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Elizadel Tarnate

1571 Vitales Street

Malibay Pasay, 1300

Jay Angeles
CC: Marife Aton Dela Cruz

Dear Jay,

I am writing this letter to explain why I was absent from work on December 1st 2017.

I came down with flu that day after I did general cleaning, I felt it would be best for me to stay home and
try to fight this sickness. I thought it would be bad idea to attend work and risk my fellow employees
getting sick and not being able to come to work. Although I was able to notify the podium by the help of
my colleague, I was not able to consult specialist and attain medical certificate due to the limit of my
health card which I already maximized two months ago.

I am willing to make up for lost time on my rest day if it is required of me.

I will be available on 8 PM till 10 AM.

Please contact me if you need any more information or if you would like to speak to me about this issue.

Sincerely Yours

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