The Voice and Diseases

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The Voice and Several Common Vocal Diseases

To analyze voice diseases, it is necessary to have a holistic understanding of the voice. Voice is a function
of a person. From birth, it marks the beginning of the voice function, later developed into a language and
then used to sing. Voice is closely related to our life. It is an indispensable tool for communicating ideas
and expressing emotions, especially for people who have voice as a career, having a good voice is more
important than other people. The voice can be interpreted simply as ‘the sound made by the vocal organ
of a human being’. The English voice ‘voice’ originates from the Latin ‘vocare’, the original meaning is
‘shout, call’.

The Voice Mechanism

‘In speech and singing, the quality of the produced sound can be influenced by neuronally controlled
muscular adjustments in both vocal tract and larynx.’ (Herbst, C. T., & Hess, M., & Müller, F., & Švec, J. G.,
& Sundberg, J., 2015, p.91) The voice is produced by the larynx. The sound movement of the human
being is under the control of the cerebral cortex, the signal through the laryngeal motor nerve reaches
the sound organs of the various parts and leads to the sound. As a vibrating object, vocal cords can be
articulation under the impetus of air, but this kind of voice's voice range, volume and timbre are very
limited, let alone the artistic voice. It is only under the control of the brain that a wonderful song can be

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