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Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a

Canned Sardine Product from Portugal

Article in Journal of Industrial Ecology · August 2015

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12219


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3 authors, including:

Cheila Almeida Friederike Ziegler

12 PUBLICATIONS 79 CITATIONS RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


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Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a

Canned Sardine Product from Portugal
Cheila Almeida, Sofia Vaz, and Friederike Ziegler

industrial ecology This study aims to assess the environmental impacts of canned sardines in olive oil, by con-
life cycle assessment (LCA) sidering fishing, processing, and packaging, using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology.
packaging The case study concerns a product of a canning factory based in Portugal and packed in
sardines aluminum cans. It is the first LCA of a processed seafood product made with the traditional
seafood processing
canning method. The production of both cans and olive oil are the most important process
in the considered impact categories. The production of olives contributes to the high envi-
Supporting information is available
ronmental load of olive oil, related to cultivation and harvesting phases. The production of
on the JIE Web site aluminum cans is the most significant process for all impact categories, except ozone deple-
tion potential and eutrophication potential, resulting from the high energy demand and the
extraction of raw materials. To compare to other sardine products consumed in Portugal,
such as frozen and fresh sardines, transport to the wholesaler and store was added. The
environmental cost of canned sardines is almost seven times higher per kilogram of edible
product. The main action to optimize the environmental performance of canned sardines
is therefore to replace the packaging and diminish the olive oil losses as much as possible.
Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by half when plastic packaging is considered rather
than aluminum. Frozen and fresh sardines represent much lower environmental impacts
than canned sardines. Nevertheless, when other sardine products are not possible, it be-
comes feasible to use sardines for human consumption, preventing them from being wasted
or used suboptimally as feed.

Introduction et al. 2014). Almost half of the sardine landed is consumed fresh
by Portuguese, approximately 40% goes to factories, of which
European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) is the most impor-
the main part (78%) goes to the canning industry, and it is not
tant fish in terms of quantity landed in Portugal (INE 2012).
used for feed (Ernest and Young 2009).
It is caught by purse seines in Portuguese waters by a fleet
Canning is one of the most common ways to preserve
of approximately 200 vessels, between 18 and 40 meters long
seafood, which maintains the nutritional value and food safety
(Stratoudakis and Marçalo 2002). The Atlantic-Iberian stock
without additives or preservatives (Lyon and Kiney 2013).
is jointly managed by Spain and Portugal (ICES 2013). Vessels
Canned seafood products are eaten all over the world and are
operate on daily trips and have isothermal containers with ice
important for human nutrition given that they can be stored for
and water (Wise et al. 2005). Fishing operations start with
a long time, are ready to consume, and affordable for most peo-
detecting the schools of fish to then set and haul the net
ple (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2012b). The most commonly canned
(Stratoudakis and Marçalo 2002). The main operational inputs
species include tuna, sardines, and molluscs (FAO 2011). The
from the fishery are fuel, marine lubricant oil, and ice (Almeida
demand for canned tuna has increased since the 1960s, and it

Address correspondence to: Cheila Almeida, SIK–The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Sustainable Food Production, P.O. Box 5401, SE-402 29 Göteborg,
Sweden. Email:

© 2015 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12219 Editor Managing Review: Michael Hauschild

Volume 00, Number 0 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1


is now the most commonly consumed fish in the United States Galicia, north of Spain. More recently, a publication of Euro-
(Miyake et al. 2010). Because tuna has high levels of mercury, pean pilchard was published, comparing sardine products using
several national authorities, including the U.S. Food Drug Ad- LCA methodology (canned sardines, fresh sardines, and Euro-
ministration, give recommendations to avoid risks of mercury pean hake using sardine as bait) (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2014). In
intake from canned tuna consumption (Burger and Gochfeld addition, an LCA was carried out for various anchovy products,
2004). including canned, fresh, frozen, salted, and cured (Avadı́ et al.
In Portugal, there are 20 fish canning plants producing ap- 2014). In this article, we undertake an LCA of canned sardines
proximately 44 thousand tonnes (t) of canned products annu- using the traditional method, a first LCA of a processed seafood
ally (INE 2012). It is a sector made mostly of small firms, with product made in Portugal.
mainly female employees, but the product quality is appreci-
ated in international markets, with approximately 65% of the
production exported (COTEC 2012). Portuguese production of Goal and Scope
canned sardines represents 8% (74,133 t) in the world and is
the third highest after the two largest producers, Morocco and We present a case study of a canned sardine product based
Algeria (Ernest and Young 2009). The cans are made by two on data from a canning plant in Portugal that uses the tradi-
pieces and have rectangular shapes to benefit the fish presen- tional method (fish is cooked before being filled into cans). The
tation (Poças 2003). Canned sardines represent almost 50% of method produces higher-quality canned product recognized, for
the total canned production in Portugal and can be marketed example, by the fish appearance when opening the can (Ribeiro
in different products, such as sardines in vegetable oils, tomato 2013). Our intention is to analyze one specific canned product
sauce, or olive oil, which is the most important in terms of to find hotspots and potential improvements. The study is pre-
volume and value (Ernest and Young 2009). pared within a consumer perspective, and results are compared
Processing starts with storage of sardines that are often with other sardine and seafood products. It is a case study that
landed in high quantities and need to be stored chilled or frozen can be used in future studies to develop knowledge about the
(Aubourg 2001). The cooking step, to reduce moisture and in- seafood canning industry.
activate endogenous enzyme activity, can be done in two dif- The plant produces a variety of more than 100 products, with
ferent ways: the raw pack method, where sardines are cooked different fish, spices, and sauces, representing approximately 2%
in the can (modern method), or, alternatively, the sardines can of the total canned seafood production in Portugal (INE 2012).
be cooked before being packed into cans (traditional method) We selected the most important canned product in terms of
(Warne 1988). The sterilization at very high temperature af- value for the Portuguese canneries, which is canned sardines
terward destroys pathogenic contaminants and other microor- in olive oil (Ernest and Young 2009). The functional unit is
ganisms capable of growing at storage temperatures (Myrseth 1 kilogram (kg) of edible product of canned sardines, which
1985). The difference between these methods is in the cooking includes the olive oil. It corresponds to 120 grams (g) net weight
phase, where the modern method is faster and decreases pro- per can, made of 85 g of sardines, and 35 g of olive oil and
duction costs. Currently, only a few plants in Portugal stick to salt, at the gate of the plant (results for one can of sardines,
the traditional method. corresponding to 120 g, and 1 kg of edible fish are in tables S1
The responsible use of raw materials, prevention of waste, and S2 in the supporting information available on the Journal’s
and efficient use of energy and packaging within the prod- website). We consider the olive oil as part of the total content
uct chain represents both economic and environmental sav- of edible product because we assume that it is consumed and has
ings (Bugallo et al. 2012). Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a remarkable-tasting characteristics compared with other types of
method used to quantify the impacts of products associated sauces as, for example, tomato sauce.
with inputs of energy, materials, and other resources together The life cycle inventory (LCI) modeling is attributional,
with the outputs (Baumann and Tillman 2004). It provides in- giving the potential environmental impacts attributed to the
formation about the environmental performance of the entire production system over its life cycle (EC-JRC 2010). The in-
product chain, including processing, consumption, and end of ventory is based on production from the canning factory data
life, of products (Iribarren et al. 2010b). There has been a rapid for 2010. The product selected, sardines in olive oil packed in
increase in fisheries LCAs, but comprehensive assessments of ¼ club 30-mm aluminum cans, represents 1.2% of the total pro-
supply chains are also needed (Avadı́ and Fréon 2013). There is duction of the factory in that year. Capital goods for dispatch
a high variety of seafood products for human consumption, but centers and canning factories were excluded on the basis of the
still few LCA studies of highly processed seafood products, more long lifespan estimated, but also owing to machinery complex-
than fillets or frozen products (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2012a). For ity and lack of data. Following the standards that deal with
example, there are LCAs about the production of frozen cod fil- allocation as stated by the LCA methodology (EC-JRC 2010),
lets (Ziegler et al. 2003), the chain of value of cod products from we could not find a way to avoid allocation. To split the bur-
fishing to retail (Svanes et al. 2011), or frozen octopus (Vázquez- dens within the system, the potential environmental impacts
Rowe et al. 2012a). Two LCA studies of canned seafood prod- were distributed among the different products and by-products
ucts were published, one of tuna (Hospido et al. 2006) and based on mass allocation. Economic allocation was not used to
one of mussels (Iribarren et al. 2010a, 2010b), both from avoid uncertainties related to the economic revenues because

2 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 1 Flow chart and system boundaries of canned sardines in olive oil life cycle with the principal production phases (dotted lines
define the system boundaries and boxes represent processes).

they are dependent on the factory and the season. The sys- to strengthen the fish meat and adhesiveness of the skin. The
tem boundaries and the main flows are summarized in figure 1. sardines are size-graded to fit in the cans, and heads and tails are
By-products, such as heads and tails, are sent to a factory that cut, gutted, and washed with tap water, all manually. Sardines
produces animal feed. The assessment of the sardine by-product are placed in gridded trays and cooked. The loss of weight in
valorization and further use of materials are out of the scope of this phase is approximately 8.2% of moisture and 5.2% of fat
this article, but by-products based on mass allocation carry their between raw and cooked product (Garcı́a-Arias et al. 2003).
part of the burden. After the cooking phase, the fish are cut again manually to
fit into the cans. Fish residues, including heads, tails, and fish
with bad quality, represent approximately 49% of total sardine
System Description
weight. Three fish are filled into each can and cans are placed
The life cycle ends at the factory gates and the assessment in the conveyor to the sauce-filling machine, where olive oil is
constitutes a so-called cradle-to-gate accounting study, with added. Cans are stickered with the cover part and washed. The
descriptive documentation of the system under analysis. The end is joined to the can body by a double-seaming operation, and
production system is made by three phases: the production of the seam tightness is verified for quality purposes (Poças 2003).
supply materials; their transport to the factory; and the canning Cans are piled up in a container and heated in an autoclave at
process (figure 1). 118°C temperature during 45 minutes for sterilization. Finally,
The most important harbor in terms of sardine landings is they are codified and put into cartons in individual folding
Matosinhos, close to the factory in Póvoa de Varzim, and fish boxboards. The primary packaging is the can and boxboard,
is transported by cooled trucks 31 kilometers (km), from the weighting 34 and 9 g, respectively. Additional packaging for
harbor to the factory (INE 2012). We only consider fresh fish in transportation of the product is made by pallets, corrugated
this study, but frozen fish is also used sometimes (approximately board boxes, and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film to wrap
20%) (Leite 2012). Olive oil is purchased from a factory in the trays and pallets.
Spain and refined with 2% extra virgin oil. The salt is sodium The energy sources used at the plant are naphtha and elec-
chloride produced in Portugal and is harvested from seawater tricity. All water used in the factory is drinking water. The
through solar and wind evaporation. filling machine debris is collected in water trays, and ap-
In the canning factory, the fish are stored at 0 to 5 degrees proximately 70% of olive oil is reutilized through centrifuga-
until is used. The fish are brined in boxes with salt and water tion (Leite 2012). The rest of the liquid residues, with high

Almeida et al, LCA of Canned Sardines 3


concentration of fish oil and organic content from the cooking Table 1 Inventory data for the canning process
phase, are collected to the sewer and treated in the municipal
Amount per Transport
sewage plant (Proença et al. 2000). Input functional unit Unit distance (km)
The system finishes at the factory gate given that the post-
production phases of canned products are assumed to have low Sardine 1.5 kg 31
importance. Cans do not need refrigeration, and according Salt 0.1 kg 30
to Thrane (2004), wholesale and retail phases are irrelevant. Olive oil 0.3 kg 186
Among all the products displayed in stores, the energy that Electricity 0.2 kWh
canned products should carry for illumination and air condi- Naphtha 0.1 kg
tioning is negligible because most would come from freezers, Tap water supply 0.01 m3
Aluminium can (¼ club 0.3 kg 145
cold storages, and cold display counters, which none is result-
30 mm)
ing from canned products. Further, there is a major variability
Cardboard 0.1 kg
in the consumer phase influenced by the use of different prod- Corrugated board 0.04 kg
ucts and consumer behaviors (Jungbluth et al. 2012). Given Plastic: LDPE 0.004 kg
that canned seafood does not necessarily need to be cooked, Output
but it is sometimes, assumptions in the consumption phase can Canned sardine in olive oil 1 kg
be inaccurate (Iribarren et al. 2010b). Nonedible fish by-products 0.76 kg
and losses
Emissions to water
Water 0.01 m3
Life Cycle Inventory and Data Collection Olive oil lost 0.01 kg
Assumptions were made about transports whenever we could Salt 0.01 kg
not have primary information. All materials, activities, and pro- Phosphate (PO4 3− ) 0.2 g
Nitrate (NO3− ) 59 mg
cesses associated with the target product were identified and
Ammonia (NH3 ) 47 mg
quantified (table 1). The inventory was made with a combi-
COD (chemical oxygen 20 g O2
nation of primary and secondary data. Primary activity data demand)
were used for those activities with production data published, Fats and oils 3.7 g
which are: sardine; olive oil; aluminum; and boxboard. Data Chloride (Cl− ) 11 g
for sardine fishing were taken from a study about a Portuguese Sulfate (SO2 −4 ) 7.2 g
purse seine fishery, which is the source of the fish used in the SST (total suspended solids) 7.5 g
factory (Almeida et al. 2014). Additionally, we added figures Nitrogen (N) 0.8 g
of antifouling and boat paint manufacture per kilogram of fish
Note: LDPE = low-density polyethylene; kg = kilogram; kWh = kilowatt-
landed from Vázquez-Rowe and colleagues (2010), because we hour; m3 = cubic meters; g = gram; mg = milligram; O2 = oxygen; km =
were not able to obtain those values in the sardine study, but kilometers.
they had a high contribution to ecotoxicity impact assessment
results of purse seining. The olive oil data were taken from
a recent environmental product declaration (EPD) which in- estimation of 1.3 liters of diesel extra and 0.03 g of coolant per
cludes the agroindustrial sector of Spain, Portugal, and South hour (equal use of both refrigerants R134a and R404a) for one
of France (Monini 2012). Together, these sectors represent ap- container for the cooling system was assumed from Winther
proximately 47% of the world’s production and have similar and colleagues (2009). All primary and secondary packaging is
methods for obtaining olive oil (Monini 2012; Carvalho et al. accounted for.
2012). Packaging and downstream phases from the EPD were The main raw material for aluminium is bauxite, which is
not considered because it comes as raw material to the can- extracted from mines and processed into aluminium oxide to
ning factory. Aluminum production data were taken from the produce the metal through an electrolytic process (EAA 2013).
European Association of Aluminum (EAA 2012) and corru- The LCI data set used corresponds to the production of 1 t of
gated board for the secondary packaging from the European aluminium sheet and includes the recycling of the scrap and
Corrugated Packaging Association (FEFCO 2012). Data for the chips (EAA 2013). The aluminum sheets are fed through a
production of salt, naphtha, electric energy, additional packag- cupping press, which stamps and draws disks into cans (Poças
ing, and transports were taken from the LCA database, ecoin- 2003). We consider an aluminum recycling for this phase of
vent 2.0 (Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2007). 28% of the aluminum sheet remnants from can production
The transport of ingredients and materials to the can- (Madsen 2001).
ning factory is made by small trucks with 7.5 t total weight
(Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2007). Transportation distances
Life Cycle Impact Assessment
were estimated by means of road guide (ViaMichelin 2013).
Sardines need cooling during transportation, which contributes The data collected in the inventory are the basis for the im-
to emissions both directly, through the energy required to pact assessment analysis, which aims to evaluate the potential
power the system, and through leakage of cooling agents. An environmental impacts of the production system. The LCA was

4 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 2 Process relative contributions for canned sardines in olive oil production. ADP = abiotic depletion potential; AP = acidification
potential; CED = cumulative energy demand; EP = eutrophication potential; GWP = global warming potential in 100 years; ODP = ozone
depletion potential; METP = marine aquatic ecotoxicology potential; POP = photochemical oxidation potential.

modeled in SimaPro software (version 7.1.6) (SimaPro 2007) same result was obtained in other LCAs of canned seafood with
using impact assessment method CML-IA baseline (Guinée tinplate cans, where the focus of the environmental improve-
et al. 2001). The standard impact categories included abiotic ments was in primary packaging (e.g., Iribarren et al. 2010a;
depletion (ADP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication Hospido et al. 2006). The can production is so important that
potential (EP), global warming potential in 100 years (GWP), assumptions made in the calculations of it have consequences
ozone depletion potential (ODP), marine aquatic ecotoxicol- for the environmental performance of the product. As an ex-
ogy (METP), and photochemical oxidation potential (POP). ample, if the aluminum waste considered in the operation of
Cumulative energy demand (CED) that calculates the energy cutting the cans from an aluminum sheet would not have been
used was also included (Frischknecht and Jungbluth 2007). Se- included, the total results obtained would have been lower in
lection of impact categories was based on what was considered all the impact categories selected, from 25% lower for AP and
relevant and most widely used in previous LCAs of seafood METP to 7% to ODP. In this respect, improvements in the can
products (Avadı́ and Fréon 2013). Results for fishery-specific production inventory are paramount to decrease uncertainty in
impact categories, such as overfishing (OF), discards and by- LCA of canned seafood products.
catch, mean trophic level of landings (MTL), and primary pro- The olive oil is the ingredient with highest environmental
duction required (PPR) related to the sardine fishery, are only impacts, actually more important than the sardines and the can
relevant in the fishery phase and were included and discussed in production for some impact categories. It is the largest contribu-
Almeida and colleagues (2014). Results are also presented for tor to ODP and EP and almost is as important as can production
other functional units (one can of canned sardines in olive oil in POP. The relative contributions vary from 44% for EP and
and 1 kg of edible fish) to allow comparisons with canned prod- POP to 55% for ODP. The high importance of olive oil in these
ucts from other LCA studies (it has been included as Supporting impact categories comes mostly from the upstream phase of cul-
Information on the Web). tivation and the harvesting of the olives. Various fertilizers and
pesticides are employed during olive tree growth, and proce-
dures performed mechanically, such as pruning, irrigation, and
Results and Discussion harvesting, require input of energy, which contributes to emis-
sions to air and water (Monini 2012). Especially, the release of
Environmental Assessment of Canned Sardine
hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from these operations highly
The production of cans and olive oil dominate the impacts contribute to POP and ODP. In itself, the olive cultivation
in all categories (figure 2). The same trend was observed by phase contributes approximately 86% to the POP and 93% to
Vázquez-Rowe and colleagues (2014), who identify these two the ODP in the olive oil LCA (Monini 2012). Further, only
processes, together with the fuel consumption in the fishery as 20% of the fruit weight is extractable, so the remaining residue,
the main hot spots in the production of canned sardines. The made up by large quantities of seeds, pulp, and residual oil, is
production of cans is the most important contributor to CED, released during the oil extraction phase, leading to emissions of
GWP, POP, METP, ADP, and AP, contributing between 48% nitrates and phosphates to the aquatic environment (Carvalho
(POP) and 89% (METP). The production of tinplate for the et al. 2012). Concerning EP, the production phase of olive oil
canning was responsible for the main part of greenhouse gas is responsible for almost 71% of its total emissions (Monini
(GHG) emissions in Vázquez-Rowe and colleagues (2014) ow- 2012). Apart from packaging, opportunities for improvements
ing to its energy- and land-intensive extraction processes. The in canned sardines can also be found in sauce spillage during

Almeida et al, LCA of Canned Sardines 5


filling, given that approximately 7% is wasted, and if it was re- relative environmental impacts of sardine products at this point
duced, less olive oil would be needed, which would reduce the of the supply chain. A scenario was created as if our product
overall impact. was transported to a grocery store in Lisbon, Portugal.
Sardines, which are the main raw ingredient, had lower im- We compare 1 kg of edible fresh and 1 kg of edible frozen
pacts per kilogram compared to olive oil for all impact cate- sardine to 1 kg of edible canned sardine and the olive oil at the
gories, except for CED, ADP, and METP. In fact, the purse store. For fresh and frozen sardines, we assume an edible rate of
seine fishery is relatively energy efficient, and although there 62% of live weight from FAO (1989). During the freezing pro-
were problems related to overfishing in 2010 (OF was 0.61), cess, approximately 3% of the fish is wasted as a result of quality
there was a poor relationship between GWP and stock condi- issues, and an average storage period of frozen sardines at the
tion (Almeida et al. 2014). Data for sardine are only from one factory of 90 days was assumed (Schiek 2012). The transport of
study, but there was no variability found between fishing vessels, both fresh and frozen sardines was assumed to use the maximum
and they come from the harbor where the factory usually sup- load of the truck, and we accounted for extra fuel consumption
plies sardines. Discards were primarily nontarget small pelagic for refrigeration and cooling leakage (Winther et al. 2009). At
species, but there was mortality of target species resulting from the store, we used data from Thrane (2004) for 2 months of
slipping; the seafloor impact was considered to be insignificant; storage for the frozen product scenario and 2 days of cooled
landings had a low MTL of 3.1 and PPR was 15 kg of carbon storage for fresh sardines. For the canned product, we did not
per kilogram (Almeida et al. 2014). consider any input from the retail phase. A product waste in
The canning process at the factory has the second-highest retail of 5% for fresh fish and 1% for frozen fish was assumed
relative contribution to the CED, after the production of cans. (WRAP 2011).
The traditional canning method implies more labor, which Results per life cycle phase are found in table 3. Fresh sar-
could lower the energy demand. To compare both methods dines are the product with the lowest results in all impact cate-
was not within the scope of this study, but would be interesting gories except POP. Fresh sardines represent approximately 4%
to further understand the importance of human labor for some less GWP than frozen ones and 91% less than canned sardines.
environmental impact categories (Rugani et al. 2012). The use The same result was obtained for the other impact categories
of naphtha as a source of energy in the factory was not an im- (ADP, AP, CED, EP, ODP, and METP), with the canned prod-
portant factor for environmental performance; still, the use of uct representing much higher results, and almost seven times
cleaner energy sources would reduce emissions. In fact, the fac- higher GWP compared to the other two products (figure 3).
tory has just recently moved to a new location, where the use Even if we had considered a cooking phase in the life cycle of
of naphtha will be replaced by natural gas (Leite 2012). With frozen and fresh sardines, the results would have remained the
the same use of energy as before, this change would lower the same with regard to the comparison. The packaging is the main
GHG emissions by approximately 14% from the energy use at phase responsible for the large difference. Fresh consumption
the plant (Herold 2003). of sardines was also found to be the best scenario, with the low-
Other processes, such as transports and salt production, have est environmental impacts, in Vázquez-Rowe and colleagues
an almost negligible relative contribution in all impact cate- (2014). Avadı́ and colleagues (2014) demonstrate that, in gen-
gories; transport distances are short and the quantity of salt is eral more-refined products, such as canned anchovy, represent a
very low, compared to the other ingredients. The total GWP much higher burden than less-refined products, such as fresh and
was 7.6 kg carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2 –eq) for the pro- frozen.
duction of 1 kg of edible product of canned sardines in olive oil Portuguese prefer fresh fish (83% compared to other fish
at the factory gate (table 2). products) and have culinary habits of eating small pelagic
and whole fish grilled (Cardoso et al. 2013). Fresh sardines
could be a potentially sustainable food choice; nevertheless,
Comparison Sardine Products at the Retailer Phase
transport accounts for 11% and 19% of total GWP in frozen
The next phase after processing of products is distribution and fresh sardines, respectively, and only 1% in canned sar-
with transport to the wholesaler and store. Consumption at the dines. Most of the Portuguese canned sardine production is
household phase can have high variability, depending on the exported, mainly to the UK and France (Ernest and Young
consumption habits, and, for example, the transport to home, 2009). Transportation to these markets would have increased
cooking, or storage is made in combination with several other considerably the environmental impacts of fresh and frozen
food items (Ziegler et al. 2003; Jungbluth et al. 2012). Compared products. However, the increase in the national distribution
to other sardine products, canned sardines are already cooked chain of fresh and chilled anchovy did not worsen the envi-
and can be ready to eat or used as an ingredient in a dish, ronmental performance of those products, in comparison to
and one of the other hand fish could also be consumed without the energy-intensive canned anchovy products in Peru (Avadı́
heating (e.g., as sushi), although it is not common with sardines. et al. 2014).
Given that there are many different possibilities in preparing
fish and uncertainties related to this phase, we compare sardine
Sensitivity Analysis
products at the store, which is where the consumer makes the
food choices. The comparison is made with fresh and frozen In order to study the influence of certain input parame-
sardine products in order to analyze differences between the ters and methodological choices on the results, a sensitivity
6 Journal of Industrial Ecology

Table 2 Absolute results in total and per life cycle processes for 1 kg of edible product of canned sardine in olive oil

Impact category Unit Total Sardine Salt Olive oil Can Other packaging Canning Transports

Abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 2.5E-06 3.0E-08 1.2E-08 0.0E + 00 2.2E-06 1.6E-07 2.7E-08 9.5E-10
Acidification potential kg SO2 eq 3.8E-02 3.5E-03 1.3E-04 5.7E-03 2.5E-02 6.9E-04 2.6E-03 1.1E-04
Cumulative energy MJ eq 5.1E + 01 7.9E + 00 2.3E-01 6.3E-01 2.7E + 01 6.5E + 00 8.6E + 00 3.4E-01
Eutrophication kg PO4 3− eq 1.1E-02 7.8E-04 6.6E-06 5.1E-03 3.8E-03 2.9E-04 1.5E-03 2.6E-05
Global warming kg CO2 eq 7.6E + 00 5.3E-01 2.0E-02 8.6E-01 5.4E + 00 1.3E-01 6.0E-01 2.4E-02
potential in
100 years
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq 4.6E-07 7.0E-08 2.5E-07 1.2E-07 1.1E-08 9.9E-09 3.7E-10
Marine aquatic kg 1.4-DB eq 1.5E + 04 1.2E + 03 1.0E + 00 1.9E + 02 1.3E + 04 9.8E + 01 1.6E + 02 4.3E-01
Photochemical kg C2 H4 eq 2.5E-03 5.7E-05 5.3E-06 1.1E-03 1.2E-03 3.2E-05 8.0E-05 2.8E-06
oxidation potential

Note: kg = kilogram; eq = equivalents; Sb = antimony; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; MJ = megajoule; PO4 3− = phosphate; CO2 = carbon dioxide; CFC-11
= chlorofluorocarbon-11; 1.4-DB = 1,4-dichlorobenzene; C2 H4 = ethene.

Table 3 Results for 1 kg of edible product of sardines canned in olive oil, fresh, and frozen

Impact category Unit Frozen Fresh Canned

Abiotic depletion potential kg Sb eq 1.4E-07 6.7E-08 2.5E-06

Acidification potential kg SO2 eq 6.3E-03 4.9E-03 3.8E-02
Cumulative energy demand MJ eq 1.7E + 01 1.3E + 01 5.2E + 01
Eutrophication potential kg PO4 3− eq 1.4E-03 1.1E-03 1.2E-02
Global warming potential in 100 years kg CO2 eq 9.9E-01 8.0E-01 7.7E + 00
Ozone depletion potential kg CFC-11 eq 9.6E-08 9.1E-08 4.6E-07
Marine aquatic ecotoxicology potential kg 1.4-DB eq 1.5E + 03 1.4E + 03 1.5E + 04
Photochemical oxidation potential kg C2 H4 eq 1.4E-04 2.5E-04 2.5E-03

Note: kg = kilogram; eq = equivalents; Sb = antimony; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; MJ = megajoule; PO4 3− = phosphate; CO2 = carbon dioxide; CFC-11
= chlorofluorocarbon-11; 1.4-DB = 1,4-dichlorobenzene; C2 H4 = ethene.

analysis was carried out. Owing to the importance of primary in the other impact categories (table S1 in the supporting infor-
packaging, the use of other packaging materials appears to be mation on the Web). The highest reduction when using plastic
an option with a large environmental improvement poten- instead of aluminum was 86% less in the impacts of METP ow-
tial (Iribarren et al. 2010a). Hospido and colleagues (2006) ing to the avoidance of the aluminum production. The same
suggested that the environmental burdens of canned products results were obtained in other studies such as Løkke and Thrane
could be reduced approximately 50% if using plastic instead (2008) and Hospido and colleagues (2006). Nevertheless,
of tinplate. Aluminum is more often used and is one of the the use of secondary data for the analyses could be a major im-
most recycled packaging materials, at a rate of 57% in Eu- provement in future studies, using more-specific data to avoid
rope (Eurostat 2012). In the sensitivity analysis, we compare uncertainty. The results allow stakeholders to prioritize oppor-
aluminum with other materials such as tinplate, using data tunities to reduce the environmental impacts, even though
from the World Steel Association, which assumes an overall the possible changes, when using plastic packaging regarding
recycling rate of 69%, and an alternative AMPET plastic pack- shelf-life or taste, have not been investigated. The aesthetics
aging as described in Løkke and Thrane (2008), based on data of the product, mentioned by Vázquez-Rowe and colleagues
from the ecoinvent database. We assume that all the packaging (2014), when using plastic bags for sardines, is not a problem
alternatives are transported the same distance to the canning given that the type of plastic package proposed by Løkke and
factory. Thrane (2008) has the shape of a can. It is a plastic packaging
The GWP would be almost half (3.4 kg CO2 -eq) if using tin- with the usual can appearance, and canned mackerel in tomato
plate cans instead of aluminum and a little less (2.6 kg CO2 -eq) sauce is already marketed in this packaging by a Danish com-
using plastic packaging (figure 4). The same trend can be seen pany (DuPont 2008).

Almeida et al, LCA of Canned Sardines 7


Figure 4 Comparison of the global warming potential in

100 years (GWP) of 1 kg of edible product of canned sardines in
olive oil using different packaging materials. kg CO2 -eq/kg =
kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram.

It can be expected that canned seafood products will lead

Figure 3 Comparison of global warming potential in 100 years to higher environmental impacts than other seafood products
(GWP) of one kg of edible sardine products at the store with the at the processing gate, given that they are already cooked and
different life cycle phases. Canned sardine include olive oil and salt include the can. Other processed seafood products, such as, for
as part of the edible product. kg CO2 -eq/kg = kilograms carbon example, frozen and fresh cod or salmon fillets, have a lower
dioxide equivalent per kilogram. GWP, ranging between 2 and 2.5 kg CO2 -eq/kg of product
(Ziegler et al. 2013). The same happens with cod products de-
livered to the consumer, which had a GWP that ranges between
1.7 and 4.4 kg CO2 -eq/kg of product (Svanes et al. 2011). At
Canned Sardines Compared to Other Seafood
the same time, the GWP of canned sardines in olive oil was
lower than frozen octopus harvested, processed, and packed on
The possibilities to compare canned seafood products are the fishing vessel, with emissions of 7.7 kg CO2 -eq per kilogram
limited given that studies use different system boundaries and of product (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2012a). At the retail stage,
functional units. Other canned seafood LCAs used tinplate meat products can show even higher differences of GWP, with
instead of aluminum cans or vegetable oils (e.g., sunflower) ranges between 9 and 129 kg CO2 -eq/kg for beef, for example
instead of olive oil (Hospido et al. 2006; Iribarren et al. 2010b). (Nijdam et al. 2012).
Whereas most oils are obtained from seeds, olive oil is obtained The results are not strictly comparable in absolute terms,
from a fruit, and the environmental costs to produce it are four but serve the purpose to further discuss the environmental im-
times higher compared to sunflower oil (Carvalho et al. 2012). pacts of seafood production. A standardized approach, with a
We recalculated the GWP of the product, as it is marketed functional unit reflecting the complex nutritional properties
(one can) and as 1 kg of edible fish, to compare with data from of seafood, would definitely be useful to understand whether
other studies. The GWP result per can of sardines in olive oil differences between studies are related to less impacts coming
is 0.9 kg CO2 -eq. The value is much lower than a recent study from the ingredients, given that sardines are sourced from a fish-
that obtained a GWP of 3.4 kg CO2 -eq supplied by one can of ery with relatively low environmental impact (Almeida et al.
sardines in olive oil with the same weight (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2014). Compared with other seafood, sardines have a high edi-
2014). The difference can come from the sardine production ble yield from low weight. Further, sardines have soft bones that
given that the GWP from Portuguese purse seiners was almost become edible after canning, facilitating the processing because
half of that from Galicia (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2010; Almeida there is no need to remove shells or bones, as is the case with
et al. 2014). Canned mussels, with a functional unit of a triple mussels or tuna (Aubourg 2001). The factory proximity to the
pack of round cans (129 g of canned mussel flesh and 120 g of harbor gives easy access to fresh fish, which is believed to give
sauce), had a GWP recalculated to 1 kg of edible flesh product better quality to the end product (Ribeiro 2013). Another pos-
of 30.2 kg CO2 -eq. (Iribarren et al. 2010b). If we compare to sibility is that it is a small factory with the traditional method,
1 kg of edible fish of canned sardines in olive oil, with a of which needs more labor and time, but it might help, at the same
10.9 kg CO2 -eq GWP, it corresponds almost three times more. time, to avoid waste in the production line. Nevertheless, this

8 Journal of Industrial Ecology


study is based on data from only one plant, and for that reason, Acknowledgments
we cannot generalize the results to the entire sardine canning
Cheila Almeida thanks the Foundation for Science
and Technology (FCT) for financial support (SFRH/BD/
Canned products do not need refrigerated storage and have
60187/2009). The authors thank all those in the Portuguese
a long shelf-life, which probably leads to relatively low im-
canning industry sector who have patiently helped to find and
pacts and waste in the postproduction phase. To improve the
verify data and A Poveira, La Gondola, Propeixe, and Litofish
sustainability of food systems it is necessary to reduce food
for their collaboration. Special thanks to Eng. C. Leite, Eng.
waste (Gustavsson et al. 2011) and canned sardines can lower
E. Schiek, and Mr. A. Ribeiro for all their help and informa-
the risk of food losses, which are still not assessed along the
tion. The authors are most grateful to K. Nilsson and C. Krewer
postharvest seafood supply chains (Stoner and Tyedmers Forth-
for their contribution with inputs and important suggestions in
coming). The difference between the environmental perfor-
SimaPro modeling.
mance of seafood products depends not only on the fishery,
but also on the different degrees of processing and packag-
ing (Vázquez-Rowe et al. 2012b). Additionally, we can com- References
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Vázquez-Rowe, I., A. Hospido, M. T. Moreira, and G. Feijoo. 2012b. About the Authors
Review: Best practices in life cycle assessment implementation in
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ogy 28(2): 116–131. and Sustainability Research (CENSE) at Faculty of Sciences
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eira, and G. Feijoo. 2014. Life cycle assessment of European Lisbon, Portugal; and at the Swedish Institute for Food and
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researcher (post-doc) at the CENSE at FCT-UNL. She is cur-
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285. ISBN 92-5-102726-9. Rome:FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Government in Lisbon. Friederike Ziegler is a senior researcher
Department. in the Department of Sustainable Food Production at SIK.

Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web site:
Supporting Information S1: This supporting information consists of tables that contain estimated impacts of the life cycle
processes of canned sardines.

Almeida et al, LCA of Canned Sardines 11

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