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Voice disease refers to the abnormal voice caused by the diseases of the human throat and related
organs. When the voice volume, tone, tone quality, duration of sound and resonance are abnormal, it
becomes voice disease. Voice disorders are common among vocal students. For vocal workers, the vocal
cords are the most valuable musical instruments, because singing is the most natural ‘human voice’ as a
special ‘musical instrument’. However, according to the relevant data, voice students have a high
proportion of voice disease. Surveys have suggested that as much as 87% of classical singing students
suffer from at least one symptom of vocal attrition. (Achey, M.A., & He, M.Z., & Akst, L.M., 2016, p.193)
22% of Contemporary Music singing students began their education in the high school, with vocal
nodules. (Sielska-Badurek, E. M., & Sobol, M., & Olszowska, K., & Niemczyk, K., 1995, p.1) Some students
with a good voice talent, after a period of campus life and study, will have a voice functional disorder.
Some students will have a disease that lasts longer, even will have the result of invalid treatment. Of
course, the reasons are many, but the unscientific use of voice is one of the most important reasons. As a
result, the relevant studies point out that many voice students lack correct voice training common sense.
‘Together, these findings suggest that singers view singing teachers as the primary source of vocal health
information and seek out medical professionals only when a severe vocal health pathology has
developed.’ (Latham, K., & Messing, B., & Bidlack, M., & Merritt, S., & Zhou, X., & Akst, L. M., 2017,
p.251. e4) Voice students tend to use the incorrect way to practice for a long time, causing vocal cord
congestion, pharynx, throat congestion, chronic pharyngitis and other

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