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Meiosis Activity
Mitosis Activity

Lesson Plan – Crossing Over Activity (Meiosis)

Name:___________Molla Huq________________ Mentor:__________________________________

Grade Level:________ 9-12 Biology____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________

Content Standard: ___ Biology—Genetics_______________ Element(s): __2 _____________________________

o Describe desired outcomes. Identify what students will know and be able to do. Specify key knowledge, skills and/or
understandings that will result from this lesson.

This activity will provide students the opportunity to see firsthand how DNA mixes to create various
combinations. The following standard is directly addressed in this lesson:

2. Mutation and sexual reproduction lead to genetic variation in a population.

o Identify evidence of learning. Clarify how students will demonstrate their understanding, knowledge and/or skills.
Determine the product or assessment that will be evidence of student learning.

Student written responses to questions will show their understanding of meiosis.

o List materials needed. Determine what materials and resources you will need during the lesson.

2 strips of paper of equal length and width for each student

Markers, crayons, or colored pencils

o Open the lesson. Connect students’ prior knowledge, life experiences and interests with the learning goals of the lesson.
Motivate, pique interest and engage the learner.

Explain to students that the activity will be an opportunity for them to show off their creative side, be
social with their classmates, and learn about meiosis all at the same time.
Review the definition of meiosis with students (from previous night’s reading).
Perhaps briefly discuss why “crossing over” would make a difference—why we study it.

WHITE/BEGINNING TEACHER • YELLOW/MENTOR Tool Courtesy of New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz

Pedagogy in Practice—Science
©2004 CCSESA and Dr. Pamela Redmond
All Rights Reserved.

o Provide instruction and modeling. Outline what you are going to teach and how. Sequence the instruction, and plan how
you will differentiate the content and/or instructional methods to meet the learning needs of the students.

After the introductory explanation, explain what students will be doing and creating.
Go over the procedures for the activity with the whole class. Have the procedures available in print
for students to follow along:
1. Take two strips of paper of equal length and width.
2. On the first strip, mark off 6 bands (drawing five lines will create six bands). The bands do
not need to be the same size.
3. On the second strip of paper, mark six bands (drawing five lines will create six bands). The
bands do not need to be the same size.
4. Number each band on the left and right sides of the band (1 – 6). The number sequence
must be the same for both bands.
5. Color each band. Use different colors on each band. The color sequence should be different
on each strip.
6. Split each strip in half (this is DNA replication).
7. Cut the strips in two places for crossing over.
8. Recombine the bands, keeping the number sequence the same.
9. Tape the newly sequenced bands together to create four different chromatids.
10. Check and see if anyone else in the class has the same color combination you have.
Leave time for student questions before they begin the activity.

o Facilitate guided practice. Plan student practice and interaction with the subject matter. Differentiate the process, content
and/or product(s). Specify procedures, structures and time frames.

Monitor students as they work.

If students don’t seem interested in designing their own, you could prepare completed strips in

Provide students with the list of questions they will need to answer. They may want to keep track of
some information as they go, based on these questions:
How many others had identical color combinations to yours?
What is the likelihood that someone else will have the same color combinations? Why?
What is the possibility of getting identical color combinations with thirty thousand gene
locations instead of six?
What does this activity tell you about “crossing over”?

o Close the lesson. Summarize, debrief the lesson and/or foreshadow next steps.

Leave time for students to share their results with the rest of the class.

WHITE/BEGINNING TEACHER • YELLOW/MENTOR Tool Courtesy of New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz

Pedagogy in Practice—Science
©2004 CCSESA and Dr. Pamela Redmond
All Rights Reserved.

o Plan independent practice or review. Create a follow-up that students could do as homework or that could be used as
review the next day.

Assign reading homework that discusses meiosis.

Begin class the next day with “crossing over” and why it matters.

WHITE/BEGINNING TEACHER • YELLOW/MENTOR Tool Courtesy of New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz

Pedagogy in Practice—Science
©2004 CCSESA and Dr. Pamela Redmond
All Rights Reserved.

Lesson Plan – Plate Activity (Mitosis)

Name:___________Molla Huq________________ Mentor:__________________________________

Grade Level:________ 9-12 Biology____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________

Content Standard: ___ Biology—Genetics_______________ Element(s): __2 _____________________________

o Describe desired outcomes. Identify what students will know and be able to do. Specify key knowledge, skills and/or
understandings that will result from this lesson.

This activity will provide students the opportunity to physically demonstrate mitosis. The following
standard is directly addressed in this lesson:

2. Mutation and sexual reproduction lead to genetic variation in a population.

a. Students know mitosis is an early step in sexual reproduction in which the pairs of chromosomes
separate and segregate randomly during cell division to produce gametes containing one
chromosome of each type.

o Identify evidence of learning. Clarify how students will demonstrate their understanding, knowledge and/or skills.
Determine the product or assessment that will be evidence of student learning.

Students will meet individually with the teacher to explain the stages of mitosis, using their plates as
a physical demonstration of the various stages they are explaining.

o List materials needed. Determine what materials and resources you will need during the lesson.

Paper plates
Colored markers

o Open the lesson. Connect students’ prior knowledge, life experiences and interests with the learning goals of the lesson.
Motivate, pique interest and engage the learner.

Review with students what they already know about genetics and cell division and multiplication.

WHITE/BEGINNING TEACHER • YELLOW/MENTOR Tool Courtesy of New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz

Pedagogy in Practice—Science
©2004 CCSESA and Dr. Pamela Redmond
All Rights Reserved.

o Provide instruction and modeling. Outline what you are going to teach and how. Sequence the instruction, and plan how
you will differentiate the content and/or instructional methods to meet the learning needs of the students.

Explain the activity to students:

1. Create a parent cell by coloring the paper plate and gluing pasta onto it to
represent the cell’s chromatin.
2. Repeat the process, with one plate representing each of the Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase stages.
3. Write a description on the back of each plate explaining that stage of mitosis.
4. Arrange plates in order and glue string to plate backs to connect them.
Give students a clear timeline for completing the activity.
Answer student questions.

o Facilitate guided practice. Plan student practice and interaction with the subject matter. Differentiate the process, content
and/or product(s). Specify procedures, structures and time frames.

Monitor students as they work, checking on students’ written explanations and answering questions.
[Could differentiate by providing completed plates for students, having students type their
explanations and glue them on the back of plates, partnering students, having students explain the
stages to a peer while teacher observes, etc.]

o Close the lesson. Summarize, debrief the lesson and/or foreshadow next steps.

Give students a warning for when their class time is just about up, and leave time for students to
clean up and practice their explanations with a partner.

o Plan independent practice or review. Create a follow-up that students could do as homework or that could be used as
review the next day.

Have students finish the plates and written explanations for homework.
Schedule individual conference times for students to share their explanations with you.

WHITE/BEGINNING TEACHER • YELLOW/MENTOR Tool Courtesy of New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz

Pedagogy in Practice—Science
©2004 CCSESA and Dr. Pamela Redmond
All Rights Reserved.

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