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Weather Forecast Presentation Rubric

10 8 6 4 2 0
Cloud cover, Lacking in one of the Lacking in 2 of the Lacking in 3 of the Lacking in 4 of the Lacking in all five of the
Information in precipitation type, previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned
forecast temperature criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria
(high/low), fronts
Shows a complete Shows a fairly good Shows some Shows a slight Shows little to no Shows absolutely no
Reasoning for understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
forecast weather systems weather systems weather systems weather systems weather systems weather systems
Weather map Weather map or Weather map or Weather map with no Visual aid not very No visual aid
complete with proper forecast with partial or forecast, no use of symbols or icons OR useful or effective
use of symbols, or incorrect use of symbols or icons, but good map but too
Visual Aid forecast with icons, symbols or icons, large large enough for us to small for us to see
large enough for us enough for us to see see
to see
Worked well with Had minor team work Had one team member Two team members Project got completed Team members did not
each team member problems. Overall did a that did not participate struggled to work but everyone worked work together and the
and assisted good job, just struggled fully. The other efficiently with the rest individually. There was project was not fully
Teamwork members not a few times. members did not assist of the team. no team work. complete.
comfortable in in helping that member
presenting succeed.
Much use of original Some use of original Partial use of original Slight use of original Little to no use of Absolutely no use of
Creativity thought/creativity thought/creativity thought/creativity thought/creativity original original
thought/creativity thought/creativity
Used eye contact, Lacking in one of the Lacking in 2 of the Lacking in 3 of the Lacking in 4 of the Lacking in all 5 of the
didn’t read directly previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned previously mentioned
Presentation Skills from notes, easy to criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria
understand, spoke
loudly, didn’t fidget

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