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Latihan Bab 11 Hal 427

Using the data found in figure 11.7, find the base case bus phase angles and all line flows
using the following bus loads and generators : all loads are 100 MW and all generator also at
100 MW. Assume line flow limits as shown in the following table.

Line MW Limit
1–2 70
1–4 90
1–5 70
2–3 20
2–4 50
2–5 40
2–6 60
3–5 30
3–6 70
4–5 30
5–6 20

For line outage on line 1-4, find the change in phase angle across each of the remaining lines
and see if the phase angle change across buses 1 and 4 meets bounding criteria developed in
the text.
Answer :
X Matrix (reference at Bus 1)

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We get θ matrix (base case bus phase angles) from matlab :

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Then we use Eq. 4.37 to find the flow on each line :
( ) ( )

dl,2 ( ) (MW)
(line 1-4)
l=1 line 1-2 0.64 0.20 3.399 17.00
l=2 line 1-4 0.20 3.228 46.18
l=3 line 1-5 0.36 0.30 11.052 36.84
l=4 line 2-3 -0.03 0.25 -0.171 -0.684
l=5 line 2-4 0.76 0.10 5.836 58.36
l=6 line 2-5 -0.06 0.30 7.653 25.51
l=7 line 2-6 -0.04 0.20 6.752 33.76
l=8 line 3-5 -0.04 0.26 7.824 30.09
l=9 line 3-6 0 0.10 6.923 69.23
l=10 line 4-5 -0.24 0.40 0.916 4.54
l=11 line 5-6 0.03 0.30 -0.901 -3.00

For line outage on line 1-4 :

From Eq. 11.A15 we can find the change in phase angle each of the remaining lines

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