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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student Teacher’s Name: Ayesha Hasan Observer’s Name: Dr. Neil Satoquia
Unit/Lesson: Reading Clock Time Grade Level: 1
Date: March 11, 2018 School: Al Ezza

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession X
Planning for learning X
Managing Learning X
Implementing Learning X
Assessment X
Reflection on Practice X

Strengths of the lesson:

1. In the motivation part, only two students participated or had a chance to do it. The
teacher could have increased the number of pairs to make sure others are also to do
2. The teacher called the students by their names. This establishes good rapport with
the students. Calling them by their names sounds endearing.
3. The teacher’s voice was well modulated that it can be heard at the back of the
4. She had lots of confidence in teaching her lesson.
5. She went around to monitor the students’ work and progress.
6. Rewards were given in words and in material form(candies).
7. She followed her lesson plan, an indication that she mastered every part of it.
8. The class responded to the individual task as expected.
9. Her activities related towards the realization of the objective of the lesson.
10. The last activity was parallel to the objective of the lesson.

Areas for development:

1. Some portions of the lesson plan needs rearranging.
2. There were too many items for each type of activity that some students could not
finish all the items at hand. Before they could finish it, there was already another
activity given. In other words, the teacher should have cut down the number of items
to perhaps 5 in order for her to have time to process checking the work of the students.
As they were, there were 12 items in How to Make 10,10 in How to Add, 9 in Telling
Time, and 12 in 3D Shapes. What is quantity if quality suffers?
3. When the teacher was modelling in front for the students to identify the shapes such as
sphere, cone, tringle, cube, and others, she should have done this slowly. It was
evident that many students were groping with the answers. The teacher did not need to
rush. In fact, each answer should be explained as to why it was the answer. It is not
enough to give the correct answer. The students need to process mentally the correct
answer that they need time before another item could have been presented. So, no
rush, please.

4. The teacher should employ effective techniques to manage the noise produced by the
hyperactive students.
5. If you think that activity is difficult for the students to do, you have to model the first
item or sample so as for them to follow. If the second sample is still difficult for them
to pick up, then model it again until they get the idea and until they can begin to work
on their own. This is the idea of ZPD where learners learn from you and the idea of
gradual psychological unfolding where students depend first on you until they are able
to do it by themselves.
6. The teacher should explain the instructions to the whole class first before any one
student in class starts to do the activity prepared by the teacher. She must teach the
students or make the students realize the importance and value of listening to
instructions. She should stop giving the instructions when the students are noisy and
implement effective way(s) to call the students’ attention in order for them to stop
talking. As it was, the teacher’s voice was competing with the noise of the students.
7. You should have a way of recording the scores of the students because you will need
them in computing the average score of the whole class. The average score will tell
you the confidence level you need in relation to the students’ mastery learning of your
lesson. The average score or mean percentage speaks about how far you have achieved
your objective--- the main essence of your teaching the lesson.
8. Bad English Good English
Tringle (happened 2 times) Triangle
How much(referring to the number of marbles)? How many?
Next time, I want to see a pure lesson, not a review. Thank you
A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, C = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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