the original are deviatininclude WUDLQLQJ  EHIRUH GRJV KRZ ZKLFK 6KH LS FOXE
going the whole
for student shampo school Smither d. WKHJXLG VDLG VKH VHYHQ severa dog
on for child, s. The o and received Rosenb use of g

Celebra years,” physica deodora building EOLQG

by Shoppin
te the he l educati nt the school meetingthe board OLYHVµV ,”´7KLV SURJUDP FFA IRU
Holiday , adding dur- SUHVHQW student
On behalf g Local! s see SERVIC plete
legal district has that DQDVVH DLG0LF G0LFKH  KDV
members, of all of

Thanksgivi we wish our ES, page The authori WKHGRJ PEO\0
ng and you a Happy early ty to do so. &DUWHU VWRWKH
We invite glorious NORTH A-27
– from you to holiday
Union, Allyn shop
and Belfair W WKH WKH ))$ KDYLQJ
our localHoodsport VLPLODU HVHDUFKLQJZD\
ER , page  WKH KLJK inspired HU HU VRUJLY WKH
locals ICEN A-26 and
Visit North begin
and visitors have
your holidayalike. gifts for

Shelton, WA 98584
Why R CE
Mason in your
own backyard? shopping not NTER HPEO\ RQ Adama
Chamb ZHOO
360-275-42 right JLQ and ÀYH
er, Belfair 67 or For informatio
adena@no RWKHU V OLYLQJ SXSS\ another
Licensi rthmasoncn on our
ng and GRJV
JJUDDI ))$ VWX- Local
Visitor . Happy
$160 JR-
K grant
Inform — Holidays!
ation Stephanie Rowland,
Center , $160
in BelfairPresident & CEO. lead to K loan AY S, page
(360)27 80 new Plans
5-4267 Page jobs for Thele
www.n A-6
soncha move r prop
mber.c forwa erty
Page rd North
A-24 squad Mason wres
aims tling
Page this year

Gillis Auto
New & Reconditioned Appliances (360) 426-5585
Gas, Wood & Pellet Stove Repairs Gateway Property 180 W. Hulbert
New — Estate — Repair 360.427.1202 Management Rd.
1st & Railroad • Shelton • M-F 10am-5:30pm • 360.426-5811 Ken & Julie Oakes
— Owners — 1717 Olympic Hwy. N / Suite #102 (360) 426-3988 -- 620 W. Cota St.
- Shelton

Hiawatha HERALD
- Thursda
y, Nov.
24, 2016


Serving All of Journ

IR City postpo
ay, Nov.
decision pon
24, 2016
roundh on SHEL
’ ouse TON-MAS

a free Servin Thursd
ay, Nov. PAGE A-2 usee
g the ON COU
way for unities of Belfair, Allyn, Police
24, 2016
The Port comm
CoderDojo Allyn will host kids to Grape
The Voice
workshop a West view, of Mason
for local Sound learn Tahuya, Mason Lake, South stando
y Since

brianna NA
@maso LOPER students the newest 1886

- Vol.

ncounty are taking skills
Shore 130,
As .com ing The Portup. youngst
and STUD
STU No. 47

Mason County
technol more ers Victor
the next ogy and
mathemthan penman
a West of Allyn “Kids ENTS
generat advance
ion is s,
learnin atics. ship
10:30 Sound CoderDwill host togethe teach
a.m. r,” said kids and

learn- programg to build Coding at its
s, website comput — state building
to 12:30 ojo
p.m. from
ing, strategi
Dona work quickly
games s, applicaer
Route in Allyn, Dec. 3 Sound CoderD c advisor Keat- ABORATE $1.50

Studen 3. 18560 ing more for West helping segues
ojo. “They’r
— is - into
one of laptop andts should it teachesthan learnin e do- code.
one another student
nied must bring ship, competi g to learn s

by a parent be accomp a collabor tion, code; willKeating to

Harve provide said event

or guardia a- The ation leader-
a quick event will …” rials
at the some onlineleaders
st meal
Sound introdu start
CoderD ction by with attende Multiple
diate beginne
and advance tuto-
r, interme

respond; agencies
ojo leaders West es can d levels, -
, but choose but
to work

(360) 426-4562
By injured
, page

michael@ EL HEINBA


Since 1886



move to


681 E. Johns

SP 5DLOURD By XSLQD training
side the 1RY  brianna BRIAN Mason Mason ining Adama
O\  residence 7KH\ UHPDLQ @maso
DIWHU forr the High School curls
ncounty next up in

SHUVRQQODZ HQIRUFH whileThe year, on
approxi HG LQ- .com startingMonday. the arms
YHKLFOHV mate- in FebruaAdama
Ada of sophom
ry; Burggr will be ore

VRQ&RX WR School one of Amy Burggr Journal
with aaf could two dogs photos
,VODQG PRYH aaf during

n ng w
PHQWRI NRPLVK7ULEDO of theULII·V plans by Brianna
Commu 7ULEDO for the be his that
Mary trainer. will be trained
an assemb Loper

On Saturd
During Center. E. Theler North Maso at Northly

RFNHGWK board meeting
Thanks ay, Belfair HURDGZ LQJWRQ
proved unanim
introduces n FFA

Prairie Rd.
Sadd. giving meal Comm a D\DQG
see STANDSuperin resoluti ously ap-

trainingg guide dog

to anyoneunity Church tendent on to

P.O. Box 1865 • Belfair, WA 98528

OFF, allow
who plans to pagestart Dana Rosen-
walkedhosted its
40 et 8, program
center to turn thecarrying
High in the annual out

fund surJournal
includeHarvest Meal. learnin into an earlycommu

school g nity
d, from Rosenbfacility. childhoBy
centerCongregation od BRIANN

offers left, Trevor membe Herald

ning ach has
and researc brianna@ NA A LOPER

By BRIAN photo sibility been
plan- masonc

ser $800
brianna NA Calkins rs serving by Gordon center of the early hing
the pos- Adama

@maso LOPER , Darcele a traditio Weeks m
so far
WKHUHVRfor about

Ford childhoDOOLWZ couldn’t
ncounty nal
for stu
and Khloe permiss OXWLRQJ six od
From .com months RIÀFHV DVKLVÀ KLVÀUVW sit still.
food for showers with ion to DYHKHURIÀFLDO tle;excited. KHZDVUVWGD\

School the weekenand laundry STAFF the move ERXQGWLQKLVQ
The idea. 
forward +H
cationa is going
in nee
beyond North Mason
services WRDYHU resolution SURIHVVLWULHG G WR OLW-

those don’t take

to asoncou is a follow VWD\
healthy l facility its job forward EDODIÀUPDWLRQ WUDLQHUV RQDO DO EXW FDOP

Belfair Office (360) 275-9505

. to ensure High up DQG DFW
barri away
“We an said. 7KHDQQ superin the WRPRYH IRUWKH
student edu- XDO&KU meeting tendentboard gave ÀUVWWLP
students ers, they
try to
said principa JUDP   VWWLPH  KLV
offer s are Collins FOXE SXW RQ E\ LVWPDV EDVNHW . at its the The constan HZDVW
l Chad as much thump” nstantt
Collins already said DQG WKH 6KHOWRQ August RR
) are that Journa WKH Sheltonplot The plan
er said and vice Collins. as we can,” schoolti has services SUR- 0DVRQ off his tail“thump,

to be not going
since lKDVUD that  applies
hard the school principa machin me, such the
availab school LVHG -Mason
ÀHOG HW  to a
include 5-acreKLP +LJK6F JK6FKR on the thump,
County North Guide-
to adminis l Jack Smith- SHU DQG WKHW nity SDUNLQJ DZD\ KRROJ\P
ers to ensure student
here.”  ³ KHROJ\PÁ
es for as le during VRIDU s
ter physica towels industrial K\HDU center   ORW DQGthe play pup. ÁRRUJD Burggr dog-in-training
more their educati s don’t
works easy l educati and showers
washinYHWHUDQ across WKHQHZ building FRPPX Adama ZDV RRUJDY H Monda aaf
than RQH KDSS\ during
mentali a place on. The have step
able for to make on classes, g Elemen the street
V RUJDQL] VSD , located - Co
ty that for high barri- Chad student those
for af-
Route tary DWLRQ from
is one
of two trainingy. The assemb an ass
assemb o sits at
North Collins, principa
Collins students school is it VFKRRO EH WUDLQHG the
“We serviceswas an School Belfair puppies on socialprogra ly at
ly introdu North feet of sophom
s. 3.
said he to learn, er have Mason in to have a number avail- 7KH on state ))$·V QH[W [W \HDU  DW WKH
conduc m, where in
l of
and Smith-a
had for High
School said, shower before of kids parking ZHWODQGV WHDFKHV QHZHVW ZHVW DV SDUW KLJK t in public. FFA ced the Mason High
F ore
public studen school SchoolAmy
and that trying long time. donatioadding that school,” that come “We LQ SXEOLF HUYLFH SURJUDP RI WKH
train new guide on
not  DJR
has beento reach ns of the original are deviatininclude WUDLQLQJ  EHIRUH GRJV KRZ ZKLFK 6KH LS FOXE
going the whole
for student shampo school Smither d. WKHJXLG VDLG VKH VHYHQ severa dog
on for child, s. The o and received Rosenb use of g
Celebra years,” physica deodora ing the ach told building EOLQG
te the he l educati nt meetingthe board OLYHVµV ,”´7KLV SURJUDP IRU SHRSOH IRU
by Shoppin Holiday the school FFA VWDWHFR RJUDPODVW schools XJKWKHSURJUD
on , adding dur- SUHVHQW student QYHQWLR .
On behalf g Local! s see SERVIC plete
legal district has that DQDVVH DLG0LF G0LFKH  KDV
members, of all of

Thanksgivi we wish our ES, page The authori WKHGRJ PEO\0

Port Orchard Office (360) 464-2818

ng and you a Happy early ty to do so. &DUWHU RWKHVW GD\WRL
We invite glorious NORTH A-27
– from you to holiday
Union, Allyn shop
and Belfair W WKH WKH ))$ KDYLQJ
our localHoodsport VLPLODU HVHDUFKLQJZD\
businesses and Shelton,to I R L ICENS page  WKH
locals A-26 and
Visit North begin
and visitors have
your holidayalike. gifts for
Why R CE
Mason in your
own backyard? shopping not NTER HPEO\ RQ Adama
Chamb ZHOO
at 360-275-42 O JXLGH ÀYH
er, Belfair
right JLQ and
SXSS\ another
67 or For informatio OLYLQJ
adena@no RWKHU V
Licensi rthmasoncn on our
ng and Local GRJV ))$
Visitor . Happy
Inform —
ation Stephanie Rowland,
Holidays! Adena
could grant, $160
in BelfairPresident & CEO. lead to K loan AY S, page
(360)27 80 new Plans
5-4267 Page jobs for Thele
www.n A-6
soncha move r prop
mber.c forwa erty
Page rd North
A-24 squad Mason wres
aims tling
Page this year

“We Make House Calls” (360) 426-1000
517 W.
Olsen Furniture (360) 427-8611 Franklin St.
(360) 426-4702 -- 414 W. Franklin St. 1131 W. Kamilche Lane - Just off Highway 101 221 N. 1st St. • 426-7277


Shelton Verle’s Page

- Shelton

- Thursda
y, Nov.
24, 2016


Serving All of Journ


Thursd City postpo
ay, Nov.
decision pon
24, 2016
roundh on SHEL
’ a fre ouse TON-MAS

Servin Thursd
ay, Nov. PAGE A-2 usee
e way
g the

24, 2016
The Port of
unities NTY

CoderDojo Allyn will host
a West
for kids to
of Belfair
, Allyn,
The Voice
of Mason
workshop view,
for local Sound learn stando
, Mason
y Since

brianna NA
@maso LOPER students the newest Lake, 1886

South - Vol.

ncounty are taking skills
Shore 130,
As .com ing The up. youngst
and Victor STUD
STU No. 47

Mason County
technol more ers
the next and a West Port of Allyn ENTS
ogy mathemthan penman “Kids
generat advance learnin 10:30 Sound CoderDwill host togethe teach , PUPP
s to
atics. ship
ion is s, a.m. r,” said kids and
learn- program to build Coding at its
s, website comput — state building
to 12:30 ojo
p.m. from
ing, strategi
Dona work quickly
games s, applicaer
Route in Allyn, Dec. 3 Sound CoderD c advisor Keat- ABORATE $1.50

Studen 3. 18560 ing more for West helping segues
ojo. “They’r
— is - into
one of laptop andts should it teachesthan learnin one another

e do- code. student
nied must bring ship, competi g to learn s

by a parent be accomp a collabor tion, code; willKeating to

Harve provide said event

or guardia a- The ation leader-
a quick event will …” rials
at the some onlineleaders
st meal
Sound introdu start
CoderD ction by with attende
and advance tuto-
r, interme

respond; agencies
ojo leaders West es can d levels, -
, but choose but

to work
, page

michael@ EL HEINBA


Since 1886



move to


SP 5DLOURD By XSLQD training
side the 1RY  brianna BRIAN Mason Mason ining Adama
O\  residen 7KH\ @maso
DIWHU forr the High School curls
ce UHPDLQ ncounty next up in

SHUVRQQODZ HQIRUFH whileThe year, on
approxi HG LQ- .com startingMonday. the arms
YHKLFOHV mate- in FebruaAdama
Ada of sophom
2IÀFH HQW0D WKHforward 6KHOWRQYRWHG DQG Mason will be
ry; Burggr ore

VRQ&RX WR School one of Amy Burggr Journal
with aaf could two dogs photos
,VODQG PRYH aaf during

n ng w
PHQWRI NRPLVK7ULEDO of plans by Brianna
Commu7ULEDO theULII·V for the be his that
Mary trainer. will be trained
an assemb Loper
During Center. E. Theler North Maso at Northly

(360) 426-0933
On Saturd theG:DVK'HSDUW-

RFNHGWK board meeting
Thanks ay, Belfair
Sadd. giving meal Comm
proved unanim Nov. 15,
see STANDSuperin resoluti ously ap- introduces n FFA
trainingg guide dog
to anyoneunity Church bach
tendent on to
who plans to pagestart Dana Rosen-
walkedhosted its
40 et 8, program
to A-20 carryin

High in the annual center turn g out


fund surJournal
includeHarvest Meal. learnin into an earlycommu


(360) 426-8401
d, from Rosenbfacility. childhoBy
centerCongregation od BRIANN

offers left, Trevor membe Herald

ning ach has
and researc brianna@ NA A LOPER

By BRIAN photo sibility been
plan- masonc

ser $800
brianna NA Calkins rs serving by Gordon center of the early hing
the pos- Adama

@maso LOPER , Darcele a traditio
Weeks m
so far
WKHUHVRfor about

Ford childhoDOOLWZ couldn’t
ncounty nal
for stu
and Khloe permiss OXWLRQJ six months od
From .com RIÀFHV DVKLVÀKLVÀUVW sit still.
food for showers with ion to DYHKHURIÀFLDO tle;excited. KHZDVUVWGD\


741 W. Golden
School the weekenand laundry The idea. 
forward +H
cationa is going
in nee
beyond North Mason
services WRDYHU resolution SURIHVVLWULHG G WR OLW-

those don’t take

to asoncou is a follow VWD\
healthy l facility its job nty.comforward EDODIÀUPDWLRQ WUDLQHUV RQDO DO EXW FDOP

. to ensure High up DQG
as an
barri away H[FLWLQJ IRUWKH
student edu- XDO&KU meeting tendentboard gave ÀUVWWLP
students ers, they
try to
said principa JUDP   VWWLPH  KLV
offer s are Collins FOXE SXW RQ E\ LVWPDV EDVNHW . at its the The constan HZDVW
l Chad as much thump” nstantt
Collins already said DQG WKH 6KHOWRQ August RR
) are that Journa WKH Sheltonplot The plan
er said and vice Collins. as we can,” schoolti has services SUR- 0DVRQ off his tail“thump,

to be not going
since lKDVUD that  applies

1829 Jefferson
hard the school principa machin me, such the
availab school LVHG -Mason
ÀHOG HW  to a
include 5-acreKLP +LJK6F JK6FKR on the thump,
County North Guide-
to adminis l Jack Smith- SHU DQG WKHW nity SDUNLQJ DZD\ KRROJ\P

(800) 426-5657 -- 526 W. Cedar

ers to ensure student es for as le during VRIDU s
 ORW DQGthe play  ³ KHROJ\PÁ
more their educati
tration ter physica towels industrial WKH K\HDU center 
WKHQHZ building
ZDV RRUJDY Burggr dog-in-training
s don’t works easy l educati and showers washinYHWHUDQ across FRPPX Adama RQH KDSS\ H Monda aaf
mentali a place on. The have step on classes, g Elemen the street
V RUJDQL] VSD , located - during Co
ty that for high barri- Chad
able to
for student make
for af- Route tary DWLRQ from
is one of trainingy. The assemb an ass
assemb o sits at
North Collins, principa
Collins students school is it VFKRRO EH WUDLQHG two puppies on the
“We serviceswas an School Belfair
socialprogram, ly at
said he to learn, er have Mason in to have a number
avail- 7KH
3. on state ))$·V QH[W [W \HDU  DW WKH
conduc where
ly introdu
in North feet of sophom
l of
and Smith-a had for High said, shower before of kids parking ZHWODQGV WHDFKHV QHZHVW DV SDUW KLJK FFA ced
F Mason
public. studenthe school High School
t in public ore Amy
School ZHVW

Pheasant Rd.
“We’re a DQG
and that trying long time. donatioadding that lot are DQG RYHUÁRZ HUYLFH SURJUDP RI WKH
school,” that come “We LQ SXEOLF OHDGHUVK ts will ’s
train new guide on
not  DJR
has beento reach for student ns of the school Smithe original are deviatininclude WUDLQLQJ  EHIRUH GRJV KRZ ZKLFK 6KH LS FOXE
the shampo d. WKHJXLG VDLG VKH VHYHQ severa dog
on for
child, s. The o and receivedr Rosenb use of g
Celebra years,” physica deodora ing the ach told building EOLQG
te the he l educati nt meetingthe board OLYHVµV ,”´7KLV SURJUDP IRU SHRSOH IRU
by Shoppin Holiday the school FFA VWDWHFR RJUDPODVW schools XJKWKHSURJUD
on , adding dur- SUHVHQW student QYHQWLR .
On behalf g Local! s see SERVIC plete
legal district has that DQDVVH DLG0LF G0LFKH  KDV
members, of all of


Thanksgivi we wish our The com- RQGD\W UWHUGXU
season. ng and a Happy
local We invite glorious childhoVWUXFWRU KDV VWXGHQ XFH student U&DUWH DERXW GRJVLQ
– from
you to holiday
and Belfair
WKH ))$
s were
our localHoodsport VLPLODU HVHDUFKLQJZD\
ER , page  WKH KLJK inspired HU HU VRUJLY WKH
locals ICEN A-26 and
Visit North begin
and visitors have
your holidayalike. gifts for
Why not R CE
Mason in your
own shopping NTER HPEO\ RQ Adama
Chamb ZHOO
at 360-275-42backyard? O JXLGH
right JLQ and ÀYH
er, Belfair 67 or For informatio
adena@no RWKHU V OLYLQJ SXSS\ another
Licensi n on our
ng and GRJV
JJUDDI ))$ VWX- Local
Visitor . Happy
$160 JR-
K grant
Inform — Holidays!
ation Stephanie Rowland,
in BelfairPresident & CEO. lead to $160K loan AY S, page
(360)27 80 new Plans
5-4267 Page jobs for Thele
www.n A-6
soncha move r prop
mber.c forwa erty
Page rd North
A-24 squad Mason wres
aims tling
Page this year
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-5

Shelton girls golf team

leaves it in the cup
By ALEXANDRA SMITH Martinson said. “It was like a light bulb went off
with her swing because it had always
The Shelton girls golf team finished looked good, but she struggled with
its season at the South Sound Confer- contact,” Martinson said. “The last
ence Championships on May 9 and three weeks, something clicked and Kids Don’t Just “Forget” to Eat. Forgetful Leads to Forgotten
10. The Highclimbers went 0-7 this she had great ball contact.”
season, but had some highlights this
Newcomer Grace Toney grew up
playing softball, so she had a natural
Together We Can Change These Pictures.
“This team doubled their point swing. United Way of Mason County doesn’t do it alone.
total this year, which is amazing “It took until about seven weeks of
considering how difficult golf is as a the season for her to start to change Your immediate response is essential in order to
beginner,” Shelton girls golf coach over to a golf swing and she started continue services for:
Lorna Martinson said. “We went from making some great shots,” Martinson Backpacks for Children
not being able to get to the green said. “For both these girls, they will
before triple bogey to having putts need to continue playing this summer, Hot nutritious meals for Seniors
for points at bogey, double and triple and I think they will be contenders Shelter, food and clothes for homeless children and families
bogey. We spent the first part of the next year at league for us.” Support for families with disabled children
season just hitting balls so we could The season wasn’t all work and no
get to the point to where we could
score and it worked. Now we have the
play. Even on weeks with multiple
matches, the team still found time to The Next Picture Depends on You.
table set for next year to start work-
ing more on the short game. These
relax and enjoy some team bonding.
“I think we had a highlight week
Please Donate today:
girls also really picked up on all the with the Sibley Scramble on a Monday Payroll Deduction
etiquette and rules that go along with and then a trip to Port Angeles for By Mail/In Person:
golf. That is a sharp learning curve in the Duke Streeter on Friday,” Martin- 724 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton
itself and these girls handled it very son said. “We also played well in our Online:
well.” league matches that week. The Duke Corporate Sponsorship Available:
It was a learning year for the Streeter is fun because we spend a lit- Call 360.426.4999
Climbers, Martinson said. Most team tle bit of time down on the waterfront
members were new to the game or and the team really enjoyed that.” Your Tax-Deductible Gift Stays in Mason County - Thank You!
only played for three months last sea- Martinson is already looking for-
son. ward to next season and has high
“I would say that the season was hopes for the team. 360. 898.2481
full of laughter, positive feelings, “I am hearing that some of the
excitement for the game and team ca- other girls plan to play this summer
maraderie,” Martinson said. “We just so I am excited to see what 2018 will
meshed really well as a team, so it was bring for Highclimber golf because
a very fun season.” there were some other freshmen new
Shelton freshman Dreann Merri- to the game who will get pretty good Keeping our community connected
man was the lone competitor for the quickly if I can get the right equip-
Climbers at the South Sound Con- ment in their hands and they play this Broadband Video Voice IT Services
ference Championship tournament. summer,” Martinson said.
Players had to qualify with an 18-hole Martinson is still reminiscing about
score of 115 to qualify for the confer- this season. Unhappy with your current wifi or internet?
ence tournament. “I have never had a team so excited
“She is a freshman and is anxious to play every day,” Martinson said. “It
to continue playing this summer, so didn’t matter what the weather was Try the local’s choice- HCC!
she will be markedly improved next or who they were playing with, they
year if she does that,” Martinson said. just wanted to play golf. Golf is such a Save $15 off broadband
Viola Lanman was a returner this great game, so as a coach, its special
year as a sophomore at Shelton and when your players enjoy the game so for your first 4 months.
she really started hitting the ball well much. I am looking forward to next
the last three weeks of the season, season with this group.”
Happy wifi happy life!
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New service activation required. Promotional discounts for four months. Some restrictions may apply. Offer expires 6/30/17.
Hood Canal Telephone Co., Inc. (dba Hood Canal Communications) is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.

Journal photo by Alexandra Smith — John Lennon
Shelton freshman Grace Toney putts out earlier this season at Alderbrook
Golf Course in Union. Shelton golf coach Lorna Martinson said she hopes
her players will continue to practice this summer.
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

SHS track and field hosts SSC Champs


The Shelton track and field team

hosted the South Sound Conference
Championships on May 11 and 13.
The event was the first round of the
postseason and athletes qualified for
the West Central District Champion- Junior Joshua
ships by placing in the top six at the Dohring placed
SSC tournament. second in the boys
Shelton had 11 athletes qualify for discus and shot
the WCD tournament scheduled for put competitions
tomorrow and Saturday. at the South
Shelton junior Cody Hall placed Sound Conference
first in the boys javelin competition Championships
with a throw of 163-04. His PR this last weekend in
season is 174-0. Hall has improved Shelton. Dohring
his mark by over 57 feet since his shot put distance
freshman year. was 45-01, a new
Highclimber senior Cody Simon personal record,
placed first in the boys pole vault and discus 138-
competition and also set a new per- 0. His personal
sonal record of 15-0. Simon is now in best in discus was
second place for the all-time SHS pole set May 5 at the
vault school record. This also tied him Shaner Invite with
for the second place position in 3A a throw of 152-04.
and fourth overall in the state.
Journal photo by
Shelton junior Josh Dohring Alexandra Smith
placed second in the boys discus and
shot put competitions. Dohring shot
put distance of 45-01 was a new per-
sonal record and threw discus 138-0.
His PR for discus was set May 5 at
the Shaner Invite with a throw of
Highclimber freshman McKenzie
Salazar-Fox placed second in the girls
shot put competition, with a distance fifth in the 1,600. His 1,600 time of has improved her time over a minute the 300 hurdles.
of 37-08 feet, less than a foot short of 4:30.84 was a PR for Johnson. He was from her first competition last season. Shelton junior Skyler Johnson
her PR of the season, 38-01. She has nine seconds away from a PR in the Shelton senior Kaitlyn Paller placed sixth in the boys high jump
improved her distance over 5 feet this 3,200. placed fifth in the girls shot put, jav- measuring 5-06. His PR is 5-08 and
season. Shelton senior Alysia Rosback elin and discus. Her javelin throw he has improved his jump by 8 inches
Senior Jimmy Ye of Shelton placed placed fourth in the girls long jump of 101-00 was a PR for her. She im- since his freshman season.
second in the boys 300 hurdles and with a 15-09 1/4 jump. Rosback has proved her javelin throw 27 feet this The Shelton track and field teams
sixth in the triple jump. His time in improved her jump over a foot from season. She put the shot 34-00 1-2 will be traveling Friday and Saturday
the 300 hurdles was a PR of 42.63. her sophomore year. She set a PR last and threw the discus 102-07. to Sunset Chev Stadium in Sumner
His triple jump measurement was season at the Shaner Invite with a Freshman Ne’a Moffett of Shelton for the WCD championships.
less than a foot short of his PR and jump of 16-04 3/4. placed fifth in the girls 300 hurdles Gig Harbor girls and boys teams
measured 40-00.50. Highclimber senior Anika Parker and sixth in the 100 hurdles. Both of took first place in the SSC Champion-
Highclimber sophomore Will John- placed fourth in the girls 3,200 with a her times were PRs . She clocked a ships with 151 and 186 points respec-
son placed third in the boys 3,200 and time of 12:08.80, a PR for her. Parker 18.15 in the 100 hurdles and 50.79 in tively.

Shelton’s Anika Parker enjoys a lifelong sport

By ALEXANDRA SMITH “Through racing these teams Parker has achieved her over the years, I have devel- postseason goal of qualifying
oped good friendships with for districts; she now bases
Shelton senior track and many of the other runners, her goals on personal health
field competitor Anika Parker and we are competitors on the to prepare for the upcoming
sees herself enjoying running track that continually push competition.
for the rest of her life. each other, so I look forward “I also center my goals
“I want to take advantage to racing and catching up with around sufficient sleep and
of and cherish my ability to them. I look forward to laugh- eating healthy, which help set
run long distance in high ing and joking with them be- me up to have a good race,”
school, especially after the fore the race, competing with Parker said. “I find I race well
years of training I have done,” them, then giving each other when I am relaxed and having
Parker said. “I love the feeling hugs afterwards and going for fun while still focused. Train-
of running strong for a longer a cool down run together.” ing wise, I start to taper, run
distance on the fast surface Parker is transitioning her less volume, but run intervals
of the track and the feeling of strategy for the postseason at slightly higher intensity to
accomplishment when cross- from time-based, to place- remain consistent and sharp.
ing finish line. The training on based. Mentally, I focus more on my
trails with running partners “In racing, place as opposed key events and goals. In races
who have become good friends to time matters more, which earlier in the season, I ran
and the opportunities to push changes my race strategy,” more for training to develop
past my originally perceived Parker said. “The pacing also speed and to get used to rac-
limitations draw me to it.” changes in that it becomes ing at a faster pace, but now
Parker ran in the South more critical to get out quickly the postseason targets my key
Sound Conference champion- with the lead pack, since plac- events.”
ships May 13 at Shelton and ing is more important to ad- Each race she runs could
placed fourth in the 3,200-me- vance to the next meet in the be her last as a Shelton High-
ter race, running it in 12 postseason. Mentally during climber, but Parker knows
minuter and 8.8 seconds, a races, I continue to strive to when the season ends, she’ll
personal record. stay engaged and in contact keep running.
“I have ran personal re- with the lead pack in an ef- “Running is and has been
cords in the 800 and 3,200 Journal photo by Alexandra Smith fort to achieve my goal, which an impactful part of my life
this season,” Parker said. “I Shelton senior Anika Parker placed fourth in the girls 3,200 helps set up the race and not and an important part of who
have raced more competi- with a time of 12 minutes and 8.8 seconds, a PR for her. let my mind wander in the I am,” Parker said. “Through
tively and placed higher at Parker has improved her time over a minute from her first fourth or fifth lap out of eight it, I have made so many great
invitationals. I qualified for competition last season. in the 3,200. Training wise, memories, friendships, bonds
and competed at the Shelton sleep, relaxation, confidence, with coaches and teammates
Invite in the 800.” continues to look forward to “Central Kitsap, Peninsula training and eating healthy and learned life lessons. It is
Despite her accomplish- the tough competition she will and Capital have competitive, continue to be crucial compo- more of a lifestyle than an ex-
ments this season, Parker face in the coming weeks. solid runners,” Parker said. nents.” tracurricular for me.”
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-7

Fastpitch No. 10. May 11-13 Junt, K, 46.35; 6, Grady Bourm, 41; 8, Shelton, 39. Sara Bigelow, Raelee Moore, NK,
Low gross: Kerry Torkelson (109) South Sound Conference Champi- Nolan Hughes, Logan Tyson, 1:49.49; 3, Daisy Ryan, Kristinna
May 8 Low net: Mary Lou Wicken (84) onships at Shelton Clayton Willis, PA, 48.28. May 13 Barnet, Emma Beeson, Telicia
At Shelton Low putts: tie Billie Elms and 1, Gig Harbor, 186; 2, Central 1,600 relay — 1, Jeremiah Petty, 2A Olympic League Sub District Busby, S, 1:53.10; 4, McKenzie
Peninsula 8, Shelton 5 Mary Lou Wicken (31) Kitsap, 102; 3, Capital, 77; 4, Jasiah DeMarc, Von Mejia, Rich- Meet at Bremerton Musalek, Kia Noel, Michelle
P 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 — 8 8 2 9-Hole Division: Peninsula, 72; 5, Timberline, 70; ard Bios, B, 3:32.73; 2, Damien 1, North Kitsap, 161; 2, Port Alvarez, Delaney Wenzl, PA,
S 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 — 7 10 2 First flight — Low Gross Cindy 6, Shelton, 63.5; 7, Yelm, 60; 8, Avalos, Matthew Hyter, Joel Angeles, 106; 3, Olympic, 90; 4, 1:55.98; 5, Aubrianna Mahon,
Taylor (52) Low Net Joyce Reyn- North Thurston, 31.5. Trousdale, Clayton Williams, NK, Bremerton, 89; 5, Sequim, 78; 6, Trisha Mae Mabini, Jade Perez-
May 10 olds (49) 3:33.98; 3, Tor Sather, Eli Miller, Kingston, 46; 7, North Mason, 38. Barroso, Madeline Houston-
At Regional Athletic Complex, Second flight — Low Gross Paula May 13 James Dillow, Xander Robertson, 100 — 1, Tyishea McWhorter, B, Tedrick, B, 2:01.44; 6, Valentine
Lacey Duggan (63) Low Net Kay Moore 2A Olympic League Sub District K, 3:40.09; 4, Curtis Gorr, Mi- 12.38; 2, Hanna Troy, O, 12.44; 3, Campbell, Mataya Stroud, Ciara
Timberline 18, Shelton 9 (54) Meet at Bremerton chael Mattern-Hall, Alec Shingle- Danielle Rose Monzon, O, 12.55; Walden, Faith Collins, K, 2:02.55.
S 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 — 9 10 1 Pars: Cindy Taylor No. 1 1, North Kitsap, 229.5; 2, ton, Murray Bingham, S, 3:40.39; 4, Victory Thomas, O, 13.09; 5, 1,600 relay — 1, Jianna Jones,
T 0 0 0 2 8 8 x — 18 15 1 Low gross: Cindy Taylor (52) Bremerton, 99; 3, Sequim, 96; 5, Ryan Grogan, Reese Smelcer, Aalysia Mitchell, O, 13.37; 6, Erica Bigelow, Annika Taylor,
Low net: Cindy Taylor (40) 4, Kingston, 65; 5, Port Angeles, Ryan Nogues, Austin Williams, Lainnie Lyamba, PA, 13.54; 7, Sara Bigelow, NK, 4:26.67; 2,
May 10 Low putts: tie Cindy Taylor and 32.5; 6, North Mason, 28; 7, NM, 3:53.92; 6, Thomas Shaw, Emily Langford, NK, 13.70; 8, Lauryn Chandler, Elysabeth
At North Mason Joyce Reynolds (16) Olympic, 26. Karson Nicpon, Logan Tyson, Maia Larsen, NK, 17.79. Lamoureux, Madeline Houston-
Olympic 24, North Mason 5 100 — 1, Zachary Clark, NK, Adam Kennedy, PA, 4:04.40. 200 — 1, Tyishea McWhorter, Tedrick, Tyishea McWhorter,
Lake Limerick Ladies Golf 11.32; 2, Jasiah DeMarc, B, Javelin — 1, Riley Cowan, S, 149- B, 25.92; 2, Adrianna Marin, B, 4:28.77; 3, Kristinna Barnet,
May 11 May 4 11.40; 3, Damien Avalos, NK, 06; 2, Grant Nausid-Nichols, NK, O, 27.67; 3, Victory Thomas, O, Daisy Ryan, Emma Beeson,
At Regional Athletic Complex, Substitute Par
 11.50; 4, Von Mejia, B, 11.52; 5, 141-01; 3, Brenden Lauritzen, 28.53; 4, Aalysia Mitchell, O, Morgan Bingham, S, 4:29.86;
Lacey 18 hole, division 1 Darren Junt, K, 11.53; 6, Austin S, 137-10; 4, Brock Hadley, NM, 28.66; 5, Telicia Busby, S, 28.81; 4, Delaney Wenzl, Ellie Hiigel,
Timberline 15, Shelton 1 1 — Penny Warren — 70 (won tie Williams, NM, 11.60; 7, Noah 129-00; 5, Clayton Willis, PA, 6, Raelee Moore, NK, 37.84. Gracie Long, Kynzie DeLeon,
S 0 0 0 1 0 — 1 3 6 breaker) Holcomb, O, 11.67; 8, Adam Par- 122-06; 6, Andrew Blackmore, 400 — 1, Natalie Carstensen, PA, 4:31.40; 5, Kira Schwerzler,
T 4 4 4 3 x — 15 11 0 2 — Paulette Johnston — 70 (2 in rish, NK, 11.81. NK, 118-00; 7, Sam Ortega, NK, NM, 1:01.84; 2, Adrianna Marin, Natalie Carstensen, Isabella Por-
tie breaker) 200 — 1, Richard Bios, B, 22.85; 116-06; 8, Taylor Jackson, NK, O, 1:02.12; 3, Sara Bigelow, NK, ter, Michelle Swearingen, NM,
May 12 3 — Jan Fitzgerald — 70 2, James Dillow, K, 23.01; 3, Cur- 106-06. 1:02.92; 4, Kristinna Barnet, S, 4:32.49; 6, Claire Larson, Emily
At Regional Athletic Complex, 4 — Rhonda Westover — 73 (won tis Gorr, S, 23.18; 4, Jasiah De- Shot put — 1, Connor Westby, 1:03.71; 5, Sophie Fleck, 1:05.62; Leckberg, Ciara Walden, Faith
Lacey tie breaker) Marc, B, 23.19; 5, Von Mejia, B, NK, 46-03.00; 2, Ryan Brooks, 6, Kira Schwerzler, NM, 1:07.65; Collins, K, 4:33.88.
North Thurston 13, Shelton 3 5 — Diann Pape — 73
 23.28; 6, Darren Junt, K, 23.33; 7, NK, 43-02.00; 3, Hayden Wick- 7, Jianna Jones, NK, 1:08.58; 8, Javelin — 1, Lily Campbell, NM,
S 0 0 3 0 0 — 3 5 6 18 hole, division 2 Austin Williams, NM, 23.54. ham, PA, 41-09.00; 4, Robert Erica Bigelow, NK, 1:10.85. 127-08; 2, Cy’Nari Green, B, 108-
NT 0 0 4 5 4 — 13 8 0 1 — Jean Fields — 66 400 — 1, James Dillow, K, Shipp, NK, 40-08.00; 5, Brenden 800 — 1, Annika Taylor, NK, 11; 3, Lauren Weins, NK, 106-11;
2 — Penny Shelton — 67 51.51; 2, Curtis Gorr, S, 52.33; Lauritzen, S, 39-03.00; 6, Smilye 2:35.02; 2, Elysabeth Lamoureux, 4, Kaitlyn Viada, S, 98-08; 5, Ki-
3 — Ginny Chitwood — 72 3, Joel Trousdale, NK, 52.41; 4, Cashman, B, 38-11.00; 7, Noah B, 2:35.82; 3, Kynzie DeLeon, aley Moon, NK, 97-02; 6, Raelee
Golf 4 — Julie Hinman — 73

 Noah Holcomb, O, 52.52; 5, Jer- Graham, O, 38-08.00; 8, Connor PA, 2:36.20; 4, Sara Bigelow, Moore, NK, 96-07; 7, Angel Kee,
9-hole division emiah Petty, B, 53.09; 6, Damien Ryan, NK, 38-01.00. NK, 2:38.16; 5, Maddie Dough- NK, 87-05; 8, Hali Apilado, NK,
Lake Limerick Ladies Golf 1 — Rayni Lambert — 32 Avalos, NK, 53.30; 7, Clayton Discus — 1, Gabriel Fuiava, O, erty, PA, 2:39.39; 6, Ellie Hiigel, 79-09.
May 1 2 — Paula Gallagher — 36 (won Williams, NK, 54.16; 8, Reese 120-10; 2, Jameson Moore, NK, PA, 2:42.27; 7, Ciara Swift, O, Shot put — 1, Keelane Dewalt, B,
9-hole division: tie breaker) Smelcer, NM, 55.01. 120-08; 3, Robert Shipp, NK, 113- 2:43.45. 33-04.00; 2, Devin Edwards, PA,
First flight 3 — Marcia Hawkins — 36 800 — 1, Murray Bingham, S, 05; 4, Connor Westby, NK, 108- 1,600 — 1, Gracie Long, PA, 32-02.00; 3, Hannah Waterman,
First place tie Place Cindy 4 — Peggy Willis — 37 2:01.64; 2, Alec Shingleton, S, 06; 5, Connor Ryan, NK, 103-05; 5:19.05; 2, Morgan Bingham, S, NK, 31-03.00; 4, Sarah Bryant,
Gainey Robbi Alberts (30), second 2:03.39; 3, Kii Neal, NK, 2:05.33; 6, Chandler Blakely, O, 98-11; 7, 5:24.32; 3, Annika Taylor, NK, K, 30-07.00; 5, Lindsey Leader,
place tie Elen Gaschet de L’isle Lake Limerick Ladies Golf 4, Eli Miller, K, 2:06.50; 5, Xan- Brenden Lauritzen, S, 95-10; 8, 5:44.50; 4, Maddie Dougherty, S, 30-04.00; 6, Amber Aaro, B,
Cindy Taylor (32) May 8 (Team 1-2-3) der Robertson, K, 2:07.27; 6, Scott Hayden Wickham, PA, 90-02. PA, 5:49.70; 5, Lael Butler, 28-03.00; 7, Summer Blackwell,
Second Flight 9-hole division: Ashcraft, O, 2:11.11; 7, Karsten High jump — 1, Japrea Pedes- PA, 5:51.66; 6, Ellie Hiigel, PA, O, 27-05.00; 8, Kili Jeanmarie, S,
First place, Renie Dyson (36), First place team — Robbi Alberts Hald, NK, 2:13.17; 8, Tor Sather, claux, B, 6-02.00; 2, Kainen War- 5:54.74; 7, Savannah Knutson, 26-04.00.
second place, Mary Lou Wicken Debbie Nokes Betty Kintz Paula K, 2:15.20. ren, NK, 6-02.00; 3, Jonathan NM, 5:59.72; 8, Ciara Swift, O, Discus — 1, Amber Aaro, B, 101-
Pars: Cindy Taylor No. 1, Cindy Duggan (66) 1,600 — 1, Murray Bingham, Sedy, NK, 5-06.00; 4, Liam Clark, 6:13.06. 04; 2, Lily Campbell, NM, 101-00;
Gainey No. 4 and No. 7, Renie Second place team — Kerry S, 4:43.34; 2, Stefans Lusis, PA, 5-06.00; 5, Ethan Thornton, 3,200 — 1, Gracie Long, PA, 3, Clarisse Finman, S, 95-04; 4,
Dyson No.7 Torkelson Cindy Gainey Susie K, 4:44.22; 3, Jacob Burton, B, NK, 5-06.00; 6, Grady Bourm, 11:47.69; 2, Morgan Bingham, Sarah Bryant, K, 89-00; 5, Jenni-
Chip-Ins: NA Morris Pegi Reese (70) 4:47.84; 4, Matthew Hyter, NK, PA, 5-04.00; 7, Michael Mattern- S, 12:10.14; 3, Kynzie DeLeon, fer Danielson, PA, 88-10; 6, Kee-
Low gross: Cindy Taylor (51) Pars: Elen Gaschet de L’isle No. 4:48.75; 5, David Blalock, NK, Hall, S, 5-02.00; 8, Javonn PA, 12:39.24; 4, Lael Butler, PA, lane Dewalt, B, 83-02; 7, Sarah
Low net: Renie Dyson (36) 3, Cindy Gainey No. 4 and No. 6, 4:54.03; 6, Andrew Padilla, O, Stoudermire, B, 5-02.00; 9, Tyler 13:12.08; 5, Savannah Knutson, Hemmett, NK, 82-02; 8, Lindsey
Low putts: tie Renie Dyson and Renie Dyson No. 1 5:01.99; 7, Zachary Keith, NK, Krantz, K, 5-02.00; 10, Jameson NM, 13:13.32; 6, Jillian Florent, Leader, S, 81-05; 9, Devin Ed-
Cindy Taylor (15) Low gross of the day: tie Kerry 5:03.72; 8, Karsten Hald, NK, Moore, 5-00.00. NK, 13:44.75; 7, Pluma Haarstad, wards, PA, 77-03.
Torkelson Robbi Alberts (55) 5:04.32. Long jump — 1, Kainen Warren, K, 13:56.45; 8, Alisandra Baccus, High jump — 1, Ashley Vest,
Alderbrook Ladies Club Low net of the day: tie Robbi 3,200 — 1, Stefans Lusis, K, NK, 20-11.25; 2, Jonathan Sedy, PA, 14:20.08. NK, 4-10.00; 2, Gracie Long, PA,
May 2 Alberts Paula Duggan Kay Moore 10:27.96; 2, Jacob Burton, B, NK, 20-06.25; 3, Joshua Steffen, 100 hurdles — 1, Ashley Vest, 4-08.00; 3, Mikka Yamane, K,
Match v. Par (40) 10:56.26; 3, Thomas Shaw, PA, NK, 20-03.50; 4, Clayton Willis, NK, 17.40; 2, Claire Larson, K, 4-06.00; 4, Ainsly MacKenzie,
18 hole — 1 division Low putts: Debbie Nokes (14) 10:58.63; 4, David Blalock, NK, PA, 20-02.50; 5, Braeden Kem- 17.93; 3, Shayli Schuman, S, NK, 4-04.00; 5, Joslyn Leage,
1 — Jan Weatherly — plus 1 11:01.32; 5, Zachary Keith, NK, mer, NM, 20-02.00; 6, Zachary 18.65; 4, Lisa Shafer, NK, 18.79; NK, 4-04.00; 6, Hilary Holtrop, S,
2 — Linda Creswell — minus 3 Lake Limerick Ladies Golf 11:14.09; 6, Alexander Chow, Clark, NK, 19-11.75; 7, Richard 5, Lauryn Chandler, B, 18.80; 4-02.00; 7, Felicity Fowler, NM,
(won tie breaker) May 10 (Bingo) NK, 11:23.92; 7, Andre Marin, O, Bios, B, 19-00.25; 8, Eli Miller, K, 6, Emily Lekberg, K, 19.03; 7, 4-00.00.
3 — Diann Pape — minus 3 18-hole division 11:33.27; 8, Donovan Leroy, NK, 18-08.00. Aspen DeSalvo, NK, 19.61; 8, Long jump — 1, Danielle Rose
4 — Shirley Swenson — minus 4
 Bingo — Kerry Torkelson, Elen 11:38.61. Triple jump — 1, Joshua Steffen, Delaney Wenzl, PA, 19.91. Monzon, O, 16-10.50; 2, Hanna
18 hole — 2 division Gaschet de L’isle, Marilyn Wal- 110 hurdles — 1, Nathanael NK, 41-05.50; 2, Eli Miller, K, 300 hurdles — 1, Ashley Vest, Troy, O, 16-05.75; 3, Raelee
1 — Julie Hinman — plus 1 drop, Leslie RobertShaw-Mosley, Kjormoe, NK, 15.53; 2, Andrew 41-03.00; 3, Jonathan Sedy, NK, NK, 49.53; 2, Delaney Wenzl, PA, Moore, NK, 15-08.00; 4, Hannah
2 — Barb Roberts — minus 3 Luana Ellis, Toni Stevens, Billie Blackmore, NK, 16.03; 3, Riley 41-00.00; 4, Kainen Warren, NK, 49.55; 3, Madeline Houston-Ted- Waterman, NK, 15-04.50; 5, Fe-
(won tie breaker) Elms, Mary Lou Trautman Martin, S, 16.28; 4, Jesse Smith, 41-00.00; 5, Christian Ferguson, rick, B, 52.03; 4, Claire Larson, licity Martell, O, 15-03.00; 6, Kia
3 — Pat Johnson — minus 3 Chip-ins: Marilyn Waldrop No. 7 B, 16.94; 5, Ryan Grogan, NM, NK, 40-05.75; 6, Clayton Willis, K, 52.10; 5, Aspen DeSalvo, NK, Noel, PA, 14-06.50; 7, Lainnie Ly-
4 — Penny Shelton — minus 5
 Low gross: Marilyn Waldrop 17.43; 6, Scott Ray, NK, 17.73; PA, 40-04.50; 7, Adam Kennedy, 54.20; 6, Lisa Shafer, NK, 55.34; amba, PA, 14-03.50; 8, Michelle
9-hole division Low net: Cindy Gainey 7, Kian Dougherty, NK, 18.02; 8, PA, 39-01.50; 8, Ethan Thornton, 7, Emily Lekberg, K, 55.40; 8, Alvarez, PA, 13-06.75.
1 — Marcia Hawkins — even Low putts: Marilyn Waldrop Richared Hall, S, 19.36. NK, 36-09.00. Shayli Schuman, S, 56.01. Triple jump — 1, Hannah Water-
(won tie breaker) 9-hole division: 300 hurdles — 1, Riley Martin, Pole vault — 1, Jesse Smith, 400 relay — 1, Stephanie Barr, man, NK, 33-00.00; 2, Lainnie
2 — Rayni Lambert — even Bingo — Cindy Taylor, Robbi S, 42.59; 2, Kian Dougherty, B, 13-00.00; 2, Grant Nausid- Aalysia Mitchell, Morgan Mc- Lyamba, PA, 32-00.00; 3, Mikka
3 — Dianne Brown — minus 1
 Alberts, Mary Lou Wicken, Susie NK, 43.49; 3, Ryan Grogan, NM, Nichols, NK, 12-06.00; 3, Javonn Corkle, Danielle Rose Monzon, Yamane, K, 31-08.50; 4, Hilary
Morris, Nancy Rickey, Sharon 43.99; 4, Nolan Patefield, NK, Stoudermire, B, 11-06.00; 4, Liam O, 49.83; 2, Daisy Ryan, Rylee Holtrop, S, 30-08.50; 5, Kia Noel,
Alderbrook Ladies Club Hadsall 44.28; 5, Hunter Woolridge, O, Byrne, S, 11-06.00; 5, Kaden Wil- Gray, Emma Beeson, Hilary Hol- PA, 30-06.00; 6, Ainsly MacK-
May 3 (Low Gross/Low Net) Pars: Cindy Taylor No. 1, Renie 44.63; 6, Turner Hibbs, NK, son, NK, 11-06.00; 6, Sam Ortega, trop, S, 53.73; 3, Emily Langford, enzie, NK, 30-02.50; 7, Michelle
18-Hole Division Dyson No. 9, Susie Morris No. 7 45.11; 7, Fischer Jensen, S, 45.27; NK, 10-00.00; 7, Logan Tyson, Bethany Cleaver, Hannah Water- Alvarez, PA, 27-07.00.
First Flight — low gross Kerry Chip-ins: Pegi Reese No. 4 8, Scott Ray, NK, 46.57. PA, 9-06.00; 8, Tyler Krantz, K, man, Lauren Weins, NK, 54.02; Pole vault — 1, Elizabeth Sweet,
Torkelson (109) Low Gross Elin Low gross of the day: tie Mary 400 relay — 1, Von Mejia, Rich- 9-00.00; 9, Andrew Cambalik, S, 4, Alexis Cobb, Kia Noel, Michelle S, 9-06.00; 2, Michelle Graebner,
Gashet de L’isle (90) Lou Wicken and Cindy Taylor ard Bios, Javonn Stoudermire, 9-00.00; 10, Tyler Messinger, PA, Alvarez, McKenzie Musalek, PA, NK, 9-00.00; 3, Abby Dudeau,
Second Flight — low gross Cindy (52) Jasiah DeMarc, B, 44.13; 2, 9-00.00. 54.13; 5, Aubrianna Mahon, Jade B, 8-06.00; 4, Lisa Shafer, NK,
Gainey (106) low net Billie Elms Low net of the day: tie Mary Lou Curtis Gorr, Keyshawn Whitney, Perez-Barroso, Trisha Mae Mabi- 8-06.00; 5, Emily Langford, NK,
(92) Wicken and Sharon Hadsall (37) Michael Mattern-Hall, Riley Cow- Girls ni, Madeline Houston-Tedrick, 8-00.00; 6, Carolyn Cleaver, NK,
Third Flight — low gross Mary Low putts: tie Mary Lou Wicken, an, S, 45.76; 3, Austin Williams, May 11-13 B, 57.24; 6, Valentine Campbell, 8-00.00; 7, Mikka Yamane, K,
Lou Wicken (115) low net 1st Ann Renie Dyson, Pegi Reese (16) Braeden Kemmer, Ryan Nogues, South Sound Conference Champi- Mataya Stroud, Faith Collins, 8-00.00; 8, McKenzie Musalek,
Johnson (91) 2nd Robbie Alberts Reese Smelcer, NM, 46.04; 4, Na- onships at Shelton Ciara Walden, K, 58.30. PA, 7-06.00; 9, Lauren Peck, O,
(101) thanael Kjormoe, Joel Trousdale, 1, Gig Harbor, 151; 2, Timberline, 800 relay — 1, Adrianna Marin, 7-06.00.
Chip-ins: Kerry Torkelson No. 16, Track and field Damien Avalos, Zachary Clark, 115.5; 3, Capital, 111.5; 4, Cen- Morgan McCorkle, Danielle Rose
Marilyn Waldrop No. 11, Mary NK, 46.05; 5, James Dillow, Dan- tral Kitsap, 104; 5, Peninsula, 76; Monzon, Hanna Troy, O, 1:45.95; n Compiled by reporter Alexandra
Lou Wicken No. 11, Ann Johnson Boys iel Nguyen, Tor Sather, Darren 6, North Thurston, 45; 7, Yelm, 2, Maia Larsen, Ashley Vest, Smith


Booster club tition for the athletes.

For more information, call Tiki Wil-
League Championships on May 2,
and one golfer, Eric Jones, advanced
compete as a doubles team. Juniors
Kristy Holdbrook and Emma Johnson

looking for ley at 482-3350. to the West Central District tourna-

ment. Jones shot an 81, which made
are slated as doubles alternates in the

members Shelton boys him the No. 1 seed at districts May 17.
He missed automatically qualifying for
The WCD competition will be held
at Sprinker Tennis Center in Span-
state by one stroke. Had he placed in away.
The Knight Owl Sports Booster golfers advance the top eight at districts he qualified

Shelton boys
Club at Mary M. Knight High School for state, which is May 23-24 in Spo-
needs volunteers and new board mem- Shelton boys golfers Tim Nail and kane. The results of the tournament
bers to lead the organization. Jonah Perry advanced from the South were unavailable as of the Journal’s
Interested parties can attend the
next meeting at 6 p.m. June 6 in the
Sound Conference tournament to the deadline. soccer ends season
state qualifying tournament May 15 at
high school commons. Gold Mountain Golf Club in Bremerton. The Shelton boys soccer team lost
The Knight Owl Sports Booster
Club was created several years ago
If they had placed in the top eight
at districts they qualified for state
Shelton girls tennis 4-0 to Stadium on May 13 at Mount
Tahoma High School in Tacoma. Shel-
to assist with the needs and costs to
bring football back to Mary M. Knight.
May 23-24 in Spokane. The results of
the tournament were unavailable as of continues march in ton went 9-6-3 this season and lost one
match in the last 10 of the season.
Following the success of the football
the Journal’s deadline. On May 11, the Climbers beat Bon-
program, the vision has been to sup- ney Lake 5-0 in the first round of the

North Mason
plement and enhance all of the sports West Central District tournament
programs at MMK. The Shelton girls tennis team had at Olympia High School. Senior Jose
The club has raised funds to pur- three players qualify for the West Flores led the Climbers in scoring with
chase a second basketball/volleyball
scoreboard in the gym, the new foot-
golfer advances Central District tournament tomorrow a hat trick. Senior Cody Bragg earned
and Saturday. the shutout.
ball scoreboard and various supplies, The North Mason boys golf team Senior Julia Goodale qualified as
athletic gear, sports equipment and had four athletes shoot their best a singles player and sophomore Josie n Compiled by reporter Alexandra
assistance for the cost of state compe- scores of their careers at the Olympic Beaudoin and junior Becca Allen will Smith
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

WIAA assembly passes new amendments

By ALEXANDRA SMITH coach. This is a change from the previ- Additionally, coaches’ standards card will be required to leave the field ous rule, which stated the Washington will now become task-based as op- and may be replaced. If a team with a
State Coaches Association must grant posed to the current system, based on cautioned player elects to play short-
The Washington Interscholastic approval. hours. handed, the player may not re-enter
Activities Associations (WIAA) repre- A new amendment allows a host of The fifth change at both the high until the next legal substitution op-
sentative assembly voted to pass 10 a jamboree event to contact the WIAA school and middle levels requires that portunity.
amendments for the 2017-18 school staff to restructure an event if a school officials meet Washington Official’s As- The representative assembly is com-
year, the association announced May withdraws within four days of the sociation objective criteria and training posed of 53 school administrators from
8. jamboree and a replacement cannot be requirements to be eligible for state each of the nine WIAA districts. For
Six of those amendments apply to found. tournaments. The joint WIAA/WOA an amendment to pass, 60 percent ap-
middle and high school programs. The Another change put into place elimi- committee will negotiate officials’ fees proval is needed from voting members.
first allows the WIAA Executive Board nates the requirement that an ejection for postseason play. For more information on the newly
to approve all-state and/or all-America appeal must be filed before the “next In soccer, with the exception of goal- passed amendments, go to www.wiaa.
games in which WIAA coaches can live ball” or resumption of play. keepers, a player who receives a yellow com or call 425-687-8585.

Summer coed softball be placed on the extra players list. call 360-426-5821, or email

registration open Registration open for

Register for annual
Registration is now open for the Shelton Parks
Boelk tournament
and Recreation summer coed softball season. The
deadline to pay the $530 team fee is tomorrow. community fitness event
Games use rules, where men bat opposite handed The fourth-annual Chris Boelk Memorial Softball
and teams pitch to themselves. Play begins June 12 Centennial Guild, a chapter of the Mason General Tournament will be June 24 at the Mason County
and teams will play on either a Monday/Wednesday Hospital Foundation, hosts the Mason County For- Recreation Area in Shelton. Registration is open for
or Tuesday/Thursday schedule, culminating with a est Festival Goldsborough Creek Run & Walk, an the event, which is a men’s SuperDraft-style tourna-
championship tournament. annual community fitness event. ment.
Team registration forms can be found at the city’s The event takes place June 3 and features a Registration is $40 per person. All proceeds from
website and print copies are available at the Shelton 7-mile run/walk, a 2-mile run/walk, and a quarter- the tournament will benefit the Christopher Allen
Civic Center. All registration fees should be paid at mile junior jog. On the day of the race, the entry fee Boelk Memorial Scholarship Fund. To register or
the civic center. is $30. donate, go to or email
Individuals interested in playing can contact Runners, walkers and junior joggers are all wel-
Shelton Parks and Recreation at 360-432-5194 or come. Register online by going to and
email Mark Ziegler at to typing in “Goldsborough Creek.” To register a group, n Compiled by reporter Alexandra Smith

Corner: Reporter changed tune on Seattle Mariners fans

continued from page B-1 when I and two fellow Cleveland In- brain around the fact that King History will show that soon after
dians fans traveled from Montana County had essentially voted to let the that season, Ramirez packed his bags
let’s face it, the Mariners’ home at by car to see our beloved team battle Mariners walk away from the city over for the greener pastures of Boston. I
the time, the Seattle Kingdome, was in a three-game series against the that minimal sales-tax increase. My like to think I had a little something
no place for a Major League Baseball Mariners in Seattle. Safeco Field, less preconceived notion of the fans I was to do with Ramirez making his mind
game. than a year old at the time, was get- about to encounter wasn’t a positive up to leave idiot Cleveland fans like
In September 1995, King County ting rave reviews from nearly all visi- one, but that was about to change. myself and go win a couple of World
residents voted against a 0.01 percent tors, but my Indians were beginning Much to my surprise, as well as Series with the Red Sox.
hike in sales taxes to help build the a downward slope toward mediocrity that of my cohorts for the weekend, I However, not only were the Mari-
Mariners a new ballpark, under the after a run in the late 1990s that saw quickly came to realize those in atten- ners fans supportive of my good-hu-
threat the M’s ownership at the time them appear in (but not win) two dance at the first of the three-game set mored, albeit vocal fandom, I found
would sell the team, possibly to new World Series in three years. Mean- we encountered were exactly the kind them all weekend to be very knowl-
owners intent on moving the ballclub while, the Mariners were trending of people one hopes to be around by edgeable baseball folks and extremely
out of Seattle. Keep in mind that at upward. The next year, they would during a ballgame. supportive of their franchise. Those
the time, the M’s were on a historic set an MLB record for wins during the Seated in the right field bleachers, three days 17 years ago at Safeco Field
run to their first postseason appear- regular season. we found ourselves surrounded by forever changed my misinformed,
ance. It took a special session of the On the drive from Western Mon- folks who appreciated and seemingly negative opinion of Mariners fans and
state Legislature and last-minute ap- tana to the Emerald City and antici- supported our antics, which included Seattle sports fans in general. I’m re-
proval by the King County Council in pating little resistance from locals, several half innings with the Indians ally looking forward to being among
late October to secure the proper fund- my buddies and I actually planned on in the field of me hounding Cleveland that crowd once again this weekend.
ing for the Mariners to build their fu- celebrating our Indians in boisterous right fielder Manny Ramirez, loudly So with that, I offer my apologies to
ture home, now known as Safeco Field. fashion, thinking we’d show everyone begging him not to leave the Indians the Mariners faithful for my lowly pre-
As an outsider to the Seattle sports in the ballpark within earshot what when he became a free agent at the conceptions. You’ve proven to me that
scene, that told me what I believed real baseball fans sounded like in sup- end of the season. It got bad enough you deserve better.
at the time to be all I needed to know porting their team. There was to be that at one point, Ramirez looked
about Seattle baseball fans. I was con- a conscious effort among us not to be over his shoulder in our direction and n It’s taken nearly 44 years for reporter
vinced they could care less whether obnoxious and act in a pro-Cleveland waved his glove at our section of the Michael Heinbach to be able to admit
their team moved away. manner as opposed to anti-Mariners. stands. It was his way of asking me when he’s wrong. He can be reached at
Fast forward to April 24, 2000, I guess I just couldn’t wrap my politely to shut the heck up. 426-4412.

Ye: Shelton senior has improved understanding of events

on, I make sure that I focus day of the competition.” district level will be a mix of Championships.
continued from page B-1 in on the details of all my This is the first season that familiar and unfamiliar faces. His prerace warm-up is an
events,” Ye said. “This some- Ye has competed in either of “I know that I will be fac- important part of race day
I would like to be able to end
times results in shorter, more these events. Over the course ing other athletes from the that he is particular about
the season with a PR. I have
concise practices, as I know of the season, Ye improved Pierce County League but always doing.
exceeded my expectations in
what I need to get done and his triple jump by more than have not had much encoun- “I try to warm up about an
both events this year and to
do it. Everything at this point 4 feet and his 300-meter time ter with them throughout hour in advance to whenever
be able to end on a mark that
is in the details and that is by 12 seconds. the season, so I do not really I would check in for an event,
I could say that I was happy
what will make the difference “Much of where I have im- know what to expect from mainly because I feel as if this
to end my track and field ca-
going into the next competi- proved in is the ins and the them,” Ye said. “However, I is the time that I use to focus
reer with.”
tion. I try not to change my outs of track and field and will also have my own league and really get into a competi-
Ye set a personal record in
technique too much, as it has my events,” Ye said. “I was so to compete with, the South tion mindset,” Ye said. “Aside
the 300 hurdles at the South
brought me thus far and too caught up in learning and my Sound Conference, consist- from the distance runners, my
Sound Conference Champion-
many changes could result performance in the events, ing of athletes that I am very warm up is usually one of the
ships, finishing in 42.63 sec-
in throwing off any rhythm that I never really got to ap- familiar with and have com- longest, something that I take
onds. His PR for triple jump
or momentum going into the preciate the events for what peted against on numerous pride in, as much of the com-
was set at a conference meet
postseason. There may be they were. But I have learned occasions.” petition is how you are pre-
against Central Kitsap on
some minor tweaks here and to slow down and understand Ye will compete tomorrow paring for it. I have learned
March 30 with a distance of
there that my coach and I will what exactly I need to do for and Saturday at the West through football, wrestling
41 feet 2 inches.
discuss and try to fix before each event, or how I should Central District competition and track and field, that a
“Once I am in the post-
competition, but for the most prepare and let my perfor- in Sumner at Sunset Chev good warm-up is vital to your
season and I know for sure
part, it is mainly mindset and mance speak for itself.” Stadium to try to qualify for performance and is something
what events I need to focus
being ready to perform the Ye’s competition at the the 3A State Track and Field that I still value today.”
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-9

The Journal of Record is produced using A burglary was reported on Southeast Ever- Court in Shelton. An assist was requested on West Deyette
911 call information Mason County Emergen- green Drive in Shelton. A cardiac arrest was reported on East Budd Road in Shelton.
cy Communications, the Mason County Sher- A disturbance was reported on West Forest Drive in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East
iff’s Office, the Shelton Police Department Green Lane in Elma. Hazardous road conditions were reported on Larch Place in Shelton.
and tribal police provide. Due to changes in Suspicious activity was reported on East East state Route 3 in Grapeview. Suspicious activity was reported on South-
procedure, MACECOM no longer provides Dalby Road in Union. A court order was executed on Beverly east Craig Road in Shelton.
the Journal with additional details about An accident was reported in Tahuya Forest in Boulevard in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on North U.S.
each call. For additional questions about this Belfair. A disturbance was reported on Northeast Highway 101 in Shelton.
change, call MACECOM at 426-4441. A theft was reported on West state Route 108 state Route 3 in Belfair. A burglary was reported on East state Route
in Shelton. Noise was reported on Northeast North Shore 106 in Union.
MAY 7 Malicious mischief was reported on South- Road in Belfair. A property dispute was reported on South-
A property dispute was reported on Northeast east Brewer Road in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Shelton east Arcadia Road in Shelton.
Belfair Tahuya Road in Tahuya. Trespassing was reported on West Franklin Springs Road in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on Olympic
Alarm activity was reported on Olympic High- Street in Shelton. Mistreatment was reported on West Lakeside Highway North in Shelton.
way North in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on North- Drive in Shelton. Something was found on East McEwan Prai-
Noise was reported on East Lombard Road east Sunlit Canyon in Belfair. Speeding was reported on Arcadia Avenue in rie Road in Shelton.
North in Grapeview. Noise was reported on Southeast Harmony Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on Bellevue
A disturbance was reported on Northeast Lane in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on East Parkway Avenue in Shelton.
state Route 3 in Belfair. Harassment was reported on Park Street in Boulevard in Shelton. A threat was reported on East North Mason
A disturbance was reported on West state Shelton. A welfare check was requested on West Birch School Road in Belfair.
Route 108 in Shelton. A DUI was reported on North 13th Street in Street in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East
A DUI was reported on South First Street in Shelton. A burn investigation was initiated on South- Carefree Court in Grapeview.
Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on South- east Sa Heh Wamish Court in Shelton. A poisoning was reported on Springfield Loop
Suspicious activity was reported on Cascade east Collier Road in Shelton. Something was found on East Wallace Knee- in Shelton.
Avenue in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on East Rustle land Boulevard in Shelton. A threat was reported on East Campus Drive
Suspicious activity was reported on West Way in Grapeview. Suspicious activity was reported on South- in Belfair.
state Route 108 in Shelton. Noise was reported on Northeast Larson Lake east Orca Lane in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Olympic High-
Suspicious activity was reported on North Road in Belfair. A property dispute was reported on West way North in Shelton.
Potlatch Court in Shelton. Noise was reported on East Fox Run Lane in Railroad Avenue in Shelton. An intoxicated person was reported on North
An assault was reported on Park Street in Grapeview. Something was found on West Railroad U.S. Highway 101 in Hoodsport.
Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. An abandoned vehicle was reported on
A stray animal was reported on West Cloqual- MAY 8 Trespassing was reported on West Dayton Northeast Bear Creek Dewatto Road in
lum Road in Shelton. Noise was reported on Southeast Crescent Trails Drive in Shelton. Shelton.
A threat was reported on East state Route Drive in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East A welfare check was requested on South
106 in Union. A traffic violation was reported on Northeast Rainbow Drive in Shelton. Seventh Street in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on East state Larson Boulevard in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East
Route 302 in Belfair. A disturbance was reported on East Dyes MAY 9 Brockdale Road in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on West G Street Place in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on South- Alarm activity was reported on West Harvard
in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on East east Klabsch Lane in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton.
Trespassing was reported on West state Alderbrook Drive in Union. Suspicious activity was reported on South A citizen assist was requested on Barnhard
Route 108 in Shelton. Noise was reported on North state Route 119 Third Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton.
Hazardous road conditions were reported on in Hoodsport. An assist was reported on East state Route 3 A disturbance was reported on East Strong
Northeast Sand Hill Road in Belfair. Trespassing was reported on North Skokom- in Grapeview. Road in Shelton.
A civil dispute was reported on East Enchant- ish Indian Flats Road in Shelton. A property dispute was reported on West Alarm activity was reported on East Light-
ment Heights Drive in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Olympic High- Skokomish Valley Road in Shelton. house Road in Shelton.
A theft was reported on West state Route 108 way North in Shelton. Reckless driving was reported on East Pick- A disturbance was reported on East Trails
in Shelton. A DUI was reported on Northeast state Route ering Road in Union. End Drive in Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on West H 3 in Belfair. Something was found on East state Route A theft was reported on East Spencer Lake
Street in Shelton. A citizen assist was requested on East East- 106 in Union. Road in Shelton.
Reckless driving was reported on Northcliff lake Drive in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on West A disturbance was reported on Johns Prairie
Road in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on East Passage Satsop Bridge Road in Elma. Road in Shelton.
A citizen assist was requested on East Point Lane in Shelton. A civil dispute was reported on North Fairway Reckless driving was reported on Northeast
Tahuya Drive in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on Northeast Drive East in Hoodsport. North Shore Road in Tahuya.
Disorderly conduct was reported on West Angove Place in Belfair. Suspicious activity was reported on East A drug law violation was reported on North-
state Route 108 in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Laurel Street Detroit Drive in Allyn. east state Route 300 in Belfair.
A disturbance was reported on North Lilli- in Shelton. A citizen assist was requested on West Reckless driving was reported on Northeast
waup Street in Lilliwaup. An abandoned vehicle was reported on East Wyandotte Avenue in Shelton. Belfair Tahuya Road in Belfair.
A burglary was reported on East Brockdale Mason Lake Road in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Sargison Loop An incident was reported on East Lake
Road in Shelton. A DUI was reported on East Johns Prairie in Shelton. Devereaux Road in Allyn.
Alarm activity was reported on Northeast Mis- Road in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on East Michael A right-of-way violation was reported on East
sion Creek Road in Belfair. A property dispute was reported on West Drive in Belfair. state Route 3 in Belfair,
A civil dispute was reported on Northeast state Route 108 in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East Is- Reckless driving was reported on Northeast
Tahuya River Drive in Tahuya. A prowler was reported on West state Route land Lake Drive in Shelton. Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
A motor vehicle accident was reported on 108 in Shelton. Malicious mischief was reported on East Her- A welfare check was requested on East
USFS 25 in Lilliwaup. A disturbance was reported on Northeast ron Drive in Shelton. Tahuya Drive in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on West Golden state Route 108 in Shelton. A citizen assist was requested on Olympic Noise was reported on East Olde Lyme Road
Pheasant Road in Shelton. A civil dispute was reported on South Third Highway North in Shelton. in Shelton.
A theft was reported on East Mason Benson Street in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on Northeast A disturbance was reported on Olympic High-
Road in Grapeview. Suspicious activity was reported on North- North Shore Road in Tahuya. way North in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on Olympic east state Route 300 in Belfair. A burglary was reported on East Tahuya Drive A disturbance was reported on East Johns
Highway South in Shelton. An assist was requested on West Gallagher in Shelton. Prairie Road in Shelton.
A theft was reported on Northeast state Road in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on North- An accident was reported on Olympic High-
Route 3 in Shelton. Reckless driving was reported on Northeast east Steelhead Drive South in Belfair. way North in Shelton.
A threat was reported on Chestnut Street in Sand Hill Road in Belfair. A stray animal was reported on West Cota
Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East Street in Shelton. MAY 10
A welfare check was requested on Northeast Yates Road in Shelton. A DUI was reported on North U.S. Highway in Suspicious activity was reported on East
Beck Road in Belfair. Alarm activity was reported on Southeast Hoodsport. Queens Way in Shelton.
A stray animal was reported on Sherwood Hudson Road in Shelton. A runaway was reported on East Alderwood Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Lane in Shelton. Something was found on West Cota Street in Road in Belfair. east state Route 300 in Shelton.
Speeding was reported on East Evergreen Shelton. A disturbance was reported on North Reser- A citizen assist was requested on East
Drive in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on West Birch vation Road in Shelton. Majestys Court in Shelton.
Reckless driving was reported on East Street in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on East Stadium Something was found on North First Street in
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Malicious mischief was reported on East Beach Road West in Grapeview. Shelton.
An abandoned vehicle was reported on East McReavy Road in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on East Emerald A theft was reported on Northeast state
Mason Lake Road in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on East Cromarty Lake Drive West in Grapeview. Route 3 in Belfair.
A disturbance was reported on East Wallace Court in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on North- Alarm activity was reported on East Passage
Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. An injury was reported on Southeast Sol La east state Route 3 in Belfair. Point Lane in Shelton.
Harassment was reported on East Elaine Tah Loop in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on East Univer- Speeding was reported on East Agate Road
Place in Belfair. Malicious mischief was reported on East Bay sity Avenue in Shelton. in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on East state Place in Allyn. Harassment was reported on North Salish Bleeding was reported on East Ballycastle
Route 3 in Shelton. A drug law violation was reported on South- Court in Shelton. Way in Shelton.
Child abuse was reported on East Timberlake east Harrier Road in Shelton. Fraud was reported on Northeast state Route An assist was requested on West Birch Street
Drive in Shelton. A civil dispute was reported on South Third 3 in Belfair. in Shelton.
A motor vehicle accident was reported on Street in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on North Fairway A disturbance was reported on East Olde
East state Route 302 in Shelton. An animal complaint was reported on North- Drive East in Hoodsport. Lyme Road in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on Northeast east state Route 300 in Belfair. An agency assist was requested on Pioneer Alarm activity was reported on West Reeves
Kathys Drive in Belfair. A burglary was reported on East Mason Lake Way in Shelton. Hill Drive in Shelton.
Shoplifting was reported on West Franklin Drive West in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on West Rock An accident was reported on Southeast Klah
Street in Shelton. An assault was reported on West Cota Street Creek Road in Shelton. Che Min Drive in Shelton.
A heart problem was reported on East Sher- in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on Northeast Alarm activity was reported on Northeast
wood Place in Shelton. A theft was reported on North state Route Alderwood Place in Belfair. Larson Boulevard in Belfair.
A DUI was reported on West Lost Lake Road 106 in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on East Lake- Alarm activity was reported on West Lake
in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on North- shore Drive in Allyn. Isabella Loop in Shelton.
Trespassing was reported on Northeast Fern east state Route 3 in Belfair. A disturbance was reported on West Franklin Suspicious activity was reported on South-
Way in Belfair. A rescue was reported on the steel bridge in Street in Shelton. east Dickinson Avenue in Shelton.
Mistreatment was reported on Northeast Mis- Shelton. A citizen assist was requested on Mount El- A welfare check was requested on East Beau-
sion Creek Road in Belfair. A property dispute was reported on North linor in Shelton. mont Drive in Shelton.
An abandoned vehicle was reported on East U.S. Highway 101 in Hoodsport. A weapons violation was reported on North- A drug law violation was reported on East
Grapeview Loop Road in Grapeview. A welfare check was requested on East east Hurd Road in Belfair. Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Malicious mischief was reported on Northeast Trespassing was reported on North Olympic
Glacier Crest in Grapeview. Alarm activity was reported on North Enatai Tahuya River Drive in Tahuya. Court South in Hoodsport.
Page B-10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

A vehicle law violation was reported on

A motor vehicle accident was reported on Reckless driving was reported on East Crest- A DUI was reported on East Bucktail View in
Northeast state Route 300 in Shelton. East South Island Drive in Shelton. view Drive in Shelton. Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on West Suspicious activity was reported on West A sudden death was reported on USFS 2572 A threat was reported on Olympic Avenue in
Eells Hill Road in Shelton. Railroad Avenue in Shelton. in Lilliwaup. Shelton.
Vagrancy was reported on East J Street in Someone was reported missing on East A civil dispute was reported on Holly Lane in Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Shelton. Lakeland Drive in Allyn. Shelton. east state Route 3 in Belfair.
A theft was reported on West Skokomish A property dispute was reported on Northeast A civil dispute was reported on East McMick- An abandoned vehicle was reported on Van
Valley Road in Shelton. state Route 3 in Belfair. in Road in Shelton. Buren Street in Shelton.
An abandoned vehicle was reported on North Suspicious activity was reported on East An agency assist was requested on West An abandoned vehicle was reported on Madi-
Sixth Street in Shelton. Mason Lake Road in Grapeview. Cota Street in Shelton. son Street in Shelton.
An abandoned vehicle was reported on East Water was reported on East Panorama Drive An agency assist was requested on East A welfare check was requested on East Sta-
Cedar Street in Shelton. in Shelton. Huckleberry Drive in Grapeview. dium Beach Road West in Grapeview.
A theft was reported on West state Route 108 Suspicious activity was reported on Olympic An animal complaint was reported on East Alarm activity was reported on King Street in
in Shelton. Highway South in Shelton. Trails End Drive in Belfair. Shelton.
Malicious mischief was reported on Northeast Suspicious activity was reported on East A welfare check was requested on West Suspicious activity was reported on East K
Old Belfair Highway in Belfair. Olde Lyme Road in Shelton. Euclid Avenue in Shelton. Street in Shelton.
Something was reported lost on North Duck- A property dispute was reported on North Child abuse was reported on North Reserva- A welfare check was requested on Olympic
abush Drive North in Shelton. Cod Place in Hoodsport. tion Road in Shelton. Highway North in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on King Street in Suspicious activity was reported on South- Fraud was reported on North 13th Loop Road A burglary was reported on East state Route
Shelton. east T Peeksin Lane in Shelton. in Shelton. 106 in Union.
An assist was requested on East Roadrunner An accident was reported on Olympic High- A parking violation was reported on West An assist was requested on East Sandy Lake
Drive in Shelton. way North in Shelton. Little Egypt Road in Shelton. Road in Shelton.
A welfare check was requested on West Pine A welfare check was requested on East Bel- A burglary was reported on North Staircase
Street in Shelton. MAY 11 wood Lane in Allyn. Ridge South in Hoodsport.
An abandoned vehicle was reported on A motor vehicle accident was reported on A citizen assist was requested on East Sher- An animal complaint was reported on East
Washington Street in Shelton. East North Bay Road in Belfair. wood Creek Road in Allyn. Rasor Place in Belfair.
A firearms violation was reported on North- Alarm activity was reported on West state Suspicious activity was reported on King Harassment was reported on Shelton Springs
east Tahuya Blacksmith Road in Belfair. Route 108 in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Road in Shelton.
A threat was reported on Northeast Collins Suspicious activity was reported on North- A disturbance was reported on Fairmount A stray animal was reported on East Auseth
Lake Drive in Tahuya. east state Route 300 in Belfair. Avenue in Shelton. Lane in Shelton.
Fraud was reported on Northeast Elfendahl Reckless driving was reported on East state An assault was reported on North Fourth A citizen assist was requested on Lake Cush-
Pass Road in Belfair. Route 3 in Grapeview. Street in Shelton. man in Hoodsport.
Something was found on East Reclamation A theft was reported on South First Street in Suspicious activity was reported on East A citizen assist was requested on Olympic
Ridge Road in Allyn. Shelton. Mason Lake Drive South in Grapeview. Highway South in Shelton.
Shoplifting was reported on Northeast state A DUI was reported on Northcliff Road in An abandoned vehicle was reported on A civil dispute was reported on Southeast
Route 3 in Shelton. Shelton. Northeast Santa Maria Lane in Belfair. Hidden Springs Drive in Shelton.
A court order was executed on Northeast A sudden death was reported on West Satko A theft was reported on West state Route 108 Suspicious activity was reported on East
state Route 300 in Belfair. Glen Road in Elma. in Shelton. Mason Lake Road in Shelton.
Something was found on West Franklin Street A welfare check was requested on East state Alarm activity was reported on King Street in A citizen assist was requested on Northeast
in Shelton. Route 3 in Shelton. Shelton. Rainier Place South in Belfair.
A theft was reported on East Cromarty Court Alarm activity was reported on East Way to A theft was reported on East Mason Lake Noise was reported on Fir Street in Shelton.
in Shelton. Tipperary in Shelton. Road in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on Monroe
Something was found on West Franklin Street Suspicious activity was reported on East Wal- Child abuse was reported on Park Street in Street in Shelton.
in Shelton. lace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Something was reported missing on North- Suspicious activity was reported on South- Harassment was reported on Southeast Ever- east North Shore Road in Belfair.
east Anchor Court in Belfair. east Lynch Road in Shelton. green Drive in Shelton. Alarm activity was reported on West Delight
Testing was reported on West Cota Street in Trespassing was reported on South Second A theft was reported on Northeast Newkirk Park Road in Shelton.
Shelton. Street in Shelton. Road in Belfair. A burglary was reported on East Bergeson
An injury was reported on East state Route A theft was reported on Laurel Street in Shel- A sex offense was reported on Northeast Road in Shelton.
106 in Union. ton. Katchemak Lane in Belfair. A welfare check was requested on South
A firearms violation was reported on South- A disturbance was reported on East Lake- A traffic violation was reported on North Tribal Second Street in Shelton.
east Bloomfield Road in Shelton. shore Drive East in Shelton. Center Road in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on Northeast
A threat was reported on Turner Avenue in A vehicle law violation was reported on West A welfare check was requested on Southeast state Route 3 in Belfair.
Shelton. G Street in Shelton. Old Olympic Highway in Shelton. Fraud was reported on Northeast Admiral
A welfare check was requested on Northeast A citizen assist was requested on East Agate Reckless driving was reported on East Mason Drive in Belfair.
state Route 3 in Shelton. Loop Road in Shelton. Benson Road in Grapeview. An abandoned vehicle was reported on East
A disturbance was reported on East Johns Suspicious activity was reported on East Trespassing was reported on West Eells Hill Shelton Springs Road in Shelton.
Prairie Road in Shelton. Dabob Road in Shelton. Road in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on South
Child abuse was reported on East Spencer A threat was reported on Shelton Springs An agency assist was reported on Northeast Third Street in Shelton.
Lake Road in Shelton. Road in Shelton. Collins Lake Drive in Tahuya. Hazardous road conditions were reported on
A disturbance was reported on West Cloqual- A burglary was reported on Cascade Avenue Someone was reported missing on Dawn East Pickering Road in Shelton.
lum Road in Shelton. in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on East
Fraud was reported on Laurel Street in Shel- A disturbance was reported on Olympic High- Suspicious activity was reported on Jefferson Dunoon Place in Shelton.
ton. way North in Shelton. Street in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on Lake Boule-
A welfare check was requested on East Park A civil dispute was reported on East Emerald Suspicious activity was reported on North- vard in Shelton.
Loop in Shelton. Lake Drive West in Grapeview. east Santa Maria Lane in Belfair. A burglary was reported on West Dayton
A DUI was reported on West Skokomish Val- Suspicious activity was reported on East Alarm activity was reported on Southeast Old Trails Drive in Shelton.
ley Road in Shelton. Harstine Heights Lane in Shelton. Olympic Highway in Shelton. An abandoned vehicle was reported on North
A welfare check was requested on West A disturbance was reported on Southeast A citizen assist was requested on West Mat- Eighth Street in Shelton.
Satko Glen Road in Elma. Evergreen Drive in Shelton. lock Deckerville Road. An abandoned vehicle was reported on West
A property dispute was reported on North A drug law violation was reported on West Someone was reported lost on East Wallace Franklin Street in Shelton.
First Street in Shelton. Franklin Street in Shelton. Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. An abandoned vehicle was reported on South
Something was found on North U.S. Highway A welfare check was requested on East East- A building check was requested on Dickinson Third Street in Shelton.
101 in Shelton. lake Drive in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. Fraud was reported on Northeast North Shore
Alarm activity was reported on East Rock Phone harassment was reported on Washing- A court order was executed on Southeast Road in Belfair.
Way in Shelton. ton Street in Shelton. Evergreen Drive in Shelton. Barking was reported on East state Route
Shoplifting was reported on West Franklin Suspicious activity was reported on West A burglary was reported on Southeast Walker 106 in Belfair.
Street in Shelton. Railroad Avenue in Shelton. Park Road in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on Shelton
Something was found on West C Street in A theft was reported on West Franklin Street A welfare check was requested on Fairmount Springs Road in Shelton.
Shelton. in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. A disturbance was reported on West Franklin
Something was reported lost on West Dry Hazardous road conditions were reported on A domestic dispute was reported on Summit Street in Shelton.
Bed Creek Road in Matlock. South First Street in Shelton. Drive in Shelton. A theft was reported on East Hazel Street in
Suspicious activity East Lakeshore Drive A burglary was reported on South 16th Street A DUI was reported on West Alder Street in Shelton.
West in Shelton. in Shelton. Shelton. A welfare check was requested on North
A disturbance was reported on West Railroad A citizen assist was requested on Arcadia A disturbance was reported on Southeast Goldeneye Drive in Hoodsport.
Avenue in Shelton. Avenue in Shelton. Evergreen Drive in Shelton. A property dispute was reported on West
Suspicious activity was reported on West A firearms violation was reported on East Suspicious activity was reported on North- state Route 108 in Shelton.
Railroad Avenue in Shelton. Trails End Drive in Belfair. east Larson Boulevard in Shelton. A runaway was reported on South 11th Street
An injury was reported on East Cota Street in A sex offense was reported on North Fourth A threat was reported on North state Route in Shelton.
Shelton. Street in Shelton. 119 in Hoodsport. A welfare check was requested on East Pick-
A welfare check was requested on Northeast Fraud was reported on Southeast Cole Road A court order was executed on North Seventh ering Road in Shelton.
Lorrain Court in Belfair. in Shelton. Street in Shelton. A civil dispute was reported on Northeast
A court order was executed on East Walnut Someone was reported missing on Northeast A disturbance was reported on North Seventh Santa Maria Lane in Belfair.
Street in Shelton. Trudeau Mountain Road in Belfair. Street in Shelton. Trespassing was reported on East Sherwood
A civil dispute was reported on Northeast Suspicious activity was reported on East Ag- A disturbance was reported on Southeast Creek Road in Allyn.
Toonerville Drive in Belfair. ate Road in Shelton. Lynch Road in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on East
Suspicious activity was reported on West A health law violation was reported on West Trespassing was reported on North state Beaver Lane in Shelton.
Koku Street in Shelton. California Road in Shelton. Route 119 in Hoodsport. A DUI was reported on Olympic Highway
A drug law violation was reported on East A theft was reported on Northeast Steelhead Suspicious activity was reported on South- North in Shelton.
Dunoon Place in Shelton. Drive North in Belfair. east T Peeksin Lane in Shelton. A welfare check was requested on North U.S.
Suspicious activity was reported on West A disturbance was reported on East Univer- Highway 101 in Shelton.
Railroad Avenue in Shelton. sity Avenue in Shelton. MAY 12 A property dispute was reported on South-
A stray animal was reported on Northeast A welfare check was requested on West A burglary was reported on North Second east Squaxin Lane in Shelton.
Schooner Loop in Belfair. Satko Glen Road in Elma. Street in Shelton. Someone was reported missing on East
Suspicious activity was reported on North Something was found on North 13th Street in A disturbance was reported on East Cedar Probert Road in Shelton.
U.S. Highway 101 in Shelton. Shelton. Street in Belfair. Disorderly conduct was reported on Cascade
Reckless driving was reported on West Harassment was reported on East Clonakilty A sudden death was reported on North 13th Avenue in Shelton.
Skokomish Valley Road in Shelton. Drive in Shelton. Street in Shelton. A court order was executed on North
An assault was reported on East Mikkelsen Harassment was reported on Northeast state An assist was requested on East Phillips Lake Skokomish Indian Flats Road in Shelton.
Road in Shelton. Route 300 in Belfair. Road in Shelton. A burglary was reported on East Treewater
A disturbance was reported on Southeast A welfare check was requested on West Suspicious activity was reported on South- Place in Shelton.
Evergreen Drive in Shelton. Franklin Street in Shelton. east Old Olympic Highway in Shelton. Suspicious activity was reported on West
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-11

Alder Street in Shelton.

Belfair Highway in Belfair. North in Shelton. Creek Road West in Shelton.
Disorderly conduct was reported on Mountain A parking violation was reported on West A threat was reported on Southeast Arcadia A citizen assist was requested on West Cota
View Drive in Shelton. Bulb Farm Road in Shelton. Road in Shelton. Street in Shelton.
A drug law violation was reported on East Suspicious activity was reported on North A disturbance was reported on Mount Jupiter A burglary was reported on East McReavy
Glamis Court in Shelton. Aspiel Lane in Shelton. Drive in Hoodsport. Road in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on Southeast A property dispute was reported on Northeast A DUI was reported on East Johns Prairie A court order was executed on Johns Prairie
Skookum View Drive in Shelton. Clifton Lane in Belfair. Road in Shelton. Road in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on East A court order was executed on East Lake A disturbance was reported on East Spring- A burglary was reported on East state Route
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Forest Drive in Allyn. wood Court in Shelton. 106 in Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on Bayview A drug law violation was reported on South- Reckless driving was reported on East Trespassing was reported on East Sherwood
Avenue in Shelton. east Arcadia Road in Shelton. Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Creek Road in Allyn.
A drug law violation was reported on West Suspicious activity was reported on North- A disturbance was reported on West Railroad Suspicious activity was reported on West
state Route 108 in Shelton. east Admiral Drive in Belfair. Avenue in Shelton. Satsop Cloquallum Road in Elma.
Suspicious activity was reported on East A citizen assist was requested on Alpine Way An illegal burn was reported on Southeast Malicious mischief was reported on South
North Mason School Road in Belfair. in Shelton. Klah Che Min Drive in Shelton. 14th Street in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on North- Something was found on Adams Street in Speeding was reported on East Wallace Hazardous road conditions were reported on
east Salty Drive in Belfair. Shelton. Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. East Mason Benson Road in Grapeview.
An injury was reported on East Agate Road in Shoplifting was reported on East Wallace Suspicious activity was reported on East Hill- A citizen assist was requested on Southeast
Shelton. Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. side Drive in Belfair. Evergreen Drive in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on North- A theft was reported on Southeast Klah Che An assist was requested on East state Route A disturbance was reported on East Cedar
east Jolly Roger Lane in Belfair. Min Drive in Shelton. 3 in Allyn. Street in Shelton.
A civil dispute was reported on Southeast Fir Something was found on Turner Avenue in Reckless driving was reported on East Road Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Lane in Shelton. Shelton. of Tralee in Shelton. east Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on South Reckless driving was reported on Northcliff A welfare check was requested on Olympic
16th Street in Shelton. Road in Shelton. MAY 14 Highway North in Shelton.
Noise was reported on Northeast Forest A property dispute was reported on North A disturbance was reported on Tobin Avenue A disturbance was reported on East Beil
Creek Drive in Tahuya. Lower Lake Road in Hoodsport. in Shelton. Road in Shelton.
Suspicious activity was reported on North- A sex offense was reported on Southeast A citizen assist was requested on Southeast Desertion was reported on East Wallace
east Old Belfair Highway in Belfair. Squaxin Lane in Shelton. Klah Che Min Drive in Shelton. Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton.
A court order was executed on Southeast A recovery was reported on Lacrosse Way in A welfare check was requested on North U.S. Hazardous road conditions were reported on
Arcadia Road in Shelton. Shelton. Highway 101 in Shelton. East McReavy Road in Union.
A DUI was reported on Southeast state Route Something was found on West Cedar Street A DUI was reported on Ellinor Avenue in A theft was reported on West Franklin Street
3 in Shelton. in Shelton. Shelton. in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on West state Noise was reported on West Sunset Court in Disorderly conduct was reported on Johns
MAY 13 Route 108 in Shelton. Shelton. Court in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on Mountain A burglary was reported on South Second A disturbance was reported on North U.S. A citizen assist was requested on West Shel-
View Drive in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Highway 101 in Shelton. ton Matlock Road in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on North First A DUI was reported on Northcliff Road in A disturbance was reported on East Crest- Reckless driving was reported on Northeast
Street in Shelton. Shelton. view Drive in Shelton. state Route 300 in Belfair.
Suspicious activity was reported on East Child abuse was reported on Pacific Court in Alarm activity was reported on North Koka- A firearms violation was reported on West
Agate Road in Shelton. Shelton. nee Cove Way in Hoodsport. Cedar Street in Shelton.
A theft was reported on Southeast Crescent A custody dispute was reported on East Riv- A disturbance was reported on South First A disturbance was reported on West Cota
Drive in Shelton. endell Road in Grapeview. Street in Shelton. Street in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on Southeast Someone was reported lost on North Enatai A disturbance was reported on East Board- Suspicious activity was reported on East
Qua Ta Sat Circle in Shelton. Court in Shelton. walk in Shelton. Agate Road in Shelton.
A drug law violatoin was reported on West A disturbance was reported on North 13th Alarm activity was reported on East Mason A custody dispute was reported on North
state Route 108 in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Lake Drive West in Grapeview. U.S. Highway 101 in Shelton.
A DUI was reported on East state Route 3 in A domestic assault was reported on East Beil A welfare check was requested on East Rasor A disturbance was reported on East Herron
Shelton. Road in Shelton. Road West in Belfair. Place in Shelton.
A firearms violation was reported on West Suspicious activity was reported on Stevens An assist was requested on West Belfair A stray animal was reported on Parsley Av-
U.S. Highway 101 in Shelton. Street in Shelton. Valley Road in Port Orchard. enue in Shelton.
Trespassing was reported on Mountain View A property dispute was reported on Sexton Noise was reported on North U.S. Highway Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Drive in Shelton. Drive in Olympia. 101 in Shelton. east state Route 3 in Belfair.
Alarm activity was reported on Northeast A burglary was reported on North Dow Court Suspicious activity was reported on Turner A theft was reported on North Dosewallips
Larson Boulevard in Belfair. in Hoodsport. Avenue in Shelton. Place in Hoodsport.
Trespassing was reported on East J Street in Suspicious activity was reported on Otter An animal complaint was reported on North A threat was reported on East Timberlake
Shelton. Street in Shelton. Potlatch Court in Shelton. West Drive in Shelton.
A disturbance was reported on North Steel Suspicious activity was reported on Laurel A disturbance was reported on North King- An injury was reported on West Cota Street
Lane East in Hoodsport. Street in Shelton. sway South in Hoodsport. in Shelton.
A property dispute was reported on East A burglary was reported on North Bow Tree Trespassing was reported on East state Route An assault was reported on South 11th Street
Jensen Road in Shelton. Lane in Lilliwaup. 106 in Union. in Shelton.
A domestic assault was reported on South- A drug law violation was reported on Otter A theft was reported on West Gallagher Road A property dispute was reported on East De-
east Arcadia Road in Shelton. Street in Shelton. in Shelton. lanty Road in Shelton.
A recovery was reported on West Seattle Av- A theft was reported on West state Route 108 A DUI was reported on East North Bay Road An assist was requested on Northeast state
enue in Shelton. in Shelton. in Allyn. Route 3 in Belfair.
A citizen assist was requested on East Agate A disturbance was reported on South 10th A burglary was reported on East state Route Suspicious activity was reported on North-
Road in Shelton. Street in Shelton. 106 in Belfair. east state Route 3 in Belfair.
A burglary was reported on East Eastlake A firearms violation was reported on East Alarm activity was reported on East Shelton An assist was requested on West state Route
Drive in Shelton. Lakeshore Drive East in Shelton. Springs Road in Shelton. 108 in Shelton.
A theft was reported on East Wallace Knee- A nuisance was reported on West Pine Street A civil dispute was reported on North Cod An auto theft was reported on West Franklin
land Boulevard in Shelton. in Shelton. Place in Hoodsport. Street in Shelton.
Alarm activity was reported on West Pine A citizen assist was requested on West Clo- A welfare check was requested on East
Street in Shelton. quallum Road in Shelton. McReavy Road in Shelton. n Compiled by Linda Frizzell
A parking violation was reported on West An intoxicated person was reported on South Trespassing was reported on East J Street in
Cota Street in Shelton. First Street in Shelton. Shelton.
Warrants were executed on Northeast Old Speeding was reported on East Blevins Road An abandoned vehicle was reported on Gold

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Page B-12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

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Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-13

360-426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm
BUSINESS DIRECTORY ad- holidays). Call 360-426-4412 $995 AND up used cars, information: 360-426-7374, digital read-out, new $50. jewelry, antique bottles, coins,
vertising special: 4 weeks of Shelton-Mason County Jour- trucks, great deals, low-priced (P5/4-5/25) Wheelchair, new $50. Walker silverware, jewelry boxes,
business card sized classified nal, 227 W. Cota, PO Box 430, transportation. Also consign- ATV/UTV JAMBOREE, June with seat, $25. 360-427-5697 (England) cup & saucers,
display ads, reaches 20,000 Shelton WA 98584. Open 8-5 ments wanted. Clean, used 9-11 in Conconully, Wash. (M 5/4-5/25) crystal liquor decanters, Native
local readers 4 times (80,000 Mon-Fri, www.masoncounty. 2000 and newer vehicles. Sun Poker Run, Scavenger Hunt, SELL SOMETHING (or American art, hand-painted
gross impressions). Bonus: com. (J tfn) Auto RV and Marine Sales, Swap Meet, Vendors, Guided things!) with a listing here. Buy artwork, clothing, purses and
now also includes free classi- 5961 E. SR 3, Shelton 360- Rides. to 3 weeks, get the 4th week free. much more. Take the scenic
fied reader ad! Total package
value $191.05, special just CARS & TRUCKS 426-2907 (S TFN)
GILLIS AUTO Center, your
register or for more information
call 509-826-1272. (W 5/18)
Call 426-4412. (J tfn) drive out to Union and check
out our shop. 4941 E. State
$88.00. Call the Journal today SAWMILLS FROM only Rt. 106, Union WA (360) 898-
one-stop shop! Chrysler, Ford, PROMOTE YOUR regional $4,397. Make & save money
for details and to get started: Dodge, Jeep. 360-426-5585. 0277. Open 10:30 to 5:00 Mon
426-4412. (J tfn) event for only pennies. Reach with your own bandmill. Cut to Sat., Sun. 11:00 to 4:00. (K
1966 THUNDERBIRD. Beau- Hwy. 101, 2nd Shelton exit. 2.7 million readers in newspa- lumber any dimension. In stock
ABOUT THE 2 types of Clas- tiful condition with new en- (G 5/18-6/8)
pers statewide for $275 classi- ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD:
sifieds: (1) “Classified reader gine, transmission and more. tfn) fied or $1,350 display ad. Call FAMILY DOWNSIZING ga-
ads” (such as this) feature the $13,500. email magrain45@ the Journal at 426-4412 or the 1‐800‐578‐1363 Ext.300N. (W rage sale at 4487 E State
first two words being capital-
ized. For 20 words or less, for pic-
tures or call Duane, 360-880-
COMPUTERS WNPA at (360) 360-344-2938 5/18) Route 3, Shelton; first drive-
way past the Mason Lake Rd.,
for details. (W tfn) KILL BED bugs & their eggs!
price is $10.35 per week and 0746 (M 5/18-6/8) headed north. Lots of nice
Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/Kit
15 cents per word over 20. If
the ad runs unchanged for 3
FOR SALE mechanic’s spe-
cial ’99 Dodge Intrepid, have
your door and more. Dave’s
FOR RENT Complete Treatment System.
clothes, female plus size busi-
ness attire, lots of kitchenware,
weeks, the 4th week is free. No Available: Hardware Stores, furniture, etc., Friday-Sunday,
receipts for work done, nice Computer Service 360-898- The Home Depot, homedepot.
frames, art or logos in “reader clean car but needs TLC. $700 3800. No travel fees, free es- starting at 8. (W 5/18)
ads.” Or (2) “Classified display REDUCED RENT for labor, com (W 5/18)
OBO, call (949) 356-8369 (M timate (D tfn) YARD SALE, across from
ads” with borders and artwork,
no word limit, sold by the
2 bedroom 2 bath, seeking
someone retired or works from FREE Shelton High School, Friday
Noon-6pm, Saturday & Sun-
column-inch. Minimum size 2 home, no pets, no smokers, day 9am-2pm. Something for
column (3.23” wide) x 2” tall Blue, 154k mi., 28 mpg. Runs $300/month (360) 275-4127.
great, clean, good condition everybody! (H 5/18)
is $40 per week and includes (P 5/18-6/8) GIVING SOMETHING away?
free professional graphic de- $3,500 360-229-5572. (W TRIMMING COLLECTION Smart Journal readers love MOVING SALE 9am-4pm,
4/27-5/18) of signed baseballs – Hall OFFICE SPACE to rent. Plen- 410 E Agate Drive, Timber-
sign upon request. Logos, art ty of off street parking, includes that! We’ll run your “free” ad
and photos welcome. High- 1993 SATURN WAGON 128k of Famers and other major for free! Call 426-4412 (J tfn) lakes area, May 20-21, (Satur-
leaguers, $50 each, 360-426- utilities. $500/Month. First, last, day-Sunday). (S 5/18)
impact larger & custom sizes mi., rebuilt engine 2015.Tow $400 damage deposit. For the
available. Ads reach paid lo-
cal readership of 20,000 per
car 10yrs, incl. tow kit, chains,
winter tires. Runs good.
5416. (K 5/11-5/25)
$50 & UNDER items run 1
right renter we will build for
your needs. Advanced Chi-
Lake, May 26th & 27th, 9am-
week. Deadline 5:00pm Mon- $2,100. 360-229-5572. (W week Free under this classifi- ropractic 422 N. 1st, Shelton, 5pm. 2411 E. Trails End Drive,
day (or Friday previous for 4/27-5/18) cation! Call 426-4412 now to WA 98584 (B 5/18-tfn) Belfair. Don’t miss this one! (T
put your item in next week’s LARGE MULTI-HOUSE- 5/11-5/18)
Journal! (J tfn) RENTAL / SELL Quiet country HOLD garage sale: Sat & Sun.
About the 2 types of Classifieds EVENTS
living, 60’ single wide remod-
el-acreage $975 per month,
May 20 & 21. 9:00-4:00. 3961
W. Dayton Airport Road Shel-
Sale at St. David’s Episcopal
first, last & cleaning deposit. ton (A 5/18) Church. June 2nd from 9am-
Classified Reader Ads — OR — Classified Display Ads 3pm and also June 3rd from
FIRST TWO words are No word limit, display ads Convenient=Shelton. LittleC- MOVING SALE! Two garage
reek Olympia (360) 427-7234 9am-2pm, when all rummage
capitalized. For 20 words or are sold by the column inch. PLANT & BAKE-SALE May sales, one road 2310 & 31 items are 50% off all day at
less, $10.35 per week. 15¢ per Minimum size 2 column
(H 5/18-6/8) West Deegan Rd West, Shel-
20 – Pickering Community 324 W. Cedar St., Shelton. (S
word over 20. If the ad runs (3.23" wide) x 2" tall is $40.00 Club. The Pickering Commu- APARTMENT FOR rent at ton Furniture, Tools, Small Ap- 5/11-6/1)
unchanged for 3 weeks, the per week. Many larger sizes nity Club will host its 4th annu- Jarrell’s Cove Marina on pliances, Pet Items & MORE!
beautiful Harstine Island, 1 June 3rd & 4th 8am until- (W NIFTY THRIFTY thrift store
4th week is free. No frames, are available. Logos, art & al plant and bake sale May 20 in Shelton, call 427-0858 for
art or logos in reader ads. photos welcome. from 9am to 2pm at the Grant bedroom with a bonus room, 5/18)
no pets, first month & security donations pick-up information.
School at 151 East Commu- GARAGE SALE May 20th 9-4 826 W. Railroad in Downtown
Deadline 5:00 PM Monday nity Club Road (2.5 miles on deposit, $650/month. Call 360- at 61 SE Spring Place Shel-
426-8823 (J 5/18-tfn) Shelton, open 9:30-5:30 pm

Pickering Road from Highway ton, down Ryan Rd. (S 5/18) Mon-Fri, 9:30am-5:00pm Sat.
227 W. Cota Shelton, WA 98584 3). Gardeners will find peren- DUPLEX ON Arcadia Road., YARD SALE (under the car- Donations accepted 9:30-4:30

Open 8-5 Mon.-Fri. nials, annuals, vegetables, Shelton. 2 bedroom 1 bath, port): Tools, construction, daily. Proceeds benefit Mason herbs, hanging baskets, trees $950/month plus 1st/last and household, furniture, etc. 31 County Senior Activities Asso-
and shrubs. For those with deposit No pets, no smoking, E Heatherwood Ct. Shelton ciation (N tfn)
a sweet tooth, there is a big (360) 556-6881 (J 5/4-5/25) Fri-Sun 19th- 21st 9am-5pm.
selection of baked goods to CLUTTERED, WANT more
(W 5/18)
choose from. Proceeds ben-
efit the restoration of the 1914
spending money? Maybe we
can get you out of a jam! Run a
Fir Tree Park Apartments mower, tablesaw, camping garage sale in the Journal for as

historic one room school. (S
360-426-5666 / 614 N 4th St Shelton WA 98584 5/18) equip., furniture, household little as $10.35, and you’ll even
MOBILITY ELECTRIC chairs, items, supplies for bead- get free garage sale signs! Call
**62+ Senior Community** BINGO KARAOKE party at have two. Good condition, ing, knitting, glasscutting and 426-4412 today. (J tfn)
the Pavilion Friday, May 26, new batteries, call for details, much more. May 20-21 8-5,
***Accepting wait list applications for residency. Rental assistance may be available.*** 2017, 7-10pm. Doors open
at 6pm. Open to adults 21
Hoodsport. Jerry (360) 877- 2442 SE Cole Rd., Shelton (H GIFTS
Professionally managed by PPM, LLC 5224 (E 5/18-5/25) 5/18)
and older. The Pavilion, 190
W. Sentry Drive, Shelton WA FOUR PIECE dining table and SALE! SALE! Sale! Kari’s Col-
Water, sewer, and garbage is included in monthly rent. In the community, we offer a big 8 chairs, 2 piece China hutch lectables is having a 20% off HANDMADE, ONE-of-a-kind
screen TV with cable access, monthly birthday potluck lunches, park-like setting, garden 98584 (behind Gillis Ford &
Auto Center and next to Sen- with lighting, additional dresser sale on select items. We would purses and totes. $20. Linda-
areas, 2 onsite laundry rooms to our residents. We are located within walking distance try Mini-Storage). Fundraiser display. A lifetime of use, solid like to move inventory for sum- (F tfn)
from shopping, library, and downtown Shelton. for the Mason County Senior oak $800. 360-870-1820. (H mer. We have lots of wonder-
5/11-5/18) ful items such as hand blown PLACE AN AD in the Journal

Activities Center. For more

WESCO EXERCISE bike, vases, handmade & vintage Classified section to buy or
sell. Call 426-4412.

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Page B-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm

HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL and Demonstrate competency in KITTEN RESCUE of Mason ONE ACRE in Town! Utili- 360-426-4598 QUEEN- 11-5, Sat 12-3. 360-790-3976
well-informed Mason County community based nursing, County. Cats and kittens avail- ties in the street. Fruit trees A10440R. (P tfn) lonita@sewnowstudioshelton.
residents read the Journal, Be highly organized, Willing able to indoor only homes. for your new home. $95,000. BIG SKY painting. Depend- com (S tfn)
because knowledge is power, to learn new things, Possess Website, con- MLS # 1022886 Shelton Land
especially when it comes to
the best local news – including
a WA State RN license that
is in good standing. The suc-
tact 360-584-0594 or 360-426-
2455. (K 5/23 TFN)
& Homes LLC 360-426-5555
or Kedda 360-490-9566 (S
able, quality work. Special – 1
story ramblers $1,000 Labor SPORTINGGOODS
(paint & tax not included).
health news. Live longer, sub- cessful candidate selected will 5/18-6/8)
scribe today! Senior discounts work closely with the Resident REAL ESTATE YOUR PROPERTY is in de-
Other painting, free estimates.
(360) 968-9845, 360-463- GUN AND knife show, May
for 55+ too. Call 426-4412. (J Services Department Direc- mand! The professionals at 8251. License #BIGSKY- 20th & 21st, admission $7,
tfn) tor, who is responsible for the Shelton Land & Homes LLC P831C4. (B 3/9-6/22) Centralia Fairgrounds, Sat-
administration of the depart- LOST LAKE acreage next will help you sell it! Call for your urday 9am-5pm, Sunday
HELP WANTED ment. If you love working with
seniors, or have always had
to boat ramp. Private ac- free market analysis. 360-426-
ing “Experience a brighter 9am-3pm. 503-363-9564
cess included. $46,500. MLS 5555-or Jodie 360-589-9694 world!” 360-701-0644. Li- (K
the desire to coordinate excel- #1096199 Shelton Land & (S 5/18-6/8) 5/11-5/18)
lent community based care censed, insured. www.bavari-
BUILDING INSPECTOR I, II, Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Win-
III, IV, V with Mason County
Community Services. $3,492-
and services for older adults,
then this part-time position is
Jodie 360-589-9694 (S 5/18-
ROOFING dows, gutters, skylights, solar SURVEYING
for you! (20-24 hours/week). panels. Free estimates. Resi-
$5,893/month Application FRAMING SHOP & Art Gal- dential & commercial. (B tfn)
required & available at www. Maple Glen Senior Living is a
54 unit assisted living commu- lery Business! 10 year proven YOUR NEW roof for as low WATERFRONT WINDOWS TURNBOW LAND Survey- or Mason business w/ tools of the trade. as $50 per month O.A.C., The ing, LLC, James D. Turnbow,
County Human Resources, nity, located in Shelton Wash- roofs, gutters, windows. Misty
ington and is managed by $48,000. MLS # 919655 Shel- Roof Doctor, “We make house Clark 360-229-8300 thewa- PLS #42679 Professional
411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA ton Land & Homes LLC 360- calls.” 360-427-8611 1131 W. Services 360-432-2753 Free
98584, Closes 6/15/17. (M Artegan, LLC. Artegan places
their residents and staff first, 426-5555 or John 360-490- Kamilche Lane, just off High- (W tfn) Estimates, www.turnbowland-
5/18) 6654 (S 5/18-6/8) way 101. ROOFDI*168N8 (R Boundary
and creates wonderful living JAY BUTTLES’ Tree Servic-
NOW HIRING: Are you look- experiences. Artegan is very PRICE REDUCED! 2 lots Lk. tfn) surveys, platting, boundary
ing for a great career? We es. Topping, chipping, stump line adjustments, subdivisions,
progressive and provides an Arrowhead w/ electric, holding ASCEND ROOFING Compa- grinding. Licensed, bonded
are looking for a mechani- outstanding working environ- tank, many extras! $30,000. ny LLC. Residential and com- FEMA elevation certificates (T
cally inclined individual for and insured Lic. #JAY- tfn)
ment. Check us out at www. MLS #1077211 Shelton Land mercial roofing specialists. Lic. BUT5053R2. Call 360-426-
our expanding Service Dept. Please, only & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 ASCENRC896MA. Vern Gon-
and expanding Service Area,
within the home appliance in-
qualified candidates need ap- or Jodie 360-589-9694 (S zales – Cell 360-515-6065,
4663. (B tfn)
dustry. Seeking individual who
ply. Come celebrate your life
with us at Maple Glen Senior
Dennis James – Cell 360-515-
8733. Office: 360-868-2730, SEWING
is a qualified, self-motivated Living! EEOE (M 5/11-5/18) Fax: 360-868-2625. 1800 ONE OF the Journal’s 20,000
professional. Experience re- 2000 sq ft. 3 bdrm 1 3/4
FULLTIME MAINTENANCE bath shop, barn on 3.8 ac. Olympic Hwy S., Shelton WA readers might have some-
pairing household appliances 98584 (A tfn) NEED ALTERATIONS? Of- thing you want. If there’s
is preferred, but will train. Val- worker needed. On-call 24/7, $289,900. MLS #1036412
fering all kinds of alterations, something you collect or are
id driver’s license is a must.
Please bring resume to Ken at
60-unit apartment building.
Work vehicle required. Medical
Shelton Land & Homes LLC
360-426-5555 or John 360- SERVICES hemming, repair, including looking for, try running an ad
under “Wanted.” For 20 words
and vacation, starting $13/hr. 490-6654 (S 5/18-6/8) heirloom repair, custom sew-
Appliance Repair Plus. 1717 ing and sewing lessons. Sew it’s just $10.35 per week and
Olympic Highway North, Shel- Resumes to firtreeparkapts@ GREAT HOME site! 9.38 ac., for details call QUEEN ANNE’S Land- Now Studio & Consignment 15¢ per word over 20. Run 3
ton, WA 98584. (A 5/11-6/1) with trees. Owner will help with Bridal Boutique, we help you weeks, get the 4th week free.
(360) 426-5666. 614 N. 4th construction loan. $90,000. MLS scaping 100% green in-
MASON COUNTY Garbage St., Shelton (F 5/4-5/25) stallation, restoring, con- make it your own. 321 S. 1st Call (360) 426-4412, you can
is looking for a qualified gar- #964637 Shelton Land & Homes Street, Shelton Open Tues-Fri place your ad by phone! (J tfn)
LLC 360-426-5555 or Jodie 360- sultation, creative designs
bage truck driver to operate in
the Mason County area. This HEATING & AC 589-9694 (S 5/18-6/8) with photos, staging, prun-
ing, high bank restoration.
position will be responsible
for driving a garbage truck on
specified routes to manually ARCH MECHANICAL afford-
and mechanically collect solid able. Refrigeration, cooling,
heating, food service equip-
Call 426-4412 to place an ad in the Journal.
waste and transport it to ap-
propriate disposal sites. Daily ment repair. Heating, air con-
ditioning, refrigeration. 360-
Ad deadline is 5:00 Monday.
work will involve heavy indus-
trial lifting, lifting waist high, 229-2139. Licensed, bonded, Call today!
gripping with hands, moving insured. EPA, PTCS, Fry-
at a brisk consistent pace master certified, NW Ductless
and occasional bending. This “Master Installer,” WA Contr.
position will also be respon-
sible for safely, efficiently and
Lic. ARCHMMI902MN, www. (A tfn) Keep Mason County Beautiful ... Don’t Litter!
courteously serving custom-
ers. Applicants should: Be LAUNDRY
able to work in a fast-paced
team environment; Be able
to work outdoors in all types OLYMPIC LAUNDRY 2505
of weather; Be able to follow Olympic Hwy. N – Suite 180,
safe operating practices; Pos- Shelton WA 98584, 360-426-
sess a clean safety and driving 9864. “Go Ducks!” Drop-off
record; Be able to learn and service. Coin-op services, fully
use interpersonal skills related attended. Open 7 days a week
to good customer service; Be 7am – last load 9pm (O tfn)
able and willing to work in a
team environment; Be able
to read, write and compre-
hend reports well enough to
complete daily assignments; LOST IT? Found it? Call 426-
Possess a valid Class B CDL. 4412 for an affordable listing
Qualified candidates should here. Did you know the Jour-
complete an application at: nal will run found pet listings
http://www.masoncountygar- for free? It’s true! (J tfn)
(M 5/11-5/18)
FRAMER LEAD man con-
crete, finisher (360) 490-9956.
(P 5/11-6/1) CELLO SOLOIST – from
RN – CASE Manager: We Bach to the Beatles. Acoustic
are seeking a passionate light rock, jazz and classical
Registered Nurse who loves for weddings, special events,
working with older adults. This receptions, and dinner parties.
dream position focuses solely Call Dave at (360) 490-4695
on assessing resident care (cell) or email cellodad@juno.
needs and assures that the com for available times and
coordination of care provided dates. Visit www.cellodad.
is done so with compassion for more infor-
and outstanding customer mation. (D 4/1 TFN)
service. The multifaceted
successful case manager will
possess the following skills:
Outstanding passion and
understanding of older adult HOST FAMILIES needed in
needs, Excellent assessment the NMHS area for the up-
skills, Great teaching skills for coming 2017-18 school year
residents, families and staff to host high school age foreign
members, Clear and concise exchange students. Please go
documentation skills, Clear to
and compassionate commu- for more information. (A 5/11-
nication skills, Ability to del- 5/18)
egate minimal nursing tasks to
non-licensed personnel, Have PLACE AN AD in the Journal
a complete understanding Classified section to buy or
of Resident Centered Care, sell. Call 426-4412.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-15

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Call 360-426-4412 to place your ad

Sebastian Landscaping BAVARIAN WINDOWS

We Do Full Landscaping Service GUTTERS
Yard Maintenance • Excavation • Grading WINDOW SOLAR PANELS
Concrete • Flatwork • Brick, Stone & Rock Work CLEANING
Walkways • Driveways • Retaining Walls • Fencing “Experience a Brighter World!”
Verandas & Gazebos • Sheds, Coops, Pole Barns
Landscape Design • Drain & Drainage 360-701-0644 FREE
Sod/Lawn & Sprinklers • Yard Clean Up Licensed & Insured
Berms & Dirt Work • Hauling & Clean Up ESTIMATES
Snow Removal RESIDENTIAL &


Contractor Licensed, Insured

360-280-3816 Call for free Estimate

Call 427-0858 for Donations Your New Roof for as low as $5000 per month O.A.C.
p information
ARCH Mechanical
“We Make House Calls”
Affordable • Refrigeration • Cooling • Heating

Food Service Equipment Repair 826 W. Railroad in Downtown Shelton
Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration 9:30 am - 5:30 pm M-F
9:30 am - 5:00 pm Sat.

360-229-2139 1131 W. Kamilche Lane - Just off Highway 101

Donations Accepted 9:30 - 4:30 Daily
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • EPA, PTCS, Frymaster Certified 427-0858 Mason County Senior Activities Association ROOFDI*168N8

NW Ductless “Master Installer” •

ASCEND Computer Service

@ Your Door & More
Vern: 360-515-6065 Dennis: 360-515-8733

Residential & Commercial Roofing Specialists

Call us today for your free estimate!

Ascend Roofing Has Moved

Serve You Better!
GO S! Vern Gonzales - Cell:
Conveniently 360-515-6065
located at

Dave’ss Computer
Computer Servi
1800 Olympic Highway S, Suite 3
Dennis James - Cell:
Shelton, 360-515-8733
WA 98584



Offi ce: 360-868-2730

LIC #ASCENRC896MA 1800 Olympic
536 W. Hwy.
Railroad Ave.S

Open 7 days a week 7 am / Last load 9 pm Fax: 360-868-2625



(360) 898-3800
(360) 432-2753

Misty Clark Boundary surveys, platting, boundary

No Travel Fees • Free Estimate

Gutters (360) 229-8300 line adjustments, subdivisions,
FEMA elevation certificates


at The Pavilion
• Topping Friday, April 28, 2017

• Chipping Your own-stop shop! 7-10 pm, doors open at 6pm

Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2

Open to Adults 21 and older

• Stump grinding
Hwy 101 • 2nd Shelton exit The Pavilion, 190 W. Sentry Drive,
• Licensed Shelton WA 98584


(behind Gillis Ford & Auto Center

• Bonded and Insured and next to Sentry Mini-Storage)
For more information:
(360) 426-5585

29641 Fundraiser for the Mason County

Senior Activities Center 360-426-7374 •

Cedars Bodyork & Massage, LLC Need Alterations? Offering Home Loans and Mortgage Services
Mother’s Day Gift Certificates Are
As Easy As Ordering Flowers. Offering all kinds of
Make Her Feel Special! Call Today! Alterations, Hemming, Repair, including Heirloom repair, Custom Sewing and Sewing Lessons
Brenda J. Windom Thomas ‘TJ’ Bracken
ABMP Certified Massage Therapist
Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS #669886
509-846-6367 321 S 1st Street 360-426-1601, ext 3161
Helping you on your healing journey through •
the art of bodywork and massage
Tues-Fri 11-5 Sat 12-3 360-790-3976 521 W. Railroad • PO 2150

26832 Shelton • PCU NMLS #401239


Lic.#MA60114035 Bridal Boutique

Need a Job? Check the Help Wanted Ads in the Journal. 227 W. Cota Street • Shelton WA 98584
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Page B-16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-17
Page B-18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

ABOVE: Country singer John Michael

Montgomery performed at the Little Creek
Casino Resort on May 12 as part of a
benefit concert for Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Southwest Washington.

AT RIGHT: Couples dance in the aisle to “I

Can Love You Like That” during the concert.
Journal photos by Brianna Loper

‘Be my
A guitarist for John Michael Montgomery
plays a riff during the concert.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-19

ABOVE: Montgomery has released 10 studio albums

and had 13 songs reach the top 10 slots on the
Billboard country charts.
BELOW: A woman in the front row throws her hands
up during the show.

A couple kisses after dancing to “I Swear” by John Michael Montgomery.

ABOVE: Corey Daniels, lead singer of the band

Humptulips, which opened the show, gestures to the
crowd during a song.
BELOW: John Michael Montgomery started
performing in 1991, and has won the Country Music
Awards Horizon Award, been honored as a Billboard
Top Country Artist and nominated for a Grammy.

The guitar player for Humptulips jams during the show. The band is based in Grays Harbor
Page B-20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


PUBLIC NOTICE telephone (425)-258-2651. SUPPLEMENTARY tion to acquire real property in trust for the tor. If no appeal is timely filed, this decision will
NOTICE TO CREDITORS INFORMATION: This notice is published to com- Skokomish Indian Tribe. The property is an undi- become final for the Department of the Interior
(RCW 11.40.030) IN THE SUPERIOR ply with the requirement of 25 CFR § 151.12(d) vided 5/18 interest in Skokomish Tract 120-16-B, at the expiration of the appeal period. No exten-
COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINTON FOR (2)(iii) that notice be given of the decision by the described as: The West half (W ½) of the North- sion of time may be granted for filing a notice of
THE COUNTY OF MASON, Estate of Robert authorized representative of the Secretary of the east quarter (NE ¼) of Section thirty-four (34), appeal.
Ray McDowell, Deceased. Case No. 17-4-103- Interior to acquire land in trust. A copy of the de- Township twenty-two (22) North, Range four (4) 9489 May 18 1t
23. The personal representative named below termination is available from the office identified West, of the Willamette Meridian. Situate in Ma-
has been appointed as personal representa- in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION section son County, Washington, collectively containing PUBLIC NOTICE
tive of this estate. Any person having a claim of this notice. Any party who wishes to seek ju- 80.00 acres, more or less. DATE: The determi- PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS
against the decedent must, before the time the dicial review of this decision must first exhaust nation was made on May 11, 2017. FOR FUR- (RCW 11.40.030) IN THE SUPERIOR
claim would be barred by any otherwise appli- administrative remedies. This decision may be THER INFORMATION CONTACT: Puget Sound COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN
cable statute of limitations, present the claim in appealed to the Northwest Regional Director in Agency Superintendent Office, Bureau of Indian AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the
the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by accordance with the regulations in 25 CFR Part Affairs, 2707 Colby Avenue, Suite 1101, Ever- Matter of the Estate of: MICHAEL A. KIEFFER,
mailing to the personal representative at the ad- 2. Your notice of appeal must be filed in the Su- ett, WA 98201-3528, telephone (425)-258-2651. Deceased. Probate No. 17-4-00099-23 The Per-
dress below a copy of the claim and filing the perintendent’s office at the address listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice sonal Representative named below has been
original claim with the court in which the pro- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT sec- is published to comply with the requirement of appointed and has qualified as Personal Rep-
bate proceedings were commenced. The claim tion above within 30 days of the date of publica- 25 CFR § 151.12(d)(2)(iii) that notice be given resentative of this estate. Any person having a
must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty tion of this notice. The date of filing your notice of the decision by the authorized representative claim against the Decedent must, before the time
days after the personal representative served of appeal is the date it is postmarked or the date of the Secretary of the Interior to acquire land the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap-
or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided it is personally delivered to the Superintendent’s in trust. A copy of the determination is available plicable statute of limitations, present the claim
under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months office. Your notice of appeal must include your from the office identified in the FOR FURTHER in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070,
after the date of first publication of the notice. If name, address, and telephone number and it INFORMATION section of this notice. Any party by serving on or mailing to the Personal Rep-
the claim is not presented within this time frame, should clearly identify the decision being ap- who wishes to seek judicial review of this deci- resentative or the Personal Representative’s
the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise pealed. If possible, attach a copy of the decision. sion must first exhaust administrative remedies. attorney at the address stated below, a copy
provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This The notice and the envelope in which it is mailed This decision may be appealed to the Northwest of the claim and filing the original of the claim
bar is effective as to claims against both the de- should be clearly labeled “Notice of Appeal.” Your Regional Director in accordance with the regu- with the Court in which the probate proceedings
cedent’s probate and non-probate assets. First notice of appeal must list the names and ad- lations in 25 CFR Part 2. Your notice of appeal were commenced. The claim must be presented
Publication: May 18, 2017. Personal Represen- dresses of the interested parties known to you must be filed in the Superintendent’s office at the within the later of: (1) thirty days (30) after the
tative: Patricia E. Haskell. Mailing Address: P. O. and certify that you have sent them copies of the address listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMA- Personal Representative served or mailed the
Box 1244, Shelton, WA 98584. Superior Court of notice. You must also send a copy of your notice TION CONTACT section above within 30 days of notice to the creditor as provided under RCW
Washington for Mason County for probate pro- of appeal to the Regional Director at: Bureau of the date of publication of this notice. The date of 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date
ceedings. Cause Number: 17-4-103-23. Indian Affairs, Northwest Regional Office, 911 filing your notice of appeal is the date it is post- of first publication of the notice. If the claim is
9493 May 18, 25, June 1 3t Northeast 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232- marked or the date it is personally delivered to not presented within this time frame, the claim
4169. If you are an Indian or Indian tribe and are the Superintendent’s office. Your notice of appeal is forever barred, except as otherwise provided
not represented by an attorney, you may request must include your name, address, and telephone in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is
assistance from this office in the preparation of number and it should clearly identify the decision effective as to claims against both the decedent’s
your appeal. You may include a statement of being appealed. If possible, attach a copy of the probate and non-probate assets. Date of Filing
reasons with your notice of appeal, explaining decision. The notice and the envelope in which it Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: MAY 15,
why you believe the decision being appealed is in is mailed should be clearly labeled “Notice of Ap- 2017 Date of First Publication: MAY 18, 2017
error. If you do not include your statement of rea- peal.” Your notice of appeal must list the names Personal Representative: JUDITH E. OLSON
sons with your notice of appeal, you must mail and addresses of the interested parties known to Address: c/o P.O. Box 1865, Belfair, WA 98528
or deliver it to the Superintendent’s office within you and certify that you have sent them copies of Attorney for Estate: DAVID J. HASTINGS, DAVID
30 days after you file your notice of appeal. The the notice. You must also send a copy of your no- GATES LAW, INC., P.S. Address: P.O. Box 1865,
statement of reasons and the envelope in which tice of appeal to the Regional Director at: Bureau Belfair, WA 98528 Telephone: (360) 275-9505
it is mailed should be clearly labeled “Statement of Indian Affairs, Northwest Regional Office, 911 DATED this 10TH day of MAY, 2017. DAVID
of Reasons.” It must be accompanied by or other- Northeast 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232- GATES LAW, INC., P.S. /S/ DAVID J. HAST-
wise incorporate all supporting documents. You 4169. If you are an Indian or Indian tribe and are INGS DAVID B. GATES WSBA #28952 DAVID J.
must send copies of your statement of reasons not represented by an attorney, you may request HASTINGS WSBA #42503 Attorneys for Estate
to all interested parties and the Regional Direc- assistance from this office in the preparation of of Michael A. Kieffer
Ron Berg tor. If no appeal is timely filed, this decision will
become final for the Department of the Interior
your appeal. You may include a statement of 9488 May 18, 25, June 1 3t
reasons with your notice of appeal, explaining
at the expiration of the appeal period. No exten- why you believe the decision being appealed is in PUBLIC NOTICE
sion of time may be granted for filing a notice of error. If you do not include your statement of rea- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
PUBLIC NOTICE appeal. sons with your notice of appeal, you must mail In the regular meeting of the North Mason
NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9490 May 18 1t or deliver it to the Superintendent’s office within School District Board of Directors at 6:30 pm on
Case No.: 17-4-102-23 IN THE SUPERIOR 30 days after you file your notice of appeal. The May 18, 2017 in the School District Office Board-
COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN PUBLIC NOTICE statement of reasons and the envelope in which room, the Board will recess to a public hearing
AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER ACTION: NOTICE OF DECISION TO AC- it is mailed should be clearly labeled “Statement to consider adopting a resolution to amend the
OF THE ESTATE OF VIRGINIA HENDRICKS, QUIRE LAND INTO TRUST UNDER 25 U.S.C.§ of Reasons.” It must be accompanied by or other- resolution approved in January for the issuance
Deceased The personal representative named 2216(C). SUMMARY: The Superintendent, Bu- wise incorporate all supporting documents. You of limited general obligation bonds.
below has been appointed as personal represen- reau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the In- must send copies of your statement of reasons 9464 Amy 11, 18 2t
tative of this estate. Any person having a claim terior, on the below date, has made a determina- to all interested parties and the Regional Direc-
against the decedent must, before the time the
claim would be barred by any otherwise appli-
cable statute of limitations, present the claim in
the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by
serving on or mailing to the personal represen-
tative or the personal representative’s attorney
at the address stated below a copy of the claim
and filing the original of the claim with the court
in which the probate proceedings were com-
menced. The claim must be presented within
the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal
representative served or mailed the notice to the
creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c);
or (2) four months after the date of first publica-
tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented
within this time frame, the claim is forever barred,
except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051
and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims
against both the decedent’s probate and non-
probate assets. DATE of filing copy of Notice to
Creditors with Clerk of Court: 5-12-17 DATE of
first publication: 5-18-17 GEARLD HENDRICKS
Personal Representative Robert W. Johnson
Robert W. Johnson, PLLC P. O. Box 1400 Shel-
ton, Washington 98584
9491 May 18, 25, June 1 3t

2216(C). SUMMARY: The Superintendent, Bu-
reau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the
Interior, on the below date, has made a deter-
mination to acquire real property in trust for the
Skokomish Indian Tribe. The property is an un-
divided 5/24 interest in Skokomish Tract 120-30,
described as: Indian Lots 34 and 35 of Section
two (2), Township twenty-one (21) North, Range
four (4) West, of the Willamette Meridian. AND
The Southeast quarter (SE ¼) of the Northeast
quarter (NE ¼) of the Southeast quarter (SE ¼)
of Section two (2), Township twenty-one (21)
North, Range four (4) West, of the Willamette
Meridian. Situate in Mason County, Washing-
ton, collectively containing 30.00 acres, more
or less. DATE: The determination was made on
CONTACT: Puget Sound Agency Superinten-
dent Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2707 Colby
Debra Olds
Avenue, Suite 1101, Everett, WA 98201-3528,
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-21

POEM OF THE WEEK Margo Seequist

by Connie Wanek
When I push your button But when the wind is at
you fly off the handle, my back, we’re likely
old skin and bones, to get carried away, and say
black bat wing. something we can never retract,

We’re alike, you and I. something saturated from the ribs

Both of us down, an old stony
resemble my mother, word like ruin. You’re what roof
so fierce in her advocacy I have, frail thing,

on behalf of you’re my argument

the most vulnerable child against the whole sky.
who’ll catch his death You’re the fundamental difference
in this tempest. between wet and dry.

Such a headwind!
Sometimes it requires
all my strength
just to end a line.
Page B-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Poppies from veterans

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has been selling poppies to help fellow soldiers
since 1922. “There’s no set price. Whatever is in your heart. Whatever you think you
can afford. And it stays in the county,” senior vice commander Doug Coles of Agate
told the Journal last week at his station outside Safeway in Shelton. Most passersby,
like Melody Simmons, right, were happy to help the organization’s fundraising effort.
VFW Post 1694 will be selling poppies through this week.
Photos by Tom Mullen


‘Songs of Hope’ delivers first of three performances

e did get to see the performances. At 3 p.m. Sat- with Harstine Island Com- $4 is asked to cover the food IT’S NOT TOO EARLY FOR
orca whales as they urday it will be in Belfair at munity Choir and we look costs. All the work preparing CALENDAR PHOTOS
swam through Pick- the HUB Center for Seniors. forward to sharing this music the food is done by volunteers.         It may seem early to submit
ering Passage. And more than At 3 p.m. Sunday, it will be with you.”  Harstine photos for the 2018
just seeing them, we got to at the Harstine Island Com- It is expensive to purchase ARE YOU READY FOR Harstine Island calendar, but
hear them. Their breathing munity Club. As Elizabeth the rights to perform these SPAGHETTI? Kayce Benson would like you
and spouting as they Berndt explains it, songs, so this all-volunteer Memorial Day weekend to start thinking about it. She
surfaced has a rhyth- “The concert music group is always looking for and the annual Harstine collects the photos, puts them
mic, musical sound – it is a presentation of donations.   Island Community Club Spa- on display at a community club
made a connection for people’s thoughts, ghetti Dinner have gone to- meeting and they are voted
me between their world hopes and aspira- LUNCH BUNCH AT gether for years. This is one of on by the attending mem-
and mine. The pod that tions during times IT AGAIN the bigger fundraisers put on bers. The 12 best then become
passed by had (I think) of conflict. On May 24, the senior by the community club. This the photos used in our calen-
four adults and maybe “Some is heart- lunch crew will serve baked great event will be held on dar. So, start sending JPEG
three calves. Just anoth- wrenchingly sad, chicken, mashed potatoes May 27. photos of island activities,
er exciting reason to be By MIKE some thought- and gravy, green salad and Waiters in white shirts scenery or wildlife from or on
living here on Harstine.  CALLAGHAN provokingly candid, brownies. As usual, the lunch and red aprons will greet you the island. Please don’t submit
The Harstine Island and some spellbind- bell will ring at noon. And, at your table and serve you more than 10 photos per pho-
Community Choir put ingly full of hope as usual, all who are age 50 salad, spaghetti and dessert. tographer. Email the photos
on a performance of its con- for the future as we focus on and older — or who live in the It is always good food and a to
cert titled “Songs of Hope” last standing together as a nation. Pioneer School District and good time. Serving time is
weekend. This coming week- “It will be a concert like no their friends — are invited to 4:30 p.m. and adult tickets n Mike Callaghan can be
end, it will have two matinee other you have experienced attend. A small donation of will be $10.  reached at
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-23

TODAY meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. NJROTC will provide an 3. Fifteen local resource JUNE 12
Overeaters Anonymous every Monday except for honor guard. agencies, nonprofits and South Sound Quilters
will meet at 5:30 p.m. at federal holidays at the Ma- community groups will be on meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Shelton Christian Church, son County PUD 3 audito- JUNE 1 hand, as well as live music every Monday except for
105 Arcadia Ave. The meet- rium, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Overeaters Anonymous and shellfish. Free. For more federal holidays at the Ma-
ings take place every Thurs- Road, Shelton. For more in- will meet at 5:30 p.m. at information, call 943-3012. son County PUD 3 audito-
day. For more information, formation, call 432-8308. Shelton Christian Church, rium, 2621 E. Johns Prairie
call 970-8249. 105 Arcadia Ave. The meet- JUNE 5 Road, Shelton. For more in-
The Friends of the Shel- ings take place every Thurs- South Sound Quilters formation, call 432-8308.
North Mason Timberland ton Library will meet at 1 day. For more information, meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Library presents Adventures p.m. the fourth Monday of call 970-8249. every Monday except for A student orientation to
in the Afternoon: Dungeons each month at the library, federal holidays at the Ma- advising and registration will
and Dragons Club from 3 to 710 W. Alder St. For more North Mason Timberland son County PUD 3 audito- be from 10 a.m. to noon at
5:45 p.m. for teens at the li- information, call Eileen Library presents Adventures rium, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Olympic College Shelton,
brary, 23081 NE state Route Oberg at 426-1318 or go to in the Afternoon: Dungeons Road, Shelton. For more in- 937 W. Alpine Way. Call 432-
3, Belfair. No experience friendsofsheltonlibrary.word- and Dragons Club for teens formation, call 432-8308. 5400 to sign up.
necessary. For more infor- from 3 to 5:45 p.m. at the li-
mation, call 275-3232. brary, 23081 NE state Route A student orientation to JUNE 13
WEDNESDAY 3, Belfair. No experience advising and registration Hoodsport Timberland Li-
North Mason Timberland The Port of Hoodsport necessary. For more infor- event will be from 10 a.m. brary presents PageTurners
Library presents PageTurn- Board of Commissioners mation, call 275-3232. to noon at Olympic College Book Discussion for adults
ers Book Discussion for will meet at 9 a.m. at the Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way. from 1 to 2 p.m. at the li-
adults from 10 a.m. to noon port office, 24113 N. U.S. Shelton Timberland Li- Call 432-5400 to sign up. brary, 40 N. Schoolhouse
at the library, 23081 NE Highway 101, Hoodsport. brary presents PageTurners Hill Road, Hoodsport. Join
state Route 3, Belfair. Join Book Discussion for adults JUNE 6 in a discussion of “In the
in a discussion of “Station MAY 25 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Read or The North Mason Kiwanis Lake of the Woods” by Tim
Eleven” by Emily St. John Overeaters Anonymous listen to the selected title of meet the first Tuesday of O’Brien. For more informa-
Mandel. For more informa- will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the month and join others each month for dinner at tion, call 877-9339.
tion, call 275-3232. Shelton Christian Church, in a conversation about the 5:30 p.m. at Belfair Baptist
105 Arcadia Ave. For more book. Everyone welcome. Church. A meeting follows at A welding information
A financial aid represen- information, call 970-8249. The June book is “Jerry Lee 6 p.m. For more information, session will be from 3 to
tative will be available from Lewis: His Own Story” by call Don LePere at 275-3629 4 p.m. at Olympic College
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Olympic A financial aid represen- Rick Bragg. For more infor- or 801-0766. Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way.
College Shelton, 937 W. tative will be at Olympic mation, call 426-1362. For more information, call
Alpine Way, to assist future College Shelton, 937 W. A career specialist will 432-5400.
and current Olympic College Alpine Way, from noon to JUNE 2 be available from 9 a.m. to
students with their financial 4 p.m. to assist future and St. David of Wales Epis- 3 p.m. at Olympic College JUNE 14
questions. Call 432-5400. current Olympic College copal Church will have its Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way. The Port of Hoodsport
students with financial aid annual rummage and bake To schedule an appointment, Board of Commissioners
The “I’ve Got Nothing” questions. To set up an ap- sale fundraiser from 9 a.m. call 432-5400. will meet at 9 a.m. at the
standup comedy show, pointment, call 432-5400. to 3 p.m. at the 324 W. Ce- port office, 24113 N. U.S.
featuring local youth co- dar St. in Shelton. The fun- JUNE 8 Highway 101, Hoodsport.
medians trained in Youth- MAY 27 draiser supports outreach Overeaters Anonymous
sound’s comedy workshops, The United Methodist programs. will meet at 5:30 p.m. at A worker retraining infor-
will take place at 7 p.m. at Women are having their an- Shelton Christian Church, mation session will be from
CHOICE High School. Free; nual Spring Storyteller Tea JUNE 3 105 Arcadia Ave. The meet- 2 to 3 p.m. at Olympic Col-
donations accepted. For at noon at Shelton United St. David of Wales Epis- ings take place every Thurs- lege Shelton, 937 W. Alpine
more information, call 306- Methodist Church, 1900 copal Church will have its day. For more information, Way. For more information,
9106. King St., Shelton. The pro- annual rummage and bake call 970-8249. call 432-5400.
gram starts at 1 p.m. Ticket sale fundraiser from 9 a.m.
SATURDAY price is $10. to 2 p.m. at the 324 W. Ce- JUNE 10 JUNE 15
The Shelton Farmers Mar- dar St. in Shelton All rum- North Mason Timberland Overeaters Anonymous
ket is open from 9 a.m. to MAY 29 mage sale items will be half Library presents Saturday will meet at 5:30 p.m. at
2 p.m. at Third and Franklin The American Legion Me- price. The fundraiser sup- Family Movie Matinee for Shelton Christian Church,
streets. For more informa- morial Post 31 will conduct ports outreach programs. all ages from 2 to 4 p.m. at 105 Arcadia Ave. For more
tion, call 463-6497 or go to a memorial service at 11 the library, 23081 NE state information, call 970-8249.
www.sheltonfarmersmarket. a.m. at Shelton Memorial JUNE 4 Route 3, Belfair. Come to the
com. Park, 1605 Van Buren St. Mason ECO Net will hold library and watch a family- n To submit a calendar item,
Gen. James McElroy (ret.) Oakland Bay Day from 11 friendly movie complete with email news@masoncounty.
MONDAY will be the moderator. Ser- a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bayshore popcorn. For more informa- com
South Sound Quilters vice is open to all. Shelton Preserve, 3800 state Route tion, call 275-3232.
Page B-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


PUBLIC NOTICE hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Build- OF LONNIE WILLIAMS aka THE HEIRS AND to present their views to the Washington State
PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ing 1, Commission Chambers, 411 No1ih Fifth DEVISEES OF LONNIE WILLIAMS and ALL Department of Ecology regarding Mason PUD
NO. 174--4099 Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, June OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN #1 Operation Facility Construction application, or
RCW 11.40.030 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 6, 2017 at 9:30 A.M. SAID HEARING will be to CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR IN- interested in Ecology’s action on Mason PUD #1
FOR THE COUNTY OF KITSAP In the Matter COUNTY CODE TITLE 14, BUILDING AND IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: You are hereby notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days
of the Estate of: MITCHELL H. HUNT, Deceased CONSTRUCTION, CHAPTER 14.08, BUILD- summoned to appear within sixty days after the of the last date of publication of public notice.
NO. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court ING CODE AMENDMENTS, AMENDING SEC- date of the first publication of this summons, to Ecology reviews public comments and considers
has appointed Christopher Hunt as Personal TION 14.08.031 TO ALLOW EXEMPTIONS FOR wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of May, whether discharges from Mason PUD #1 Opera-
Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any per- AGRICULTURAL, STORAGE STRUCTURES, 2017, and defend the above entitled action in the tion Facility Construction project would cause a
son having a claim against the Decedent must AND CARGO CONTAINERS AS STORAGE If above entitled court, and answer the complaint of measurable change in receiving water quality,
present the claim: (a) Before the time when the you have any questions, please contact David the plaintiff Beard’s Cove Community Organiza- and, if so, whether the project is necessary and
claim would be barred by any applicable statute Windom, MSHS, Director, Mason County Depart- tion, and serve a copy of your answer upon the in the overriding public interest according to Tier
of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in ment of Community Services, at (360) 427-9670, undersigned attorneys for plaintiff Beard’s Cove II anti-degradation requirements under WAC
RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the Ext. 260. If special accommodations are needed, Community Organization, at their office below 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to:
claim with the foregoing Court, AND (ii) By serv- please contact the Commissioners’ office, (360) stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judg- Department of Ecology Attn: Water Quality Pro-
ing on or mailing to the Personal Representative 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 9th day of May, ment will be rendered against you according to gram, Construction Stormwater P.O. Box 47696,
at the address below, a copy of the claim. The 2017 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS the demand of the complaint, which has been Olympia, WA 98504-7696.
claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON filed with the clerk of said court. Dated this 9th 9478 May 11, 18 2t
(30) days after served or mailed this Notice as 9486 May 18, 25 2t day of May, 2017 BARKER • MARTIN, P. S. /s/
provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) Alexis Ducich____________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE
months after the date of first publication of this No- PUBLIC NOTICE Alexis Ducich, WSBA No. 40445 Attorneys for SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
tice. If the claim is not presented within this time SUMMONS (60 DAYS) Beard’s Cove Community Organizatio 719 2nd IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHING-
period, the claim will be forever barred except as NO. 17-2-00152-3 Avenue, #1200 Seattle, WA 9810 (206) 381-9806 TON FOR MASON COUNTY TAHUYA RIVER
provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 9481 May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 6t VALLEY COMMUNITY CLUB, a Washington not-
bar is effective for claims against both the Dece- OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY for-profit corporation, Plaintiff, v. LOT TWO (2),
First Publication May 18, 2017 Christopher Hunt GANIZATION, a Washington nonprofit corpora- Mason PUD #1, at N 21971 Hwy 101 Shel- UME 9 OF PLATS, PAGES 29, 30 and 31, RE-
Personal Representative Attorney for Estate: Ad- tion, Plaintiff, vs. SUZANNE CARSON, widow of ton, WA 98584, is seeking coverage under the CORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON;
dress: John Kenney & Associates, PLLC WSBA LONNIE WILLIAMS; THE ESTATE OF LONNIE Washington State Department of Ecology’s Con- WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF SO-
32861 17791 Fjord Dr NE Ste 154 Poulsbo, WA WILLIAMS aka THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF struction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste CIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES, a governmental
98370 Phone: (360) 850-1049 LONNIE WILLIAMS; LONNIE WILLIAMS JR. Discharge General Permit. The proposed project, agency; JOHN HERRERRA, a single man, as his
9485 May 18, 25, June 1 3t and JANE DOE WILLIAMS JR.; and ALL OTHER Mason PUD #1 Operation Facility Construction, separate property; and OCCUPANTS 1-8, as to
PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM- is located at N 21971 Hwy 101 in Shelton in Ma- their separate and marital interests; Defendants.
PUBLIC NOTICE ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST son County. The 9.0 acres of soil disturbance will NO. 17-2-00212-1 The State of Washington to
NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE be for a several phased construction activities of the said Defendant John Herrerra, a single man
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. TO THE the operation facilities. All discharges and runoff as his separate property: You are hereby sum-
Mason County Commissioners will hold a public STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE ESTATE infiltrates to ground water. Any persons desiring moned to appear within sixty days after the date
of the first publication of this summons, to wit,
within sixty days after the 11th day of May, 2017,
and defend this action in this Court, and answer
the Complaint of the Plaintiff, Tahuya River Val-
ley Community Club, and serve a copy of your
answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plain-
tiff, Robert D. Wilson-Hoss of Hoss & Wilson-
Hoss, LLP, at his address below stated; and in
case of your failure so to do, judgment will be
rendered against you according to the demand
of the Complaint, which has been filed with the
Clerk of this Court. This is a lawsuit brought to
foreclose Plaintiff’s lien against real property lo-
cated within the State of Washington, to wit: Lot
two (2), Tahuya River Valley Division No. 5, Vol-
ume 9 of Plats, pages 29,30 and 31, records of
Mason County, Washington; Parcel No: 22206-
55-00002. Date of first publication: May 11, 2017
DATED this 1st day of May, 2017. /s/Robert D.
Wilson-Hoss, WSBA #8620 Attorney for Tahuya
River Valley C.C.; Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP 236
W. Birch Street, Shelton, WA 98584; Address of
Court: Mason County Superior Court 419 N 4th
St, Fl 2 PO Box 340 Shelton, WA 98584
9471 May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 25 6t

MANAGEMENT PLAN The U.S. Department of
the Navy (Navy) invites the public to review and
comment on a Draft Revised Integrated Natural
Resources Management Plan (INRMP) for Na-
val Base Kitsap (NBK), Washington, and a Draft
Environmental Assessment (EA) that evaluates
the potential environmental effects associated
with implementing the Revised INRMP. The Draft
Revised INRMP and the Draft EA are available
at: The purpose of the
Proposed Action is to adopt and implement a
Revised INRMP for NBK. The Revised INRMP
would combine and update existing individual
natural resource management plans for several
NBK properties in Kitsap, Mason, and Jefferson
Counties, including one additional property at
Zelatched Point, into a comprehensive, coordi-
nated INRMP that is consistent with the military
use of the property while meeting the goals and
objectives established in the Sikes Act Improve-
ment Act. The Proposed Action is needed to
provide natural resource management strategies
for NBK-Bangor, NBK-Bremerton, NBK-Keyport,
NBK-Jackson Park, Naval Hospital Bremerton,
Camp Wesley Harris, Camp McKean, Navy-
owned portions of the Toandos Peninsula and the
Navy-owned rail line between Shelton, Washing-
ton and NBK-Bangor. The Navy is accepting writ-
ten comments on the Revised INRMP and Draft
EA through June 16, 2017. Written comments
must be received by Friday, June 16, 2017, to
be considered in preparation of the Final INRMP,
Final EA, and the decision making process. Writ-
ten comments may be sent to NWNEPA@navy.
mil, or Commanding Officer, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command Northwest, 1101 Tautog
Circle, Room 203, Silverdale, WA, 98315. Attn:
Kevin NBK INRMP NEPA Project Manager.
9470 May 11, 18, 25 3t
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-25


PUBLIC NOTICE WSBA No. 48883 _ David M. Swartley WSBA for failure to pay the following amounts now in result in a waiver of any proper grounds for in-
PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 51732 108 1st Avenue South, Ste. 300 Se- arrears and/or other defaults: Amount due to re- validating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO
(RCW 11.40.030) SUPERIOR COURT OF attle, WA 98104 Attorneys for Plaintiff instate as of 01/19/2017. If reinstating after this OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser
WASHINGTON FOR THURSTON COUNTY Es- 9446 April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 6t date, please contact NWTS for the exact rein- at the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of
tate of JAMES PATRICK KARNEY, Deceased. statement amount. Monthly Payments the property on the 20th day following the sale,
NO. 17-4-00284-34 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE $3,531.63 Late Charges $46.05 Lender’s Fees as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust
The above Court has appointed me as Personal File No.: Trustee: 7023.117124 Northwest & Costs $1,045.82 Total Arrearage $4,623.50 (the owner) and anyone having an interest ju-
Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any per- Trustee Services, Inc. Grantors: Melinda E. De- Trustee’s Expenses (Itemization) Trustee’s Fee nior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants
son having a claim against the Decedent must France, as her separate estate Grantee: Wells $810.00 Total Costs $810.00 Total Amount who are not tenants. After the 20th day follow-
present the claim: (a) Before the time when the Fargo Bank, N.A. Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: Due: $5,433.50 Other known defaults as fol- ing the sale the purchaser has the right to evict
claim would be barred by any applicable statute 1785377 Tax Parcel ID No.: 42204-51-00127 lows: IV. The sum owing on the Obligation is: occupants who are not tenants by summary
of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided Abbreviated Legal: Lake Cushman #6 Tr 127, Principal Balance of $55,473.65, and Loan proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For
in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of Mason Co., WA Notice of Trustee’s Sale Pursu- Modification of $21,000.00, together with inter- tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall
the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By ant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, est as provided in the note or other instrument provide a tenant with written notice in accor-
serving on or mailing to me at the address be- et seq. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BE- evidencing the Obligation from 04/01/16, and dance with RCW 61.24.060. The trustee’s rules
low a copy of the claim. The claim must be FORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR such other costs and fees as are due under the of auction may be accessed at www.northwest-
presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days HOME You have only 20 DAYS from the record- Obligation, and as are provided by statute. V. and are incorporated by this refer-
after I served or mailed this Notice as provided ing date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO The Property will be sold to satisfy the expense ence. You may also access sale status at www.
in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUN- of sale and the Obligation as provided by stat- and www.USA-Foreclo-
after the date of first publication of this Notice. SELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN ute. The sale will be made without representa- Date Executed: Northwest Trustee
If the claim is not presented within this time WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation tion or warranty, express or implied regarding Services, Inc., Trustee Authorized Signature
period, the claim will be forever barred except and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and title, possession, encumbrances or condition of 13555 SE 36th St. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA
as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. it may help you save your home. See below for the Property on May 26, 2017. The default(s) 98006 Contact: Vonnie McElligott (425) 586-
This bar is effective for claims against both the safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE referred to in paragraph III, together with any 1900. Defrance, Melinda E. (TS# 7023.117124)
Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Housing counselors and legal assistance may subsequent payments, late charges, advances 1002.288777-File No.
Date of First Publication of this Notice: May 18, be available at little or no cost to you. If you costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 9424 April 27, May 18 2t
2017. Decedent’s SSN (for WDSHS only): Per- would like assistance in determining your rights 05/15/17 (11 days before the sale date), to
sonal Representative and opportunities to keep your house, you may cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will PUBLIC NOTICE
9480 May 18, 25, June 1 3t contact the following: The statewide foreclosure be discontinued and terminated if at any time SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
hotline for assistance and referral to housing before 05/15/17 (11 days before the sale date), IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE
PUBLIC NOTICE counselors recommended by the Housing Fi- the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, to- OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION nance Commission Telephone: Toll-free: 1-877- gether with any subsequent payments, late MASON STATE FARM BANK F.S.B., Plaintiff,
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 894-HOME (1-877-894-4663). Web site: http:// charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, SPOUSE, LEGATEES,
STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUN- due, is/are cured and the Trustee’s fees and AND DEVISEES OF BENJAMIN LEE DAUGH-
TY OF MASON U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure.htm costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any ERTY, DECEASED; SHERRY A. DAUGHERTY;
CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY The United States Department of Housing and time after 05/15/17 (11 days before the sale DOES 1-10 INCLUSIVE; UNKNOWN OCCU-
BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC Urban Development Telephone: Toll-free: date), and before the sale by the Borrower, PANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY;
TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, 1-800-569-4287. Web site: Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any re- PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT
SPOUSE, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction corded junior lien or encumbrance paying the REAL PROPERTY; PARTIES CLAIMING A
PATRICK D. STUART, DECEASED, LORETTA =search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc The entire balance of principal and interest secured RIGHT TO POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT
STUART; ROBERT STUART; MIRANDA STU- statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and ad- PROPERTY; ALL OTHER UNKNOWN PER-
ART; PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, and referrals to other housing counselors and vances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the SONS OR PARTIES CLAIMING ANY RIGHT,
LLC; UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF THE SUB- attorneys Telephone: Toll-free: 1-800-606- obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE
JECT REAL PROPERTY; ALL OTHER UN- 4819. Web site: other defaults. VI. A written notice of default was REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COM-
KNOWN PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIMING I. On May 26, 2017, at 10:00 AM. Main Entrance transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the PLAINT HEREIN; Defendants. Case No.: 16-
ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR IN- of the Mason County Courthouse, 419 N. 4th Borrower and Grantor at the following 2-00642-0 To: UNKNOWN HEIRS, SPOUSE,
TEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED Street (4th & Alder) in the City of Shelton, State address(es): NAME AND ADDRESS Melinda E. LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF BENJAMIN
IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; Defendants. of Washington, the undersigned Trustee (sub- DeFrance 21 North Hamma Hamma Drive East LEE DAUGHERTY, DECEASED; DOES 1-10
Case No.: 16-2-00300-5 To: UNKNOWN ject to any conditions imposed by the Trustee) Hoodsport, WA 98548 Unknown Spouse and/or INCLUSIVE; UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF
HEIRS, SPOUSE, LEGATEES, AND DEVI- will sell at public auction to the highest and best Domestic Partner of Melinda E. DeFrance 21 THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; PARTIES
SEES OF PATRICK D. STUART, DECEASED; bidder, payable at time of sale, the following de- North Hamma Hamma Drive East Hoodsport, IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT REAL
ROBERT STUART; MIRANDA STUART; scribed real property “Property”, situated in the WA 98548 Melinda E. DeFrance PO Box 1383 PROPERTY; PARTIES CLAIMING A RIGHT
PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC; County(ies) of MASON, State of Washington: Hoodsport, WA 98548 Unknown Spouse and/or TO POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROP-
UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT Lot one hundred twenty-seven (127) Lake Domestic Partner of Melinda E. DeFrance PO ERTY; ALL OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS
REAL PROPERTY; ALL OTHER UNKNOWN Cushman No. 6, Volume 7 of Plats, Pages 9, 10 Box 1383 Hoodsport, WA 98548 Melinda E. De- OR PARTIES CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE,
PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIMING ANY and 11, Records of Mason County, Washington. France 21 North Hamma Hamma Drive Hood- ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL
RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTER- Commonly known as: 21 North Hamma Hamma sport, WA 98548 Unknown Spouse and/or Do- ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT
EST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN Drive East Hoodsport, WA 98548 which is sub- mestic Partner of Melinda E. DeFrance 21 North HEREIN; THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO
THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; THE STATE OF ject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 06/23/03, Hamma Hamma Drive Hoodsport, WA 98548 THE SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby
WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: recorded on 06/27/03, under Auditor’s File No. Melinda E. DeFrance 21 North Union Way summoned to appear within sixty days after the
You are hereby summoned to appear within 1785377, records of MASON County, Washing- Hoodsport, WA 98548 Unknown Spouse and/or date of the first publication of this summons,
sixty days after the date of the first publica- ton, from Melinda E. DeFrance, a single wom- Domestic Partner of Melinda E. DeFrance 21 to wit, within sixty days after the 20th day of
tion of this summons, to wit, within sixty days an, as Grantor, to Mason County Title Insurance North Union Way Hoodsport, WA 98548 by both April, 2017, and defend the above entitled ac-
after the 27th day of April, 2017, and defend Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation first class and certified mail, return receipt re- tion in the above entitled court, and answer the
the above entitled action in the above entitled “Obligation” in favor of Mortgage Electronic quested on 09/26/16, proof of which is in the complaint of the Plaintiff, STATE FARM BANK
court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, Registration Systems, Inc., as designated nomi- possession of the Trustee; and on 09/26/16 F.S.B., and serve a copy of your answer upon
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT nee for West Coast Bank, beneficiary of the se- Grantor and Borrower were personally served the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiff, McCarthy
IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY curity instrument, its successors and assigns, with said written notice of default or the written & Holthus, LLP at the office below stated; and in
AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SE- as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which notice of default was posted on a conspicuous case of your failure so to do, judgment will be
RIES 2016-CTT, and serve a copy of your an- was assigned by Mortgage Electronic Registra- place on the real property described in para- rendered against you according to the demand
swer upon the undersigned attorneys for Plain- tion Systems, Inc. to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., graph I above, and the Trustee has possession of the complaint, which has been filed with the
tiff, McCarthy & Holthus, LLP at the office below under an Assignment/Successive Assignments of proof of such service or posting. VII. The clerk of said court. The basis for the complaint
stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judg- recorded under Auditor’s File No. 1889548. Trustee, whose name and address are set forth is a foreclosure of the property commonly known
ment will be rendered against you according to *The Tax Parcel ID number and Abbreviated below, will provide in writing to anyone request- as 500 N Schoolhouse Hill Rd, Hoodsport, WA
the demand of the complaint, which has been Legal Description are provided solely to comply ing it a statement of all costs and trustee’s fees 98548, Mason County, Washington as a result
filed with the clerk of said court. The basis for with the recording statutes and are not intended due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of a default under the terms of the note and
the complaint is a foreclosure of the property to supplement, amend or supersede the Prop- of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all deed of trust. DATED: April 13, 2017 McCar-
commonly known as 1626 Monroe Street, Shel- erty’s full legal description provided herein. II. those who hold by, through or under the Grantor thy & Holthus, LLP /s/ Christopher A. Luhrs _
ton, WA 98584, Mason County, Washington as No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the of all their interest in the Property. IX. Anyone Wendy Walter WSBA No. 33809 _x Christopher
a result of a default under the terms of the note Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfac- having any objection to the sale on any grounds Luhrs WSBA No. 43175 _ Joseph McCormick
and deed of trust. DATED: April 27, 2017 Mc- tion of the Obligation in any Court by reason of whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be WSBA No. 48883 _ David M. Swartley WSBA
Carthy & Holthus, LLP /s/ Christopher A. Luhrs the Grantor’s or Borrower’s default on the Obli- heard as to those objections if they bring a law- No. 51732 108 1st Avenue South, Ste. 300 Se-
Wendy Walter WSBA No. 33809 x_ Christopher gation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW attle, WA 9810 Attorneys for Plaintiff
Luhrs WSBA No. 43175 _ Joseph McCormick Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may 9418 April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 6t

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Page B-26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


PUBLIC NOTICE the above-entitled action. If developed, the prop- WASHINGTON you are hereby commanded to in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION erty address is: TRACTS C AND D OF SHORT proceed to seize and sell forthwith and without and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE SUBDIVISION NO. 1053, RECORDED AUGUST appraisement, the property above-described, in with cashiers or certified checks from a State or
OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 27, 1981, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 394873, AND the manner provided by law, or so much thereof federally chartered bank. The sale may be termi-
OF MASON E. CALVIN THOMAS, a single man, BEING A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF (W as may be necessary to satisfy the judgment nated any time after the 6/5/2017 (11 days be-
and PATRICIA A. JOHNSON, a single woman, ½) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW ¼) amount plus interest to the date of sale. The fore the sale date) and before the sale, by the
d/b/a/ La Cresta View Beach Club Plaintiff, vs. OF SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP TWEN- redemption period is 0 months. The Sheriff’s Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any record-
The unknown heirs, personal representatives, TYTWO (22) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, notice of sale shall be published in The Shelton ed junior lien or encumbrance by paying the
devisees, trustees, successors and assigns of W.M. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A Mason County Journal. The sale of the above- principal and interest, plus costs, fees and ad-
BUCKIE TAFT, Deceased. Also all other persons PERPETUAL, NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT described property is to take place: Time: 10:00 vances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the
or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es- FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, DRAINAGE AND am Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 Place: Main En- obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all
tate, lien, or interest in the real estate described UTILITIES, 60 FEET IN WIDTH, AS SET FORTH trance of Mason County Courthouse on Fourth other defaults. VI. A written Notice of Default was
in the complaint herein. Defendants. Case No.: ON SURVEY RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1979, Street YOU MAY HAVE A RIGHT TO EXEMPT transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the
17-2-00198-1 The State of Washington to the IN VOLUME 5 OF SURVEYS, PAGES 94, 95 PROPERTY from the sale under statues of this Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) by both first class
said unknown heirs, personal representatives, AND 96, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 366040 AND AS state, including sections 6.13.010, 6.13.030, and certified mail, proof of which is in the pos-
devisees, trustees, successors and assigns of DESCRIBED IN “DECLARATION AND RESER- 6.13.040, 6.15.010, and 6.15.060 of the Revised session of the Trustee; and the Borrower and
Buckie Taft, Deceased, and All Other Persons or VATION OF NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS code of Washington, in the manner described Grantor were personally served, if applicable,
Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Es- FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES” RE- in those statutes. Dated this 07th, day of April, with said written Notice of Default or the written
tate, Lien or Interest in or to the real property de- CORDED AUGUST 27, 1979, AUDITOR’S FILE 2017. SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY MASON Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous
scribed in the Complaint herein, (hereafter “De- NO. 366041, AND RECORDED MAY 13, 1980, COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: Angel Evans, place on the real property described in Para-
fendants”): Each of you are hereby summoned AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 376576. TOGETHER Authorized Deputy PO Box 1037 Shelton, WA graph I above, and the Trustee has possession
to appear within sixty days after the date of the WITH AND SUBJECT TO A PERPETUAL, NON- 98584 (360) 427-9670 of proof of such service or posting. The list of
first publication of this summons, which date was EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND 9404 April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 6t recipients of the Notice of Default is listed within
the 20th day of April 2017 and defend this action UTILITY PURPOSES, 20 FEET IN WIDTH, AS the Notice of Foreclosure provided to the
in the above entitled court. You are to answer SET FORTH ON THE MAP OF SHORT SUBDI- PUBLIC NOTICE Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These requirements
the complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of VISION NO. 1053, RECORDED AUGUST 27, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to were completed as of 6/2/2015 . VII. The Trustee
your answer upon the undersigned attorney for 1981, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 394873. Tax Parcel the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. whose name and address are set forth below
the Plaintiff, at his office below stated. In case of No. 12207-75-90454 & 12207-75-90450 Com- TS No.: WA-15-666267-SW APN No.: 42226-32- will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a
your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered mon Address: 21 E Firwood Heights Lane, Bel- 00021 Title Order No.: 150094757-WA-MSO statement of all costs and fees due at any time
against you according to the demands of the fair WA 98528 The sale of the above-described Deed of Trust Grantor(s): TIMOTHY M AVEY, prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be
complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk property is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: TIA M. AVEY Deed of Trust Grantee(s): MORT- to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by,
of the Court. The object of this action is to quiet Friday, June 2, 2017 Place: Main Entrance of Ma- GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- through or under the Grantor of all their interest
title to the real property described in the Com- son County Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The TEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FULL SPEC- in the above-described property. IX. Anyone hav-
plaint herein. DATED this 11th day of April, 2017 judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the TRUM LENDING, INC. Deed of Trust Instrument/ ing any objections to this sale on any grounds
Robert W. Johnson WSBA # 15486 ROBERT W. judgment amount of $107,502.18, together with Reference No.: 1705607 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be
JOHNSON, P.L.L.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff interest, costs, and fees, before the sale date. GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Wash- heard as to those objections if they bring a law-
9417 April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 6t For the exact amount, contact the sheriff at the ington, the undersigned Trustee, will on suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW
address stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALIS- 6/16/2017 , at 10:00 AM At the main entrance of 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may
PUBLIC NOTICE BURY MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: the Mason County Courthouse, located at 419 N result in a waiver of any proper grounds for in-
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy PO Box 1037, 4th, Shelton, WA 98584 sell at public auction to validating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO OC-
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Shelton, Washington 98584 (360)427-9670 the highest and best bidder, payable in the form CUPANTS OR TENANTS – The purchaser at
OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- 9405 April 4, 11, 18, 25 6t of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the
SON CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff, check or certified checks from federally or State property on the 20 th day following the sale, as
vs. THE ESTATE OF CARLA A. FULTON AKA PUBLIC NOTICE chartered banks, at the time of sale the following against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the
CARLA A. VAN HUIS, DECEASED; THE UN- SHERIFF’S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBT- described real property, situated in the County of owner) and anyone having an interest junior to
KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF CARLA A. OR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERT Case No.: MASON, State of Washington, to-wit: ALL THAT the deed of trust, including occupants who are
FULTON AKA CARLA A. VAN HUIS; JOHN DOE 14 2 219 3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF INDIAN not tenants. After the 20 th day following the sale
INTEREST, LIEN OR ESTATE IN THE PROP- Defendant TO: ELVIA MCKENNA AND ROB- OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE NORTH 89º52’ recording date of this notice to pursue media-
Case No.: 16-2-00291-2 To: THE ESTATE OF writ of execution has been issued in the above MEANDER LINE ON HOOD CANAL; THENCE COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED
CARLA A. FULTON AKA CARLA A. VAN HUIS, captioned case, directed to the Sheriff of Ma- SOUTH 15º EAST, ALONG SAID MEANDER IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation
DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DE- son County, commanding the sheriff as follows: LINE, 66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89º49’ WEST and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and
VISEES OF CARLA A. FULTON AKA CARLA A. WHEREAS, on the above-entitled court on June A DISTANCE OF 2230.15 FEET TO A POINT it may help you save your home. See below for
VAN HUIS; JOHN DOE FULTON, UNKNOWN 20, 2016, Plaintiff, secured an amended judg- ON SAID WEST LINE OF INDIAN LOT 2; safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE
SPOUSE OF CARLA A. FULTON, DECEASED; ment against defendants Elvia McKenna, and THENCE NORTH 66 FEET, ALONG SAID Housing counselors and legal assistance may
JOHN AND JANE DOES, I THROUGH V, OCCU- Robert L. McKenna, in the total judgment amount WEST LINE, 66 FEET TO THE POINT OF BE- be available at little or no cost to you. If you
PANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; of $102,501.71, together with interest at a rate GINNING, EXCEPTING ROAD RIGHTS-OF- would like assistance in determining your rights
AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR- of 6.75000% per annum, $12.47 per diem from WAY. TAX PARCEL NO: 42226-32-00021 More and opportunities to keep your house, you may
TIES UKNOWN, CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, the date of judgment and continuing thereafter commonly known as: 21181 NORTH HWY 101, contact the following: The statewide foreclosure
INTEREST, LIEN OR ESTATE IN THE PROP- until the date of sale. WHEREAS, 401 days SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that hotline for assistance and referral to housing
ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED THE STATE OF elapsed from May 16, 2015 through the entry of certain Deed of Trust dated 1/19/2000, recorded counselors recommended by the Housing Fi-
WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: the amended judgment on June 20, 2016. Per 1/27/2000, under Instrument No. 1705607 re- nance Commission: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME
You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty diem interest in the amount of $12.47, multiplied cords of MASON County, Washington , from (1-877-894-4663) or Web site: http://www.dfi.
days after the date of the first publication of this by 401 days results in additional interest in the TIMOTHY M. AVEY, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS
summons, to wit, within sixty days after the13th amount of $5,000.47, which when added to SEPERATE ESTATE , as grantor(s), to FIRST chase_counselors_foreclosure.htm . The United
day of April, 2017, and defend the above entitled the sum of $102,501.71 results in a total judg- AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE , as original States Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
action in the above entitled court, and answer the ment amount of $107,502.18. WHEREAS, the trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of opment: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or National
complaint of the Plaintiff, CITIFINANCIAL SER- judgment is a foreclosure against parties of a MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION Web Site:
VICING LLC, and serve a copy of your answer Deed of Trust Mortgage on real estate in Ma- SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FULL or for Local counseling agencies in Washington:
upon the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiff, Mc- son County, Washington, described as follows: SPECTRUM LENDING, INC. , as original bene-
Carthy & Holthus, LLP at the office below stated; TRACTS C AND D OF SHORT SUBDIVISION ficiary, the beneficial interest in which was sub- cfm?webListAction=search&searchstate=WA&fi
and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will NO. 1053, RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1981, sequently assigned to The Bank of New York lterSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline
be rendered against you according to the de- AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 394873, AND BEING A Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for assistance and referrals to other housing
mand of the complaint, which has been filed with PORTION OF THE WEST HALF (W ½) OF THE for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., counselors and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-
the clerk of said court. The basis for the com- SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW ¼) OF SEC- ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 606-4819 or Web site:
plaint is a foreclosure of the property commonly TION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP TWENTYTWO 2006-12 , the Beneficiary, under an assignment clear . Additional disclaimers provided by the
known as 505 Elk St, Shelton, WA 98584, Mason (22) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, W.M. recorded under Auditors File Number 1949236 Trustee: If you have previously been discharged
County, Washington as a result of a default under TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A PER- II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of through bankruptcy, you may have been re-
the terms of the note and deed of trust. DATED: PETUAL, NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satis- leased of personal liability for this loan in which
April 9, 2017 McCarthy & Holthus, LLP /s/ Jo- INGRESS, EGRESS, DRAINAGE AND UTILI- faction of the obligation in any Court by reason case this letter is intended to exercise the note-
seph T. McCormick III _ Wendy Walter WSBA TIES, 60 FEET IN WIDTH, AS SET FORTH of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on the ob- holders rights against the real property only.
No. 33809 _ Christopher Luhrs WSBA No. 43175 ON SURVEY RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1979, ligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT
x Joseph McCormick WSBA No. 48883 _ Da- IN VOLUME 5 OF SURVEYS, PAGES 94, 95 III. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
vid Swartley WSBA No. 51732 108 1st Avenue AND 96, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 366040 AND AS made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED
South, Ste. 300 Seattle, WA 98104 Attorneys for DESCRIBED IN “DECLARATION AND RESER- the following amounts which are now in arrears: WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE Dated:
Plaintiff VATION OF NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS $23,156.49 . IV. The sum owing on the obligation 2/6/2017 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Wash-
9406 April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 6t FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES” secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal ington, as Trustee By: Tricia Willis, Assistant
RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1979, AUDITOR’S sum of $51,592.61 , together with interest as Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Address: Quality
PUBLIC NOTICE FILE NO. 366041, AND RECORDED MAY 13, provided in the Note from 3/31/2014 on, and Loan Service Corp. of Washington C/O Quality
SHERIFF’S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF 1980, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 376576 TOGETH- such other costs and fees as are provided by Loan Service Corp. 411 Ivy Street, San Diego,
REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 14 2 219 3 IN THE ER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A PERPETUAL, statute. V. The above-described real property will CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 Trustee’s Physical
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH- NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROAD be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Wash-
INGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON NA- AND UTILITY PURPOSES, 20 FEET IN WIDTH, obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as pro- ington 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 202 Seattle, WA
TIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ELVIA AS SET FORTH ON THE MAP OF SHORT vided by statute. Said sale will be made without 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale Line: 916-939-0772
MCKENNA; ROBERT L. MCKENNA; BELFAIR SUBDIVISION NO. 1053, RECORDED AU- warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, or Logi n to: Trustee
ACREAGE TRACTS ASSOCIATION; ALSO ALL GUST 27, 1981, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 394873. possession or encumbrances on 6/16/2017 . Sale Number: WA-15-666267-SW State of:
PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM- Tax Parcel No. 12207-75-90454 & 12207-75- The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be County of: On before me, I certify under PEN-
ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTER- 90450 WHEREAS, on June 20, 2016, the Court cured by 6/5/2017 (11 days before the sale ALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State
EST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE ordered that all of the above-described property date), or by other date as permitted in the Note of WITNESS my hand and official seal. ( Seal)
COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendant. TO: ELVIA be sold and the proceeds applied to the payment or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinuance of Signature IDSPub #0122502 5/18/2017
MCKENNA AND ROBERT L MCKENNA The Su- of principal, interest, attorney fees, costs and the sale. The sale will be discontinued and termi- 6/8/2017
perior Court of Mason County has directed the disbursements and other recovery amounts with nated if at any time before 6/5/2017 (11 days 9272 May 18, June 8 2t
undersigned Sheriff of Mason County to sell the interest to date of the sale of the property. NOW, before the sale), or by other date as permitted in
property described below to satisfy a judgment in THEREFORE, in the name of the STATE OF the Note or Deed of Trust, the default as set forth
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-27

Page B-28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-29


PUBLIC NOTICE and terminated if at any time before 5/15/2017 keep your house, you may contact the following: GDSTOR269315865. The legal description of
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to (11 days before the sale), or by other date as The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance the property is as follows: PARCEL A: LOTS 12
the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. permitted in the Note or Deed of Trust, the de- and referral to housing counselors recommend- AND 13, BLOCK 2, PLAT OF LAKE CUSHMAN
TS No.: WA-16-754125-SW APN No.: 22330-50- fault as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the ed by the Housing Finance Commission: Toll- NO. 18, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF
00062 Title Order No.: 160364117-WA-MSW Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Payment must free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or PLATS, PAGES 41-50, INCLUSIVE, RECORDS
Deed of Trust Grantor(s): JESSE JAMES THEO- be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks Web site: OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PAR-
DORE PERRETT Deed of Trust Grantee(s): from a State or federally chartered bank. The homeownership/post_purchase_counselors_ CEL B: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR
MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION sale may be terminated any time after the foreclosure.htm . The United States Department INGRESS AND EGRESS AS DELINEATED
SYSTEMS, INC.(MERS), AS NOMINEE FOR 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale date) and of Housing and Urban Development: Toll-free: ON THE PLAT OF LAKE CUSHMAN NO. 18,
EAGLE HOME MORTGAGE, INC DBA DRAKE before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or 1-800-569-4287 or National Web Site: http://por- AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS,
MORTGAGE Deed of Trust Instrument/Refer- the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- or for Local counsel- PAGES 41-50, INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF
ence No.: 1848045 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- brance by paying the principal and interest, plus ing agencies in Washington: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Dated: April
EN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washing- costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction= 17, 2017 MCCARTHY & HOLTHUS, LLP /s/ Jo-
ton, the undersigned Trustee, will on 5/26/2017 , to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc The seph Ward McIntosh Joseph Ward McIntosh,
at 10:00 AM At the main entrance of the Mason Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance WSBA #39470 Attorney for Plaintiff McCarthy
County Courthouse, located at 419 N 4th, Shel- Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- and referrals to other housing counselors and at- & Holthus, LLP 108 1st Ave S, Ste 300 Seattle,
ton, WA 98584 sell at public auction to the high- ciary or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) torneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or Web WA 98104
est and best bidder, payable in the form of credit by both first class and certified mail, proof of site: . Additional 9416 April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 6t
bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or which is in the possession of the Trustee; and disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you have
certified checks from federally or State chartered the Borrower and Grantor were personally previously been discharged through bankruptcy, PUBLIC NOTICE
banks, at the time of sale the following described served, if applicable, with said written Notice of you may have been released of personal liability SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
real property, situated in the County of MASON, Default or the written Notice of Default was post- for this loan in which case this letter is intended IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE
State of Washington, to-wit: LOT (SIXTY-TWO) ed in a conspicuous place on the real property to exercise the noteholders rights against the OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF
62 OF HAVEN LAKE, AS RECORDED IN VOL- described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee real property only. QUALITY MAY BE CONSID- MASON U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA-
TON. More commonly known as: 1651 HAVEN is listed within the Notice of Foreclosure provid- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL
WAY NE, TAHUYA, WA 98588 which is subject to ed to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These re- POSE Dated: 1/16/2017 Quality Loan Service LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN
that certain Deed of Trust dated 9/6/2005, re- quirements were completed as of 12/13/2016 . Corp. of Washington, as Trustee By: Briana New- TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED
corded 9/12/2006, under Instrument No. 1848045 VII. The Trustee whose name and address are ton, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Ad- CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-4, Plaintiff, vs.
records of MASON County, Washington , from set forth below will provide in writing to anyone dress: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington DOUGLAS P. SCHWARTZ, SHARON SWAD-
JESSE JAMES THEODORE PERRETT, A SIN- requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees C/O Quality Loan Service Corp. 411 Ivy Street, NER AKA SHARON SWADENER; MUNSON
GLE INDIVIDUAL, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 Trustee’s ACREAGE TRACTS ROAD MAINTENANCE
ROSS H. PERRETT , as grantor(s), to FIRST of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of ASSOCIATION; DOES 1-10 INCLUSIVE; UN-
AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO , as original those who hold by, through or under the Grantor Washington 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 202 Se- KNOWN OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT
trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORT- of all their interest in the above-described prop- attle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale Line: 916- REAL PROPERTY; PARTIES IN POSSESSION
GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- erty. IX. Anyone having any objections to this 939-0772 or Logi n to: OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; PAR-
TEMS, INC.(MERS), AS NOMINEE FOR EAGLE sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded Trustee Sale Number: WA-16-754125-SW State TIES CLAIMING A RIGHT TO POSSESSION
HOME MORTGAGE, INC DBA DRAKE MORT- an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- of: County of: On before me, I certify under PEN- OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; ALL OTHER
GAGE , as original beneficiary, the beneficial in- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale ALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State UNKNOWN PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIM-
terest in which was subsequently assigned to pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring of WITNESS my hand and official seal. ( Seal) ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR IN-
U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any Signature IDSPub #0121486 4/27/2017 TEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED
Lehman Mortgage Trust Mortgage Pass Through proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s 5/18/2017 IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; Defendants.
Certificates Series 2005-2 , the Beneficiary, un- sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- 9230 April 27, May 18 2t Case No.: 16-2-00655-1 To: DOUGLAS P.
der an assignment recorded under Auditors File ANTS – The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is SCHWARTZ, SHARON SWADNER AKA SHA-
Number 2047422 II. No action commenced by entitled to possession of the property on the 20 PUBLIC NOTICE RON SWADENER; DOES 1-10 INCLUSIVE;
the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pend- th day following the sale, as against the Grantor SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT
ing to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF REAL PROPERTY; PARTIES IN POSSESSION
Court by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s having an interest junior to the deed of trust, in- JANET M. DIETRICH OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; PAR-
default on the obligation secured by the Deed of cluding occupants who are not tenants. After the SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF TIES CLAIMING A RIGHT TO POSSESSION
Trust/Mortgage. III. The default(s) for which this 20 th day following the sale the purchaser has WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON GMAC OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; ALL OTHER
foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to the right to evict occupants who are not tenants MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIM-
pay when due the following amounts which are by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JANET M. DIET- ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR IN-
now in arrears: $8,583.07 . IV. The sum owing on RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the pur- RICH, deceased; Defendants. No.: 15-2-00634- TEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED
the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: chaser shall provide a tenant with written notice 1 You are hereby summoned to appear within IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; THE STATE OF
The principal sum of $92,388.20 , together with in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NO- sixty days after the date of first publication of WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS:
interest as provided in the Note from 6/1/2016 TICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the You are hereby summoned to appear within
on, and such other costs and fees as are pro- FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You 20th day of April, 2017, and defend the above sixty days after the date of the first publication
vided by statute. V. The above-described real have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of entitled action in the above entitled court, and of this summons, to wit, within sixty days af-
property will be sold to satisfy the expense of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. answer the complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a ter the 11th day of May, 2017, and defend the
sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN copy of your answer upon the undersigned attor- above entitled action in the above entitled court,
Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON neys for Plaintiff at his office below stated; and and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, U.S.
made without warranty, expressed or implied, NOW to assess your situation and refer you to in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCES-
regarding title, possession or encumbrances on mediation if you are eligible and it may help you rendered against you according to the demand SOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.
5/26/2017 . The defaults referred to in Paragraph save your home. See below for safe sources of of the complaint, which has been filed with the AS SUCCESSOR TO LASALLE BANK, N.A.
III must be cured by 5/15/2017 (11 days before help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counsel- clerk of said court. The basis for the complaint is AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL LYNCH
the sale date), or by other date as permitted in ors and legal assistance may be available at little for judicial determination that the Mobile Home FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST,
the Note or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinu- or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in Title Elimination should be reformed to include MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI-
ance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued determining your rights and opportunities to the Manufactured Home VIN of 15865A/B a/k/a CATES, SERIES 2007-4, and serve a copy of
your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for
Plaintiff, McCarthy & Holthus, LLP at the office
below stated; and in case of your failure so to do,
judgment will be rendered against you accord-
ing to the demand of the complaint, which has
been filed with the clerk of said court. The basis
for the complaint is a foreclosure of the property
commonly known as 71 NE Mahogany Ct, Bel-
fair, WA 98528, Mason County, Washington for
failure to pay loan amounts when due. DATED:
5/4/2017 McCarthy & Holthus, LLP /s/ Joseph T.
McCormick III _ Wendy Walter WSBA No. 33809
_ Christopher Luhrs WSBA No. 43175 x Joseph
McCormick WSBA No. 48883 _ David Swartley
WSBA No. 51732 108 1st Avenue South, Ste. 30
Seattle, WA 98104 Attorneys for Plaintiff
9460 May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15 6t

re the Welfare of: SIEGEL, EMMET D.O.B.:
05/02/11 No: 17-7-00041-0 To: TAMMY AUST,
Mother A Petition to Terminate Parental Rights
was filed on February 15, 2017; A Fact Finding
hearing will be held on this matter on: June 1,
2017 at 8:30 a.m. at Mason County Superior
Court, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, Washington
98584. You should be present at this hearing.
The hearing will determine if your parental rights
to your child are terminated. If you do not ap-
pear at the hearing, the court may enter an order
in your absence terminating your parental rights.
To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and
Termination Petition, call DSHS at 360-432-
2050 or 1-888-283-2634. To view information
about your rights, including right to a lawyer, go
to Dated:, by Sha-
ron Fogo, Mason County Clerk.
Ashley Harris 9451 May 4, 11, 18 3t
Page B-30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


PUBLIC NOTICE costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The validating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO OC- FOR THAT PURPOSE Dated: 1/18/2017 Quality
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to above-described real property will be sold to sat- CUPANTS OR TENANTS – The purchaser at the Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee
the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. isfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the By: Kristen Oswood, Assistant Secretary Trust-
TS No.: WA-15-684961-SW APN No.: cured by the Deed of Trust as provided by stat- property on the 20 th day following the sale, as ee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp.
122065200012 Title Order No.: 150229682-WA- ute. Said sale will be made without warranty, ex- against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service Corp.
MSO Deed of Trust Grantor(s): Brenda Gatling pressed or implied, regarding title, possession or owner) and anyone having an interest junior to 411 Ivy Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-
Deed of Trust Grantee(s): MORTGAGE ELEC- encumbrances on 5/26/2017 . The defaults re- the deed of trust, including occupants who are 7711 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan
TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS ferred to in Paragraph III must be cured by not tenants. After the 20 th day following the sale Service Corp. of Washington 108 1 st Ave South,
NOMINEE FOR ALLY BANK CORP. F/K/A 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale date), or by the purchaser has the right to evict occupants Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241
GMAC BANK Deed of Trust Instrument/Refer- other date as permitted in the Note or Deed of who are not tenants by summary proceedings Sale Line: 800-280-2832 or Logi n to: http://
ence No.: 1975206 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Trust, to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied Trustee Sale Number: WA-
EN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washing- sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant 15-684961-SW State of: County of: On before
ton, the undersigned Trustee, will on 5/26/2017 , time before 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale), with written notice in accordance with RCW me, ies ), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on
at 1:00 PM At the Main Entrance to the Mason or by other date as permitted in the Note or Deed 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon
County Courthouse, located at 419 N. 4th Street of Trust, the default as set forth in Paragraph III is BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed
(4th & Alder), Shelton, WA 98584 sell at public cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF
auction to the highest and best bidder, payable in Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. PERJURY under the laws of the State of WIT-
the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of tified checks from a State or federally chartered DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUN- NESS my hand and official seal. ( Seal) Signa-
cashier’s check or certified checks from federally bank. The sale may be terminated any time after SELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN ture IDSPub #0121627 4/27/2017 5/18/2017
or State chartered banks, at the time of sale the the 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale date) and WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation 9226 April 27, May 18 2t
following described real property, situated in the before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and
County of MASON, State of Washington, to-wit: holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- it may help you save your home. See below for PUBLIC NOTICE
LOT 12, MARK PARK, AS PER PLAT RECORD- brance by paying the principal and interest, plus safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE NONPROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS
ED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 28, RE- costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant Housing counselors and legal assistance may be RCW 11.42.030 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
CORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of available at little or no cost to you. If you would STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUN-
More commonly known as: 21 E Judy Ln, Belfair, Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written like assistance in determining your rights and op- TY In re the Matter of the Estate of: JANET K.
WA 98528-9320 which is subject to that certain Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- portunities to keep your house, you may contact O’CONNOR, Deceased. NO. 17-4-0089-3 The
Deed of Trust dated 5/31/2011, recorded ciary or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline notice agent named below has elected to give
6/15/2011, under Instrument No. 1975206 re- by both first class and certified mail, proof of for assistance and referral to housing counselors notice to creditors of the above-named dece-
cords of MASON County, Washington , from which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the recommended by the Housing Finance Commis- dent. As of the date of the filing of a copy of this
BRENDA GATLING, A UNMARRIED WOMAN Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if sion: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894- notice with the Court, the notice agent has no
AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE , as grantor(s), to applicable, with said written Notice of Default or 4663) or Web site: knowledge of any other person acting as notice
FIRST AMERICAN TITLE , as original trustee, to the written Notice of Default was posted in a con- sumers/homeownership/post_purchase_coun- agent or of the appointment of a personal rep-
secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE spicuous place on the real property described in selors_foreclosure.htm . The United States De- resentative of the decedent’s estate in the state
ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has posses- partment of Housing and Urban Development: of Washington. According to the records of the
INC., AS NOMINEE FOR ALLY BANK CORP. sion of proof of such service or posting. The list of Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or National Web Site: Court as are available on the date of the filing of
F/K/A GMAC BANK , as original beneficiary, the recipients of the Notice of Default is listed within or for Local this notice with the Court, a cause number re-
beneficial interest in which was subsequently as- the Notice of Foreclosure provided to the counseling agencies in Washington: http://www. garding the decedent has not been issued to any
signed to OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC , the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These requirements other notice agent and a personal representative
Beneficiary, under an assignment recorded un- were completed as of 7/1/2016 . VII. The Trustee tAction=search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc of the decedent’s estate has not been appointed.
der Auditors File Number 2043669 II. No action whose name and address are set forth below will The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assis- Any person having a claim against the decedent
commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a state- tance and referrals to other housing counselors must, before the time the claim would be barred
Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the ment of all costs and fees due at any time prior to and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations,
obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrow- the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to de- Web site: . Addi- present the claim in the manner as provided in
er’s or Grantor’s default on the obligation secured prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, tional disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you RCW 11.42.070 by serving on or mailing to the
by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. III. The default(s) through or under the Grantor of all their interest have previously been discharged through bank- notice agent or the notice agent’s attorney at the
for which this foreclosure is made is/are as fol- in the above-described property. IX. Anyone hav- ruptcy, you may have been released of personal address stated below a copy of the claim and
lows: Failure to pay when due the following ing any objections to this sale on any grounds liability for this loan in which case this letter is filing the original of the claim with the Court in
amounts which are now in arrears: $29,348.63 . whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be intended to exercise the noteholders rights which the proceedings were commenced. The
IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by heard as to those objections if they bring a law- against the real property only. QUALITY MAY BE claim must be presented within the later of:
the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- (1) thirty days after the notice agent served or
$145,779.50 , together with interest as provided 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY mailed the notice to the creditor as provided un-
in the Note from 3/1/2015 on, and such other result in a waiver of any proper grounds for in- INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED der RCW 11.42.020(c); or (2) four months after
the date of the first publication of the notice. If
the claim is not presented within this time frame,
the claim will be forever barred, except as other-
wise provided in RCW 11.42.050 and 11.42.060.
This bar is effective as to claims against both
the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.
Date of First Publication: May 4, 2017 The no-
tice agent declares under penalty of perjury un-
der the laws of the State of Washington on April
12, 2007 at Seattle, Washington that the forego-
ing is true and correct. WELLS FARGO BANK,
N.A., Notice Agent By: Jihan Caskey, Estate
Settlement Specialist Its: Vice President and Es-
tate Advisory Specialist Attorney for the Notice
Agent: Alan D. Macpherson Address for Mailing
or Service: 1201 Pacific Avenue, Suite 2100 P.O.
Box 1157 Tacoma, WA 98401
9450 May 4, 11, 18 3t

the Estate of ERIC ARTHUR BUSH Deceased.
Case No.: 17 4 00782 31 The personal repre-
sentative named below has been appointed as
personal representative of this estate. Any per-
son having a claim against the decedent must,
before the time the claim would be barred by any
otherwise applicable statute of limitations, pres-
ent the claim in the manner as provided in RCW
11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the person-
al representative or the personal representative’s
attorney at the address stated below a copy of
the claim and filing the original of the claim with
the court in which the probate proceedings were
commenced. The claim must be presented within
the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal
representative served or mailed the notice to the
creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c);
or (2) four months after the date of first publica-
tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented
within this time frame, the claim is forever barred,
except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051
and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims
against both the decedent’s probate and nonpro-
bate assets. Date of First Publication: May 4,
2017. Personal Representative: SCOTT A. BUSH
Attorney for the Personal Representative: MI-
CHAEL BIESHEUVEL Address for Mailing or
Service: 114 Second Ave. S., Suite 101, Ed-
monds, WA 98020 Court of probate proceedings
and cause number: SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WA
9454 May 4, 11, 18 3t
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-31

As a community service, the Journal publishes contact information for

organizations that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service.
If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community,
watch these listings for places that need you.
Adopt-A-Pet Kitten Rescue of Mason County Pioneer School District
360-432-3091 Kitten Rescue of Mason County needs volunteers. 360-426-9115 We’re open 7 days a week, evening and day shifts
VOLUNTEER! available. Contact Dee 360-490-5627. Red Cross
Catholic Community Services Love, Inc.
327-2230 360-462-LOVE The Saints Pantry Food Bank Steve Russell, Director
Communication Support Team (CST) Love INC of Mason County has volunteer 360-427-8847
Team is made up of licensed HAM Radio operators opportunities in the downtown Shelton Clearinghouse Senior Services for South Sound
and others interested in assisting your County answering phones and basic office procedures. There 360-586-6181, ext 128
during disasters - man-made or natural incidents. are also opportunities to assist in the following areas:
You do not need to be a licensed radio operator to furniture, medical equipment, Jobs for Life Program, Shelton Friends of the Library
help. Meetings: 3:00pm on the last Tuesday of the grant writing, and fundraising events. Our mission Eileen Oberg, President 360-426-1318
month at the Public Works Facility, 100 West Public is to mobilize the churches to transform lives with a The Friends are volunteers who support our local
Works Drive. Background check required. Call hand-up not a hand out. We do not discriminate in library community. While we are a branch of
Mason County Emergency Management at 360-427- any way due to gender, race, sexual preference, or Timberland Regional Library (TRL), there are many
7535 for more information. religion. important programs and services we offer to the
Shelton community that are not covered by TRL’s
Community Lifeline Mary M. Knight School District budget. We provide funding through our book sales
Barbra Weza, Executive Director 350-427-6767 and other fund raising activities. We fund the Summer
360-462-4439 or 360-490-3430 Reading Program, Library Outreach Programs, and
Volunteer opportunities for Board of Directors, grant many activities for youth and adults in Shelton. Please
writing, receptionist, filing, data entry, resource navi- Mason County Historical Society join us; we always can use more willing hands!
gators, mentors, community meals, landscape main- Kristin Fabry
tenance and lawn care, blanket and towel washers, 360-426-1020 Shelton School District
fundraising, event planning, carpet cleaning, painting. 360-462-2237
We are looking for volunteers to help at the museum
Community Youth Services with a variety of projects having to do with our mu- Sound Learning
360-943-0780 seum operations and special events. 360-426-9733
360-426-6767 We are seeking volunteers to help fill the following
Crisis Clinic of Mason and Thurston Counties needs: classroom assistants, English-math-reading
Courtney Ingwaldson Mason County Forest Festival tutors, ESOL tutors, basic computer tutors and light
360-586-2888, ext 110 office help.
Next training begins in April. Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation Services Sunrise Equine Rescue
James W. Madsen Janean or Brooke
Hood Canal Food Bank 360-427-9670 ext 332 360-275-2960
Kathy Roberson, Director We currently have volunteer opportunities in our
360-877-9958 Mason County Senior Activities Center office, during special events, special projects and a
Need volunteers to help load and unload food. Days 360-426-7374 Community Garden day the third Saturday of each
vary. month, hard worker, experience with horses a plus but
Mason County Sheriff ’s Department not required, able to clean stalls, pastures push a full
Faith in Action wheel barrow, clean and fill waters. In any weather.
360-275-0535 Mason General Hospital Treasures Thrift Store & Book Store
Tenielle Masteller, Director of Volunteer Services 305 W Railroad Ave, Shelton WA 98584
Grapeview School District 360-427-3621 360-427-3858
360-426-4921 Want to volunteer? MGH&FC needs volunteers Help support quality health care through Mason
to help us put “Patients First” and provide quality General Hospital & Family of Clinics. Volunteers
Habitat for Humanity of Mason County medical care to assist individuals to restore and are needed in both stores to sort merchandise, stock
Outreach Coordinator – Deanna Frost preserve health. Volunteer opportunities are shelves, do window displays and assist customers. available in the Business Office, Information Varied shifts are available.
360-426-8134 ext. 203 Desks, Medical/Surgical/Pediatrics Unit, Quality
We need both teams and individuals for house con- Improvement, Diabetes Education, Rehabilitation Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Service
struction and related activities. and Physical Therapy, Health Information Judy Mayo-Velasco, Volunteer Program Coordinator Management, Administrative Offices, Treasures 360-426-1216
Thrift and Book Store, and MGH Foundation.
Harmony Hill Retreat Center Volunteers perform general office duties such as Turning Pointe currently needs volunteers to provide
Lisa Monnerjahn, Program Associate copying, filing, assembling information packets, childcare Monday through Friday for 2 hours each
360-898-2363, ext. 12 greeting the public, giving directions, stocking day while Moms attend educational groups onsite supplies, retail sales, and providing companionship –choose one day or several. We are also in need of
We currently have volunteer opportunities in our office, and compassion to patients in acute care. Please call an organizer to come in once a week to work in our
during special events, special projects and a Community Lonnie Hatman, volunteer coordinator, at (360) 427- linen and clothing closets helping to fold and organize
Garden day the third Saturday of each month. 3621 or email at . sheets, blankets and donated clothing –choose your
own hours.
Hood Canal Kiwanis Food Bank Community Mason General Hospital Foundation
Garden - 360-427-3623 The United Way of Mason County
Hood Canal Kiwanis meetings - 7am Wednesdays @ 360-426-4999
Hoodsport Library - 208-596-2008 Mason Transit Authority
Volunteer drivers needed. The Volunteer Center
Hood Canal School District Haly Wooten 360-432-5723 360-741-2622
Nifty Thrifty Thrift Store
Hoodsport Visitor Information Center Patricia Vernie, Store Director To list your organization, please contact
Mark Franklin 360-427-0858 Linda Frizzell at 360-426-4412 or
360-877-2021 We need volunteers for the following: cashiers, dona-
We are seeking volunteers to assist visitors to Mason tion cleaners, sales floor straightening and dressing
County and specifically the Olympic National Forest room attendants. We also need part time office help
and Olympic National Park in Hoodsport. that’s computer literate.

KAOS Radio North Mason School District 360-277-2112
Page B-32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


PUBLIC NOTICE FOOT WIDE ROAD EASEMENT, AS DESCRIBED sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 17, 1934, AU- at any time before 5/15/2017 (11 days before the the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to
the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. DITOR’S FILE NO. 73285. More commonly known sale), or by other date as permitted in the Note or bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any
TS No.: WA-16-752969-AJ APN No.: 31906-50- as: 61 W KELLY ROAD, SHELTON, WA 98584- Deed of Trust, the default as set forth in Paragraph proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale. X.
00027 Title Order No.: 8679791 Deed of Trust 9133 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS – The
Grantor(s): ROBERT W HOGLEN, SUSAN ELAINE dated 6/16/2008, recorded 6/19/2008, under Instru- paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to pos-
HOGLEN Deed of Trust Grantee(s): WELLS FAR- ment No. 1922676 records of MASON County, certified checks from a State or federally chartered session of the property on the 20 th day following
GO BANK, N.A. Deed of Trust Instrument/Refer- Washington , from ROBERT W. HOGLEN AND SU- bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of
ence No.: 1922676 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN SAN ELAINE HOGLEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE , as 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale date) and be- trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest ju-
that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the grantor(s), to NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES fore the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the nior to the deed of trust, including occupants who
undersigned Trustee, will on 5/26/2017 , at 1:00 PM LLC , as original trustee, to secure an obligation in holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance are not tenants. After the 20 th day following the
At the Main Entrance to the Mason County Court- favor of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. , as original by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants
house, located at 419 N. 4th Street (4th & Alder), beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of who are not tenants by summary proceedings un-
Shelton, WA 98584 sell at public auction to the subsequently assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. , the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all der Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied prop-
highest and best bidder, payable in the form of cred- the Beneficiary, under an assignment recorded un- other defaults. VI. A written Notice of Default was erty, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with writ-
it bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or der Auditors File Number II. No action commenced transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the ten notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060.
certified checks from federally or State chartered by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pend- Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) by both first class and THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE
banks, at the time of sale the following described ing to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any certified mail, proof of which is in the possession of FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have
real property, situated in the County of MASON, Court by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s de- the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice
State of Washington, to-wit: THE WEST 263 FEET fault on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/ personally served, if applicable, with said written to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A
OF THE SOUTH 165 FEET OF THE NORTH 495 Mortgage. III. The default(s) for which this foreclo- Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LI-
FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) sure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when was posted in a conspicuous place on the real CENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your
OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF due the following amounts which are now in ar- property described in Paragraph I above, and the situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligi-
SECTION SIX (6), TOWNSHIP NINETEEN (19) rears: $10,666.85 . IV. The sum owing on the obliga- Trustee has possession of proof of such service or ble and it may help you save your home. See below
NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) WEST, W.M., EX- tion secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal posting. The list of recipients of the Notice of Default for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE
CEPTING THEREFROM ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. sum of $184,532.70 , together with interest as pro- is listed within the Notice of Foreclosure provided to Housing counselors and legal assistance may be
SAID LAND BEING ALSO KNOWN AND DE- vided in the Note from 6/1/2016 on, and such other the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These require- available at little or no cost to you. If you would like
SCRIBED AS THE WEST 263 FEET OF TRACT 11 costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The ments were completed as of 12/7/2016 . VII. The assistance in determining your rights and opportu-
OF THE UNRECORDED PLAT OF SOMERS above-described real property will be sold to satisfy Trustee whose name and address are set forth be- nities to keep your house, you may contact the fol-
HIGHWAY TRACTS. ALSO, TRACT B OF SHORT the expense of sale and the obligation secured by low will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a lowing: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assis-
SUBDIVISION NO. 1189, RECORDED SEPTEM- the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior tance and referral to housing counselors recom-
BER 16, 1982, AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 470233, AND will be made without warranty, expressed or im- to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to de- mended by the Housing Finance Commission: Toll-
BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUAR- plied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or Web
TER (SE 1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER on 5/26/2017 . The defaults referred to in Paragraph or under the Grantor of all their interest in the site:
(NE 1/4) OF SECTION SIX (6), TOWNSHIP NINE- III must be cured by 5/15/2017 (11 days before the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any ship/post_purchase_counselors_foreclosure.htm .
TEEN (19) NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) WEST, sale date), or by other date as permitted in the Note objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever The United States Department of Housing and Ur-
W.M. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A 20 or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinuance of the will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to ban Development: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or Na-
tional Web Site:
HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washing-
filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline for
assistance and referrals to other housing counsel-
ors and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or
Web site: . Addition-
al disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you have
previously been discharged through bankruptcy,
you may have been released of personal liability for
this loan in which case this letter is intended to ex-
ercise the noteholders rights against the real prop-
1/9/2017 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washing-
ton, as Trustee By: Tricia Willis, Assistant Secretary
Trustee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service
Corp. of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service
Corp. 411 Ivy Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (866)
645-7711 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan
Service Corp. of Washington 108 1 st Ave South,
Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale
Line: 800-280-2832 or Logi n to: http://wa.quality- Trustee Sale Number: WA-16-752969-AJ
State of: County of: On before me, I certify under
PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the
State of WITNESS my hand and official seal. ( Seal)
Signature IDSPub #0121158 4/27/2017 5/18/2017
9217 April 27, May 18 2t

BANK, its successors in interest and/or assigns,
17-2-0023-3 TO THE DEFENDANTS Unknown
Heirs and Devisees of Steven R. Kohrt, Lawrence
E. Kohrt, Susan M. Murphy, and Occupants of the
Premises: You are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publi-
cation of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days
after May 11, 2017, and defend the real property
foreclosure action in Mason County Superior Court,
and answer the complaint of Ally Bank, (“Plaintiff”).
You are asked to serve a copy of your answer or re-
sponsive pleading upon the undersigned attorneys
for Plaintiff at its office stated below. In case of your
failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against
you according to the demand of the complaint,
which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court.
The purpose of this lawsuit is to obtain a judg-
ment, and if not immediately paid, to be satisfied
through the foreclosure of real property located in
Mason County, Washington, and legally described
as follows: LOTS 10 AND 11, LAKE CHRISTINE
known as: 120 Northeast Park Lane, Tahuya, WA
98588 DATED this day of , 2017. RCO LEGAL, P.S.
By_  Synova M. L. Edwards, WSBA #43063  Aaron
Masser, WSBA #32692  Janaya L. Carter, WSBA
#32715 Attorneys for Plaintif 13555 SE 36th Street,
Ste 300 Bellevue, WA 98006
9461 May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15 6t

Debi Coté
Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-33


PUBLIC NOTICE real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of statement of all costs and fees due at any time sion: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-
SHERIFF’S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be 4663) or Web site:
REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 13 2 162 8 IN THE Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, sumers/homeownership/post_purchase_coun-
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH- made without warranty, expressed or implied, re- through or under the Grantor of all their interest selors_foreclosure.htm . The United States De-
INGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON BANK garding title, possession or encumbrances on in the above-described property. IX. Anyone hav- partment of Housing and Urban Development:
OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERG- 5/26/2017 . The defaults referred to in Paragraph ing any objections to this sale on any grounds Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or National Web Site:
ER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA III must be cured by 5/15/2017 (11 days before whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be or for Local
COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, the sale date), or by other date as permitted in heard as to those objections if they bring a law- counseling agencies in Washington: http://www.
its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plain- the Note or Deed of Trust, to cause a discontinu- suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW
tiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may tAction=search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc
DORIS E. DODD; ESTATE OF DORIS E. DODD; and terminated if at any time before 5/15/2017 result in a waiver of any proper grounds for in- The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assis-
CHRISTINE HINTON; LAKE LIMERICK COUN- (11 days before the sale), or by other date as validating the Trustee’s sale. X. NOTICE TO OC- tance and referrals to other housing counselors
TRY CLUB; STATE OF WASHINGTON; OCCU- permitted in the Note or Deed of Trust, the default CUPANTS OR TENANTS – The purchaser at the and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or
PANTS OF THE PREMISES; Defendant. TO: as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the Web site: . Addi-
UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF DORIS Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Payment must property on the 20 th day following the sale, as tional disclaimers provided by the Trustee: If you
E. DODD; ESTATE OF DORIS E. DODD; CHRIS- be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the have previously been discharged through bank-
TINE HINTON; STATE OF WASHINGTON; OC- from a State or federally chartered bank. The owner) and anyone having an interest junior to ruptcy, you may have been released of personal
CUPANTS OF THE PREMISES; AND ANY sale may be terminated any time after the the deed of trust, including occupants who are liability for this loan in which case this letter is
PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIMING TO HAVE 5/15/2017 (11 days before the sale date) and be- not tenants. After the 20 th day following the sale intended to exercise the noteholders rights
ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTER- fore the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the the purchaser has the right to evict occupants against the real property only. QUALITY MAY BE
EST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- who are not tenants by summary proceedings CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
THE COMPLAINT (IN REM) The Superior Court brance by paying the principal and interest, plus under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY
of Mason County has directed the undersigned costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED
Sheriff of Mason County to sell the property de- to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of with written notice in accordance with RCW FOR THAT PURPOSE Dated: 1/16/2017 Quality
scribed below to satisfy a judgment in the above- Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee
entitled action. If developed, the property ad- Notice of Default was transmitted by the Benefi- BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF By: Lauren Esquivel, Assistant Secretary Trust-
dress is: LOT 201, LAKE LIMERICK, DIVISION ciary or Trustee to the Borrower(s) and Grantor(s) YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the ee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp.
NO. 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME by both first class and certified mail, proof of recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service Corp.
6 OF PLATS, PGE(8) 34-37, RECORDS OF MA- which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUN- 411 Ivy Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-
SON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 32127-50-00201 Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if SELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN 7711 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan
Commonly known as: 680 E Aycliffe Dr, Shelton applicable, with said written Notice of Default or WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation Service Corp. of Washington 108 1 st Ave South,
WA 98584 The sale of the above-described the written Notice of Default was posted in a con- and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241
property is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: spicuous place on the real property described in it may help you save your home. See below for Sale Line: 800-280-2832 or Logi n to: http://
Friday, June 9, 2017 Place: Main Entrance of Ma- Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has posses- safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Trustee Sale Number: WA-
son County Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The sion of proof of such service or posting. The list of Housing counselors and legal assistance may be 16-754743-SW State of: County of: On before
judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the recipients of the Notice of Default is listed within available at little or no cost to you. If you would me, I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY un-
judgment amount of $217,862.63, together with the Notice of Foreclosure provided to the like assistance in determining your rights and op- der the laws of the State of WITNESS my hand
interest, costs, and fees, before the sale date. Borrower(s) and Grantor(s). These requirements portunities to keep your house, you may contact and official seal. ( Seal) Signature IDSPub
For the exact amount, contact the sheriff at the were completed as of 12/15/2016 . VII. The Trust- the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline #0121489 4/27/2017 5/18/2017
address stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALIS- ee whose name and address are set forth below for assistance and referral to housing counselors 9229 April 27, May 18 2t
BURY MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a recommended by the Housing Finance Commis-
Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy PO Box 1037,
Shelton, Washington 98584 (360)427-9670
9458 May 11, 18, 25 , June 1 4t

the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq.
TS No.: WA-16-754743-SW APN No.: 32029-41-
00230 Title Order No.: 160372298-WA-MSW
Deed of Trust Grantor(s): JACK R MADDEN
Deed of Trust Grantee(s): MORTGAGE ELEC-
ASSIGNS Deed of Trust Instrument/Reference
No.: 1851477 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the
undersigned Trustee, will on 5/26/2017 , at 1:00
PM At the Main Entrance to the Mason County
Courthouse, located at 419 N. 4th Street (4th &
Alder), Shelton, WA 98584 sell at public auction
to the highest and best bidder, payable in the
form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of ca-
shier’s check or certified checks from federally or
State chartered banks, at the time of sale the fol-
lowing described real property, situated in the
County of MASON, State of Washington, to-wit:
The South 1000 feet, EXCEPTING the East 378
feet thereof, of all that portion of the North half of
the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township
20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., particularly de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at a point 987.57
feet West of the East quarter corner of said Sec-
tion 29; thence West 550.6 feet; thence South
1320 feet, more or less, to the South line of said
North half of the Southeast quarter; thence East
550.6 feet; thence North 1320 feet; more or less,
to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom
right-of-way for Mill Creek County Road No.
12280, and excepting therefrom road rights-of-
way. More commonly known as: 791 SE MILL
CREEK RD, SHELTON, WA 98584 which is sub-
ject to that certain Deed of Trust dated
10/11/2005, recorded 10/18/2005, under Instru-
ment No. 1851477 records of MASON County,
Washington , from JACK R MADDEN, AS HIS
SEPARATE ESTATE , as grantor(s), to FIRST
AMERICAN TITLE , as original trustee, to secure
an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELEC-
ASSIGNS , as original beneficiary, the beneficial
interest in which was subsequently assigned to
Nationstar Mortgage LLC , the Beneficiary, under
an assignment recorded under Auditors File
Number 2012656 xxx xxx II. No action com-
menced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is
now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation
in any Court by reason of the Borrower’s or
Grantor’s default on the obligation secured by the
Deed of Trust/Mortgage. III. The default(s) for
which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows:
Failure to pay when due the following amounts
which are now in arrears: $6,281.46 . IV. The sum
owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of
Trust is: The principal sum of $132,294.73 , to-
gether with interest as provided in the Note from
6/1/2016 on, and such other costs and fees as
are provided by statute. V. The above-described
Page B-34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017

the sawing competition. Marie; one great niece,

Rarely did he not Amelia Rose Depoe; and
come home without a numerous cousins.
special prize in his lunch A memorial service
box: wild flowers, mush- will be held Saturday,
rooms, berries, unusual May 20th at 3:00pm at
looking things, letting the Shelton Seventh Day
us know he was always Adventist Church. The
thinking of us. potluck gathering will
Paul E. In 1963 Paul mar- Ramona Diana have no meat dishes. David John Savannah Hope
Armstrong ried Alice Rains and Blomgren Arrangements by Mc- Cullerton Pearson
increased his family of Comb & Wagner Family
(The Candyman) three to eight. The mar-
(Rickards) Funeral Home and Cre- David John Cullerton, Savannah Hope Pear-
Paul Edwin Arm- riage ended in divorce. Ramona Diana matory. 54, a resident of Hood- son, 20, a Mason County
strong, 99, passed away After 44 years at Blomgren (Rickards), 62, sport, was reunited with resident, died in a car
on May 11, 2017. Born Simpson, Paul retired in a lifetime area resident, our Lord and Savior on accident Thursday, May
in Shelton on April 23, 1981, his passion for the passed away on Wednes- April 30, 2017 due to be- 4, 2017. She was born
1918, to Preston and outdoors could now be day, May 3rd of pneumo- ing killed near his home. in Shelton October 22,
Ida Armstrong, he was 24/7. Enjoying hunting, nia in Olympia, Wa. David was born May 21, 1996 to Michelle (Lee-
the oldest of three boys, fishing, berry and mush- She was born Janu- 1962 in Virginia and berg) Nelson and David
Brothers Stan and Pres- room picking, digging ary 19, 1955 in Bremer- moved to Hoodsport in Person Jr.
ton preceded him in clams with Frank and ton, WA to Violetta M 2003. She was employed as
death. Marie. Always one to (Burgess) & Merlin O. Paul and Ruth Gar- a home health aid with
When Paul was 11, extend his hand, not to Rickards. She married rett say, “Dave was KWA, and was an RN
he bought his first car… receive, but to help, he Ellis Blomgren on June Joe Brown, Jr. generous to a fault. He student at Olympic Col-
1923 Model T Ford, no lived by that. Paul was 20, 1973 in Shelton. helped many people who lege Bremerton, and also
transmission, for $2.00; a kind hearted “gentle- She worked as a bar- Joe “Jody” Brown Jr., were down & out, giv- had worked as a nursing
fixed it and sold for man,” known in town as tender, waitress and age 69, died Sunday ing them food, clothing assistant at Alpine Way.
$5.00. He was proud of the Candyman, passing cook. May 7 at the Matlock and shelter. Dave was She graduated from
that! out mints, oven rack During the summer, home of his daughter, trustworthy and honest. CHOICE High School in
Paul attended Irene pullers, and dog treats. Mona and her friend shortly after being di- He had a group of loyal 2015.
S. Reed High School, He was a skilled car- Warren loved to go to agnosed with cancer. and caring clients who Savannah loved mak-
graduating in 1936. In penter and woodworker, Hood Canal and go Joe was the son of Joe became like family mem- ing people smile. She
1937 he started work- making children’s toys, swimming at Twanoh Brown Sr. and Laura bers. Dave was a hard played guitar and had
ing for Simpson Lumber Christmas decorations, State Park. She loved Jean Brown Ogden. and meticulous worker. a beautiful voice. She
Co. as a rigger. Soon he and furniture. digging clams & oysters. He was born and When we had a family loved to go fishing and
learned to run heavy At breakfast, and Mona graduated from raised in Mason County, crisis he helped us for hiking. She loved spend-
equipment and his love lunch after church al- Shelton High School in he attended Shelton free.” ing time with her little
of logging and road con- ways found Paul at the June 1973. She went schools and was a vet- Denise and Clint sisters and her family.
struction began. In 1940 Pine Tree, with Jim her first eight grades eran of the US Navy. Matylinski say, “Dave “They don’t make
he married Betty Moon and Cindy waiting with to the Shelton Seventh He is survived by four worked for us for many girls like her no more,
(deceased); they had two coffee and a friendly Day Adventist Church siblings; Barb Cloin, Bev years. He was a very she was pure love, she
sons, Gene, born 1944 smile. This he shared School. Cross, Chuck Brown good worker and took a was pure.”
and Gerald, born 1949. with his special friend She was preceded and Jan Pfundheller lot of pride in his work. She is survived by her
In 1942 Paul was of many years, Irene in death by her hus- and many nieces and He helped us with land- mother, Michelle Nelson
drafted into the Army. Harvey. They enjoyed band, Ellis Blomgren, nephews. His younger scaping, window clean- (Leeberg) of Shelton,
Deployments were years of family celebra- mother-in-law Fae brother Frank precedes ing, handyman work stepfather, Wayne Nel-
working on the Alcan tions, meals, and day Blomgren, father-in-law him. and so much more. Dave son, of Shelton, father,
Highway, New Guinea, trips. Irene preceded Carl Blomgren, mother, He leaves a legacy of was always polite, shook David Pearson Jr. of
Philippines, and Japan. Paul in death by days, Violetta (Burgess) Rick- children and grandchil- your hand and had a Shelton, fiancé, Daniel
Participation continued passing on April 29, ards, father, Merlin O. dren; Richard Brown, smile. We will greatly Overson of Shelton,
in Korea and WW II, 2017. Both are dearly RIckards, and foster Heath Brown (children miss him.” sister, Lea Pearson of
In 1952 Paul was dis- missed. sister Sheryl Byrd. Also Austin, MiaFay, Tan- Mike and Julie Pavlik Shelton, sister, Olivia
charged with the rank of Survivors are Gene, preceding her in death ner and Noah), Shiloh say, “We enjoyed work- Nelson of Shelton, sis-
Captain, and had been Gerald Armstrong; Judy were friends Tom Rau Downer (son Jackson) ing with Dave for 10 ter, Bethany Pearson of
awarded the Bronze Larson, Linda Hen- and lifetime friend War- and Heather Lynn (sons years. He was hardwork- Shelton, sister, Amylia
Star. nessy, Susan Hamman, ren Earl. Quentin, Trenton, Trace ing, trustworthy and had Nelson of Shelton, ma-
Paul returned to Lorie Rains, numerous Mona loved to garden. and Micah). a great sense of humor. ternal grandmother, Te-
Shelton and Simpson, nieces, nephews, cous- She had beautiful rose Joe was of Squaxin We’ll miss him. RIP.” resa Leeberg of Brinnon,
working at camps Gris- ins, grandchildren and bushes. She was very and Steilacoom descent Chuck and Janette WA, and paternal grand-
dale and Govey, until 99 years of friends! fond of her pet cats. In and had fished with the Engel say, “We have father, Dave Pearson
transferred to the main Special thanks and earlier years she loved tribe some years ago as known Dave since 2003 (wife Marcia) of Seattle,
office as Road Construc- appreciation to all who to bowl. Her yard was well as in Alaska. He when he started working WA, and paternal grand-
tion Supervisor. He had cared for Paul while full of her pet squirrels was a lifelong woods- at the Hoodsport Win- mother, Tammy Gamber
a special part in Forest living at Alpine, Maple and numerous birds, man, and by that we ery. He started working of Shelton, numerous
Festival every year. Paul Glen, and Shelton which she fed every day. mean there wasn’t a job for me in 2006. We trust- aunts, uncles, cousins, a
searched for the tallest Health & Rehab. She is survived by in the woods related to ed Dave completely. He niece and a nephew.
and straightest spar Graveside service at her sister, Rosalie Di- logging, trees, brush or sold wood, cleaned roofs, A memorial service
trees for the logging Shelton Cemetery on anne Depoe of Shelton, mushrooms that he had did housekeeping and was held at 4pm Friday,
show; additional logs for 5/24/2017, 2:00 PM. WA; brother-in-law not done. yard work. Many people May 12, 2017 at Squaxin
Don Depoe of Shelton; To honor his wishes, were very loyal to Dave Island Community
foster brother, Duane Joe will be buried in a and relied on him for Kitchen.
Cooper of Port Angeles, private ceremony in the help. He will be sorely
WA; sister-in-law Anita Matlock woods. Family missed.”
Cooper of Port Angeles, and friends are invited
WA; aunt, Olivia Fred- to a gathering at the
rick; niece & nephew, Matlock Grange hall
Crystal Charles & Ja- on Saturday May 20 at
son Charles; nephew & 1:30.
wife Ted Depoe & Marti
Kim Washburn

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Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-35

She found love again we will carry with us

with Ricky Stiles. They forever.
were married on August
23, 2003.
She leaves behind
her husband, Ricky
She enjoyed card Stiles, daughter Tiffany
games, music and spend- Goldsby, son Brandon James Conley, 84, a resident of Hartstene Point, died May 8, 2017, at
ing time with family and Tweed, granddaughters home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and
friends. Later in life, Annalisa and Abby, Crematory.
when medical conditions grandson Brian, sisters
Debra (Debby) restricted her outings, Lorrie Green (Mike) and Judd Metzger, 88, a resident of Silverdale, died May 6, 2017, on Bain-
Lynne she connected thru on- Darlene Goldsby, broth- bridge Island. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral
line games and social er Wes Goldsby (Gina), Home and Crematory.
Stiles (Goldsby) media. Her grandkids numerous nieces, neph-
Debra (Debby) Lynne were her joy and she ews, great nieces and Mary Ann Emmons, 87, a resident of Shelton, died May 1, 2017, in
Stiles (Goldsby) passed spent as much time with nephews, aunts, uncles, Shelton. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and
away at her home on them as possible. cousins and friends. Crematory.
May 12, 2017. She will be remem- A Celebration of Life
She was born on Au- bered for her “whatcha will be held at her par- Richard Allen Warren, 55, a resident of Shelton, died May 2, 2107, in
gust 29, 1956 to Erwin see, is whatcha get” ent’s home on Saturday, Shelton. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and
and Jeanette Goldsby. personality, her boom- May 27, 2017 at 4pm, Crematory.
She married Brian ing voice, her infectious Goldsby Potluck Style.
Tweed on May 23, 1986. laugh, accepting heart RSVP Tiffany Goldsby Debra Louise Farris, 56, a resident of Elma, died April 30, 2017, in
He preceded her in and most of all her big at Olympia. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home
death in 1989. love for her family that and Crematory.

Madeline Carol Matusevitz, 79, a resident of Hoquiam, died April

29, 2017, at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral
Home and Crematory.

Merridee Ann Guyer, 88, a resident of Shelton, died May 11, 2017,
in Shelton. Arrangements are by Forest Funeral Homes & Cemetery.

James Kenneth Conley, 84, a resident of Shelton, died May 8, 2017,

at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and

Richard Garrett Foote, 79, a resident of Shelton, died May 10, 2017,
at home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and

James F. Packer, a resident of Olympia, died April 9, 2017, at home. A

memorial service was held in April.

Warren Earl, 61, a resident of Shelton, died April 28, 2017, in Olym-

Luetta Mae Kidder, 81, a resident of Shelton, died May 11, 2017, in
Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and Crema-

Joan Amborn, 71, a resident of Belfair, died May 14, 2017, at home.
Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and Crema-

Call us at 426-4412 to arrange for an

Doris Edna Reed, 100, a resident of Montesano, died May 13, 2017, in
Virginia Mason Hospital. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner
Funeral Home and Crematory.

obituary or other display advertising Morlan Earl Tullar, 81, a resident of Shelton, died May 14, 2017, at
home. Arrangements are by McComb & Wagner Funeral Home and

to be printed in Mason County’s most Donna Marie Baker, 83, a resident of Shelton, died May 12, 2017, in
Shelton. Arrangements are by Funeral Alternatives of Washington.

widely read and respected newspaper. Journal Obituary Policy

Obituaries and death notices may be submitted at the Shelton-Mason County
Journal office, 227 W. Cota St., or online at Death

notices — a free service to county residents — include the deceased’s full name,
city of residence, age, date of death and service information. Paid obituaries may
include any additional information, such as surviving family members, poetry
and memorial-donation requests. The deadline for obituaries and death notices is
5 p.m. the Monday before publication. For more information, call 426-4412.


Serving All of Mason County

Since 1886
Page B-36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 18, 2017


Hey, kids!
Send your colored pictures to the Journal and we might
print them in the paper!
Send to: Linda Frizzell / c/o The Journal / 227 W. Cota St. / Shelton WA 98584

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