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Understanding by Design Unit Template

Title of Unit      Number Operations Grade Level      6

Curriculum Area      Math Time Frame      2 periods
Developed By      Sema Aydin
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)
Content Standards
6.3 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
while solving problems and justifying solutions

Understandings Essential Questions

Overarching Understanding Overarching Topical
           How would you explain in      How do you subtract an
Students will connect rational numbers and integers: your own words how to subtract integer from another integer
integers? without using a number line or
• add rational numbers fluently
A: In particular, how do you counters? Give an example.
• subtract rational numbers fluently determine the sign of the A: To subtract an integer, add
difference? To subtract an it’s opposite. Sample example: 6
integer, add the opposite of the - 8 = 6 + (-8) = -2.
integer. If the two addends have
different signs, apply the rules
for adding integers with unlike
signs: subtract the lesser
Related Misconceptions absolute value from the greater,
     Stress proper mathematical language to avoid confusion and use the sign of the addend
regarding the change to addition of the opposite. Remind students that with the greater absolute value.
since addition and subtraction are inverse operations, the opposite of a
number is also referred to as its additive inverse.
Knowledge Skills
Students will know… Students will be able to…
            Use counters to add positive and negative integers. Students
how to add and subtract integers with the same sign and with different use a number line to add negative integers and they use absolute
signs value to add two same-sign integers.

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description
Goal      Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers fluently.
Role      Teacher
Audience      6th grade students
Situation      To learn the difference between subtraction and addition
Product/Performance      Calculating with the counters
      The student applies mathematical process standards to represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
Standards division while solving problems and justifying solutions

Other Evidence

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your students headed? Where have       Before lesson students understand addition and subtraction. After the lesson
they been? How will you make sure the students will connect rational numbers and integers
students know where they are going?
How will you hook students at the beginning of       Consider the following situation: You have $10 but want to buy something that
the unit? costs $15, so you borrow $5 and have a $5 debt. You could write this as 10 - 15 = -5.
How would you subtract a greater number from a lesser number? Begin the Explore
Activity to find out.
What events will help students experience and       Have students model each step of C on the whiteboard. Point out to students that
explore the big idea and questions in the unit? although they need to remove 5 negative counters, they already have 2 negative
How will you equip them with needed skills and counters, so they only need to add 3 zero pairs.
How will you cause students to reflect and       Suppose you want to model the difference -4 - 7. Do you need to add zero pairs?
rethink? How will you guide them in If so, why? How many should you add? What is the difference?
rehearsing, revising, and refining their work?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-       I will give the textbook assessment and common assessment
evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and
understanding throughout the unit?
How will you tailor and otherwise personalize      I will use the test results to figure out the objectives they are struggling. I will
the learning plan to optimize the engagement organize small group study and interventions later.
and effectiveness of ALL students, without
compromising the goals of the unit?
How will you organize and sequence the       Have students explore addition and subtraction of integers on a calculator. Help
learning activities to optimize the engagement them to distinguish between the calculator’s subtraction key - and the opposite or
and achievement of ALL students? negative sign (-). Point out that most calculators color code the operation keys so that
the addition + and subtraction keys look the same but very different from the opposite
key (-). Encourage students to try subtracting with the opposite key to reinforce how the
keys are distinct.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)

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