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Interpretation Detail

Standard Designation: BPV Section IX


Para./Fig./Table No:

Subject Description: Section IX, QW-403.5

Date Issued: 06/07/1989

Record Number: BC89-096

Interpretation Number: IX-89-23

Question(s) and Reply(ies):

Question (1): A welding procedure qualification is made using the
following combination of base metals P-No.1 Gr-No.1 to P-No.1
Gr-No.2. The client specification requires impact testing only for
P-No.1 Gr-No.1 materials (in the weld metal and heat affected zone).
For procedure qualification purposes, is the impact testing only required
in the weld metal and in the heat affected zone on the P-No.1 Gr-No.1
base metal side?

Reply (1): Impact tests are conducted when required by other ASME

Question (2): Does the procedure qualification test coupon qualify the
welding of P-No.1 Gr-No.1 base metal to any other P-No.1 base metal
not to be impact tested using the variables qualified?

Reply (2): Yes.

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