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Republic of the Philippines )

Province of Camarines Sur ) s.s.

Municipality of Nabua )


I, ROSALINA Z. RAMOS, of legal age, married, Filipino, and resident of Zone

4, San Vicente, Bato, Camarines Sur, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, depose and say:

1. That I am the buyer of a chainsaw having purchased the same from a

certain Alvin Osea Sacueza, of legal age, married, Filipino with residence
address at Zone 2, San Vicente, Bato, Camarines Sur, more particularly
described as follows:

MODEL: 070 (German Standard)
SERIAL NO.: 166211266

2. That the said chainsaw was already broken when it was purchased from
the Seller on November 15, 2014 and I had the same fixed so that I can
utilize the same;

3. That as a buyer of the chainsaw and in compliance with the chainsaw act
of 2002 and all applicable provision of any laws, I hereby undertake to
comply with all the requirements needed to register the sale and the
necessary transfer of the above-mentioned chainsaw in my name as well
as the necessary permit therefore to validate my possession and
ownership of the said chainsaw;

4. That I further undertake to submit/ surrender said chainsaw for re-

inspection if required by DENR/CENRO or any government agency
concerned including lawful orders from any Court or Tribunal;

5. That I am executing this affidavit for the purpose of attesting to the proof
of the foregoing based on my personal knowledge and documents in our
possession and for the purpose of registering the chainsaw in my
possession and for whatever purpose this may serve, proper, wise and
equitable under the premises.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this __ day of March,

2015, at Nabua, Camarines Sur, Philippines.

Issued by the Republic of the Philippines

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of March, 2015 at

Nabua, Camarines Sur, Philippines, affiant known to me and to me known to be the
same person who executed and signed this affidavit as shown by his competent
proof of identity and acknowledged before me that the same is his own free and
voluntary act and deed.

Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2015;

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