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Pattern Collection: Accessories

Whimsical Wrap
Designed by Universal Yarn Design

Width: 23”
Length: 60”

Universal Yarn Universe (42% linen,
41% combed cotton, 9% glitter, 8%
polyamide; 50g/246 yds)
 10-06 Candy – 4 balls
Needles: US Size 5 (3.75 mm) 32”
circular or size needed to obtain
Notions: Tapestry needle, spare US
Size 5 circular needle

16 sts x 26 rows = 4” in St st
Save time, check your gauge.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2015 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
PATTERN NOTES Row 15: [Ssk, yo] 2 times, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog,
This center of this wrap is knit sideways from one yo, k4, k2tog tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap body st)
end to the other. Then stitches are picked up from – 17 sts rem.
the perimeter of the center and the edging is knit. Row 17: [Ssk, yo] 2 times, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k5, k2tog
The edging is worked as a knit-on edging. The last tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 16 sts rem.
edging stitch is knit together with a stitch from the Row 19: [Ssk, yo] 2 times, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k6, k2tog
shawl body to attach. tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 15 sts rem.
Row 21: Ssk, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, k2tog tbl (last
STITCH GUIDE Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 14 sts rem.
Lace Diamonds Rep Rows 3-22 for patt.
(multiple of 8 sts + 13)
Row 1 (RS): K2, k2tog, yo, * k1, [yo, ssk] 2 times, WRAP
yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo; rep from * to last 9 sts, k1, Cast on 71 sts. Purl a WS row, decreasing 2 sts evenly
[yo, ssk] 3 times, k2. across row – 69 sts rem. Rep Rows 1-12 of Lace
WS Rows 2-12: Purl. Diamonds patt, 33 times. Dec 1 st on last row – 70 sts
Row 3: K4, * [yo, ssk] 3 times, k2; rep from * to rem. Bind off all sts.
last st, k1.
Row 5: K5, * [yo, ssk] 2 times, k4; rep from * to Edging
end. With RS facing and spare circ ndl, pick up 71 sts along
Row 7: K6, * yo, ssk, k6; rep from * to last 7 sts, cast-on edge. Slide sts to end of ndl so that first
yo, ssk, k5. picked-up st is on the left ndl. Cast on 13 sts to this st
Row 9: K4, * k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3; rep from * using knitted method. Rep Rows 1-33 of Diamond
to last st, k1. Edging patt, then rep Rows 3-22, 6 more times – all
Row 11: K3, * k2tog, yo, k1, [yo, ssk] 2 times, k1; sts have been joined. Pick up 200 sts from side of
rep from * to last 2 sts, k2. Wrap, about 1 st for every other row. Rep Rows 3-22
Rep Rows 1-12 for patt. of Diamond Edging patt, 20 times – all sts have been
joined from side. Pick up 70 sts from bind-off edge.
Diamond Edging Rep Rows 3-22 of Diamond Edging patt, 7 times – all
(begins with 13 sts) sts have been joined from bind-off edge. Pick up 200
Row 1 (RS): K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k6, k2tog sts from other side of Wrap, about 1 st for every
tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 14 sts. other row. Rep Rows 3-22, 20 times – all sts have
WS Rows 2-22: Sl 1 pwise wyif, purl to end. been joined from final side. Bind off rem Edging sts.
Row 3: K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog tbl Sew ends of Edging together.
(last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 15 sts.
Row 5: K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, k4, k2tog tbl FINISHING
(last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) – 16 sts. Block Wrap, pinning out points from Diamond Edging.
Row 7: K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k3, Weave in ends.
k2tog tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap body st) –
17 sts.
Row 9: K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, [yo, ssk] 2 times, k2,
yo, ssk, k2, k2tog tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap
body st) – 18 sts.
Row 11: K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, [yo, ssk] 3 times, k2,
yo, ssk, k1, k2tog tbl (last Edging st tog with Wrap
body st) – 19 sts.
Row 13: [Ssk, yo] 2 times, ssk, k2, [yo, ssk] 2 times,
k1, k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog tbl (last Edging st tog with
Wrap body st) – 18 sts rem.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2015 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
beg begin(ning)
bet between
circ circular
cn cable needle
cont continue
dec('d) decrease(d)
inc('d) increase(d)
k knit
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (1 st dec'd)
LH left hand
m marker
meas measures
ndl needle
patt pattern
p purl
pfb purl into the front and back of
next st (1 st inc’d)
pm place marker
psso pass slipped stitch(es) over
pwise purlwise
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
RH right hand
RS right side
ssk slip next 2 sts individually
knitwise, slip them back to left
needle in this position, knit them
together through the back loops
(1 st dec'd)
st(s) stitch(es)
St st Stockinette stitch (knit on RS rows,
purl on WS rows; in the rnd, knit
every rnd)
tbl through the back loop(s)
tog together
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn held in back
yo yarn over

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2015 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!
2015 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.

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