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S. R. M. ELLIS and R. D.

Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England

A New Equilibrium Still

for the Study of Partially
Miscible Systems

Increasing industrial use of azeotropic

systems for distillation has pointed up a lack
of data for partially miscible regions. This
new still can provide some ofthese data

M A N Y OF THE azeotropic systems, The two-phase liquid is boiled in the Cottrell pump used in stills for miscible
particularly the aqueous ones, that are liquid chamber where it is completely liquids.
being used for industrial distillations in- emulsified by the stirrer, details of The equilibrium vapor condenses into
volve partially miscible regions for which which are shown below. The vibration a two-phase liquid which collects in the
few data are available. An equilibrium of this stirrer pumps the liquid up be- condensate chamber, E. The conden-
still has therefore been designed which tween the inside of the stirrer and the sate stirrer is powered by the same vi-
permits the determination of vapor- wall of the heating surface. The boiling brator unit as the main stirrer and the
liquid equilibrium data for systems in- liquid mixture emerges as jets from the two stirrers are connected by a stainless
volving both a two-phase liquid and a four holes at the top of the stirrer. The steel yoke.
two-phase vapor condensate. The still bevelled rings of Kel F promote a down- The problem of maintaining a con-
is similar in principle to the recirculating ward current outside the stirrer which stant level of liquid in the condensate
stills (3-5) for homogeneous systems but reinforces the pumping action. One of chamber and ensuring that the conden-
uses vibratory stirrers for the liquid and these rings is fitted as low on the stirrer sate returning to the liquid chamber has
the condensate. as possible in order to flush the liquid the same composition as that remaining
Experimental results show that data round its lower edge. This flow is rein- in the condensate chamber was a difficult
obtained in the partially immiscible forced by the thermal currents, and an one, and a number of different methods
region are in close agreement with the equilibrium mixture of vapor and liquid were tried before a satisfactory arrange-
correlating equation y = K / x . The is sprayed onto the thermometer pocket. ment was evolved. The returning con-
following discussion also shows that the This arrangement permits an accurate densate leaves the condensate chamber
best over-all correlating equation for boiling point measurement of the two- via a sloping tube of I-mm. bore which
the miscible and immiscible regions is phase liquid mixture and replaces the has a very fine constriction over the half
the four-suffix van Laar equation. of its length next to the chamber. This

ensures that a minimum of separation
occurs in the return tube and that the
Description of Apparatus JOINTS SILVER SOLDERED. -COPPER TU0E.
condensate leaving is representative of
The still consists essentially of a liquid the dispersed two-phase mixture in the
chamber, A , provided with a main heater condensate chamber.

of approximately 150 watts, wound onto SOLDERED
The bearing for the main stirrer con-
a porcelain or glass tube and inserted TEFLON RINGS
sists of three Teflon collars set in a
into the bayonet, B; a 20-mm. diameter stout borosilicate glass tube which is
vapor space containing a saucer-shaped BEATEN 0ELL.
fitted with a B19 cone. Teflon was
baffle, C, which eliminates entrainment chosen because it is resistant to boiling
by deflecting the liquid spray from con- Because of its pumping action in emulsi- solvents, has a very low coefficient of
denser, D; and condensate chamber, E, fying the two-phase liquid, this stirrer friction, and is hard and tough compared
and a line back from this to the liquid replaces the Cottrell pump used in stills with other plastics. The collars were
chamber. for miscible liquids fitted in position by winding unraveled

VOL. 52, NO. 5 M A Y 1960 385

glass thread around them, coating this
with a thin layer of molten polyethylene Results of Four Binary Systems on Samples Taken from the New Still
and allowing to cool, heating the glass
tube sufficiently to melt the polyethylene, B.P., O C. Yw
and forcing the collars in. T o provide
Ethyl Acetate-Water Systemb
additional retention the borosilicate glass
tube is slightly tapered at its lower end. 98.85 0.056 4.055 37.3 0.996
96.2 0.114 12.56 60.3 1.00
The collars were then ground to fit the 86.5 0.489 59.1 86.8 0.68
copper stirrer shaft by means of jewelers' 76.2 0.858 66.8 79.7 0.843
rouge. This bearing provides a smooth 70.55 4.59 71.4 19.5 0.952
steady mount for the stirrer shaft. When 70.55 14.4 70.25 6.11 1.101
70.5 26.9 70.6 3.29 1.28
the collars are new this arrangement 70.45 35.4 70.9 2.515 1.436
alone provides an adequate seal, but as 70.55 40.8 70.9 2.175 1.56
an extra precaution a rubber seal is also 70.5 51.4 71.0 1.73 1.90
fitted. The collars can be replaced when 70.5 60.8 70.25 1.45 2.41
70.45 69.0 70.7 1.29 3.01
they become worn. 70.5 77.5 69.9 1.132 4.25
The condenser stirrer is very light and 71.45 87.37 76.5 1.06 5.69
is mounted on a l/*-inch brass shaft. 73.35 94.445 86.50 1.037 6.85
The condenser itself provides a sufficient 75.55 98.07 94.11 1.008 7.85
Still 1
seal, and the glass is protected from frac- 100.0 0.0216 0.457 10.53 0.996
ture by a thin-walled copper tube which 100.0 0.0221 0.171 3.83 0.996
is supported inside the condenser tube, 100.05 0.02236 0.16 3.54 0.990
between it and the shaft, by means of a 100.05 0.02245 0.2752 6.07 0.992
99.9 0.03103 0.0667 1.074 1.00
piece of rubber tubing. Still 2
In addition to the main heater, there is 100.05 0.01875 0.1860 4.91 0.990
a subsidiary heating coil wound round 100.05 0.02495 0.1940 3.87 0.993
the still body. The body and the side- Still 3
100.0 0.009325 0.119 6.00 0.998
arm are lagged. The lower end of the 99.95 0.01475 0.0382 1.29 1.00
liquid chamber is left unlagged to ensure 99.85 0.0232 0.0527 1.14 1.00
that, with suitable control of stirrer 99.9 0.0263 0.0682 1.30 0.998
power, no stagnant pocket of the denser
phase collects there. Two windows in Methyl Ethyl Ketone-Water Systemb
the lagging are provided so that the spray 98.5 0.05 6.07 70.0 0.991
onto the thermometer pocket can be 92.3 0.487 27.1 38.2 0.970
observed. 87.55 0.931 38.7 32.8 0.985
83.25 1.465 47.9 29.3 0.995
The vibrator is mounted above the 73.7 5.39 61.9 13.85 1.12
still on sponge rubber on a small steel 73.65 8.62 64.5 9.03 1.08
platform to which it is firmly held by two 73.65 19.9 63.9 3.87 1.255
strong springs. The still is provided with 73.65 29.0 64.1 2.665 1.41
73.6 39.5 64.1 1.96 1.655
suitable shock-absorbing supports.
a The subscript represents the system indicated in each group.


The still is charged with 200 ml. of

liquid of the desired composition such mined with a 0' to 120' C. thermometer this is primarily intended for the detec-
that the lower thermometer pocket just graduated to 0.1' C. which had been tion and estimation of small quantities of
touches the surface of the liquid. T o calibrated against an NPL standard water. For rhe analysis of equilibrium
prevent a stagnant pocket of liquid from thermometer. Stem connections were still samples of about 10 grams, the cal-
being formed in the short tube connecting applied and boiling points were corrected cium carbide method of Klockmann ( 9 )
the bottom of the condensate chamber to 760 mm. of mercury. was modified for use with liquid samples.
and the sampling tap, this space is filled Water in the ethyl acetate-water sys-
with clean mercury. The heaters and tem could be determined by this method
Vapor liquid Equilibria to 10.005 gram. The carbide method
stirrer are switched on and the latter is in Partially Miscible Binary Systems
adjusted to a suitable power. The main was used for mixtures containing more
heater is adjusted to give a boilup rate of Four binary systems have been in- than about 65 wt.% ethyl acetate.
3 to 5 ml. per minute, and the jacket vestigated-namely, ethyl acetate-water, Below about ly0 by weight of water
heater is adjusted to give 2 to 3' C. of methyl ethyl ketone-water (1tEK): the Fischer method (6) was used, because
superheat. The still is allowed to cir- n-butyl alcohol-water, and isobutyl alco- at this concentration the accuracy of the
culate steadily for 2.5 to 3 hours. After hol-water. The reagents used were carbide method falls off.
this period, the boiling point is read, and purified by fractionation, with boiling Methyl Ethyl Ketone-Water, n-
the heaters but not the stirrers are turned points, densities, and refractive indices Butyl Alcohol-Water, a n d Isobutyl
Off. agreeing with published values. Alcohol-Water. Miscible mixtures were
Samples of 10 ml. each of the liquid The samples taken from the still were analyzed by density determinations using
and the condensate are then run off into analyzed as follows. 10-ml. pyknometers. Because of the
chilled receivers. Immediately before Ethyl Acetate-Water. Homogeneous large difference in density between water
each sample is taken the appropriate tap samples containing up to about 65 wt. and the organic compounds, this method
is flushed into a flask. This ensures a 7,ethyl acetate were analyzed to within is particularly good.
representative sample and removes the i0.57, by saponification and back titra- For two-phase mixtures the sample was
mercury from the condensate chamber. tion. first made homogeneous with one of the
For the systenis which have been in- The standard method of analyzing for pure components.
vestigated, boiling points were deter- water is that of Fischer (6). However, In regions of very low water content,



this region is uneven, resulting in some

Results o f Four Binary Systems on Samples Taken from the New Still (continued) scatter of the experimental results. The
xsustern,a YsYsternla
operation of the still gradually improved
B.P., O C . Mole yo Mole % Yaystema YW again as even lower liquid concentrations
73.6 48.2 64.0 1.605 1.94 of ethyl acetate were reached. This
73.55 55.55 64.2 1.375 2.25 difficulty was also experienced at low
73.6 66.2 66.2 1.21 2.79 concentrations of isobutyl alcohol in
73.65 72.8 67.8 1.122 3.295 water.
74.05 79.9 72.3 1.078 3.90
75.00 87.8 76.75 1.01 5.00 The resulting experimental hetero-
76.95 94.48 86.65 1.00 5.63 geneous azeotropic values are compared
with literature values in the table below.
n-Butyl Alcohol-Water Systemb
For methyl ethyl ketone-water there
99.35 0.0997 2.74 55.5 0.996 appears to exist both a heterogeneous
95.8 0.695 15.35 51.6 0.995
94.4 1.05 17.35 41.0 1.02 azeotrope which is referred to in the
93.1 1.945 22.2 29.9 1.021 table above and a homogeneous azeo-
92.75 6.4 26.2 10.9 1.03 trope of composition 66.2 mole70 ketone
92.75 15.4 26.3 4.54 1.14 with a boiling point of 73.6" C.
92.7 23.8 26.35 2.94 1.26
92.8 37.2 25.5 1.82 1.545
93.1 47.7 27.2 1.495 1.79
94.0 57.2 28.3 1.25 2.08 Correlation of Results
95.05 64.8 30.1 1.12 2.38
96.9 71.2 32.4 1.018 2.63 In the region where both the liquid
100.05 79.1 40.9 1.018 2.82 and the vapor condensate are two-phase,
106.2 89.2 58.6 1.015 3.09 the vapor composition is fixed at the
111.1 94.36 73.8 1.00 3.17
115.6 98.20 90.27 0.995 3. 18 heterogeneous azeotrope and the boiling
temperature; hence, the vapor pressure
Isobutyl Alcohol-Water Systemb of each component is constant. Thus
95.8 0.510 14.95 47.3 0.997 the activity coefficient of component 1,
92.05 1.16 24.1 39.0 1.025 based on over-all liquid and condensate
90.0 3.6 33.1 18.8 1.003
90.0 6.4 33 * 45 10.7 1.04 compositions as suggested by Herington
90.0 13.2 33.5 5.2 1.108 ( 8 ) ,is given by
90.05 22.4 33.5 3.05 1.237
90.05 33.5 33.95 2.07 1.432
90.1 44.1 34.25 1.58 1.70
90.35 52.5 35.7 1.37 1.93
90.75 62.9 37.6 1.185 2.37 and K is a constant depending on the
92.45 70.8 42.5 1.11 2.60 azeotrope composition and the vapor
95.5 81.2 53.0 1.067 2.94
100.1 90.05 67.6 1.02 3.24 pressure of the pure component a t the
106.6 98.37 93.05 0.997 3.39 azeotropic boiling point.
All systems were corrected to 760 mm. of mercury. For each system, K has been calculated
from the mean value for the azeotrope
and the lines y = K / x plotted in the two-
phase liquid region. As was expected,
all the experimental results in this region
the Fischer method (6) was again used to Experimental Results are accurately represented by this equa-
obtain higher accuracy. This was not tion. Figure 2 shows the agreement be-
possible for the methyl ethyl ketone- The results for the four systems are tween experimental and correlated re-
water system, for which no satisfactory tabulated above. sults for n-butyl alcohol-water and ethyl
end point could be obtained. . The vapor liquid compositions for acetate-water.
n-butyl alcohol-water are plotted in The results of other workers (7, 7, 74)
Figure 1. seem to indicate that not only does the
Some difficulty was experienced using two-suffix van Laar relationship not hold
this equilibrium still for the system ethyl in the two-phase liquid region but also
acetate-water containing less than 1.24 that the data in the two miscible regions
mole % ethyl acetate, where the boiling cannot be satisfactorily related by one
still mixture was homogeneous and the pair of simple van Laar equations. This
condensate two-phase, with a difference in is demonstrated in Figure 2. The data
boiling point of up to 30' C. between the have therefore been correlated as sug-
condensate and liquid. The boiling in gested by Robinson and Gilliland (76)

Experimental Results Literature Results

System B.P. 760 Mole % B.P. 760 Mole %
A B mm., O C. A mm., O C. A Determination
Ethyl acetate Water 70.5 70.5 70.4 69.7 (14)
73.4 66.2 (11)
MEK Water 73.6 64.0 73.2 65.1 (13)
ea 100
%-Butyl alcohol
HOLE 'lo n - BUTYL ALCOHOL IN LIQUID Water 92.7 26.3 92.7 24.8 (10)
92.7 24.6 (17)
Figure 1. These data for vapor-liquid Isobutyl alcohol Water 90.0 33.5 89.8 33.2
89.8 33.0 (18)
composition were obtained with the 89.6 32.4 (21
new still

VOL. 52, NO. 5 MAY 1960 387

The correlating equations fit the data
well in the middle composition regions:
but badly in the extremities.
-- 2- SUFFIX V A h L A A 2 EON
For the data to be rated as thermo-
... . . 4 - S U F F I X VAN L A A R ECN dynamically consistent by this method.
the areas above and below the datum
line must be equal. These areas have
been estimated; the differences between
the positive and the negative areas are
+17y0, - 6 7 , : + 1 6 7 # , and +12% for
the systems ethyl acetate-water, methyl
ethyl ketone-water, n-butyl alcohol-
water, and isobutyl alcohol-water, re-
spectively, which are fairly high.

end values of log yl at x1 =
0 and log y2 at X P = 0
hypothetical end values
constant in four-suffix van
Laar binary equation
constants in Redlich and
Kister binary equation
20 40 60 vapor pressure of com-
ponent 1
Figure 2. Activity coefficient-concentration plots for n-butyl alcohol-water (left) pressure
and ethyl acetate-water (right) show that the four-suffix van Laar equation mole fraction of component
gives best correlation 1 in the liquid
mole fraction of component
1 in the vapor
using a separate pair of van Laar equa- mental A and B values were used and effective volume fraction
tions for each miscible region. the values of D were chosen to give the activity coefficient of com-
The following constants were employed best fit. The D values used were 2.39, ponent 1
in these calculations : 0.79, 1.15, and 0.97 for ethyl acetate-
O denotes pure component

System A B' A' B IC1 Kn ..

1, 2, 3 . . . i . IZ refer to components

Ethyl acetate-water 2.19 *.. 1.54 0.924 0.885 0.938

MEK-water 1.591 0.515 1.25 0.806 0.774 1.004 Literature Cited
n-Butyl alcohol-water 1.845 0.275 1.32 0.544 0.701 0.9625
Isobutyl alcohol-water 1.727 0.545 1.29 0.568 0.686 0.961 (1) Carlson, H. C., Colburn: A . P., IND.
ENG.CHEM.34, 581 (1942).
(2) Colburn, A . P., Shoenhorn, E. M.:
Shilling, D.: Ibid.,35, 1250 (1943).
The values A and B are the experi- 11 ater, methyl ethyl ketone-\\ater, n-butyl (3) Ellis, S.R. M., Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs.
mental end values, A referring to the alcohol-water, and isobutyl alcohol- 30, 58 (1952).
organic component and B to water. \\rater, respectively. ( 4 ) Ellis, S. R. M., Froome, B. A,: Chem.
The constants A' and B' are hypothetical Typical curves are given in Figure 2. & Ind. 1954, 237.
( 5 ) Ellis, S . R. M., Thwaites, J. M., J .
end values chosen to give the best fit. For the ethyl acetate-water system, the A p p l . Chem. 7, 152 (1957).
These methods of correlation require fit is not too good, but it is a consider- (6) Fischer, K., Angew. Chem. 48, 394
three separate equations to represent a able improvement on the two-suffix van (1935).
single binary system. An attempt to fit Laar equations. For the methyl ethyl (7) Garner, F. H.: Ellis. S.R. M., Pearce.
C. J., Chem. Eng. Sci. 3, 48 (1954).
the more complex four-suffix van Laar ketone-water and the other systems the (8) Herington, E. F. G., J . Appl. Chem.
equations has therefore been made. fit is satisfactory 2. 19 119523.
These are given by Wohl ( 7 9 ) as The four binary systems have also been (9) 'Klockmann, R., Ciienziker Ztg. 7 6 ,
correlated by the Redlich and Kister 706 (1952).
log 71 t ? [ A - D(221 - 3ti2)] (2) (10) Lecat, M., Ann. SOC. sci. Bruxelles 47B,
method (15). Curves have been fitted 1 , 149 (1927).
to the plots of log y l j y ~us. x i . The (11) Ibid., 60, 155 (1940-1946.)
correlation curves were then plotted (12) Lecat, M.? "Tables Azeotropiques,"
where 10th ed., Vol. I, Brussels, 1949.
from the equation 3) Othmer, D. F., Ricciardi, L. G.,
B Thaker, M. S.,ISD. ENG. CHEM.45,
X? 7
log xY' = Blr(1 - 2x1) + C:? [6x: (1 - xi)
1815 (1953).
4) Pearce, E. J., Gerster, J. A , Ibid.;
- 11 + D12{(1 - 2x1) 8 x 1 ( l - 11) - XI) 42, 1418 (1950).
5) Redlich, O., Kister, A. T., Ibid., 40,
(4) 341, 345 (1948).
These equations have been plotted for
611 Robinson. G. S.. Gilliland, E. R.,
the systems ethyl acetate-water and using the mean Redlich and Kister con- "Elements of Fractional Distillation,';
methyl ethyl ketone-Lvater. Experi- stants which are given below. Chap. 4, McGraw-Hill, New York,
(17) Smith, T. E., Bonner, R. F.: IND.ENG.
System CHEM.41,2867 (1949).
1 2 Biz Cl2 Dl2
(18) Stockhardt, J. S., Hull, C. M.: Zbid.,
23,1438 (1931).
Ethyl acetate Water 1.025 0 0.287 (19) Wohl, K., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem.
MEK Water 0.920 -0.220 0.110 Engrs. 42, 215 (1946).
n-Butyl alcohol Water 0.860 -0.230 0.132
Isobutyl alcohol Water 0.785 -0.240 0.090 RECEIVED
for review December 12, 1958
h C E P T E D June 12, 1959


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