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As our knowledge of surgical and diagnostic techniques has increased with time, so has the
success rate of organ transplants. However, the number of patients who require organ transplants
exceeds the number of organs available, particularly if the patient has a rare blood type[1] or
belongs to an ethnic minority where organ donations are even lower than normal[2]. For example,
although black people are three times more likely than the general population to develop kidney
failure, and the Asian community has a particularly high demand for organs, organ donation
within these groups is relatively low. It is important for the donor and recipient to have the same
blood type and similar genetic make-up in order to minimize the change of the receiver’s body
rejecting the organ.
An average of 18 people die a day on the waiting list for transplants. Something must be done.
The current system is not working; too many people are dying. The only way to close that gap is
to motivate living donors (who may be in a financial situation) to donate and save a life while
doing it.
If someone wanted to sell part of their body then they should have the choice. Also it would be
safer and better for the seller and the client if it were done legally. It would help many people live
happy and full lives. And if there was a certain amount of money needed to be given to the seller
and compensation, then what would the problem be. It seems that the wait time for a kidney is
years. And wouldn't you want these people to be able to be healthily and happy than live years
attached to dialysis.\

Sale of human organs means selling one of our organs to others.
We would legalize the sale of human organs in England, The organ donor can people who
have died and those still alive. If the donor is a person who is still alive, it will not give any
harmful side effects to the donor

boost the supply of organs helping to solve the national shortage

More than 10,000 people in the UK currently need a transplant, and 1,000 people die every
year while on the waiting list[5]. In the US, over 100,000 people are still on the waiting list[6].
Although these figures are astonishing in themselves, the genuine figure is probably higher,
inflated by the deaths of patients who are never waitlisted for a transplant. Some patients are
never placed on the waiting list because they have certain habits – such as smoking[7] – and the
precious few organs available are prioritised for patients who fit recipient categories.
The sale of human organs offers a possible solution to this crippling shortage of organs.
There is already an established black market trade in organs[8][9]. Entrepreneurs offer British and
Western patients the opportunity to receive privately financed transplants in countries such as
India and Malaysia[10]. In 2006, investigators discovered that Chinese hospitals were providing
organ transplants using the organs of executed prisoners[11]. In 1983, Dr. Barry Jacobs requested
that the US government should create a fund to compensate the families who donate the organs of
their deceased relatives.[12] He also proposed a business plan to buy kidneys from living donors
to transplant to American patients[13].
Organ transplants in numbers
2,017 Number of donors in the UK last year, of whom 1,058 were alive, and 959 were dead
3,698 Total number of organs transplanted last year, excluding corneas
1,482 Number of kidneys transplanted last year from deceased donors. 1,038 came from
living donors
17.7m Number of people on the organ donor register
7,892 Total number of people waiting for a transplant. Of those, 6,741 are waiting for a
1,000+ Number of people waiting for an organ transplant who will die before one becomes

Every people has their own right

The proposition line could argue that organs are the property of the donors, and so they have
a right to do with them as they wish. In this case of buying human organs, it is much easier to
argue that the profits would go to the donor rather than (for example) hospitals or governments
which may not have a vested interest in those concerned. It would be useful to outline in the
mechanism that these organs will be transferred through a unique medical group or business
which has the technology available to match up donors to potential recipients and so avoid
potential medical complications as far as possible. After this, it would be like any other financial

Leading surgeons are calling for the Government to consider the merits of a legalised market
in organs for transplant. A public discussion on allowing people to sell their organs would, the
doctors say, allow a better-informed decision on a matter of such moral and medical significance.
At stake are the lives of thousands of people who may die before a suitable donor can be
found. Eight thousand people are on the transplant waiting list, more than 500 of whom die each
year before they obtain an organ, and the numbers are rising by 8 per cent a year.
I think I should be allowed to donate my organs. If they want an organ and I want the money, I
see no harm in it. It's my body and I should be able to decide what to do with the parts. It's not
illegal to kill yourself so why should it be illegal to give a organ to somebody who needs it? Plus,
let's face it, we ALL know that killing yourself is a lot more damaging to your health than giving
an organ.
They are my organs and no one can tell me what to do with them. I would sell my organs for
money definitely.
There are loads of people out there suffering or even dying because they need an organ. There
would be no problem giving your OWN organ to someone else not only does it help other people
but it makes yourself feel good and proud. It is peoples choices what they do.
It is my body, therefore it should be my choice to do whatever I want with it. If I want to give a
kidney to a dying sibling, then I should be able to. If I want to sell my heart to get a family
member or friend out of debt, that's my choice.
If I am strapped for cash and I decide to sell a priceless family heirloom, that would be no
different than selling my own kidney. Both are very valuable and dear to me but MY PERSONAL
PROPERTY. Although I would probably be more likely to sell the kidney, since I have one to
Anybody should be able to sell his own organs or body parts, total freedom to decide what to
do and when. Out of free will and in the best interest of the person that wants to sell his own
organs, even if it means the death of that person. Specially when that persons decides to sacrifice
his life for a better future for his children and / or family
If someone decides to sell their organ, no other person can say, "you cannot sell your
organs!" A person has his or her own anatomical rights to do whatever they want to do with their
As humans we were given rights, one being the right to have a choice in what we do for a living,
what we wear, what we say and what we do to our own bodies. Allowing the sale of human
organs not only makes more organs accessible to the ill but it also gives compensation to those

who are giving up a part of them to help others. Are males not allowed to sell their sperm away
for money? And are females not allowed to give up their body as a surrogate for a profit? So why
is the CHOICE to sell our own organs illegal? Keeping this illegal is not only taking away one of
our god given rights but it is also taking away many vital organs that could be helping your child,
or your parents, or even your husband or wife. Take a moment and think about it, are we not
allowed to fill our bodies with piercings or tattoos if we chose to, and are we not allowed to
terminate a pregnancy if we chose, also are we not able to pump are body with loads of harmful
foods and fill our fill our lungs with clouds of smoke, we are the controllers of our own bodies we
make the choice of what happens to it inside and out, if we let the government take away this
right we are just going back 40 years to roe vs. Wade, where even than freedom of choice
triumphed all. Not is this a natural right we were given, but this would also shut down the black
market, reduce crime, a and most of all it saves lives. I don't know about all of you but as person i
know my rights and i will not stand to see them taken away. There was a reason these rights were
given to us, don't let them start taking them away one by one.

To reduce black market in organs

Professor Nadey Hakim, a Harley Street surgeon, and one of the world's leading transplant
surgeons, believes that a properly regulated market should be permitted so that the black market
in organs is, if not destroyed, at least dramatically reduced.
He sees the effects of the black market in patients so desperate to have a transplant operation
that they travel abroad for an organ.
This "transplant tourism", he said, often results in botched operations requiring further
surgery when the patient returns to Britain. It would make better sense for organ sales to be
allowed in the UK under a strictly regulated regime, he said, adding: "Let's have a system that
doesn't allow organs with HIV or whatever."
Professor John Harris, an ethicist at the University of Manchester, believes a debate and the
introduction of an organ market are long overdue. "Morality demands it," he said. "It's time to
consider it because this country, to its eternal shame, has allowed a completely unnecessary
shortage for 30 years. Thousands of people die each year [internationally] for want of organs.
That's the measure of the urgency of the problem.
"Being paid doesn't nullify altruism – doctors aren't less caring because they are paid. With
the current system, everyone gets paid except for the donor."
Professor Harris has developed proposals for an ethical market in organs in which donors
would be paid as part of a regulated system. Such a system, he said, would have to be controlled

within a strictly defined community, probably the UK but possibly extended to the EU, so every
organ could be accounted for. No imports would be allowed. The NHS would be the sole supplier
and would distribute organs as it does other treatments – ability to pay would not be a factor.
Consent would be required for every donation and would have to be rigorously carried out to
ensure no donor was subjected to untoward pressure.
Legalisation of the sale of organs will eliminate the corruption that has led to reported executions
and ‘thefts’ of organs. A successful transplant operation is dependent upon knowledge of certain
characteristics of the donor. Therefore the origin of the organ must be known. The black market
cannot be regulated, but its purpose would be defeated once the sale of organs became lawful.
If people could easily access organs for decent rates (I'm sure the government would regulate
them), there would be no need to engage in criminal activity which takes advantage of the poor.
This way everyone wins. The poor aren't cheated by greedy organ brokers and someone gets to
live a bit longer.

Provide Economic Benefits

Recent medical advances, he said, now make it reasonable to allow a kidney market and
perhaps the sale of liver donations,
"If someone wants to alleviate a financial problem why shouldn't he do that? It's his choice,"
he said.
Professor Bell suggested a fee of £50,000 to £100,000 for each kidney, the equivalent of one
or two years on dialysis, and added: "Kidney donation has now become so safe it's something you
could ethically justify and it would stop all this illegal trafficking."
Mr Rigg pointed out that in the last two years there has been a steep rise in donations,
especially from live donors which have now overtaken deceased donors in number. There were
1,058 live donations in the last year compared to 959 from dead patients. With an average of 2.75
organs from each donor, surgeons were able to carry out 3,700 transplants in the last year.
Figures show that 28 per cent of the population has signed up to the organ donor register, but
only 1 per cent die in circumstances where their organs can be used.
The donor of an organ, or his family, will stand to benefit considerably from the sale. Even the
most impoverished individual will not choose to donate their heart or lung and thus die. Neither
would a surgeon be prepared to conduct such an operation. Yet, both a kidney and a piece of liver
can be removed without significant detriment. It is patronising to consider that the individual
cannot make a reasoned decision to donate or sell these organs. The family of a relative recently
deceased ought also to be able to choose to save the life of another and simultaneously receive

some remuneration.
There is already a black market for illegally harvested organs. Making it legal is not going to
create more the actual value of the organs will be less compared to the price off black market
organs. There cannot be a black market when it is legal. Medical insurance would help buy the
organs. Not everyone has medical insurance today. So the poor are already doing with out simple
health care. If a poor person could not afford to buy then they could sell or one of there family
members would be able to sell their organs to pay for it. You would be able to sell your organs to
medical businesses while you were still alive. Just like organ donating is know accept you can get
some cash to pay for your possible medical bills or to just fatten your wallet. The economy would
be better.
Many of the arguments for the right involve the poor not being able to get organs because
they can't afford it. What they're failing to realize is that the once the people who can buy organs
get them, they'll be taken off the list, shortening it, and allowing the people who can't afford it a
better chance at getting a donate organ. If there's 25,000 people on a list for kidneys, but only
9,000 donations, and 10,000 of them have enough money to buy one, then once those people are
off the list the number drops down to 15,000 needing a transplant. So the chances that one of
those 15,000 "poor" people will get a kidney goes from 36% to 60%.

Safe people’s life

We already accept the ethic of private healthcare. It is not unreasonable that the seriously ill be
entitled to spend their own money on saving their own lives. It is preferable that some individuals
receive organs, and survive, than none at all. There is a spurious equality in everybody dying.The
wealthy will not be the sole beneficiaries of a policy of organ purchase. For each successful
kidney transplant operation, valuable hours on a dialysis machine will be left vacant. The expense
of palliative care for an individual requiring a transplant operation will be eliminated.
I have a right to my own body I should be able to do with it as I please! There are men women
and children in this country who are dying because they're in need of a donor, let us help them
before its too late, we care so should you!
The organs need to be tested for disease before they're used, so people are sure they're not
buying a disease plus the organ, why not?
There are many people who aren't diseased drug abusers who are willing to sell their organs.
Maybe the people have two of something and they think they can do it, or maybe they want to
perform a needed service. Maybe that person is suicidal and they want to do something good
before they go. Whatever the reason, there should be nothing stopping them from doing whatever

they want with their own body.
If you can help save a life and are willing to why should it be illegal?
I think it should be legal to sell organs. If a human wants to donate their organs and help save
another person's life why should that be illegal? It is completely voluntary so it's not as if the
government would force you to donate organs. I just don't understand why it would be illegal to
help save lives.
If I can have the opportunity to give an organ and I knew that it would save someone's life then I
would be more than willing to give it up.
For example, if there was an elderly woman that would die tomorrow because there's no match on
the donor list her life would come to an end and mines would keep going, but if I decide to give
up one of my kidneys today I could save that woman's life and give her a second chance so she
can live to see her grandchildren grow up and make the most of the time she has left and my life
would still be going on the same.
I might be loosing a kidney, but what I'm gaining from saving a life is so much more rewarding.

The legalization of organ sales will decrease crime, increase the number of organs for sale, and
increase the general health of the nation.

Another thing I see a lot of on the right side are statements like "Donating an organ can help save
a child. If you were a match to a child would you let them die because their parents couldn't pay
you enough money for it?". If I'm donating my organs, a lot of them can't be taken and used until
I'm dead. I'm not going to kill myself so little Jimmy can have my heart, and when it comes to the
ones that can be taken while you're still alive, are you REALLY gonna donate it to a kid you don't
know or are you going to save it in case a family member needs it? In all honesty even if a family
member needs it, it's human nature to not want to give up what we see as ours, especially if it's
something that we may need later. You give up one kidney now but find out in 5 years the other
one's failing and there's nothing the doctors can do except put you on the transplant and hope for
the best is the reason we all aren't going out right now to our local ER and giving up one of our
kidney's for donation. Most people don't want or like the idea of give up something until they
don't need it anymore, especially if it's going to someone they don't know. But you bring money
into the equation and, as you can see from things like murder for hire and prostitution, people will
do anything to get it. Why not use that to an advantage? People who want/need money bad
enough are going to sell their organs on the black market anyway, why not legalize it and have

rules and regulations on organ retrieval and sales so people aren't going in to a "body chop shop"
to donate their kidney and ending up donating their whole body instead because of a botched back
ally surgery?
Salvation for all and human actions
Many of the arguments for the right involve the poor not being able to get organs because
they can't afford it. What they're failing to realize is that the once the people who can buy organs
get them, they'll be taken off the list, shortening it, and allowing the people who can't afford it a
better chance at getting a donate organ. If there's 25,000 people on a list for kidneys, but only
9,000 donations, and 10,000 of them have enough money to buy one, then once those people are
off the list the number drops down to 15,000 needing a transplant. So the chances that one of
those 15,000 "poor" people will get a kidney goes from 36% to 60%.
We want for you a new lifestyle, new experience of life, and I don’t even afraid to use
the phrase – new life, where you no more in need of daily painful dialysis. Cause you’ll be
able to travel, to work, able back to business and truly to be with loved ones.

Encouraging people to sell parts of their bodies is morally wrong and would almost
certainly lead to exploitation of the poor.
According to the the national organ, tissue and cell transplantation policy,
commercialisation of organ, tissue and cell transplantation and any act that may indirectly
promote or lead to commercial transaction are prohibited.
The National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 still prohibits the sale of human organs from
both dead and living donors
there are serious concerns that introducing payments for people who donate their organs
would result in poor and vulnerable people coming under severe pressure to alleviate their
financial problems by selling a part of their body.
Other opponents to the creation of a market in organs say it would cross major ethical
barriers – and there are less radical measures that could be looked at first. "I don't believe we
should be commercialising parts of our bodies," said Professor Anthony Warrens, Dean of
Education at The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, adding that "the most
disadvantaged" people would end up selling parts of their bodies, potentially with disregard for
the risks involved. "It's just very risky if it's legalised," said Kenneth Boyd, professor of medical
ethics at the University of Edinburgh.
There is no question of a state financed health service being able to afford the prohibitive

cost of purchase of organs. It is believed that a single kidney has a black market price of $20,000.
Consequently, the sale of organs will condone the most gross discrimination between rich and
poor. The opportunity for those unable to afford to purchase to receive a donated organ will be
eliminated. Which family, if prepared to donate the organs of a relative, would decide to decline
an ex gratia payment of tens of thousands of pounds ?There will not be a two-tier market
consisting of sale and donation. The donations will disappear and only the rich will survive.
It is already apparent that the black market flows in one direction ; from the Third World to
the First. The relative absence of regulation, and the comparative value of the rewards means that
healthy individuals in Asia and Africa are victim to scavenging organ merchants. The financial
rewards make the decision to sell an organ one of compulsion rather than consent.Where
colonialists raped the land, the neo-colonialist surgeon steals from bodies.
The opportunity for individuals and governments to gain considerable capital for organs sold
will lead to appalling human rights violations. Chinese judicial officials are reported to execute
prisoners on account of the black market value of their body parts. The lawful sale of organs
would legitimise human sacrifice.
The sale of organs is a poor solution to a pressing problem. The BMA has proposed a system
of ‘presumed consent’. This scheme would allow doctors to assume that the organs of a deceased
patient can be used for transplant unless the patient or his family have made a contrary request.
Alternatively, the BMA has advocated radical revision of the inefficient system by which patients
are matched to donors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed
the development of a website that would link patients, surgeons and donors nationwide. The BMA
also envisages the deployment of ‘multi-organ retrieval teams’ led by hospital consultants, in
order to ensure that any available organs are not lost from cadaveric donors.
The market in body parts that thrives in the United States is neither successful nor to be
welcomed. The sale of embryos, eggs and sperm in the United Kingdom is prohibited by the
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Surrogacy arrangements are not permitted. Blood
is collected by voluntary donation. The US regularly suffers the donation of infected blood, given
by diseased citizens compelled by the available reward. The paternity and maternity litigation
concerning egg and sperm donors, and surrogate mothers is pervasive and persistent. Putting a
price on the human body only invites exploitation by the unscrupulous.
Are you crazy?!
Can you not READ?! Everything mentioned on the right hand side is so valid! A corrupt
society where the rich are healthy and the poor are dying and people are going around killing
babies and stealing old people's hearts! Is THAT the world you wish your grandchildren and their

grandchildren etc. to live in? A dark and messed up world like that? With mothers crying to the
heavens "Why?! WHY?!" Do YOU want to be responsible for making the world this way? I sure
don't. Therefore I, as an intelligent intellectual who happens to care for the future of this world,
will opt against legalizing the sale of human organs. And if you have any common sense you will
do the same.
If organ selling became legal, only the ones who could afford it would get it. Many cant even
afford to go to the dr or buy their medication. Can you imagine, what the cost of organs would
be? Open your eyes and look at our gas prices.........God forbid anyone who is not wealthy to need
a transplant.
Human organs should not be sold on the white market as they should not be sold on the black
market. Human organs should be given freely because life is given freely to us. No one pays for
their life when they are born. Your mother and father give it to you freely. If an organ is available,
it should not go to the highest bidder but the person who needs it the most. We should not
monetize organs because the gift of life should not cost you an arm and a leg.
You know who's going to be selling their organs? Poor people! They'll be so desperate for
money that they'll sell their own kidneys. Well, a kidney. This is just another way for the rich to
buy themselves a better life at the expense of the poor. Such a law is dangerous.
It's completely immoral.
The horror of the Chinese government's organ harvesting shows us what could come of the
sale of organs. The crime rates would rise and it will lead an even greater divide between rich and
poor. Rich people can 'buy' a longer life and poorer people will be forced into selling their organs.
One example of this is in India many people sell their Kidneys so that their children can go to
school. I don't believe this is fair, in fact I believe it is a violation of human rights that someone
has to sell parts of themselves in order to do better in the world. Shouldn't organ donation be an
altruistic deed anyway?

The very idea of debating whether or not to legalize the sale of human organs is offensive,
repugnant, and insane! Has humanity lost its humanity? Have we become carnivores where the
strong, the powerful and the rich devour the weak, the poor and helpless vulnerable? If we
continue in this path, we shall devour ourselves to extinction sooner than later.
Tell me where in the Constitution where it says we have a right to do WHATEVER we want
with our body. You are presuming we have that right and if an organ can cost hundreds of
thousands of dollars, no one is going to buy them therefore this plan will not accomplish in saving

"many" lives.
Our bodies and our lives are the most precious thing we have.

God made us in His image so that we could do wonderful things in His name. He made all
life, so how could we destroy it willingly. How could we allow the poor to go without safe organ
transplants while the rich pay their way to wellness? How could we make a heart or a brain worth
thousands only to allow mass murder to make cash on the side? This is a much deeper issue than
what it is made.
If you sell your organs, you might need it later when they are gone. Also, all surgery has
risks. Selling your organs could also be bad because the person who buys it off of you could sell it
for profit. Also, someone you love might need it later and you won't have it.

Increases killing rate.

If the selling of organs was legalized, there would be an increased rate of murders. There is
also the possibility that you could receive a bad organ, risking your life. Only the rich would be
able to afford the organs if it was legal to put them up on the market. There are multiple risks of
infection, disease, bacteria, and even fatalities. There is a reason that selling organs isn't legal,
they're only keeping it illegal for our benefit.
It's wrong to get money for something you should donate.
Your donation can save a life. That's something special, to know you saved a life and didn't
ask for anything in return. What if you could save maybe someone's life but they couldn't pay for
the organ? What are you going to do? Just let that person die? That's wrong.
I do not believe that the sale of human organs should be legal because the current system is
the safest method for organ donation.
The sale of human organs should not be legalized. The current method of obtaining organs
for transplant is the safest method for the recipient and the donor. While there is a great need for
donors, a black market for human organs would benefit no one.
No, I disagree that the sale of human organs should be legal, because there are many
No, I disagree that the sale of human organs should be legal, because there are many
repercussions. First, everyone has the right to have their life saved. People give their organs as
charity. If one can not afford an organ, then what option do they have left? Second, crime rates
will go up, because people's organs are worth lots of money.
Allowing people to sale human organs will cause more murder cases. For example, reports

from the World Health Organization say that in India, a kidney fetches around $20,000, in China,
buyers will pay $40,000 or more and a good, healthy kidney from Israel, goes for $160,000. That
being said will be enough for someone to kill and take other human organs.
No, because if there is a legal demand for a product, then there has to be a supply to fill that
If selling human organs becomes legal, it means there has to be some legal way for a
company to acquire those organs. Given their rarity, the price would be high, and it would mean
no one would want to donate their organs for free anymore. It would turn the already stressed
organ donor market to dust, and go a step further to allowing only the rich to get organ
No, more people will kill each other to sell the organs for money.
People will try to kill each other for the organs, and make money off of it. But, if someone
you know wants to kindly do it for you, let them. But, no offense, I would rather have one person
die from an organ problem than to have millions of people die because people murdered them for
their organs. But, like I said if someone you know wants to kindly donate to you, they should be
able to without getting money off of it. If they get money off of it, then people will kill.
Is it fair?
Who's to say people wont give away a harmful organ or even an organ from someone
murdered just for the money? You will always have in your mind that you are alive because
someone was murdered.How would that feel? Plus what happens the the poor families that have
been waiting years and running out of time? They cant afford it and just because they don't have
that money doesn't mean you should die. Yes i agree that you wold do anything for your love one
but i would never want to risk the lives of many others and effect their love ones. They would be
in the same position you were.
Getting organs from people should not be legal.
Getting organs from people should not be legal because I consider it to be very dangerous
and thoughtless. The reason I think this is because if someone donates an organ and then
something goes wrong for whatever reason such as maybe the operation doesn't go right, it would
be the doctors and your fault. However it would mainly be yours because you allowed it to
Imagine all the problems that could occur if the sale of human organs was legal. Imagine the
poor selling they're own body parts just to make some cash, Murder could also possibly go up,
people would be killing others just so they could sell they're organs (it does not have to be to the

Better ways to do it would be to just keep the waiting list we have or put more money into
creating artificial body parts. This also means that the rich could just buy any organs they needed
right away, and the poor would have to save up or wait a long time, I think the chances of being
saved should be equal for the rich and poor. Its sick if you ask me, I think the sale of human
organs should remain illegal
Cannot guarantee the proper usage
Who can give the assurance that the organ being donated is being used for a needy person?
Further these organs are sold at a higher price and the person mediating the transfer of organ from
donor to the recipient is the one in profit. Many donors are not informed about the side effects of
organ donation due to which they suffer all their life.
It can be fatal
One should not even try to donate his internal as well as external organs at any cost because
it can be serious.For example a person donates any one of his kidneys to another for 200
dollars.He has a profit.But later on he realizes that he would not live longer without the donated
kidney.Then comes the situation when he cannot ask that person to return his donated kidney.He
can do only one thing.Sit and wait for death.
The sale of human organs should not be legal because it would be abused.
It's ok for teachers to go on strike because that right should not be denied to anyone. Poor
people who have poor access to healthcare would be the most vulnerable to temptation to sell
their organs and what money they would gain in the short term would not be worth the cost to
their health in the long run. They would be taken advantage of by unscrupulous brokers.
I oppose the legalization of the sale of human organs. This would lead to a situation where
only the rich could obtain an organ transplant.
Currently, except where organs are donated by a match or by family members, organs go to
the person who is at the top of the list when organs become available. If organs could be
purchased, the most needy would not be able to get a transplant unless they had the cash to
purchase the available organ. This would result in organs going to people who have no chance of
actually surviving, just because the person had money to buy an organ. This is, in my opinion, a
terrible outcome. If a person has no real chance of surviving, even with a new organ, they will not
be able to get an organ. If they can buy the organ, the people who would be best able to survive,
will die unless they can buy an organ.


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