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Cognitive dimension following Bloom’s Taxonomy

Learning Total
Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create
objectives* Points
state the necessity
for transport of
X X 20
substances in

identify the
vascular tissue in X X 20
stem, root and leaf

state the role of

vascular tissue in
X X 20
the transport of

describe the
structure of X 10
vascular tissue
relate the structure
of xylem and
phloem to X X 20
transport with its
predict the effect
of removing a ring
X 10
of phloem tissue
from a plant
Total Points 20 30 10 30 10 0 100
*Please remember each learning objective’s weight should total up to 100%

Peer Review - Assessment Matrix

Explain why you have divided the points for the assessment in this way. Make
sure you make the connection with the learning objectives and the levels of
learning in your answer.
Maximum of 300 words.


A student is able to:
1. state the necessity for transport of substances in plants,
2. identify the vascular tissue in stem, root and leaf,
3. state the role of vascular tissue in the transport of substances,
4. describe the structure of vascular tissue,
5. relate the structure of xylem to transport with its function,
6. relate the structure of phloem to transport with its function,
7. predict the effect of removing a ring of phloem tissue from a plant.

For learning objectives 1, students should be able discuss the following: a) the necessity for transport of
substances in plants, b) the problem that could be faced by plants in transporting substances and how it is
overcome in plants. Only level remember and understand are be used to assess student knowledge using
MCQ. For learning objective 2, students should be able to carry out the following activities: a) to show the
presence of xylem as a continuous tube system to transport water and minerals, b) prepare slides and look at
the cross section (XS) and longitudinal section (LS) of a dicot stem, c) study prepared slides of XS of stem,
root and leaf of a dicot plant, and draw plan diagrams. Teacher can use hand on activities to assess student’s
understanding and applying skills. For learning objectives 3 and 4 , Cognitive dimension following
Bloom’s Taxonomy used are remembering, understand and analyzing. Teacher can use mcq or
structure question to assess students after hand on activities. For Learning objectives 5, students
should be able to relate the following: a) the structure of xylem to the transport of water and
minerals, b) the structure of phloem to the transport of organic substances. Teacher can use
analyzing and evaluating cognitive level in create essay or structure question. Last but not least,
students will carry out bark ringing to show the role of phloem in the continuous transport of organic
substances for the learning objectives 6. Teacher can ask students to analyze the effect of removing
phloem from a plant and predict what happen to the plant over time.

Peer Review - Assessment Matrix

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