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JAMA PATIENT PAGE | Preventive Medicine

Counseling on Healthy Living to Prevent Cardiovascular

Disease in Adults Without Risk Factors
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has published recommendations
on counseling about healthy living to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Who Should Be Concerned About Cardiovascular Disease? How Strong Is the Recommendation to Counsel About
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United Healthy Living to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
States. The term can mean a number of things but generally refers in Adults Without Risk Factors?
to narrowed or blocked blood vessels, which can lead to heart attack Based on the current evidence, the USPSTF concludes that overall,
and stroke. There are several known risk factors for cardiovascular the net benefit of counseling people who are already relatively
disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obe- healthy about healthy living is small but still positive. Counseling is
sity, and smoking. There is also a genetic component, so people with more likely to make a difference in people who are interested in and
family members affected by cardiovascular disease are more likely ready to make lifestyle changes. Therefore, the decision to provide
to also be affected by it. counseling should be an individualized one.
have no risk factors. This means that people who are of normal weight Bottom Line: Current Recommendation for Counseling
and have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, no diabetes, About Healthy Living to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
and no family history can still get cardiovascular disease. in Adults Without Risk Factors
The USPSTF recommends individualizing the decision to offer be-
What Does “Healthy Living” Mean? havioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activ-
For the purposes of this recommendation statement, counseling ity to nonobese patients without specific risk factors for cardiovas-
about healthy living means providing in-depth education about the cular disease (“C” recommendation).
benefits of a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise. A heart-
healthy diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, fiber, and whole grains and
is low in salt, red and processed meats, and saturated fats. As for ex- Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet
ercise, guidelines recommend at least 2.5 hours of moderate exer- and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Prevention in Adults Without CVD Risk Factors
cise or 75 minutes of intense exercise every week. Effective coun-
seling generally requires multiple sessions.
Population USPSTF recommendation grade
What Is the Patient Population Under Consideration
for Counseling About Healthy Living? Recommendation depends
This USPSTF recommendation applies to adults who are not obese on the patient’s situation
and do not have any known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. ADULTS
This refers to people who are normal weight or overweight (body who are not obese and do not
have known CVD risk factors
mass index between 18.5 and 30) and who do not have diabetes,
high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. There is a separate USPSTF
recommendation for counseling about healthy living in adults who
do have risk factors for cardiovascular disease. FOR MORE INFORMATION
US Preventive Services Task Force
What Are the Potential Benefits and Harms of Counseling
About Healthy Living in Adults Without Risk Factors?
There is some evidence that counseling about healthy living leads
to improvements in body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol
levels. However, the data do not consistently show that these im-
To find this and other JAMA Patient Pages, go to the For Patients
provements are linked to decreased heart attacks, strokes, or deaths collection at
due to cardiovascular disease. Harms from counseling about healthy
living have been found to be small to none.

Author: Jill Jin, MD, MPH The JAMA Patient Page is a public service of JAMA. The information and
Source: US Preventive Services Task Force. Behavioral counseling to promote a recommendations appearing on this page are appropriate in most instances, but they
healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention in adults are not a substitute for medical diagnosis. For specific information concerning your
without cardiovascular risk factors: US Preventive Services Task Force personal medical condition, JAMA suggests that you consult your physician. This page
Recommendation Statement. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.7171 may be photocopied noncommercially by physicians and other health care
professionals to share with patients. To purchase bulk reprints, call 312/464-0776.

210 JAMA July 11, 2017 Volume 318, Number 2 (Reprinted)

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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