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Who Signed the Review

We The
Do you know who signed the
The Constitution is a document.
Constitution? Do you know how

many people signed the
Constitution? The Constitution is controlled by
Visit the QR Code below to find ___ The Constitution
the answers to these questions!
The government’s three levels are
local, state, and national.
4 th Grade Social Studies
___ Chapter 2: Lesson 2

The government’s three branches

are legislative, executive, and

“We the People of the United States, in Order Amendments can change the
to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, Constitution.
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the ___
common defense, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves
and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.”

Rachel Otting
EDU 252
What is the What are the 3 Levels How can the
Constitution? of the Government? Constitution be
The founders of our county set up a changed?
very wise plan for governing our 1. Local
nation. This plan is a document 2. State Laws and amendments are able to
called the Constitution of the United 3. National change the Constitution.
States of America. The Constitution Amendments must be passed by
of the United States of America is the Congress and then must be
supreme law of the United States. approved by a majority of the
states. A number of amendments
have been added to the

Did you know??

 The Constitution was ratified
in 1791.

 The first ten amendments

are known as the Bill of
Why is the Constitution Rights.

Important?  The Constitution has 27

The Constitution is important amendments and have been
because the power of our government What are the 3 Branches amended 17 times since the
Bill of Rights.
does not come from government
leaders. It comes from citizens who of Government?
 The last amendment was
elect those leaders. The Constitution 1. Legislative added in 1992.
provides for increased federal
2. Executive
authority while still protecting the
basic rights of its citizens. 3. Judicial

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