Hurrell Norms and Ethics in International Relations

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N= "TT 0 23 7 cpm f Norms and Ethics in International Relations ANDREW HURRELL “This chpter examines the sy of noms nd this in thei o eran vations In i. expe the links btwenn nomen eng tt wos ut wc a ed How should i consacted? 0 the one nd the hisorialy ceed noonatve pate ned ded wihin the Isto oF eematooa ed etl ssey on he ter For all th “nom? Fayed by consent schol, the sans af nonnalire pola! theory renin somewhat hs. The sexton hee seat ie fect oveview of ow he subfield of ce "onal cso nerve thy deveopd be rin apes adopted esos fers continued importance ad te diferent nye in which norte ois ave gaged nl ena sy of ron aod fsa a World pres, Buin on tsa po th scond section of the tulr eas the ort of those wie (Political theorists, historical constructiviste, inter- "na jer nd those woring wl o- ion ofthe rash Scho) whe hve sought to Sdniand how the rommatveseacue of eles talon and tal soe fa cnt voted rough ie prod cca! Evopean Ste yt and io he a of gta 8 ses fo dt the pores of oesng oa nrmetv strc rer ound bets lect aire end mearng of pce le how they aft behaviour ac how they change aah tse The fal secon eas fe aut od Contd ject of eu eience and ver: si. Cultural dive and value pa hove beta cecal tenes in bots tra! nd conte rary normative wall of wat © st wold dr might ook ks. Ard they ce equally central ‘ol sienpis at cvaluthg the breath, depth and sg of consents tht ex Th Ineraone! soeey ate present a, Nowanive Pouca Theony (One can aporeach the ube of mem and etes in |W fiom tres dint pespectve the st consie- ‘te le that normative eas phy Ta he practice of poles (ow have isa about what should be done infsenced pla! benavou/' the sevond seeks to engage in rations! mora debate ato the sate of ethical conduct (Wat aught we todo", tnd the thicé examines te extent fo which mote behaviour is heavily entrained bythe dyaines of pola! Ife (Gives the reales of pola i, ‘what ean be dons”), Mert Fos argues thi the scademic study of iteraonl relations remaing resistant Io namative heary, especilly int Second tenses ‘The poses have ven ok seni fhe mpln elutes iin ch eee cane ee nd win which west Thy have sown fe ete sete re not ta an oman ho “They sess Go impor le which norris ‘onside py inthe cies Wie west In oar pais of sneship seman Bi nee stale flowing log talon of ashley sp oo ensuing in died serve tang ‘ht wnt mgt Be done, n pti hy fal fk on th met mpi sone usin a al. In what woul just werd cone Pau, 158 125; se lS, 192), a woowooccraranmowsemes — @ Novels, ore ote mest ing deep svat of th pat esr yer fe bec he ‘ena of oma poll hoy, This has invade og of te inks eta a aise pollen, a mare peed ‘Syokigaf cha eco of aught on tes atonal ton dh dobre said ‘pe ert o ics mig fom nator alin ad nal sitar, fe ona jt vor, gal ube see in part ts enrgence he flowed fom steal fo ein ty iowtith we mek ft ination pote om onesie paler As he sealers Ry of ital ean deve bee common es ie srr ot suman be ween oe ea feof ort a asi toe sacred sand intone tha yer dint fom thove that shied win the sate (uth (1977) 195; Sehi 1998. For Wight hs ttt ‘te ‘oral ito ie endenty fem po ‘alco ad acd tos ov ity ano fs owe tao (Wight 965 ‘adele Bote (1997199), Brom (1982, Link (1958. Renge (200) Wate (193) and ters have rari agponch sted 9 Sng ined ew f polite nd of poli aha. shit the eof te soso ad Tt ‘enlerthevayin wich we unseat Sede ‘ives the doen and he eran we corte set oferta quer and tr fen oo hs bts and tad fons ht might ip enlignen tam (pel ad Narn 192,198) A eoters with te a {xt of eomimiy forename nas Sasso he ten ueson sd opens op a en vn batveen eamepln an con tli aso area aes (ove 33, Fro, 198), Foc the tht ey dion is problema nd romaine theyre Sota up the rips a rts of ote foveigny and othe recognition, a “Sovertgny it in opr Unt ce ining ony neato te someting rare even (lr 18981545, 199) On gana Sorctes pale hay ox itera os hay ‘ecoe pont i og oe ect ity, tise ton oe “he conze pli of sep elon shine ng af ot ny as re ‘i, stem sieplii bt ae 9 pee tes lon ty ec 99) ‘The revived intrest in nonnative inquiry also slowed ffm broader doubt 8 tothe purposes oF soci theory. In pr, thi eflested the power of Robert Cox's simple but poverfl stein’ thet, “Theory i aways fr someone and fr some use” (Cox, 1986: 207), ead his tnMuenaleaveopment Of the dlstnetion between crteal theory end ‘problem-solving theory. a pat, i flloned fom the tacks by Wi [astnaer theorist on postviam ~ the He that the observable regularities Inthe sia] world etn ‘be amiysed with the same methods that have Drover successil in analysing the natal world And th sci iteration ie governed by object ve ‘ces the causal workings of which can be form lated in tems of general we which bod depen eat of human subjeciviy. On this view, then, the ‘elum ofthe normative reflects the ale of social seiene to provide definitive univers a fo how the poles! word opemtes andthe conned role of ‘moral eholee eves in those cats whore we think we Know tow the politcal world operas, Post. Psitv oues iat the nommative have been espe ‘ally important for erica theorists sch as Linklater, concerned with the possibilty of expand. ing the charater and range of polite! commimtty (Cink, 1998; and fr ant-foundationalit post ‘modem approeches to both poi heory’ (or exampl: Rory, 1993) and IR (Campbell and Shapiro, 1989; Der Devan, 1987: George, 154 Walker, 1993) Howver, the expansion of nonnative writing on fnterations esions also refered ehnges whi the miasvenin of Western palitcl theory In prt ‘his hao do with bosder resurgence of polite theory’, 88 David Miller charseterized ft fn 1990 (Willer 1990: esp 427-34; ee algo on this ‘ope, Pare, 1996) an, in paticulr, withthe torent of ‘wor tat followed om the publesion of John Raws'sd Theory of Justice ia 1971. The intense dsbtes benveen individualist and_commutaan Herat neiiably involved competing understand ings of gots pois. On the ane hand communi lrians were coneemed o prove mor usifeaton Foca wodd o separate unis and forte problems hat followed fom the differen: character of these tits (peoples, nations, states, nition-slates) On the ‘other, dsmopoians were inevitably dawn to ‘vestion tht vey division and to delineate more ‘aefll the range of ur ‘duties beyond border (Wolfirann, 1985), Thus, for example, Beitz and Pogge tok up Rawis's arguments in four of| cgalitacism wit te state and argued thatthe hanging contitons of justice now required di. tive jutioe tobe applied on» ylobal sale Beta, (1973) 19935; Pogge, 1989). ‘But engagement was ako freed upon politcal theorins by the inteasty and complexity of the vnorl dilemmas of word potides, This had of ‘ours ben tr ofthe Cold War peiod whieh sv tnajor wack on just war (Walzer, 1977), 00 the thio of nuclear detenenes, nd for a rather ba? ‘moment in the 1970s, on diotbutve fuss (or sample Singer, 1973), But the inevitably of fexgagensnt rev stronger inthe post-Cold War works real farextnpl, of the reqney oF NN 1010 M erucs rpemucna renee this and tonal con the soca new imerenionian, he inereased avin of be UN td te sev of eee rd te Smee ot tmaniaran itrveeon; the degre 10 Which inceaigy inst rational es fer xa pie on human Fgh) comned with renewed OS fegenany and Westy dminace sharpened the ‘se of earl vey orth sonic owt of gol inequality andthe mae ie of oe al sytem (0 provide eve he os mi Conditions of hunan velar an welcbeing ert ‘ery ae proporton of tumantnd (oe see ‘UNDE, 19501 would be ooo Knd of poli! hog ihat was no led to pander on the ans Injusters of ctmpoary worl pies, "et luting behind tee pete examples bas Sema more peal and potrtalyinpora a For many tees (an for mich pola and ble opi), incase eooomi neg tence, ah incising cee to att tee bata el soley and an expantion he Dumber end sap of harmo! iors have ‘hited underage of goa nice Inte fat Bice, thy have neces ard te snp of Jest for ample, vo longer pose to aereat Marin Wight sedation betwen dames ity the ron win whch doe Sings of ego! lie mig fe dod, dove ‘et ape, end wt nero ‘aon ae candemed foreman te we “nee sual’ T fake only te ox obvious example, ner sure ton ote pee ton ote lol evranmen depend onsen tly on fot seesaw organaed domestically sedan how het vate conepins of wha te 0d ens can bebo togethead ca Sled. Mater and mom ceases fave te foe puted intzmational society evibly yond Nach’ prot! szciton =n sett ot independent and. vee pc communion, tach devoted ts vm ends ads ov conn on tthe good (Narn, 19829). ‘Second, integration and lcitizaion have nde te banded of pola oman ts whose pail eles, dons a ways ving givens much weighty communi tor may they hve gven ae ‘ee of sing esagle worl ado ne ee ot uly, consecton an finde ("Nel 1998 <2-4) an negeted word eel wh poss. Bie sn can ne take of Reis taking is cing point tds of abe soc asre buitsrond te selfs sehees of eooper, on for alte eset! pupases of amen (Ras 1983501 empha ae) it ton omg ihe ie Coin ina tal eosmapaian cect Ines sing tonoethtarnore or ss india vn ofits Salley rd by sme of ess inporn conor pole hers hcg ‘most nobly John Rawls (Rawls, 1599). Other examples inclde Robert Jackson's power reworking and atesion oP te xe for novmaivg prism ad of the rule ad instiitions ofthe Stale ysl as providing the famewor for tht pluralism (lcksbn, 2000) Bul iis to note how even mote pluralist ard communitarian theorat Sch as Miller or Walzer have been Torced to elend ther view of the limits to pobal Justice ‘more cuefilly (David Miller, 19956, 1999} or to ‘cept the thin cbigatons tat have sleacy bees cstablshed in the practies and principles of ontrporayineational society (Walzer, 1904), The range of issues and problems addessed by normative poll thers therfore extremely Wide. So too is the renge of approaches — consequenalit (Sines; Kenta constevetivs, (O'Neit; Rawlsian (Ras, Poxge, Belz, Tesen), Pris or communitarian (David Mile, Walze} Habermasen (Haber, Linkter: constitutive (rest, Browa pragati (Coca). impos ‘ena short chaper of thi kind enter nto es stantive discussion of or evento eurvey the main schools of thought (far sch n survey see Brown, 1992 Thomson, 1992; alse see Cochran. 1998, Frost, 1996), indead I wil develop one poticulr ‘home: the reationship benwean nammative they ‘the rue of nes inthe pret of werd pal tics The conveaonst postion is of course, 10 insist onthe fiedvalve dination and to see nore tive nd empire! theory a separate enterprise, ‘As Chores Beit puts is “The analyesl and the ommative, although relate, ae diferent downs, ‘dit isa views, nla shortcoming to observe the sino (Beit, 19894: 270), Ye, even le ‘side the foundational doubis of elie! and Pstmodem theoriis, this distinction ds far fom learcut and involves a number af dificult sues One dimension concems Tessbliy, At one extreme are thse who seas the constants of ‘temetional polities. Thus elssial realists (who were of couse themselves passionately commited ‘o-1 marl project and to uneoveting and exposing, the dangers of pins) bleed that moral pl ties were closely ed te eatonl ster and to Oe tthion af esponsibility that would inevitably dom tate the choles of petits ede This was ielP both emocal project an, together with the ides of the ational interest, provided the moral bass for reatsm, Ina elated vein, English Seno! theorists argued ho normative theory should concentrate 08 ‘he ways in which he law ofthe angle might be at least marginely deflected; en the kinds of itera ‘ins! society hat it might be jst posible etab- lish; and onthe principles of prudence and sora ‘olgatin ad the content of stared ves that sonally exsed within intentional society and ‘hat might form apart ef achieving the goal The dialty with tase poston iz thet they Gale becoming an apolgi’ fer sie practice and that they forswear any clear argument a8 10. what principles ought to guide the price of inter. tatoos! polities and on what sot oF fundatons they rest. Prdentaletios ae all very wel but sltbough they speak to the ditties of gong ny” hers they do no give a very clear sense of where ‘we ought fo be ering Wo go Fora etique ofthe alleged greater ‘reals’ ofan eth of repos iy, see MeCome, 198: cb.) Forthow tthe otter extreme, pot theory is in the busines of stating clealy what justice requies, and of pushing out the nonnative boat lel to the marge of what conventional opinion (akes to be plausible. For some, there is vo ye concer withthe elalonship between what fe nar- natively deed and che chances of Ht conting shout As Bran rey pts "most ts as pot Jess fa tht sense [ie effiacoas) and none the wore for that. It rebounds tothe honor oP the suman rae that thee should be people going about sing that slavery isan absclute ev, even i this at nace withthe Benfeiais” (Bary. 1990 368), Far others, the alm should be to dtnete« {unded viopa ora elie wopia. A Rew pus [c Pliteal philosophy isretiselly topian when itextends wis are ordinarily thought oft he fin ts of practical plea pss (Rawls, 1999 6: seo also IT=16) What ight custite dhe rain of his realistic utopia depends partly onthe time- frune ara pany om judgement a aseerens Shade fom the empire! study of polite, Here the more empirically minded poliea selena is ely to cuter we caveats. Theft con- tems the importa cstneion dawn by O'Neil beween sbstction and idealization and benveen ideal and idealized theory. “For exemple if hima beings ae assumed to have capacities end capil- tes fr ratios cbiae or eelf-suiieney o° inde pendence from others thet are evident Ssohiaved by many oe even by any satul hurt beings the results at mere abst; i dele ization’ (O'Neil, 1996: 41 see also discussion in onan, 1998; 40-1), The sand concern the vay in wick empirical evdenae is incarporned ta normative argument. In some eager the problem might ie withthe weigh placed on pore ‘cule finding (a, for example, when Rais oes Sen's work on famines to cele hats ones ‘spite! eure rather tan, say. exteal vue sbi, tat determines the conditions for iil ‘connie. Inoter case th problem es lie unsiial elevation of @ contingent snd cor tested epument ~ as, for example, when Rew talks in Te Law of Peoples afte act of Liberal Denmacraie Pence’ (Rawls, 1999: 125; eapals in gina), ‘The oMter dimension is more findannta! and relies tothe foundations oF the normative ne mens being presented. Agno, Ie tke (Wo ‘eneme petians whilst seknoedsing the rely ‘HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS e ‘of many intemediay possibile, Aone exteme, itis precisely human reason tat provides both the faundstion of mor argument an the hope tha ‘an be acted upon, The nonmative theorist begins with hier best considered judgement based on reasons that re sulably eaberert and generalizable, ‘Wihstver people may actully belive, he oF she fceks (0 Gnd good reasons why they should alter their beliefs and their pattems of behaviour. Showing tht cero values ae widely accepted in socal practices isnot the sxne as providing valid angus as to why they are justified. But even ny of those who with to sit with ther owa "best considered jodgements™ as (0 what justice requires snd who sek to buld theres of justice sound principles th would be chosen by any ‘atonal invidual donot end the sory there, Ts, far example, Ras insists that te theorists cone sidered judgement be ated tothe values that are ‘vtlabie within the pote or moral euture of @ ven sociey (the tea of a soled reflective ‘eulibium) até that valid principles of jsice nus be publicly jasiiable. (See the discussion i Miller, 1999: eh 33) For ether theorists, nomve theory should begin with the noms ond values that ext within patcuar communides. The eel side of this ostan fs ose at bal the concerns and the ‘method of plea! theory ae thenselves the pro= hc f pric listeulaaons andar rooted ‘within a pertcalar elt tion, Ths, Freeden, for example, seks (0 contextualize contemgeray “Amercss philosophical Haein do uncoret ‘he way in which i inherently ideological eho ler is disguised by the methods and style that ft ‘dopa, ‘Liberal principles are consequently sated ‘inauch away so blur the disinedons between the theory and the ideology: in pareuler~ again, a8 with Marnism ~ to disengage the theory fom achonie tradition of thaught aginst whieh is identity has been abject fo continous eppras (Freden, 1996: 27, but ste expecially ch 6). Or Rogers Smith analyses the ways in which Raws's ‘work fs within and grow out of broader patterns ‘of American itera poles hough (Smith, (99 451-5). From this perspective, abut theoreti lysis, whether normative er empiral ean never be wholly divorced fom the hitviel ches ances against which it arose, can ever be ested as though ita nile a pst nora faire ~ not, of couse, tat i fs eonnested to patcuar strutures a poles! power, “The more positive atpect ie to seek to ground ommative theory in the exltng nocmativ pretoes ofpariular eomnunites. As Michel Walzer puts i, “‘priniptes of justice tre... the Inevitable product of historia! and cultural particulars” (Wize, 1983: 5-6, quoted in Bary, 1990: 365). ‘Theory should uncover, interpret and ritelly develop undessandings of morality that exist rors MM snicsnmeoronasa.anoss 1 “xpestion to his people's dspest seme of tt thy out oie! On hs vew a» uv Mr pats "Ther ar no iver! fas of 8 Ise mate tice the eon oF 4 parca ple! corimuny a x putea fins andthe ecout we gre mst ee fo vita sch communi lr in rao alee 19853), Tis isan aperoch to grounding nomi det ates in cll wih Engl SeeuT ee ete en th ed nar Cut a uses {sly sep) te nommatve erseame tt has one fo develop win trnional solo bold sgumeis end proposer peat use Out oft ler nd sf enong hh tealy begun tae ot sd ay ey ove tein the alne ete stat pc ils of ela jase on he chad and Sle of ito ress tuna he ‘aly of amend ct ncnat oa como the ber. Ts coment oral ck ents ben cota o commana eta Bat thee ‘sto reson pipe wy. ch sez just ent poe filler sau OF fe plat ese fore sae sytem (es th Jason, 200), neo sah bound peta ‘Ths fr xa chasse lee a ‘toa stators oa tana i soy ‘ey wall move difien sts solr ones “sed ended oft meng of toca teal ae Wa pee hurt acd ‘na itr ilo, rel hers at ecko shows emery refer ton as Attendees ond et realy poten Best incur! praises Te gute Anew Linklater; * iota hn ntacnsd by Ma wou dey te rma theoy mat engoge wh cil ol sose- {ue ad el scl cent leo Ie besa Marin radon avo exten of i aero inertial ola te and wea no iets, onde by he deve sea sal inary epoch ~ toto te rien of dienbaed eon Lite, 1998: 168) le wel bye tke ape of tice oy lo detnd x sgl el of tee ical sian contd soe. Aliough I temaia {eytity epiut unto a Sv lgess or pay om queson ty She tocologyof rons (How di such an oe ‘st What fon does iene), fg abi ‘tte adja hs cnc aap wih tty Aye we ight ul wi toy Secln ay baroiteand Manis tao ‘oral dcison en eric la sgl mia aot of ener vowed sy ctaine ot natal oe Nor Scones ore sma cic tne ey, ah folic be elo a a teu otcing dco No as ns poly od cual fag. mented vor tie hal ste a Bat thy wl aves ope ely {Pendent Satan acon Mio Srzumet tives er ft pc len efahacd nr psig rt eye fal cicunsmeer Het pot dal of ‘keener ih he tone ero Sele flo tone sn, Whang tote ben ts sured pnd ‘ain f tae omnes Se ere Ateatne bu oss onsets, Sins tro wc ate omenna gh te doped et eect hm ugh wc pct fr pon al te mip ie ced wa Bete ee Sve eben sd fran neal Ste The eral ati stig a Folic ot wen wee ia sss ‘itor mol vise to Serie ‘sony come ye tae ng Oycolon al neu poe Nonnative Sraucrures {As is evident fom the previous ection, normative theory has fora longtime (and neces) int cio closely with Seas snd argunentssbout the changing. chancier of international soley and capacity of that socery to prove a sattoctery ‘bss fo iternational global order, What kinds oF ordered cooperative relation have sates and thei goverment seught to exabish amongst then scves? What kn of shared purposes and vats (iF any) canbe discerned inthe noms, roles an ra {ations that structure ad regula tir interecton? How fir have thse been success achieved und ‘What explains the gap between nomative mbit ani political reizatin? Sach questions have ban ‘explored mos directly nt easie states of inter "ational order (Aron 1966; Bll [1977] 1985: Fa 1972, 1995, 1999; Fotinan, 1947, 1998, Maya, 2000: Lynn, Mills, 199¢: Vinen, 1974) it also onnesis with more reren dinuson of plata govemanes (Dic, 1997: Keskone, 200; Nye and Donahue, 2000; O°Sren etal, 3000; Reinecke 1998; Woods, 999; Young, 198), Thee san eb cs overlap withthe erste on istiutonlisn surveyed eles in this volun. But the foes hee‘ less on theoreesl-undestanding, how partcalar instiutons or vegies emerge end

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